How to change the home page in Internet Explorer. Changing and customizing the start page in the Google Chrome browser How to change this page

It would seem that the Internet Explorer browser is rarely used today, but this is not so, it is still used by many users. By the way, you can be sure of this if you look at the site traffic statistics, for example. And these users sometimes have problems associated with changing their favorite home page for various reasons: either when installing a program or game, the home page changed, or the browser start page changed due to a virus.

After reading this guide, you will learn how to:

  • change Internet Explorer start page
  • make, or any other page of your favorite and familiar site the home page of Internet Explorer

How to make a home page in Internet Explorer?

In this example, we will consider the Yandex site as the home page for the explorer, the other site is set in the same way.

Through the program settings

So, we are faced with the task of changing the home (start) page of the Internet Explorer browser. To get started, go to the Start menu, select Control Panel.

Browser or reviewer is a program for viewing pages of sites published on the Internet (for example, IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome).

Double click on the icon Internet Options

You will see the Internet Options dialog box. Find on the General tab, find the Home page item and instead of the text specified in the text field, enter the address of our usual home page (for Yandex), (for

After entering the address of your favorite page in the text field, close this window by clicking on the OK button.

Now it's time to look at the result of the work done. Close or minimize all windows to show Desktop and double click on the Internet Explorer icon.

After our browser window opens, the starting home page should load.

Through the Windows registry

Is it possible to change the home page in Internet Explorer? Yes. To do this, you need to open the Registry Editor window, for example: open the "Run" dialog through Win + R and enter the regedit command. In the window that opens, you need to find the branch: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main in the Start Page parameter, specify the address of the new browser start page.

That's all! It turns out everything is much easier than it seems!

Video for Windows 7

With Uv. Andrey Kudryashov!

When you launch the Google Chrome browser, it shows the default start page, which usually shows a Google search engine box and a list of most visited sites. A similar window is displayed when you launch the main (home) page of the browser.

But in some cases, installed programs or exposure to viruses can lead to a change in the start and main page in chrome.

If you want to return everything to its original state, or just customize the browser for yourself, use the instructions below.

Set the main (home) page in Google Chrome

1. Open the browser and click on the "Customize and manage Google Chrome" button, which is located in the upper right part of the window, to the right of the address entry line.

2. In the menu that appears, select "Settings".

The Chrome settings tab should open. Moreover, if an empty tab was opened, then the settings will be displayed on it, and if any site was opened, then the settings will be loaded on a new tab.

3. In the "Appearance" section, check the box next to Show home button. As a result, a button in the form of a house will appear at the top of the panel, using which in the future you will get to the main page of Google Chrome.

4. Click on the "Change" link that appeared after completing the previous step. A window should appear in which you need to select the “Next Page” item and enter the address of the desired site. By default, the Quick Access Page is set as the home page. In this example, the home page has been changed to

Now, when you click on the “Home Page” button, the site indicated above should open.

Change the start page in Google Chrome

1. Just like in the first example, you need to open the settings by clicking on the "Customize and manage Google Chrome" buttons and select the "Settings" item.

2. There are three options for setting the Chrome start page:

  • By default, the Quick Access Page is launched.
  • Work continues from the same place. Those. on startup, the same tabs are loaded that were open when the browser was shut down.
  • Any site that will open when you start Google Chrome is installed.

In this example, we will make changes using the 3rd method.

3. Click on the "add" link next to the item "Next pages". This should display the Home Pages window. In this window, you can enter one or more sites that will open in separate tabs when the browser starts.

You can also click the "Use current pages" button, which will add to the list all sites currently open in Google Chrome.

4. That's all. Now you can click the "OK" button and check how the Google Chrome start page has changed at startup.

As a rule, most users open the same web pages every time they open their browser. It can be a mail service, a social network, a work site or any other web resource. Why spend time every time opening the same pages when they can be assigned as the start page.

The home page or start page is the assigned address (or addresses) that automatically opens every time the browser is launched. In Google Chrome, several pages can be assigned as the start page at once, and this does not have to be the default search engine at all. This can be done in two completely different ways, and we will talk about each of them further, starting with the most obvious.

