Programs for changing the frequency of the overclocking buses. Best overclocking software for pc and laptop

The clock rate is the number of oscillations that occur in one second. The number of synchronizing cycles, if we talk about a personal computer, is the operations (program code instructions) that the processor performs during this period of time. The PC performance directly depends on the clock frequency and it can be overclocked by increasing the number of oscillations.

« Hertz"- this is the name of the unit by which the frequency is measured. This unit of measurement was derived by Heinrich R. Hertz. At the end of the 19th century, a special experiment was carried out by a physicist, which proved the wave nature of light. According to Hertz's theory, light is nothing more than an electromagnetic wave propagated by special waves. And the longer the electromagnetic radiation (wave), the brighter the light we see. The color of light directly depends on the wavelength.

The clock frequency is of two types - external and internal. The board, processor, RAM exchange information (data), and the external frequency is responsible for this. But it depends on the internal how quickly and correctly the processor itself will work.

If the processor is overclocked, all programs (operations) will run much faster than if not. Overclocking is used when the user is no longer satisfied with the performance of his computer and wants to increase the standard number of sync cycles. What does this procedure give to the user? The opportunity not to spend money on a new processor and continue working with the old one, which after overclocking can still last a long time. The computer will become more productive without replacing hardware, and this is a fact.

Once you overclock the processor, you run into some problems, quite significant ones. After completing the procedure, your personal computer will consume more electricity, in some cases the increase is very noticeable. Overclocked processors “sin” by increasing heat dissipation. And most importantly, devices break down faster, because they have to work in an extraordinary mode. Together with an overclocked processor, the number of oscillations (clock frequency) of the RAM also increases, therefore, it can also quickly fail.

What should be done before overclocking?

The overclocking reserve is called the maximum clock frequency. If you exceed this maximum, the device will be damaged. Almost all processors are overclocked without consequences up to 17% higher than the original data. And there are devices that can be overclocked even less. Intel has a special series of processors that have an unlocked multiplier (you can change it in the BIOS). These devices are the best overclocking devices.

The maximum clock speed is bad. On the one hand, a personal computer significantly increases its performance, and on the other hand, when the processor heats up to the maximum allowable value, it lowers the temperature by skipping oscillations (clock). Therefore, if you want to overclock the device to the maximum, then you must take care of a good cooling system. Without cooling, you will not get the maximum percentage by which you overclock the processor. It will decrease due to the fact that it will skip beats, trying to lower the temperature. Also, do not forget that electricity consumption increases. In order for the overclocked processor to work effectively, you need to install a new power supply.

Before overclocking your processor, follow these three steps:

  1. The BIOS of the computer must be updated to the latest version.
  2. You should know how the processor cooling system works: is it securely installed and if there are any faults.
  3. Determine, by looking in the BIOS, or using special programs, the processor clock frequency, its initial value.
You can use, for example, RMClock Utility or. With these free utilities, you can benchmark and measure the maximum clock speed of your device. Both programs are free and downloaded from the official sites.

Also, check how your processor is performing during full load. You can use the program to conduct tests. This free, easy-to-use but functional utility will check the stability of the device and display the results on the screen.

Only after that you can start overclocking the processor. Below we will look at three programs that can do this safely.

Overview of overclocking programs for Intel processors


Using the first program is very simple, and even inexperienced users will master it. True, the developers do not recommend it to beginners in order to avoid critical errors. This utility will very quickly and easily overclock the CPU without rebooting the system. One movement of the slider in a specialized utility and you're done.

With the help of this specialized program, you can overclock any processor model, but only if the motherboard is suitable. Not all models are supported by it. And in overclocking a processor, the motherboard is of great importance. Indeed, during the procedure, the system clock frequency also increases. And this leads to the impact on the clock generator, which is located on the motherboard.

Before using this utility, go to the official page and check if there is a model for your personal computer in the list of approved motherboards. The advantages of this program include low weight (only about 300 kb), ease of learning and management, high work efficiency, and regular updates.

Recommendation! The developers of the program do not advise to use it for beginners who do not understand what it might threaten. And besides, an inexperienced user is unlikely to be able to independently find out what is the model of the clock pulse generator in his computer. It is specified manually.

