Guide to Dark Souls: Remastered. How to choose the best class and best gift in the game. Sacred (heavenly) weapon in Dark Souls: how to make it and why you need it Dark souls weapon upgrade 10

Let's start with the second.
Sacred (in Russian translation - "heavenly", in English - "divine") weapons are needed in exactly two cases:
1. You are a cleric or have a high faith score.
Celestial weapons have a damage bonus per Faith score. The higher the faith, the higher the damage. Occult ("weapons of mystery") weapons have an even higher faith bonus than sacred weapons.
2. You are about to pay an enemy visit to The Catacombs and The Tomb of Giants.
Note: Neither sacred nor occult weapons will help you when killing ghosts.
It's just that the skeletons there are resurrected immediately after the murder and do not want to die in any way. When using a sacred weapon, they die until you rest by the fire like the rest of the monsters. To prevent the skeletons from resurrecting when using any weapon, not just the sacred one, you need to kill the dudes with lanterns. After you kill these dudes, the sacred weapons will no longer be needed.
In the crypt itself, you will not need a sacred weapon, but in the battle with the boss of the crypt - Nito - it can come in handy. Although many (including me) managed the usual. Because there are only 3 skeletons that resurrect. And Nito himself regularly accidentally kills them.
In fact, there are three more skeletons at the back of the arena. But in order to reach them, you have to try very hard. So if you do not run away far, we can assume that they are not. I actually found out about them from the wiki.
So, you set out to create a sacred weapon.
Below are the ingredients. If there are several delivery methods, I indicate from those available earlier to those available later. How to pass the levels do not write. Bold marked option recommended by me.
You will need:
1. Original weapons. I recommend the same as your main one, but not upgraded (+0).
How to get it: Depends on what you're looking for. Usually drops from enemies or can be bought from a dead merchant in Undeadburg.
2. 9 fragments of ordinary titanite.
How to get it: sometimes drops from ghouls in the Firelink Shrine, Undead Burg (less common) / knights in the temple in Undead Parish (more common).
You can also buy for 800 souls / piece from the blacksmith Andre, who is in the same place, but on the side (muscular such).
You can also crush Frampt's larger titanites into smaller ones.
It is also sold by a merchant in Sen's fortress, but for 1000. But this merchant is hard to get to.
3. At least one fragment of green titanite. It is possible and more - the strength of the weapon will depend on this. But no more than ten.
How to get it: sometimes (rarely) drops from lichens on the ceiling in The Depths. This is the earliest place in the game where you can get it. Watch out for these lichens when they fall. They can kill with one bite.
Also, green shards drop in insane amounts from worms in the swamp in Blighttown. But to get to it, you need to go through the Depths, including the boss.
It is also sold by a merchant in Sen's fortress. But if you got to it, then I don't know why you are reading this.
It is also sold by the giant blacksmith in Anor Londo!)))
The last two sell for dearly. Approximately 5 thousand souls / piece. It's cheaper to farm and also get a shower.
4. Heavenly ember.
How to get it: you need to defeat the Moon Butterfly. She is in the Darkroot Garden. There is an exit there next to the blacksmith Andre. Behind the fog there will be a clearing with stone knights at rest, then a tower and at the top of the tower Moon Butterfly (behind another fog). After defeating her, go further along the bridge, climb higher and look.
5. Some souls. From 1200 (6 boosts of 200 souls). Or more, if you decide to buy titanite or you will strengthen it by more than 1 piece of green.
I don’t write how to get it, 1200 is a meager amount.

To do all this, the following bosses must be defeated: Sanctuary Demon, Taurus Demon, Capra Demon. Well, Moonlight Butterfly, of course.

Note. If you have the master key, you can get into the Depths without defeating the Capra Demon. Or you can even FIND a ready-made sacred weapon in the Valley of the Dragons (Valley of Drakes). We go down the circular elevator down from the Firelink Shrine to the New Londo Ruins, then down to the end of the stairs until we reach a more or less open area, then go a little to the right, climb another ladder, open the grate . There we turn right, go a little, cross the bridge. There is a dead dragon (he only sleeps). He needs to take the sword out from under his nose. He is a saint. But do you need to go to the Catacombs at the very beginning of the game? :-)
You can officially get to this place a little later - through the Plague City or the Lake of Dark Roots (more difficult, you have to soak two dragons). But from other sides.

