Safari open recent tabs. How to close an open tab in the browser, or all about working with tabs

Very often, many users want to restore tabs in Firefox that were opened in the last online session (previous web surfing session). Some comrades remember which sites were opened, but want to save time on their loading. Others are annoyed: “Yesterday I visited such interesting web pages, but today I want to download them all, but I don’t remember the addresses, URLs”. And there are people working on the Web who, immediately after launching FF, need to restore everything as it was (in the sense of the Mozilla tab) in order to continue working on the project, searching for information, etc.

In this article, you will find a comprehensive answer to the question of how to make Firefox keep tabs. It addresses different ways save tabs in Mozilla Firefox and their subsequent rapid recovery.

How to open quickly?

If you have the Mozilla Firefox home page set as the home page in your browser, the lost tabs are opened with just one mouse click when you close.

In the bottom button bar, click on "Restore Previous Session". After this action, FF will load all the saved pages left over from the previous visit to the Internet.

The "branded" browser page is displayed by default on the start page. But if this setting has changed, it can be returned:

1. Open the menu: Tools → Options → General.

2. In the line "At startup ..." set the value "Show home page».

3. In the "Home pages ..." field, remove all links so that the words " start page Mozilla ... ".

Log recovery

After exiting FF, you can return the open tabs in the last session in the weblog panel:

1. At the top right of the web browser window, click the "Menu" button.

2. On the tile menu, click "Journal".

3. In the submenu, select the command "Restore closed tabs».

Advice! If you had to close a tab or tabs, but the Firefox window is still open, use the hot key combination Ctrl + Shift + T to restore closed pages... Running this command again opens the next previous closed tab. This way you can restore the entire online session.

Browser configuration for automatic recovery

If you want Firefox to load the tabs of the previous session each time it starts, do the following:

1. In the "Tools" menu, click "Options", go to the "General" tab.

2. In the "On startup ..." option, select the "Show last opened windows and tabs" option.

The last tab is closed - and FF is closed: how to fix it?

By default, closing the last tab will also close Firefox. Often this property becomes the reason for the session interruption: the user closes by mistake last page and with her and FF. Then you have to spend time restarting and returning the Internet session.

You can disable this setting like this:
1. In the address bar of the new tab, type - about: config.

2. Under the warning text, click "I accept ...".

3. In the search, set - closeWindowWithLastTab.

4. Double-click the left mouse button on the found option to change its value from "true" to "false".

5. Restart FF.

Now you can safely close the tabs, the Firefox window will not close anyway.

Session manager to help

The Session Manager add-on provides the ability to quickly save the tabs of one or several sessions and open them if necessary. It can be downloaded from the official Firefox Add-on Portal.

1. After installing and connecting the manager, open the "Tools" section in the FF menu.

2. Move the cursor over the "Session Manager" line.

4. In the configuration panel, give a name for the session. Click the "Save ..." button.

5. To load closed tabs, open the add-on menu again (Tools → Manager) and click on the name of the required saved session. After activating this operation, the web pages will load automatically.

The specific situation will tell you which of these suggested tools to use to restore tabs. But if we are talking about an isolated case, the standard setting of the web browser on the main page or in the web magazine will do. If you constantly need to return the session, it makes sense to set up automatic recovery in the Firefox options or use the Session Manager add-on or its equivalent.

Users who prefer to work with multiple tabs at once often wonder how to save them for the next session. After all, it is not always possible to find the necessary sites after they are closed. In fact, in opera browser this is not impossible, you just need to change the settings a little.

The first way

If you worked with several bookmarks at once, but you need to end the session, then you do not have to worry about the fact that the data will not be saved. You can return to the tabs the next time you start the browser. To do this, you must initially make the following settings.

  1. Open your internet browser.
  2. Click the Opera button.
  3. Select Settings - General.
  4. Go to the General tab.
  5. Next to At startup, set the status Continue from disconnect.
  6. Confirm your choice with OK.

After that, you can safely close the browser with multiple tabs. After starting the program, you will see that the pages with all the sites you worked with the last time have opened. Note that in this case, you can also set the Show launch window setting. If you set this item, then the next time you open Opera, a message will appear, which will offer several options for getting started. Among them, you can choose both the method to start from the last session and the loading of the home page (set in the settings).

Second way

There is another way to keep open tabs in Opera -.This can be done in several ways. First, just open the basic settings and select the Bookmarks section. From the drop-down menu, click Create Bookmark. In the line name, you can write any of your options. You can also specify the folder in which information about the site will be stored.

In addition, you can save the address of the resource in bookmarks by clicking on the asterisk, which is located on the right side of the address bar. After that, you will be prompted to add the site to your bookmarks or to the express panel. Choose the option you like and wait for just a few seconds, after which the message Added will appear.

