Which matrix is ​​better than ips or mva. Which is better IPS or TN matrix

TN + film technology

Twisted Nematic + film (TN + film). The "film" part in the name of the technology means an additional layer used to increase the viewing angle (approximately up to 160 °). This is the simplest and cheapest technology. It has been around for a long time and is used in most monitors sold over the past few years.

Advantages of TN + film technology:

- low cost;
is the minimum pixel response time to a control action.

Disadvantages of TN + film technology:

- medium contrast;
- problems with accurate color reproduction;
- relatively small viewing angles.

IPS technology

In 1995, Hitachi developed In-Plane Switching (IPS) technology to overcome the disadvantages of TN + film panels. Small viewing angles, very specific colors and unacceptable (at that time) response time pushed Hitachi to develop a new IPS technology, which gave a good result: decent viewing angles and good color reproduction.

In IPS matrices, the crystals do not form a spiral, but rotate when an electric field is applied all together. Changing the orientation of the crystals helped to achieve one of the main advantages of IPS-matrices - the viewing angles were increased to 170 ° horizontally and vertically. If no voltage is applied to the IPS matrix, the liquid crystal molecules do not rotate. The second polarizing filter is always rotated perpendicular to the first, and light does not pass through it. Black display is ideal. If the transistor fails, the "broken" pixel for the IPS panel will not be white, as for the TN matrix, but black. When a voltage is applied, the liquid crystal molecules rotate perpendicular to their initial position parallel to the base and transmit light.

Parallel alignment of liquid crystals required combing electrodes on the bottom substrate, which significantly degraded the contrast of the image, required more powerful illumination to set the normal sharpness level, and resulted in high power consumption and significant time. Therefore, the response time of an IPS panel is generally longer than that of a TN panel. IPS-panels made using the technology turn out to be much more expensive. Subsequently, Super-IPS (S-IPS) and Dual Domain IPS (DD-IPS) technologies were also developed on the basis of IPS, however, due to the high cost, manufacturers could not bring this type of panels to the lead.

Samsung for some time it produced panels made using Advanced Coplanar Electrode (ACE) technology - an analogue of IPS technology. However, today the production of ACE panels has been phased out. On the modern market, IPS technology is represented by monitors with a large diagonal - 19 inches or more.

The significant response time when switching the pixel between the two states is more than compensated for by excellent color reproduction, especially in panels made using an upgraded technology called Super-IPS.

Super-IPS (S-IPS)... LCD monitors with S-IPS panels are a reasonable choice for professional color work. Alas, S-IPS panels have exactly the same problems with contrast as IPS and TN + Film - it is relatively small, since the black level is 0.5-1.0 cd / m2.

Along with this, the viewing angles, if not ideal (if deviated to the side, the image loses contrast noticeably), they are very large compared to TN panels: sitting in front of the monitor, it is impossible to notice any unevenness in color or contrast due to insufficient viewing angles.

Currently known the following types matrices that can be considered derived from IPS:

Advantages of S-IPS technology:

- excellent color rendering;
- larger viewing angles than TN + Film panels.

Disadvantages of S-IPS technology:

- high price;
- significant response time when switching a pixel between two states;
- a faulty pixel or subpixel on such matrices remains permanently in an extinguished state.

This type of panel is well suited for working with color, but at the same time, monitors on S-IPS panels are quite suitable for games that are not critical to the response time of 5-20 ms.

MVA technology

IPS technology turned out to be relatively expensive, this circumstance forced other manufacturers to develop their own technologies. Fujitsu's Vertical Alignment (VA) LCD panel technology was born, followed by Multidomain Vertical Alignment (MVA), providing the user with a reasonable compromise between viewing angles, speed and color reproduction.

So, in 1996, Fujitsu proposed another technology for manufacturing VA LCD panels - vertical alignment... The name of the technology is misleading because liquid crystal molecules (in a static state) cannot be completely vertically aligned due to protrusion. When an electric field is created, the crystals are aligned horizontally and the backlight cannot pass through the various layers of the panel.

