Dmitry Gudkov: “Victory Day should be a personal holiday. Beeline subscribers will be able to install for free instead of beeps melodies of the war years Ringtone for Beeline Victory Day

This Victory Day smelled of something wrong in recent years. Back in the 2000s, the words that Russia has the most important holiday (maybe even with all capital letters) did not seem like a deceit or vulgarity. And now they seem. What happened? - The state, Midas, on the contrary, decided to privatize Pobeda and successfully coped with it.

As a result, now instead of memory, every year we have blunders one more absurd than the other - either German soldiers on posters, or German rifles on monuments. But that would be half the trouble - in the end, for 70 years, it’s not bad that they forgot what someone’s bayonet looked like. Worse than the other: the atmosphere. The same “victory” that replaced grief.

Tomorrow morning there will be a Victory Parade in Moscow. The event - let's be honest - is not unifying and even somewhat absurd. It is impossible after 73 years to celebrate the victory over the enemy. Those enemies, the country that was defeated, are long gone, and it’s not Katyushas that will drive along Red Square at all. Ballistic missiles, multiple launch rocket systems, and some other disgusting iron will go. Hello, allies, would you like to see the Volodya rocket? Therefore, there is no place for the veterans themselves at the parade - they are offered to watch it on TV: even those who specially came to Moscow.

However, the “public consensus” is such that everyone approves of the parade, because “exactly the same, but different” was on Red Square in 1945. True, we are now judging for his photo - but we prefer not to notice these technical details.

If we live in a healthy state, the parade would turn into something like a reconstruction of the Battle of Borodino - an interesting, but completely optional show with the admission of everyone.

Here, let's say one more terrible thing: for 99% of modern Russians, the Patriotic and Great Patriotic Wars do not differ from each other. Because we still didn’t find them, we just learned from other people’s words, from books and films, which means we don’t even imagine.

This is where all these ridiculous “tastings of blockade bread” and other parties in nightclubs “Thank you grandfather” come from. Because one cannot seriously demand from people to acutely experience the events of the last century, when they were neither in the world nor in the project.

And no matter how you spur patriotic feelings with “immortal regiments”, St. George ribbons and similar actions, and after a couple of years they turn into an excuse for the state to introduce itself as the Motherland. The ribbon becomes a symbol of military aggression, the “regiment”, after a series of scandals, flows under the wing of United Russia, and deputy Poklonskaya comes out with a portrait of Nicholas the Bloody, summing up the whole story.

Real veterans both lived and continue to live in crumbling houses, without gas, water and help. Now, on May 9, they will be given 10 thousand rubles from the master's shoulder - that's exactly how much the state truly appreciates their feat. The parade with nuclear missiles is more important.

Not mine, but the correct thought: the further the 45th year is from us, the louder it is celebrated. The worse our relations with the whole world, the more triumphant the celebration becomes, the whiter the tunic of the Generalissimo shines (so that the reflection falls on another, the current one). A country whose future has been stolen is being slipped a stale past: take it, it's not a pity. At one time they even tried to impose the year 1612 - but it did not work out, and they decided to focus on the 45th.

Victory Day should be a personal holiday - the memory of the loss of the family, attention to the still living veterans, the desire for peace. What is being imposed on us now is as far as possible from all this.

I'm not calling - but just talking about myself: I will spend this day with my family, and not in a procession behind the backs of United Russia and especially Poklonskaya. Without "great Russia", but with people who are close and dear to me and who, like me, do not want to repeat.

The country's largest mobile operators: MTS, Beeline, MegaFon and Tele 2 provided their subscribers with a free service "Victory Songs in your mobile". Subscribers can set one of the melodies of songs of the war years as a dial tone on their phone, connect to the mobile TV series "This Day of Victory", take part in voting for the main song of the Victory on the action website, download the mobile application "70 Years of Victory!" on iOS and Android operating systems.

By calling the free number "1945", subscribers will be able to set one of the melodies to choose from: "Dark Night", "Farewell of the Slav", "Victory Day", "Katyusha" or "Blue Handkerchief" as a beep or ringtone on their mobile phone. It is also possible to connect to the mobile series "This Victory Day" and learn from the Sovinformburo reports about what happened on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War 70 years ago.

In addition, each subscriber who calls the short number "1945" will be able to receive a link for free download of the emblem of the campaign "Hurrah for Victory!" and mobile application "70 Years of Victory!" The action is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and will last until May 31.

“Hurrah for Victory!” is an opportunity to join the history of victory with the help of modern technologies and trendy high-tech digital devices. This is our mobile communication with a great victory,” says the head of the Russian Ministry of Communications Nikolai Nikifirov.

In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the official website was opened. Visitors to the site can get acquainted with the photo and video archives of the Great Patriotic War, listen to the best Soviet and Russian songs and watch films about the war. And also listen to the recording of the announcer Yuri Levitan reports from the Soviet Information Bureau. On May 9, 2015, users will be able to watch the broadcast of parades from 14 cities of the country at once.

All services within the framework of the "Hurrah for Victory!" campaign, including Internet traffic when downloading content from the site, are completely free for the subscriber.

On March 24, on the official website of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory and on the social networks VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, a project was launched about people who brought victory closer on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and in the rear.

To take part in the "Native Hero" action, users need to publish in one of the social networks a photo of a relative who took part in the Great Patriotic War (both wartime and modern photos are accepted), as well as a short story about his front-line life. The hashtag #RodnyHeroy must be added to the publication.

Materials with the hashtag #RodnoyHeroy are published on the website of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in a special section. The best stories will be included in an e-book that will be released at the end of the promotion in mid-May.

The action is carried out jointly with the All-Russian Volunteer Corps of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory.

