Virtual storage of files. How to create a cloud for storing files

Right now, you can absolutely get at your disposal as much as 10 gigabytes of free space. Games, music, photos, videos - all this you can store in the cloud storage, kindly provided by the company "Yandex". In this material, we will consider what "Yandex.Disk" is and what generally are cloud technologies.

What is Yandex.Disk?

Yandex.Disk is a service from Yandex, allowing the user to download their data and access to them through cloud technologies. But in order not to go far into theory, let's look at how cloud technologies work.

Cloud storage  - this is a virtual flash drive, which you do not need to carry around. Today you need to make a report and bring it to work tomorrow. You load this report into the vault at home, then come to work, download it from your account and show it to your superiors. No flash drives, disks or other media - everything is implemented via the Internet and Cloud computing.

And now let's return to the object under the aegis of Yandex. The technology of "Yandex.Disk" works exactly on the same system. The company gives you free of charge 10 gigabytes of free space, in which you can download any data format: from documents to music.

Download Page Yandex.Disk

In this repository, you can organize the files as you like. In fact, you get another computer that you can dispose of at your discretion. In addition, all documents, archives, music, etc. - all this can be played directly on the site, you do not need to download anything to your PC.

If you are an active user of all Yandex systems, then you are lucky twice, because Yandex.Disk actively interacts with other systems. Well, for example, you can open all e-mail attachments, plus, from your account you can view the entire download history or links to third-party files on the Yandex Disc system.

Finally, if you have several accounts, you can conveniently use several such repositories at once, defining, for example, one for work, and the other for photos. Again, the system itself is free, but if you need more space, you can purchase a subscription and buy, for example, a store for 1 Terabyte for only 200 rubles a month.

How to download and install Yandex.Disk? Get 10 GB in three clicks

For starters, we'll worry about the registration of the account - still, only we have access to our data. Therefore, go to and click "Start your own drive."

Yandex Login Page

Registration can be done in two ways. 1 is to create a new account. 2 - is to enter the system through social networks, such as "Vkontakte" or "Facebook". The second method is much easier, but if you do not have an account or you do not want to synchronize with the Yandex cloud storage system, create new account. How to do it, you will learn from the article: "".

Now we can start downloading Yandex Disk, it's done simply, literally in three steps.

Download page

Step 2 - click on the button "Drive for Windows".

Step 3 - open the downloaded file. As soon as the program starts, it will load installation file. After a few seconds the system will be updated, and as a result you will see a window about the installation. Please note that you can accidentally install "Yandex Browser", if you do not need it - uncheck it.

Yandex.Disk download

Installing Yandex.Disk

Now you have another folder on your computer, into which we will download the necessary data.

Yandex.Disk folder on your computer

How to use Yandex.Disk?

So, you found a new folder on your PC. We open it. Perhaps the authentication system will require you to enter your login and password, so do it and click "Sign In".

Sign in page

If you did everything right, Yandex will do good, and you will need to click on the button: "Get started."

And how to work with the disk now? It's very simple: we select a file on the computer and transfer it to the folder: "Yandex.Disk". Look at the screenshot - there is a file on the computer: "Database by articles". We transfer this file to the cloud storage folder.

Any file on your computer

Now, for example, you need this database at work. We open the site -, re-enter the system, if necessary, and eventually we see our file in the cloud storage.

The file in the cloud Yandex

And what can we do with the file itself?

  • download it to your work computer;
  • remove it from the vault (restore from the Recycle Bin);
  • copy / move / rename the file;
  • open the file (works with texts, tables, music, images and other types of files).

And most importantly - you can open access to downloading files to other people. Do not worry, general access  to the disk will be closed, you just give the opportunity, for example, the chief to download your report or another document. Plus, the link can be published in in social networks, which is also quite convenient.

How to delete Yandex.Disk?

If the technology you did not need, then remove it is also quite simple. Click on the icon in the tray (at the bottom of the screen on the left), then click on the gear icon and click "Exit".

Exit from Yandex.Disk

Now that the program is disabled, we can remove the disk from the computer. Go to "My Computer" or simply "Computer", depends on the system, click "Delete or change the program." We list at the very end of the list, click on the line with Yandex.Disk and click on "Delete". Plus, we confirm this action.

Removing Yandex.Disk

Yandex.Disk itself will be deleted in a matter of seconds, and after that a window will appear in which developers will be asked to describe the reason for removing Yandex clouds from your computer. Click on the desired square (or just close the window) and the removal process is now complete.

Reasons for removal

What in the end, do I need Yandex.Disk?

Believe that the use of cloud technologies in your life will greatly simplify the work with the transfer and exchange of data. You will no longer need to carry USB-drives with you and worry about your information in case of loss thereof.