Method 1: Browser settings

The start page of any web browser can be changed through its settings, and Google Chrome is no exception.

  1. Open the browser menu (three vertical dots to the right of the address bar) and select "Settings".
  2. Scroll down the opened page to the block "Launch Chrome", and select one of the three options presented there:
    • "New inset"- a blank tab will be opened, by default this is the Google page.
    • "Previously opened tabs"- Chrome will open as it was before closing.
    • "Specified Pages"- the ability to set any site or sites as a start.
  3. Just the last point - "Specified Pages"- requires more careful consideration. It implies two options:
    • "Add Page";
    • "Use Current Pages".

    The first allows you to specify any site as your home page, for which you just need to enter its address in the appropriate line and click on the button "Add".

    The second one makes it possible to use as a start all web resources currently open, only some of them or those that you yourself want to specify in this section.

    In fact, it is practically the same as "Previously opened tabs" discussed in the previous paragraph, only with more specifics. The best solution here would be to choose those sites whose pages you have open all the time (for example, a social network, mail, music, etc.). In this case, each of the addresses in the list can be "Change"(indicate any other preferred instead) and "Delete".

  4. Whichever of the options for setting the home page in Google Chrome you choose, it will immediately take effect. Saving is not required, but in order to evaluate the effect of the changes made, the browser must be restarted.

Method 2: Search engine sites

Most search engines provide the ability to set their home page as the start page, and almost all of them make such an "offer" when visiting them directly. Among these are the following:


Now you know how to change the start page in the Google Chrome browser, thereby providing you with the ability to quickly access one or more of your preferred web resources.

We all want the work with browsers and search engines to go, as they say, "without a hitch and without a hitch." Therefore, it is very important that our favorite, or the most popular one, be in the browser as the start page, so as not to waste extra time looking for it. Today I will teach you how to do it.

How to set start page in chrome

If you are working with Google Chrome, then in the upper right corner you will see three horizontal lines. Click on them and go to settings.

A special window will appear in front of you, in which there is an item - Open at startup. In it, put a tick on the mark Specified page and click Add.

After that, a window should appear in which we need to add a page that will open when the browser starts, add it in our case, this is Yandex and press ok.

After that, you can immediately close the settings. Now just restart your browser and after starting the browser, Yandex should open. That's how easy we installed Yandex as the start page in the Google Chrome browser.

How to set the start page in opera

If you prefer Opera, then go straight to the menu button. It's a huge icon in the top left corner. Here you will see various tabs with settings that can help you change themes and other settings. But now log in through the settings.

Select Browser on the left. In the right part, we are looking for the heading At startup, check the item Open a specific page or several pages and click Set pages.

In the window that appears, you must enter the address of the page from which you want to start your journey on the Internet, we install Yandex and click OK. Now, after starting the browser, Yandex.

How to set the start page in Yandex Browser

There is no start page provided. But you can install something:
Click on the special icon with three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner.

In the field that appears, click on the settings tab. There are several points here. You need "Where to start?". If you do not need a quick access page, then click on the second item - restore tabs. Then every time you open Yandex, you will see the pages opened in the last session.

All of us have installed Yandex as the start page in the browser.

How to set start page in internet explorer

Launch your browser. In the address bar, enter the address of the page you want to make your homepage and press Enter. At the top, under the address bar, find the "Tools" item and move to "Internet Options".

In the window that opens, you click "General" and "Current". The address bar sets the address of your page. Now apply the action and click ok.

We have reviewed the most popular browsers. In principle, following step-by-step instructions, you can easily set any page as a start page. In the same way, you can change the settings and set a different address at any time. Remember that this is not difficult.

Today, many cannot imagine life without the World Wide Web, but in order to enter there, an Internet browser is required (in common people - a browser). And often novice users do not know all the features of a particular program. In our article, you will find out the answer to the question of whether it is possible to replace a dull standard page with the one you want.

