How to make your own. Apps for app development: how to make an app for iOS and Android yourself

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Welcome to the pages of my blog. Now there are so many different ways to create your own website that you need not knowledge, but certain qualities of character: the ability not to be distracted by trifles, in a heap of advertising to be able to find truthful information and discipline, without it at all.

At first, the site does not bring any visible benefit. Not to stop and continue - all this is not the merit of motivation, as many people think, but discipline.

Today I will tell you what you need to create a website - basic needs, necessary programs, knowledge, skills and character traits that you will need to develop in yourself.

Let's get started without further delay.

Basic needs

Read my article in which I tell in simple and understandable words. Everything is described in great detail there. The first is the platform on which your site is hosted, thanks to which anyone can access it via the Internet. The second is the address to which this site can be found.

At the stage of choosing a hosting, you can hang for three weeks. Dig in to clarify all sorts of terms, read reviews, grind parameters. At first, all this is not important, additional parameters are needed when there is a need for them. A young site does not and cannot have any needs at all, and nevertheless, each of us immediately strives to understand all this PHP, FTP, and so on.

I recommend hosting you ... It is unlikely that you will drop everything right now and register in this system, but this will be the most correct decision. On the hosting market there is a real squabble for 100 rubles a month from a client. Everyone is trying to portray that he is better than the rest, and it is the beginners who suffer.

Take the first step into the unknown. Then you can change everything, although I doubt you will need it. At least after a while it will be quite difficult to fool you. You will understand everything with specific examples, there will be a real need for certain parameters on your part.

The title can be bought for only 99 rubles per year on the website ReGod ... I already wrote about that, but first you need an engine. I recommend it is popular and free. If you are going to create a website yourself, then you will not find a better option. Everything is extremely simple, and even if difficulties arise, you can always find a teaching lesson.

After these three components are obtained, you gradually begin to learn programming languages, which ones and what they are needed for - again, you will know the moment you need them.

At first, you can use templates for design. It is better to take in Russian, then it will be easier to understand them. I can offer you free ones from the site ... There are very few open source templates on the internet with no hidden conditions. That is, completely free.

Over time, you will need to, for example, increase the block size or change the color. Then you turn to programming languages, you can start learning them and not from scratch, but with some kind of base, skills.

Minor needs

Of course, you don't have to use a ready-made CMS, I offered it as a free and easy alternative.

If you decide to go the hard way, then you need specialists. Which ones? You can first hire a designer who will draw your site in Photoshop, then a layout designer who transforms the picture into an electronic resource, and then a programmer. He will write your own control panel and the necessary scripts for you, for example.

In order not to waste money and time on specialists, I suggested that you use a free engine. There are ready-made templates for it, and (scripts, applications) can be downloaded and installed, again, for free. Since the engine is popular, a bunch of specialists write and publish their creations for free access.

You may also need a layout designer if you have a design, you want to change it a little, but you don't want to know anything about the code. You can find a specialist at an adequate price on the sites and Weblancer ... Here you can also find a copywriter who will write texts for you or an editor.

Important qualities

To create your own website, as I have already said, programs are not so important as certain character traits. The most basic one is the desire to move forward, to learn, not to stop at one place.

For example, someone creates a website, they are happy with everything. He does not think about how to make more money, make the blog more attractive to the reader. Such a person stands in one place, writes articles one after another, and that's it. This strategy is not so bad, but if you want to learn, then you can achieve more.

For a year now I have been doing at the school of bloggers Alexander Borisov and I am constantly learning something new. I haven't even gone halfway yet. I am constantly working, developing my blog. In addition, I try to comprehend something extra: Yandex Direct, layout, coding.

I can offer you a course “ WordPress 4. An example of creating a blog ". You will learn how to draw templates, make up websites yourself. You can go through it in one evening from start to finish. Learn everything there is to know about Wordpress.

Everything is fine with this engine, but it also has its drawbacks. Nothing is perfect. If you want to create an online store, you can forget about it. Not all plugins on the internet are free and useful. Unfortunately, the one that converts is quite expensive and not too "correct".

In this case, I'll recommend OpenCard. Mikhail Rusakov also has a course on creating a website using this CMS. It is called “ Creating an online store on OpenCart 2.0 ". In addition to basic skills, you will receive useful bonuses: how to save money on Yandex Direct, promote your site, and so on.

The most important thing when it comes to websites is the desire and ability to learn, but it is even more important to take the first step. Get your portal, and then develop it, build momentum, learn new methods.

You can't be a theorist in our industry. It is impossible to bury yourself in one branch with your head. Try to get useful knowledge now and try to do it as quickly as possible. Once we figured out the code, let's move on, and learn how to increase profits - the next question.

Spinning around in one place, trying to comprehend everything, you delve into one industry and risk staying in it. It is not bad to become a good designer, layout designer or copywriter yourself, but it is much better to at least understand everything a little bit and delegate what you don't like to other people. In this case, you will get more profit.

Developing a video game is not easy. However, if you have a million dollar idea, it's best to start ASAP! There are more and more independent developers lately, and creating a game has never been cheaper or easier. This article will guide you through the major milestones in making a video game.


The basics

    Choose a genre. Yes, all successful games are unique. However, they can be classified as belonging to one genre or another. Decide on a genre first! And the genres are as follows:

    • Arcade
    • Shooter
    • Platformer
    • Race
    • Quest
    • Endless run
    • First person shooter
    • Manga
    • Tower defense
    • Horror
    • Fighting
    • Comedy
    • Survival
  1. Select a platform. The platform chosen will significantly affect the further development process, not to mention how the game will be controlled - from the keyboard, joystick or tablet screen.

    • The general rule is that it's easier to develop a game by immediately imagining how and on what it will be played. There are exceptions, of course, but there are exceptions to all the rules.
    • Want to make a game for the iPhone? It will need to be sent to the AppStore from a Mac computer.
  2. Write a draft of the game concept. In a couple of pages, outline how to play your game. This alone can give you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhether such a game will be successful.

    Create a basic philosophy for the game. It's like the motivation that will make the player play and play, this is the very essence of the game. Feel free to check if you have deviated from philosophy during the development process. Examples of game philosophy include:

    • the ability to drive a car;
    • the ability to check the player's reflexes;
    • the ability to simulate the economy of a space power.
  3. Write down all the specifics of your game. Features are what will set your game apart from thousands of others. Start by listing ideas and concepts, then rewrite them into meaningful sentences. Prepare 5-15 features. For instance:

    • Concept: building a space station.
    • Feature: you can build your own space station and control it.
    • Concept: damage from meteorites.
    • Feature: the player tries to survive in conditions of meteor showers, flares in the sun, and so on.
    • List the features now, and then it will be easier for you to insert them into the game development plan. It is better to lay all the features at the very beginning than to "mold" everything then one onto another.
    • Rewrite the list of features until you understand, "This is exactly the game I want to create."
  4. Take a break. Hide the drafts on the table for a week or two. Then take it out and look at them with a fresh eye. It won't hurt.

    We draw up a development plan

    1. Write down everything to the smallest detail. The development plan is the backbone of your game. Everything is in it. Even so: everything is in it. Mechanics, plot, setting, design, and so on. And it is not the format that is important, the essence is important, the content of this document is important.

      • Development plans become especially important when you have a team under your command. The game development plan in this case is a desktop ... command file. Be precise, specific and clear in the wording describing certain aspects of the game.
      • Not every game has a development plan, and no two plans are the same. This article is only a general guide, but you are free to make your own changes.
    2. Create a table of contents. The table of contents should list every aspect of the game. The only thing that should not be mentioned there is about the plot, unless the plot is closely related to the mechanics of the game.

      • The table of contents is almost like a game guide. Start with general sections, then divide them into subsections.
      • The table of contents is like a rough draft of the game. But each of the points should have details, a lot of details!
    3. Complete each item in the table of contents. Describe everything in such a detailed and understandable way that, starting work on coding and drawing, everyone and everything would be understood, and at once. Every mechanic, every feature - everything must be 5+ explained!

      Show the game development plan to other people. Depending on your approach, making a game can also be a collaborative effort. Other people's opinions about the game can make it better.

      • Tell the person that you are going to release the game. If a person thinks that this is just an idea, criticism may be superficial.
      • If you decide to show the game development plan to your loved ones (usually shown to parents), keep in mind that their assessment may be too lenient than if the game was criticized by an avid gamer. No, this does not mean at all that you cannot show the plan to parents. You can, but do not forget to show it to those who have experience in this area.

    We start programming

    1. Select an engine. The engine is the backbone of the game; it is the set of tools needed to create it. Of course, it is much easier to take a ready-made engine than to start developing your own. For individual developers, the choice of engines is wide and varied.

