What to do if there is no steam guard. What is Steam Guard and what is it for. Turning on Steam Guard manually

Steam Guard is an additional security measure for users looking to improve the security of their account. Activation of this function excludes unauthorized access to the account from unauthorized devices, since to enter the account, after entering the login and password, it will be necessary to go through additional check via email or mobile phone.

How do I activate Steam Guard?

Steam Guard is automatically activated on your account if you have confirmed the email you provided during registration and restarted the Steam app twice. If for some reason the function has been disabled, then to reactivate it, follow these recommendations.

Step 1. Confirm the email address to which it is linked steam account... To do this, go to the section Steam → Settings.

Step 2. Click the button Confirm your email address.

Step 3. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Step 4. Wait for a letter from Steam Support. It will include a link to complete the email verification process.

Step 5. Restart the Steam client. Next open Settings and go to section Account.

Step 6. Click on Managing Steam Guard Settings... Choose the most convenient way account authorization: via email or smartphone. Restart the application.

Step 7. To make sure that protection is activated, just reopen the settings. The security status should change to: Protected by Steam Guard.

How do I disable Steam Guard?

If you need to disable additional authorization, then you can do it in just a few steps.

Step 1. Opening the section Settings.

Step 2. Click on Managing Steam Guard Settings.

Step 3. Choose an item Disable Steam Guard (not recommended).

Please note: if you disable additional account protection, the exchange and the trading platform will be unavailable. And after reactivation, the restriction will remain in effect for another 15 days.

Common problems

What if there is no Steam Guard power button?

Unfortunately, many users are faced with a problem when there is simply no button to enable protection in the settings. As noted by the developers, the problem most often manifests itself in newly restored accounts or accounts that have just verified an email address. To fix the error, just exit Steam through the menu Steam → Exit (not with a cross!) and re-enter account... If necessary, repeat the procedure 3-7 times.

I do not receive an email with a code after sending a request

First of all, make sure you check the email you registered for the account with. If, nevertheless, there is no letter, then it makes sense to check the spam filters and the spam box.

Although the code is sent instantly, some postal services can deliver the letter with a delay. If through 3 hours the letter never came, then you should contact Steam technical support.

Why am I constantly authorizing a new device when I sign in from the same device?

This is most likely due to the browser settings. If your browser's security settings are set to "strong", then it does not store login cookies. Check your browser settings to ensure that it uses cookies.

It is also possible that this happens as a result of the use of so-called cleaner programs that delete unused files, clean information in the registry and / or clear browser history.

Steam is a client application installed on computers and laptops under windows management, Mac, Linux and mobile devices with operating android system or iOS. This Russian development is one of the best entertainment platforms on the Russian Internet. Steam supports 26 languages. It lets you play online, use design and animation software, develop games, watch movies, make new friends, and more. Apps, games and other content are mostly paid. The platform provides an opportunity for users to protect their account using Steam Guard. How to enable this option and what to do in case of problems, you will learn from our article.

What is Steam Guard and what is it for

At all times, your Steam account must be protected from intruders. It does this with an additional layer of security called. When using it, access to your account data for unauthorized persons will be significantly complicated. When the Steam Guard function is activated on your account, it will be impossible to enter it without a special access code, which is sent, depending on the settings, to the contact email or to the Steam application at mobile device.

How to enable Steam Guard on a computer or laptop

In all operating systemsinstalled on computers, laptops and tablets, Steam Guard connects in the same way, with the exception of one detail - in MacOS in Steam instead of menu item name "Settings" header is used"Options". The protection function in the program is included initially, but not activated. To activate Steam Guard, you need to confirm your email address.

  1. After installing Steam, it will automatic update and running the program. Then you will need to go through the registration procedure, after which a window will open, where opposite your email, click "Yes" and then select "Next" in the pop-up window.

    Email confirmation

  2. Now click "Finish" and you will be sent an email confirming your registration.

    Sending a message

  3. The program remains open. If you look at the settings, for which you need to select the appropriate item by first clicking the left mouse button on the menu item called Steam in the upper corner, you will see that Steam Guard is not enabled and there is no button to control it.

    account settings

  4. Open your mailbox with the received message and follow the specified link by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

    Email verification

  5. You will be redirected to the Steam developer's site with a successful registration message.

    Registration message

  6. Restart the program, after which Steam Guard will be automatically activated and when you go to the account settings menu you will see the following window.

