Box for flowers plastic buy. Preparation of materials and tools. What flowers are suitable for growing in boxes on the balcony

Initially, care must be taken to ensure that all the necessary materials and tools are available. As a suitable solution, of course, wood acts. Size and shape you can choose yourself, these parameters will depend not only on your preferences, but also on the location of the structure.

Preparation of materials and tools

In order to make a box for flowers with your own hands, you will need a plane, a grinder, a hammer, a square, a screwdriver, a tape measure, and also tongs. For lack of jigsaw, you can use a saw. However, the work in this case will produce somewhat more complicated, and the process itself will be longer. The design is selected depending on the availability of appropriate equipment, if you want to work manually, it is easiest to make a simple rectangular or square box. Whereas if there is an electric tool available, it allows you to make any designs. A flower box can be made from the pieces of OSB, plywood sheet, as well as various racks and boards. The thickness of the latter should be 10 millimeters or more. In order to treat the surface and protect the material from the negative influence of insects and microorganisms, it is necessary to prepare an antiseptic composition. Wood will look more attractive if it is treated with stain, but any other coloring composition will do. Fastening of details can be made with the help of self-tapping screws, nails or glue. Quite often, masters use two methods of fastening at once.

Technology of making a box for flowers

If you decide to make a box for flowers with your own hands, then at the first stage you need to use boards, the width of which is 20 cm. From them you will need to cut the workpieces, these will be three long elements that will go on the board and bottom. While the other two will be used for the ends. The latter should be made somewhat wider than the bottom. The difference will be in the thickness of the sidewalls. Details must be treated with a planer, and then with large sandpaper. At the edges must be drilled holes, 4 need to be located in the end blanks, while the other three - in the side.

Features of assembly of a structure

When making balcony boxes for flowers with your own hands, then when assembling the sides and the bottom you need to use wood screws, the length of which is 50 millimeters. Only then you can proceed with the installation of the end parts. After the floral container is assembled, its surface can be ground using a fine sandpaper for carrying out these manipulations. The wooden box must be impregnated at the last stage with the help of antiseptic composition, do not forget about one side, whereas outside the product can be covered with stain, the enamel or lacquer is also ideal for these purposes.

Making a flower box from pallets

Balcony boxes for flowers with their own hands can be made from pallets. To do this, the old stand must be disassembled into separate parts, the straps should be gently pinched with a nail. As for the fastening elements, they need to be extracted with forceps. If there are damaged and rotten slats, they need to be removed. Typically, of these products there are about ten suitable boards. The wood will need to be cut to the required size, then cleaned with an abrasive skin. The next step is to assemble the upper frame and the bottom base. Two parts should be fastened with side panels, use nails for this. Decorative strips will allow to mask the joints. Now the master can start finishing work with paint and varnish materials.

If you decide to make such a wooden box for flowers with your own hands, then the outer surface can be decorated with wood chips. It can be thick branches or planks, which have the appearance of a fence. In the lower part you need to strengthen the legs, which must be made of bars. This will ensure the ventilation and preservation of wood in good condition.

Flowers inside should be placed in plastic pots, but as an alternative solution planting plants directly into the box itself can be used. Beforehand, you need to lay the film on the bottom, having made drainage holes in it.

Alternative version of the box

Before you make a flower box with your own hands, the master must carefully approach the issue of material selection. It can be used as the width of which is 10 cm. To carry out the work, the same set of materials will be needed. Choosing the height of the container, you can prefer a parameter equal to 40 centimeters. After the boards are connected to each other, you can install bars in the corners. If you intend to plant climbing plants in such boxes, then support should be provided for them. To do this from the narrow bars should be cut, and then knock down the grate, which must be fixed to the finished drawer on the inside.


Those masters who want to make boxes for flowers with their own hands made of wood, it is necessary to think over every nuance, in particular, it concerns the durability of the structure. If poor quality wood is used, then after some time the construction will change its original linear dimensions. That is why it is important not only to observe the technology of work, but also to choose good material. For the sample, you can use as material whatever you can find in your garage or shed. From old products of life, too, something very interesting can turn out. However, it is necessary to take care of the comfort of plants.

