Vk com instant registration. How to register in contact

You have your own business, business or you get spiritual knowledge and want to share it! You must create a thematic Internet resource. To do this, you just need to create thematic pages  in social networks and find like-minded people, those who will be interested in what you are doing.

Today we will be with you create a thematic page  to promote you and your business-


Step-by-step instruction.

You should already have a personal page, with your photo, with a description of your interests and what you do, with links to your online resources. If there is not, then it must be created! You will need it to promote your business pages.

To do this, you need to score in the browser's "Social Network VKontakte" line, register and be sure to put your photo on your personal page! Not dogs, cats, flowers, etc., and I PHOTOGRAPHY!

Photography is an indispensable condition for people who want to not just "hang out", play on the Internet, but promote their business projects, share knowledge.

Here is my page:

on the left you see the line MY GROUPS- we go there ....


  Here we choose PUBLIC PAGE  and click CREATE A COMMUNITY.

  We fill in the description of the community. I have 2 business pages. Here is a description of one of them:

"We study the ancient sacred Tibetan practices, the law of cause and effect, karmic psychology.
  Every day at 9.00 and 17.00 Moscow time, meditation is conducted for all those who wish online. I invite https://login.webinar.fm/bumerang. "

You can see the design and description of pages with similar themes in VKontakte, but you only need to write your own "unique" texts !!! This is a prerequisite for advancement on the Internet.

  The next step is to upload a good thematic photo. Since, I am writing an article for absolute beginners, I paint all the steps in the most detail, with photos. Click on the LOAD DOWNLOAD PHOTO

It should already be downloaded. Click on SELECT FILE and upload it to your BUSINESS PAGE.

Where can I get a photo?

In the line of any browser, we hammer the text on the subject you need.

"pictures of karmic psychology" and ..... choose the right one, download (very small do not choose.

You can simply upload a photo. The name of the business page can not be written in the photo. For those who understand a little, the simplest option is to make an inscription in the POINT program.

just look at the page with the photo. The name is, the subject is prescribed and you can start working, write posts.


We need to try to write thematic posts every day, with photos.

Then, by clicking on TELL FRIENDS (on the right), you send this post to your personal page. It automatically falls into the tape of your friends and, if the topic is interesting to them, they go to your BUSINESS PAGE and subscribe.

So you type subscribers, but for this you need to constantly develop your own personal page. Write there what you are interested in, diluting this information with posts from BUSINESS PAGES ....

Do this regularly. So you will find friends who are interested in the same thing as you. It's almost your target audience.

Believe me, with many you very much make friends !!!

This is the first lesson on creating a VKontakte page.

Start with a small, simple create a thematic page  and start sharing information with your friends.

My pages are in contact.

Registering in the social network "Vkontakte" is easy, but for those users who are just learning the Internet, this can be a challenge. Previously, we could register on this network only if friends invited us, now it's done quickly and without problems.

How to register in a contact without inviting friends

  In order to to register  in the social network "In contact with", you need to go to the following link vk.com. As you can see, the address of the site is not the same as it was before. I bring to your notice that recently Vkontakte owners switched to the new vk.com domain instead of the old and all familiar vkontakte.ru.

This is due to the fact that the company is trying to enter the international market, to win the love of foreign users. That's why we created a domain in the com zone. But the old address did not disappear anywhere, you can just type vkontakte.ru and go to the main page of the site "In contact with».

Important information for all: If you enter the address of the site "Vkontakte", then it will open in a different browser window. In this window you read the information of the hint, and in the other you will be registered on the sample.

Fig. 1
  As soon as you visit the Vkontakte website, you will see the selected text: Instant registration (Figure 1).

On this form we introduce Name and Surname and then click on the link Sign Up.
  Next, there are 3 steps that register, on which we will gradually fill out information about ourselves, so that it would be easier to navigate in the search for friends.

Consider these steps:
The first step - Search for classmates  (look at Figure 2).

  Figure 2

At this step, we choose to start a school where we studied. First you need to select from the drop-down list the country, after - city, where they studied. If your city is not on the list, then enter the name.

