How to make stereo out of mono: a few simple examples. How to make stereo sound from mono

Converting mono to stereo and vice versa

Convert mono / stereo to Sound Forge

To convert the file from mono to stereo, click right click mouse over the status field with the word Monoand select Stereofrom the context menu.

A dialog box will appear asking how to place the data (see Fig. 6.4). The following options are possible:

Left Channel(Left channel). Monaural data is placed on the left channel. There is silence in the right channel;

Right Channel(Right channel). Monaural data is placed in the right channel. There is silence in the left channel;

Both channels(Both channels). Monaural data is copied to both channels.

When converting stereo to mono, the following options are available:

Left Channel.Monaural data is generated only from the left channel of the stereo file;

Right Channel.Monaural data is generated only from the right channel of the stereo file;

Mix Channels(Channel mixing). Monaural data is created from a mixture of both channels of a stereo file.

You can perform the conversion in another way. Select an option Propertiesin context menuthat appears when you right-click on the waveform window. In the dialog that appears, select the tab Format.This tab, shown in Fig. 6.5 allows changing all parameters at the same time.

Figure: 6.5. Format Tab Properties

Install in section Channelsmode Monoor Stereodepending on your task and press the button OK.Next, deal with the channels in exactly the same way as described above.

More opportunities are provided by Channel Converter(Channel converter).

Channel converter to Sound Forge

Channel Converter(Channel converter) accessible from the menu Process,allows you to adjust the levels of each channel independently of each other and can be used to create interesting effects as a result of mixing the left and right channels of the stereo file. The general view of the converter is shown in Fig. 6.6.

Figure: 6.6. Channel Converter Channel Converter

In the section Output channels(Output channels) is simply marked as the conversion mode - mono or stereo (in other words, the number of channels in the output stream).

In the section New left channel(New left channel) There are two controls: From Left(Left) and From Right(On right). From Left determines how much of the left channel of the original will be written to the new left channel. From Right accordingly selects how much of the original's right channel will also go to the new left channel. Here you can also mark the option Invert left channel mix(Invert left channel), and then the new left channel will be inverted (that is, the polarity of the signal in the channel will change).

In the section New right channel(New Right Channel) there are also two controls: From Left and From Right, as well as a setting Invert right channel mix(Invert right channel).

Optionally available checkbox Convert to specified output channels only (no custom mixing)(Convert to a specific output channel only (no special mixing). When this option is checked, the channel controls and the invert option are disabled. When converting from mono to stereo, each new stereo channel will be an exact copy of the original mono channel. When converting from stereo to mono, the new mono channel will consist of from each of the original stereo channels mixed at 50% volume.

For simple transformations, you can use the presets included in the program:

Mono to Stereo - 100%;

Mono to Stereo - 100% (no faders) - no knobs;

Mono to Stereo - 50%;

Mono to Stereo - Invert phase pseudo-stereo (invert the phase of one channel, pseudo-stereo);

Stereo to Mono - 50% (no faders) - no controls;

Stereo to Mono - Use both channels (100%) - from both channels;

Stereo to Mono - Use both channels (50%) - from both channels;

Stereo to Mono - Use difference between channels;

Stereo to Stereo - Inverted Average (inverted average);

Stereo to Stereo - Pan center, use both channels (100%) - panning in the center, using both channels;

Stereo to Stereo - Pan center, use both channels (50%) - the same;

Stereo to Stereo - Pan center, use Left channel only (pan in the center, using only the left channel);

Stereo to Stereo - Pan center, use Right channel only (panning in the center, using only the right channel);

Stereo to Stereo - Swap channels (swap channels);

Stereo to Stereo - Vocal Cut (remove center material) - removal of vocals (removal of material in the center of the sound panorama) - what is called karaoke.

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In this tutorial we will learn how to make stereo from a mono file in Adobe Audition. It often happens that this becomes necessary, both when recording music and when editing ready-made audio files created, for example, by cameras, dictaphones or camcorders - it doesn't matter. The only important thing is that it is necessary to introduce some kind of stereo effect into this sound ... And for this, the audio needs to be converted from mono to stereo.

Turn on Adobe Audition (I will use version 3.0) and translate it into editor view by pressing 8. Load the experimental mono file into the audio editor window File → Open

and click (regardless of the version of the audio editor) F11... A dialog box is turned on, in which, in the options Channels (channels) set the switch from Mono in Stereo and press Ok... Our entire file is then converted from mono to stereo.