      • The engines make it easier to work with graphics, sounds and artificial intelligence.
      • Different engines - different pros and cons. Some are better suited for 2D games, some are better suited for 3D. Somewhere you need to better understand programming, somewhere you can start working without distinguishing a function from a procedure. The following engines are popular:
        • GameMaker: Studio is one of the most popular 2D game engines.
        • Unity is an easy-to-use 3D game engine.
        • RPG Maker XV is a scripting engine for creating 2D JRPG-style RPGs.
        • Unreal Development Kit is a 3D multipurpose engine.
        • Source is a very popular and frequently updated 3D game engine.
        • Project Shark is a 3D engine for beginners and advanced users.
    2. Study the features of the engine or hire a specialist for it. Depending on the choice, it may be necessary to program a lot. However, even with the simplest engines it is not so easy to understand. Therefore, if the task seems too strong for you, find a professional.

      • This could be the start of teamwork on the game. First - a programmer, then a sound specialist and designer, then a tester ...
      • There is a huge community of independent developers to work with. If people like your idea, they will be inspired to help you bring it to life!
    3. Make a prototype of the game. After examining the engine, prototype the game. This is essentially a test of the basic functionality of the game. No graphics or sound needed yet, just placeholders and a test area.

      • Testing and reworking the prototype should be done until it's fun to play. During the checks, it is necessary to identify everything that is not working correctly and make the appropriate changes. If the prototype does not excite people, then the game itself is unlikely to amaze them.
      • The prototype will change more than once or twice. This is normal, because you never know in advance how this or that mechanic will behave.
    4. Work on your controls. Player control is the basic level of game functionality. At the prototype stage, it is important to make management as convenient as possible.

      • Bad, difficult, incomprehensible controls - a frustrated player. Good, high quality, precise control - a happy player.

    Working on graphics and sound

    1. Think about what the project needs. Maybe your game will have enough strict geometric shapes and 16 colors? Or do you want complex drawings created by an entire design team? And the sounds? Be realistic in your estimates and hire people accordingly.

      • Most individual games are created by a small team or even one person. Please note that it will take much longer to create a game alone.
      • There are many free resources available for everyone. The main thing in this business is not to violate copyright.
    2. Draw rough artwork. Start working on the visuals of the game, so that the game finds the atmosphere that you saw in your dreams.

      Design the game world. Are there any arts for the game? You can begin to move on to creating a game and, taking into account the style, start drawing levels or game areas. If your game is in the "puzzle" style, then, accordingly, come up with puzzles.

    3. Improve your graphics. Depending on the chosen style of graphics, different programs can come to your aid, for example:

      • Blender is one of the most popular 3d editors (and it's free). The network is full of tutorials on it, so it won't be a problem to figure it out and get started quickly.
      • Photoshop is very useful at the stage of creating textures, as well as for rendering 2D art in general. Yes, it is paid. If you want a free analogue - take Gimp, it has almost the same functionality.
      •, a free alternative to Paint Shop Pro, makes it easy to create 2D art. This program is especially useful when working on 2D pixel art.
      • Use Adobe Illustrator. This program is great for vector graphics. It's not cheap, so if you're running out of money, use Inkscape, a free and open source Adobe Illustrator alternative.
    4. Record the sound. Sound is a very important component of the atmosphere of any game. Whether you have music, whether it is not, what sound effects are played and when, whether dialogues are voiced - all this will have a significant impact on the player's experience of the game.

      • There are free and functional audio programs available on the web. If you're on a tight budget, they are a great choice.
      • You can record sound from home, using available tools.

20 Feb

Hello! In this article, we will show you how to create your own website yourself.

Today you will learn:

  • How can you create your website;
  • Constructors and CMS that are used to create;
  • What is better, make the site yourself or entrust it to a professional;
  • What to do with the site after its creation.

The excitement around sites has not subsided for more than ten years. On the Internet, sites are one of the most demanded and popular ways to make money. And over time, almost all companies appreciated the site's contribution to the development and customer acquisition. It is because of the demand for sites that you should know how to create, promote and use sites.

In order to better understand how sites should look like, what information should be posted on them, and in general, how to create them, you first need to understand the types of sites and their features. Let's consider different types from the simplest to the most complex.

Business card website

Perhaps the easiest site to create. It is made by both small companies and for promotion at the initial stages, as well as by individual specialists (designers, photographers, etc.).

A business card site usually consists of several pages:

  • Basic information about the specialist;
  • Page with services and prices;
  • Job reviews;
  • Contacts to contact.

It is slowly becoming a thing of the past, since companies can create full-fledged sites for themselves for better search engine optimization, and specialists, launching their site on the network, or presenting a new project to the public, most often use Landing Page. The budget of the business card site is 500-3000 rubles.

One-page (Landing Page)

Hosting - placement of the site on the Internet by a third party.

All files that relate to the site must be stored on specific computers - servers. They provide a seamless connection between the site visitor and the portal itself. Companies that provide their servers for websites are called hosters.

Hosting cost depends on the size and traffic of the site. On average, at the initial stage, it will take 100-200 rubles per month to secure a place on the server. Over time, when the site will expand to 7-8 thousand visitors per day, you will need to pay about 1 thousand rubles per month of using the server.

The Internet is now full of hosting companies, and therefore you need to be very careful when choosing a partner.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. Stability of work... Your site must be accessible 24 hours a day, regardless of the circumstances.
  2. Personal account interface... It is desirable that all processes are controlled by several buttons.
  3. Cost of services... Do not underpay, because you can get low-quality hosting, and the site will crash several times a week, but overpaying is also stupid. Within 1 thousand rubles a month, you can find a good company that can keep the site 24/7 and provide all users with access to it.

Constructor or self-development

We have come to one of the most important topics. What's better? Use CMS to create your own unique website or constructor. Let's consider each of the methods separately.

Using CMS.

CMS is a content management system. It is also called the site engine.

With its help, you can create, layout, select a unique design and embed various services on sites. The main advantage of creating websites using a CMS is complete freedom. The user himself has the right to choose what design to make on the site, how to lay out materials, which services to add for more convenient work, etc.


This is a service with a huge number of ready-made templates for the site.

It is very easy to create your own project using the constructor. No knowledge and skills are required. It is enough to choose the appropriate template from the list (usually more than 100 different options), then configure all the necessary services and start filling the site. This option requires much less time and effort, and is also financially less expensive.

In order for you to be able to assess the advantages, disadvantages and features of work in each of the options, take a look at the table:

Characteristic CMS Constructor
Site creation Difficult process Easily
Code editing There is a possibility No possibility
Free Difficulties arise
Design settings Free Severely limited
Financial expenses High Low

As you can see, absolutely anyone can cope with the creation of a website on the constructor. No programming knowledge is required and several tens of hours spent on design selection. You can create a ready-made website that will function in 2 hours.

At the same time, some constructors may have difficulties with website promotion in search networks. Also, many platforms do not provide the ability to independently create a design from scratch, which can also somewhat hinder attracting customers. The costs for this method are minimal: buy a premium plan, remove ads and register a domain.

Website creation using CMS - the process is complex and creative. It requires a lot of programming and design knowledge. Additionally, you will need to buy hosting and register a domain yourself. But for all this, the site owner gets complete freedom in design and promotion.

Sites with the help of CMS are much better indexed and come out higher in search results. This is a very important parameter if you seriously want to create a SEO site, the income on which will directly depend on the line in the search engine.

Which of the ways to create a site to choose is everyone's decision. You need to carefully study the goals of creating a site, and the risks that can be acquired with one way or another of creation. If you are seriously aiming at making money, then the designers need to be discarded, and start creating a website on the CMS. So it will reach the top search results faster and allow you to make money on it much earlier. But if this is the first site, and there are no special plans for it, then the builder is the ideal solution that will help save time and money.

11 most popular website builders, landing pages and online stores

For those who are seriously interested in website builders.

Top 11 most popular and demanded platforms on which you can freely create sites.


Is one of the most popular page builders when it comes to one page. It allows you to create attractive landing pages that actually sell. At the beginning of 2017, this designer has more than 385 thousand customers, and this is only in Russia. All over the world, he rightfully occupies one of the leading lines in the field of creating landing pages.

Of course, his main specialization is landing pages. But nevertheless, he can cope with the task of creating ordinary sites, business cards and online stores quite simply. The number of templates is very small - there are only 46, but each of them is really unique. In addition, the user is given the opportunity to collect the landing page he needs from 9 blocks.

The system automatically allows you to set up everything you need for a good landing page: syncs wallets for payment, tests the number of visitors, analyzes the sales funnel, etc.

In general, it turned out to be a very high-quality designer for creating landing pages. With its help, you can start selling literally the next day after launch.


- a solid designer for landing pages. Average quality, average design and average prices.

Allows you to create interesting landing pages by customizing templates. There are more than 100 standard options in the database, but users are also given the opportunity to create a design by themselves, by dragging and dropping various parts into blocks. The standard features of the designer for automatic binding of wallets, analysis of conversion and traffic.

A fairly balanced average landing page builder comes out.


Lpgenerator - another constructor specifically for landing pages. But unlike lpmotor, it is designed specifically for advanced users. With the help of this constructor, you can create a truly unique and selling website, realize all your best practices in the field of sales and increase conversion to the maximum.

