Donate version. Donat - what is it and how to get it? What is donut on streams and on YouTube

This question is being asked more and more often by Internet users. The word itself is, but there are no intelligible answers to that, donat. Let's try to figure it out.

Donat is, first of all, brought to us by the annals of the Middle Ages. This name was borne by the Russian bishop (1828-1896); Count Bigorro, who became the ancestor of the Bigorre house; a bishop of Arezzo, a Catholic hermit from the Jura, and even an actor (Robert Donat).

About three hundred people from Switzerland can proudly tell you what a donat is. For them, this is the name of the commune they created.

But the most frequent mention of the word comes from the lips of gamers. What is a donat for those who spend part of their free time (or even all day long) sitting at the computer, denying themselves not only food, but sometimes even sleep?

To get started, let's look at the translator by entering the word in English: "donate" (donat). What does this word mean in translation? "Sacrifice" or "transfer".

In the modern world, free programmers who decide to create a certain product and allow others to use it for free, hope that those who have taken their creation for use will stimulate the author financially for further activities. Or, in other words, they will transfer some (at the discretion of the user) amount as a token of gratitude. This is a common donationware.

With what is a donat for programmers, we have decided. Now let's find out what meaning this term has for players. By the way, there is another version of the word: "donate", which, according to the rules of pronunciation, is more correct. But most are used to the first. That's why we stopped there.

So the term "donat" is used mainly in "Free to play" games. In all the forums of these games, topics periodically appear about the need to use donations. Most often, beginners ask about what a donat is.

For gamers, this is a payment with real money for purchases in the game. Funds are always deposited either through WebMoney (WebMoney), or by message (SMS), or by another payment system. But the first two options are especially common.

You receive this amount in your virtual wallet. Keep in mind: courses in the game and in reality may differ. The game has its own rules, its own currency. For example, one donat can cost 27 rubles. The presence of such a "currency" can bring you some in-game (virtual) bonus. These can be relic armor, tickets for access to certain locations, an increase in experience, etc. Sometimes this can be bought separately. Let's make a reservation right away: donut here is clearly not a cheap pleasure. And if the player decides to spend money on it one day, then investments will be required in the future. This is a kind of drug: renting (for a donation) the right thing (for example, for a week), you will lose this thing after a while without a trace. The player will want to return this item again (especially if it makes the character stronger and provides some kind of benefit). And it's ad infinitum...

Clear prices will not be indicated in the article, since they are, of course, different in different games. And the purpose of this material is only to explain what donat is. Although, using the example of one player, you can try to paint a picture, more clearly presenting the essence.

We are talking about Runes of Magic, an online game similar to World of Warcraft, which has a donation, but does not require a subscription fee. The player decided to try. Hoping that, having “downgraded” to the maximum level, it will be possible to exchange game gold for crystals bought for donation. But at the maximum level, the myths were dispelled: the players did not want to exchange crystals, and if they agreed, then again for an "inflated" donation. Fortunately, the player turned out to be adequate and abandoned the game, having learned the value of the donation in real money: "pumping" one solid staff in the game costs about 100 euros, and for a decent character's clothes, it will take from 1000 euros.

A person who has already become involved in the game and participates in the so-called PvP battles (one on one, or person against person) will probably decide to use the donation. Otherwise, he will be doomed to constant defeat.

The question arises as to whether a donation is needed at all? This is up to the player to decide. The creators are not forced to purchase virtual (or game) currency. This is a kind of gratitude of the participants to the creators of the game, which means that it is voluntary. But, when starting to play, keep in mind: having no donations will lose. There seems to be no infringement of rights, but the balance, you see, is broken. By the way, a clear expression of this imbalance in the sale of powerful things for "real", and nothing more. Injustice? Yes. In theory, decorations, potions, scrolls, etc. should be free.

If you still decide to play and are thinking about donating, do not lose your head: the game will always remain a game. Maybe it's better for a hundred euros (at a minimum) to buy something for yourself, in reality?

You can make a profit from streams on YouTube thanks to donations from other people, this is also called donation. Their essence lies in the fact that the user follows the link, sends you a certain amount, and after that a notification appears on the stream, which the rest of the viewers will see.

