How to make a transparent color in paint. Layers and blending modes

Free software Paint.NET is not as powerful as many others. However, you can easily make a transparent background in a picture with it.

So, you need a certain object in the image to have a transparent background instead of the existing one. All methods have a similar principle: areas of the image that should be transparent are simply removed. But taking into account the peculiarities of the original background, you will have to use different Paint.NET tools.

Method 1: Selection "Magic wand"

The background that you will be removing must be selected so that the main content is not affected. If we are talking about an image with a white or the same type of background, devoid of various elements, then you can use the tool « Magic wand» .

  1. Open the image you want and click "Magic wand" in the toolbar.
  2. To select a background, just click on it. You will see a distinctive stencil around the edges of the main object. Examine the highlighted area carefully. For example, in our case "Magic wand" captured several places on the mug.
  3. In this case, you need to slightly reduce the sensitivity until the situation is corrected.

    As you can see, the stencil now runs exactly along the edges of the circle. If "Magic wand" on the contrary left pieces of the background around the main object, then you can try to increase the sensitivity.

  4. In some pictures, the background can be viewed inside the main content and is not immediately highlighted. This is what happened with the white background inside the handle of our mug. To add it to the selection area, click "Union" and click on the desired area.
  5. When everything that should be transparent is selected, press "Edit" and "Clear Selection", or you can just press the button Del.
  6. As a result, you will get a background in the form of a checkerboard - this is how transparency is visually displayed. If you notice that somewhere it turned out unevenly, you can always undo the action by pressing the corresponding button and eliminate the shortcomings.

  7. It remains to save the result of your labors. Click "File" and "Save as".
  8. To preserve transparency, it is important to save the picture in the format "GIF" or "PNG", the latter being preferred.
  9. All values \u200b\u200bcan be left as default. Click "OK".

Method 2: Cropping by selection

If we are talking about a picture with a varied background, which "Magic wand" will not master, but at the same time the main object is more or less homogeneous, then you can select it and cut off everything else.

Adjust the sensitivity if necessary. When everything you need is highlighted, just press the button "Crop to Selection".

As a result, everything that was not included in the selected area will be deleted and replaced. transparent background... All that remains is to save the image in the format "PNG".

Method 3: Selection with "Lasso"

This option is convenient if you are dealing with a non-uniform background and the same main object that you cannot capture "Magic wand".

These simple methods of creating a transparent background in a picture can be used in the Paint.NET program. All you need is the ability to switch between different tools and care when selecting the edges of the desired object.

This page of the site is devoted to simple questions of working with Paint.NET and little tricks. Despite the fact that the Paint.NET graphic editor has an intuitive, user-friendly interface and quite detailed instructionsSome visitors to our site who have only recently started working with Paint.NET still face difficulties in mastering it. This page is dedicated to the answers to similar questions in Paint.NET.

To view the text of the answer, simply click on the text of the question. The information on the page is constantly updated as questions arise.

How to make a light flare in

Here we will look at a rather simple and effective moment, how to make a highlight on an image using Paint.NET. This question is not accidentally posted in the section Paint.NET lessons for beginners, because it is performed in one step.

We will create a sun flare on a volumetric emoticon, which can be drawn in the lesson Paint.NET - How to create a funny three-dimensional emoticon in Paint.NET. We'll use the Paint.NET Gradient Tool to paint the highlight.

So, let's choose white as the main color, and set transparent as the secondary color. To do this, the parameter "Transparency (alpha)" in the palette window in Paint.NET must be set to 0. In the above figure you can see that this parameter is located in the lower right corner. In the figure, the value of this parameter is indicated as 225, because the figure is represented for the main color - white, which is not transparent. Select the type of gradient - circular, as it looks like you can see in the above picture in the upper left corner. And using the left mouse button, make a gradient in the place of the image where the color highlight should be. The result that we got can be seen in the picture below. We specifically saved the gradient markers in the image below.

How to make a drawing with a transparent background in How do I change the white background color to transparent?

If you want to make a picture with a transparent background, for example, in order to place it on the site, then, first of all, you can immediately draw the image on transparent layer in Paint.NET. If you already got a picture, for example, with a white background, like the butterfly in the picture, then you will first need to remove the white background.

To remove the background, you can use, for example, the "magic wand" tool, in our example on the far left image. After the area necessary for deletion is selected - the middle picture, by pressing the Del button, you can delete it. If, as a result, you see a checkerboard pattern below the image, as in the far right picture, this means that the area of \u200b\u200bthe image in which you see the checkerboard pattern is transparent.

Note, that transparent background is supported by the two main formats PNG or GIF. If you save an image with a transparent background, such as JPG, Paint.NET will replace the transparent background color with white, because JPG does not support transparent images.

Which is better PNG or GIF format? Both of these formats support transparent colors and can be used for display in modern internet browsers. Unlike the GIF format, the 32-bit PNG format supports not only transparent colors, but also semi-transparent tones. On the other hand, transparent colors in images in 32-bit pNG format are not always displayed correctly in old Internet browsers, for example in Internet Explorer 6.

How can I reduce the selected image while maintaining the aspect ratio?