First, about templates. There are many more free templates than lpmotor. All of them are not so highly specialized, there are similar options that will allow you to choose the design you like. At the same time, you can buy both a non-unique design in the store - it will cost around 5 thousand rubles, or order a completely unique design, but for much more money - 30 thousand rubles.

The following features deserve attention: creation of up to 50 landing pages in a few clicks, the ability to launch 5 different pages with one product and track the conversion for them, automatic linking of all wallets and widgets. But the prices in this constructor bite a lot. The lowest tariff is 1700 rubles per month of use.

Professionals will really like the wide possibilities that will be difficult for a beginner to implement. New users are given a trial period to evaluate the functionality of the constructor within 7 days.


- the world's most popular website builder. It attracted millions of users to its networks with its simplicity, colorful design, many templates, and affordable prices.

First, about the indisputable advantages. Chief among them is the huge number of templates. Each theme has at least several dozen different options. Yes, they are really broken down by topic. All of them are absolutely free. At the same time, you can modify your design, the platform provides such an opportunity. But changing the source code of the page will not work, and this is the only drawback.

The control panel is quite convenient. Most of the functions are carried out just through it. But it will take some time to get comfortable with the interface. From here you can add animations, videos, add animated stripes and many other effects.

Plus, this platform has its own app store. This all compensates for the disadvantages of the engine, allowing you to expand its functions. But at the same time, there are frankly useless applications. The webmaster has the opportunity to create a forum, make online payments, and many other interesting and really useful things.

Weeks is ideal for beginners. There they will be able to find everything and even more in order to create their site from scratch without having any special knowledge. But there are much more interesting services for professionals.


- quite an interesting constructor, the main specialization of which is online stores. This does not mean that other sites turn out badly on it. On this platform, in addition to stores, very high-quality business cards and landing pages are obtained, but the main emphasis is still on sales.

A few words about templates. It is difficult to find something really extraordinary and eye-catching in the catalog. But with all this, they are quite solid, made to last. There is no possibility to change the design after installing the template.

Now about the price. This is the nicest aspect of this constructor. There is only one tariff - 2899 rubles per year of use. The domain is attached to it. You can also buy a domain in the .ru zone for 49 rubles per year. This is the lowest price on all registrars.

As a result, for our money we get a fairly high-quality designer for stores and business cards. In order to launch a full-fledged working website that can make a profit, you will need to buy a premium, but you can test the functionality in free mode. One of the best combinations of price and quality.


- one of the most specific constructors in this top. He will offer not only to create a website, but also to promote it for free at first. The company also offers a free domain after you complete 5 pages. Main specialization - blogs, online shops and business cards.

A little about promotion. The site development team offers to promote your project on several low-frequency requests. Plus, you can order analytics, audit, for a fee, also from the company's specialists. This is very convenient, especially for beginners who do not know how to properly promote their sites.

Now about templates. There are a lot of them (more than 7,000 different variants have been declared). But there is a fly in the ointment - most of them are very similar. There will be about 250-300 original ones, but they are all of good-quality, average quality. It will be problematic to customize them for yourself, and the graphic editor is outdated in appearance, but it is still quite convenient.

The prices are affordable and start at 199 rubles / month. The designer also offers a perpetual "double annual" rate. It is enough to pay for two years and you will already have a full-fledged website at your disposal. Convenient for experienced webmasters.

For online stores there are the following functions: unloading of goods through Yandex.Market; transfer of information from / to Excel; shopping cart and receiving payments. All this is realized immediately, there is no need to connect or buy additional functions.

As a result, we get a rather interesting, but somewhat outdated and specific constructor. It is quite easy to create an average online store on it, but for more ambitious projects it is better to find something better.


Is a designer and full-fledged CMS platform. Wide functionality and excellent website engine make this platform quite attractive for experienced webmasters.

This is a platform for creating online stores, but experienced developers, entering it, will immediately feel like they are in a CMS. Instead of the usual and strict panels, the user who has just registered the store is greeted with the usual widgets of weather, news, etc.

As for the themes, there are several free ones, but they are quite few. Paid options start at 1999 rubles. On the one hand, this is even a plus - there will be fewer online stores with your design. There is also an opportunity to fill in your design, which is also not particularly typical for designers.

The menu is somewhat confusing, so sometimes you don't understand which section you are in. But at the same time, if you take the time and really figure it out, you can understand that this is a simplified CMS, and with its help you can make a selling online store in no time. There is also a sales funnel, which makes it much easier to collect information on page conversion.

As for the prices, they do not bite at all. For 399 rubles a month, the user gets a huge analytical functionality of the system and the opportunity to safely use the online store.

Quite an interesting and high-quality constructor, which can be called a full-fledged CMS. But for beginners it will be very difficult.


One of the fastest growing website builders. At the same time, he has a clear niche - the creation of websites for small and medium-sized businesses. That is, he can create business card sites, portfolio sites, one-page pages, online stores. Indeed, the service fulfills its stated task at a high level.

A large number of templates, it is possible to set a suitable design yourself. This is done by dragging and dropping different elements into the required fields. The control panel is simple and straightforward. Unlike wix, it doesn't take time to master. The entire interface is intuitive even for a beginner.

As for the financial side of the issue, everything is quite smooth here too. For an annual premium rate, you will have to pay $ 48. For 3500 rubles, you can order a website on this constructor directly from the developers. And the process of creating a website is within 10 minutes.


One of the oldest constructors, which continues to hold the palm. For 11 years now, he continues to delight both beginners and professionals with his quality. Existence in a market where everything changes almost every year, for more than a decade already says a lot about the quality of services, but let's take a closer look at what is so good about yucose.

The modular system allows the user to choose what will be on the site and what exactly he will work with. Each module is an integral system that allows you to expand the functionality of the site. With the help of modules, you can customize everything - from a guest page to a full-fledged store.

As for the design, here everything is again on top. There is even an opportunity to change the source code of the page, adjust the design settings for yourself. You can also get access to premium templates for a nominal fee. For those who want to create their own unique design, you can order it from the designers of the platform.

Formally, yukoz is a free constructor. But at the same time, he launches his advertising banners on his sites that have not paid for the premium. As for the cost, everything is also at the highest level. For $ 60, you can maintain a full-fledged online store for a year, and the platform will give you a domain and hosting. During the first 48 hours, it will be possible to pay for the premium at a discount.

Yukoz is one of the best website builders out there. Wide functionality, a huge number of templates, reasonable price, and all this, coupled with responsive technical support, make this platform very popular and in demand. Even professionals who understand CMS sometimes make websites using this builder.


The merger with the popular CMS - 1C Bitrix benefited both companies. The result of the merge can be seen on the umi platform. This is one of the fastest growing designers, which will soon be able to squeeze the top companies. But now the platform is one of the best in creating online stores, business card sites and landing pages.

The most important thing here is templates. A wide selection of theme-based designs that you can change at any time. It is possible to change the source code.

This is a very simple constructor with an interesting design, which is suitable mainly for creating online stores, due to synchronization with 1C: Trade Management.

If you were looking for a serious and versatile service, then this is definitely diafan. If you look closely, you will notice that Diafan is more of a CMS than a simple constructor. It provides its clients with the full power of its engine, the ability to independently edit the source code, and at the same time eliminates the web administration, security issues and other points that are difficult for beginners to understand.

The first thing to look out for on this platform is technical support. These are not just people who kindly answer questions. This is a team that can help you do a simple job: transfer a domain, connect analytics to a site, set metrics, etc. And it's all absolutely free. You just have to ask.

Despite its versatility - with diafan, you can create full-fledged websites, business cards, blogs, landing pages, and do all this with great success, but the main specialization of the platform is online stores. Firstly, this is due to the wide functionality specifically for this type of site + separate tools for SEO promotion, and secondly, the server allows you to keep huge loads and customer flow. With this platform, you can and should sell a lot, it was created for this.

The price is reasonable, but not low. It will be quite difficult for beginners to deal with this system at the beginning, but then things will go better. The verdict is this: an online store is definitely a diaphan. Business card sites, landing pages, blogs and other types of sites - other platforms, for example, wix, ucoz, etc.

TOP-5 CMS for website creation

Now let's look at a more professional tool - CMS.

The top 5 best CMS will be presented to your attention:


This CMS was originally created as a blogging assistant. It was simple enough for beginners and comfortable enough for professionals. But over time, its functions have significantly expanded, and now you can create absolutely any kind of website on WordPress, from landing pages to online services.

Some statistics: About 54% of sites created with CMS are WordPress. This is simply the overwhelming majority. The next place is Joompla and only 9% of the surveyed users write on it.

The popularity of WordPress is also confirmed by the fact that there is a huge demand for specialists writing on this CMS.


  • Huge selection of plugins (many are free);
  • An excellent editor that fits the job for beginners;
  • A fairly simple control panel. Allows you to even insert text from any editor, unlike other CMS;
  • A popular tool for developers and designers.