Overclocking the processor using the SetFSB utility:
  • What is the model of the clock generator on the motherboard? Select it from the Clock Generator drop-down list.
  • Click Get FSB. You will see two frequencies - the device itself and the system bus.
  • Move the slider carefully, constantly measuring the temperature of the processor. This can be done using a specialized utility.
  • When the position of the slider is optimal, click Set FSB.
The most interesting thing is that the settings are valid while the computer is running. The next time you start, you must tune the frequency again. For experienced users, developers recommend starting the program not independently, but from startup.


Another effective program that allows you to overclock all models of Intel processors. The utility is not free and is downloaded from the developer's official page. The program is included in a specialized tool that allows you to overclock the processor and monitor its stability. If you couldn't use the first program, SetFSB, because it didn't support your motherboard, then this one might work. As more motherboards are supported here.

In addition, there is a more convenient user interface: there is support for the Russian language. As for overclocking itself, these two programs work the same way: they increase the system clock speed.

How to overclock a processor using CPUFSB:

  • Find your motherboard model in the dropdown list.
  • Find the PLL chip model in the dropdown list.
  • Click on "Take frequency". You will see the initial frequency of the device and the system bus.
  • The frequency increases in the same way: with gentle movements until the required level is reached. Do not forget to monitor the temperature of the processor using a special program. Once the desired values \u200b\u200bare established, click "Set frequency".
The settings, similar to the first program, are valid only for the duration of the operation. Turning off the computer will override any settings you have made.


The program also allows you to quickly and easily overclock the processor, has a simple user interface and is easy to learn, albeit in English. The only drawback is that it is no longer supported by the developer, and therefore it is not clear if you can use it. The utility can be downloaded from the official website for free. With this program you will overclock your processor with any motherboard and clock generator model.

This program is also intended for advanced users with knowledge of motherboard models and clock generators.

How to overclock a processor using SoftFSB:
  • Find your model of clock generator and motherboard.
  • Find out what is the current bus and processor frequency.
  • Gently move the slider until you find the desired frequency. At the same time, do not forget, as in similar programs, to monitor the temperature of the processor.
  • When the optimal number of measures is selected, click on “SET FSB”.
This is how the three generic utilities work. If you are afraid to use them, download software from motherboard manufacturers. They are safe to use and are suitable for inexperienced users who are afraid of harming their computer with their actions.

These utilities, which you learned above, can be used for both personal and laptop computers. But when overclocking the processor on laptop computers, you should be as careful as possible so as not to harm or damage the processor. The system clock frequency should not rise to the limit.

Overclocking a processor is not difficult, but requires some knowledge and care. A competent approach to this lesson allows you to get a good increase in productivity, which is sometimes very lacking. In some cases, you can overclock the processor through the BIOS, but if this feature is absent or you want to carry out manipulations directly from under Windows, then it is better to use special software.

One of the simplest and most versatile programs is SetFSB. It is good in that it can be used to overclock the intel core 2 duo processor and similar old models, as well as various modern processors. The principle of this program is simple - it raises the system bus frequency by acting on the PLL chip installed in the motherboard. Accordingly, all that is required of you is to know the brand of your board and check if it is included in the list of supported ones.

First you need to find out the name of the motherboard. If you do not own such data, then use special software, for example, the CPU-Z program.

Once you've identified your board brand, head to. The design there is, to put it mildly, not the best, but all the necessary information is there. If the board is in the list of supported ones, then you can happily continue further.

Download features

The latest versions of this program, unfortunately, are paid for the Russian-speaking population. You need to deposit approximately $ 6 to receive the activation code.

There is also an alternative - download the old version of the program, we recommend version This can be done, for example,.

Installing the program and preparing for overclocking

The program works without installation. After starting, you will see such a window.

To start overclocking, you first need to know your clock generator (PLL). Unfortunately, it's not so easy to recognize him. Computer owners can disassemble the system unit and find the information they need manually. This data looks something like this:

PLL chip software identification methods

If you have a laptop or don't want to disassemble your PC, there are two more ways to find out your PLL.

1. Go in and look for your laptop in the table.
2. The SetFSB program will help to determine the PLL chip company itself.

Let us dwell on the second method. Switch to the " Diagnosis", In the drop-down list" Clock Generator»Select« PLL diagnosis", Then click on the button" Get FSB».

