Patch for crisis 3 direct 10

To compare a unified platform (where all APIs are sharpened for 1 configuration and all engines are licked a thousand times and optimized for the FIXED iron set) and PC nonsense, I repeat once again.
The fact that boxing has iron 8 years ago is not an indicator that on all cards above GF 7x00, everything should fly from your thoughts.

Androids are also cooler in hardware than iPhones and everything lags for some reason. Maybe because when defragmenting it's stupid to optimize everything? And this is understandable in general. Trying to do under 5 devices and under 100500 thousand different things.

This is how the writings are unified and there will be 2-3 configurations and they will change every 5 years, then your butt-herd would understand, but not in the current position. Following your logic, having bought a computer with 8 cores 8 gigs and 7770, it should be enough for exactly the same amount as new consoles are enough, but here's the real catch, development on the PC is going faster, resolutions are growing and it turns out that 7770 is the same even already now it won’t give out such a picture as it will give out the same ps4 or x1, because the developers break into making a game sharpened for 1 card, especially when the chip looms to support some thread of the effect of a new, 3D or 4k resolution or newfangled smoothing of devouring power. And 7770 is not enough for max settings for this.

You are judging from the side of a miserly consumer who wants everything at once and does not upgrade for 10 years.

It is necessary to think objectively, and not from the outside, everyone owes me. I repeat once again if the goal was to cash in on the cards, then right now everywhere they would have been forced to introduce hair like in Lara Croft new or non-switchable physics. This does not happen like that, and even a pissing 7750 for 3 thousand pulls all the new games. Write another opus that the Q6600 drives and all the prots of the newest are bought by a bastard. In my opinion, you just have a butt-herd that your top card 7 years ago no longer burns with napalm, it is worse in boxing and pulls everything and this is the reason for resentment.

GTA5, when it comes out on a PC, will also slow down on non-fresh hardware, when, like on PS3, the game after GTA4 has become graphically better and works faster. And all why?? Because the iron does not change there, you can optimize everything to the tune. And no one will sit and tweak the engine for the sake of non-top-end iron. There is de facto titanium and 8 gigabytes and what thread is fresh under them and normal work is being destroyed. It's PC cancer. If you don't want cancer, take the prefix.

I don’t see any point in discussing this further, this has not yet touched on the advantages of hardware rendering in 3D packages, where old cards definitely don’t care, because of their number of stream processors. Thank you that there are few of them, and our development does not stand still, the technical process / zhor of new cards and hardware is decreasing and productivity is growing, otherwise they would have played Tetris. Thanks to us fools)

By the way, I don’t deny the business factor in any way, but ... consoles have money from games and subscriptions, and vendors rivet iron on MS and Sony kickbacks with such a business model, and nothing drips on PC vendors, and piracy is many times higher, all kinds of nvidia and amd steam from games don’t bash, it would be so, maybe the vector of saturation with new cards and would sleep to nothing. But then the PC would be practically a prefix. And the same stimbox would be relevant. It seems to me that when the thread will come. Or everything will go to Onlive clouds, where a powerful card is not needed at all.

The problem of the lack of localization lies in the following: in Crysis 2 there is only one archive gamecrysis2\Localized\English.pak, V Crysis 3 them already two - Localization\Russian.pak And Localization\Russian_xml.pak

We work on a "rigid" scheme

Downloading the program PAK Manager (Pak Manager Tool), it is needed to unpack encrypted *.PAK game files, from the official site CryTek supplied with Crysis 2 Mod SDK

Crysis 3 DX9 Project

Updated 22.03.2013 !
After exhausting digging into Cry Engine 2 And Cry Engine 3 it was found that in the latter (from the game), there are important settings.
Among them it should be noted - r_Driver(CE3) accepts the values: DX11, AUTO and NULL.
Quote from crysis3.exe "Sets the renderer driver (DX11/AUTO/NULL)". And also the line helped a lot: Specify in system.cfg like this: r_Driver = "DX11". Specifies index of the preferred video adapter to be used for rendering (-1=off, loops until first suitable adapter is found). Setting r_Driver="DX9" led to the disappearance of some of the objects on the maps and the lack of drawing of characters (only the head and weapons were visible).

Checking r_ShadersExport (0 off, 1 allow shader export during shader cache generation - Currently 360 only.), that is, we export the processed effects to files (Crysis3\USER\Shaders\Cache).
And again, failure, as scientific research has revealed, most of the commands that were available in C2 are either fixed here, or the engine does not react in any way to their change, although the settings for PS3 and Xbox 360 are often viewed in the code, in particular: r_ShadersPS3 And r_ShadersXenon. Generally speaking, the file itself crysis3.exe contains a lot of garbage and unnecessary information, for example, you can find compiler calls and parameters, but what you need to find was not possible, on this note, the study Cry Engine 3 was stopped. It is worth noting that in the C3 code, the expression skips D3D9, so it's possible, initially, CE3 was created for DX9 as well, apparently the developers encountered some inexplicable problem and decided not to strain themselves, bungling up a "new" engine quickly.