Restore tabs

There are situations when the browser crashed. Usually, in this case, at the beginning of a new work, a window appears in front of the user, which offers several options for starting work. Choose among them Continue from the place of disconnection and work with the last session that was held in the Internet browser.

If for some reason this could not be done, then you need to do the following:

  1. Launch the browser and select the About item in the Settings.
  2. We find the line Saved session.
  3. Copy and paste the address contained in it into the address bar of the file manager.
  4. Delete the file called
  5. Remove the last 4 characters from
  6. We restart the browser.

Council. You can call Explorer (file manager) by pressing the hotkeys Win + E. The utility is also opened through the system search.

There are situations when tabs are inaccessible due to the fact that their panel is disabled in the browser.In this case, the menu button may also be unavailable. The fix is \u200b\u200bsimple - you just need to click Alt while the Opera web browser is running. From the drop-down menu and check the box next to the Tab bar item.

The browser developers have provided the ability to restore a tab that was accidentally closed. To do this, go to the main settings menu and click on Recently closed. You will see a list of tabs that have recently been opened. Please note that after exiting Opera, the data in this section is deleted. If the tabs were still closed, and you could not save or restore them in the ways indicated above, the History of visits will help. You can enter it through the Opera menu or by pressing the combination of "hot" keys Ctrl, Shift and H. Here are the addresses of websites that the user has visited.

Thus, in the Opera browser, you can not only restore the previous session, etc., but also save open tabs. This can be done in several ways. If you want a new session to start from the place of the previous connection, then you just need to set it in the settings. In the event that the browser has been abnormally terminated, the program itself will offer to restore the bookmarks. If you need access to tabs all the time, it is better to add them to your bookmarks initially. By the way, Opera has the ability to add resources to the express panel, where site thumbnails will be located.

Reading time: 1 minute Images: 3

It often happens that when you open a browser and go to the Internet, you open many tabs at the same time. Regardless of whether you are looking for information, or work on the Internet, you constantly have to open more and more new tabs with useful or interesting information for you.

The number of open tabs sometimes becomes such that you do not have time to read all the information in them, but you would not want to close these tabs. Something you wanted to read tomorrow. But you can't leave the computer running.

So, how to remember or save all open tabs?. Almost all browsers have very useful function and allow you to open the tabs that were open when the browser was closed when you open the browser. All recent browsers have this feature.
But sometimes it is not very convenient, and it is better to just add all open tabs to bookmarks. Bookmarks are easy to work with and reliably store page addresses. Bookmarks are easy to edit, and you can open your saved pages at any time.

How to bookmark all open tabs in Firefox

To bookmark all open tabs in FirefoxCtrl + Shift + DBookmark all tabs".

How to bookmark all open tabs in Google Chrome

To bookmark all open tabs in Google chrome , as well as in Firefox, just press the key combination " Ctrl + Shift + D"or click right click mouse on any tab and in the drop-down menu select the option " Bookmarks for all tabs".

How to bookmark all open tabs in Internet Explorer

To bookmark all open tabs in Internet Explorer , just press the key combination " Alt + z"or click on the favorites icon and select the" Bookmarks for all tabs "option in the drop-down menu.

I hope these small tips will be useful to you and will help you not to lose important information.

Most often, when opening a browser, users see a blank start page or a tab with the most visited sites. But some people don't know that you can continue your online work from the same place where you left it last time. So that you do not have to manually enter the addresses of the sites that were last closed or search for them in the browsing history, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most in simple ways, allowing you to make Internet surfing easier and more convenient.

Google Crome

So that the next time you open your browser, the last loaded pages appear, you need to perform a few simple manipulations.

First you need to go to your browser settings. To do this, you have to click on the button in the form of three horizontal stripes and select the "Settings" item there. Then in the opened tab with the settings you need to find the category "Open at startup". By default, the "New Tab" item is checked there. To make changes, check the "Previously open tabs" item.


In the Opera browser, making it so that each time you launch the browser, previously opened tabs are opened, too, is not so difficult. Here you also need to go to the browser settings, find the category "At startup" and mark "Continue from the same place."

Mozilla Firefox

Here you need to go to the browser menu through an icon that looks the same as in Chrome (3 horizontal stripes in the upper right corner of the web browser). There select the category "Settings". In the very first category, which is called "Basic", you need to find the item where it says "When Firefox starts." Next to it there is a line with the ability to select the required sub-item. By clicking on it, the user will see 3 available options, from which you need to select "Show windows and tabs opened last time."

Yandex browser

In this browser, you need to perform the same manipulations as in Chrome. First, go to the web browser settings and look for the "Where to start?" Column. There you need to mark the item "Restore the tabs opened last time."