We go down below, in the field “ PLL Control Registers"And we see a table there. We are looking for column 07 (this is Vendor ID) and look at the value of the first row:

If the value equals xE, then the PLL from Realtek, for example, RTM520-39D;
if the value equals x1, then the PLL from IDT, for example, ICS952703BF;
if the value equals x6, then the PLL from SILEGO, for example, SLG505YC56DT;
if the value is x8, then the PLL from Silicon Labs, for example, CY28341OC-3.

x - any number.

Sometimes exceptions are possible, for example, for chips from Silicon Labs - in this case Vendor ID will be located not in the seventh byte (07), but in the sixth (06).

Checking software overclocking protection

You can find out if there is hardware protection against software overclocking as follows:

We look in the field “ PLL Control Registers"On column 09 and click on the value of the first row;
look in the field “ Bin"And find the sixth bit in this number. Note that the bit must start from one! Therefore, if the first bit is zero, then the sixth bit will be the seventh digit;
if the sixth bit equals 1, then a hardware PLL mod (TME-mod) is needed to overclock via SetFSB;
if the sixth bit is 0, then no hardware mod is required.

Getting started overclocking

All work with the program will take place in the " Control". In field " Clock Generator"Select your chip and then click on" Get FSB».

At the bottom of the window, on the right, you will see the current processor frequency.

As a reminder, overclocking is done by raising the system bus frequency. This happens every time you move the center slider to the right. We leave all other half-marks as they are.

If you need to increase the range for adjustment, then check the box next to the " Ultra».

It is best to increase the frequency carefully, 10-15 MHz at a time.

After adjustment, click on the "SetFSB" button.

If after that your PC freezes or turns off, then there are two reasons for this: 1) you specified the wrong PLL; 2) greatly increased the frequency. Well, if everything was done correctly, the processor frequency will increase.

What to do after overclocking?

We need to find out how stable the computer is at the new frequency. This can be done, for example, in games or specialized test programs (Prime95 or others). Also, monitor the temperature to avoid possible overheating when the processor is under load. In parallel with the tests, run the temperature monitor program (CPU-Z, HWMonitor or others). The tests are best done for about 10-15 minutes. If everything works stably, then you can stay on the new frequency or continue to increase it, performing all the above actions in a new circle.

How do I get my PC to start at a new frequency?

You should already know that the program works with the new frequency only until the restart. Therefore, in order for the computer to always start with the new system bus frequency, it is necessary to put the program into startup. This is a must if you want to use an overclocked computer on a permanent basis. However, in this case we are not talking about simply adding a program to the Startup folder. There is a way for this - creating a bat script.

Opens " Notebook", Where we will create the script. We write a line there, something like this:

C: \\ Desktop \\ SetFSB \\ setfsb.exe –w15 –s668 –cg

ATTENTION! DO NOT COPY THIS LINE! You should get it differently!

So, we parse it:

C: \\ Desktop \\ SetFSB \\ setfsb.exe is the path to the utility itself. You can differentiate between location and version of the program!
-w15 - delay before starting the program (measured in seconds).
-s668 - overclocking setting. Your figure will be different! To recognize it, look at the green field in the Control tab of the program. There will be two numbers separated by a slash. Take the first number.
-cg is your PLL model. This data may be different for you! In square brackets it is necessary to enter the model of your PLL as it is indicated in SetFSB.

By the way, along with SetFSB itself, you will find the text file setfsb.txt, where you can find other parameters and apply them if necessary.

After the line has been created, save the file as .bat.

The last step is to add baht to startup by moving the shortcut to the "" folder or by editing the registry (you can find this method on the Internet).

The best AMD processor overclocking software allows your computer to run faster and more efficiently on complex tasks. AMD is a type of microprocessor for personal computers and laptops that is manufactured and manufactured by AMD.

The technology of these microprocessors allows you to perform high-performance jobs for 32-bit systems. Newer processor categories have added support for 64-bit computing.

The processor built into the system does not use all of its resources. Thus, its service life is extended. Overclocking must be carried out purposefully and irregularly. Otherwise, you could seriously damage the hardware components of your PC or laptop. Let's consider the most effective applications that can increase the frequency of the processor from AMD.

Over Drive Utility

Powerful application for AMD 64. The program is absolutely free. You can download it from the official website of the company.

Immediately after the first launch of the program, a dialog box pops up, which warns the user that he bears full responsibility for all actions performed in the program that may lead to a processor breakdown. After agreeing with the information provided, the main program window will appear.