After all these manipulations, we will be able to see all the schools in our city. We choose the school we need, then year of issue  from school and grade.

After we did all this, photos of those people who studied at the same school as you, at least they have such information, will appear. If someone found out, boldly click Add to friends.

If you want to skip a step, and fill in this information  later, you can click Skip this step. This information can be filled out later.

Step 2 - Search for your classmates (Figure 3).

Fig. 3
  In the second step, the institution that you graduated from is selected. By analogy with the school, here also from the list we choose first the country, then the city. And then from the list of universities in the city you choose the one you need.

Have chosen university  - then choose faculty, where you studied and the department.
  If you have filled all the fields, then click Go to the next step.
The Third Step - The Last Step(Figure 4).

  Fig. 4

At the last step we indicate the country of our residence and the number of your mobile phone. After we did this, we expect an incoming message  with a certain code. We enter this code in the right field and then our registration of Vkontakte will end and you can fully use this social network!

Login «VKontakte» in your profile (My page)

If the page is opened, then on the left we enter our phone or e-mail, as well as the password.

Then click To come in  and go to your personal page "In contact with".
  Well, if you are not registered, and clicked My page purely by accident, then follow to the beginning of this page and begin to register!

  How to open Vkontakte page

  • After the registration procedure, an empty social network page will appear on the screen. To fill it you will get help.

  How to open access to Vkontakte page

To quickly find your page on the network, you need to open it for viewing. Make it possible in the settings.

  • In the upper right corner of the site (near the avatar's thumbnail) is an icon to enter the change menu. Select "Settings" from the list.

  • To the right of the menu on the page, click "Privacy."

  • Before you will open a list of "who sees" this or that information on the page. Opposite each item there is context menu, in it you can select a category of users who will be able to see your data and photos. If you want to open a page for all friends, then select the section "All users".

  • In addition, at the bottom of the screen in the "Other" section you need to access the page on the Internet. To do this, select "All" from the menu. So you can find users not only inside the social network, but through search programs.
  • If you doubt that you did everything right, then the site is very convenient function, which allows you to see your page "through the eyes of other users." At the very bottom of the page in the "Privacy" menu there is a button "to see how other users see your page".

  • Clicking on this item will open your page with the indication "so your page is seen". Here you can select "unknown users" in the window.

  • Or how your friends on the site see your information on the site.

  How to open the page Vkontakte - recovery

Sometimes you need to restore your Vkontakte page due to the loss of your login, password, account lockout or hacking.

  • To do this, first go to the site, under the cells with the login, find the item "Forgot password?". In the window that appears, enter the address email, phone number or login. In this case, you will receive a code to your mail or phone, which you must enter in the appropriate field.

  • If you do not remember your data or not mobile communication, then select the appropriate item in the menu to restore access to the page.

  • With this method, you just need to enter a link to your Vkontakte page.

  • If you lose the link to your account, you can find it by searching the people on the network. To do this, select the section at the bottom of the form.

  • Before you open the page with people searching on the site. In the box with the magnifier enter your name and surname. Then select your account from the list and click "This is my page".

With these two account recovery options, you'll need to confirm that you own the page. First, make and load a photo on the background of the screen with the open recovery page. Then attach a scanned document to the photo, which confirms your identity. Be sure to include the phone number on which you can contact. Then click "Apply" and wait for the notification from the moderator. You will be notified of the decision by the specified phone.

To open the VKontakte page, it is enough to carefully follow all the recommendations specified in this article. Have a nice chat with your friends on the social network!

If you still do not understand how to open an account on the network, then watch the video:

How do I make a page in contact?  Many newcomers on the Internet often in the course of acquaintance with social networks, very often face many confusing situations. Do not know how to create your own page in contact. But sooner or later you will need to do this, so read on. To create your own page can be affected by many reasons for some of this: the search for classmates, friends, acquaintances, classmates, co-workers, and communication with them, search and much more.

Where is it better to create your own page, in which service? After all, you must find all your friends, acquaintances, classmates in the same social network. Today, of course, the main leader, which is very popular among our soc. networks in Russia is Vkontakte.

