Email client for windows 10. Outlook alternatives: An overview of email clients for Windows. Importing contacts can be tricky

We've created our own Top Ten Email Software, which details each application on this list.

So let's go.

comparison table

Read also: We remain anonymous: 10 services for registering temporary mail

Email client name Price
It is possible to purchase a subscription for a month for 269 rubles, or you can buy the program offline for 7499 rublesWebsite
Since 2018 Available only for the corporate sectorWebsite
There are two versions:
Lite - free;
Pro - $12 subscription for one calendar month; $45 for a lifetime subscription.

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Perhaps one of the most famous email clients is Opera mail.

It is completely free, which is good news.

It is worth noting that this resource is an integral part of the Opera browser. This makes it easy to send and receive emails.

For those people who are browser users, an email client is ideal because it has a similar look and feel and software of the same name.

  • The program supports such protocols as pops, imap, smtp;
  • The application has a built-in feature that suppresses spam;
  • The mail client has a comfortable interface;
  • The program is especially convenient for those users who have the Windows 7 operating system installed on their personal computer;
  • The program is equipped with thematic sorting of e-mails. The rules for distributing messages by topic are programmed by the user himself.
  • With this application, it is possible to view an unlimited number of emails, thanks to a comfortable transition through the tabs.

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The next email client, Mozilla Thunderbird, is ideal for many users because it has all the features that one can only dream of.

The developers of this program did a great job, because the mail client differs from its competitors in its excellent security system, which will not allow third parties to take over your personal information.

Distinctive features of the mail client:

  • This program, like the previous one, supports such protocols as smtp, imap;
  • It is possible to log into the mail client remotely;
  • The application is quite easy to customize;
  • The program allows you to manage several mailboxes at once and receive messages in a single folder;
  • Comfortable system of tabs, as well as a convenient address book;
  • It is possible to easily filter messages;
  • The application allows you to check the spelling in the letter you have written.

Beginners will appreciate the feature that allows you to quickly search for a specific email.

This mail client has many languages. The program can be used in forty languages, which include Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and other CIS languages.

There is a lot of additional content on the Internet that can be installed in addition to the standard functionality of this email client.


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The next email client that we are obliged to tell you about is the Koma-mail program.

In this application, you will not find the functionality that we described in the above email clients.

But on the other hand, this utility can be installed on a flash drive. Koma-Mail occupies a leading position among free email clients that can be installed on .

Distinctive features of the mail client Koma-Mail:

It is also worth noting the convenience of this mail client when working in Windows.

After all, the comfort of using this application lies in simple coordination in managing the list of contacts, the presence of a calendar, the availability of work in Russian, Ukrainian and other CIS languages.

It should be noted that the application can work in nineteen available languages.

Thus, the program has many advantages, so it can be a great replacement for paid email clients.


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The Bat! is not inferior in functionality to previous programs.

Here you will not see unnecessary services that may interfere with your work, however, the application has settings that will help ensure fast and comfortable work.

Features of The Bat! email client software:

  • increased degree of protection of personal data of clients of the windows program;
  • the ability to work using an unlimited number of accounts;
  • automated mail sorting;
  • built-in support for rss feeds;
  • Russian-language user-friendly interface;
  • the program works with high-quality spam protection;
  • Easy to manage and set parameters.

There are two versions of The Bat! mail service:

  • professional;
  • home.

Despite the many advantages of using this email client, the disadvantages include some omissions in the correct work with HTML letters.

Otherwise, the program is quite worthy and in demand.


If you do not like the functionality of the above mail clients, then in this case you should pay attention to the SeaMonkey program.

For it is in this application that there is a wide range of settings and useful tools.

Distinctive features of the mail client:

  • The application is equipped with an rss aggregator;
  • With this program, it is possible to send instant messages;
  • It is possible to use several email accounts at once;
  • The application allows you to create messages in text format;
  • The program's security system is actively fighting spam.