MVA technology - Multi-Domain Vertical Alignment - came about a year after VA. The M in MVA stands for Multi-Domain; many areas in one cell.

The essence of the technology is as follows: each subpixel is divided into several zones, and the polarizing filters are directional. Fujitsu currently manufactures panels in which each cell contains up to four such domains. With the help of protrusions on the inner surface of the filters, each element is divided into zones so that the orientation of the crystals in each specific zone is most suitable for looking at the matrix from a certain angle, and the crystals in different zones move independently. Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve excellent viewing angles without noticeable color distortions of the image - the brighter zones in the field of view when the observer deviates from the perpendicular to the screen in the field of view will be compensated by the darker ones nearby, so the contrast will drop slightly. When an electric field is applied, the crystals in all zones are arranged in such a way that a point with maximum brightness is visible practically regardless of the viewing angle.

What has been achieved as a result of the application of the new technology?

First, good contrast - the black level of a high-quality panel can drop below 0.5 cd / m2 (exceed 600: 1), which, although it does not allow competing on equal terms with CRT monitors, is definitely better than the results of TN- or IPS- panels. The black background of the monitor screen on the MVA-panel in the dark no longer looks so distinctly gray, and the uneven backlighting affects the image much less.

Moreover, MVA panels also provide quite good color reproduction - not as good as S-IPS, but quite suitable for most needs. "Broken" pixels look black, the response time has become approximately 2 times less than for IPS and old TN-panels. Thus, there is an optimal compromise in almost all areas. What's in the bottom line?

Advantages of MVA technology:

- short reaction time;
- deep black color (good contrast);
- the absence of a helical structure of crystals and a double magnetic field led to minimal power consumption;
- good color rendering (somewhat inferior to S-IPS).

However, two spoons of tar somewhat spoiled the existing idyll:

- when the difference between the initial and final states of the pixel decreases, the response time increases;
- the technology turned out to be quite expensive.

Unfortunately, the theoretical advantages of this technology have not been fully realized in practice. 2003, all analysts predict a bright future for LCD monitors equipped with an MVA panel, until AU Optronics introduced a TN + Film panel with a response time of just 16ms. In terms of other parameters, it was no better, and in some ways even worse than the existing 25 ms TN panels (reduced viewing angles, poor color rendering), but the low response time turned out to be an excellent marketing bait for consumers. In addition, the low cost of technology amid the ongoing price wars, when every extra dollar per panel was a heavy burden on the manufacturer, bolstered the financial and marketing campaign. TN panels are still the cheapest today (much cheaper than both IPS and MVA panels). As a result of the combination of these two factors (a successful bait for the consumer in the form of a short response time and a low price), currently monitors on panels other than TN + Film are available in limited quantities. The only exceptions are the top Samsung models on PVA and very expensive monitors on S-IPS panels, designed for professional work with color.

The developer of the MVA technology, Fujitsu, considered the LCD-monitors market not interesting enough for itself and today is not developing new panels, transferring the rights to them to AU Optronics.

PVA technology

Following Fujitsu, Samsung has developed the Patterned Vertical Alignment (PVA) technology, in general terms repeating the MVA technology and differing, on the one hand, with slightly larger viewing angles, but on the other hand, with the worst response time.

Apparently, one of the development goals was to create a technology similar to MVA, but free from Fujitsu patents and associated license fees. Accordingly, all the disadvantages and advantages of PVA panels are the same as those of MVA.

Advantages of PVA technology:

- excellent contrast (the black level of PVA panels can be only 0.1-0.3 cd / m2);
- excellent viewing angles (when evaluating viewing angles according to the standard contrast ratio drop to 10: 1, it turns out that they are not limited by the panel, but by the plastic frame of the screen protruding above it - the latest models of monitors on PVA declared angles of 178 °);
- good color rendering.

Disadvantages of PVA technology:

- monitors on PVA panels are of little use for dynamic games. Due to the long response time, when switching a pixel between close states, the image will be noticeably blurred;
- not the lowest cost.