We'll look at four popular browsers, and first let's talk about "Google Chrome". To change the start page in it, go to the settings menu, to do this, click the button in the form of three horizontal bars in the upper right corner of the program window. You will see a list of functions, where you must select the "Settings" item. In it you will see the line "Open at startup", and under it - three different options. In this case, we are interested in the latter, namely, “Specified pages:”, it should be marked with an indicator in the form of a dot. Next, next to the right, click the "Add" hyperlink - and a small window should immediately open, where you should enter the address of the site, which will become the start page, and then click "OK". In addition, the "Google Chrome" browser may also need a so-called home page. The difference between it and the start one is that it is called by pressing the "Home" button in the upper left corner, and not when you launch a web browser. To install this feature, go to the "Settings" menu and check the box next to "Show the" Home button "". An "Edit" hyperlink will appear at the bottom. Click on it, and a window will open for you, in which enter the desired address and save the changes with the "OK" button.

In the Opera browser, the principle of setting the start page is the same as in Google chrom. First you must go to the settings menu to get there - use the key combination "Ctrl + F12" or "Alt + P". You can also simply click the "Opera" button in the upper left corner of the program window and select "Settings" from the list that opens. Next, you will immediately see the inscription “At startup”, and under it there are three options, so you won’t have to scroll anywhere. Again, we are interested in the last option, namely "Open a specific page or several pages." On the right, click the "Set page" hyperlink and in the new window enter the desired address, click "OK".

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, setting the start page is perhaps easier than in other Internet browsers, because everything is in plain sight. First, click on the button in the form of three horizontal stripes, the same as in "Google chrom", and click on the "Settings" button, a new menu window will open. In the "Basic" tab there will be a line "Home page", enter the address of a specific site in it and click "OK". And if you are on the resource you need, to simplify the process, you can save the start page with the "Use current page" button.

If you are using the standard "Internet Explorer", then you can install the start page by following these steps. First, click the "Tools" button, which is located on the top right, and select "Internet Options" from the context menu that opens. Next, a new window will appear, in it go to the "General" tab. Here you must enter the desired website address in the "Home Page" line and click "OK". That's all.

This article is relevant for the latest versions of programs. Since all developers are gradually changing the settings menu, we strongly recommend that you update your browser to the latest version, after all, it's completely free.

Hello everyone, today I will tell you how to change the start page in Google Chrome. The Google Chrome browser is rapidly gaining momentum. A third of all users in the world prefer to use it for browsing websites and on the Internet. And this is understandable. High speed, many additional extensions, saving the typed information, even in case of system failures, synchronization with a personal Google account - these are just a small list of features that distinguish Google Chrome from other software of this kind.

Like other browsers, Google Chrome has a feature that allows you to set your home page to your liking. It can be visual bookmarks, Yandex or any other site. Often, due to a number of reasons (browser restart, installation of third-party programs, etc.), the user has a question, how to change the start page in Google Chrome? To do this, you can use the following recommendations common to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

The first step is to go to the browser settings:

New inset

To display a page with a Google search bar and links to the most visited sites when starting the browser, you need to:

Previously opened tabs

To save the last session the next time you start the browser, you must:

How to change the start page in Google chrome to Yandex

Quite often, a user wants to set Yandex as their home page. It's easy to do.

What to do if the homepage cannot be changed

Installing an extension can sometimes cause the start page to change over and over again the next time you open the browser. For this you need:

If the start page cannot be changed in any way, you can proceed as follows.

When you launch the Google Chrome browser, it shows the default start page, which usually shows a Google search engine box and a list of most visited sites. A similar window is displayed when you launch the main (home) page of the browser.

But in some cases, installed programs or exposure to viruses can lead to a change in the start and main page in chrome.

If you want to return everything to its original state, or just customize the browser for yourself, use the instructions below.

Set the main (home) page in Google Chrome

1. Open the browser and click on the "Customize and manage Google Chrome" button, which is located in the upper right part of the window, to the right of the address entry line.