Yandex.Disk is an incredibly convenient and reliable system that can be integrated not only into your computer, but also into your smartphone, tablet or even Smart.TV. Communicate to new technologies and make your life a little easier.

If you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

The development of the Internet has led to the emergence of various services that allow you to optimize the operation of multiple systems. This area is full of applications, allowing you to manage your device and files remotely.

Choosing a storage location

On the Internet today, many organizations provide the opportunity to store their personal data on their servers. Such services are both paid and free. It all depends on the specific conditions of information storage, where often paid services provide the client more space and claim that they reliably protect your data.

Among the most popular clouds, there are several main ones:

    1. Yandex.Disk;
    2. Cloud;
    3. Google Drive and many others.

All these services are absolutely free, but they are limited by the amount of allocated memory.

The procedure for creating a storage location depends on the specific service you choose to use. Often they all link to your e-mail. In order to start working with such a system, you first need to register in one of the selected services.

During authorization, sometimes you will need to answer a few questions. For example, when you already have a Google account, you no longer need to go through this procedure, since you are automatically granted access to the service.

The main element of access to your data is a program that allows you to manage them remotely. Of course, you can just go into it through the browser, but it's not always convenient.

Therefore, for this you need to download and install a special program on your device. They can be found right in the search engine. So, for Android devices  they can be found in the store.

The installation process is fairly simple, after which you are authorized and get to your disk management page. On it you can safely carry out any available operations.

It's easy to work in such services, since their interface is simple and intuitive, which does not require prior training. If you want to use other functions of cloud services, then you will need to select the appropriate Internet resources.
  A short video review of the best cloud storage  help you:

Nowadays, having a cloud file hosting has become an indispensable requirement, and we are spoiled for a wide range of services for storing copies of important files, for example, Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, etc. However, all of them have one common drawback. The storage location is limited and, ultimately, they do not cease to be a third party, which you are forced to trust your (sometimes confidential) files.

So why compromise if there is an obvious solution to this problem? Thanks to the growing contingent of developers it became possible to create your own cloud-based file sharing. Thus, there is no need to deal with an extraneous server, and your files are guaranteed to be visible only to you. Introducing 8 tools for creating your own cloud. They all offer unlimited space  and several functions that are not available for public cloud file hosting.

Note that some of them require familiarization with the process of setting up your own server. Having looked through the list, you will notice that the installation process is not so simple.

We have previously presented Bittorrent Sync as a means to move large files anonymously. But did you know that you can also use it to create your own cloud? You just need to configure the folder so that it works as a repository so that you can synchronize all files on all devices using Bittorrent Sync.

Supported Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Kindle Fire.

PClouds will solve the issue of creating a personal cloud-based file exchange so that you can easily share files between OS X and iOS. The program recently came out in beta and requires registration, but it looks solid, it's also easy to use, and it's possible to create a personal cloud in the Apple ecosystem without going through iTunes. There is also a simple file manager application for mobile devices. There are no plans for other OSes.

Supported Platforms: Mac OS X, iOS.

Incredibly diverse tool ownCloud is a free open source application that allows you to do more than just replace Dropbox for data exchange. Along with data storage, the application offers many other things: calendar management, task list, document editing and much more. you can install OwnCloud with instructions.

Supported Platforms: The client is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, Android. The server software is installed using the web installer.

Seafile is another open source version, represented as a tool for file synchronization and Internet collaboration. Can be used cloud service or configure resident servers. There are two types of the latter: Open Source and Business ($ 25 per year). In the application you will find a multifunctional online file editor, version control, a multi-platform for file synchronization and so on.

Supported Platforms: The client is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, Android. Server software is available for Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi.

Like OwnCloud, Cozy's goal is to provide the ability to service data using its own network applications. According to the developers themselves, Cozy allows you to turn the server into something like a personal Google App Engine. Developers stimulate users, promising to develop this in the future and to combine many different services and utilities in one bottle.

Supported Platforms: images are available on Virtualbox, Raspberry Pi, OpenVZ, Cubieboard2, Cubietruck.

AeroFS is an open source application for corporate users that offers tools for collaboration as part of a package of services. Developers also offer a free version for personal use with the support of three users. The service is proud of the high synchronization rates and the lack of a data transfer limit. You just need to install the AeroFS client on the device to start the synchronization chain.

Supported Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, Android.

SparkleShare uses Git for data service. This means that you will receive full version  the history of your files, as well as many other things that go along with Git. This will be an ideal solution if you have documents that require multiple changes. At the same time, however, the application does not do very well with large files.

Supported Platforms: The client is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux. And uses a Git server to store data.

Like SparkleShare - and as the name implies - git-annex also uses Git to manage files, but "without checking the contents of files on the Git server." This means that the application is better suited for large files, whose Git is adapted for use. This application is usually a command line, but for those who do not really understand this, there is a simpler alternative version.

Supported Platforms: server software is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.

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