In some cases, when reducing or enlarging a selected area of \u200b\u200ban image, it is very important not to change the proportions of the original image. The picture below on the left is the original image - a green ball. If we do not want to get a reduced image, such as in the upper right corner in the same figure, resize the selection while holding down the Shift key.

How to draw an arrow in How do I draw a dotted line in

Paint.NET's line or curve tool style customization makes it easy to draw an arrow, a dotted line, and so on. The figure below shows three examples of using the line or curve tool in Paint.NET.

The line style and its other parameters are set in the toolbar, therefore, for clarity, the figure below shows an image of the value settings in this panel for three examples. In the first example, just a green arrow is drawn. In the second example, a blue dashed arrowhead is drawn. In the third example, a red dash-and-dot arrow is drawn, filled with 50%, and not solid, as in the first two examples. Possible options line ending style settings are also given in the third example as open menu... Graphic editor Paint.NET allows you to change the style of both line endings and the line itself.

Change the background to transparent. Cut the image from the picture.

Let's cut out the girl who is on a white background. Or just change the white background to a transparent one.

First way.
This removes the white background from PNG images that are often posted on the Internet.

1. Open file (File - Open - Select the desired image from the folder.)

2. Take the "Magic Wand" (left-click) on the left in the Toolbar, click on white background on the picture. The white background will darken.

3. In the Program Menu, select "Edit" - "Invert Selection"

4. Now select "Image" - "Crop to Selection".

It is possible not to invent, but choose "Image" - "Clear selection".

Now let's see what happened.

Now the second way ... Using the Color Replace plugin

After opening the picture, go to "Effects" - "Color Replace"
We move the levers, observing the effect. You can turn off unnecessary colors (uncheck).

As you can see, both the white background at the lips and the whites of the eyes have cleared. You need to tint them again.
Set the color in the Palette to white. Take the Magic Wand again "and click on the places where we will paint over. Do not forget to hold down Ctrl on the keyboard so as not to select each area separately. Then" Edit "-" Fill Selection ".

Here's what we get.

Cut out the desired area

Open the picture, take the "Lasso" and select the desired area. I will highlight the poppy bud. It is necessary to allocate it so that there must be a closed space.

Now we go to the Menu. Image - Crop To Selection

You can touch up something with an eraser.

Software: Paint.NET program.
The audience:teachers, class teachers, students.
The purpose of the master class: acquaintance with the Paint.NET program.

When inserting images from the Internet, a white background often appears, which distracts students and interferes with better assimilation of the material. Look at the snowman on a slide with a colored background:

Sometimes when setting a transparent color in a presentation, it turns out that the white color is not removed well or holes appear in the image.

How to make the picture look more attractive and visual?
White backgrounds can be easily removed using Paint.NET. Paint.NET is a free bitmap graphics editor for pictures and photos for Windows, developed on the .NET Framework. Paint.NET is a great replacement for the graphics editor included with standard programs operating systems Windows.

Step 1.Download Paint.NET. The site from which you can download this program:

Step 2.Following the prompts, install the program on your computer.

Step 3.Launch Paint.NET. After starting the program window looks like this:

Step 3.We open the picture we need through File - Open.

In the window that appears, select the desired picture on your computer.

Step 4. Remove the white background.
A) Select the "Magic Wand" tool on the toolbar.

B) With this magic wand, click on the white background that you want to remove. The picture takes the form (the background color has changed):

IN) Press the key on the keyboard Delete, the image takes the form (squares appeared):

D) We see that the white background is not removed everywhere (see the picture above). Therefore, we repeat the operation: Magic wand - click on the white background - Delete:

Step 5. Saving the image.
A)Select "Save As ..." in the "File" menu:

B)In the window that appears, select FormatPNG (supports transparency, maximum quality), click on the button Save:

D) OK - It's done. Compare:

Good luck!

Owners personal computers often ask various questions about the use of some programs that come with the operating system of the Windows family. Most often, they first use a standard graphics editor, with which you can change various pictures or draw simple pictures. Therefore, for those who are just mastering the skills of working in a standard graphic editor, you must read this article.

This article will talk about how to make transparency in Paint. The fact is that many images with transparency are often used in some areas, for example, when building some kind of Internet page where it is necessary to use transparency. With the help of this transparency, you can also make various templates and frame blanks that can be used later.

So, if you have an operating room windows system XP, the standard Paint will not work. This application does not have the ability to create transparency in the stage. To do this, you need to download from the Internet new version, which has greatly expanded its graphics capabilities - Paint Net. If you have operating system Windows 7 and higher, then you do not need to update the application, since this software is present in this system as the main one.

First, let's create a workspace.

Having created the work area, you need to simply select the entire work area, select the desired area for transparency. If you want to make the entire sheet transparent, then you need to select the entire area by pressing Ctrl + A and delete the selected area with the Del key. Thus, everything on the sheet is removed and a transparent base is obtained.

Now, having received this view of the window, you can start drawing on this workspace using any tools that this application offers.

So you are done drawing on the stage. Now the question arises - how to save this image? In order for transparency to be preserved in the image, it is necessary to save it not in JPG format, but in a special format that allows you to preserve the detail of the image, up to transparency - PNG. Click the save button and select the format.

By saving in this format, your transparency will not turn white, but will remain transparent.

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