As mentioned above, this program includes a large number of settings, but this fact does not affect the organization of work with electronic mailboxes.

It is worth noting that there is a portable version of this mail client, such an application does not need to be installed on your personal computer

It should be noted that the advantages of the application can also include a beautiful and versatile appearance.

The developers of this application are well aware that many of their users want to have a different mail client on their personal computer.

It is for this reason that the Mailbird team has recently introduced the following solutions to help emphasize individuality:

  • The choice of color design;
  • A combination of hot buttons;
  • Customizing user interface panels.
  • Inky mail client

    Inky mail client is one of the most beautiful and modern programs. It is worth noting that this application is absolutely, which cannot but rejoice.

    With the help of this program, it is possible to work with several electronic mailboxes at once, and there is also a cloud synchronization function and comfortable visualization, which has a choice of theme colors.

    The manufacturers of this mail client provided the program with automatic sorting of incoming and outgoing letters by relevance.

    Messages from regular contacts are marked with a blue drop. Such a sign means the highest importance of the message.

    The program will automatically mark permanent spam with bright drops and move it down the list.

There are a lot of mail programs for Windows and Mac, but many of us still continue to use services through a web browser. Maybe there are good reasons for this? Today we are dealing with email clients - what is the use of them, what is the harm, and is it possible to find the perfect one at all.

Let's start, as usual, with the good. Email clients have many advantages over their web options.

No ads and other info junk

A lot of unnecessary information appears on the mail page in a web browser along with letters. Annoying ads, news, links to other services, pop-up tips and hints - all this is terribly annoying. All this is missing in email clients, especially if you are using the paid version.

You can connect several boxes at once and not get confused

Most often, we use several mailboxes at once, and on different services. For example, one address is work, another is personal, the third is for secondary information that flies to the post office after registering in online stores, on forums, services, and so on.

Switching between links in the browser to have instant access to the contents of the boxes is inconvenient: for this, they must always be open in the browser. And there will be one mail client, no matter how many accounts you have.

You can view letters even if there is no Internet

Typically, when you use a mail application, emails are stored on your computer. This means that you will be able to view incoming and sent messages, even when there is no network connection. When working through a browser, there will be no such possibility for obvious reasons: there is no Internet - there are no boxes with letters.

No need to guard at the mailbox

For instant notification of a new incoming message, you need to either keep tabs with mailboxes open, or install some kind of browser plugin - both options are rather inconvenient. In addition, when you close the web browser, even a plug-in will not save you - an important letter will come, but you will not see it right away.

Mail clients themselves contact servers and request information about new letters. With a positive answer, you immediately receive a notification that is hard to miss.


Mail clients also have disadvantages. Here are the most disgusting ones.

They have so many functions that it's hard to figure it out right away.

If browser versions of mailboxes are made as simple as possible, then developers often get carried away with applications, stuffing them with all sorts of options, functions and settings that most users do not care about.

As a result, instead of just adding mailboxes and enjoying life, you have to dig through the interface, trying to find where the signature setting is, and how to turn off the stupid spellchecker.

With multiplatform complete trouble

If you often have to work with mail on different devices with different operating systems, then applications can hardly be called a suitable solution. And then there's the addictive effect: if you "stuck" to one application, then it's inconvenient to use another, even if they are the same in terms of functionality.

Importing contacts can be tricky

If browsers somehow learned to pull each other's history and logins with passwords, then mail applications so far do not always do it successfully. Usually, the problem occurs when importing contacts from another application, not the web version.

As a rule, there are no problems with large solutions (Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird). In the settings, an item like "Export" is selected, a file with contacts is created, then in the new client, click on "Import" or a similar button, and the document is added.

Less common or not very recent applications may use their own formats for storing data, and then you will have to suffer in order, transferring what you need to other services, such as Google Contacts.

Security is also not very clear.