A beautiful balcony in flowers is the decoration of any facade of a standard gray high-rise building. At the same time, to ensure that ornamental plants grow normally in such a place, in addition to constant care for them, it is necessary to select boxes for their planting correctly. Nowadays plastic containers for flowers are the most popular. At the same time plastic containers can be produced in different modifications - with fasteners on rails, floor systems on wheels and equipped with auto-watering. Depending on the proposed location of plants, it is necessary to select flower boxes.

The main varieties of flower containers

Modern flower container, used on balconies, differs according to the following design features:

Balcony flower tanks should have sufficient strength and a long operating life under the influence of unfavorable external factors - rain, gusts, direct sunlight and temperature changes.

Requirements for the flower boxes for the balcony

In addition to the fact that boxes for flowers on the balcony should be strong enough, do not forget about other important characteristics of the flower package:

  • the ability to conduct heat well;
  • providing free access of oxygen to the root system of flowers.

It should be noted that it is better to use plastic structures for suspended containers, since they are the easiest. If the flowers will be located on the floor of the balcony, then a wooden or ceramic container will do. In this case, in addition to the weight of the container itself, it is necessary to take into account the mass of the soil placed in it, especially if it is wet after irrigation.

To flower on the balcony grows in comfortable conditions, the color of the boxes is important. So, in the case of the southern balcony, it is better to choose a light container that repels the sun's rays, not allowing the plants to overheat. In addition, the tints of the flower package play a significant aesthetic role, emphasizing the overall design.

How to choose the flower box for the balcony?

Container for the flower garden on the balcony should not only be suitable for planting plants, but also provide a comfortable opportunity, to look after the flowers.

It is very important, together with a balcony box for flowers, to purchase accessories: a mounting bracket, a stand or a trolley on wheels. At the same time for attaching hinged structures on the balcony railing use the following components:

  • plastic or rope fittings for containers inside the balcony;
  • bracket for the balcony box outside the room.

Attachments for flower boxes should have a large margin of safety, reliability and durability. In this case, they should not be evident, since the leading place on the balcony should be given to the flower arrangement. And if you supplement the container for balcony flowers with a decorative accessory - for example, wicker pots, then any balcony will turn into a corner of wildlife for the rest of the family.

Balcony flower boxes with fastening on a handrail

The main purpose of such flower containers is the placement of plants on the balconies of an open balcony. As usual, such boxes are fixed with special holders made of metal. Depending on the shape and method of attachment, these brackets can be used both outside the balcony room and inside.

If a narrow container is used for planting flowers, then plants should be planted in one row. Two-row planting of decorative balcony flowers can be made only in wide and spacious boxes. The container with depth and width equal to 180 mm is considered optimal.

Outdoor balcony box for flowers

In addition to railings, ornamental plants are perfectly located on the floor of the balcony. Floor boxes are perfect for large flowerpots. For convenience, such containers are placed on pedestals with castors. In such dishes, in addition to flowers, vegetable crops grow well.

If the balcony has an open structure, it is very important that the flower boxes have a secure attachment. This is due to the fact that from a gust of wind or heavy rain shower boxes can simply collapse to the ground from a large height of a multi-storey building.

In the process of purchasing a drawer for flowers on the balcony, the color of the product is important. Dark containers, attractive, sunlight suitable for northern balconies, and a light floral container for the hot southern side of the house. Also it is necessary that the box has good drainage. Otherwise, the roots of the plant may rot from stagnant water.

Flower boxes with automatic watering system

Flower pots with automatic watering  are equipped with a water tank, which, through the capillary tubes, flows through the drainage layer to the root system of the flower. But for such a system of irrigation to work fully, the roots of the plant must reach the required length in the ground. Until then, plants are watered in the usual way.

If you choose dishes with automatic system  capillary irrigation, then once filling the water tank you can almost forget about the care of flowers on the balcony for about 3 months. After buying such a flower box, it remains to plant the favorite flowers in it and enjoy their aroma during flowering.

What kind of flowers can be grown in balcony boxes?

