Identify a 64 bit processor. What is processor bitness and how to determine it

How to find out what bit processor (32 or 64-bit) your computer is
First, let's define what bit depth is and why this data can be useful to you. The bit depth shows how many bits the processor can process simultaneously.

All linux systems are available in two versions - for 32-x bit processors and for 64-bit. Of course, this division did not appear for nothing. Some of the most important differences that every user can face are:

  1. The maximum amount of used RAM
    It so happened that 32-bit systems simply cannot "see" the amount of RAM that goes beyond 4 gigabytes. This difference can be called the most significant and important. On 64-bit systems, the system can "see" and work properly with 192 gigabytes of RAM. Therefore, before increasing the amount of RAM, you should find out if they will be available in the system.
  2. Bit processor
    Processor bitness allows you to install operating systems of a specific bitness. To install a 64-bit system, you need to use a 64-bit processor.
  3. Bit depth operating system
    Externally operating systems different digits are no different. There are only minor technical differences. The main thing concerns again the RAM, its volume and correct work with it. Also, in a 64-bit system, you can run both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, which a 32-bit system cannot boast of.

Commands for displaying information about the processor:

If you are running Linux, then you can easily find out the bit depth of your system and processor. To know exactly what bit your processor is, enter the command in the terminal.

The question of how to find out the processor bitness is faced by many users who decide to purchase a used computer without documents or upgrade an existing one.

Sometimes novice users make a mistake in terms of "bitness of the installed operating system", "bitness of the processor" and how many cores it contains.

Currently, they are no longer available, but 32-bit processors continue to work. Only the corresponding operating system can be installed on computers equipped with them. Maximum processed rAM - 4 GB. On modern computers 64-bit processors are built-in, and the operating system can be installed both 32- and 64-bit.

The latter is preferable. The speed of the computer is increased, the maximum RAM can be expanded up to 32 GB. But when moving from a 32-bit to a 64-bit system, users may lose their favorite programs designed to run on a 32-bit system.

There are several simple wayshow to find out the processor bitness:

  1. Click right click mouse on the "My Computer" icon. Select Properties from the drop-down menu. A list of the main characteristics of your computer appears. One of them is "System Type". If it is 64-bit, then the processor is 64-bit.
  2. Go to system disk, usually C. Notice how much system folders "Program files". If it is alone, then the bit depth is 32-bit. If the "Program Files (x86)" folder is present, then a 64-bit operating system is installed. Don't be embarrassed that it says "x86" and not "x64".
  3. Run the "Start" command, go to "Control Panel", select "Device Manager", click on the "Computer" icon. If the processor is 64-bit, then we will see an ACPIx64-based PC. Below is the "Processors" icon. Blinking on it, you will find out how many cores are in the PC.
  4. Another way to determine the number of cores is to call the "Task Manager". To do this, sequentially press and hold the CTRL, ALT, DEL keys. In the dispatcher window that opens, select the "Performance" tab and click on it. If a single core processor is installed, the CPU utilization tab displays 1 monitor (changing green graph on a black background). If multi-core is installed, at least 2 are visible.
  5. To get the most complete information about the computer and its components, press the WIN and R keys one after the other. In the lower left corner of the monitor, in the “Open” window, enter “cmd” (without quotes). A window will open command line... Enter "systeminfo". We'll have to wait a while. The information displayed on the screen will be the most complete, but rather difficult to read. For a novice user, this method is not easy.

There are other ways, but they are less effective and understandable.

Help from third-party programs

For a more accurate determination of the parameters of computer components, it is preferable to use third-party programs. Many of them are distributed free of charge.

The most famous is CPU-Z. The program is completely free.

After installing and running it on the first tab, the Instruction line displays full characteristic processor with an indication of the manufacturer. The disadvantage of the program is the English-language interface.

Another program is AIDA64. It is shareware, it works in this mode only for 30 days from installation.

After starting the program, you need to go to the " Motherboard", Then to the line" CPUID ", where the necessary information is located.

Determination of the bitness of the processor and operating system is rarely carried out, so it is not advisable for an ordinary user to search, download, install and master the work of third-party programs. They are used by professionals.

All the considered methods of how to find out the bitness of the processor are quite simple. Each user chooses the most convenient one.

Differences and features of the bitness of operating systems

How to determine the bit depth - it will be useful to know those who are going to update their computer or buy to assemble a new one.

