How to enter the dark internet. What is Black Internet

Reading the description of the Tor browser on soft portals, we usually see the characteristics only in a positive way. It is positioned as a mechanism for protecting rights on the Internet, a tool for bypassing the ubiquitous control of special services, and a means of combating Internet censorship. A browser that offers the most reliable mechanism of anonymity on the web for free. It is used to transmit information by journalists, famous people, anti-corruption fighters, government officials, as well as other users who are afraid of surveillance and the seizure of information. And inhabitants of totalitarian states can have a connection with the outside world, in particular, with democratic countries.

Why Tor is dangerous

Known fact: Tor is banned in some countries, including Russia. And the reason for this is the ignorance of Internet censorship by the creators of the browser. In the Russian Federation, for violating this prohibition, it is supposed to block public Tor servers. There are no sanctions for ordinary users yet.

But the owners of proxy servers in the Tor system may have problems associated with responsibility not only for ignoring censorship. Enthusiasts who provide the end nodes of the onion network - the so-called exit nodes - are at greatest risk. The Tor system is built on the principle of transmitting encrypted information through multiple proxy servers. The IP address of the last proxy can be calculated by special services. And this has already happened in a number of countries, including Russia. It is a well-known fact: in April 2017, Russian Yuri Bogatov was arrested for allegedly publishing calls for terrorism and organizing mass riots on the Internet. The defender presented irrefutable evidence that Bogatov himself did not publish any publications, but his home computer was configured as an exit node of the Tor network. However, Yuri still had to spend 3.5 months in jail.

The measure of restraint was subsequently changed to house arrest, but the case has not yet been closed. Enthusiasm is good, but it must be sound.

For ordinary users who do not own Tor endpoints, the danger lies in the onion network itself. The Tor browser is a software environment for accessing the Darknet, the shadow side of the Internet. You cannot get here using Google or Yandex, shadow web resources will not open in a regular browser window, even with a direct link. You can only get to the Darknet using Tor.

What is the Darknet

It exists in the form of an internal Tor network with the ".onion" domain, it is also hosting for all shadow sites. Everything is confidential on the Darknet - site creators create them anonymously, users visit them anonymously. This is because the subject of discussion and transactions on shady sites are goods, services and content prohibited by the laws of many countries.

On sites, forums and communities on the Darknet, you can buy drugs, weapons, fake documents, counterfeit bills, sophisticated porn, stolen items and other prohibited goods. For transactions, the currency is usually Bitcoin. Just as the Tor system allows the buyer and seller to remain anonymous, Bitcoin will not be able to subsequently identify the sender and recipient of a money transfer.

As in the regular Internet, the Darknet has its own search engines, only on-net search engines.

But they are looking for information only on the web resources available within the network. Some of the forums and communities of the .onion network are not indexed or completely closed. Only their own people or those who received an invitation from such people can get to the latter. The Darknet is a gathering place for hackers. It is here, and most often in closed communities, that cybercriminals communicate with each other, share their experiences, and attract newcomers. On the shady Internet, piracy naturally flourishes. Here we will find genuine mirrors of well-known torrent trackers, officially blocked in several countries.

The very bottom of the shadow Internet is human trafficking, ordering a hitman, interactive rape, torture and murder of people

The Darknet consists mostly of English-language sites, but there are also Russian-language ones. In the shadow Internet, we will not find web resources with some sophisticated or modern design, everything is done either with a flashy bad taste, or in the style of miserable minimalism.

We will not see verbiage in articles about anything optimized for top search queries. Here, the whole emphasis is shifted to the specificity and usefulness of information, as it was once in the early stages of the development of the ordinary Internet. The Darknet is a kind of excursion into the past of the ordinary Internet, but the excursion, alas, is not safe.

Why the Darknet is dangerous

In itself, visiting the Darknet is not a criminal offense. Any of us can, out of curiosity, visit these or those shady sites. It's like walking through dangerous areas of a city. The danger lies in the possible consequences of such a walk, and regardless of whether we commit an illegal act or not. So, a potential threat hangs over every user of the shadow Internet: fraud, scam and hacking flourish here.