2. In the menu that appears, select "Settings".

The Chrome settings tab should open. Moreover, if an empty tab was opened, then the settings will be displayed on it, and if any site was opened, then the settings will be loaded on a new tab.

3. In the section " Appearance"Check the box next to the item Show home button. As a result, a button in the form of a house will appear at the top of the panel, using which in the future you will get to the main page of Google Chrome.

4. Click on the "Change" link that appeared after completing the previous step. A window should appear in which you need to select the “Next Page” item and enter the address of the desired site. By default, the Quick Access Page is set as the home page. In this example, the home page has been changed to

Now, when you click on the “Home Page” button, the site indicated above should open.

Change the start page in Google Chrome

1. Just like in the first example, you need to open the settings by clicking on the "Customize and manage Google Chrome" buttons and select the "Settings" item.

2. There are three options for setting the Chrome start page:

  • By default, the Quick Access Page is launched.
  • Work continues from the same place. Those. on startup, the same tabs are loaded that were open when the browser was shut down.
  • Any site that will open when you start Google Chrome is installed.

In this example, we will make changes using the 3rd method.

3. Click on the "add" link next to the item "Next pages". As a result, the Home Pages window should appear. In this window, you can enter one or more sites that will open in separate tabs when the browser starts.

You can also click the "Use current pages" button, which will add to the list all sites currently open in Google Chrome.

4. That's all. Now you can click the "OK" button and check how the Google Chrome start page has changed at startup.

In this tutorial, I'll show you where the Google Chrome start page changes.

In the last lesson on working with the Google Chrome browser, we analyzed the express panel. You can read this lesson at this link. In this simple tutorial, I will show you how you can change the start page that will load immediately after opening the browser.

First of all, open Google Chrome and go to its settings. To do this, in the upper right corner, click on the button in the form of three stripes, and then select the "Settings" item in the drop-down menu.

A new tab with settings will open in front of you. We are interested in the "Initial group" settings block. It is here that the page is configured, which will open immediately after the launch of Google Chrome.

The first item is the "Quick Access Page" - this is a page with standard Google Chrome bookmarks.

The item "Continue work from the same place" means that all those pages that were open at the time the program was closed will be loaded. The "Next Pages" item allows you to add one or more sites to the initial loading of Google Chrome. You can do this through the "add" link.

A new window will open in front of you, in which you can add one or more addresses that will be opened when Google Chrome starts. You can add the site address through a special field. Also, addresses can be entered through the "Use current pages" button. In this way, the addresses that are currently open in your browser are added. In order to delete a page, simply hover over it with the mouse and click on the cross icon to the right of the address. At the end, when you have set all the addresses you need, you must click on the "OK" button.

Now, as soon as you launch your Google Chrome, exactly the pages that you installed will open in front of you.

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The start page is available in most browsers. Users choose in this capacity the most familiar and convenient search engine. Yandex is popular in Russia. Therefore, users make it their home page. The main thing is to set up the computer correctly.

Sometimes the user does not like the start page set in the default browser. Therefore, it has to be changed. One option is to make Yandex your home page. Then it will be much easier to find the information you need.

The start page is a site that is loaded every time the default browser is launched. It also opens when the user presses the Home button or Alt+Home or Ctrl+Space. In this capacity, users usually use:

  • frequently viewed sites;
  • email;
  • resource lists;
  • news feeds;
  • search engines;
  • antivirus resources;
  • online translators;
  • SMS sending services.

Thanks to such pages, it is easier for the average person to use the Internet. There are also special pages containing links to popular resources. They are built into bootloaders, for example, Chrome or Opera.

However, the home page is an excellent target for viruses that inject advertisements or pornography instead. Therefore, competent users install antiviruses. Then virtual reality will be comfortable and relatively safe.

Automatic setting method

If the user does not want to use Google, it is better to replace the start page with Yandex. Automatic replacement is carried out in three stages. They are simple:

  • the owner of the computer follows the link;
  • now you need to find and download an application that will automatically configure the search engine;
  • the user launches the downloaded application.

How to make Yandex the start page in different browsers?

