Incognito mode in Yandex Browser: how to enable, disable on a mobile phone in Android, iOS? What does the Incognito mode in Yandex Browser mean? Incognito mode: what it is, how to turn it on and off

When browsing the Internet, each user usually leaves a "footprint". You may have noticed that filling forms on sites can already be filled in automatically (login, nickname, e-mail, name, password, etc.), and when you enter an address in the address bar, often typed addresses are already substituted, and frequently visited pages (sites) open faster than when it was the first time, etc.
That's just the fact that you usually save all this information, as well as it is transmitted and remains on sites and on a computer in the form.
On the one hand, it is convenient, because you do not need to enter all this data every time and everything happens quite quickly, but on the other hand, attackers can get access to this data and can hack you with their help. And another person who uses your computer can see your visit or download history, and in general all your activity on the Internet.
In this article I will show you how you can use the browser in private browsing (incognito) mode, as a result of which your data will not be saved anywhere and no one will know where you were and what you were doing.

What is Browser Private Mode?
This is a web browsing mode in which there are no traces left in the browser for the pages themselves or for other users. It is also called incognito mode.

As a result of this browsing, the following information will not be saved:
- the data of web forms and search that you fill out;
- entered passwords;
- all visited web pages;
- cookies of visited sites;
- download list in the Downloads window;
- cached and offline content;
- user data.

By the way, you can create bookmarks in this mode and they will be displayed as usual. This is convenient when you "wandered" on the Internet, found an interesting site and decided to save it to look later.

I would also like to note that when this mode is enabled, a new window (not a tab) opens in which you can visit the pages, as well as the recent page will be opened. Those. As a result, it turns out that you can simultaneously sit both in normal mode and in private, which allows you to sit in one window, for example, in another to surf the Internet without fear that your data and information may be recognized.

Private Browsing in Internet Explorer

Method 1: keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P.

Method 2: menu Service - InPrivate Browsing

Both methods will open a new private mode window:

Private Browsing in Firefox

Method 1: keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P .

Method 2: menu File - New private window

Method 3: right-click on any link on the site, and then, in the context menu that appears, select Open link in a new private window

In any of these ways (except the last one), the result will be a new private window:

By the way, if you click on the menu Tools - Settings in Mazil Firefox:

then the settings window will open, and there the tab Safety, in which you can make the browser always in private mode:

Opera Private Browsing

Method 1: keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N

Method 2: the top menu of the Opera - Tabs and windows - Create private tab or Create a private window:

As you can see, Opera has also created a private tab, maybe it will be just as convenient for someone.

By the way, the Opera also has settings

which can help with privacy:

The private mode window in Opera is as follows.

In this article I will show you how to enter incognito mode or how to enable incognito mode in different browsers and on different operating systems. More precisely on Windows and Android. Incognito mode is the so-called private mode, using which you can be sure that no one will be able to track your actions.

Features for incognito mode:

  • Website visit history is not saved
  • File download history is not saved, but downloaded files are successfully saved on the computer
  • Cookies are deleted immediately after closing all open private mode windows
  • There is no way to open a closed tab
  • The IP address does not change.

Enable private mode in Opera

How to enable incognito mode in Yandex Browser

InPrivate in Microsoft Edge

Incognito mode appeared in Microsoft Edge in the latest Windows 10 updates. But in order not to repeat itself, it was given the name InPrivate. But in fact, this is the same private mode that is available in other browsers.

How to open incognito mode on your phone

Most smartphone users use Chrome and Opera to surf the Internet. Therefore, here I will show you how to enter incognito mode in these mobile browsers.

And so to go into incognito mode in Chrome on Android, you just need to press a button in the browser Functions (three points located from top to bottom) and select New incognito tab.

To open a private tab in Opera, You need to go to open tabs and swipe to the right to switch to private tabs. Then press + to open a new private tab.

You can also see how to enable incognito mode in a browser on a computer.

That's all. In this article, I showed you how to enter incognito mode on your computer and phone. I hope the article was useful for you. You can now easily browse social networks from two accounts in one browser. Well, now no one will know your secrets. Don't forget to subscribe to updates and share the article on social networks.

Incognito mode (or private browsing) has existed for a long time in many browsers, but it took a long time before other developers pulled themselves up and began to take care of the safety of their user. Therefore, when you ask a question - how to enable incognito mode in a browser, you can be sure ... any browser (even internet explorer) may not leave traces in history, not save passwords, cache and other data that could compromise you.