  • Inability for a beginner to use the entire functionality of the site;
  • Installation problems for beginners.

The disadvantages are quite controversial and are typical only for those who have just started doing site building. For those who have at least some experience in creating websites, this CMS seems to be quite easy and convenient.


Joomla can be described as a mixture of simple and straightforward WordPress and development giant Drupal. The result is quite an interesting and beautiful platform with a user-friendly design and user-friendly interface.


  • Wide range of plugins;
  • Simple installation process;
  • Convenient control panel.


  • A huge number of useless functions for beginners;
  • Simplicity for professionals.

This is a fairly weak CMS for professionals, and a little more complex than WordPress for beginners. For those who are looking for real flexibility and breadth of functionality, compared to the popular WordPress, then this platform is worth a look.


This is truly a development giant. A real machine for creating websites. This interface will be completely unfriendly to a beginner, but an experienced developer will like this CMS. It allows you to build very complex sites like corporate blogs and corporate sites.


  • Almost complete absence of holes in the system;
  • Taxonomy module - automatic content organization;
  • Large audience;
  • Continuous improvement and simplification;
  • A huge number of additional modules.


  • Very demanding on skills. There is definitely nothing for a beginner to do here;
  • Very picky about the gland. Before launching the site, you need to make sure that the servers can withstand the load that this CMS gives.

Almost all modern website development using CMS is based on these "three pillars". Of course, there are other platforms, such as 1C Bitrix, UMI, TIPO3 Simpla, etc. But the main struggle in the market occurs among these three companies.


CMS specifically for creating an online store. It is free and has somewhat limited functionality. Ideal for small shops, it handles the load calmly.

Contains applications that make your work easier:

  • Linking payment systems;
  • Automatic processing of goods;
  • Multicurrency;
  • Calculation of the cost of delivery.

All this makes opencart quite good for beginners, because it is very easy to use. Also, beginners will not immediately make huge stores, but in order to create a small or medium-sized resource, this CMS will be enough for the eyes.

Moreover, the platform is actively developing, supplemented by various modules that users ask for. But at the same time, it does not go beyond the small popularity among a narrow circle of developers, which makes it more convenient and practical.


The most popular and at the same time powerful platform for creating online stores. With this CMS you can create a website of any complexity. Moreover, the number of applications makes it also convenient. You can automatically configure the link to social. networks, sorting goods, accepting payments, calculating the cost of delivery, the ability to synchronize with 1C.

Users consider this platform to be one of the best in online store building. In general, it turned out to be a solid, actively developing platform with great popularity in Russia.

Now we will systematize all the information received:

Sign WordPress Joomla Drupal Openсart PrestaShop
Simplicity of the interface The simplest interface A lot of information for beginners and little for professionals For seasoned professionals only Very simple interface Medium difficulty
Beginner friendly Simple and clear + user-friendly panel with accessible functions Intuitive interface Completely unfriendly Intuitive interface Intuitive interface
Number of additional applications Average amount. Sufficient for the average website A large number of. Enough for an average site Lots of. Strongly expands the functionality of the site Enough for a small shop. Not enough for more Sufficient for everything that a client can think of
Popular among what categories Beginners and professionals Beginners only Only professionals Newbies Beginners and professionals
Who is it for For beginners and pros Only for beginners who want advanced features For professionals, to create complex sites For those who want to create a small store For all categories of businessmen and programmers

Make a website yourself or trust a specialist

In fact, this is one of the most important questions a novice webmaster should ask himself. And here it's not about working with the designer, in this case everything is clear - even on your own, without having any knowledge, you can create a full-fledged website on popular platforms like wix or ucoz. What if you need a unique design and a specific set of applications - that is, a CMS?

Of course, you can spend several months continuously learning how a CMS works, customization, design and layout. Undoubtedly, this will come in handy in the future, because very few webmasters have launched a profitable website the first time. And maybe you can avoid some of the costs in the future. But in addition to launching the site, you need to prepare material for it, and this is much more important.

As mentioned above, design is one of the most important components of a good website. High-quality design is a guarantee that the user will go to your site again, because he liked it there, and therefore, he remembered it. It will not be possible to design a site well the first time; you will have to redo it over and over again to find a suitable structure and design. And mistakes or flaws during layout can pretty much spoil the functionality of the site and make it so that it will fly out of the search results after some time.

Of course, using the services of freelancers or even a full-fledged web studio will cost much more than building a website yourself. However, you can save a significant amount of time.

Plus, competent specialists will be able to suggest that your idea will not work, because they have much more experience in this niche than a beginner who just wants to create his first website.

Perhaps you can be advised by a competent SEO specialist who can promote your site in search results, or give some practical advice on how to do it.

As a result : if you have 8-10 months of free time, then it is better to spend this time studying site building and make your own project. But if time is money, then it is better to trust the specialists. With their help, you can reduce time costs by 10-15 times, and much less mistakes will be made.

So, you learned about the constituent parts of the site, decided to create a site using the constructor or CMS.

Now, here are some practical tips to help you create a good website:

  1. Design comes first... Sketch how you want your site to look and consult with either the freelancer who will build your site or with visitors to the webmaster forum. It is the design that decides in the first few seconds whether the user stays on the site or not. A good picture pleases the eye, makes you stop at it and look at it again. Create a nice background and readable text. Disdainful attitude to design and a combination of colors "pluck out your eyes" contributes to the loss of up to 70% of traffic;
  2. Create the semantic core of the site... This is a set of keywords that one way or another will be used in the materials of the article. To put it very roughly, it will be the elaboration of the main theme of the blog, the way in which the materials will be created. Without a semantic core, there is no chance of high positions in the search results;
  3. Optimize all graphic elements on the site... Pictures, animations and other elements should look in accordance with the requirements of search engines, be unique and attract additional users. And pictures also improve the perception of the text;
  4. Before starting the Internet, you need check the health of all elements, including internal and external links;
  5. It is recommended to create a mobile version of the site... This will improve the attitude of search engines to sites and make it possible to appear in search results on higher lines than competitors without a mobile version;
  6. Let your friends or acquaintances see your site... The same ordinary people will be potential visitors to your site, so their opinion should be taken into account and listened to;
  7. Do not forget, that website creation - one-time occurrence... After it, "a completely different life" will begin, full of surprises, struggle and friendship with search engines and balancing in search of a way to rise to the top and collect all traffic.

Life after website creation

You just created a website and you thought the hardest part is over. No matter how it is. All the fun is just beginning.

Now a webmaster will find an endless balancing act between black, gray and white methods, driving traffic, finding advertisements and good ones, as well as creating and editing material that is published on the site. But first things first.

After creating the site, you need to start filling it. It is advisable to learn about how to optimize articles for search results. In short, the article should fully answer the user's question (even the one that arose during the reading), contain keywords in the right proportions, be clearly structured and edited.

First, it is advisable to take low-frequency queries and make materials on them. This is guaranteed to bring a certain number of visitors to your site, because there is very little competition for them. The Yandex.Wordstat or Google.Adwords service will help few people to understand what queries on your subject matter.

Filling the site with material will inevitably lead to the appearance of readers. The first traffic will come to the site in about a few weeks after work, but it will be consistently low. You should start analyzing what requests users come for, what materials they read, what interests them and in what direction you need to develop your site.

It is important to know. In 2017, search engines began to negatively relate to building a link mass using sites of dissimilar subjects, or sites that simply sell links. This does not mean that you need to stop buying links, on the contrary, you need to increase this mass, because this is how Google and Yandex understand that the site is developing and does not stand still. Now you have to look after the site where you buy links. It should be of similar subject matter, exist for a long time and be indexed in search engines.

If your business is related to sales, then everything is much more complicated. It is necessary to correctly assess the target audience, set up an advertising campaign to attract traffic, analyze the “warmth” and interest of the client in the product + its conversion (the number of people who bought in relation to everyone who came to the site) and many other factors. For a landing page or an online store, you need to constantly study marketing and everything that can somehow help in promoting goods.

You need to monetize a website or blog no earlier than 3-6 months after its creation. Previously not recommended, as search engines may perceive your portal as a TOS and kick it out of search results.

There are much more subtleties in the subsequent promotion of the site than in its creation. That is why creating a website is one of the easiest tasks. Making it consistently profitable is much more difficult.


Now everyone can create a website. This will require several days of free time to study materials, prepare and create the portal itself. But it is important to determine why the site is needed, what it should give to the owner, and what it will be like.

You can create a website either independently using a designer, or using any of the available CMS, with the help of freelance specialists. But it is important to remember that after the creation of the site, a new life of the SEO-optimizer will begin, with constant analysis, search for traffic and opportunities to attract customers.

How to create your own website for free on the Internet from scratch? What is a domain, hosting, CMS platform, website builder, what is their difference and how to choose the right one? How to make a profitable website and make money on it?

Hello dear friend! The founders of the business magazine Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok are in touch.