Of great interest to this type of matrix is ​​their widespread availability on the market. If a monitor on a good 19-inch MVA matrix is ​​almost impossible to find, then with PVA their developer (Samsung) tries to regularly release new models for sale. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that other companies produce monitors based on PVA matrices not much more willingly than on MVA, but the presence of at least one serious manufacturer, such as Samsung, already gives PVA matrices a tangible advantage.

A PVA monitor is almost an ideal choice for work due to its characteristics that are closest to a CRT monitor among all types of matrices (if you do not take into account the slow response time - the only serious drawback of PVA). 19-inch models based on them are easy to find on sale, and at quite reasonable prices (compared, say, with monitors on S-IPS matrices), so when choosing a work monitor for which behavior in dynamic games is not too important, be sure to pay attention to PVA.

Last year, Samsung introduced Dynamical Capacitance Compensation, DCC (Dynamic Capacitance Compensation) technology, which, according to engineers, can make the switching time of a pixel independent of the difference between its final and initial states. In case of successful implementation of DCC PVA-panels will turn out to be one of the fastest among all types of panels currently existing, while retaining their other advantages.


There are significantly fewer LCD panel manufacturers than monitor manufacturers. This is due to the fact that the production of panels requires the construction of expensive (especially in conditions of constant competition) high-tech factories. Manufacturing a monitor based on a ready-made LCD module (usually an LCD panel is supplied complete with backlight lamps) comes down to ordinary installation operations, which do not require either ultra-clean rooms or any high-tech equipment.

Today, the largest panel manufacturers and developers are a joint venture between Royal Philips Electronics and LG Electronics called LG.Philips LCD and Samsung.

LG.Philips LCD primarily specializes in IPS panels, supplying them to third-party large companies such as Sony and NEC. Samsung is better known for TN + Film and PVA panels, mainly for monitors of its own production.

It is possible to determine exactly on whose panel a particular monitor is assembled only by disassembling it, or by finding unofficial information on the Internet (the panel manufacturer is rarely indicated officially). In this case, information about any specific model applies only to this model and does not affect other monitors from the same manufacturer in any way. For example, in different models Sony monitors at various times used panels from LG.Philips, AU Optronics and Chunghwa Picture Tubes (CPT), and in NEC monitors, in addition to the listed ones, also Hitachi, Fujitsu, Samsung and Unipac, not counting NEC's own panels. Moreover, many manufacturers install different panels in monitors of the same model, but with different release times - as newer panel models appear, the old ones are simply replaced without changing the monitor labeling.

Fundamentals of Monitor Science. Matrix types: IPS

Quite a long time has passed since the creation of the first LCD monitor, when the world realized that it could not go on like this - the quality produced by TN technology was clearly not enough. The innovations that were designed to correct the shortcomings of TN matrices (and are discussed in detail in previous articles) saved the situation only partially. Therefore, by the mid-90s of the last century, an active search began for new solutions that could bring the quality of LCD monitors to a fundamentally new level.

It just so happens in the world of technology that some are looking for solutions to emerging problems by modernizing existing developments, while others are not afraid to start from scratch. The proud Japanese under the auspices looked at all this noise for a long time, then sighed, rolled up their sleeves and in 1996 showed the world their own development, devoid of the minuses of TN-technology. It was named IPS (In-Plane Switching), which can be translated as "in-plane switching". It differed from the standard TN matrix in that, firstly, the crystals in the matrix were not twisted, but were located parallel to each other in the same plane (hence the name). And secondly, both contacts for supplying voltage were located on the same side of the cell.

Schematic representation of a cell in an IPS matrix

What is the result of this? In IPS matrices, in the absence of voltage, the light did not pass through the polarizers, therefore, unlike TN technology, the black color here was exactly black. The first versions differed in one more feature - when looking at the screen from the side, the black color gave a purple tint (this problem was later solved). In the off state, the matrix did not transmit light, so now, if a pixel fails, then, unlike TN matrices, not a luminous point appears, but a black one. In addition, the quality of color rendering has increased by an order of magnitude.