Any program has vulnerabilities, and email clients are no exception. There is an opinion among experts that the more archaic the application, the more reliable it is, because there are no loopholes for hacking in the form of additional scripts and extensions. Mutt can be considered a kind of standard, but only the most fierce paranoids will be able to use it in 2017 without pain in their eyes - this application is godlessly outdated in design and convenience fifteen years ago.

So do you need an email client, and if so, which one?

We at the site are confident that the pros outweigh the cons, and it's still better with a mail program than without it. The problem is that there are no ideal mailers, so you still have to close your eyes to the shortcomings.

So we have selected the best email clients for different platforms: some are on Windows, others are on OS X, others are both there and there, and you decide which one suits you best.

Microsoft Outlook

The application is convenient due to its tight integration with other Windows services and is great for work mail. For example, there is a link to the to-do list and calendar, which will help optimize your work and make it more comfortable. With multi-platform, Microsoft Outlook is also all right: in addition to desktop OS, the application is available for iOS and Android.

The problem is that The Outlook client is included in the Office 365 package, the personal version of which is priced at 2699 rubles per year. Get Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other standard programs as a load. If you need specifically Microsoft Outlook, then hold on - it is bought one-time and costs 8199 rubles. With many free analogues, this is, to put it mildly, an exorbitant amount.

Apple Mail

The standard application for OS X has decent functionality - it is quite possible to get by with it. The client is free and comes with the operating system for Mac. Work with the main services is supported: Google, Yahoo! and others. Among the nice bonuses is the ability to slightly edit the image attached to the letter by adding a comment or highlighting the desired area.

The problem is that it is an email client for "apple devices" only.


The free mail client Mailbird captivates with a concise, but at the same time very modern appearance, which can also be customized indefinitely. In addition, you can set combinations for hot keys: switching between folders, replying to all participants in the correspondence, and so on, this greatly speeds up the work.

The client has synchronization not only with the usual services - Dropbox, Google Calendar, Todoist, but also with social networks and instant messengers - Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp.

The free version supports up to three accounts, while the paid version ($1/month/$22.5 lifetime) has no limit. In addition, the Pro version has another useful feature - the ability to postpone an incoming letter for later, so that after a specified time a reminder of the received message will come.

The problem is that Mailbird is an email client for Windows and only for it.


This is a mail program for "apple" technology: the application appeared first on iOS, and then got to OS X and watchOS. Spark follows the logic of the popular Mailbox, which closed a year ago. The main folder stores new and important emails, and when they are no longer relevant to you, you can move them to the archive.

The service is free and fast. You can set options for a quick response, such as "Thank you", "OK", and so on.

The problem is that in the desktop version, at first it is unusual to work with gestures, but if you use the trackpad or Magic Mouse, then the control will be quite intuitive. For example, to delete a letter or move it to another folder, you can hover over the cursor and move it to the left or right: several options will appear. In addition, along with swiping, you can select the usual buttons to select a letter or move it to another folder.


Another popular email client for Mac and iPad/iPhone with Apple Watch, also controlled by gestures. There is also TouchBar support on the new MacBook Pros. Flexible settings, integration with third-party services, support for "smart" sorting and the ability to connect a bunch of accounts - all this makes AirMail one of the best alternative email clients for Apple devices.

The problem is that AirMail has a paid distribution model. The desktop version costs 749 rubles, the mobile version costs 379 rubles. Is it worth paying when free analogues are just as good?


The mail application was created by Mozilla - the developers of the notorious Firefox browser. The program, like a web browser, is flexible in settings and has a bunch of extensions - useful and not very useful. There is support for modern protection systems: suspicious emails are marked, URL verification for authenticity, automatic loading of attached images is blocked. Most importantly, Thunderbird is a completely free email client. No trial versions or cut-down functionality.

The problem is that Thunderbird is completely unceremonious in its use of computer resources. Firstly, the function of archiving folders and cleaning deleted ones does not always work, as a result of which a lot of hard disk space is wasted, and secondly, the client likes to eat off RAM as well.

The Bat!

