How to recognize an unfamiliar song. How to find a song without knowing the name and artist. Online services for finding music online

Free online music recognition service. It allows you to easily find out the song title, artist name and other information for almost any audio-music fragment. You can find the name or artist of a song, or a melody that sounded on the radio, in a store or from a video (movie, video, clip), and other sources. Using the service is easy and simple. It is enough to upload an audio file with a fragment of the recorded composition (to a mobile phone, microphone or voice recorder; even a fragment of 15 seconds is enough) and the robot, having analyzed the downloaded file, will try to recognize it and give out detailed information about it. The downloaded audio file can be in almost any known audio format (*.WAV, *.MP3, *.OGG, etc.), of any size (from a short fragment of a song to a whole track), and of any quality (from a copy of a track CD to low quality and noisy recording).

The service has a Russian interface. An excerpt can be downloaded from a computer or you can specify the direct URL of an audio file.

Sources and additional information:

Quite often, users are faced with the fact that they cannot remember the names of songs that are “spinning in their heads”. Or they want to know the name of the artist of the new track that is currently playing. But not everyone knows how to find music by melody.

Fortunately, at present there are many services that allow you to identify a song by fragment.

This site offers a user who wants to find music by sound to enter a link to a video or audio in a special field. Melody can also be uploaded to the server. The system will try to recognize the track and give a suitable result. Nothing depends on the power of the user's computer. Since the system accepts mp4 files for processing, their owner does not have to save the audio track separately from the clip.


How to find music by melody without having a melody that exactly matches the original? This online service can easily find the desired song. The user does not need to have a unique timbre and a large vocal range. The service is easy to use as a piece of music can be easily recorded using the dedicated button. After the user performs the specified action, the system starts searching according to a specific algorithm.

It is a search engine for identifying music tracks. Not the easiest service to use. Even with a user-friendly interface on the site, it is not clear to every user where to find music, since an online application sometimes does not display search results at all.

The last site in the list offering online track recognition service. To start the search, enter known words from a musical fragment in a special field and click on the button. The service quickly finds the texts of tracks containing the entered phrases and displays the results. The longer the well-known phrase, the more likely the site will suggest the required song. Otherwise, the system displays a lot of unnecessary results or does not display anything at all.


The most popular program for operating computer systems Windows and Mac OS. Will it be required by the user during the melody on the computer? Using the program, you need to record a fragment and immediately send it to the site. You can use both microphone and computer. After performing the specified action, the user will receive a link with information about the requested music track. You should not compare online services with programs for a computer. In each case, either one or the other may work better. In most cases, the use of several services gives positive results.


It is a free program for identifying songs. Works a little faster than Tunatic. The program is easy to learn, can be minimized to tray. The search history is saved. The program implements Gracenote technology. In the track search results, you can read not only the title, but also the album, as well as the address of the site where you can purchase the song. There you can also find information about concerts, other albums of the group and much more. The application finds almost all the requested songs. Works only with normal quality audio.

Music IP Mixer

The program can not only recognize music tracks, but also search the database for similar melodies. During a library scan, a footprint is computed for each song, by which the song is identified.

Magic Mp3 Tagger by MusicBrainz

Another program for identifying music tracks. Works on the same principle as the rest.

Track ID

One of the first track recognition programs created for Sony Ericsson. Currently, the Swedish-Japanese company offers a standard service developed by it for all mobile phones. In addition, there is a computer version of the application. How can I find the name of the music for my mobile phone? The principle of the program is based on the recording of a short passage (no longer than 12 seconds). After that, this fragment is sent to the site and after a while the user receives all the information about the track, if it is available in the database. Shazam ID and Midomi Mobile applications for the Symbian mobile system, as well as MusicID for simple phones, can become an alternative to the program. The latter has a custom search history.


Thanks to such programs, any person who wanted to learn how to find music by melody will finally be able to get information about the track of interest. Of course, not all songs may be present in the databases, but the most popular ones are definitely there.

It happens that some kind of melody does not leave our heads all day, we sing fragments of it here and there, but we cannot remember it in its entirety. How to find a song by words, by a fragment of a composition, from a movie or heard on the radio?

How to find a song by the words of the song?

The easiest way is to turn to the search engines Yandex, Google, Yahoo. They can quite cope with such a task. You just need to designate phrases, couplets. But it happens that they can’t cope, then we turn to special services:

Any user can use them. The principle of their work is simple:

  1. Enter the words of the song in the empty field;
  2. Click search;
  3. The program gives you possible options where such a combination of words comes across: albums, individual tracks.

The list will surely surprise you, so many unexpected songs will appear in it. And yours will definitely be there. You can find out the artist, all the text and even download a melody to your device. Such services are extremely convenient and have been popular for a long time.