If we are talking about illegal actions, then it is naive to believe that the existence of the shadow Internet within the Tor network is a guarantor of the security of illegal transactions. In addition to the anonymity mechanism offered by the browser, there are a lot of all sorts of nuances - from its correct setting for the Dark Web to the method of obtaining purchased products.

On the Darknet, intelligence agencies cannot track down criminals the way they do on the regular Internet - by filtering information on the public network. But nothing prevents them from acting according to the test purchase scheme. Intelligence officers can monitor the shadow Internet and, under the guise of buyers / sellers, negotiate the purchase / sale of prohibited goods. And when planning the delivery of prohibited goods across the border, one should not forget about such a structure as the customs service.

Here are some facts from the judicial practice of the Russian Federation in cases in which Tor appears as a tool for committing a crime.

Judicial practice of the Russian Federation on "Darknet" cases

By the verdict of the Leninsky Court of Cheboksary in July 2017, the Russian received 4 years of probation for purchasing drugs on one of the Darknet sites. The package with drugs in the form of a registered letter was sent by the seller from Germany, but at the customs in Vnukovo it was opened and recorded. The parcel went to Cheboksary accompanied by officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Since the letter went from Germany to Russia, drug smuggling appears as an illegal act in the verdict.

Note: Drugs on the shadow Internet can be ordered in the form of a "bookmark", for example, in the form of a bottle of Coca-Cola. Such props will deceive us humans, but not our four-legged friends. Trained customs dogs are looking for drugs at the border.

A student from Russia was sentenced to 2.6 years in a maximum security penal colony by the verdict of the Lenin Court of Voronezh in August 2017. The student organized a trading platform for selling drugs on the Darknet and delivered them through secret places.

A drug courier who took such a "position" in one of the shadow chain stores in January 2017 received 6 years in a maximum security penal colony by the verdict of the Kalininsky court in Chelyabinsk.

August 2016, the Norilsk City Court of the Krasnoyarsk Territory pronounces a verdict on the defendant in the firearms smuggling case. The defendant purchased the prohibited item on the Darknet and even received it by sending it from Europe to his mailing address. But in the course of operational-search activities, the weapons were found by FSB officers. The result is 4.3 years in a general regime penal colony and a huge fine.

Summing up ...

Drugs and weapons are the most common categories of cases involving the Darknet that are brought to the verdict stage. This is why law enforcement agencies have a mechanism that has been perfected over the years for generating evidence in this category of cases. And it makes no difference to them how communications were carried out in the process of committing a crime - through the Tor browser or using word of mouth. All these conventions and details are usually disclosed in a “confession”.

Net stalking (from internet stalking) is an activity aimed at finding hidden information in the bowels of the Internet. Netstalker, like a miner in a mine or a bum in a landfill (depending on the skills and technologies used), is trying to find a grain of gold among the pile of information noise.

How did it all start?

At the end of the 20th century, when computerization and internetization had not yet affected all spheres of our life, a personal computer was not a thin laptop with an apple and beautiful buttons, but a kind of shaitan machine that 90% of current computer owners could not use.

In the process of the most basic operations with a computer, numerous errors arose, but then their solution could not be found simply by driving a couple of lines into Google. Solving one problem after another, individuals got so carried away by digging that instead of developing in width, they began to dig in depth.

Studying the principles of computers and the Web, they created a certain area inaccessible to ordinary users - the Deep Web (Deep Web, the hidden Internet). Subsequently, this segment of the network found a suitable application.


The darknet is commonly understood as the lower levels of the deepweb. This layer is distinguished by a high threshold for entry, and the resulting high anonymity. Alternative opinion: the darknet is a network between trusted users.

How to get to the Deep Web?

No stalkers ask such questions. Instead, they look for clues on their own and go deeper and deeper.

However, we know how to satisfy your idle interest. All the necessary initial information will be presented in the article, but you will need to find the links yourself.

  1. Download and configure Tor Browser. You can also get to the deep web from your phone, there is a version of Tor Browser for Android.
  2. In it, follow the link to a special directory "Hidden Wiki" with entry-level sites. Diving deeper you will find other directories, and then more and more ... It seems that this process is almost endless.

Diving instruction video

Is it worth it?

The use of similar technologies, in theory, can lead to getting "on the pencil" by the special services. If this doesn't scare you, then one final caveat: use it exclusively for research purposes. In addition, you may regret seeing. DO NOT RECOMMEND!