Let's start the experiment. Let's say we wanted to hear the sound of the hall, the hall - we go into the most common stereo effect - the reverb. There are several types of them in Adobe Audition. Let's use, for example, Effects → Reverb →, a corresponding dialog box appears, where we select any of the proposed presets (or create our own parameters), and we get something like the following sound:

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

... Or did we want, for example, to recreate the sound of a canyon or a city square: go Effects → Delay and Echo → and adjust the parameters, individual for each channel, in the settings: effect levels, the number of repetitions, delay time, "coloring" the delay sounds in the desired timbre ...

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Want a scary choir? Go Effects → Modulation → Chorus, and set the Modulation Depth and more voices ...

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

... Or do ping-pong in Effects → Stereo Imagery → Pan / Expandby drawing a "winding snake" in the effect construction scheme and clicking Ok.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version

In this article, I will talk about.

I want to warn you right away. It is impossible to adequately make a stereo track from a full-fledged mono track (song). This is fraught with the appearance of various phase distortions and unwanted effects, especially at low frequencies. Therefore, I will not consider this issue.

It's another matter if any recording sounds only in one channel (right or left). I often met such recordings on the Internet (audio podcasts, webinar recordings, interviews). You must admit that listening to them in headphones is not very comfortable (the sound is only in one ear). Or if you are recording vocals or playing live instruments, then it makes sense to convert the audio track from mono to stereo.

How to make a two-channel recording from a single-channel recording

If you have downloaded any single-channel audio recording (podcast, webinar recording, interview) and want it to sound in two channels, then by following a few simple steps, you can achieve desired result... For these purposes, any audio editor is perfect, for example.

1. Run the program and open desired file File / Open (Ctrl + O)

As you can see from the screenshot, audio is recorded only in the left channel.

2. Divide the right and left channels. To do this, go to the track menu and select the item Split stereo track

3. Copy the audio from the left channel to the right one. To do this, select the left channel with the mouse and press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O... Next, select the right channel and paste the copied audio Ctrl + V.

4. Combine the two tracks into 2-channel recording. To do this, in the menu of the first channel, select the item Make stereo track.

Here's what happened.

Now we can see that audio is present in both the left and right channels.

5. Save the result in MP3 format. To do this, select File / Export, we will indicate the path where we want to save the file and its format.

How to make stereo recording from mono

If you recorded a vocal part or part of some instrument (guitar, saxophone, etc.) in mono, but want to make it sound in stereo, then I recommend using the double track effect. Read about how to make such an effect in the article. .

However, this is not the only way to achieve stereo sound. A similar effect can be achieved using signal delay plugins. This, and

Resolution is the number of bits used to represent sound. The file resolution can be increased or decreased. Increasing the resolution does not change the sound quality, but allows for higher precision post-processing. However, decreasing the file's resolution results in audible distortion in the sound, which is called quantization error.

1. If you want to increase the resolution, open the file with a small (8-bit) resolution. If you want to reduce the resolution, open the file with a higher (16-bit) resolution.

2. From the Process menu, select Resolution converter... The Resolution Converter dialog box appears.

3. In the dropdown listResolutionselect the desired value.

4. Optionally select required settings in the dropdown listDithering.

The Dither value determines the random nature of the dithering (generated noise) used to mask the quantization distortion that occurs when the file is downsampled.

5. Select a type if desiredNoise processing.

The Noise Handling value determines the acoustic positioning of the quantization noise. With its help, you can shift the noise to those ranges that are less perceived by the human ear. It lowers the audible noise floor and creates the impression that the audio file has been cleared of noise.

Note: when increasing the file resolution, the Dithering and Noise Processing values \u200b\u200bshould be set to No and Disabled, respectively.

6. Click OK.

Channel conversion mono / stereo

You can convert files from mono to stereo and from stereo to mono.

Converting mono to stereo

1. Open the Voiceover.pca file. This file is located in the same folder as the program itself.

2. Channels and select Stereo from the context menu. The Mono to Stereo dialog box appears.

3. Select radio buttonTwo channels and click OK. Mono data is split into two channels.

Convert stereo to mono

1. Open the Saxriff.pca file. This file is located in the same folder as the program itself.

2. Right click in the boxChannels and from the context menu select Mono. The Stereo to Mono dialog box appears.

3. Select radio buttonMixed and click OK. The left and right channels will be combined into one mono channel.

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