In this article we will share our experience in creating websites. Themselves have been creating sites for 3 years. During this time, we independently developed about 30 Internet projects of varying complexity, and started from scratch.

Now we are professionally versed in this topic and hope that our knowledge will help you too.

Having learned how to create websites, you can not only create an Internet resource for yourself or your company, but also, if you wish, build your business on the Web.

1.How does the creation of any website begin?

If you are faced with the question of creating a website, then most likely you want to make it for a reason, but for a specific purpose, right? Any project starts with setting a goal, and the site in this situation is no exception.

Let's take a look at what purpose you might have for creating a website.

Globally, all goals can be divided into two categories:

  1. Commercial purpose website creation (in 95% of cases);
  2. Non-commercial purpose website creation.

Since the vast majority of the site is created for commercial purposes, it is these sites that will be discussed in the article.

The commercial purposes of creating a site include:

  • sale of goods and services;
  • personal and political PR;
  • informing the target audience in order to make a profit in the future;
  • creating a positive image for a commercial company;
  • creation of barter websites;
  • free development of Internet projects as a bonus to services already provided (goods sold);
  • production of sites to order.

Non-commercial purposes mean the creation of a site for charities or a group of individuals who will use this site as a platform for communication and exchange of content (photos, videos, messages) and information among themselves.

We define the tasks that the site should solve

The type of site is selected based on the tasks that it must perform.

For example, if you want to trade on the Internet and sell products through a website, then you need an online store.

Or maybe you are a private designer, lawyer or teacher. Then you need a different type of site, it is called a "business card site", so that potential customers can learn more about your services, prices for them, see your portfolio, customer reviews and find contacts for communication.

Again, it is on the basis of the tasks that you choose the type of site that you will work on.

Tasks that the site helps to solve:

  • create a stream of targeted visitors for your business;
  • help process applications from potential customers;
  • increase the awareness of the company or personal brand of the site creator;
  • create trust from potential buyers;
  • provide detailed information in text, audio and video formats;
  • enable the user to download the file (price list, presentation);
  • automate the company's business process in working with clients, for example, automatically calculate interest on a loan "online".

Below we have described the most popular types of sites, highlighted their features and distinctive features.

2. Types of sites

Dear reader, we draw your attention to the fact that all types of sites have similar features and this division is very arbitrary.

However, all specialists in the creation of sites or the so-called webmasters operate with these terms (names of types of sites) in their work and you need to understand what is at stake.

1) Business card website

This is the simplest and cheapest site. Usually consists of several pages (3-5) and contains the following sections:

The main sections of the business card site

  • About company;
  • Services and prices;
  • Customer reviews;
  • Contacts.

Business card sites are most often created by small companies and specialists who are engaged in private practice (consultants, car mechanics, designers).

The cost of creating a business card website: from 100 $.

2) Corporate website

This is a "fancy" business card site with an extended amount of information, a significantly larger number of pages and sections.

Corporate sites are usually ordered by companies that have sufficient funds for this and, as a rule, have been on the market for a long time.

The main sections of the corporate website

  • About company
    • History
    • Manual
    • Plans and prospects
  • Brands
  • news
  • Product Catalog
  • Our services
    • For individuals
    • For organizations
  • Vacancies
  • Contacts

As you can see, some menu items may contain nested sections. In addition, corporate sites often have online chat for prompt communication with clients.

There may also be built-in services, for example, on a website that offers paints and varnishes and building materials, online selection of the color of wallpaper or laminate is possible.

Similarly, you can choose the color of the car directly on the website and calculate its cost depending on the selected configuration.

The cost of developing a corporate website starts from 500 $.

3) Online store

The name of this type of site speaks for itself. He sells goods.

Some online stores accept payment directly through the site. It is enough for a visitor to have electronic money (Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi) or funds on a Visa, MasterCard plastic card.

Other online stores only contain a form for entering customer data. Then, when the manager sees the completed application, he contacts the potential buyer and negotiates the terms of the transaction with him.

Payment for the purchased goods is usually carried out on the spot and transferred to the courier upon receipt of the package by the buyer.

In a separate article, we have already written about. Check it out if you are interested in building this type of site.

The cost of creating an online store: from 1,000 $ .

4) News site

How to create your own news site and what are its features?

Some novice webmasters want to acquire their own electronic media, which are now the sites with a traffic of 3,000 people per day. This media can be both local, that is, covering events in a city, region or region, or all-Russian.

News is one of the most popular formats for presenting content on the Internet.

Millions of people visit news sites every day. Someone for the purpose of entertainment, but someone really important to know about the latest events in the country.

News site is a regularly updated (most often daily) Internet resource, whose visitors came to it in order to find out about the latest events in their city, country or in the world.

Typically, a news site consists of articles whose headlines contain factual information or intrigue:

  • “Yesterday a UFO was found in the Rostov region”;
  • “Moscow hosted an annual business forum”;
  • "Russian athlete won a gold medal at the World Wrestling Championship";
  • “A schoolboy from Perm invented an invention worth $ 1,000,000”;
  • "The French President held a meeting with farmers."

News sites can be industry-specific, that is, narrowly thematic, for example, they cover the latest in gadgets and computer programs, news of politics, medicine, economics or business.

Other news sites write about everything in order to reach the maximum audience.

The cost of developing a news site: from 700 $.

5) Informational SEO Site

Like the previous type of site, an informational SEO site provides people with information, but not news, but practical.

The prefix "SEO" indicates the way to attract visitors to the site.

SEO (from English Search Engine Optimization) is a set of activities aimed at promoting your materials (articles, videos, photos) to the top lines of search engine results.

Literally the term SEO from English is translated as "Search engine optimization".

An information site of such a plan can be easily recognized by the titles of the articles that are posted on it.

Almost all of them will begin with interrogative words, for example:

  1. How to bake pies correctly?
  2. Where can I get money?
  3. How to inflate a flat tire on a car?
  4. How to make a student on the Internet?

Specialists who know how to create an information site are familiar with the techniques of naturally promoting their materials to the first positions of search engines.

And this traffic is usually more stable than news sites.

That is, if news stops appearing on a news site, then after a few days its traffic may drop several times, and this does not threaten a high-quality informational SEO site. After all, it contains materials on topics that will be relevant at all times.

That is, if information about the Olympiad or scientific discovery is relevant for a maximum of a couple of weeks, then the answers to questions from the category “What? Where? When?" people will always search.

It is for this reason that traffic to SEO sites is much more sustainable than news sites.

The main feature of an information site is that it can earn on advertising, bringing its owner thousands of rubles or even dollars, depending on its scale.

Very often people do not understand that an informational website can generate good passive income. We have already written about. We recommend that you read this article.

Creation cost: from 300 $.

6) Web portal

This type of site is also called an Internet portal. This is a network resource that combines many interactive services, often contains a news feed, articles, and narrow topics.

Now almost every more or less large city has its own city Internet portal. On it you can see the weather, the latest news of the city, find out the time and place of city events, film shows, exhibitions.

City web portals almost always contain the following sections:

  • Work;
  • Goods and services;
  • The property;
  • Car market.

This type of site is designed to create a single information space, united by a common territory (city, region) or topic (computers, finance, construction).

A web portal, as a rule, requires a large team of specialists for its creation, further management and administration.

Development cost: from 3 000 $.

7) One-page site (Landing Page)

If you sell a small number of products online or provide one specific service, then the Langing Page will suit you best.

Typically, all of these products are sold through one-page sites. Building your own one page website is a great way for newbies. We have already written about all other ways to start your business.

The main rule when creating a Landing page

One site \u003d one product (service)

That is, if you are selling something through a landing page, it should be one specific offer, for example:

Slimming cream "Slim" or "Steel Belly" press pumping machine

In exceptional cases, a single page site may sell products of the same category. For example, a watch from the same company, but different models.

The price for creating such a website from good specialists starts from 400 $.

8) Blog

Blog is an online diary of one person (the author of the blog), less often of several people (group blogs).

It contains material in which there is a personal attitude of the author to a particular event or related to the direct life of the blog creator.

Most often, a blog is created for the following purposes:

  • for the author's personal PR and self-expression;
  • to earn money by placing ads on the blog;
  • to create the core of the target audience and further sell their products and services.

A blog can be created both on a free blogging platform, for example, on or, or on a stand-alone domain, for example, like our website Such blogs are called "standalone" from the English "stand-alone", that is, located on their own separate domain without being tied to the blogging platform.

You can make your blog even without the help of programmers and designers, but even if you turn to them for help, then for 50 - 100$ you will become the proud owner of a personal online diary.

9) Forum

Forum is a site that is created for the purpose of live communication between users in the framework of an active discussion of various issues within the framework of a common large topic.

For example, women's sites often contain forums with the following topics for discussion:

  • family and Children;
  • love and sex;
  • work and career;
  • fashion and Style;
  • beauty and health.

In turn, in each of these topics there are questions that the participants of the women's site are actively discussing, sharing their experience and giving advice to the author of the created topic.