Researchers have classified the deepweb by levels, which can serve as a map for a novice netstalker.

  • Level D - basic (open and indexed by search engines) Internet: social networks and in general any sites found through search engines (including which you are currently on). At this level, there are strange links to the lower level and hints for the transition.
  • Level C - Deep Web: systems of anonymous networks and proxy servers (Tor, I2P), closed communities. Illegal content on an unimaginable scale. Hacker communities. Information about various anomalous objects and phenomena. Some search results for words from the subconscious. Allegedly secret government radio stations.
  • Level B - Dark Web: something that serves to control the upper level D. Completely immoral content. Non-existent IP addresses and protocols, blank pages (not clear what this is about). Researchers' forums. Youtube level B. A huge amount of useful and useless information (it is believed that level D owns only 4% of all information available in one way or another via the Internet). Something called "Void" (emptiness, abyss).
  • Level A - the lower limit of the Internet: Holes, Schumann Resonance, Level C Control, The Horrific Truth About Mirrors, Internet Dead Zone, Silent House Access.

The essence of what is happening at the A level is not clear to us even speculatively. We will welcome any opinion from people who understand this issue.

Quiet house

The ultimate goal of an advanced netstalker is Silent House. The lower limit of the deepweb.

Researchers point out the impossibility of returning from the "Quiet House" to the real world. This area is not a site, and it is not at all clear to which area of \u200b\u200bbeing this place belongs.

According to the image on the left, you can get to the Quiet House not only through the Internet. Net-stalkers discovered the possibility of going to the Quiet House through sleep and something called "Life" (perhaps they simply mean the waking state).

Presumably the horrific truth about mirrors has something to do with this. In the proposed scheme, at each of the levels, there is the word "MIRROR" (mirror).

Project City

A certain society of people who call themselves "Doctors". They declared their goal "to cure all people." The first mention on the public internet is on an anonymous entertainment forum. Known for extremely unpleasant messages and pictures.

It was not possible to confirm the reality of the existence of this secret project.

First of all, you need a special browser called Tor, through which you will access black internet, or as it is also called deep or dark internet... In short, Tor is an anonymous browser that encrypts your IP address, replacing it with another one, for example, the IP address of France, thereby making your surfing the Internet more or less anonymous.

Enter in the search engine "download tor browser" and go to the official site, then download it. Next, you'll need to connect through a VPN connection for added security. There are a ton of VPN services out there, and you can find them just by googling. Next, go to the root folder where you installed the TOR browser. Open the torrc file with notepad and enter the line there:

ExcludeNodes (ru), (ua), (by)

Save. Finally, Tor can be started.

Once you start your browser, cancel the global script (using the icon in the upper left corner). Next, click on the onion and select "privacy and security settings." The safety slider must be in the up position.

Sites in the TOR browser have the .onion domain and cannot be viewed in a regular browser. If you are interested in looking at the forbidden fruit, then look for the sites yourself. Their content is often illegal and objectionable. It's better not to download anything, just browse.

Your ISP will of course see that you are using TOR and VPN connection, but they will not be able to see what exactly you are viewing.

Do not do anything questionable from your home internet connection. This advice will seem trivial, but you will be calculated by IP. As soon as you go to any site, your IP and all your actions will be recorded in the server's HTTP logs. If logging is not disabled (and it is enabled in almost 100% of cases), then you will be separated from law enforcement agencies, in addition to the front door, only by an official or semi-official request to your Internet provider. He, in turn, by your IP will give all your passport data and connection address. Each provider, at the first request of authorized organizations, will provide your logs, and if he does not do this, he will be an accomplice in your illegal actions. His license and all his equipment will be revoked. We can advise - if you need to either hide or facilitate your work at work - transfer it to the cloud, for example, here -

Another solution is also possible. You will have to buy a SIM card. Of course, not in the nearest communication salon, but at some individuals who hang around the markets and the metro. You will also need a 3G modem purchased from a third party. Next, you need a new laptop with a complete lack of all unnecessary information on it. It is also recommended to roll back the system in it several times and return it to the factory settings. It is better not to buy a used one for obvious reasons. You will be contacted through the former owner. Each computer has a set of unique identifiers such as a MAC address. If you first connect to your home Internet from your computer, and then to the "dirty" one, that is, plug in a 3G modem, everything is lost. You will transmit the identification data of your device to the "dirty" network, and with this data, you can send inquiries to all regional Internet service providers and find out which networks this computer was also on, which will reveal your identity and location. After that, wait for guests in uniform, even connecting from a special laptop with a special 3G modem using TOR.