But, as is usually the case in such cases, solving old problems gave rise to new ones. Due to the peculiarities of the "design", in order to rotate the crystals, it took much more time, respectively, the matrix became much "slower". Further, since both contacts were located on the same side, this reduced the usable area (slightly, but nevertheless), which, in turn, led to a decrease in the brightness and contrast of the panels created using this technology.

But that's not all. Energy consumption has also increased - both due to technical solutions and due to the use of more powerful lighting sources. As a result, the price of these matrices is quite high.

In any case, the image quality has become much higher, which has allowed several companies to actively rush to search for upgrades in order to reduce "harmful" parameters and improve benefits. Simultaneously with Hitachi, this same technology began to be used in (only now they called it Super Fine TFT, or SFT).

Already in 1998, Hitachi upgraded the IPS matrices, reducing the response time. The technology that was named S-IPS, were immediately adopted by such giants as and. It is worth noting that today it is in the direction of IPS that there are most modifications that have gone far from the original version. And although the general points regarding these matrices remain, in many modifications some parameters have been greatly improved.

TN(twisted —nematic ) matrices- a kind of production technology LCD panels, mainly budgetary... Some manufacturers refer to them as TN + film, though all modern matrices are TN + film, just no designation.

Is the most cheap to manufacture(and most old) and has the most low price... It has no sub-pixels and the crystal structure is very simple.

The crystal structure is of a spiral type. In the absence of voltage on the electrodes, the crystals line up helical, but not clearly structured and pass light through filters (white). When the maximum voltage is applied to the electrodes, the crystals line up perpendicular light filters, the pixel does not transmit light (black). Crystals act as conductors of a beam of light. The "broken" pixel is characteristically white, and the subpixels are red, blue, green.

Achieve precise crystal positioning on TN matrix impossible, each pixel is unique in its own way. Naturally, they are not suitable for accurate professional monitors due to possible differences in the tones of each pixel.

It is also worth noting the very “ weak» viewing angles due to the peculiarities of the filter, which is located mainly horizontally... Horizontal angles are acceptable, but vertical angles are much worse. Additional film in technology TN + film, partially solved this problem by widening the viewing angles and "bulging" the color flow outward. But viewing angles does not matter weak compared with others LCD matrices. Subpixels across the entire matrix identical in structure, but each has one of three colors. This is achieved by applying a special layer of red, green or of blue color... This is practically the last layer on the matrix, then there are only additional polarization layers and protective film matrices.

The main advantage of TNmatrices is an high response speed BtW... Such matrices are often called " gaming". But here you have to sacrifice something.

In this case, color accuracy with each increase in the speed of the matrix, it decreases slightly, as does the contrast of the matrix. Indeed, to quickly switch the matrix from the position ON into position OFF, had to sacrifice the number of possible intermediate values. They were unstable when using two electrodes directed at an angle of 210 degrees to each other ( Super twisted nematic ).

Twisted nematic, differs from matrices in the location of the electrodes, crystal positioning methods and polarization layers. In another, the matrices are similar in structure. " LCD still is LCD". Only the common components are similar, but their implementation is very different. And the accuracy of shading is also radically different.

Technology pros TNversusVA, IPS:

  • · High speed response BtW.

  • · Low price.

  • · Cheapness in production.

  • · Ability to use any type of backlight (or).

Cons of technology TNversusVA, IPS:

The search module is not installed.

Liquid crystal displays (TN, TN + Film and TFT technologies)

Sergey Yaroshenko

An ever-increasing number of users are switching their CRT monitors to LCDs. If for 19-inch CRT monitors the significant size of the case, which comfortably did not fit on an office desk, led to fatal consequences, then the reduction in price and the minimum size of 19-inch LCD counterparts today increase their attractiveness.