Incognito mode is great for those cases when you don't want to leave your visit history and other information on your computer (and you don't need to think that this can only be useful for viewing naked aunts on the Internet). Well, look - you sewed up to a friend and decided to check mail through his computer. Using incognito mode, you will not leave traces in its system.

Warning: do not try to hide illegal actions in this way ... your ISP knows perfectly well what you are doing on the network and can transfer all information to law enforcement agencies

Each browser has its own designation for hidden web presence. For some it is a private mode, while for others it is incognito. Everything is as similar as possible, but there are still subtle differences depending on the browser you are using.

How to enable incognito mode in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is probably the most popular browser on Windows and Android platforms and it has a private browsing mode called "Incognito Mode"

Windows version

To activate incognito mode in the Google Chrome browser for Windows, open the menu in the upper right corner of the program (indicated by three vertical dots) and select "New incognito window" in the drop-down list

In addition, it is very convenient to activate private mode with the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + N

How to determine if incognito mode is activated? - You yourself will understand. The window will turn gray and the hat man icon will appear.

In incognito mode, you can add bookmarks and upload files as usual. But keep in mind that browser extensions will not work - they must be configured in advance (allowed to use in private mode).

To exit incognito mode, simply close your browser window.

Android and iOS version

If you use the Google Chrome browser on your mobile device (it doesn't matter, android or ios), you can click the three dots in the upper right corner of the program and select "New incognito tab" from the menu that opens.

The browser will tell you that incognito mode is active and explain what this means in the mini help. To exit this mode, tap the list of tabs (square with the number of open tabs) and close the incognito tab.

We activate the Incognito mode in Yandex Browser

Recently, Yandex Browser in our country is slightly disliked due to the aggressive policy of distributing the product. However, the browser itself turned out to be quite successful and I switched to it from the hulking Mozilla Firefox lately. Although the browser is built on the same core as Google Chrome, it still has some differences.

Windows version

Open the browser menu (three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the program) and click in the drop-down "Incognito Mode" or press the Ctrl + Shift + N key combination on the keyboard.

As in Google Chrome, it will not be difficult to determine whether the incognito mode is active in the Yandex browser - here everything is even more obvious and does not even need a description.

You can exit stealth mode simply by closing the window - no problem 😉

Android version

The version of Yandex Browser for Android is quite different from Chrome. I use this browser on my smartphone as the main one and the incognito mode is enabled here through the drop-down menu (three dots) on the main screen of the program.

Exiting it is also elementary - click on the list of open tabs and close the one that is incognito - that's it!

Mozilla Firefox: How to open a private window

Over the years, Mozilla Firefox has been my favorite, but its sluggishness and gluttony have set their priorities ... I'm glad they are developing their engine and not based on Chrome - hence the differences.

Incognito mode in the Firefox browser is Private mode, you can start it by going to the settings and select "New private window" in the list that opens

Please note that the hotkeys are different and the working combination is Ctrl + Shift + P

The name is different - the meaning is the same. Bookmarks and downloads work as usual, but the browser will try and hide your identity to make you more difficult to identify.

To exit private mode, simply close the window in which this mode is activated.

Internet Explorer: InPrivate Browsing

Let the lazy not laugh at Internet Explorer, but quite a lot of people still use it (and if we take into account the state resources that require IE to work with the private part ...) To activate stealth mode (here it is called "InPrivate Browsing") click in the gear image and under Security select InPrivate Browsing (or just press CTRL + SHIFT + P on your keyboard)

IE will tell you that the private mode is active and will turn purple, and in the line with the site address there will be an "InPrivate" icon.

When InPrivate mode is active, not only your browsing history will be ignored, but all third-party browser extensions will be disabled. When you're done, just close the InPrivate window.

Microsoft EDGE: New InPrivate Window

They say EDGE is the fastest browser for Windows ... a strong statement - I certainly won't check it. This is the new browser from Microsoft that is included with Windows 10 and was probably created to gradually replace Internet Explorer. Since IE and EDGE are brothers, the designation of the hidden mode has not changed - it is called InPrivate.

Open the browser menu and choose New InPrivate Window, or use the Ctrl + Shift + P keyboard shortcut.

All windows on which this mode is active will be greyed out and on each of the tabs there will be an "InPrivate" icon - you can't go wrong.

As usual, just close the window or tab to exit InPrivate mode.

What is incognito mode in the browser for?

Now you know how to enable incognito mode in any of the browsers. But have you ever thought that this feature will help not only in increasing privacy, but also in many other situations ?! Let's just say - perfect for working with multiple Vkontakte accounts ... or help you check the reason for the browser glitch (extensions are not active)... If everything is fine in incognito mode, then we simply turn off everything in turn until we identify the problem ...