How to find a song by a fragment of a melody?

It is also possible to find a song by a small fragment. And in this case, everything has already been invented:

  • Tunatic - connect a microphone, bring it to a music source or sing a melody yourself - that's all that is required of you. True, while you need to accurately hit the notes. Next, the program will offer you similar options.
  • Midomi Mobile is a smartphone program that can find a song if you sing it into your phone. After the melody is found, you can listen to it performed by other users as well.
  • Audio Tag. Info is another assistant service that recognizes audio material by its fragment, which is only 15 seconds long. It just needs to be loaded into the program in any format and quality.
  • MusicIP Mixer is a program that can also find music files by downloaded fragments. The only negative is that the interface is possible in English, if your version is like this, then it’s not difficult to deal with it, you need settings - “Options”, “Fix Tags” and check the boxes for the necessary tags there, then insert a fragment of the composition and click “Fix Tags” ' and 'OK'.

How to use the programs is usually described in detail on the sites themselves, so there should not be any difficulties. All of them are free, which is good news.

How to find a song if you don't know its name?

You can contact the participants of forums devoted to music. If you know the genre, this will help narrow your search, if not, go to any thematic sites, for example:

Here you can tell everything that you know about the composition: words, melody, performer. And describe your problem. Members of forums and communities will definitely help you find the audio material you are looking for. It is possible that your help will be useful to someone on the forum.

How to find the songs from the movie?

Some melodies are written exclusively for films, but sometimes you want to listen to them in the player on a walk or in the gym. How to find such compositions? And for this case, there are special services:

  • We insert the name of the picture in the empty field, choose where to look: a movie or a TV series, a musical or an anime. In general, we use all the features offered by the filter to simplify the task as much as possible. Usually there are few errors in the results, but if this happens, try on another service.
  • This assistant also offers to download the found audio file.
  • Paste the name into the search bar and get a list of paintings.

And already at movie forums, communities of moviegoers, we ask for help.

How many times have you come across a situation where you heard a great song on the radio or in a YouTube video, but did not know who sang it, and no one in the comments could say its name? In such a situation, various music recognition programs such as Tunatic, AudioTag, Shazam and Midomi will help you. In this article, we will review their main features, test them, and point out the advantages and disadvantages of each.


An online music recognition service that doesn't require you to download a file. It is enough to press one button and the program will start listening to the track you want to find. The recording of a fragment is very fast - it takes less than 10 seconds to determine the artist. Before recording, the application asks permission to access your microphone.

The search results will show the title of the work, the name of the artist and the cover of the album. You will also be prompted to find a clip or purchase an mp3 file. It will be possible to watch all the songs from this album, listen to small 30-second excerpts to get acquainted with the opportunity to purchase the songs you like.

In order to start the search, just go to the site and download the file with the desired fragment or provide a link to it. The site developers recommend uploading tracks with a duration of 15 - 45 seconds, but no one forbids you to submit the entire song.

Supports work with MP3, WAV, OGG formats. At the top of the site there is a button to switch to Russian. If the quality of the passage is low and the robot cannot unequivocally determine the name, then it will offer several options.

The analysis takes place within 20-30 seconds. Unfortunately, if you heard music on the radio, you won’t be able to find it right away. Therefore, you need to have time to record a fragment. The developers claim that the robot will be able to cope even with poor quality recordings.

As a result of testing, the AudioTag service was able to find all five tracks. He easily coped with both last year's compositions and songs from ten years ago. The only drawback is the need to additionally record a snippet of the song and upload it to the site.

is a free desktop application. It can be installed under Windows and Mac OS operating systems. After a simple installation, a program window appears with the inscription “Tunatic ready. Click to identify song. Working with it is extremely simple - just press the white button with the image of a magnifying glass while the track is playing. After connecting to the server, the message “Identifying song. Please wait" - this program collects and sends data to the server to look for matches in the database. If your microphone does not work or the music is not heard, then the message “Signal too weak. Check your microphone. If the song is defined, then the name of the artist and its name will appear.

The test results are as follows: out of 5 foreign songs, only 3 were found. The search for each track takes about 45 seconds. I can't say if this is a regularity or an accident, but the tracks older than 2010 could not be identified.


Summing up our review, I want to give Shazam the first place for almost instant recognition, as well as a wide range of solutions for both desktop computers and almost any mobile device. Second place goes to Midomi, who also quickly and accurately found the suggested tracks, and, moreover, is able to analyze recordings on the fly without the need to download files. Third place goes to AudioTag for identifying all passages, but with the ability to search only files saved on the computer. Fourth place goes to the Tunatic program for not having coped with all the works offered to it.

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