How to open donations in the VK group. Overview of Community Applications "VKontakte

Now you will learn how to create and issue a group or community of any charitable VKontakte Foundation.

In this article, I will describe my vision of how the community of a charitable organization should be. We will go from simple to complex. Material I am writing for beginners who have never contacted the development of communities in VKontakte.

And why create a NPO Community VKontakte?

Let's take a job for a start, is it worth spending the resources to maintain the VKontakte community? Allocated five reasons:

  1. The community is more confidence in NPO
    Well, world companies can not be mistaken when they spend resources to keep social networks. The community is a key element for the formation of trust in the brand. Everything works here: the number of participants, husky, reposit and comments.
  2. The community is advertising in VKontakte
    Now according to the rules of the social network you can not post advertisements on behalf of personal Page. Create a community to post paid advertising, increasing the influence of NGOs.
  3. Community is proof of popularity
    When the technique breaks, you will most likely prefer to go to the workshop that a friend / relative recommended. This is the so-called, the first round of trust.

    When a person ripened for the first time to become a donor, he also needs "recommendations." Each comment, like and repost are proof. You will be trusted, and this is the basis for obtaining regular donations.

  4. Community is there to be where donors
    If you compare the site and the community as a means of disseminating information, the community will be far ahead. In 2017, VKontakte did everything so that the donors did not go beyond the staff. VKontakte is the Internet.

    Here the donors communicate, laugh, read news. Any resonant material of your NGO can easily "convey to another." Why create extra difficulty in communicating with the audience, creating a website on which, as a rule, do not even leave a message without registration?

    One click and all friends know that you helped animal shelter. Does the NGO refuse free advertisements, the effectiveness of which is even higher than many paid methods?

If you delve into the advantages of the community, it becomes obvious that it is not necessary to spend the NPO resources on the development of the site, and it is more profitable to succeed in the jurisdiction of the community. Then already take for everything else.

Use all the opportunities

Next, I will disassemble every element of the community in detail. Each, because the community only works when everything is customized, and not any part. Nobody will notice a good text without registration. And without the possibility of making a donation, people simply will not be able to pass money convenient for themselves.

NKO community design

How to make a community for NPO

Select a day to bring the community by order according to the instructions. I try to make recommendations as universal as possible, regardless of how the purpose of the NPO existence.

What type of community to choose for NKO

When creating a community, VKontakte will offer to choose the type of future community. If you do not go into details, choose the type "group".

In the "Title" field, enter the name of your NGO + the essence of the activity / motto. Here are the living examples:

  1. Site Marketing Charity
  2. "RusFond" help help
  3. "Our Children" Charitable Foundation

The fact is that the name of the community is almost the only element that will accurately browse from the audience. Even if a person glimpse the post in his news feed, most likely the name will be fully learned. We use a chance to secure the brand.

What the subject to choose for the NGO community

In the "Select Topic" field, you need to pick up the answer is as suitable as possible. The scatter is small there. This setting affects what interests will determine VKontakte with your subscribers.

If you are for the experiment, specify something like "cleaning services" or "training courses", then VKontakte can show your materials to people who are not at all interested in them, and this will reduce the site's confidence in the community.

VKontakte is arranged in such a way that if you subscribe to the cooking community, then you will have more information on this topic in the ribbon. Similar attracts like.

Most likely, these settings are suitable:

Provided that there is no more suitable for your version of the option.

How to issue a community of charity NGO

First thought to describe everything possible options Registration, but then realized that there was no sense of particular about it. Charity in Russia is not developed so much so that the overwhelming majority of NGOs have noticed the difference between different schemes of the design of their community.

Therefore, we will not bother the head with many available options, but dedicate the time to study the same scheme.

Community Cover Charitable NGO

When you go to the community from a phone or computer, the first thing, for which the look hooked is the Cover group. This is the largest design element that climbs on the screen without scrolling the page.

Do not perceive this cover as an example of a good design. Attached to understand everything where the cover is.

It is this element that will receive maximum attention from any visitor community. Do not try to make a stunning imagination design. It so happened that the face of charity in Russia is not too high-quality design.

Examples of poor design of the cover

Foundation "Children are waiting." It is clear what they do, but no confidence. Dubious idea with a child in a strip. Registration as if I swore from the VAZ 2110 car repair manual. Selected fonts do not look skillfully.

The same thing, but already better. It is clear to whom they help, but there is not enough brand. Add a fund logo. This design merges with other funds where the same approach is used, and these are already positioning problems.

Here is another example of a bad cover consisting only from the photo.

On the cover of the Foundation "Give Life", they nomed with information about the current charitable action. We look, and it is not clear how to help. Too many details in the design, and it only complicates the conveying sense. And too small font will not be read if a person goes to the community from the phone.