For creating a forum site you will be asked from $ 300 to $ 1,000 depending on design and functionality.

10) Internet service

As the name suggests, this type of site is designed to automate a process for the user.

Prominent examples of Internet services are:

  • post e-mail newsletters;
  • SMS mailing;
  • accepting payments in all convenient ways;
  • mortgage calculator;
  • city \u200b\u200bnavigator;
  • services for analyzing the positions of competitors in Yandex and Google search results;
  • services of remote work exchanges.

The Internet service can be implemented as an independent site, or be part of the functionality of any other type of site.

3. How to understand which type of site is suitable in your case

We figured out what types of sites exist, how they differ and what are their features.

Now it will be easier for you to understand how to create your website by choosing the type of future project that suits you.

Match the tasks your project needs to do with different types of sites.

For example, if you want to sell a lot of products and accept payment through the site, then you need an online store. If you aim to make money by selling ads on your visited resource, then your choice is an informational SEO site. We wrote about how to make money on your website in a separate article based on our own experience.

Sometimes the tasks that your Internet project should perform overlap with several types of sites at once:

  1. Sale of information products. You are going to create training courses and sell them on your website;
  2. PR of a personal brand. You want to get wide recognition from your target audience or simply declare yourself to a wide range of people;
  3. Earnings from advertising on the site (placing banners, selling paid posts, etc.)... Making your own project and making money from advertising is a great idea for hardworking and enterprising people.

In this case, you should select ONE priority area (type of site) and create a project in accordance with it.

Such a “multifunctional” site can only be created as an Internet portal, provided that a professional team will work on it and each of the functions will be supported in the future and will not be abandoned.

4. The technical part of the site - the main components and principles of work

The technical part of creating your site involves the selection of several necessary elements.

4.1. CMS platforms and website builders

CMS (from the English Content Manegment System) - a content management system. It is also called the "site engine".

Just as the Microsoft Word word processor helps to manage your document: create and edit text, format lists, add tables and pictures, CMS similarly helps to manage all site content.

How to choose a CMS platform?

When choosing a CMS platform, you need to rely on the goal of creating a site. Different platforms are suitable for different purposes.

Also, all CMS engines can be divided into 2 types: paid and free.

1) Free CMS platforms

Among the popular and free for today CMS are the following:

  • WordPress - ideal for creating blogs, suitable for creating business card sites, corporate sites. Even the site you are currently visiting (HeatherBober) is also created on this CMS.
  • Joomla - multifunctional. You can create both a simple business card website and a corporate website and even an online store;
  • InstantCms - ideal for creating social networks, city portals, dating sites and online clubs;
  • Drupal is another popular CMS. Suitable for creating corporate sites, business card sites, sites with a personal portfolio, social. networks and online stores;
  • OpenCart - ideal for creating online stores. Easy to use but difficult to develop. To create an online store on this engine, you will need a professional programmer who is well versed in php code;
  • phpBB - ideal for creating forums.

The undisputed leader among all CMS is WordPress (about 55% of all sites created on engines are created on WordPress). And our choice also settled on this engine. Behind 3 years we did about 30 different sites (business card sites, corporate sites, portal sites) and 95% of them were created on this engine.

2) Paid CMS platforms

Among the paid CMS platforms are the following:

  • 1C-Bitrix - a professional web site management system, suitable for almost any type of site. Among the main advantages are simple site management, high performance, integration with 1C (which is very important if you have an online store), as well as ample opportunities for mobile site administration and simple development of mobile applications for iOS and Android;
  • UMI.CMS is another worthy player in the paid engine market. The main slogan is “Convenience for people”. Has more than 500 ready-made templates for all kinds of solutions with the ability to "spin" for yourself. Also 2,500 developers will be happy to help you create a website and polish it for your purposes;
  • osCommerce - a paid solution for creating an online store with great functionality.

You can also create your site from scratch and completely free of charge using the constructor. This means that you do not need to be professional in layout, programming and design.

3) Website builders

Many novice webmasters often do not understand the difference between a CMS platform and an online website builder.

Let's define a site builder.

Website builder is a remote service with ready-made website templates, a convenient and intuitive interface for developing your own web resource.

Website builders are developed specifically for beginners in website building who do not want to learn HTML and CSS (for various reasons), but prefer to create their own website and then edit it themselves (add and remove sections of the site, change images, etc.).

Below is a list of popular constructor services:

  1. Wix - a popular foreign designer that helps to develop a web-project at a professional level.
  2. uKit - allows you to create sites with subsequent effective seo-promotion, has an intuitive interface and detailed analytics.
  3. Jimdo - a large selection of ready-made templates, fine-tuning of parameters and the absence of intrusive ads. It is possible to upload your own template.
  4. Flexbe - Flexby is designed to quickly create high quality landing pages and business card sites. You do not need a programmer, and the advanced functionality will allow you to quickly create a website of the desired type.
  5. LPgenerator - a professional platform for creating and optimizing landing pages (landing pages). Suitable for large, medium and small businesses.

This approach takes place, but often, just creating your own website is not enough. It doesn't matter if it is made on a constructor or independently from scratch.

CMS platform or website builder - which is better to choose?

The main difference between a CMS and a constructor is that creating a website on a CMS implies that you are good at site building and want to independently create a site for your needs and manage all the capabilities of the engine.

On the contrary, creating a website on a constructor does not require special technical skills from you and your website can be created in literally 3 hours, but at the same time, this choice greatly limits your functionality. You can see all the pros and cons of this solution from the table below.

Advantages and disadvantages of creating a website using the constructor:

Comparative characteristics Websites created on the constructor Self-built websites
1 Ease of creationJust Complicated
2 Source code editingNo there is
3 Possibility of promotion in search enginesThere are difficulties and nuances Full freedom
4 Flexibility in design and functionality settingsLimited Not limited
5 Ability to use a second-level domainNot always Anyway
6 The ability to "remove" the site from the Internet or move the site to another hostingNo there is

As you can see from the table, there is no definite answer as to how the site was created. By gaining in one, you are losing in the other.

4.2. Domain

Let's define it.

Domain - this is the name of the site, or in other words, it is the address of your site on the Internet.

For example, domain site

As you can see, the site's domain name consists of two parts:

  1. The very name "hiterbober"
  2. The zone in which it is located is ".ru" (indicated after the domain name with a dot).

The domain zone, depending on the country or the purpose of the site, can be different:

  • .рф - Russian Federation;
  • .ru - format of the Russian-language segment of the Internet;
  • .biz - business sites;
  • .com - commercial sites;
  • .info - information sites;
  • .net - projects related to the Internet.

If the majority of your potential audience is in Russia, then we recommend registering a domain in the zone (.ru)... Then your site will be easier to promote in search engines (the so-called SEO-promotion).

Domains come in several levels. This can be easily identified by the number of parts separated by a dot.

  • site - second level domain;
  • - 3rd level domain (or subdomain).

How to choose a domain?

When choosing a domain name, rely on the following criteria:

  • Originality and easy to remember.It is not worth registering a domain with already hackneyed phrases such as "masterinfobiz", "biznespro", "guru-master", etc. Brainstorm, come up with no less 50 different options (preferably 100 ), and choose the best one. Remember that as you name the ship, so it will float;
  • Up to 12 characters long. We do not recommend using more than 12-15 characters in the domain name. Remember, brevity is the sister of talent. The shorter your domain is, the easier it will be to remember and type on the keyboard;
  • Easy to type in Latin. A perfect example is our website domain. Each letter of the domain sounds the same in both Russian and English. There are no complex letters such as "Ж", "Щ", "У", "Y", etc .;
  • No dashes in the domain. It is desirable that the domain name does not contain a dash. This point is not critical, but if you choose between the names "" and "", it is better to stay at "".

Also, after you've brainstormed and come up with 50-100 different domain name options, you will need to check each domain for availability. Often, many domains with short and original names are already taken, but if you have a good imagination and are not too lazy to conduct a powerful brainstorming session, you are sure that you will find a decent name for your site.

To check if the site name is free, use the service

4.3. Hosting and hoster

To make your site available to all users on the Internet, in addition to the domain name, you also need to choose a hoster and purchase the Hosting service from him.

Hoster is a company that provides hosting services on the Internet.

Hosting is a hosting company service for placing your website on the Internet.

All sites that are available on the web are located somewhere. This is logical. And they (their files) are located on the hard drives of servers (powerful computers) of special companies - hosters.

Since the site consists of different files (database, texts, pictures, videos), then access to them from different computers is carried out by processing your request to the site stored by the hoster.

The larger and more visited site you have created, the more expensive it is to host it with a hosting company (renting space for the site).

The cost of providing a hosting service can be from 50 rubles to 15,000 rubles per month.

Most sites do not need an expensive and powerful server.

So, if you have a site with a traffic of up to 1000 people, then the cost of providing hosting services will be approximately 100 rubles per month.

If the traffic to your site is from 5,000 to 10,000 people per day, in this case, the cost of hosting will fluctuate within 800 - 1,500 rubles per month (12 - 25 $).