The principle of operation of LCD-monitors (Liquid Crystal Display - liquid crystal display) is based on the use of a substance that is in a liquid state, but at the same time has some properties inherent in crystalline bodies. These amorphous substances were called "liquid crystals" because of their similarity to crystalline substances in their electro-optical properties, as well as their ability to take the shape of a vessel.

Origins of LCD monitors

Liquid crystal materials were discovered in 1888 by the Austrian scientist F. Renitzer, but it was not until 1930 that researchers from the British corporation Marconi received a patent for their industrial application. The matter did not go further than the patent, because at that time the technological base was still too weak to create reliable and functional devices. The first breakthrough was made by scientists Fergeson and Williams of RCA (Radio Corporation of America). One of them created a thermal sensor based on liquid crystals, using their selective reflective effect, the other studied the effect of an electric field on nematic crystals. As a result, at the end of 1966, RCA Corporation demonstrated a digital clock with an LCD prototype.

Sharp Corporation has played a significant role in the development of LCD technology. It is by this corporation:

In 1964, the world's first CS10A calculator was produced;
- in 1975 the first compact digital clock was manufactured using TN LCD technology;
- in 1976 a black and white TV with a screen diagonal of 5.5 inches based on an LCD matrix with a resolution of 160x120 pixels was released.

How LCDs work

Molecules of liquid crystals under the influence of electricity can change their orientation, and as a result, change the properties of the light beam passing through them.

An LCD monitor screen is an array of segments (pixels) that can be manipulated to display information. The display has multiple layers, where two panels are key, made of a sodium-free and very pure glass material called a substrate or backing. There is a thin layer of liquid crystals between the panels. The panels have grooves that guide the crystals into the desired orientation. On each panel, the grooves are parallel, and between the panels, they are perpendicular. Longitudinal grooves are formed as a result of the placement of thin films of transparent plastic on the glass surface, which is then specially processed. In contact with the grooves, the liquid crystal molecules assume the same orientation. The glass panels are very close to each other. They are illuminated by a light source (depending on where it is located, LCD displays work in reflection or transmission of light). When passing through the panel, the plane of polarization of the light beam is rotated 90 °. The emergence electric current forces the molecules of liquid crystals to line up along the electric field, and the angle of rotation of the plane of polarization of light becomes different from 90 °.

The rotation of the plane of polarization of the light beam is imperceptible to the eye, so it becomes necessary to add two more layers to the glass panels, which are polarizing filters. These filters transmit only that component of the light beam, for which the polarization axis corresponds to the given direction of polarization. Therefore, when passing through the polarizer, the light beam will be attenuated depending on the angle between its plane of polarization and the axis of the polarizer. In the absence of voltage, the cell is transparent, because the first polarizer transmits only light with the corresponding polarization vector. Thanks to liquid crystals, the polarization vector of the light is rotated, and by the time the beam passes to the second polarizer, it is already rotated so that it passes through the second polarizer without problems.

In the presence of an electric field, the rotation of the polarization vector occurs at a smaller angle, thereby the second polarizer becomes only partially transparent to light. If the potential difference is such that no rotation of the plane of polarization in liquid crystals occurs, then the light beam will be completely absorbed by the second polarizer, and the display will appear black.

By arranging big number electrodes that create electric fields in local places of the display (cell), we will be able (with the correct control of the potentials of these electrodes) to display letters and other image elements on the screen. Technological innovations made it possible to limit the size of the electrodes to a point, respectively, on the same area of ​​the panel it became possible to place more electrodes, which increased the resolution of the LCD monitor and made it possible to display complex images in color.

To form a color image, the LCD was backlit. The color was obtained by using three filters that separated three main components from white light. By combining these components for each point (pixel) of the display, it became possible to reproduce any color.

Passive and active matrix

The functionality of an active matrix LCD is almost the same as a passive matrix display. The difference lies in the electrode array that drives the display's liquid crystal cells.

In the case of a passive matrix, the electrodes receive electric charge cyclically when updating the display line by line. As a result of the discharge of the cell capacities, the image disappears, since the crystals return to their original configuration. Due to the large electrical capacity of the cells, the voltage across them is not able to change quickly, so the image is updated slowly.