It is not clear that the fund and what money donates. A good attempt, but this cover should be finalized. In addition, someone made a mistake and squeezed the picture by vertical, so it turned out to be flattened that he did not add confidence in the Fund.

In this example, apparently, you need to make the text more useful. It is not clear that the Foundation promotes. Exhibition? Masterpiece album? Charitable collection for the salvation of art objects?

The text merges with the background, and it turns out bad.

Examples of good ceiling

They are good at least because they do not contain errors of other funds. There is nothing to comment on a particular approach immediately.

Everything is good here, except for the missing foundation logo. It is clear to what, it is clear how and I want to trust.

Donor will be clear to whom it will help and what fund everything organizes. The background photo corresponds to the subject of the action.

There is nothing superfluous. Registration corresponds to the action. There is a domain and the Foundation's logo (though, too small). Hosteg is used, which increases brand coverage.

This example is good with its atpiece, while maintaining understanding. A rare example of interlacing themes and methods for collecting donations.

Also good with design, logo, but not enough relevant charitable action. No reason to subscribe.

With such examples, it will not be bad. Now for a good result, it is enough to trace the conditions of this list:

  1. On the cover current charity collection
  2. Registration corresponds to the subject of activity
  3. The test is easy to read and refers to the topic of the Fund or Shares
  4. The logo of the Fund is noticeable and "entered" in registration
  5. There is a reason to subscribe to the community
  6. All of the above is relevant when viewing from the phone

Community Cover is community clothes that meet. Now charity in Russia is gaining momentum, which means most of the people will first get acquainted with the funds.

Why do NKO community need subscribers

The subscriber in a charitable organization is very important in four reasons:

  1. Postgraders' tape are shown free
    After subscribing, a person will regularly receive content from you. No need to pay for each point of contact, as if NKO placed advertising on television.
  2. There is an opportunity to build a long relationship
    If you write interesting audiences posts, then once a signatorous person can become a regular donor. In the long run, this greatly saves money to a charitable organization and makes its economy stable.
  3. You can receive feedback
    Laident subscribers will create social evidence of the activities of the Foundation. The more comments and likes, the easier of the new donors will make a donation for the first time.
  4. Formed a strong community
    Such a group of VKontakte has much more value. Subscribers become donors, then volunteers. People lead people, and the foundation will be fixed and developed at the expense of the main resource - people.

All I wrote above affects each subscriber's cost.

What should be a community avatar

For me, the most important quality avatar is awareness. Ideally, an adapted logo of a charitable organization should be at the site of the avatar. But for most logos it is not relevant.

Examples of bad avatarn

As a rule, there are two problems: either nothing can be seen or part of the logo is generally cut off.

The text is completely not visible.


There are too many small objects that turn into porridge.

Examples of good avatars

They are good because you can see + sometimes a strong visual image. We look:

Well distinguishable panda. This is a memorable image.

A well-known person on the avatar unequivocally positions the brand and immediately calls "addiction." People easily and quickly remember faces.

At the Life Line Foundation, a unambiguous logo, which, at the expense of the form, is allocated among others.

The same with the avatar at the Foundation "Need help".

Foundation "Sunflower" My favorite in the Avatar questions for the community. Final positive example from the Deadmosim Foundation.

Please adapt your logo under the avatar.

What to write to the community status

  1. Give a reference to the reporting of the Fund
  2. Give a link to the site of the fund
  3. Telephone hot line
  4. Contact email or Telegram
  5. Slogan Foundation or his appeal
  6. The name of the current charitable action

Use design templates

If the Fund or NKO has no opportunity to hire a specialist designer, then better idea There will be design.

Using the template, get the quality level above the average, but you may be slightly similar to other funds that use the same patterns. In my opinion, competition is not so tight so that the funds prevent each other.

Content community NGO

Why do you need a welcome post

If there are few subscribers and low activity in the community (comments, reposts, etc.), it makes sense to write a "welcome post".

This post, which is fixed at the very beginning and stays there hanging in order to quickly close the issues of all newcomers in the community.

Anyone is not comfortable in a new place for him, so our task is to do for donors "Road Map."

In most cases, for a charity NGO, the structure of the welcoming post will be like this:

  1. Greeting
  2. The key task, the solution of which is engaged in NPO
  3. What kind of content will be in the community
  4. Actual at the moment charitable action
  5. Reference to Fund Reporting
  6. Tip what to do next

Text must be attached to the picture. It will be great if it will complement the cover of the community, but not necessarily.

The picture should have text with greeting all visitors to the community.

Let us turn to the examples. Here is a welcome post from the world of commerce:

But the example of the post without a picture, but the structure is the same.