Type of account protected with Steam Guard

What to do if protection does not turn on and the Steam Guard button does not appear

In this case, you can use two connection options.

First option

Refusal to participate in testing

Second option

  1. In the upper right corner of the program, left-click on your username and select the "About account" tab from the list that opens, where click the "Steam Guard Settings" link. Enter the copied access code in the appropriate field open window programs and click Next.

    Go to Steam Guard Settings

  2. Check the box "Receive Steam Guard codes by e-mail"And restart the program. After starting the program, a confirmation window will first open for receiving a message with a code, which at this time should come to your e-mail. This will be automatically noted. Click Next.

    Choosing a way to get a code

  3. After starting the program, a window will first open to confirm the receipt of a message with a code, which at this time should come to your e-mail. This will be automatically noted. Click Next.

    Confirmation of message receipt

  4. Find and copy the access code in the message that came.

    Tolerance code

  5. Enter the copied access code in the corresponding field of the open program window and click "Next".

    Entering the access code

  6. Click the Finish button in the alert window.

The program will start and you will see that the account is protected by Steam Guard and a button for managing its settings has appeared, as already shown above. Note that the access code needs to be entered only once and the program will remember it.

If you change the registration email, you will need to confirm the new address by clicking on the link in the received message. In this case, activation of Steam Guard occurs immediately, and not after 15 days, as it was before.

Disabling and re-enabling Steam Guard changes the access code, which must be re-entered.

Video: Turning On and Activating Steam Guard on a Computer

What to do if you don't receive a confirmation email or message with an access code

First of all, make sure that the email you check matches your registered Steam account. After that, check if the spam filter is connected and the spam folder. Add to your list of contacts or trusted email addresses of Steam developers: [email protected], [email protected] If all else fails, contact the support service on the program website.

How to enable Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator

This feature is enabled on devices under android or iOS and is configured the same regardless of the system used. In this case, the access code is generated by the Steam application itself, which must be installed on your smartphone or other mobile device.

  1. Open the Steam application installed on your mobile device, for which use your account data, and select the Steam Guard item.

    Steam Guard menu selection

  2. Go to the "Settings" menu.

    Go to settings

  3. Check the "Receive Steam Guard Codes on Phone" box.

    Choosing a way to get a code

  4. In the window that opens, notifying about the further inclusion of two-factor protection Steam Guard, click the "Next" button.

Millions of users daily to purchase computer games, as well as their subsequent launch. Naturally, the service attracted not only gamers, but also scammers who steal their accounts from users, in which, as a rule, serious money is invested. In order to strengthen account protection, the Steam Guard function was developed.

What is Steam Guard for?

Steam Guard is a built-in function that will not allow you to access your account from a new computer or other device without confirmation by your email or via the Steam application on your smartphone.

If you are logged into the system on an unregistered computer, then to complete the login you will need to enter a special verification code, which will be sent either to the Steam application on your smartphone (depending on what you install).

Thus, fraudsters will not be able to gain access to purchased games, deserved awards, as well as data payment systemthrough which.

How do I activate Steam Guard?

As a rule, in new versions of Steam this feature is activated by default. If you doubt its activity, then you can check this by following these simple steps:

1. Launch Steam on your computer and log in with your credentials.

2. In the main program window, open the tab "Steam" and go to section "Settings" .

3. Without leaving the first tab, click on the item "Manage Steam Guard Settings" .

4. Check any box: "Receive Steam Guard codes from the Steam app on your phone" or "Receive Steam Guard Codes by Email" .

5. If you checked the first item, then you will need to download the Steam application to your phone, in the same way go to the Steam Guard settings and follow the further instructions.

This completes the activation of Steam Guard. From this moment on, your account is reliably protected from possible fraudulent attacks.

Any Internet application or service that is associated with financial transactions and trading on the Web is simply required to have a reliable security system to ensure its users' safety. money or "virtual property" account.