What has been achieved

Empirically, it was found that C3 responds to a command in system.cfg, sys_spec(0-6), with a value of 5 for Xbox 360 and a value of 6 for PS3! (sys_spec=5). I should note that in this case, the game starts to use all your N-core processor without stopping, loading it at 99%! The video below demonstrates the main problem, there are no low resolution textures in the CE3 engine, at least for the characters. In addition, we found the possibility of recompiling textures. See screenshots below and watch the video.

At the moment, a team of enthusiasts HardWare Masters working on it, as soon as we finish and test it - we'll post it!

Crysis 2 MOD SDK

To install the developer package from the Germans, you need C2 version 1.9, if you have a pirate installed and SDK not installed, crashing with the following error: "requires a full installation of the game Crysis 2, updated to Patch 1.9", then you need to do the following:
- check registry key (for 32-bit systems) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Crytek\Crysis 2 string type key Install Dir, if there is no such entry in the registry or the path is incorrect, then create and register the required one!
- for x64 systems, the registry key is located at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Crytek\Crysis 2 , the actions are similar to the previous paragraph.

useful links

DirectX 11 Hook/Hack/Patch

After spending a lot of time learning the engine from the Crysis 2 game, the idea of ​​emulating/bypassing DirectX 11 API calls came to mind. Actually, the idea is not new, if you remember the old utility from a German author called 3D Analyze, which made it possible to emulate the version of shaders and configure each application for almost any video card, then this solution method is faster and more reliable. We sent Thomas"have a message, but they themselves have already begun to work in this direction. Patch / Hack / Utility will present itself as either a direct patch (.dll) or a universal one (modify the process memory).

As a result of researching the EXE file, it was decided to make a "own" library d3d11.dll, so that the functions in the library would return the required parameters without the participation of drivers. Also in the process of researching technology DirectX a very interesting number of details were found, for example, that any model with DX11 effects can be rendered on almost any video card. Actually, there was a suspicion that all the "goodies" of DX10 / 11, etc., are add-ons over DX9, and support for the corresponding API lies only in drivers. After all, what's the difference what to send to the chip? In the end, all the same, the machine code is sent to the chip, for example, Tessellation - in fact, adds a few more wireframes to the existing model. As a result, we see with our own eyes all modern marketing, that is, new chips were invented to sell new chips, which can also be recreated on earlier models (8600GT / Radeon 4000 series...). For example, if in DX9 the bulge can be built with 9 commands, then in DX11 only 3, this is just an example, at the output the graphics chip will still be loaded in the same way). Another point, even if you make a model for only version 11 shaders, you still have to set the "bumps and lighting" by hand. That is why in Crysis 3 shaders for models are already in the game itself). In fact, all blocks are in drivers and libraries (thanks to MS, NV and AMD - all monopolists). Below is a video that demonstrates in which direction you need to dig, and also clearly shows the correctness of my statement.
What do we want to do? Replace the DX11 libraries with analogues, that is, every call to the 11.0/11.1 API function will always be successful;).
Remembering the history a little... For example, how long people sat on XP, and everyone was happy with everything, as well as the failure of Vista (the main feature of the pseudo DX10), and then the slow transition to Seven (the climbed out Vista and the pseudo-new DX11), once again proves the loyalty statements.

Preparing for the hack

Alternative DirectX 11 library - concept

After a cursory examination of the game for calling DirectX functions, before loading the menu, two were found: D3D11CreateDevice And . Having opened the Microsoft Knowledge Base (MSDN), it was found that there are not so many discrepancies, with the exception of the number of arguments.

Function declaration D3D11CreateDevice

HRESULT D3D11CreateDevice(_In_ IDXGIAdapter *pAdapter, _In_ D3D_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType, _In_ HMODULE Software, _In_ UINT Flags, _In_ const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL *pFeatureLevels, _In_ UINT FeatureLevels, _In_ UINT SDKVersion, _Out_ ID 3D11Device **ppDevice, _Out_ D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL *pFeatureLevel, _Out_ ID3D11DeviceContext **ppImmediateContext );

Function declaration D3D10CreateDevice

HRESULT D3D10CreateDevice(_In_ IDXGIAdapter *pAdapter, _In_ D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType, _In_ HMODULE Software, _In_ UINT Flags, _In_ UINT SDKVersion, _Out_ ID3D10Device **ppDevice);

