Recently deleted friends in VK. Watching who left friends using the application

Good afternoon, dear readers. I want to highlight this issue in spite of the fact that there is a lot of information on this about the Internet. Let there be an answer on my blog, suddenly you accidentally stumbled upon an article and still do not know how you can identify retired friends. Let's get down to business. Consider the situation - yesterday you had 1000 friends, and wake up in the morning, go in as usual and see: 999 friends. A question arises: who is this scoundrel who has removed you? It is not difficult to find it. We go in the " My friends«, Click" Friend requests", later " Outbound applications«.

We are subscribed to 1 person, although yesterday the user took a position in the list of friends. By the way, in this section you can always look. What turns out, after removing from friends, the user does not delete you completely, but makes it his subscriber. I in such cases press " Cancel the application and unsubscribe", As if saying goodbye to a man forever.

How to find out who left completely

There are situations when the user deletes not only from friends, but also from subscribers. Then you can not find out who deleted you in the same way, in the section "Outbound applications" it will be empty. I was pleased with the answer on one of the sites - make a list of all friends in excel and compare once a week. Yes, you can do so, but why be tormented, all long thought of. AT social network   VKontakte has a lot of applications that allow you to track the list of friends and record incoming and outgoing users.

I will not be unfounded, we go to the block " Apps"And write in the search -" who retired»Choose any of the 3 submitted applications, install and all. As soon as someone retires from friends, everything will be fixed in the application. All friends are under control.

Many of us are so used to the social network "Vkontakte" that they do not notice some minor, at first glance, things. For example, every day checking personal messages, we can also miss that the list of friends has decreased, that someone there is not enough. And if there are many friends, then it will be very difficult to determine who is absent. However, if the memory fails, some functions and different contact applications will come to the rescue. So, how do you know who left friends in contact?

Simple and free

Thanks to new changes, it is impossible to completely remove a person from friends. A person who is removed from friends automatically goes to a group of subscribers and will stay in it until he sees that he is in this group and does not retire from it. Accordingly, those who have deleted you can only transfer you to the list of subscribers. To find out who left friends in the contact, go to the section "My friends". Find the "Friends Request" column and click on it. If you are subscribed to someone, then you will see the "Outbound applications" tab. Clicking on it, you will get a list of all those to whom you are subscribed. If among them there are former contact friends, then they have recently removed you.

Auxiliary applications

Find out who has deleted from friends in the contact, and some applications will help.

It's quite easy to control this process with the help of the popular application in the contact "Friends - a list of friends for recording." After you install this application to your page, a window with three tabs appears before you: add, deleted, visitors. In the first tab "added" you can always see what date and month you have been added to this or that friend. The third tab "visitors" automatically logs those who have fallen on your link-trap. Usually, users place a link to this application somewhere on their page. The person who will enter it will be noted in the list of visitors to this application in contact. Finally, the tab "deleted" that we need allows us to find out who left friends in contact. Here, your former friends with an avatar, name and date of deletion will appear in the column. Moreover, those who deleted you from friends in contact, and those you deleted were included in the list. The application begins to operate from the moment of installation. That is, if someone recently retired, and you just installed the application, it will not show you this person.

There is a similar application in the contact, where you can monitor who has left friends in the contact. It is selected by those users who do not need additional options, such as in the previous application (visitors, date of deletion, remote avatar). Install the application "Friends 2.0: Who Removed? Who Elo?". While you have written that there is no change. And when someone is removed from the list of friends in contact, under the sign "-" you will see the surname and initials of a former friend.

Someone may suggest that you simply copy the entire list of friends in the contact to the exel file, and then check with it if there are suspicions that a friend has deleted you. But you must agree, it's much easier to look through applications and applications!

Hello, dear readers! Today we will continue to get acquainted with the social network Vkontakte. Sometimes you can see that the friends on our page are getting smaller, and of course everyone wants to know who has retired?

In this article I will tell you about free application   and tell you how to find out who left friends in contact?

Who retired from Vkontakte's friends?

As you already understood, you first need to go to the top left and select the My Applications menu:

In the Catalog tab, in the search bar, type "who left" and you will see the desired application, as in the picture above. This is exactly what we need!