There are also other (ready-made) sacred weapons in the game:
1. In Anor Londo you can find the "club of mystery" - a funny name, right? It needs to be squandered by Andre to Cudgel of Heaven+5 (roll back to a less advanced weapon, coal is not needed...probably).
2. In Anor Londo, you can shake off a spear from the silver spear knights. It is holy.
3. In the Crypt of the Giants (well, then you won't need it anymore))))) you can shake off the holy ax from Patchwork (Patchez).
4. In the Crypt of the Giants there will be an NPC-invader Palladin Leroy. Grant falls from him, he is also a saint.

You can also make your own big sword of Artorias with serious requirements from the soul of Sif. But to build a character for him is much more difficult than to find a club of mystery :-)

When all the ingredients are collected, we go to Andre, give him coal (he will ask him to give it back, you must answer "yes"), then we strengthen our weapon to +5 with the help of titanite fragments (in the "enhance weapon" menu), then select the blacksmith in the menu " change gear." We are looking for the inscription "sword +5 -> sword of heaven" (or not a sword, but what you have there). That's it, you have the sacred weapon. You can then press "enhance weapon" again and increase it to +5. Be prepared that if you are not a cleric, the sacred weapon will work worse than your main counterpart.

Then we go to the cemetery in the central location of the Firelink Shrine and try to chop the skeletons with it. If they are cut without problems, you can go to the Catacombs. If it doesn’t work out, then it’s too early for you to enter the catacombs (or you need to strengthen the weapon more strongly). You can practice on them, as soon as you start to overcome them - it's time.

I. Strengthening is the simplest weapon improvement. Regardless of the weapon itself, it can be carried out by any blacksmith, as well as by the player at the fire (requires the Blacksmith's Weapon Crate). Depending on the type of weapon that you are fortifying, it will be determined: how much is needed, what type and quantity is required. This modification can be carried out a limited number of times. Change is the next, more complex stage of weapon improvement. It allows you to either remove the limit on the number of improvements, or completely change the nature of the weapon. This process can only be performed by a blacksmith, and for most changes, blacksmiths will need the appropriate Charcoal. They can also roll back weapons to the previous stage.

What makes an improvement?

Weapons can be upgraded with different titanites, allowing the player to change the weapon's damage type. Damage dealt by upgraded weapons can also be affected by (strength, intelligence, etc.). Some weapons also allow the use of temporary effects, such as resin or magic.
Increased physical damage and stability of shields;Weapons can be enchanted;
Increases base physical damage; Weapons can be enchanted; The increase in damage from the characteristics of the character is reduced;
Increased physical damage and shield stability even more; Weapons can be enchanted; Reduces durability by 10 times; Cannot be repaired, but durability is restored if the weapon is upgraded; You can't roll back an upgrade;
Lightning damage appears; Lightning protection increases;
Magical damage appears;Weapon depends on the player's intelligence;Shields' protection from magic increases;
Appears magical damage; Changed damage and bonus from intelligence;
Magical damage appears;Weapon depends on the player's faith;Effective against skeletons in the Catacombs; The bonus from the characteristics of the player is reduced;Shield stability is reset to its original state;Weapons cannot be enchanted;
Changed damage and bonus from faith;Effective against the gods and their servants; The bonus from the player's characteristics is reduced; Weapons cannot be enchanted;
Increases fire damage;Increases fire resistance; The bonus from the characteristics of the player disappears;Shield stability is reset to its original state;Weapons cannot be enchanted;
Depending on the player's humanity, the weapon gains additional physical and fire damage; The bonus from the player's characteristics disappears; Weapons cannot be enchanted;
A completely new weapon is created with different characteristics (see Soul Weapons) The required weapon to create a special weapon and the soul of the boss are lost.


All blacksmiths can enhance armor. It can also be strengthened at the stake if there is a Blacksmith's Armor Box. All normal armor is buffed by shards, large shards, debris, chunks up to +10. Almost all unique armor is enhanced by Shimmering Titanite up to +5. Some armor cannot be enhanced due to special properties, or it is already enhanced to the maximum level;

A short guide to Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition will help you quickly get into the basics of the game and start having fun killing tons of enemies.

Which class is easier/harder to play?
As such, there are no rigid class boundaries in the game. During character creation, initial characteristics and starting equipment are selected. The choice should be made from personal preferences or according to the intended "build" of the character.

Why are souls needed?
Souls are needed to level up, buy items, spells, upgrade weapons and armor, in general, the more souls the better.

What is a "bild"?
A set of items and characteristics of the character, sharpened for a specific style of play. When developing (and equipping) your character in Dark Souls, you should be careful and reasonably distribute the available level-up points.

