I'm waiting for the game to release battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 is a fairly popular game even though several new parts of the well-known series have been released. However, from time to time, players are faced with the fact that this particular shooter refuses to start. In such cases, it is worth studying the problem in more detail and finding a solution, rather than sitting idly by. Thus, you can play your favorite game much faster.

There are unconfirmed rumors that the developers of the Battlefield game series from DICE like to turn off the servers of the third part during the release of new action movie series. Especially often, such problems were observed at the time of the release of Battlefield 4, Hardline, 1. Allegedly, this is done so that players go to work on fresh products, which would increase online, overall turnout, and also, in principle, would make people fall in love with new projects and move away from old ones. .

Like it or not - a mystery behind seven seals. Experts call a more prosaic reason. The shutdown of the most popular old game allows DICE to better deal with the work of servers of new products in order to debug them at first. Otherwise, the gameplay in all games could simply fall due to unforeseen errors. And since Battlefield 3 is one of the most popular games from this manufacturer, it is usually turned off.

Be that as it may, it is worth making a detailed analysis of the situation on the computer. After the diagnosis, it is worth looking for a solution to the problems. After all, they may not always be covered in the DICE conspiracy theory.

Reason 1: Client job failure

One of the main causes of the problem is the problem with launching the game through the Origin client. For example, the program may not respond at all to attempts to start the game, and it may also incorrectly execute the received commands. In such a situation, you should try to perform a clean reinstallation of the client.

If the problem really lay in this, then it will be solved.

Reason 2: Problems with Battlelog

Battlefield 3 runs on servers under the overall control of the Battlelog network. Sometimes this service can also fail. It usually looks like this: the user successfully launches the game through the Origin client, the system transfers to the Battlelog, but there nothing reacts in any way to an attempt to go into battle.

In this case, you should try the following measures:

  1. Reinstalling the browser. Access to Battlelog is carried out through a standard browser installed by default in the system. The developers themselves note that when using Google Chrome, this problem occurs least often. It is best suited for working with Battlelog.
  2. Transfer from the site. Sometimes the problem can be created after moving from the Origin client to the Battlelog system. In the process, the server incorrectly receives user data, and therefore the system does not work correctly. You should check for such a problem and try to launch Battlefield 1 from the official Origin website, having previously logged in there. Often times this helps. If the problem is confirmed, then you should perform a clean reinstallation of the client.
  3. Reauthorization. In some cases, logging out of your account in the Origin client and signing in again may help. After that, the system can start transmitting data to the server correctly. To do this, select the section in the program header Origin and press the button "Go out"

If any of the above measures worked, then the problem really was a problem with the operation of Battlelog.

Reason 3: Failed to install or update

In some cases, the failure may occur due to errors during the installation of the game or client. This is usually difficult to diagnose right away. Most often, the problem is created when trying to start the game - the client is minimized, but nothing happens. Also, when starting in Battlelog, the game opens, but it either immediately crashes or freezes.

In this situation, you should try to perform a clean reinstallation of the Origin program, then uninstall Battlefield 3. After that, you need to restart your computer and re-download the game. If possible, it's best to try installing it to a different directory on your computer, and ideally, to a different local drive.

A good choice would be to install the game on the root drive - the one where Windows is installed. This approach is universal for programs for which such an arrangement is important.

Reason 4: Incomplete set of required software

Like any other program, the system for using Battlefield 3 (which consists of the Origin client, the Battlelog network and the game itself) requires certain software to be installed on the computer. Here is a complete list of everything that is required to have no problems starting:

In case there are problems with the launch of the game, you should try to install and update this list of software. After that, you need to restart your computer and try to start Battlefield again.

Reason 5: Conflicting processes

Typically, a system runs a huge number of very different processes. Some of them may conflict with the operation of Battlelog, Origin or the game itself. So the best option would be a clean run of Windows with a minimal set of features. To do this, you will need to carry out the following activities:

Now you can enjoy the process of the game without problems.

Reason 6: Internet connection problems

Usually, when there are problems with the connection, the system issues appropriate alerts. However, it is still worth checking and trying the following points:

Reason 7: Security Issues

Your computer's security settings may interfere with the launch of game components. It's worth checking them out carefully.

  1. You will need to add both the game itself and the Origin client to the exception lists in antiviruses.
  2. You should also check your computer's firewall and try disabling it.
  3. In addition, it will not be superfluous to perform a full system scan for viruses. They can also interfere directly or indirectly with game components.