Function declaration D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain

HRESULT D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(_In_ IDXGIAdapter *pAdapter, _In_ D3D_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType, _In_ HMODULE Software, _In_ UINT Flags, _In_ const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL *pFeatureLevels, _In_ UINT FeatureLevels, _In_ UINT SDKVers ion, _In_ const DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC *pSwapChainDesc, _Out_ IDXGISwapChain **ppSwapChain, _Out_ ID3D11Device ** ppDevice, _Out_ D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL *pFeatureLevel, _Out_ ID3D11DeviceContext **ppImmediateContext);

Function declaration D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain

HRESULT D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(_In_ IDXGIAdapter *pAdapter, _In_ D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType, _In_ HMODULE Software, _In_ UINT Flags, _In_ UINT SDKVersion, _In_ DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC *pSwapChainDesc, _Out_ IDXGISwapChain **ppSwapChain, _Out_ ID3D10Device **ppDevice);

This code is on the site. MSDN so anyone can check. In particular, the function D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain is called only twice in the game before loading the main menu, in fact, most likely the test for checking the chips of the 11th version of DirectX is based on this, it was decided to replace the d3d11.dll library (placed in the folder with crysis3.exe), writing it "clone" which, first of all, will intercept all function calls from the game and write it to the LOG file, and secondly, it will always be possible to return the values ​​we need!

The screenshot below does not show the differences between DX9 and DX11 (Dragon Age 2), DX is just a software API for the video driver, the driver in turn creates a set of commands (instructions) for the GPU. DirectX 11 features are just additional effects for DX9, DX10/DX11 - just marketing to sell Windows Vista and other operating systems from Microsoft, as well as to change the video card more often because of the "new" features, which are essentially nothing more than just a program. If you had documentation for a video adapter (we tried to get it, but we were refused), for example GeForce 6600, you could easily make the necessary driver for any API that could create a command stream to apply the same DX11 effects on a simple 6600 or on any other chip and adapter!


Important: to unpack the archive, you need to use an archiver that supports the 7z format, for example, 7zip( or WinRAR(

Today (February 22) was the official release of the game crysis 3 for the PC platform. Console owners got the shooter a little early, and congratulations to them. And while the owners of xbox and PS 3 are enjoying the new shooter, the owners of computers from today are strenuously bombarding Google and Yandex with requests for “crysis 3 download” - almost 15 thousand requests according to Yandex, and “crysis 3 torrent” - 10 thousand requests, again, according to Yandex.

Like any other shooter with serious system requirements, crysis 3 is characterized by the presence of a bunch of bugs and glitches, which cannot be said about the xbox and playstation 3, everything is a little better there.
But first things first…

Before you analyze individual bugs in crysis 3 And launch problems, carefully study the game.
Looking ahead, I’ll note that Crysis 3 does not start on Windows XP.

I also recommend reading a small guide to the most common. If the tips in the article do not help, contact computer help.

If you have any questions, read below and in the comments.

Didn't find an answer? - ask!

1# Crysis 3 does not meet the system requirements, what can I do?

Depending on how unsuitable - if you have Windows XP - the game will not start. If your video card does not reach the recommended requirements, or reaches the minimum, but the game is still buggy - reduce the quality of the shadows and remove the vertical synchronization.

2#dxgi.dll was not found

The directX component is not installed, or an unsupported version of directX is installed. You can install the correct DX from the internet by searching for directX web installer.

3# You need DX11 capable GPU to play Crysis 3 to play crysis 3

Install DirectX 11. You can view the directX version by running the (Win+R) dxdiag command.

You also need to make sure that your video card supports dx11. You can find out this information from the video card manufacturer's website or simply by asking the appropriate query in Google. Sometimes dxdiag shows that directX 11 is installed on the system, but this only means that it is installed on the system and does not mean that your video card supports it

4# Crysis 3 Runtime error

Install the Microsoft vcredist C++ libraries

5# Crysis 3 slows down, lags

Look at the game and point 1.

6# Crysis 3 won't start

If the game does not start, check if DirectX is installed, the latest drivers for the video card, nvidia physx, microsoft vcredist c ++. You may need to update origin and run the game as an administrator.

If you have Crysis 3 repack (cracked version) and none of the above helped, try downloading another repack.

7# Crysis 3 crashes on the second mission (kicks out of the game immediately after 1 mission)

I don’t know if license owners have such a problem, but repack owners definitely have it. As I wrote above, you need to wait for a normal repack. In the meantime, the following fix will help you:

After you are thrown out before the second mission, go to the game console (key ~) and run the command: map canyon

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