And also, how much RAM a computer needs, depending on the tasks that will be put before them.

So, about the bitness of operating systems and support for various amounts of memory, here is a detailed material on this topic.

What is bit depth?

The scientific definition is as follows: In computer science, the capacity of an electronic device or bus is the number of bits (bits) simultaneously processed by this device or transmitted by this bus.

This term is applicable to component parts computing, peripheral or measuring devices: data buses of computers, processors, etc. Computer size is called the bit width of its machine word.

I think everything is simple and clear. Bit depth - the ability to simultaneously process a certain number of bits, to put it simply.

In fact, everything is not so simple, and no article will be enough to fully cover this issue and "in a scientific way".

Therefore, we will not delve into the course of PC architecture, but we will touch on the purely practical points that we have to deal with and that are important for us - users.

What does the amount of RAM have to do with it?

There are two versions of the operating windows systems (at least for now, only two). It doesn't matter what exactly we take from modern and relevant systems: XP, Vista or Windows 7.

All these systems exist in two flavors - 32-bit and 64-bit. For example:

Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (or х86 - equivalent designations)
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (or x64 - equivalents)
Windows Vista Ultimate x86 (x86 is the notation for the 32-bit version)
Windows Visa Ultimate x64 (respectively - 64-bit version)

Of course, there are architectural differences between 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows. You can talk about them for a long time, but it's useless, believe me. :)

The most important features and differences that directly relate to the user and that one has to deal with:

1. The maximum amount of RAM.
2. Bit depth of the operating system.
3. The bit capacity of the processor.

We will talk about this in more detail ...

Maximum RAM

A 32-bit operating system can address (ie, can use, "see") no more than 4 GB of RAM. This is the most important difference, and the most significant.

If your computer has, say, 2 GB installed, then a 32-bit operating system works fine with that amount.

If you install 4 GB of memory and run a 32-bit OS, it simply won't see that amount. All she can use is roughly 3.5 GB out of 4 GB. It cannot provide the rest of the volume for running programs.

Of course, if you install 8 GB of memory in your computer, say, and at the same time remain on a 32-bit system, then it will also not see more than 3.5 GB of the total installed volume.

A 64-bit operating system can handle much larger amounts of memory - up to 192 GB (for Windows 7). That is, if, say, you wanted to install 8 GB of memory, then you definitely need to switch to a 64-bit OS, otherwise, you simply cannot use such a large available amount.

We have considered, one might say, "extremes", up to 2 GB and 8 GB or more. And what about the golden mean? What if you already have it installed or are planning to increase the storage to 4GB?

Do I need to switch to a 64-bit OS in this case so that the computer can use not 3.3, but all 4 GB of memory?

Not everything is so simple ... 64-bit OS versions use noticeably more memory. All variables are no longer 32-bit, but 64-bit.

This usually increases the volume of applications by 20-40%, which leads to a corresponding increase in the amount of memory occupied. File formats such as music or video are not affected.

It makes no sense to install a 64-bit version of Windows in order to better use 4 GB of memory, even if the 32-bit version recognizes only up to 3.5 GB of memory.

The problem lies in the fact that you will get missing memory, but you will immediately lose it for the reason that the 64-bit version requires more memory for itself. So the transition to 64 bits is relevant only with a larger memory capacity: 6, 8 GB or more.

So, if you decide to install a lot of memory, and here you need a 64-bit OS for sure, then perhaps you are interested in the question:

What features does
64-bit Windows Vista and 7?

Visually - none. Those. outwardly, it is an ordinary OS that does not differ in any way from the 32-bit version. You can determine whether it belongs to the 64-bit architecture only by going to the "system properties" item in the control panel - the bit depth is indicated there.

Technically, there are slight differences. The first, in fact, is that a 64-bit OS "sees" large amounts of memory and knows how to work with them. Second, it allows you to run 64-bit applications.

64-bit OS allows you to run regular 32-bit programs. In the usual way, no settings are required for this. Everything as usual.

It's just that a 64-bit system has a subsystem for executing 32-bit applications. Therefore, you can successfully install and work with both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

Now there are few such x64 applications, although their number is constantly growing. This is especially true for resource-intensive programs - graphics and video editors, and so on. Those. all programs that primarily need large amounts of available memory for work.