Many computer owners install several browsers on their favorite laptops or desktop PCs. Therefore, often the owner prefers that each bootloader on his device gives out different start pages. This problem is solved by manual configuration, which is performed differently for different browsers.

The newest (tenth and eleventh) versions of Internet Explorer are configured in the same way as those known from Windows 98. However, they are only compatible with the new Windows versions - 7, 8, 8.1, 10. To make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer, you need to run four simple steps.

  1. Click the "Settings" button in the upper right corner and select the "Internet Options" menu.
  2. Enter the desired home page address. Sometimes there are several of them, for example, Yandex and Google.
  3. In the "Startup" menu, select the option "Start from the home page".
  4. Now you can click OK!

Microsoft Edge

The Edge bootloader for the latest version of Windows uses Microsoft's MSN search engine. However, it is rarely used in the Russian Federation, unlike Google, Yandex or They are more comfortable for Internet surfing. Here's how to make Yandex the start page in this loader.

  1. Go to the bootloader settings by clicking on the three dots in the upper right.
  2. Select the Options menu.
  3. Open the item "Show in a new Microsoft Edge window" and check "Specific page or pages".
  4. Delete with a cross.
  5. Enter the Yandex URL.

In Chrome, setting up Yandex is even easier. The whole process consists of three steps. Let's list them.

  1. Open the bootloader menu and select the item called "Settings".
  2. In the browser settings, find the "Appearance" section and check the "Show home button" option.
  3. Now look at the address of the existing home site and select "Change" by entering the address

After that, Yandex turns into a home site. But to open it, you have to press the button in the form of a house. And for automatic start you need to do the following.

  1. In the upper right menu of the bootloader, select "Settings".
  2. In the "Initial group" check the item "Next pages".
  3. Select the "Add" link and enter the Yandex address in the appropriate line.
  4. Set Yandex as the main (default) search engine - using the "Search" section.
  5. Close the settings page.

The reconfiguration is now complete. It is important to remember that in this search engine, the home page is opened by pressing Alt + Home. It also makes life easier for the user.

Mozilla Firefox

It is not difficult to make Yandex a starting site in Mozilla. The main thing is the user's attention. The default page changes as follows.

  1. The user searches for "Settings" in the bootloader menu and opens the "General" tab.
  2. The owner of the computer opens the item "When Firefox starts" and "Show home page".
  3. In the field called "Home Page" enter
  4. The gadget owner presses OK.

Now the home page in MoZilla Firefox is set up. If the laptop is cleared of viruses, everything will start to function. Press Alt + Home to go to the start page.


In Opera, setting up a home site is easy. There is a standard algorithm. Let's bring him.

  1. Open the Opera bootloader menu.
  2. Find "Tools" and select "General Settings".
  3. Select the "Basic" tab, find the field called "On startup" and "Start from the home page."
  4. Select the "Home" option and write the address
  5. You can click OK.

Now Yandex start page in your opera! This search engine will automatically launch when the user opens the browser. All is ready!

On this, all the actions necessary to make Yandex the start page in Opera are done - now the Yandex site will open automatically every time you start the browser.


In this browser, they also start changing the main site from the "Settings" and the "Basic" tab. Now you need to find New windows open with and select Home page. In the address field, write

Sometimes it is not possible to change the home page. One of the causes of trouble is computer viruses. Usually, Webalta becomes the main site in each browser. To fix the problem, you need to check the labels. This is done in the following way.

  1. The owner of the laptop clicks the mouse (right button) on the shortcut and looks at "Properties".
  2. Now you need to pay attention to the "Object" field - there may be an indication of Webalt. You just need to delete it and click OK.

In most cases, this algorithm fixes the problem. However, sometimes you have to turn to professional programmers. They will carefully check the gadget for viruses and perform the necessary settings for Google, Opera or Mozilla.


Setting up Yandex as a start site is easy in any modern browser. The main condition is to carefully read the instructions on the Internet and make sure that there are no viruses on the computer. The schemes are similar for different loaders, so even a novice user can handle this task.

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