Is it possible to screw up a character?
Almost impossible. The limit of character development levels is very high and unattainable, under normal conditions, during the first playthrough. The ability to replay the game after completing it allows you to collect missed and lost items. But there may be difficulties with multiplayer, as players are selected into the session according to a certain formula.
±SL10+10%(of own)
Example: if a level 50 player puts a white summon sign, then players level 35-65 can summon him, because:
10% of 50 = 5
10 + 5 = 15
50 +/- 15 = 35 — 65

Is there a limit to the development of characteristics?
The limit of each characteristic is 99.
P.S. Checked in ArtMoney!

Is there a skill limit?
Eat. Two kinds. Solid, for example, leveling Endurance over 40 does not increase the character's stamina bar. Mild, for example, the further you increase your Vitality stat, the less health you gain for each point you invest.

What does the Humanity parameter affect?
For Humanity, you can restore your human appearance (reverse hollowing) while sitting by the fire. Also, while in human form, you can kindle a fire (kindle) and increase the stock of Estus at this fire by 5.

What are the benefits of being human?
The human appearance affects the chance of various things falling out of monsters, resistance to curses, damage to some fluff, the ability to invade other people's worlds.

How to replenish the character's health besides the fire?
Estus Flask is given by a dying knight in Undead Asylum. This is a first aid kit. You can replenish supplies at the fire. Wounds can also be healed using miracles, artifacts, or special items.

Is it possible to increase the amount of health regenerated by Estus Flask?
You can increase the Estus parameter with the help of Fire Keeper Soul. He must be sought. You can increase it with a girl (firekeeper), who is behind bars, it will also be possible to increase it with the leaders of the covenants.

How to use magic?
To learn how to use magic, you need to pump the Attument parameter to 10, then 1 slot for magic will appear (the larger this parameter, the more slots, respectively). You can choose magic while sitting by the fire. Also, for the very application of the spell, it is necessary to hold in hand an occult symbol specific to each individual school of magic. For example, for clerical miracles, this is a talisman.

The bird took me from Anded Asailam to the fire. Where should I go?
After Anded asailama you need to go to Andedburg, for this you need to climb the mountain in Fairlink, next to the dam.

What is "backstab" and "ripost"?
Backstab - A blow that is delivered from behind. Deals the maximum amount of damage, the level of critical hit is added. To perform it, you need to be behind the enemy at a strike distance and press R1 (RB). This technique does not work on all opponents.

Riposte is a powerful blow that is applied immediately after parrying an enemy attack. To execute it, you need to calculate the moment when the enemy makes a blow to the character, but has not yet dealt damage, and press L2 (LT), and then R1 (RB). Attempting to parry while the opponent is swinging, or after taking damage, will not bring results. The technique also does not work on all opponents, and not on all attacks.

I accidentally hit an NPC. What is needed for forgiveness?
Wounding NPCs is considered a sin, which can be released at Oswald of Carim, located in Gargoyle Belltower, Undead Parish location. This will cost the character's level multiplied by 500 souls.

Where can I find a merchant at the start of the game?
The merchant is located in Andedburg, he is "hidden" on the balcony where there are two undead with spears. Go down the stairs, kill the dead man behind the wooden boxes and go out to the balcony.
Don't kill the merchant!
Buy a bow and 100 arrows from him.

After Undeadburg, the dragon on the bridge burns me. How to bypass it?
When the dragon appears on the bridge, run along the right side.
It is important to remember that running speed depends on the weight of the equipment worn, and the distance depends on endurance.

How to kill ghosts?
You can kill ghosts with Transcient Curse, you can find it randomly in the world, and you can also buy it for 4 thousand souls from a merchant in the sewers (if you haven’t heard or seen about this, then it’s too early for ghosts).

How can I cure a curse?
There are two ways to cure the curse: either be cured by the guardian in the red robe in New Londo Ruins (ghosts). Or with the help of Purging stone, which can be bought from the merchant in the tower where you rang the first bell. Shells in Ash Lake occasionally drop Purging stone. You can also exchange it for Undead Asail (when you fly there for the second time) with Snugly the crow.

The firekeeper girl is dead. What happened?

If you find the firekeeper dead, then Lautrec (a knight in golden armor) killed her.

Are there any other things I should be aware of?
- Almost every boss has a tail that can be cut off and obtained for this weapon or item, so if you see a boss with a tail, know that it can be cut off.
For example, if you kill the boar boss without jumping on top of him and without doing a backstab (powerful attack from the back), but by attacking in the face, you can get a good helmet from him.

It is difficult to say unequivocally which weapon in Dark Souls is the best - there is no single rating system. However, there are definitely weapons that stand out from the rest. In particular, you will definitely want to pay attention to the two-handed sword, uchigatana and balder sword.