For example, so that some video editor could use more than 4 GB of available memory in its work.

For example, modern applications of the Adobe CS5 series are 64-bit only. This means that, say, Photoshop CS5, Dreamweaver CS5, etc. will only be able to run on a 64-bit system. They simply won't start on a 32-bit OS. Why?

Because 64-bit OS can run 32-bit applicationsbut not vice versa!

ATTENTION! Following technical moment -64-bit OSs require 64-bit drivers.

As a rule, all modern (not older than two years) PC devices, laptops and peripherals have two driver versions on the accompanying installation disc - 32 and 64-bit.

Therefore, there will be no problems with modern devices - as usual, we insert the disk with the driver into the drive and start the installation, the installer will itself determine the Windows version and launch the driver corresponding to the bitness.

If there is no disk or there is no 64-bit driver on it, you must visit the official website of the developer specific deviceto download such a driver. The same applies to legacy hardware.

ALWAYS check for 64-bit versions of ALL required drivers BEFORE you start installing 64-bit Windows!

Bit processor

Accordingly, to be able to install 64-bit Windows, your processor must support 64-bit instructions (otherwise you won't even be able to start installing 64-bit Windows).

These instructions can be called in different ways: for Intel - IA64, for AMD - AMD64. To make sure your processor supports the correct instructions, use special program, which displays information about the processor, incl. about supported instructions.

A simple, free and understandable even for a beginner utility CPU-Z is perfect.
You can download it here:

Where to get and how to determine
64-bit applications?

64-bit software can be determined without difficulty. On packaging in system requirementsusually indicates that this program 64-bit. The same can be indicated separately on the packaging.

If you purchase some software via the Internet, then belonging to the 64-bit architecture is also indicated.

Here's an example: my licensed boxed windows version Vista Ultimate.

Includes two installation disc - 32 and 64-bit OS:

Do not pay attention to the "English-speaking" in this case, the OS was just bought in the United States.

Computer architecture (English Computer architecture) - the structure of a computer that determines the processing of information and the principles of interaction technical means and software.
Computer random access memory (RAM, RAM). The abbreviated computer memory is called RAM (random access memory) or RAM (random access memory).

What is bit depth? Bit depth - the ability to simultaneously process a certain number of bits.
All systems Linux exist in two flavors - 32-bit and 64-bit.
Architectural differences between 32 and 64-bit versions Linuxof course there is.
The most important features and differences that directly relate to the user and that have to be faced:

1. The maximum amount of random access memory (RAM).
2. The bitness of the operating system (32 or 64-bit).
3. The bit capacity of the processor.

The maximum amount of RAM.

32-bit the operating system can use "see" no more than 4 GB of RAM... This is the most important difference, and the most significant. If your computer has random access memory (RAM) - 2 GBthen 32-bit the operating system works fine with this volume.

64-bit the operating system can handle much more ABOUTmore memory - up to 192 GB.

If you are on a computer with 4 GB RAM you will be running 32-bit OS, then she simply will not see such a volume. All she can use is roughly 3.5 GB of 4 GB. It cannot provide the rest of the volume for running programs. Of course, if you install on a computer with 8 GB RAM, say, and at the same time you will remain on 32-bit system, then she also will not see more 3.5 GB of the entire set volume and the remaining 4.5 GB will simply remain unused.

What features does a 64-bit system have?

Visually - none. Those. outwardly - this is an ordinary OS that does not stand out in any way from 32-bit option.
Technically, there are slight differences. The first, in fact, that 64-bit OS"sees" large amounts of memory and knows how to work with them. Second, it allows you to run 64-bit applications (32-bit - no).

The bit capacity of the processor.

Accordingly, to be able to establish 64-bit Linux, your processor must support 64-bit instructions (otherwise you won't even be able to start installing 64-bit Linux). These instructions can be named in different ways: Intel - IA64, AMD - AMD64.

To determine what bit processor (32 or 64-bit) your computer is, run the following command in the terminal:

As you can see in the picture after executing the command, the architecture of my computer x86_64, i.e. 64-bit... And the processor supports both 32-bitand 64-bit architecture of the installed systems.
If after executing the command you see numbers x86, i686 or i386, then the processor of your computer is 32-bit and you can only install on it 32-bit systems.

To check the architecture of the installed Linux OS on your computer, run one of the following commands in a terminal.

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