If you have a very popular and highly visited Internet project, then you will need a dedicated server - a powerful hotel computer for storing your site and processing requests in it.

The cost of a dedicated server can start from 2 500 rubles per month or more, depending on the specific situation.

How to choose hosting?

The main criteria for which you need to pay attention are:

  1. Stability of work. Your hosting should work without interruptions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Otherwise, you will lose reputation with visitors, trust from search engines and money if your site is created for a commercial purpose.
  2. Convenience of the interface. When you enter your personal account, the entire control panel should be intuitive for you. You should see the funds available on the balance sheet and quickly use all the hosting functions.
  3. Good support service (in Russian). Some users choose foreign companies to host their website on the Internet. Sometimes this is not very convenient, since the support service and the entire interface work in English. A fast and reliable support service is very important in case of site failures and their prompt elimination.
  4. Cost of services. This is one of the most important parameters, especially if you choose hosting for hosting a site with high traffic. There the cost may vary from 20 to 100 dollars per month or more. Also, the cost of hosting services is relevant for novice webmasters, because as a rule their budget is limited.

Now there are hundreds, and even thousands of different hosters on the Internet that provide their services. If you start choosing your hosting provider, you will simply drown in an abundance of choices. But there are only a few really good hosters providing quality services for a reasonable price.

Personally, we use a hosting company for all our sites. In principle, we are very satisfied with this hoster - a convenient admin panel, responsive support service, fast page loading speed, optimal prices.

If you do not want to bother with choosing a hoster, as we once did in our time, having shoveled over 100 different options, you can opt for this hoster. He just meets all of the above criteria.

On Timeweb we have all the sites that we have made in 3 years and our main project

If you want to know all the subtleties and nuances of buying a hosting and domain, we recommend that you study the free course of Evgeny Popov "".

In one of our past articles, we described our story about. After studying this material, you will understand how you can open a web studio from scratch right at home and make money on it from $ 500.

5. How to create your website for free from scratch - 7 easy steps

These steps will help you understand the sequence of actions, both in case you decided to create a website yourself, and by hiring a team of professional web developers.

Step 1. Determine the purpose of creating a site and its tasks

So, you have decided that directly or indirectly you are going to make money on the site or receive other reimbursable benefits using it.

Recall that the main tasks of the site include:

  • formation of a positive image of the company (person);
  • sale of goods (services);
  • informing about upcoming events (announcement);
  • posting news;
  • help in making a decision by the user (if the user came to the site to compare prices, conditions and other characteristics of the “product”);
  • provision of online services: Internet banking, online calculator, automation of sending letters.

Step 2. Determine the type of site and select the engine

Based on the tasks facing the site, you choose its appearance. All types of sites are detailed by us.

Based on your view of the site, select an engine using the following table:

Site view Free engine Paid engine Constructor
1 Business card websiteWordPress, Joomla1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMSWix, uKit, Jimdo
2 Corporate websiteWordPress, Joomla, Drupal1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMSWix, uKit, Jimdo
3 Online storeOpenCart, Joomla1C-Bitrix, osCommerceWix, uKit, Jimdo
4 News siteWordPress, Joomla, Drupal1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMSWix, uKit, Jimdo
5 Informational SEO siteWordPress- -
6 Web portalJoomla, Drupal1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMS-
7 One-page site (Landing Page)Simple HTML,

Adobe muse

UMI.CMSFlexbe, LPgenerator
8 BlogWordPress- -
9 ForumphpBB- -
10 Internet serviceindividual solution- -

We choose the appropriate solution and move on to the next step.

Step 3. Prepare materials for filling

Now you have to prepare all the necessary materials to create your website:

  • texts (articles, description of your activity);
  • photo (portfolio, examples, illustrations);
  • videos (promo videos, interviews);
  • files for download (price lists, presentations, documents).

When we were professionally creating websites for customers, we faced a paradoxical problem:

Have 99% those who want to acquire their own Internet resource simply have nothing to make it out of!

There is no logo, corporate identity, company description, product photo, portfolio. In general, the building material is completely absent, those bricks from which our “house” should be built in the future.

Take care of the information that will be posted on the site in advance. If necessary, involve a designer, author of texts, video editor.

Contact your friends or find such professionals at and

You want your project to look and function well compared to your competitors, don't you ?!

Step 4. Develop a prototype and design

If you are going to order a site from specialists, then starting from this step, entrust them with work on the site. Before that, you can and should do the previous 3 steps yourself.

This is a preliminary graphic layout that fully conveys the main meanings and structure of the future site.

When creating a prototype, the designer places the main elements of the site in the form of blocks on a white sheet of paper. This layout must be approved by the customer.

For example, this is how a prototype of a “Landing Page” site looks like:

This is a prototype of a website for a company that installs and sells climate control equipment.

After drawing the prototype of the same site looks like this:

The site is rendered in Adobe Photoshop. After that, you have a psd file with your website design in your hands. The site is now ready for layout.

Step 5. Layout the site on the local computer

In step 5, you have a graphic layout, broken down by elements (layers) from which the layout designer will create a functioning unique template for your project.

He will do this on his local computer, on a third-party domain, and then show you to adjust and approve the work results.

If necessary, the layout designer will make changes or involve a programmer to create the necessary functionality of the site, if required.

A programmer can solve the following tasks within the framework of creating an Internet project:

  • link the service to the site;
  • add and configure the necessary CMS plugins;
  • make changes to the functionality of the template;
  • automate the necessary functions in the project.

When your site is designed and all its functions are working, you can proceed to the next step.

You can also design your site yourself, but for this you need to have HTML and CSS skills.

For reference

  • Html (from English HyperText Markup Language - "language of hypertext markup"). The main markup language for creating sites.
  • CSS (from the English Cascading Style Sheets - cascading style sheets). A hypertext markup language that is used to create the appearance of a site (document).

The fundamental difference between HTML and CSS is that the first language forms the skeleton of the site, and the second is its muscles and skin, that is, it is responsible for its appearance.

Website building software to make your job easier:

  1. Notepade ++ - basic code editor, great replacement for standard notepad;
  2. PhpDesigner - professional and convenient program for creating multifunctional websites;
  3. Adobe dreamweaver - a multifunctional program for quickly creating sites with the ability to preview;
  4. Adobe muse - a convenient program for creating one-page selling sites (Landing Page).
  5. Balsamiq mockups - a handy program for developing a website prototype.

Choose the program you need to make your website development process as convenient and efficient as possible.

Step 6. Buy hosting and domain

We have already discussed what domain and hosting are and how to choose them.

An important point

When buying a domain, you can purchase it from a domain name registrar company such as:


Or you can register a domain with a hosting company when purchasing hosting directly from your personal account.

Almost all domain name registrars provide hosting services, and hosting companies can help with domain registration.

When registering a domain, you will need to enter your real data, including passport data, in order for this site name to be legally assigned to you.

If you register a domain for a company, and not for an individual, then in this case you will need to specify the data of the legal entity.

When you have decided on the choice of hosting, its tariff and bought a domain, then it's time to launch your website.

Step 7. Launch the website

Congratulations! You have reached the final stage.

Launching a website involves placing it on the Internet on your hosting and domain. From this moment everyone will be able to visit it, and you, as the owner of the site, will be able to realize your goals.

After all, now you have a powerful marketing tool - your website, with the help of which you can make yourself known and, if properly promoted, attract a large target audience.


If you registered a domain yourself directly through a domain name registrar, and not through a hosting company, you will need to add NS servers yourself in the registrar's personal account. The hosting company should provide you with NS server data.

Now you just need to think about how you will advertise your site and attract visitors to it.

We will write about this in detail in one of the following articles.

6. The right way for a beginner webmaster

If you decide to master the science of site building and do it on a professional basis, we recommend acquiring knowledge in the following sequence:

  1. Basics of HTML;
  2. Basics of CSS;
  3. Basic PHP basics.

If you want to make one-page sites, then study Adobe muse.

If you want to create highly visited information sites or make custom-made Internet projects, we recommend that you study the engine WordPress.

When creating sites for 3 years, we used this particular engine. We had experience with other CMS, but we consider WordPress the best and most suitable for these purposes.

7. Frequently asked questions about website creation

Here we have highlighted the most popular questions that we are asked.

1. How to choose good site performers?

Let's jump straight to the criteria for choosing good performers:

  1. A portfolio of successfully completed projects. If the development team does not have a real portfolio (cases), then they are either novice masters or not entirely honest guys.
  2. Ability to explain complex things in simple language. If at a meeting with you a team representative (manager) “loads” you with incomprehensible terms and gives examples of schemes that are difficult to understand, then it may be worth looking for another team.
  3. Official registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If the company in which you are going to entrust the development of the site does not have official registration, then the following is possible here: this is a private master and he does not work with large clients, or again you have found the wrong performers.
  4. Having your own website. Does the shoemaker have boots? Can you imagine a car mechanic without his car or a furniture maker with old furniture in the house? Probably not. Comments are superfluous.
  5. Positive feedback from real customers. What kind of clients did your team of potential contractors make the site to and what do they think about the quality of the services received? Chat with real people by asking your webmasters for their contacts.