For the first time the action "Hurrah for Victory!" was held in 2010 and was attended by 20.9 million people. According to telecom operators, over the past five years, technology has stepped far forward, the number of subscribers using smartphones and tablets has noticeably increased, and therefore a significant increase in the number of participants in the action is expected.

On the eve of the Victory Day, Beeline informs about the start of the Hooray for Victory campaign dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. The action is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and will last from February 23 to May 31, 2015.

Campaign "Hurrah for victory!" This is not the first time it has been held throughout the country and has received positive feedback from Russian residents of all ages. The main purpose of the action is to involve mobile subscribers and especially young people in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Each caller to a special short number will have the opportunity to receive free of charge thematic content of the war years (ringtones, melodies instead of beeps, graphics) for a mobile phone, as well as download a special mobile application.

Detailed information about the promotion and the ability to connect are provided by a single toll-free number "1945", by calling which you can choose the following options:

  • set as a ringtone and melodies instead of beeps of your phone one of the melodies of the action: "Dark Night", "Katyusha", "Farewell of the Slav", "Victory Day", "Blue Handkerchief".
  • install a graphic theme on the display - the official emblem of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War.
  • listen to the mobile series "This Day of Victory" and audio recordings of "Sovinformburo" for 1945. The daily update allows you to receive information about what happened on this day 70 years ago.
  • get a link to download the emblem of the action "Hurrah for Victory!" and mobile application "70 Years of Victory!"

All services within the framework of the "Hurrah for Victory!" Campaign, including Internet traffic when downloading content from the site, are completely free for the subscriber. On 06/01/2015, melodies installed instead of beeps will be automatically disabled.

Participation in the campaign is a continuation of Beeline's annual social initiatives dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day and support for veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The tradition of congratulating veterans has existed in the Company since its foundation. Every year in all regional branches of "Beeline" the action "Call to fellow soldier" is held. Our assistance is also aimed at providing veterans with free mobile communications. Since 2013, Beeline has had a special perpetual option “Veteran of the Great Patriotic War”, within which veterans can make 300 minutes of local calls in their home region absolutely free of charge every month. You can activate the “Veteran of the Great Patriotic War” option by applying with a passport and a certificate of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War to the nearest Beeline sales and customer service office.

* Details of tariffication of services provided to participants of the Promotion can be found on the website

* More details about the campaign can be found on the official website of the Victory celebration

On the eve of the Victory Day, Beeline informs about the start of the Hooray for Victory campaign dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. The action is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and will last from February 23 to May 31, 2015.

Campaign "Hurrah for victory!" This is not the first time it has been held throughout the country and has received positive feedback from Russian residents of all ages. The main purpose of the action is to involve mobile subscribers and especially young people in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Each caller to a special short number will have the opportunity to receive free of charge thematic content of the war years (ringtones, melodies instead of beeps, graphics) for a mobile phone, as well as download a special mobile application.

Detailed information about the promotion and the ability to connect are provided by a single toll-free number "1945", by calling which you can choose the following options:

  • set as a ringtone and melodies instead of beeps of your phone one of the melodies of the action: "Dark Night", "Katyusha", "Farewell of the Slav", "Victory Day", "Blue Handkerchief".
  • install a graphic theme on the display - the official emblem of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War.
  • listen to the mobile series "This Day of Victory" and audio recordings of "Sovinformburo" for 1945. The daily update allows you to receive information about what happened on this day 70 years ago.
  • get a link to download the emblem of the action "Hurrah for Victory!" and mobile application "70 Years of Victory!"

All services within the framework of the "Hurrah for Victory!" Campaign, including Internet traffic when downloading content from the site, are completely free for the subscriber. On 06/01/2015, melodies installed instead of beeps will be automatically disabled.

Participation in the campaign is a continuation of Beeline's annual social initiatives dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day and support for veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The tradition of congratulating veterans has existed in the Company since its foundation. Every year in all regional branches of "Beeline" the action "Call to fellow soldier" is held. Our assistance is also aimed at providing veterans with free mobile communications. Since 2013, Beeline has had a special perpetual option “Veteran of the Great Patriotic War”, within which veterans can make 300 minutes of local calls in their home region absolutely free of charge every month. You can activate the “Veteran of the Great Patriotic War” option by applying with a passport and a certificate of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War to the nearest Beeline sales and customer service office.

* Details of tariffication of services provided to participants of the Promotion can be found on the website

* More details about the campaign can be found on the official website of the Victory celebration


You need to call the free (single for all operators) number 1945. An answering machine will answer you. Follow his prompts. To begin with, I suggest listening to "more about the action." Then return to the main menu.

Now you know what kind of action it is, who organized it and why, and how many people have already taken part in it. Proceed to the most important thing. Select the desired item to replace the beep. You will be given a choice of listening to five songs that participate in the promotion. These are the best, most memorable and most popular songs about the Great Patriotic War. Please note that the song will be played in its entirety instead of a beep.
Songs of Victory: "Dark Night", "Farewell of the Slav", "Victory Day", "Katyusha" and "Blue Handkerchief".
By calling 1945 you will have the opportunity to listen to each song in its entirety and only then make a choice.

In addition to beeps, you can also replace the bell with a military song. The choice is the same. The scheme is the same. Only instead of the number that is responsible for replacing the beep, you need to press the one that "replaces" the call. Everything is very simple.

In a matter of seconds, you will have a beep / bell replaced. Absolutely free. I have already done all these steps and installed the song "Dark Night" on my smartphone. Participate and you. Your elderly relatives, who were not spared by the war, will be especially pleased. And your friends, while they are calling you, will think about that terrible time at least for a few seconds. Of course, this action will not materially help the participants in the war, but it will make us at least a little more attentive and reverent towards these people!
Interestingly, the most popular composition among the participants of the action was "Farewell of the Slav".

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