Follow the instructions to overclock the system microprocessor:

  • On the left, find an item called Clock Voltage;

  • Study the window that appears carefully. The first column of data is the clock speed of each available microprocessor core. The second tab is the ordinal factor of the kernel, this number needs to be changed;
  • To adjust the multiplier, click on the Speed \u200b\u200bcontrol button. It is highlighted in green in the image below. Then adjust the sliders.

Overclocking with Advanced Clock Calibration

ACC is an overclocking feature for AMD athlon. The peculiarity of this application is that the adjustment and selection of the required frequencies are carried out very accurately. You can work with the application both in the operating system itself and in the BIOS.

To adjust the operation of the central microprocessor, go to the Performance Control tab in the motherboard menu. The key is at the top of the utility's main toolbar.

The power system of the computer or laptop and the level of the cooling system also affect the success of overclocking.

ClockGen program

The main purpose of the utility is to increase the clock frequency of the microprocessor through the program in real time. Also, using the convenient program menu, you can overclock other hardware components: system buses, memory. The software is equipped with a powerful frequency generator and several system monitoring tools, with which you can adjust the temperature of the components and control the operation of the cooling system. You can download the program at this link.

Brief instructions for use:

  1. To overclock the processor, run the utility. On the left pane of the main window, find the PLL Control item and click on it;
  2. Two sliders will appear on the right side of the window. Change the position of the Selection slider little by little. Remember! You need to do this little by little and very slowly. Dragging and dropping can provoke too fast overclocking and instant failure of the processor or other hardware components of the computer;
  3. Press the button to apply changes.

In the same way, you can speed up RAM and system buses. To do this, select the required component in the PLL Setup window. The upper panel of the program shows a kind of clock that displays the power of the hardware components. The program is available in Russian after installing the crack.

Remember! Any frequency of the microprocessor that is outside the normal range in the first place violates the consent to use the hardware component. If a processor fails, its warranty will be void. Any device after the overclocking procedure loses its warranty.

Thematic videos:

Using the experience of other users, we can say with confidence that the universal and most frequently used programs for "overclocking" the system are:

  • setFSB;
  • SoftFSB.

We will talk about them, but at the end of the article, and first we will study the theory and carry out preparatory work.

What is important to know before overclocking an Intel processor?

Of course, you can immediately go to the end of the article, download the software and get started. But thoughtlessly, without understanding the process itself, pressing the "pedals" in the program can lead to a somewhat unexpected result. And the instructions say that this software is intended for "advanced users". Therefore, for now, we just read and delve into it.

Increase the frequency

So, an increase in system performance can be obtained by increasing the clock frequency of the central processing unit (CPU) or the front system bus (FSB). But most modern CPUs do not allow increasing the clock frequency, because this limitation is imposed by the computer manufacturer. In this case, you need to increase the FSB clock speed. It should be understood that changing the parameters of the system bus will entail a change in the operation of not only the CPU, but also other modules of a personal computer - memory, video card or network card.

Multiplier change

The frequency at which the processor or system bus operates is directly the generator clock frequency multiplied by some number, a multiplier. You can determine the multiplier using specialized software for testing computers, for example CPU-Z. In essence, "overclocking" is the increase in this particular parameter. You can change it both in the BIOS subsystem, before the operating system is loaded, and using programs already running from under the Windows operating system.

Increase in supply voltage

Increasing the clock frequency multiplier often leads to unstable operation of the system as a whole and does not give the expected effect without increasing the supply voltage. This is especially noticeable with a significant increase in the multipliers. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the supply voltage of both the processor and the bus itself. However, when changing the voltage, be careful not to exceed the permissible limits. Also, you should be aware that an increase in supply voltage inevitably leads to an increase in CPU temperature and the need for effective cooling.

Preparing to overclock the processor

We studied the theory and finally, we move on to practice.

We go into the BIOS and see if the manufacturer has allowed changing the frequency multiplier, processor voltage, etc. We are not changing anything yet, just studying the situation. Also, we find a jumper with the inscription "clear cmos". It will be useful to us in the event that we cannot start the computer by changing the parameters.

Boot the computer and run the CPU-Z program. It is free software and is easy to find and download on the web. We study in detail the system, the current values \u200b\u200bof frequencies and multipliers. In the same place, on the Internet, we find another program - HWMonitor. Using it, we determine the current readings of the system temperature.