The order of work will be like this:

  1. Write text post by template
  2. Add a picture on the topic
  3. Secure the post at the beginning of the tape
  4. Welcome post is ready

When to change the welcome post

Welcome post is changing in the process of developing the charity community. Change it in two cases:

  1. When the Foundation disables active advertising, and the influx of new visitors is not meant at the moment.
  2. When the number of people who visit the community regularly and without ads comes to the required NKO mark.

At this moment, the welcoming post is replaced by the post, which describes in detail the current charitable action.

Why do we need goods in the community

If everything is unambiguous with the cover and welcome post, then the goods are more flexible in management. For proper approach A block with goods can get a little less of the views than the main page. But there are more interesting scenarios.

Charity Fair
Very often, shelters and funds arrange charity auctions. In this case, the best lots must be placed on the main community page. People are betting in the comments.

Actual charity events
If the fund collects donations by more than one goal at the same time, then the goods better describe these the most objectives. Urgent goals are better to place on main pageSo they will get a maximum of views.

A little later we will continue this article. Please expect.

Imagine the site where everything you can: communicate, learn news and receive new knowledge, watch movies and listen to music, play strategy and puzzle, book tickets, buy equipment, sign up for manicure, receive consultations of specialists. Even without moving to the next tab of the browser, the most common way to fulfill many other things that we do every day online and offline.

You might think that such a site is able to replace the entire Internet. And you will be right. "VKontakte" has already determined for himself that it will be more practical and safer for users. And, of course, more convenient for businesses and the variety of communities presented on it.

Probably, many of you have already noticed in some groups "Vkontakte" buttons inviting to leave a request, fill out the questionnaire, buy a ticket. Officially, running iframe applications in groups, VKontakte integrates on its platform functionality E-Commerce sites and makes a big step towards stop being just social network. Obviously, sales through groups are not only a new convenient opportunity for users and promising from a commercial point of view the decision for businesses presented in the social network. Globally, this strategy "VKontakte" to keep the audience even longer, to deprive its need to leave their contacts and money on third-party sites.

7 facts about community applications:

  1. Among the Russian social networks, the site "Vkontakte" first introduced the platform for applications. A month earlier, marketer for online shopping appeared on Facebook.
  2. To date, VKontakte officially authorized 8 applications for communities.
  3. At the same time, only one can be installed in the group. This means that if at some point the administrator understands that now it is more important for him to spend a survey than to negone the event, it will be necessary to temporarily remove the GIGZ application and replace it with "questionnaires". When you return to the previous application, all data inside it remains unchanged, however, the display of buttons and snippeet will have to reinforce the "Settings".
  4. Everyone can develop for its community own application. Of course, for this you need something to understand in programming.
  5. At the end of November, 24-hour Hakaton "VKontakte" was held in St. Petersburg, dedicated to the development of applications for communities. The winners were the creators of three applications: chat for communities, interactive recording for events and applications for writing to the car service.
  6. Thanks to cross-platform (for each application, a page on is created), applications are available not only on the desktop version of VKontakte, but also fully operate on mobile version Site and B. mobile applications Under iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
  7. There are several uniform settings for all applications:
  • Perhaps three options for visibility: applications can only be available to administrators, only community participants or everyone who opens a group page.
  • Snippeet text (buttons that appears if you give a link to the application) you need to choose from the proposed.
  • An arbitrary text can be specified the name of the application itself, as well as the buttons that will encourage users to go to it.

By the way, with the help of community statistics, you can analyze how one or another text on the button affects the transitions to the application. Testing different options to see which one will work better. Of course, you should pay attention to the fact that in the period under review, the community attendance should be approximately the same.

Authorized Community Applications Guide

We have made a guide to authorized applications for communities. In it, we systematized the possibilities of each of the 8 applications available for today in context for owners and the audience, led examples of businesses and non-commercial groups that these applications will be useful.

Download the PDF-format manual.

8 authorized applications. Short review

1. Jobs

Allows employers to place any number of vacancies and handle summaries from applicants right in VKontakte. Especially convenient for companies with large states of linear staff - networks of stores and restaurants, large industries. (To disseminate the brand and HR brand, large companies and holdings usually create separate communities for employees, for example, "Work in ADIDAS branded stores" and "Work in amrest" ).

It is convenient that companies can immediately appreciate " moral appearance, "Bekmarkund, professional and personal interests of the candidate, going to his personal page. It is convenient that they have the opportunity to receive the profiles of young candidates, because not all of them to their 20 years have acquired a resume on Head Hunter.

Community managers can configure notifications about new summary, automatically publish the vacancies created in the group's wall application, print your favorite profiles.

The main feature that applicants will appreciate - this is automatic filling Summary from the relevant fields of the personal page "VKontakte". Data can be complemented and modified.