This email client is extremely concise and undemanding to resources. But the application provides a high degree of security: the data is encrypted on the hard drive, and the letters themselves are processed using the SSL and TLS protocols. True, you will have to pay for this: the Home version costs 2,000 rubles, and for the Professional version, which offers even more advanced protection, you will have to pay 3,000 rubles.

The problem is that design by The Bat! - from the last century, and even then the developers hardly bothered with it. Everything looks very simple and faceless.


A free email client with a modern design that works on Microsoft Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. The mail application supports an unlimited number of mail records, can automatically sort letters by importance, which is especially pleasing when a lot of messages are pouring in. In addition, you can manually set the relevance settings: messages from which contacts to raise to the top of the list.

The problem is that support for Google Apps, Office 365, Microsoft Exchange and a number of other useful services is available only by subscription, and you will have to pay $5 a month for it.

Sooner or later, any Internet user gets a mailbox. You can work with it directly in the browser or using special programs - mail clients. With the web interface, one way or another, all users are familiar. At a minimum, you need to use it to register a mailbox. There are more than a dozen programs for working with e-mail, and it is not so easy to understand them in order to choose a worthy one. Today we will look at free email clients for Windows and the possibilities that they open to the user.

To put the programs under consideration on an equal footing, each had the same set of requirements.

  1. Ease of installation and configuration.
  2. Ability to connect Russian accounts.
  3. Support for IMAP/POP protocols.
  4. Integration with "cloud" services and social networks.
  5. Implementation of transfer or import of contacts.
  6. Convenience of the interface.

Mozilla Thunderbird

The Petrel is developed by Mozilla Corporation, the same one that produces the Firefox browser. The program is cross-platform and distributed under a triple free license.

Thunderbird setup starts during installation. In the process, you can independently select a set of required components.

At the first start, it is proposed to perform integration with the system. In addition to the standard function of the mail client, the program can receive newsletters in Atom or RSS formats.

Mail setup is performed in semi-automatic mode. To connect your Google, Yandex or accounts, you just need to specify the existing address and access password. Thunderbird takes connection parameters from its own database. The choice of the protocol is carried out manually. By default, the connection is made in IMAP mode.

For social networking, chat accounts are set up. Integration with Facebook and Twitter is provided. IRC and Jabber/XMPP protocols are supported. In the Russian-speaking segment of the network, they have lost popularity, giving way to mobile messengers.

Forwarding large attachments can be done using the Box cloud service (do not confuse with Dropbox). Upon registration, the user receives 10 GB of disk space. On a free account, the size of the uploaded file is limited to 250 MB.

Transferring data, including contacts, messages, and filters from another email program, can be done using a wizard.

If the mail client has not been used before, the contact database can be imported from the web version after saving to a file.

When developing the Thunderbird interface, the same XUL markup language was used as in the Firefox browser. Thanks to this, the application is able to adapt to the environment in which it is used. As a result, when you install an email client for Windows 7, you will get Aero-style borders and colored window control buttons.

Tab technology allows you to use all the built-in features in one window. Additionally, the appearance of the program can be changed using themes, and the functionality can be expanded using add-ons.

As a result of installing Thunderbird, the user receives a flexible mail client with many settings. Online help is available, and completely in Russian. The presence of a portable version placed on a USB flash drive allows you to use the program on any computer with Internet access.

eM Client

The young American company positions its software product as a replacement for MS Outlook. Users familiar with its interface from the Microsoft Office package will find it easy to rebuild.

Upon completion of the installation, the program is ready to completely replace the standard mail client for Windows 10.

The eM Client is available in two configurations: Free and Pro. Initially, the user gets a month to fully test the features. Before it expires, you need to decide whether you will purchase a license or get a free key for the free version. Aside from VIP support and commercial use, the only difference is the number of accounts supported. The free version requires you to limit yourself to two active email addresses.

At the time of launch, the user is prompted to migrate existing accounts or set them up on their own. The demo has no restrictions and recognized all three test accounts. After entering the “@” sign, a substitution of the domain ending is offered, including Russian servers.