P.S. Write in the comments your ideas for using private mode in browsers.

Almost every modern browser has incognito mode. Of course, a user of a personal computer can do otherwise - clear cookies, history and logs on their own, but this will take a lot of time, and this will help save not only his own time, but also energy. Web pages, downloads will never be saved, and cookies will be deleted automatically when the browser window is closed. The only thing that a user can leave behind is bookmarks and browser settings. In addition, the social networks and forums visited by the user will also register your location on them.

Google chrome

If you are using the Google Chrome browser, then first you need to go to the settings of the browser itself. To do this, left-click on the image of a wrench or gear in the upper right corner of the browser window. A small context menu will appear, in which you should select "New window in incognito mode". You can do the same using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + N. It is worth noting that if you are working in this mode, then in the upper left corner of the window there will be a special image indicating that you are in private mode.

Mozilla Firefox

The Mozilla Firefox browser is also one of the most popular and also has a private mode. To open it, you need to go to the "Tools" tab and in the special menu that appears, find the sub-item "Start private browsing" (you can use the key combination Ctrl + Shift + P). After confirmation, a window will open in incognito mode, and you can see the corresponding notification.

In order to start private mode in the Opera browser, you first need to go to the menu (click on the Opera image in the upper left corner). Then you need to click on "Tabs and Windows", and then in the menu that appears, select your preferred option for private web browsing, for example, you can "Create a private link" or "Create a private window". After clicking, a new window or tab will open, in which the user will be notified about working in stealth mode.

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer, despite its seeming simplicity, also has a private web browsing mode. To do this, go to the "Service" tab and select "InPrivate Browsing". You can do a little differently - in the browser command line, which is located in the upper right corner, click on the "Security" button, and only then select "InPrivate Browsing", after which a new window will open in a special mode.

When using the Internet, we leave a huge number of traces not only on the network, but also on the computer itself. After all, all the data about the visited resources can be found in the log, cache, cookies, download history. Perhaps, at least once, users had a desire to work on the network so that there is no data left in the browser and the system about the time spent. For this, the incognito mode was created in the Yandex browser. Its main purpose is to hide the traces of being on various resources in front of other computer users.

What is incognito mode

What opportunities does the invisible mode provide in the Yandex browser?

  • Your searches will not be saved.
  • Information about the pages visited will not be available to other computer users.
  • All entered passwords, logins, etc. will also not remain in the browser.

As you can see, hidden mode in the Yandex browser can be a very useful feature, especially for those who like to sit at work on social networks or view other sites that their bosses do not recommend. Thus, no one will be able to catch you doing such an activity. You simply close the tab in the Internet browser, and there are no traces left on the computer and you will not need it every time before closing the browser. At the same time, the files downloaded to the computer will be saved in the location that you specify.

In addition, bookmarks and changes in general settings are saved in this mode. Despite the fact that the data does not remain in Yandex Browser, your visit will be marked on the site you visited. In addition, it should be remembered that information about the visited resources can be obtained by the network administrator if he wants to.

How to start incognito mode

In order to start anonymous mode in the Yandex browser, you need to do a few simple steps. First, open an Internet browser. Next, go to Settings and click on the Advanced link. Here we select the item "Open window in incognito mode". After that, a new tab will appear in front of you, marked with an image of a man with glasses.

You can also launch invisible mode in Yandex browser using hotkeys. To do this, simultaneously press the Ctrl, Shift and N buttons, if you are working in the Windows operating system. For those who have a device on Mac OS, instead of Ctrl, press ?. And if you, in addition to Yandex Browser, also use Google Chrome, then you should know that you can also launch it.

Working in incognito mode

How does private mode work in a Yandex browser? Firstly, the opened sites will not be tracked in the log. Secondly, you will not see downloaded files in the list of downloads. Although they will be saved on the computer. In addition, the cookies are deleted immediately after you close the window.

It should be noted that when you switch to incognito mode, everyone will be automatically disabled. This is due to the fact that the Internet browser has no control over how they process personal data. If you need any extension to work, then you can start it manually. By the way, in addition to the invisible mode, it is very convenient to open the classic Yandex Browser window. In this case, you can safely switch between them.

In order to exit this mode, you just need to close the last tab. If necessary, you can use the simultaneous pressing of the Alt and F4 buttons. In some cases, incognito mode will become an irreplaceable lifesaver, especially if you are going to work on someone else's computer. As you have seen, it is very easy to activate it, and it will save you time that you would spend cleaning your browsing history, downloads, etc.

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