Flower boxes of large sizes are mainly used for planting large single plants, which are located at the corners of the balcony. If we talk about the rectangular container, then it is better to plant the plants in groups. It is not desirable to mix fast growing grades of flowers with slow growing analogs. Thus, petunia due to rapid growth will not allow other slowly rising plants to ascend.

In the boxes, the plants are planted in rows and in groups, depending on the size of the landing tank. In the background, tall flowers are planted, in the middle are medium tall ones, and in the front part are ampel or curly varieties. Also for the summer period it is possible to place indoor flowers in balcony boxes as in a plant pot while not replanting plants.

In addition, the correct arrangement of balcony boxes plays an important role. They should be located on a level, so that the irrigation will be even, and the water will spread throughout the area.

  1. Basic principles
  2. Basic Model
  3. Balcony flowers
  4. For seedlings
  5. Design Ideas
  6. Benefits

Recently, natural materials are in fashion. All products should be easily disposed of without harming nature. In this regard, a great alternative to plastic is a tree from which you can build an excellent box for flowers. It will look organic both on the private plot of the private house and on the balcony of the high-rise building.

Basic principles

Boxes for flowers can have a different purpose, depending on this, design features are solved. The box can be used directly for planting and as a stand for flower pots taken out of the house.

The first option is worth thinking much more carefully. First of all, the material must be treated with a solution that protects against moisture. From permanent irrigation, the untreated wood will quickly rot. Do not forget about the drainage holes on the bottom.

The second option is much simpler in its design, it can be made from simple rails. Such boxes often perform the function of quick removal of domestic flowers to fresh air. The pots can be beautifully placed inside and put flowers on the street. In case of rain, capricious plants can easily be brought into the house and do not have to mess with every flower.

A box is an excellent alternative to a street flowerbed. The flower bed is stationary, and the box can be moved easily and quickly change the atmosphere in the yard. They can cover the hatch, or other unsightly object. In addition, it is difficult to make the necessary soil mixture for each plant in the flower bed.

Basic Model

Despite its simplicity, the standard box leaves room for creativity. Combinations of base boxes of different sizes will help to create an original composition.

For work you will need:

  • Board 50 × 100 mm for the manufacture of bottoms;
  • Board 50 × 200 mm for the side walls;
  • Board 20 × 90 mm, from it will be made the front part;
  • Self-tapping screws or nails in stainless steel;
  • Rabitz grid for creating a drainage system;
  • Polyethylene film for additional protection of wood from moisture.

First, you need to develop a layout design in accordance with your requests, and draw drawings. It is better to plan the composition in advance so that the boxes of flowers organically fit into the space. For example, if they are to be placed along a wall, then you need to measure the distance so that you do not have to rework the bulging elements.

  1. In accordance with the drawing, we saw boards for making boxes;
  2. We slack the bottom and side boards;
  3. We nail the front and back walls;
  4. Cut out a piece of a grid of the necessary size and a stapler attach to the bottom;
  5. We film the film on the height of the falling asleep of the earth, over the drainage gutter we make several openings for water drainage.

It remains only to pour the land and plant flowers. This simple design makes it easy to put boxes with flowers on top of each other and create a multi-level flower garden.

Carefully measure the size of the future design. Boxes for flowers often do not stand close to the wall, or vice versa are lapped, be sure to keep this in mind when drawing up the drawing.

Balcony flowers

More often, while walking along the street, you can find balconies and windows decorated with flowers. For outdoor decoration it is better to use long, but not deep flower boxes. Their height should not exceed 20cm. The earth, especially wet, weighs a lot, so these restrictions are necessary.

A flower box can be attached with hinges, brackets or simply placed on a forged base. If planting plants are taken, it is necessary to provide for the possibility to remove the structure for the winter so that the flowers do not die.

There are several tips that will help minimize the care of the balcony front garden:

  • Box with flowers on the south side is better to paint in light colors, bright quickly burn out. Preference is given to natural shades. Good fit brown or green. The main rule - the box should not be brighter than the flowers themselves;
  • Pay attention to the stability of the construction, bad installed fittings  will not be able to withstand the right weight;
  • Drainage holes should not be placed too close to the wall, otherwise there will be dirty stains. The holes are best placed on the far wall or provide for a slight slope;
  • Flowers are often planted in 2 rows: the first - climbing plants, covering the box itself, the second - the flowers of the main composition. This arrangement allows you not to pay much attention to the design of the box and build it from simple boards.