Reason 8: Technical problems

In the end, it is worth checking if the computer itself is working correctly.

If the problem really lay in the computer itself, these measures should be enough to change the situation.

Reason 9: Non-working servers

If none of the above helps, then the problem lies in the operation of the game servers. They are either overloaded or deliberately disabled by the developers. In such a situation, it remains only to wait for the system to work again as it should.


As you can see, the problem with the launch of Battlefield 3 is quite multifaceted. In most cases, the game servers are not working, but it's still worth trying to check for other possible problems. Chances are high that DICE is not to blame at all, and your favorite game will be playable very soon - immediately after the problem is solved.

Although it was released last year, DICE and Electronic Arts continue to actively support the game, regularly releasing significant additions. For those who, for some reason, missed one of the most popular online action movies in the world, but really want to try, website compiled a short list of tips that will help a beginner become a valuable player in any team.

There are four classes of fighters to choose from: Assault, Engineer, Support and Scout. The truth is that each of us plays excellently in one class, well, mediocrely or badly in others. The first time you have to understand what is more to your liking. Heal and revive allies? Fix tech? Carry a heavy machine gun and prevent the enemy from sticking his nose out while his own are advancing? Exercise in the range of well-aimed shots and help the team with reconnaissance?

Each class has an average of over 10 guns to choose from and each has its own set of pros and cons. FAMAS is fast-firing, but with high recoil and a small magazine. The PP-19 has a large magazine, but low damage and a long reload time. The M98B sniper rifle has the highest lethal force, but only 6 rounds. Which weapon to choose is more likely not the result of mathematical analysis, but an intuitive choice.

Of the automatic weapons of the Assault aircraft, many consider the F2000, KH2002 and the Austrian AUG A3 rifle, which appeared in the latest Close Quarters DLC, to be the most effective. A hit among Engineers - SCAR-H, among Support soldiers - PKP "Pecheneg". One of the most deadly sniper rifles is perhaps the M98B, if you learn how to handle it.

In, as in any modern military shooter, there are a large number of various accessories for weapons. A variety of sights, bipods, an enlarged magazine, a silencer - this is not a complete list of all the "gadgets" for guns. Get the right one and it could save your life. A word of advice: for automatic weapons, try the "holographic sight - front grip - flash suppressor" combination.

Tip four - use personal abilities (“perks”)

Each fighter has personal abilities that open as you advance in ranks. They can affect both the soldier himself and the entire squad, for example, doubling the number of grenades carried, weakening the effect of suppression from enemy fire, or speeding up the run. The latter, by the way, is very useful, even when playing by yourself.

If you are playing in a squad, pay attention to what abilities your teammates have. Pick one they don't have - it's faster and more efficient than asking your comrades to switch their perks. deadly than without them. Keep in mind - the same perks for different players do not enhance the effect.

One of the most important commandments of the series Battlefield- PTFO (Play the F***ing Objective) - says that a real hero should not sit in the bushes and shoot gaping opponents. In the main game modes - Capture and Assault - there are clearly defined tasks.

In Conquest, your team needs to hold more than half of the control points on the map until reinforcement points run out. The latter are displayed above the minimap in the lower left corner of the screen. So you should not run around in a circle, like a chicken with a severed head, but purposefully move to the nearest point that the enemy has captured. You clear the area and capture the flag, and move on to the next point.

In Sturm, there are pairs of M-COM stations (transmitters) on which you need to install a charge and protect it until an explosion occurs. It's great if you're not doing it yourself, and there are partners who cover you. In this network mode, time plays against the attacking team: if the reinforcement points run out before all the transmitters are destroyed, it is a defeat. Remember, only cowards sit in the rear.

In addition to the advantages that are not obvious at first, playing inside the squad promises tangible bonuses: every time you heal, repair or save a guy from your squad from imminent death, you get bonus points. They are then converted into titles and awards, so don't neglect that.

In addition, being in a squad, you are a respawn point for partners (yes, they also give points for this). This is priceless if, for example, you are behind enemy lines. Even four people who appeared "from the back" are able to mow down the entire enemy team. If you play with friends - be sure to unite in one squad. The beauty is that all squadmates are always visible on the map and on the screen. If one of them calls for help, you will always know where to go.

Many undeservedly ignore the "Q" button, conveniently located within reach of the ring finger of the left hand. This button is responsible for several functions, the main of which is the marking of an enemy soldier.