Some of them can be obtained quite early in the game, and they can serve you well until the very end. You can also get boss weapons if you give the appropriate items to the blacksmith. In this article, we will talk about the best, in our opinion, weapons in Dark Souls: Remastered - a two-handed sword, a balder sword and an uchigatana.

Try to find exactly them - we will give you recommendations where to look, as well as tell you what characteristics the weapon has. However, do not look too much at the characteristics - weapons with very high requirements for the character are sometimes less impressive than the one with which you started the game (provided that it is upgraded).

In addition, the strength of the weapon depends on the leveling of the character - choose the one that matches the class you have taken. Eligible weapons should receive an additional increase in damage from pumped characteristics (for example, strength and agility).

How to find a two-handed sword in Dark Souls: Remastered

Location on the map: Near the grave in front of the Catacombs in Firelink Shrine.

: Strength - 24, Agility - 10.

The Two-Handed Sword can be obtained from Firelink Shrine during your first visit, and is a very powerful weapon (especially for early game play).

Its swing is slow, and it may seem to you that you can’t turn around very much with this two-handed weapon. However, he has one indisputable advantage - damage. There is also a chance after the impact to cause a stupor in the enemy. During the fight with some bosses, you can even interrupt their attacks with a two-hander. For this weapon, we recommend a character with a large stamina bar - without a shield, you have to dodge a lot, and this depletes stamina.

How to find Balder Sword in Dark Souls: Remastered

Location on the map: Dropped by Balder Knights in Undead County.

Required characteristics of the character: Strength - 10, Agility - 14.

The Balder Sword is ideal for characters who specialize in agility. The chance of having a sword on the corpse of an enemy, alas, is small, but its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The sword is worth the time spent on farming it.

The sword hits fast and you can combine weapon strikes with other actions. It also hits enemies at a distance, and comes in handy against archers. Also, if you fully upgrade this weapon, you will receive a significant increase in damage depending on your Stamina stat (the higher it is, the more additional damage).

How to find Uchigatana in Dark Souls: Remastered

Location on the map: City of the Undead, on the body of an undead merchant.

Required characteristics of the character: Strength - 14, Agility - 14.

The Uchigatana is one of the fastest weapons in the game, with a variety of strikes. She can deal damage at a distance, as well as inflict a bleed effect on enemies (constant damage for a short time). Wide coverage, attack from a distance - uchigatana will become a real thunderstorm for opponents, if used correctly.

Uchigatana is a great choice for "quality" characters if you want to use pure agility. The only drawback of the uchigatana is its relative fragility. It needs to be repaired more often than any other weapon.

Soul weapons in Dark Souls: Remastered

Did you fight with the boss and liked his weapon? You have the opportunity to do the same for yourself! Forging you will need the soul of the boss, so do not sell them. In the table below, we have given a complete list of boss weapons, as well as what is needed to create them.

Let's say right away that forging weapons of bosses is not easy - first you need to improve the simple weapons necessary for forging to +10, and then pump them with the help of the soul of the boss at the blacksmith (for a round sum, of course).

Necessary Soul Weapon On a note
Soul of the Lunar ButterflyMoon Butterfly HornNeed spear or rapier +10
Soul of the Iron GolemGolem AxAx needed +10
Soul QueelegBlade of ChaosNeed katana +10
Soul of OrnsteinDragonslayer SpearSpear needed +10
Soul of SmoughHammer of SmoughHammer required +10
Soul of SifSky Sword of ArtoriasNeed broken straight sword +10
Soul of GwyndolinBow of the Dark MoonNeed bow +10
Soul of PriscillaScythe of Life RemovalAny whip or halberd +10
Soul of GwynGreat Sword of the Great OverlordAny straight sword or dagger or greatsword +10

In the Dark Souls PTDE question section. Sobsno question: what kind of coal allows you to upgrade (normal) weapons to +10 and where to find it? given by the author sketch the best answer is Everything is popular here.
And here is a tree of perforation improvements and requirements for them.
In short:
Ore weapon for warrior-damagers of the initial game;
Arcane - to mages, as it feeds on Intelligence;
Lightning - Knights and Warriors of various directions;
Fiery - for warriors who are about to attack an enemy vulnerable to fire;
Chaotic - to the owners of humanity, it perfectly cuts with physical and increasing fire damage with an internal humanity of 10 and above (philosophical easter egg);
Crystal - for majors and those who like to kill the enemy faster;
Divine is an excellent choice for blunt weapons, prevents skeletons from resurrecting after death in the Catacombs and cuts down the undead great;
Occult - against people, due to unclean damage, it is effective against Gwyn, Gwyndolin, Ornstein, Smaug, Petrus and other living.
Divine and Occult weapons depend on the power of faith - useful for Paladins and Clerics.

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