This can be done in a few steps, using one program and a website that was created specifically for managing donations. To avoid any difficulties, we will consider each stage in detail.

Step 1: Download and Install OBS

Every streamer needs to use this program in order for the broadcast to work properly. Open Broadcaster Software allows you to configure everything to the smallest detail, including donations, so let's start downloading and installing, which will not take much time.

After installation, you can close the program for now, we will need it later, let's move on to directly creating and setting up your donation link

Step 2: Registering and setting up DonationAlerts

You will need to register on this site in order to be able to track all messages and donations. Of course, you can do this through some other services, but this one is the most common among streamers and the most convenient. Let's deal with registration:

Now that you've set up alerts, you need to make them appear on your stream, so you need to return to the OBS program.

Step 3: Adding a BrowserSource to OBS

You need to set up a streaming program. In order for donations to be displayed during the broadcast, you need to:

Step 4: Checking and final settings

Now you can receive donations, but your viewers need to know where to send money and, preferably, for what purpose. To do this, we will conduct a test and add a fundraiser:

That's all, now you can proceed to the next steps of setting up your stream, you and your viewers will be notified of each donation to the channel.

Do you like to play games, have a good audience or have an unusual talent that you can demonstrate to a wide audience?

You won’t believe it, but already tens of thousands of bloggers on YouTube are doing what they love and at the same time earning quite good money………….

In this article, we will tell you all the secrets, how to donate, and how to improve the performance of the channel as a whole.

Despite the fact that there is very little information on this issue, we have collected only useful facts for you. ⇓⇓⇓

Play and earn: 5 facts about donation

If you are an experienced user of YouTube, then, for sure, it will not be difficult for you to understand the basic terms, but especially for beginners tell you the basics.

→ Stream is an online broadcast in which you can answer subscribers' questions, produce lessons, or just do what you love (for example, play).

Seems like it could be better: $$$

This is true, if, of course, your broadcast will attract viewers.

There are not so many options on how to monetize a stream on YouTube, so most often this is done through donations.

This is the so-called donation that the viewers make. Oddly enough, but very often very large amounts slip through, which can instantly block goals.

Below we will tell you how you can donate on a stream on YouTube, as well as what you need to do this ↓↓↓

What you need to set up

So, you want to please your subscribers, combine business with pleasure and launch your own broadcast with donations.

To do this, you will have to follow the following steps:

  • registration of a WebMoney wallet - donations will come to it (;
  • set up the program (;
  • download CRL plugin ();
  • setting up a donation on a YouTube stream using Donation Alerts (;
  • create stream.

Set up Donations step by step

Please note that in order to organize a stream, you will need an audience of at least several hundred subscribers.

Make sure the topic is interesting for your viewers, and also announce the time when the broadcast will take place.

Surely, you should not have any difficulties with registering for WebMoney, so let's skip this step.

Let's proceed directly to how to set up a stream on YouTube with a donation. ⇓⇓⇓

Step 1. Install and configureOBS (open Broadcaster Software)

This program is designed to broadcast various multimedia content to the global essence.

You can download it on the official website

This utility has many settings, including the characteristics of the video that will be broadcast and more.

Before installation, make sure that the program is suitable for your version of Windows.

Let's take a quick look at the basic settings you need to donate to a YouTube stream:

  • General - here we create a profile for YouTube.
  • Encoding - here you can set the format of audio, video, and more.
  • Translation - in this section you will need to place the translation key.
  • Advanced - other settings that allow you to set the video quality.
  • Sources is one of the most important sections, allowing you to customize the background, text, broadcast pop-ups, and more.

Step 2. TuneCLR Browser Source Plugin

Among other things, download the CLR Browser plugin to set a donation for a YouTube stream.

→ It can also be found on the official website of the OBS program.

After you download this utility, you need to go to the Plugins (OBS) folder and unzip it here. In principle, nothing complicated and you can proceed to the next step.

Step 3. Register forDonation Alerts

This is a special service where you can register your donation. This is where users will contribute to your creativity. We fill in all the identification data, including the wallet number, type of donation, purpose, and more.

The general algorithm for how to donate to a YouTube stream for free:

  • register;
  • go to the "Donations" tab;
  • upload an image, set the size, etc.;
  • in the alerts tab, you can set the type of pop-up window during the stream;
  • copy the link for the CRL into the OBS program;
  • to do this, create a new widget in OBS, where we place the link;
  • set the position of the widget on the screen and save.