This is damn convenient: a bright triangle immediately appears above the head of an enemy that hits your scope, giving out its location for about 3 seconds. First, it is much easier to shoot if you can clearly see where the target is. Secondly, your whole team sees the enemy at once. If you delay, someone else will probably shoot him, and you still get bonus points for spotting.

The second function of the "Q" button is triggered when it is held down: the order panel appears. By moving the cursor to the desired item and pressing the left mouse button, you can demand a doctor, cartridges, give a lift, thank or give a good catch up to poorly motivated allies.

When one of your allies presses the "Q" button, the marked enemy appears on a small map in the lower left corner of the screen. It's called 2D spotting and for the attentive gamer it's an indispensable tool.

The minimap has three modes: satellite, hybrid and detailed. The minimap allows you to instantly navigate the situation: the terrain, nearby flags or transmitters, the number of enemies, whether there are any allies nearby. Often it is the minimap that allows you to make the only right decision and get away with it.

It's not easy at first, but train yourself to take a quick glance at the lower left corner of the screen once every couple of seconds. You'll be surprised how many times this allows you to effectively take down several enemies in a row, and save the life of your fighter. But remember - the minimap is two-dimensional, the enemy indicated on it can be above or below you.

If you are a Stormtrooper or Support, then you have a goose hanging in your bosom that lays golden eggs. Press the "3" button, and a first-aid kit or an ammo box will fly to the floor, respectively.

Depending on how well the location of the abandoned ammunition is chosen, your instant earnings depend. If you got right into a bunch of wounded or shot back comrades-in-arms, you can count on an early promotion. For healing an ally, as well as for the cartridges issued to him, you get points - 10 points for every 20% of restored health. If you help a fighter from your squad, this figure is doubled. Which only once again confirms the thesis that it is profitable to stick together with the detachment.

Before you start earning, make sure that you have a first-aid kit or an ammo bag selected in the equipment menu. Instead, you can install a grenade launcher or even a mortar - but real businessmen will quickly figure out what's what.

One of the illnesses of beginners is a disorder of attention from the abundance of technology in the game. You appear at the base - and here you have a tank, an anti-aircraft gun, a helicopter, an airplane, and a jeep. The first and natural impulse is to quickly jump into one of the above and get out of the base without looking back.

Of all the equipment, only the aircraft and anti-aircraft guns are single-seat, everything else is designed for a crew of two or more people. Be sure - karma will quickly overtake you if you rush off without waiting for anyone, for example, in a tank or helicopter. A tank without a shooter is an excellent target for air vehicles and infantry. While you are slowly turning the turret, five soldiers are already running towards you with C4 explosives at the ready. Death will be quick and painful.

In addition, almost every piece of equipment in has special abilities that depend on the crew in it. If you plan to fight on a tank, try the "Auto Loader + IR Smoke + Buckshot" combination of abilities. The first will reduce the reload speed of the main gun, the second will make it possible to hide from a homing missile, and buckshot is very effective against infantry.

If the sky is calling you and you jump on a plane, make sure you have Stealth + IR Smoke + Heat Seeking perks activated. Stealth will make it difficult to capture your combat vehicle in an enemy sight, IK traps will take aside a missile flying at you, and the extreme point will allow you to launch the same missile.

A combat helicopter with only one pilot is a death capsule; expected lifetime is 30 seconds. The pilot, unlike the shooter, has limited visibility, reflectors take too long to reload, and there is no powerful and accurate 20mm cannon under their feet.

Combat helicopter offers a wide range of perks. It's great if the pilot and shooter can coordinate them with each other. One of the most powerful configurations is "Stealth + IR Traps + Heat Seeking" for the pilot; and "Automatic loader + IR traps + Guided projectile" for the shooter. It's only smart to get into a helicopter in the Engineer class: even if you've been seriously injured, you can land and repair in a matter of seconds.

You can switch places in military equipment using the F1-F4 keys. They should be used to give way to an ally. An attempt with their help to be both a pilot and a shooter at the same time is always doomed to failure.

Tip Eleven - Outflank the enemy and try to go unnoticed

Surprisingly, 95% of attacking team players choose the same path to the goal: the central one. Meanwhile, all maps (even Operation Metro) make it possible to bypass the enemy on the flank, and, if successful, go to the rear. In the network mode "Capture", one of the most competent tactics is to capture flags behind enemy lines. This will immediately give your team an advantage: 95% of the defenders are also waiting for your team to go head-on, and will be surprised when you start cutting them from behind.