2. Where are they taught to create websites professionally?

This is taught in special courses. However, here it should be understood that specialists from different fields are involved in the process of developing sites.

Most often, the team includes:

  • designer;
  • layout designer;
  • programmer;
  • manager.

You can study at courses of a specific profession and perform a certain scope of work.

Also, in the process of training in design and computer specialties, you can learn the basics of website creation.

3. How to learn the basics of site building for free?

You can learn the basics of site building for free even at home.

If you plan to learn technical fundamentals, we recommend that you study Evgeny Popov's free HTML and CSS courses.

After learning the basics of HTML and CSS, you will need to register your hosting and domain. Also, for website layout, you will need basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop. You can get all this knowledge by studying 2 more courses.

4. How to create your own website yourself?

To do this, you will either have to use a website builder (the fastest way) or learn website building in special courses.

Now on the Internet there is a huge amount of both paid and free information on this topic. One has only to use Yandex, Google or YouTube and enter the appropriate request.

5. How much can you earn on creating websites?

If you create sites for other people and make money on this, then the size of your profit can be from $ 100 to $ 10,000 per month.

Your earnings will depend on:

  • your experience;
  • the solvency of your customers;
  • ability to negotiate and sell;
  • type of sites;
  • market (market niche) in which you operate.

If you decide to make a website (blog) for yourself and make money on it, like we do on our website, then you will need knowledge not only in site building and not even so much in this, but in Internet marketing and SEO.

As practice shows, you can earn money on your website or blog from $ 50 to $ 5000 and more depending on traffic, site theme and monetization methods (advertising tools) that will bring you money.

8. Conclusion

Having understood in detail how to create your site, you can not only solve this need for yourself, but also make good money on it.

How to create a blog for free to make money on the Internet - step by step instructions for beginners + 5 ways to monetize your blog

More and more people are becoming interested in blogging. It seems that every person or business already has its own blog. If you are wondering how to create your blog, then congratulations, you have come to the right place!

My goal is to explain all the steps so that you can create a blog practically for free. After all, the launch process does not have to be complicated and expensive. This guide will help a newbie not make mistakes when starting.

The good news is that if you follow these instructions step by step, it will also save you from confusion in the whole process and difficult technical issues.

In fact, there are many reasons, here are some of the most popular ones:

1. Income

Blogging can be very rewarding if done right. Earnings can amount to hundreds of thousands and even millions of rubles per month.

2. Popularity

Many popular bloggers are known as experts in their field only because of their blog. If you are known in your niche, then this will give a lot of advantages, including earning money. You will be able to form partnerships with other top bloggers.

3. It's interesting!

7 steps to create a blog

Any blog starts with these simple steps. Some of them are very light, some take some time.

  1. Make a firm decision to start a blog
  2. Choose a niche for your blog
  3. Choose a blogging platform
  4. Choose domain and web hosting
  5. Set up your blog
  6. Start blogging
  7. Start making money blogging

1. Make a firm decision to start a blog

Thousands of blogs appear on the Internet every day, which begin to be actively conducted, but are abandoned over time. In most cases, this is due to the fact that people do not see quick results and they lose heart.

You have to tune in for the long term and understand that this is not a sprint, but a marathon. Make your own blog posting plan and always be consistent. Here's my story,.

2. Choose a niche for your blog

Decide for yourself what topic you will blog about. It is better to choose the niche that you know or like. It can be anything from cooking to politics.

Niche is the foundation of a blog. To be successful, you must strive for your blog to become the number 1 in your niche. Accordingly, choose the right topic so that it “ignites” you and you do not cool down to it too quickly. Be sure to read the article on choosing a niche and an article with topics that will always be relevant.

3. Choose a blogging platform

There are two answers to the question “Where to start a blog”. The first is to create a blog absolutely free, and the second is to pay 120 rubles a year for a domain and 115 rubles a month for web hosting. As you can see, the second option is not so expensive and everyone can afford it. Now let's see how they differ from each other.

1 Free

You can create a blog for free on two of the most popular platforms.

Starting a blog for free sounds like a good idea. But this is only in theory. In fact, you will run into problems choosing the free option.

  • While you are working hard to create your content (articles, photos, videos), these sites will earn money for you by advertising and selling you additional services.
  • If you want to change something in design or code, you cannot do it. Such a blog does not belong to you, which means that you will not have control over it.
  • These free platforms have the task of making money for themselves, not for you. Banner ads will be placed on your blog. This means that you will not be able to sell ad space on your blog, and this is one of the main sources of income for bloggers.
  • On such a blog, you will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity to install free plugins that make the blog much more convenient.
  • On free platforms, your blog can be deleted at any moment due to the slightest disruption or technical glitch. You will not be able to influence this in any way, because you will have no control.
  • You can never sell a blog like this to another person or company. Again, due to the fact that it does not belong to you.

I think these reasons are enough to reject the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a free blog.

2. Shareware

If you want to have full control over your blog and make money on it, then you need to create a blog on the WordPress engine. It is customary to call the engine the program on which the whole thing will work.

The WordPress engine itself is free, you can download it from this link. Millions of blogs around the planet are working on it. It has been fully translated into Russian. It has an intuitive menu. Convenient text editor. It is possible to install free plugins and design themes.

Why then "shareware"? All you need is to buy a domain and order hosting. It's actually inexpensive, it's even cheaper than going to the movies.

Hosting services can be ordered for only 115 rubles per month, and a domain can be purchased for 120 rubles per year. If you pay for hosting immediately for a year in advance, then: firstly, you will receive a decent discount for this, and secondly, the domain will go as a gift!

Watch the video tutorial below, which will show you step by step how to register your domain and hosting.

4. Domain and web hosting

This is a technical step and many newbies do not create their blog on the Internet precisely because of it. A few years ago it was very difficult to make a blog. Now it takes no more than 20 minutes. At the same time, you do not need to know programming languages \u200b\u200band other technical nuances.

  • Reliability. Your blog is always available 24/7/365
  • 24/7 technical support
  • 1-click WordPress blog installation
  • Free SSL certificate (from the video you will learn what it is for)
  • Simple and clear menu in the form of pictures

You just need to register and click a few links in order for everything to work. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it! Study this video instruction and you will solve this issue once and for all!

5. Set up your blog

The blog is installed and, in principle, ready to go. But before you start adding articles to it, you need to configure it. First of all, you need to make the url (permalinks) readable. If you do not do this, then all your posts will look like this: for example, you added an article with the title “My first post”. Without settings, it will be like this:\u003d123. Looks ugly, right?

If configured correctly, then the same entry will look like this: or It is already much better and it will be easier for search engines to navigate. Understand your WordPress admin area and set up your blog.

6. Start blogging

The most important thing you need to do now is produce a lot of valuable and useful content. The whole purpose of a blog is to help the user in one way or another. It is up to you to figure out what is valuable content for your blog.

Content needs to be created for key queries, this will help you attract a lot of traffic from search engines to your blog. Such content can earn by selling advertising or you can collect your readers in a database and using email newsletters, sell them your products or recommend products through an affiliate program.

The main thing is to start creating content, in the process you yourself will find out what works best and which articles or videos of yours are gaining more response from readers.

Write long articles, short 500 word articles get worse and worse. Most bloggers are not successful because of the short content. Forget about small articles and start working on content that solves user problems. Such articles will have more different key phrases, which will have a positive effect on search traffic for your blog.

Do not forget to decorate your articles with high-quality pictures, bulleted lists, tables, etc.

7. Start making money blogging

From the very first days of blogging, you must post a form to collect readers. Register with the email newsletter service, I use this and create a special form. Place it in the widget in the right column or under each article. To make people more willing to leave their email addresses, give them some usefulness in return. For example pdf report or video.

Try to send useful emails to your subscribers at least once a week. If you do not do this, you will simply be forgotten. Over time, you will have accumulated a large base that will trust you. You will be able to offer your products and services to such readers. Your base is the most important asset! Remember this and start working on your asset from the first days. Explore the article below and find out the best ways to make money blogging.

In custody

Try not to get hung up on some technical points. They are certainly important, but don't try to make everything perfect. Over time, you will figure out and bring your blog to mind in technical terms. This includes design, page loading speed, and adaptation for tablets and mobile phones.

Simple advice. Choose a free blog design that has a responsive design. All this will be enough.

Focus on finding keywords and creating useful articles. Begin to understand search engine optimization, there are plenty of materials on this topic. Several of them are in the pdf file below.

So that he is always at your fingertips!

Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter! Every month I send income and expense reports to the blog and share other useful tips! The subscription form is below.

P.S. If you have not yet subscribed to my news and reports on earnings on sites and blogs, then be sure to do it!

Best regards, Sergei Smirnov.

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