We try to load the computer with a stress test from the first program and measure the temperature with the second program.

If the temperatures have exceeded 60 degrees without "overclocking", you can stop there. Unfortunately, this system cannot be overclocked.

If the temperature test passed, you should search the Internet for information about the processor and motherboard installed in the computer. In addition, you need to determine which particular PLL chip - the frequency generator is installed on the motherboard. We need this information when using specialized software.

Overclocking intel processor on laptop

Let's take a short break and talk about laptops. The situation here is not very good, because laptop hardware systems are the worst "amenable" to overclocking, and there are several reasons for this:

  • An overclocked processor generates more heat, and cooling a hot microcircuit in the limited space of a laptop case is another task;
  • the laptop power supply system is not designed for the increased power consumption of an overclocked processor or bus;
  • it is not always possible to find the necessary data (find out the frequency generator chip and select the software) for overclocking the processor or FSB of a laptop by software. And if it succeeds, then the practical implementation fails - the system freezes for one reason or another: either the laptop's memory cannot work at a given frequency, or the built-in video card fails.

Therefore, laptop manufacturers limit as much as possible the possibility of increasing the frequency of the processor or bus, as well as voltage values \u200b\u200busing the BIOS subsystem.

Despite all this, it is sometimes possible to increase the performance of standard laptops, but the side effects are increased fan noise and reduced laptop battery life.

Overclocking the processor via BIOS

Let's continue! The easiest way, which has been used since the days of the first Pentiums, is to increase the frequency values \u200b\u200bdirectly in the computer BIOS. Modern BIOS subsystems do not always allow changing the set parameters, but if the manufacturer has provided such an opportunity, then a wide field for activity is open for the user. The screenshots below show an example of BIOS settings before and after overclocking.

The changed parameters are marked in red.

In the event that, after adjusting the values, the system "hangs" and access to the bios setup is not possible, reset the "default" settings by closing certain contacts on the motherboard or removing the battery.

Intel CPU overclocking software

If the motherboard manufacturer has limited overclocking capabilities by changing the settings in the BIOS, you can try to overclock the system using special programs.


A very popular program among overclockers. Allows setting the bus frequency, contains a large PLL database. It is easy to work with the program, but it is just as easy to "hang" the operating system. Therefore, we change the frequency values \u200b\u200bsmoothly, in small steps.

An unpleasant nuance. Starting from version 2.2.134 - the program is paid, the setfsb button is inactive, the command line mode does not work. There are two solutions to the problem: either use older software versions, or look for ways to register later versions.

So, step by step:

  • choose "our" clock-generator
  • press the "get fsb" button
  • smoothly move the slider a couple of steps
  • press the "set fsb" button

We determine the stability of the system using stress tests. We repeat until we get BSOD or satisfaction from overclocking. Since all manipulations are performed only at the time of starting the program, after restarting the computer, the original settings are returned. To use the clock settings permanently, you must use the command mode of the program. For details, see the setfsb.txt file in the program folder. This file also contains a list of supported motherboards and frequency generators.


The application is similar in its functionality. In this case, there is a correct translation into Russian.

In fact, CPUFSB is a dedicated module of CPUCool software - utilities for monitoring and overclocking the processor. The program includes support for a large number of motherboards from different manufacturers.

The operating procedure is similar:

  • choose the type of motherboard;
  • select the type of PLL chip;
  • “Take frequency” - get current values;
  • change the current frequency values \u200b\u200b- "set frequency".

Frequency settings are retained until the system is rebooted.


Another application for changing the clock speed of the bus or processor. Unfortunately, the program is not currently supported by the author. Consequently, it may not start on modern systems, since it "does not know" about the latest PLL releases.

The principle of the program is the same - choose the correct motherboard and clock generator, read the data, smoothly change the current settings and write them down.

The consequences of overclocking are the responsibility of the user

As a result, we have the following:

  • computer overclocking consists in increasing frequencies and voltages;
  • you can change the frequency values \u200b\u200bboth in the BIOS and programmatically;
  • Overclocking software works the same way. The differences between the utilities are in the ability to support one or another equipment;
  • not every equipment lends itself to "overclocking";
  • the increase in frequencies and voltages should occur step by step.