Popular game service Steam, under the auspices of which tens of thousands of various transactions are made every day, recommends that its users "arm" themselves with the Steam Guard function to protect their Steam account from unauthorized access. Enabling Steam Guard, the second level of security after the secret username and password, will make it more difficult for attackers to access the account. Login to your account will become unavailable without a special access code, which the system will automatically send to e-mail addressspecified during registration. Therefore, let's talk about how to enable Steam Guard on Steam.

How do I activate Steam Guard?

You do not need to specifically enable this function on your account. It will automatically activate as soon as the email address is confirmed when registering a new account, and the Steam application will be restarted twice.

After Steam Guard is activated, you will need to enter the access code that comes to your e-mail, each time you log into Steam from any unregistered device.

If the function has been disabled for some reason, and you need to enable Steam Guard on Steam again, you need to do the following:

  • Confirm the email address to which your Steam account is linked, if it hasn't been verified yet, or there have been any changes, for example, the email has changed. You can find out if the e-mail is confirmed by going to the "Settings" menu of the current Steam account. If there is a note next to the required address: "confirmed", then everything is in order, but if it is not, you must press the "confirm" button and follow the further instructions.
  • Activate the Steam Guard function by opening the "Settings" section steam client... In the menu that opens, you need to select the first item "Account", click the button "Manage Steam Guard settings" and there activate this function. In the same submenu, you can configure security features, such as receiving an access code to the phone, and not to e-mail.

Service has been successfully activated! However, you must remember that although the use of Steam Guard helps to strengthen the protection of the account, it does not guarantee its 100% security. For the greatest protection of your account from fraudsters, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • make the most of complex passwords, both in services and in email, do not use the same passwords;
  • not to share your own credentials with anyone, not to trust strangers who are interested in them;
  • do not send application files to anyone;
  • do not install suspicious software, do not run applications on unknown sites;
  • use a reliable Anti-Virus.

Thus, by enabling Steam Guard in Steam and following these simple tips, you can very easily save your money, time and nerves.

Youtube video about how to activate Steam Guard

Steam has one of better systems protection. When you change the device from which you log into your account, Steam asks for an access code sent by email. Another way to protect your Steam account is by activating the Steam Mobile Authenticator. It is also called Steam Guard.

After reading this article, you will learn how to enable Steam Guard on your phone to increase profile protection in Steam.

First you need to download and install the Steam app from Google play or App Store depending on which OS you are using.

Let's consider the installation on the example of a smartphone with Android OS.

Installing the Steam app on a mobile phone

First you need to download and install Steam in Play Market - application distribution service for Android phones from google. Open the list of all applications.

Now click on the Play Market icon.

IN search string Play Market enter the word "steam".

Select Steam from the list of applications provided.

On the application page, click the Install button.

Accept the installation request by clicking the appropriate button.

The Steam download and installation process will begin. Its duration depends on the speed of your Internet, but the application weighs a little, so you can not be afraid of a large traffic consumption.
So, Steam is installed. Click the "Open" button to launch the application on your phone.

From the menu, select the "Steam Guard" option to connect the SteamGuard Mobile Authenticator.

Read a short message about using Steam Guard and click the add authenticator button.

Enter your mobile phone number. An authenticator activation code will be sent to it.

The activation code will be sent in the form of SMS a few seconds after the request.

Enter the code in the field that appears.

You will then be prompted to write down a recovery code in case you lose access to your mobile phone, for example, if you lose the phone itself or your phone is stolen. This code can then be used when contacting technical support.

This completes the Steam Guard setup. Now you need to try it in action. To do this, launch Steam on your computer.
Enter your username and password in the login form. After that, the input form will be displayed steam password Guard.

Look at your phone screen. If you closed Steam Guard on your phone, then open it again by selecting the appropriate menu item.
Steam Guard generates new code access every half a minute. You need to enter this code on your computer.

Enter the code into the form. If you entered everything correctly, you will be logged into your account.

Now you know how to enable Mobile Authenticator on Steam. Use it if you want to reliably protect your account. This is especially true if you have a lot of games on your account, the cost of which is a decent amount.

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