There is no choice between transmission protocols. The program is automatically configured in IMAP mode.

The user is offered a choice of integration with five online calendar services, including Google and iCloud. It is also possible to integrate with these services to download the contact list. Thus, it is possible to synchronize the database of contacts accumulated on the mobile device with the mail program. Binding to iCloud in a Windows environment is rare, and it will be in demand by users of Apple mobile devices.

Implemented support for the XMPP protocol and connection to Hangouts chats. In the calendar settings, it is possible to integrate with the AccuWeather weather server.

The user's location can only be specified in English, but the forecast is accurate and updated in real time. As a result, weather icons appear next to the dates, clicking on which expands a brief weather report.

There is no built-in support for cloud services in the program, but a convenient function for previewing and quickly saving the contents of attachments is implemented.

In addition to supporting popular contact storage services, the user has the option of manually transferring them from another program or service.

eM Client has several presets for displaying the address book. In addition to the traditional list, you can view contact cards and even sort them by geographic location.

The appearance of the program can be changed using ten built-in themes. Changes made additionally to a preset style can be saved. The principle of implementing this feature is similar to how personalization settings work in Windows.

The appearance style and the location of the main controls have been redesigned, but the general focus on replacing the office email client is visible.

Despite the fact that the eM Client interface is fully translated into Russian, you will have to deal with the additional features of the program by studying the English help. The paid version with support for an unlimited number of accounts will cost the user 1795₽. If you can get by with two boxes, you can get a free license key.

Opera Mail

The mail program for Windows Opera Mail is actually a separately rendered M2 client, which was previously built into the browser of the same name. Users who used it will recognize the design style.

Of all the programs under consideration, Opera has the smallest distribution size. It installs quickly and is the only one to place its icon in the Windows taskbar.

With such importunity, the program initially determined the version and bit depth of the OS incorrectly.

As part of testing, we enter all accounts manually, not allowing you to import settings. Opera's first problems appeared when setting up Google mail. As it turned out, the Good Corporation put the program on the list of unreliable applications. After making the necessary changes in the security settings, the account was successfully connected.

Of the Russian servers, Opera easily connected only to Yandex. For, all connection parameters had to be entered manually.

Of the good, it is worth noting the ability to manually select the protocol between POP3 and IMAP.

The program settings cannot even be called poor, they simply do not exist. The maximum that the user can do in this "separately living tab" is to change the fonts and message encoding.

Import of contacts, integration with "cloud" services and social networks are not provided.

Zimbra Desktop

The developers of the program position it as a tool for collaboration. Cross-platform Zimbra products are free software with available source code and have their own version of the public license.

During installation, the program requires Java Oracle Runtime Environment installed on the computer. It includes the minimum set of components required to run java applications on Windows.

Java Runtime Environment is distributed freely, and you can download it from the official website of the company.

Zimbra easily connected to Google and accounts, but Yandex identified his requests as spamming. Russian servers are configured completely in manual mode. The user must select the protocol and independently specify the type of connection.

Additional program settings allow you to change the settings for notification and display of mail. Personalized account settings provide for the creation of separate filters, signatures and ready-made sample letters. The internal division of the working window into zones has three typical presets.

To integrate additional services in Zimbra, a mechanism for add-ons, the so-called "zimlets", is implemented. With their help, you can organize the transfer of correspondence and contacts from any program. Given that the application is cross-platform, imports are supported not only from Windows applications.

The allowed size of attachments in a message is 750 MB. In the Zimbra gallery, the user is offered add-ons for integration with any third-party services: social networks, instant messengers, office software packages, weather services.

In fact, the program is a universal "combine" for team work, in which e-mail is only one of the functions. For a home user, its functionality will be redundant, and for a small office it will be a real find.

Claws Mail

Let's finish our review of mail clients for Windows on a UNIX guest, Claws Mail. This free software is a Linux version of an application developed with GTK+ elements.