And the most important thing -

responsibility for all actions performed related to changes in the standard settings for the operation of the equipment lies entirely with the person who made these changes.

By overclocking the processor, you run the risk of permanently disabling it. Be careful and attentive. The site administration is not responsible for your actions after reading this article.

Additional utilities for overclocking the processor

First of all, in order to overclock the processor, you need a small set of utilities that will help you monitor the state of your system and its stability, as well as the temperature of the processor. Below we list a list of utilities and programs and briefly talk about what they are responsible for.

CPU-Z Is a small but very useful utility that will show all the basic technical information of your CPU. Useful for tracking frequencies and voltages. Free.

CoreTemp - another free utility, somewhat similar to CPU-Z, but does not go deep into technical indicators, but displays the temperature of the processor cores and their load.

Speccy - shows detailed technical information not only about the processor, but about the entire computer as a whole. There is also information about the temperature of the various components of the system.

LinX - a free program that we need to test the stability of the system after each stage of increasing processor performance. It is one of the best stress test software. It loads the processor at 100%, so do not be alarmed, sometimes it may seem that the computer is frozen.

Overclocking the processor

Before learning how to overclock a processor, I highly recommend stress-testing your computer in an unclocked state (for example, with the program FurMark). This is necessary in order to determine the approximate potential for overclocking and generally check the system for errors.

If in the non-overclocked state the test produces any errors or the temperature during testing is prohibitively high, then it is better to end your "overclocking" at this point.

If everything works stably and then we can continue. And better note for yourself the key characteristics of an overclocked system, such as minimum cpu temperature, maximum cpu temperature, voltage, etc. Better yet, take a screenshot of the screen or take a picture on your phone so that you have detailed information at hand just in case. This is necessary to analyze the deviations of indicators from the nominal. Not critically important, but very helpful and curious.

In general, you can overclock the processor in two ways - manually through the BIOS and using special programs. These methods are equally easy to use, but there are people who are afraid to tamper with the BIOS, so we will tell you how to overclock the processor in both ways.

Also, do not forget that insufficient power supply unit power can prevent processor overclocking. It is better to take a power supply unit with a small power reserve when buying a computer. This will allow you to painlessly upgrade your hardware, and also, as in today's topic, will provide an opportunity for overclocking.

Overclocking the processor via BIOS

First of all, I will tell you how to overclock the processor through the BIOS. On our website, we have already repeatedly told how you can. It depends on the manufacturer of your computer's motherboard. When turning on (or restarting) the computer, even before the operating system starts loading, you need to press key to enter BIOS settings. You can find out which key to press from the prompt when turning on the computer or in the instructions (documentation) of your motherboard. Most often these are keys: Del, F2 or F8, but there may be others.

After you get into BIOS, you need to go to the Advanced tab. Next, I will tell you on the example of my computer, but everything should be very similar for you. Although, of course, there will be differences. This is due to different BIOS versions and different processor settings available. Perhaps this tab will be called, for example, CPU Configuration or something else. You need to wander through the BIOS and understand which section you have is responsible for configuring the central processor.

OverclockTunnerby default is in position Auto... Move it to position Manual in order for you to access additional manual settings for the processor.

After that, note that you will have the FSB Frequency item, in which you can adjust the base frequency of the processor bus. In fact, this frequency multiplied by the CPU Ratio gives us the full frequency of your processor. That is, you can increase the frequency by either increasing the bus frequency or by increasing the multiplier value.

Is it better to increase the bus frequency or a multiplier?

A very relevant question for beginners. To begin with, not all processors will be able to increase the multiplier value. There are processors with a locked multiplier, and there are unlocked ones. For Intel processors, processors with an unlocked multiplier can be identified by the suffix “ K" or " X"At the end of the processor name, as well as the Extreme Edition series, and AMD has the suffix" Fx»And the Black Edition series. But it is best to carefully look at the detailed characteristics, because there are always exceptions. Note that everything has an open multiplier.

If possible it is best to overclock the processor by increasing the multiplier value... It will be safer for the system. But overclocking the processor by increasing the bus frequency is highly discouraged, especially for overclocking beginners. Why? Because by changing this indicator, you not only overclock the central processor, but also affect the characteristics of other components of the computer, and often these changes can get out of control and harm your computer. But if you are aware of your actions, then everything is in your hands.