How do I create a new page in a contact?

3. After that you need to fill your mobile phone number and click on the "Get code" button.

5. After that, you need to come up with a complex, unique password that will protect your account from hacking, enter it and click on the "Login to the site" button.

Tip: The password must contain numbers and letters in the Latin alphabet, but do not use your name, date of birth or the name of your settlement in the password, since this information will be available on your page and will serve as a hint for account hackers in the contact.

Well, that's all we went through the entire registration procedure. You have your own personal page in contact. Fill it in as accurately as possible to enter your personal data if you did not make it during registration. This will help to find your people in the social network faster and start communicating with them, to exchange with them various information. Find and add your friends, people you know to your VKontakte page and go ahead! Also, add to your profile, let's become friends and I will answer you with reciprocity.

How to create and communicate vkontakte on two or more pages?

Is it possible to do this? Yes, it turns out that it is possible, and it is easily realizable.

This can be done in two ways:

The first way is to create and use several pages in a social network using different browsers. For example, if you use browsers Google Chrome  and Opera. But if you do not have different browsers, then download via the Internet it's all simple. Type in the search engine the phrase of any browser, go to the official site and click "upload." After that, one page is created in one browser, and the other in another. Then you can, enjoy your result.

The second way is how to make several pages in contact using the incognito mode. The other way is much simpler. Press this key combination on your computer Ctrl + Shift + N, and we get into incognito mode. We go to the social network and create another account. What happens? And it turns out that in one window one profile, and on the other, in the incognito mode, another. Use it.

At once I will tell that registration of one profile from one cellular phone for today is not possible. Many now have two or more SIMok on the phone, use this. But if anyone does not have such an opportunity, then on the Internet there are services that send SMS for a certain fee, through various numbers of cell phones.

Well, today we have considered the topic . Who liked the article I'll forgive in the comments.

I wish good luck on the creation of your page and.


VKontakte is one of the most popular social networks  in Russia. For those who want to learn how to register "In contact", we will go all the way to registration in this social network. At one stage, you need your personal phone number, which you need to confirm the registration. Be ready for this. Let's consider the whole process in order.

New User Registration

In the beginning, you need to open your browser on the page of this network: http://vk.com (the link will open in a new window). See the following window VKontakte:

We are interested in " Instant registration"It is proposed to introduce Name  and Surname. Enter them, click the bright button " Sign Up".

  • search classmates
  • search for classmates
  • confirmation of registration in contact

The more data you first specify, the easier it will be to find your friends and friends on this network. But for this, we are registering here!

Choosing a school

On this page we are invited to choose the school in which we studied. Let's start in order: - choose from the drop-down list the country  - choose city(if it is not in the list, specify manually).

After that you will see a list of schools in the specified city. You must select your school from the drop-down list.

There will be a request for year of issue, and indicate it. Even the "letter" of your class can help in finding your classmates. As a result, you will see photos of people who also indicated a similar school and class. Do you recognize them? Then you can safely " Add as Friend"Next, go to the next step - click the button with that name.

  Tip: If you do not have time to slowly fill in all the data, you can safely skip this or that step at any stage. To do this, instead of clicking the "Go to the next step" button, click " Skip this step"Everything can be made up at any time convenient for you.

Choosing a university, university

We get to the page where you have to specify the university where you studied. We do the same as the previous step: choose a country, a city. There will be a list of universities. We specify our university. Next, a list of faculties of the university will appear - choose it. Then we point out the chair. If everything is full - press the " Go to next step".

Completion of registration

Completing the registration vkontakte, we are invited to enter your personal phone number in an international format (for Russia ahead is "+7"). Why the phone? We should come free of charge from the network "Vkontakte", which will be our code to complete registration.

Therefore, we boldly enter the number, observing the format, and wait for this code. He will come almost immediately. Enter the code and rejoice: now we have our own page VKontakte!

To continue to get to your page, you need to enter the phone number or e-mail, for which the registration was made, as well as the password. Further, we press the button " To come in"and see the downloaded personal page (" My page").

That's all! Successes to you and successful dialogue with friends!

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