Step 4. Start the stream

The only thing left is to go to the YouTube channel in a creative studio "Live Streams" and "Get Started".

Please note that this feature is only available for verified channels that have 100 subscribers and no violations.

After all the conditions are met, you can copy the link () to the broadcast in the corresponding menu item of the OBS program settings.

Thus, you were able to donate to the stream on YouTube without any problems and now, if the viewers make deposits, a corresponding notification will pop up in the window

Shalom brothers. Who is writing to you? writes with . So, gentlemen, we have gathered you here ... no, we have not gathered you here, you yourself have pinned yourself, so open your eyes wider and read! So what do you know about donate? Do we pay money? Right. What else? No, don't be smart, please! I will create the illusion that I am the coolest and smartest here. Let's go, in general.

After some level, you just stop noticing how the experience bar moves - you either have to play until you're blue in the face, or pay for a Premium account. And a long time ago there was a bug that allowed you to buy "VIP" several times in a row, as a result, additional percentages of earnings added up. It is not difficult to guess that many players bought several "VIPs" at a time.

But there is no need to scold the developers for this - the localizers are to blame, and in Mother Russia they are very greedy. Don't believe? In Chinese Warface there is no donation at all. It wasn't, at least. Trunks, however, were given only for a while, but not a single gun or thing for a donat. You can read about fate in a long-standing article on our website.

There are scarier things, and their name is DLC.

EA overcharges games, cuts games into add-ons, forces you to buy DLC, because without them the game is severely curtailed. So it is in, and in, and in Sims 4. Games without DLC are not complete, but cut down as much as possible, it feels like you are playing a demo. But omit the games from EA. They are not the most terrible, not the most greedy thing in the world.

It's like that with almost every game. Believe me, it is very unpleasant to see three-digit numbers in the in-game store, all desire to play disappears. And now the developers have gone even bolder: in a paid game for a thousand wooden ones, you can imagine, they trade in premium currencies. Yes, I'm talking about Ubisoft. It started, in my opinion, back in, but now in. This is very sad, and these games are almost not replayable, the servers are empty, there is no one to play with, you feel like the main character of the movie "I'm a legend".

All my discontents, on the other hand, are killed by one phrase: "If you have money, why not donate it to your favorite game?".

We share our opinion in the comments.

Demsh and Cyanide were with you, good luck.

With the development of Internet technologies, new ways of making money on the World Wide Web are emerging. If earlier it seemed unthinkable to receive money for the passage of computer games, then today you will not surprise anyone with this. Many enterprising young men and women look at publications and videos every day in order to learn how to make money on the stream. After all, receiving money for doing what you love is doubly pleasant. But is it really that simple?

What is a stream?

In simple terms, a stream is a video broadcast of the gameplay on the Internet. That is, the passage of a computer game. But desire alone is not enough here to succeed, you need not only to be able to play, but to speak competently. The streamer must be able to think well, have an excellent sense of humor and delivered a speech so that a potential viewer simply does not fall asleep while watching the game. How to make money on streams? is the largest site in existence to make that dream come true. To get started, you need to register.

How to make money on Twitch? Streams, advertising, affiliate program

In order to start accumulating capital in this way, you need to get an affiliate program. The requirements provided by the site, judging by the reviews, can hardly be called simple:

  • The streamer must ensure that the average number of viewers watching the broadcast at the same time exceeds five hundred thousand people. If he tries to submit an application, having achieved this indicator once, then it will be rejected.
  • A streamer must stream their game regularly, at least three times a week.
  • Content broadcast on the channel must not violate the rules. You can learn more about them on the official website.

User feedback says that all applications are reviewed by people, with no exceptions. This means that if a streamer falls slightly short of the required results, an exception may be made for him. Naturally, taking into account the peculiarity of the content they offer. How to make money on streaming games after receiving an affiliate program? There are several ways to do this.

Embedded advertising

After receiving an affiliate program, the streamer has a special button that allows you to run ads. As soon as he clicks on it, a commercial appears. For every thousand views, the streamer will receive $3.5. Streamers note that it is possible to set the automatic inclusion of advertising after a manually set period of time. Players who know how to make money on the stream, despite this, strive to get it.