Apple's browser, however, like all subsequent web browsers, requires users to perform more complex manipulations than in previous browsers. In Safari, the ability to open previously downloaded tabs is hidden in the settings, so the first thing the user needs to do is go to system settings... This category is located in the upper left corner of the browser window. In the settings, you must select the "General" section. Here, by default, there is a check mark next to the line "Close windows on program shutdown". The selection from this item must be removed by clicking on it. After that, the user needs to pay attention to the item located slightly below. There the browser offers to choose maximum amount saved objects. If a person specifies in it, for example, 5, then the web browser will be able to "remember" only the last 5 tabs.

Internet Explorer

In the upper right corner of the web browser window there is an icon that looks like a gear. When clicking on it, the user enters the settings menu. There you need to select the category "Internet Options". Then a new window will open where you need to find the "General" tab, and then find the line "Startup". Here it is necessary to mark the item "Start with the tabs opened in the previous session."

Microsoft Edge

Although this is a new observer that has not yet gained great popularity, we still decided to tell about it. IN Microsoft Edge you also need to go to the menu, which is hidden under the button in the form of three dots. There it is already necessary to select the "Settings" category. In the window that opens, you should pay attention to the side panel and find the "Open with" item there. All available options are listed below it. There it is necessary to mark the sub-item " Previous Pages».

Hello dear friends!

Did you know that all open tabs can be saved when the browser is closed? It turns out that one of my acquaintances did not know about this and in order to save the tabs, he simply turned off the computer hard by holding the power button for a few seconds. What for? Because, then Firefox told him that his work was completed incorrectly and offered to restore the tabs of the last session!

I was surprised to the very tips of my ears and decided to write an article on this topic. I'll show you how to save your current tabs so that when you close the browser and then open it, they are completely restored. The instruction will be for browsers Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge... I will also say a couple of gentle ones about Internet Explorer at the end of the article.

Let's start with Mozilla Firefox

How to restore tabs when Firefox is closed?

Go to Settings, as shown in the screenshot.

Select the settings item The main in the left menu. Then we look at the value of the parameter " When Firefox starts "... By default, this is usually set to Show Home Page. Change it to " Show windows and tabs last opened". Changes are applied immediately, without clicking on the 'ok' or 'apply' buttons. To check - close the browser and then open it again. All tabs should be restored from the last session.

How do I restore tabs when I close Chrome?

Press the three horizontal sticks in the upper right corner, click on the Settings item.

Settings opens. Next, we look for the item " Open on startup"And put in the position" Previously open tabs". Changes are also applied immediately. To test, close Chromium with multiple tabs, then reopen.

How to restore tabs in Opera browser?

Push the top left button Operas and select Settings in the menu (you can press the Alt + P key combination).

In the Basic settings section, set the "At startup" parameter to the " Continue from the same place". Changes are applied immediately.

How do I restore open tabs in Edge?

The new browser from Microsoft also has the ability to save previously opened tabs at startup, which we will use. To configure it, click on the three dots in the upper right and select Options.

In Parameters, the subsection "Open with" is almost the first in the list, in which we set the switch to the position Previous Pages". Again, the changes take effect immediately. You can close the parameters by pressing Esc or by pressing the three dots again.

But Edge will still ask you when you close them, do you really want to close them? In my opinion, illogical behavior. If I chose to restore the previous session, then why should the browser ask me to close all tabs? After all, he will restore them all the next time you start. Check the box "Always close all tabs" when you get tired of this window :)

How to keep open tabs in IE?

Joke, but only half)

In fact, Internet Explorer does not know how to automatically restore the previous session, it does not similar setting... But you can restore the previous session manually and now I will show you where this option is hiding.

Let's say you closed IE for the last time with five tabs. Open it and see one home page. What to do? There are two ways:

Method number 1. Through a new tab

Open a new tab with Ctrl + T or with the mouse:

Now, in a new tab, look down and find the link “ Reopen the last session«.

Method number 2. Through the menu

Go to the menu Service, choose ““. And a miracle happens, the tabs open :)

Note: if the menu bar is not displayed, then you can enable it permanently or call it only when necessary.

To make the menu bar permanently visible - right-click on free space top panel IE and check the box next to the "Menu Bar" item (see screenshot)

If you, for example, do not want to see the menu all the time to save space, then just press the left Alt key and the menu will pop up. Then again go to Service -> Reopening the last browsing session.

Recovering tabs may not be the best idea if there are a lot of them open. But in this case, it is already worth thinking about your own efficiency when working. After all, saving all open sites when you close your browser is just a tool that can both speed up your work and slow it down.

Do you keep your open tabs?

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