When installed, Claws Mail does not require any additional components and is immediately ready to go.

Setting up accounts in the program is performed in a semi-automatic mode. It is enough to specify the mailing address and connection protocol. Claws will add the receiving and sending servers itself, including for Russian services.

During the configuration process, the program will ask you to confirm the trustworthiness of the secure connection certificate. All three test accounts, including Google, were identified as unknown publishers. After receiving the user's consent, the program accepts them and works stably.

Changing the appearance is possible due to additional themes received in the tar.gz archive format. To check spelling, the program uses a Russian dictionary from the free Open Office package. The download link is specified directly in the settings.

It is not possible to import contacts from other Windows programs or files. To quickly fill the address book, you can use the automatic collection of addresses. You can enable it entirely for a folder or for selected messages.

Externally and functionally, Claws Mail resembles a simplified version of the well-known program The Bat, while being distributed free of charge.


According to the criteria under consideration, the best mail client for Windows among free programs is Mozilla Thunderbird. Extensibility and flexibility of settings allow you to use it with any accounts.

The second place should be given to Claws Mail. An ideal mail program, undemanding to resources. There is nothing superfluous in it, and each parameter can be "tailored" to the needs of the user.

The third place is honorably occupied by eM Client. It is convenient, expandable, but limited in the number of accounts.

Zimbra Desktop is too powerful a "tool" for private use, and Opera Mail has not yet grown from a "separate tab" of the browser into a full-fledged email client.

The site explorer has studied several email clients for Windows and tells you which programs may appeal to heavy email users who are tired of Windows Live Mail or Microsoft Outlook interfaces.


An email client with an interface distinctly reminiscent of Sparrow for Mac OS. This is the second year that the app has received the IT World award as the best email client for Windows.

The Mailbird team understands that many users want to personalize and improve the usability of the final product, and offer customers the following personalization solutions: color selection, customization of user interface panels, and keyboard shortcuts.

The trend to expand the functionality of applications by connecting other applications is gaining momentum. The developers have taken this into account, so the application supports touch control and the connection of third-party applications such as Facebook, Dropbox, WhatsApp, Twitter, Evernote, Todoist and some others.

The application is available in paid (Pro) and free (Lite) versions. A paid subscription, in turn, also exists in two versions: for a year and for life for $12 and $45, respectively. The paid version offers users a quick preview of long messages and snooze messages.

Snooze messages allow the user to delay reading non-urgent messages for a specified amount of time. After the grace period expires, the message reappears as unread.

Also, the Pro version offers an unlimited number of email accounts, compared to the maximum of three in the free version. The free trial period of the Pro version is 30 days.

Mozilla Thunderbird

Cross-platform email client from the developers of the Mozilla Firefox browser.

The creators of the application laid the foundation for the principle of OpenSource. The advantages of such projects are the timely search and elimination of vulnerabilities, as well as rapid product updates.

The developers of the application did not bypass the issue of the security of personal correspondence. Encryption of messages, digital signature and verification of certificates are responsible for the confidentiality of personal correspondence of users. A powerful spam filter does its job well and can be trained.

Functional features include support for modern email protocols, RSS and Atom feeds, lightness, branched folder directories. Thunderbird is "friendly" with almost any encoding, can filter messages and work with multiple accounts at the same time.

According to Mozilla, the product is used by 495,000 users in Russia and 9 million worldwide. The austerity and conceptual old age of the user interface is designed to brighten up the big green button on the product website with the inscription "Download for free".

eM Client

A simple and convenient email client in the style of Outlook.

Users are offered two versions of the product - Free and Pro. The $30 version offers unlimited account creation (versus the maximum of two for the free version) and a license for commercial use.

The advantages of the application include the connection of third-party services Microsoft Exchange, Gmail, iCloud, support for touch devices and customizable widgets. Data import from Microsoft Outlook, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird, The Bat facilitates a possible transition from other email clients.

the Bat

An email client characterized by powerful security mechanisms on the one hand and the complete absence of built-in spam filters, tedious interface settings and nondescript design on the other.