In the case of an active matrix, a storage transistor is added to each electrode that can store digital information(0 or 1), and as a result, the image is retained only until another signal arrives.

Dull and "slow" LCD monitors with a passive matrix are a thing of the past long ago, in stores you can only find models based on an active matrix, which provides a bright, clear image.

With the use of active matrices, it became possible to reduce the number of liquid crystal layers. Memory transistors are made from transparent materials, which allows the light beam to pass through them, which means that the transistors can be located on the back of the display, on a glass panel that contains liquid crystals. For these purposes, plastic films are used - Thin Film Transistor (TFT).

Manufacturing technology TN

Historically, the first technology for manufacturing LCD displays was the so-called. Twisted Nematic (TN) technology. The name comes from the fact that in the off state, the crystals in the cells formed a spiral. The effect resulted from the placement of crystals between alignment panels with grooves directed perpendicular to each other. When an electric field was applied, all crystals were aligned in the same way, i.e. the spiral straightened, and when removed, the crystals again tried to orient themselves along the grooves.

TN displays had several significant drawbacks:

First, the natural state of the display, when the crystals form a spiral, was transparent, i.e. she let in the light. Due to this, when one of the thin-film transistors fails, the light goes out unhindered, forming a very noticeable constantly burning point;
- secondly, it was almost impossible to deploy all liquid crystals perpendicular to the filter, so the contrast of such displays left much to be desired, and the black level could exceed 2 cd / m2. This color looked like dark gray, but not like black;
- third, low speed response times, the first displays had a response time of about 50ms. However, the second and third drawbacks were overcome with the introduction of Super Twisted Nematic (STN) technology, which reduced the response time to 30 ms.
- fourthly, small viewing angles, only about 90 °. However, the application of a polymer film with a high refractive index to the surface of the screen made it possible to expand the viewing angles to 120-160 ° without significant changes in technology. Such displays are called TN + Film.

Manufacturing technology STN

STN technology made it possible to increase the torsion angle (angle of twisting) of crystal orientation inside the LCD from 90 ° to 270 °, which provided better image contrast when increasing the panel size.

DSTN mode. Often STN cells were used in pairs. This design was called Double Super Twisted Nematic (DSTN). In it, one two-layer DSTN cell consisted of 2 STN cells, the molecules of which turned in opposite directions during operation. Light, passing through such a structure in a "locked" state, lost most of its energy. The contrast and resolution of DSTN displays increased, so it became possible to make a color display, in which there are three LCD cells and three optical filters for primary colors for each pixel. Color displays were not capable of operating from reflected light, so a backlight is a must.

Similar to a TV, based on a huge cathode ray tube. Nothing could please such a unit. A bulky, heavy fighter of electrical energy. Unsurprisingly, with the advent of thin monitors, users around the planet breathed a sigh of relief.

But here, too, everything turned out to be not so simple. Each thin device was strikingly different from each other in color rendition, price, viewing angles.

Matrix. Its features and characteristics

Which matrix is ​​better for a monitor is an extremely controversial question. First of all, it is worth clarifying what it is.

On the outside, it is a glass plate, inside of which are liquid crystals that change color. The simplest products only react to changes in electrical signals passing through them. More complex models independently adjust color and brightness. And the most modern pieces are also additionally highlighted, creating the greatest possible contrast.


The answer to the question "which matrix is ​​better for a monitor" is impossible without mentioning such a term as "response". This property is characterized by how smoothly the frames on the screen will change due to voltage changes. Measured in milliseconds (ms).

What type of monitor matrix is ​​best for gaming? Of course, with good image response. And if you figure out which type of monitor matrix is ​​best for everyday life? With a response of 10 ms or less. And what about the gaming type of the monitor matrix? Which is better? preferring less than 5ms response.

Update frequency

The refresh rate will tell a lot about which matrix is ​​better for the monitor of a gamer. The picture in the virtual world changes very quickly. Only the most quality screens can be updated at more than 120 Hz.