  • A large percentage of Internet users install ad-blocking extensions in their browser. The streamer gets a smaller amount of money from this.


  • The streamer is not limited by the number of ad impressions, he can run it at least every minute.

Paid subscriptions

If you delve into the topic of how to make money on streams, you can learn about the second method: subscribing to a channel for money. A paid subscription is available to those who have connected an affiliate program. It is issued for a month and gives the viewer a number of benefits, such as disabling ads, as well as new emoticons for chat. The streamer himself sets the cost of the subscription, but he must take into account that half of the money received will go to Twitch.

Not every viewer will be ready to give honestly earned or accumulated money to a streamer, especially if he has not yet risen to the level of famous players. You can’t force anyone, but experienced streamers say that you can stimulate a subscriber in several simple ways. First, an interesting notification that the user has subscribed to the channel. It can be funny, beautiful, frightening, the main thing is to hook the viewer with its unusual shape, make you want to see the message. Secondly, the promise to hold a giveaway or contest after a certain number of subscribers appear on the channel. Thirdly, the usual gratitude, which is not forgotten by any person who knows how to make money on the stream.


Donat is a voluntary donation to a streamer to one of the electronic wallets. Previously, this method was not popular in Russia, but now more and more people want to thank a person for broadcasting in such a simple way. Links to wallets are left by every player who knows how to make money. On streams, you can often see how a text message suddenly pops up on the broadcast screen, which is subsequently read aloud by a robot or a player, which is a good way to motivate viewers to donate. Some people enjoy having their message heard by thousands of viewers.

Why should a person spend money when one can just watch and enjoy the spectacle? Most people think this way, but there are kind people who do not mind fifty rubles just to say “thank you” to the streamer. History also knows cases when people donated several thousand at once on major broadcasts.

sponsorship program

The idea behind this method is simple. Under the window through which the broadcast is conducted, there is an empty space filled by streamers with information about themselves, links to wallets and various advertisements. Not only the player, but also many entrepreneurs know how to make money on the stream, because advertising on a page that is viewed by thousands of people every day is the best way to draw attention to your products. This method is also available to those who, for a number of reasons, still cannot receive an affiliate program. The disadvantage is that the customer is unlikely to want to pay a little-known streamer.

How much do famous players earn from streaming?

To find out, just look at a few streamers that occupy the TOP of the most viewed. There is no maximum reliable information, since the players themselves keep the size of their earnings secret, however, there is a formula that allows you to calculate how much you can earn on streams. When applied to the individuals in question, one learns that:

  • Manyrin earns an average of about twenty-five thousand rubles;
  • VJlink - from thirty to fifty thousand rubles;
  • Versuta - his earnings reach two hundred thousand rubles.

The calculation formula itself is quite simple.

Conditional data:

  • One and a half thousand subscribers, one hundred of which bought a subscription for $3.
  • On average, a streamer gains a thousand viewers per broadcast.
  • The stream continues for six hours.
  • The viewer sees two advertisements per hour.
  • Eighty percent of people will have an ad blocker installed.
  • The streamer does not have a donation or sponsorship program.

First you need to calculate the number of ads viewed per day. For six hours of streaming (assuming that the player runs two ads per hour), one viewer will see twelve videos. In total, two hundred people will watch 2,400 videos during the broadcast, that is, the streamer will earn $ 8.4. $252 per month.

One hundred people have purchased a paid subscription, that is, the streamer will receive $ 150 for them, since half of the money will go to Twitch under the affiliate program agreement. Without a donation and purchase of advertising by enterprises, the player will earn $ 402 per month, which at the current dollar rate (62 rubles) turns into twenty-six thousand rubles.

Is it worth it to start?

Many people, after reading the material on how to make money on the stream, are eager to open their own channel and start playing. That is why the competition here is already reaching enormous proportions. To achieve success in this difficult business, you need not only to be able to speak well, but also to be ready to invest a certain amount of money in promoting the channel. If you are ready to treat streaming like a job, if you are sure that you are resourceful and witty enough, and the failures and mistakes inherent in beginners do not scare you, then this type of income may appeal to you.

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