Compared to free competitors, the app wins in terms of privacy, holds its own when comparing features, and loses miserably in terms of usability.

In everyday correspondence, the security requirements of most users are met by standard tools offered by other email clients, so the price tag of 2000 rubles for the Home version seems too high.


Beautiful, modern and free email client.

In addition to a well-made user interface, Inky boasts the ability to work with multiple accounts, flexible filters, cloud synchronization and convenient visualization, in which the user is prompted to choose colors and icons for different accounts.

The developers have built into the application automatic sorting of incoming emails by relevance. Messages from your closest contacts are marked with a blue blob, which indicates the importance of the message. Less important messages and spam are marked with less bright drops and omitted from the list.

In practice, it is not uncommon for sorting to occur on a temporary basis, which means assigning more importance to the most recent message. A logical simplification of the sorting system that destroys the great idea of ​​care and attention to each user.

In terms of ease of personalization, Inky is a learnable and highly customizable client.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the interesting OpenSource development Mailpile, which is in beta testing.

This application is distributed free of charge and "lives" on voluntary donations, and therefore does not contain ads.

Mail programs for the computer allow more flexible use of electronic correspondence. Filters, rules, shortcuts and much more, and most importantly - offline access to what was previously downloaded.

1.Mozilla Thunderbird

A time-tested multifunctional tool from Mozilla.

Support for any number of accounts

Extensibility through plugins

Limited calendar features

Like the Firefox browser, Mozilla's mail client works with third-party plug-ins, which can significantly expand the application's capabilities. In addition to reading and sending emails, Thunderbird even without plugins allows you to read RSS feeds.

Setting up mail is quite simple. In most cases, you only need to remember your email address and password. The rest of the program will configure itself.

Free online course "Convenient Gmail" A series of visual video instructions will greatly simplify and speed up your daily work with e-mail. Once learned, use every day!

2.EM Client

Thunderbird's main competitor in the free email client market. The main plus is a simple migration from other mail programs and a smart translator.

Migration tools

Built-in chat

Thoughtful design

Only supports two accounts

eM Client has a 10 year history and is considered by many to be the best email client for Windows.

eM Client allows you to easily and quickly transfer your messages from Gmail, Exchange, iCloud and, has built-in search, calendar and address book. The built-in chat supports third-party messengers like Jabber or Google Chat.

Additional features include a built-in translator, delayed messaging, and encryption. If you only have two email accounts, then eM Client is a great choice.

3.Mailbird Lite

Nice email client with rich social features

Integration of social services

Very easy installation

Supports only one account

Mailbird Lite is not just an email client. It's a whole platform for communications. It allows you to extend the application's capabilities for scheduling, chats, file synchronization, and teamwork.

The free version has certain limitations. For example, previewing files attached to emails before opening them, or quick reading. But the free functionality is quite wide.

When setting up, you do not need to bother with the addresses of mail services, just remember the username and password from your mailbox. You can add your Facebook account, WhatsApp, Google Calendar, the free task manager and the Asana teamwork app to the mail.

4. Claws Mail

Minimalistic and intuitive client.

Work speed

Intuitive Design

Ease of setup

Small set of plugins

The minimum resource requirement allows you to use the Claws Mail mail client even on older computers. It will still work quickly.

The application allows you to import your settings from other clients like MS Outlook or Thunderbird. Therefore, if one of them does not suit you, it will not take long to move to a simpler solution.

Thanks to plugins, you can additionally install a calendar, RSS subscription and something else.

5 Opera Mail

An open source project from the Opera browser team.

Any number of accounts

Customizable tagging system

Difficult setup

This solution allows you to create template letters, which is especially important for business. Convenient message filters and sorting. Lots of manual settings.

It is possible to read RSS feeds, which eliminates the need to use a browser for these purposes.

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