Viewing angle

Which matrix is ​​best for the monitor as a whole? Of course, the one with good viewing angles. What are they? In order to understand what is at stake, it is recommended to look at the monitor from the side. For an ideal product, the picture will be visible from everywhere. A cheap unit will not be able to please with such convenience. The picture is faded, blurry and indistinct. Which monitor matrix is ​​best for the eyes? Of course, the one where you can see the image from any angle. In addition, when working with such a monitor, eyes get tired much less.

TN + film (Twisted Nematic + film)

For a long time, such a matrix was considered the best for a monitor. Simple and cheap, it is still embedded in millions of devices every year. The special love of this technology was ensured by its price. It is thanks to the affordability that users are ready to forgive the matrix for its disadvantages, of which there are many. The viewing angles are extremely poor. It is necessary to sit exclusively in front of the monitor to see the full picture. Some manufacturers use a special film to increase the viewing angles, but this does not help much.

The human eye is a unique mechanism capable of seeing over sixteen million different shades. With matrix of this type to realize the property given by nature, alas, will not work with all the desire. Colors are usually dull, faded, dull, faded, unnatural. But for the undemanding user, this is not a critical issue.

There are very few complaints about contrast changes. The main users are office workers. Working with text on monitors requires special concentration. Low-contrast text is far from the best helper, it gets tired of the eyes very quickly. Even more such matrices are disliked by graphic specialists. On such a monitor, it is good to watch movies and play some games.

The only thing that can please the matrices of this fast response of black and white shades. But in today's world of color, this is a weak advantage.

Almost every budget laptop in the world is sold with a TN matrix.


Numerous user complaints have pushed manufacturers to explore a new "monitor matrix type" technology that is better and more efficient than its predecessors.

The latest development is called IPS (In-Plane Switching). The die of this type was produced by Hitachi. What is its essential difference from TN? First of all, this is the transfer of color. No matter how much users loved their huge monitors with a cathode-ray tube, they conveyed the shades very accurately. And here again there was an opportunity to enjoy bright and rich colors.

Viewing angles have also increased significantly compared to their predecessors.

The disadvantage of this technology is the change from black to purple when viewed from the side. Also, the first models had a relatively low response time - 60 ms. There were a lot of complaints about the low contrast. Black appeared to be gray, making it difficult to type and nearly impossible to work with in applications that required fine detail.

However, manufacturers were aware of the shortcomings and after a while the world saw S-IPS technology(Super IPS), in which many flaws have been eliminated. First of all, the novelty pleased gamers. The response time has dropped by almost five times, down to 16 ms. This value great for solving the vast majority of everyday tasks.

Main manufacturers IPS matrices- Hitachi, LG, Phillips, NEC.

MVA (PVA) matrices

A little later, a new matrix was presented to the world, which took into account the many wishes of both gamers and office workers - MVA.

The only drawback of such monitors was the distortion of some shades. But opponents of the TN matrix noted the color rendering as quite bearable and suitable for most tasks.

Of course, not everything immediately became smooth and perfect. The first models were quite sluggish, even when compared to their TN predecessors. Sometimes, with a quick change of frames, the user could notice a picture that was not removable for several moments. This problem was solved a little later, when accelerated matrices of this type entered the market.

But such monitors have everything in order with contrast and viewing angles. Black is black, and details are visible even in the smallest variation. Not surprisingly, professional designers opt for MVA.

There is another kind of matrix of this type. Its name is PVA. It was developed by the Korean corporation Samsung. PVA is much faster and more contrasty.

It is a pleasure to work on such a matrix, so it has taken its rightful place in the niche for professionals.

What to choose

So, there are three main types of matrices.

TN technology should be chosen only if the budget is very limited.

Matrix IPS type suitable if the buyer is actively involved in graphics or drawings.

What's the best monitor matrix for gaming? MVA! It is optimal for aesthetes who appreciate the perfect picture.

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