The basics of search services. Internet search engines

This page presents the most popular Russian, Ukrainian, and international search engines. Search engines  or search engines are designed both to search for information and to promote sites on the global Internet.

The basis of search engines are special programs  (spider robots) that automatically scan the Internet and based on certain algorithms index the pages found. Databases are formed from accumulated documents information resources.

Based on a user-defined query consisting of one or several words (you can use logical operators), the search engine generates a list of web pages found in the database that contain the words in the query.

To search for information on the Internet, the user must accurately form queries for the search engine. Due to the fact that the completeness of coverage of Internet resources by a specific search engine does not exceed 30%, it is necessary to search for the same information using different search engines.

In addition to searching for information on sites, search engines are used to promote sites. It should be noted that according to statistics about 80% of site visitors are provided by search engines. In order for search engines to index the pages of your site, it is necessary that they find your site.

Of course, search engines automatically crawl the Internet and index found documents and, ultimately, find your web resources, but to speed up the process of including your site in the search index, you must manually add the URL of your site to search engines.

In this regard, this page contains links to the addresses of search engines to search for information on the Internet, for example, click on the Yandex link, and to register a site in search engines, you must select the link "Add URL".

Russian search engines

    Yandex - Add URL (site registration in the search engine) .
      In addition, using the service on  can check statistics keywords , i.e. Check the frequency of your keywords request.

    Rambler - Register a site in the Rambler search engine (Add URL) .
       One of the most popular search engines that is designed to work with the "Russian" Internet.

    Aport - Add URL .
       One of the most popular search engines that is designed to work with the "Russian" Internet. - Russian meta-search system (meta-search systems do not have their own databases, they transmit the received query to several search engines with subsequent processing and display of search results and a link to search engines.)

    Nigma - check in .
       Intelligent search engine. The advantage of the system is that its algorithm searches for documents taking into account Russian spelling, combines the results obtained from different search engines, uses user queries to improve the quality of clustering and counters to sort the search results

Ukrainian search engines

    Meta  (in Ukraine) - Add URL .
       One of the popular search engines is designed to search Ukrainian servers and servers with Ukrainian themes. To add a site to the Register of Ukrainian Sites, you must register or log in using your MetaPasport login.

    UAportal - Add URL .
       Ukrainian portal - search engine and systematic catalog. Only Ukrainian are registered in the catalog, and only some of the best world Internet resources.

    Uport - Add URL .
       The Ukrainian search system provides the ability to search on Ukrainian servers. Has a thematic catalog network resources  Ukraine and the regional catalog of Web resources. Sites from all regions of Ukraine, as well as foreign sources. To directory and database search server  Ukrainian Web sites and resources containing information about Ukraine are entered.

Foreign search engines

    Google in English - Add URL
       Google is a powerful and popular search engine that has many additional services.

    Google in Ukraine  - Provides Internet search, search pages in Russian and Ukrainian.

    Google in RU  - Provides Internet search and search pages in Russian.

    Altavista - Submit a Site  . One of the oldest and largest search engines. Serves to search for both special information in a specific field of knowledge, and for the search for general information.

    Hotbot - Add URL (Add).  It is used to search for both special information and general information.

    Yahoo! - Submit your site  . The first and one of the most popular search engines.

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    Today, the user of the World Wide Web finds himself in the same situation as the reader of a large library. The more funds the library has, the more difficult it is to find the exact book you need right now. To simplify the search in the library, there are directories: systematic, alphabetical, subject, and others. Specialized catalogs exist, such as catalogs of new arrivals. Online searches are provided by special search services. The ability to use them, in fact, is the ability to use the Internet. All WWW search engines are based on hyperlinks. Turning to the search service, we formulate a request in which we formally describe what we want to find. After performing the necessary operations, the service generates a Web document consisting of hyperlinks leading to WWW resources corresponding to our request. Which of these hyperlinks we will use is our business. Despite the fact that the result is always the same (the client receives a list of recommended hyperlinks), the principle of operation for different search services may be different. The latter is very important for the effective work of not only users, but also Webmasters. Users must consider the way they build databases to know what they can count on when searching for information, and Webmasters need to know this to get the best presentation of their resources in the major search services.

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        1. Major Internet Search Engines

      By the number of indexed Web pages, Alta-Vista is one of the largest (but not the largest, as is sometimes considered) search engines in the world. The huge scope of Web space and a powerful set of search commands make this system a favorite search tool for most users. The system was put into operation in December 1995 and for a long time was considered young, but rapidly developing. For beginners, the system has a simplified service called Ask Alta Vista. In its work, this service attracts another search service - Ask Jeeves. Despite the fact that today Alta Vista is no longer the most convenient search tool and does not have the largest index, its popularity is still higher than that of services that surpassed it in many respects, which is associated with the established habits of millions of users.

      Google is known for the fact that when generating a list of links, it first of all issues links to those Web pages to which the largest number of links leads from other documents. It gives a very interesting effect. On most search engines, it is completely useless to search for information on trivial words such as Cars, Internet, WWW, Games. Searching for these words will return so many links that it is impossible to find the most useful ones among them. When Google searches for trivial words, Google gives excellent results because it is guided by the opinions of other users who have previously performed similar searches.

      MSN Search ( Microsoft's MSN Search service was created in 1998 and is a portal to other search services. The search results returned by the service are based on the index supplied by Inktomi.

      Yahoo is one of the oldest and most popular search services. Its catalog was put into operation as early as 1994. The secret of Yahoo's success in the “human factor”. About 150 editors work for the service, tirelessly improving and replenishing many thematic sections of a huge catalog. The catalog contains data for one million Web sites. If search by own directory  does not give a result, Inktomi search index resources are involved.

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