Flanking is especially great if you're a Scout. Equip a mobile respawn and put it on when you get past the defenses. Allies will be able to respawn nearby and either arrange a massacre where no one expects it, or stealthily capture the flag to bring the team's victory closer.

On the other hand, if you are on the defensive, look around. Again, few of your comrades-in-arms expect the enemy to be so treacherous that they will climb into the rear.

The most important thing to win in is not a powerful gun and an accurate mouse, but a team game. Fighting in a squad with friends brings a lot of fun and pleasure from the game. If at the same time you also coordinate your actions, the “Best Squad” patch in this round is yours.

On the site battle log, with which the game control is implemented, has its own voice communication. All you need to communicate is to create a group, invite your friends there and enter the voice chat. Everything is simple and convenient, besides, you can enter the server as a group with a single button.

Remember: no amount of advice will help you truly feel the same way as many hours spent in multiplayer battles. The game impresses with its depth and variety: it has a huge number of weapons, maps and equipment. Don't be discouraged if your progress is not great at first. Only practice builds skills.The advice given does not, of course, cover the full width of . These are just the basics. However, we hope you find them useful.

In 2011, EA Games decided to finally take the lead in the field of shooters. The Swedish studio-developer DICE, known for the Battlefield series of games, came to help realize her dream. Of course, as before in the gaming space, there was a huge competition between games in the FPS genre. However, the main rival was still Activision with its project Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, which was supposed to appear on store shelves a week after the release of Battlefield 3. The Call of Duty series has long been criticized for its outdated engine and self-copying, so the eyes of many gamers rushed towards Battlefield 3. And here they did not fail.

The fact is that DICE has brought much more innovation to its project. First of all, this is the new engine Frostbite 2, which gave out just an amazingly beautiful picture, and the physics and destructibility of the environment left all competitors far behind. The game is a collection of single, multiplayer and cooperative modes, each of which is unique and interesting to play. Multiplayer remained the main one, unfolding on huge maps with a large arsenal of weapons and equipment.

However, not everything is so great with Battlefield 3. Firstly, the game is very demanding on the hardware of your PC. Secondly, at the initial stage, it was accompanied by many bugs that interfere with comfortable gameplay. Also, after the release, the players had numerous questions and complaints: how to run Battlefield 3, where to download normal drivers for Battlefield 3 via Origin, how to run it on XP, and so on. Let's try to answer some of them.

1) So how do you launch Battlefield 3? First of all, if you have a license, you will need to download and install the Origin client, where the game itself is activated. Then it will appear in the client menu in the "My Games" tab, where you will find Battlefield 3. Then just click the "Launch" button. After that, the Battlelog page will appear, where we choose what to launch: multiplayer, co-op or single.

2) The second case. The latest drivers can be downloaded from the official Nvidia and ATI websites.

3) The third situation. If your game does not start through Origin, then the following reasons are possible: the program itself has crashed, reinstalling it can help, or there was some kind of error during installation that damaged the root files (in this case, you should reinstall the game itself).

4) The fourth question is about how to run Battlefield 3 on XP. Let's just say it's impossible. The fact is that the game only supports DirectX versions 10 and 11, and therefore it can only be launched on Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

I also want to add that there have often been complaints on the forums about premature game crashes in multiplayer mode. So, if you have the latest versions of drivers, then the last problem may occur for the following reasons: overloaded servers (which is very rare, but it happens), full RAM, poor performance of your PC.

Well, we figured out how to launch Battlefield 3. There is also another problem. Some gamers complain that they can't connect to ranked servers. And here there is only one correct solution - this is reinstalling the Punkbuster program, which is on the game disc. However, it happens that even the owners of top-end machines and a licensed copy of the game also do not start Battlefield 3. In this case, the best advice would be to contact the EA Games support service, where they will definitely help you solve the problem within 1-2 days from the moment you send a message about the problems that have arisen inconvenience.

Fixes Battlefield 3. Solutions to problems with launch, crashes, sound

Out Of Memory Errors

You may get such an error after some time spent in the game. An example error message:

DirectX function “device->CreateTexture2D(&texDesc, desc.subResourceCount != 0 ? reinterpret_cast(desc.subResourcedata) :0, &texture->_texture2d)* failed with E_OUTOFMEMORY: Ran out of memory. GPU:...etc

This problem most often occurs for those users who have old hardware or little RAM. To fix it, you can try to drop the graphics settings to the minimum and lower the resolution.