Stages of overclocking the processor through BIOS

In principle, there is nothing complicated about this. But you need to do everything slowly and carefully. So, for example, if you are planning to overclock your processor to the maximum, then you should not increase the processor frequency by 500 MHz at once, increase gradually, first by 150 MHz, conducted a stress test, made sure that everything is working stably. Then raise the frequency by another 150-100 MHz and so on. Toward the end, it is better to reduce the step to 25-50 MHz.

When you reach the frequency at which the computer cannot cope with the stress test, go to the BIOS and return the frequencies to the last successful stage. For example, at a frequency of 3700 MHz the computer passed the stress test successfully, but at a frequency of 3750 MHz it has already failed the test, which means that its maximum possible operating frequency will be 3700 MHz.

Of course, you can still go through various specific tests and identify the "weak link" (power supply or cooling system), but why do we need these extremes, right?

Overclocking the processor with special programs

In general, I would recommend overclocking the processor in BIOS manually, but if the BIOS environment is alien to you, then you can use special programs to overclock the processor. There are many such programs. Some of them are more suitable for INTEL processors, while others for AMD processors. Although the principle of operation is almost identical. So let's find out how to overclock a processor using special programs.

Utility SetFSB designed to overclock the processor over the bus. This is clear from the name. The developers are proud that SetFSB is lightweight and perfectly fulfills all its functions.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!! I downloaded the program from the "official site" and from the SOFTPORTAL portal. The contents of the archives are very different. If the archive on the softportal weighs less than 200 Kb and has instructions for its use in addition to the utility, then on the "official website" the archive contains another archive containing a suspicious.exe file weighing more than 5 Mb and there are no additional instructions. When the file starts, Windows says that the license has been verified, but the license belongs to some Ukrainian shipbuilding company, judging by the name “SUDNOBUDUVANNYA TA REMONT, TOV”. I decided to cancel the installation.

Download the program from the SOFTPORTAL website, not the official one. Apparently the official website is fake.

So, before entering the program, it is highly recommended to check the list of motherboards that this utility works with. This list is in the file setfsb.txt... If you find your motherboard, continue. If not, you are at great risk by continuing to use this utility.

When you start SetFSB, you will need to enter a temporary ID in the required field. Just type the name of the little box in the box in it. Why is this? The creators assume that if you have not read the instructions, then you will not be able to go beyond this window and go to read the instructions to find out what you need to enter, and at the same time you will read other useful information that can prevent damage to your processor (and motherboard).

Next, the most difficult thing is to choose your parameter Clock Generator... To find out, you need to disassemble the computer and carefully examine the motherboard in search of a chip with a name starting with the letters " ICS". There may be other letters, but these are found in 95% of cases.

When you do this, click on the Get FSB button and the sliders will be unlocked. And you will need to move the first slider to the right quite a bit, each time pressing the SET FSB button, so that example \u003d thread the changed parameters. And you will have to do so until then, until you reach the desired characteristics of the processor frequency. If you overdo it, the computer will freeze and have to start all over again.

Overclocking the CPU with CPUFSB

Utility CPUFSB not much different in functionality from the SetFSB just reviewed. However, there is something to praise her for. The first and rather significant plus is that the utility is completely Russified, which is very convenient, you must agree. The program is more tailored for Intel processors, but it can also be applied to AMD processors.

To overclock the processor in the CPUFSB program, you will need to sequentially:

  1. Specify the required information about your motherboard and type of clock (Clock Generator).
  2. Then click on " Take frequency».
  3. Move the slider to the right to change the sample rate.
  4. At the end, click on " Set frequency».

There is nothing complicated. You can intuitively figure out the settings even without prompts.

Other programs for overclocking the processor

We have examined in more or less detail the most frequently used programs that are used to overclock the processor. However, the list of programs does not end there. But we will not describe them in detail, because the principle of their operation is similar to the previous ones. Here is a small list of overclocking programs that you can use if the first ones did not suit you or you could not download them.

  1. Over drive
  2. ClockGen
  3. ThrottleStop
  4. SoftFSB
  5. CPUCool


Now you know how to overclock the processor, or maybe you even tried it yourself while reading the article. I hope everything went well for you and without any unpleasant consequences. Remember the golden rule - Better a tit in the hand than a pie in the sky! Therefore, do not overclock, otherwise you will have to buy a new processor, and maybe even a motherboard.

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