Of course, you cannot carry out the activities for which all this anonymity is needed. Neither formatting nor TOR will save you. Each Internet user is put on a special account after he sets a TOR for himself.

To use TOR to its fullest, you have to tackle the VPN + Virtual Machine + VPN scheme. VPN is when all programs on your computer start sending data and encryption requests. Then they go to the intermediate server. The server decrypts them and sends a request to the final destination, receives a response and returns it to you, where it is decrypted and displayed in the same program that sent it.

It turns out that you open a browser, want to go to a certain site, enter a link and follow it. At this point, you are not accessing the site directly, but your VPN server. It returns the site to you and you see it. As a result, it turns out that you have not accessed the site. The site sees the IP of the server. Thanks to encryption, your provider in the logs, instead of readable requests, stores the information sent and received in the database, and also stores the IP address.

Next, you need to rent a virtual machine. It allows you to remotely connect to a computer installed somewhere in another country and see its desktop, expand it to full screen and, roughly speaking, get a second computer on your computer with its own launch pad, with its own power, etc.

Attention! You cannot connect to a virtual machine without first making a VPN connection, since virtual machines also write logs.

At the output, you can get, for example, the following chain: "an impersonal laptop - a 3G modem and a SIM card from third parties - a VPN connection through Italy - a virtual machine in France - a VPN connection through England."

What will it take to figure you out? Let's say you did everything according to the instructions and committed an illegal action on some site. The authorities will have to send a request to the data center of the second VPN (in our example, this is England), where it will most likely be ignored. Perhaps the British will give out the IP from which the connection was made. This will already be a French IP. You will need to send a request there due to the last circumstances. It will be ignored with a 70% probability, and even if not, the output will be a new IP from which the connections were made. And seeing a VPN there again, even the most die-hard investigator will surely give up. But if he did not give up, made another request and found out that connections to the first VPN were made, for example, through the MTS SIM card from a 3G modem, he would find out the passport data and the owner's registration address, then during the visit, as you understand , nothing criminal will be found. Next, the identification of the location of the modem operation will begin, so it is recommended to change the SIM card at least once every three months. While the law enforcement agencies will follow the trail for a long time, you will already be working with a new IP. By the way, in order to more or less accurately determine your location within a radius of 500 meters, you must have at your disposal extremely expensive, not entirely mobile equipment.

It would seem that everything is known about the World Wide Web, but in reality there are such hidden places that some users are still just beginning to find out about. We offer you to find out what the black internet is and how to enter the black internet.

What is black internet?

Not every user of the World Wide Web is aware that there is an exit to the black Internet. It is also often referred to as the deep or dark internet. There is often a lot of confusion with these terms, but by and large they all mean the same thing - the hidden part of the Internet. There are sites here that are not indexed by search engines and therefore you can get to them only using a direct link.

There are also sites among them, to access which you need to know and use a password. There are also resources that work in the TOR network. Sites in this network have their own domain - ONION, which is not officially registered anywhere. However, this does not prevent you from using it if you have software for working with TOR. With the help of this domain, you can easily distinguish links to ordinary sites in the traditional network from links to black Internet resources located in the TOR network.

Is there a black internet?

Myth or Reality? There are actually a lot of rumors and speculation around the deep internet. However, it is safe to say that such a network exists. At the same time, access to the black Internet is not difficult. Anyone who wants to learn as much as possible about the hidden part of the World Wide Web can get there. Those who still doubt may try to find themselves in a deep net right now.

Black Internet - what is there?

The very name of the network is frightening and alarming, but at the same time arouses the interest of an ordinary user and a desire to find out what is on the black Internet. This place is a network invisible to the user and search robots. Due to the fact that search engines cannot index information on this network, it is not so easy for an ordinary user to see the information posted here.