You can also try increase virtual memory on the computer. In Windows XP, 7 this can be done in " My computer" -> Properties -> Additionally-> button " Options" In chapter " Performance" -> tab Additionally-> button " Change" In chapter " Virtual Memory". Although it seems that the more done, the better - it is not - setting the virtual memory value too high can incur negative consequences. To make sure this works, increase the memory gradually, for example, increase by 512MB-1GB if you see improvement - raise more as you wish The memory you add is subtracted from your hard drive, so make sure you have enough memory before starting.

DirectX Error when trying to connect to Battlelog

For example, errors like the one below occur when players try to join a server.

DirectX function “m_dxgiFactory -> CreateSwapchain(m_device, &sd, &m_swapChain.assignGet())” failed with DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL: the application made an erroneous API call.

To try and fix this, you should try doing a few things:

1) Update your video card drivers.

3) The usual installation of the DirectX package that comes with the game does not always help, but in extreme cases you can try.

4) Run the game in XP compatibility mode if you are on Windows 7.

BF3 game won't start. Battlefield 3 crashes to desktop, C2D. Black screen in BF3

Perhaps more than the unsaved progress of the game, only its constant crashes can annoy. Given higher suggestions work well for dealing with this problem, so it does not make sense to list them again. Disable all unused programs.

If you are using overclocked graphics cards (560Ti and 570Ti) or have SLI installed, whether they were factory overclocked or manually overclocked by you - you must lower the GPU clock speed! For this you can use the program MSI Afterburner 7. Or even easier, look at information about overclocking, the program and how to do it.

To help solve this problem, disable all CPUs except CPU 0 from the "bf3.exe" process in the task manager (for multi-core processors).

Battlefield 3 Lags or stutters. Sound problems

If you have lags in the game, or sound delay, stuttering, then you can use the following tips to increase FPS:

If you're experiencing audio lag, stuttering, or lag while playing, these tips work well to increase your frames per second.

1) Disable vertical sync! This will help you get all the FPS that the hardware is capable of.

2) Lower your graphics settings and resolution.

3) update your drivers! NVIDIA and ATI have released drivers that have been specifically modified to optimize performance in Battlefield 3. It should be noted, however, that there is an issue with 285.62 NVIDIA drivers causing stuttering in the game.

4) In addition to tip #2, lowering the game's screen resolution and lowering the shadows can help a lot as well. You can also turn off anti-aliasing to make the game more lively.

5) Disable 3D Vision.

6) Find and install the latest patch for the game.

7) Perhaps you are playing on a slow server and you have a large ping, which causes such inconvenience. Look for another server.

Unable to Connect - BF3 Port Information

Some people disable ports for security reasons, which is the right thing to do. However, players disable the ports that the game uses. Check the functionality of the following ports:

For computer:

TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 20000-29999, 22990, 17502, 42127

UDP: 3659, 14000-14016, 22990-23006, 25200-25300

Sony PlayStation 3:

TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 10000-19999, 17502, 42127

UDP: 3659, 14000-14016

X-Box 360:

TCP: 53, 88, 3074

UDP: 53, 88, 3074

The ports listed must be enabled for normal operation.

Battlefield 3 Specact Kit invalid code / invalid key

Contact DICE/EA Support and report this issue.

Can't login with "outdated" web browser

The best way out of this situation is to install a new browser. Most often, users of Internet Explorer (IE) receive this error. Perhaps the best solution would be to install a new version of /Google Chrome/ with which this error will not occur.

No Sound Game/Audio/Music

For starters, those who have 7.1 and 5.1 sound systems, in the settings, just try to set the channel from 7.1 -> 5.1 or 5.1 -> 2.1. This is not quite the ideal option to get rid of the problem, but it's worth a try. It also helps even when using headsets with headphones.

Diagnose the sound by typing in Start -> Run "DXDIAG". Open the tab Sound. Find " Features DirectX and disable hardware acceleration.

Or Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices. Find " Speaker setup"> click the button" Additionally"> tab Performance. Changing hardware acceleration (Full -> No) and sample rate conversion, i.e. quality ( The best -> Good)

It also sometimes helps to get rid of this problem by disabling all CPUs except CPU 0 from the "bf3.exe" process in the task manager (for multi-core processors).