At the time of writing, 5.5 million people are registered in it! Click on it and the following window appears in front of you:

This will display information about how many of your friends are using this application. Click Run Application.

After the installation process is completed, the application will open before you. In this window you can enter the name or id of the user, see the dynamics of the changes, by the way, you can only delete from friends after starting the application installation.

This video will make you smile:

Well, for today, everything! In this article, we examined in detail how to find out who left friends in contact?

I hope you did not have any difficulties!

If something does not work out for you, write in the comments, and we will try to help you! I wish you success!

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It often happens that the user, having entered his VK page, finds fewer friends than there was at the moment last visit. Of course, the reason lies in the removal of you from friends by this or that person.

The reason for removal from friends you can find out exclusively yourself. However, you can find out who specifically deleted you from friends in several ways. In some cases, it is extremely important to learn about actions of this kind on time and understand the reason for the deletion or unsubscribe from the deleted user.

Find out who recently left your friends list is pretty easy. To do this, you can resort to two of the most comfortable methods, depending on your personal preferences. Each method is equally effective and has its own characteristics.

If your friend disappeared from the list of friends, perhaps the reason was the removal of his page from this social network.

To find out who has left the list, you do not need to use any special programs or extensions. In particular, this applies to cases where you need to enter your registration data on a third-party resource or in the program, which, in most cases, is a hacking fraud.

Method 1: use the VKontakte application

In this social network, many applications are able not only to entertain almost any user, but they can provide additional functionality. Just one of these VKontakte add-ons can help you figure out who has retired from your friends list.

If you are not satisfied with the proposed application, you can use similar ones. However, in any case, pay attention to its popularity among users - it should be high.

This technique works completely independently of your browser. The main thing is that the applications are correctly displayed in the Internet browser.

The main advantage of the application is:

  • complete absence of annoying advertising;
  • simplicity of the interface;
  • automatic notification of the actions of friends.

To the minuses can be attributed only some inaccuracy in the work, peculiar to any additions of this kind.

If you are running the application for the first time, there may be inaccurate data from users whose deletions occurred relatively recently.

Now you can easily go to the page of retired people and find out why it happened. AT this annex   Any errors related to the inaccuracy of the data provided are minimized. This, incidentally, indicates a large audience of users who are happy to use the application "My guests".

Method 2: VK controls

This method of identifying retired friends applies only to those people who left you in subscribers. That is, if a person not only removed you, but added to your black list, then this user   can not be recognized by this method.

To use this method, you need absolutely any web browser, including the mobile VKontakte application. There is no particularly strong difference, as in any form has standard sections, which we will use.

It is important to note that your current applications and removal from friends can easily be distinguished from each other. In the first case, a button will be displayed under the name of the person "Cancel the application", and in the second "Unsubscribe".

Notice that the button "Unsubscribe"   Also, if your application to friends has not been approved by any user.

If to judge as a whole, then this method   does not require anything from you literally - just go to a special section VKontakte. This, of course, can be considered a positive quality. However, in addition, this method does not have any advantages, because of the high degree of inaccuracy, especially if you do not know your friends list.

How to identify the retired friends - use the application or standard methods - it's up to you. Good luck!

Microsoft Excel

  Almost every user has a program installed on his computer Microsoft Office   Word. Therefore, each of us can use this method. So, how to learn Vkontakte who has retired.

Open Microsoft Excel and export the list of your friends there. If you use the function "export data from a web page", then the label will be built automatically. Save this document and forget about it for a while. But when you want to find out who has retired, feel free to open it. Again open the list of your friends and paste it adjacent, checking all the columns.

Thus, you can even manually, simply scrolling down the page, be able to see which of the friends left. If this is too long, you can use the formula = VLOOKUP (A2; $ B $ 2: $ B $ 11; 1; FALSE), which should be entered in the first cell of the empty column. That is, it will be the third column. And then, the program itself will calculate everything and show you the result.


  The second method is much simpler and more convenient. To find out in time who withdrew from friends, simply install an application called "My friends" (app662272). By periodically accessing the application, you can track which of the friends left and when exactly it happened.

To use such an application is very convenient, as to say. The main thing is to periodically enter it.

  Whichever of the two ways you choose, you will always be aware of if any of your friends retire.
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