2.YClients - online recording

The CRM system, familiar to many enterprises of the service sector, now appeared in Vkontakte. Customers of beauty salons, medical centers, car services and other businesses serving clients on a schedule can choose a convenient visit time on their own, and enterprise owners receive another sales gain tool. As a result, recording "is completed" with a minimum number of windows, customers are not lost, the involvement of community subscribers increases, conversion from subscribers to sales is growing.

3. Tickets for TimePad

The application fully duplicates the event page on the TimePad service. To announce an event or sell tickets, you must first create a page of the event on the site, then enter a link to it in the application - all data will be automatically used. You can use both in the groups themselves and in community meetings.

The application is free, however, it should be borne in mind that TimePad tickets takes the commission, in addition, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement with the service.

4. GIGZ - Poster of events

"Athis" can be used both in the groups themselves and in community meetings.

The following three applications belong to the developer Happy Santa. Presented from simple to complex.

5. Profiles

The application allows you to create questionnaires with questions. different types, as well as multi-step voting. The questionnaire can be a tool for studying the audience and a client brief or form feedback - Purpose depends on your tasks.

The functionality of the work block with statistics will help learn the audience at the desired angle, and setting up the alerts about the passage of the questionnaire for administrators and users will make the work comfortable for both sides. According to the capabilities of the questionnaire almost identical to Google Forms.

It will be useful not only to business communities, but also in any other.

6. Tests

An excellent opportunity to arrange a slice of knowledge of the audience of your group, not redirecting it to the external site. In addition, tests can be used to organize a different kind of quiz, for example, on the knowledge of the facts of the idol in the fan community.

There are several types of questions available here, in addition, administrators can decide at what stage the user will find out the right answers and will recognize them at all. To automate the results counting, each question can be assigned points.

Cons Applications: It is impossible to collect data in the context of a separate respondent. Response statistics are submitted in the summary of all the tests of the test.

7. Applications

This mini-CRM for VKontakte can become an excellent tool for converting social network users to customers.

Tip from Checkboxes:

The application is comfortable solves the tasks of managers processing incoming appeals: depending on the work with the client, applications can be assigned statuses, for each of the appeals to leave comments for colleagues and themselves, so as not to forget :) Important advantage: with potential customers You can contact the community name through messages, thus communicating with them as familiar to them.

Tip from Checkboxes:

That contact with the potential customer is as fast as possible, make sure that administrators receive automatic notifications about new applications, and so that customers are calm - set up automatic message The application is adopted.

8. Donations

The last application from Happy Santa, developed on the numerous requests of community representatives.

"Donations" will help organize fundraising through Yandex.Money, Qiwi Wallet, Paypal and CloudPayments.

By the way, Happy Santa will soon promise to release another very useful solution in our opinion - an application for community administrators "Moderator VKontakte". It will instantly inform community managers about new activities in groups, and therefore the answers to comments on the walls and in themes will not wait long ago :)

About the possibilities of this and other applications that are now being finalized and tested, we will tell us in one of our following reviews.

P.S. Let's follow together for the development of VKontakte applications. All new is well forgotten old, we remember the widgets with you.

I wonder if iframe application will come in this time?

In 2017, it is quite natural to assemble money for some needs. So, for example, when a person plays and makes Stream, some kind of money can slip up, that is, donated to give cash. Such a system is valid and VKontakte. After creating a public, it is possible to install a donation widget.

Many communities spend time and money to create and place the content that you like, so why can not install the button: "Think about a little on the development and further prosperity."

As you understood, in today's release, I will tell you how to add donations in the VK group.

How to add donations in the VK group

On a note! You can donate on wallets like Yandex. Money, PayPal and Qiwi. Legal entities Can take advantage of - cloudpayments.


1. Open your group and go to the Community Management section. The tab is located under the avatar in context menu Buttons "Actions".

2. Now click on "Applications", on the right, below. Find a donation application and click on the Add button.

3. It remains only to configure donations:

  • Change the name of the icon if you confuse the word "donate";
  • Who do you post this widget? If you want more possible money, then leave "all users";
  • Select the name of the snippet, these are the buttons referenced by the application;
  • Push the application name, then click "Save";

4. Climb a little higher and click on the "Go to Settings in Appendix" link. After you click on it, a new window will appear, in which you need to register everything you need:

  • First fill in the text block: it is visible to all users who have access to donations;
  • After that, select and configure the wallet to which donations will come: Yandex.Money (Wallet number), QIWI (phone number), PayPal (Name and E-mail), CloudPayments (for Jur. Persons);
  • Also do not forget to install a widget for distribution;
  • Click "Save";

As you see donations widget in group VKontakte Users

Go to your group and under the avatar pane you will see the "Donate" button, click on it.

I think that VKontakte can safely set off charitable organizations, parents of sick children, etc. Social networkDefinitely, constantly developing and in the future will only flourish.

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