Punkbuster error - "You have been kicked from the server by the administrator"

Most likely, you either got kicked out, or these are outdated game files or a misconfigured Punkbuster. Please add the game to your antivirus and firewall exceptions.

BF3 stopped working. Battlefield 3 won't start

Navigate to the folder where the game named is installed battlefield3TM.... rename it to BATTLEFIELD 3.... delete TM, then go to edit registry regedit and search with HKEY_USER S followed by the word " battlefield3", there should be 2 bf3 result... open one with elements on the right side... And delete everywhere TM from the path name, then restart your computer:

1) Go to the installation folder of the game, which is named " battlefield3TM" and rename it to " Battlefield 3"(without TM).

2) Open the registry editor ( Start -> Run - "regedit") and go to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ EA Games, then rename each key value BattlefieldTM V Battlefield!

Be sure to follow step 2 with editing the registry, just editing the folder name will not help and may have consequences.

BF3.exe Stopped Responding, Program Crashed (When Loading Map/Mission/End Round) - NVIDIA

Install new video card drivers. Download drivers

Battlefront3 Fix for dxgi.dll / NTDLL.DLL Error. Error in BF 3

Install new DirectX and new drivers.

Message Windows has detected computer performance is slow

Such pop-ups can appear during the game and cause the game to crash during the battle, which naturally negatively affects the gameplay. Battlefield turns off Windows Aero due to high resource consumption. The best way to solve this problem is:

Change game launch properties by changing file compatibility BF3.exe(default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3\) -> Properties -> Compatibility-> Check" Disable desktop composition". This will disable Windows Aero while playing to avoid the popup.

If these tips did not help you, look here.

Battlefield 3 is perhaps one of the most famous and popular first person shooters. But, despite the huge number of patches released by the developers, the game still has a lot of bugs and flaws, no matter if it's licensed or not. Today we will look at the most common problems that arise during the game.

Before analyzing particular problems, see if all the requirements are met:

  • The path to the folder with the game is indicated by English characters without spaces
  • Latest punkbuster anti-cheat installed
  • Updated Origin installed
  • Updated DirectX
  • Updated video card drivers. Nvidia (link) and AMD (link)
  • Disabled antivirus and closed all background applications
  • Updated Microsoft Visual C++ Libraries

Also make sure that your computer meets the system requirements stated by the developers:

  • OS: Windows Vista SP2 32-bit
  • Processor (AMD): Athlon X2 2.8 GHz
  • Processor (Intel): Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Hard disk: 30 GB
  • Video card (AMD): AMD Radeon HD 3870
  • Video card (NVIDIA): Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT
  • Video card memory: 512 MB

Out of memory error

If there is not enough memory, a message like DirectX function “device->CreateTexture2D(&texDesc, desc.subResourceCount != 0 ? reinterpret_cast(desc.subResourcedata) :0, &texture->_texture2d)* failed with E_OUTOFMEMORY: Ran out of memory. GPU:…etc.

This problem occurs if you have old hardware. To fix the bug, try lowering the resolution and graphics settings to the minimum.

Also try increasing virtual memory. First, check if you have enough hard drive space. Next, go to My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Settings button in the Performance section -> Advanced tab -> Change button in the Virtual Memory section. Don't overdo it - more is not better. Upgrade your memory from 512MB to 1GB.

Battlefield 3 crashes, frequent crashes in the game

  1. Go to Start, type "cmd" in the search bar, run the file as administrator
  2. In the command line, enter bcdedit / set increaseuserva 2800. Press Enter
  3. Now the system will use 2800 MB of memory for applications
  4. Be sure to restart your computer

Error when launching Battlefield 3

  1. Launch the Origin client, right click on Battlefield 3 and select Repair Install
  2. Update your graphics card drivers
  3. Disable vertical sync in game settings.
    Sync) and smoothing (Antialiasing)
  4. Do not forget to disable antiviruses and all background programs before starting the game.

Audio issues in Battlefield 3

To solve problems with sound, stuttering, lags, an increase in FPS will help:

  1. Disable v-sync and anti-aliasing
  2. Lower your resolution and graphics settings
  3. Update your video card drivers
  4. Disable 3D vision
  5. Install the latest patch
  6. There is a chance that your ping is too high, then look for another server.

In case you have any questions or know other ways to fix bugs, please unsubscribe in the comments.


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