For its anonymity, this part of the Internet is loved by everyone who wants to remain anonymous and those engaged in illegal activities. So, with the help of the sites posted here, substances prohibited by law, pornography, etc. are sold. The problem is that new ones are growing in place of closed large resources and it is much more difficult to fight with them than with the same, for example, drug laboratories in real life. And to figure out a seller who is on one end of the planet, and uses a server on the other side of the planet, to calculate and arrest is not always in the teeth of the guardians of the law.

Black Internet - how to get there?

Nowadays only the lazy is probably not able to use the Internet. However, there is a network that not everyone knows about. Hearing about the deep Internet, an ordinary user often has an idea about something special and very complex. However, in reality, it is very easy to understand how to enter the black Internet. To make such a journey, you need to have the desire and access to the World Wide Web. To go to the deep Internet, you need to install a browser on your computer - TOR.

How to get to the deep Internet through the TOP?

It is not very difficult to find yourself on the black web. To access the deep Internet, they often use the TOR Browser. It has the following properties:

  1. TOR is able to ensure the confidentiality of communications, and will prevent surveillance of navigation.
  2. Protect against all sorts of surveillance by site owners, providers.
  3. Hides data about the user's physical location.
  4. Able to block all security threats.
  5. Does not require special installation and runs from all media.
  6. Doesn't need any special knowledge and is available for beginners.

How to use the black internet?

To understand how to surf the dark web, you need to understand that there can be no question of search engines, and all transitions are made through the existing lists of links. You also need to know that the speed of the black Internet is so slow that you can't do without patience. Otherwise, everything is intuitive. Before going deep, users want to know what can be found on the black internet. Those who have been here say that the deep web provides:

  1. Market for fake documents and IDs.
  2. Places of trade in prohibited substances.
  3. Apparatus and equipment stores.
  4. Sale of credit cards - data is obtained from skimmers installed on ATMs. Such information will be inexpensive, but the pin code and scan of the card will cost more.

Why is the black internet dangerous?

Going to the black internet or can it be dangerous? Such thoughts can visit anyone who first heard about the existence of the other side of the World Wide Web. In fact, downloading the browser itself and entering the deep Internet does not pose a danger. However, if there is such a desire to use the possibilities of the black Internet, then here it is already worth considering how such an adventure might end.

In order to get on the Internet, you need to go to a browser, type in the address of a specific site or find it through a search engine. But the Internet system has a huge number of sites that are not indexed by search engines, do not have the usual domains and names through ordinary browsers. All of them are part of the so-called deep internet.

What it is

The Deep Internet is still the same worldwide network, and it exists under the same laws, but without the usual censorship and tracking from both users and governments and special services. There is an opinion on the Internet that this deep network contains much more information and sites than the usual one. So, according to the most rough estimates, the regular Internet contains no more than 2,000 TB of information, while the deep Internet can contain about 100,000 TB. The advantages of the deep Internet are its openness for those who know how to search, it is free, and the anonymity of all users. The negative side is that without knowing where to look for deep internet sites, it is almost impossible to find them.

You can find deep Internet sites using the TOR network and the special TorBrowser browser. You cannot load sites with the .onion domain - that is, all sites of the deep Internet - using familiar browsers for all browsers. All network connections are anonymous, and the traffic passes through an encrypted channel, although this is not a guarantee of the absence of interceptions.

The underside of the internet

The Deep Internet is like the wrong side of the real world. It has its own Wikipedia, resource search, postal services, site classification. And the sites here are also different. The Deep Internet is considered a haven for hackers, criminals and intelligence agencies that hunt them down, and therefore are said to be dangerous. People involved in the sale of drugs, weapons, planning crimes, and communication on topics prohibited on the regular Internet work there almost freely. An untrained person can really amaze the entire contingent of such resources and the topics discussed on them.

But at the same time, the deep Internet is also used simply for anonymous communication and tracking. Here you can often meet journalists who do not want to disclose their sources of information and informants, and therefore communicate with such people anonymously. Some law enforcement agencies do the same. In Western countries, and even in Russia, not all users agree with the strict framework of interaction, violation of freedom of speech, with what topics users can or cannot express. At a time when the governments of many countries are tightening the noose on the rights and freedoms of their people more and more, people are looking for a way out of the situation. And they find the deep internet.

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