For seedlings

In stores now there is a large number of various seeding containers, but experienced gardeners know that the production does not take into account a number of important nuances, among them:

  • Fragility;
  • Toxic material, which often appears poor-quality plastic;
  • The absence of drainage holes or too large apertures,
  • Inconvenient size.

All this makes the question of how to make a box with your own hands. To do this, you need good boards, wood glue or nails, a drill. First you need to calculate the dimensions and draw a drawing. Seedlings, as a rule, are grown on a windowsill, under it and you need to customize the box. For convenience of carrying it is necessary to provide at once handles.

From wood, excellent individual boxes for seedlings are obtained, they are necessary so that the plants are not entangled in roots. Considering that only young seedlings will grow, the height of the box should not exceed 10 cm.

Collect the main box better with nails or screws. For the manufacture of individual compartments suitable special glue or stapler for furniture. It remains to decide how to make a wooden box with seedlings is not just functional, but also beautiful. A bit of varnish or paint, a beautiful picture, and seedlings will be an excellent decorative element.

Seedlings can become an ornament of an apartment

Design Ideas

It is not necessary to make boxes with your own hands, you can take a ready-made wooden box. It can be an ordinary garden box, a box for tools, even an antique chest. A little decor will add color, but at times, you do not need to do anything, the non-standard application of the subject speaks for itself, an example in the photo:

Do not be afraid to experiment and use things not for their intended purpose.

Wooden tubs used to be used often at home to plant tall plants. Today they are appropriate in the garden. A few kadok with shrubs can become an excellent hedge or act as separate elements.

Decorative boxes with flowers are often made with a bias in naturalness. The surface is varnished to protect and emphasize the texture of the wood. If the paint is used - it is more often noble brown or on the contrary, light and gentle tones. The main goal is to draw attention to flowers, and not to outshine them with bright colors.

For registration you can use beautiful vintage patterns. For country garden suitable country style. Not many people know how to make a box old. A suitably sized sample needs to be burned slightly with a burner. Pay special attention to the corners and joints of the boards. Surface to clean and varnish. From above you can make an imitation of an old stamp. Making such things does not take much time, but it strongly affects the color of the site.


Everyone wants to decorate their garden in accordance with their ideas about beauty, but not everyone can order exactly what they want. Often frightens the cost of work on an individual order. It's not so difficult to put together boxes for flowers with your own hands. This choice has many advantages:

  • The cost price is much lower than the market price, and even more so, work on an order;
  • The drawing will help to do exactly what you want, and not choose from what is;
  • A wooden box with their own hands will always be the original thing, very few people will be able to repeat the design exactly;
  • It is easy to assemble a box of the right size and size;
  • You can make boxes of different shapes with your own hands, but decorate them in the same style, observing the general concept of the garden.

To make a flower box is not even profitable for a professional. Wood is a material with which it is easy and pleasant to work. A regular ruler will help to make the correct markup. A box of flowers gives the site its own unique style, and you can do a reshuffle every day, updating the space in accordance with the mood.

A suitable material for flower boxes is wood. Processing it is not difficult, and the sizes and forms of self-made containers depend only on your imagination.

   Tools used:
  • Saw or electric jigsaw;
  • Plane;
  • Sander;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Corner, roulette;
  • Hammer, forceps.

The structure of the drawer for plants is selected depending on the availability of equipment - it is easier to make a simple box by hand, and using an electric tool makes it possible to implement any ideas.

   Materials used:
  • Various boards and slats with a thickness of 10 mm;
  • Plywood scraps;
  • Pieces of OSB.

For decorative treatment of surfaces will require antiseptic, or coloring compositions. Fastening of details is carried out with the help of waterproof glue, nails or self-tapping screws.

   The order of manufacturing a simple box for colors:
  1. Of the boards with a width of 15-20 cm cut billets: three long for the bottom and sides, two short for the ends - are marked wider than the bottom by an amount equal to the thickness of the sidewalls.
  2. Details are plotted by a plane, large sections of sandpaper are processed.
  3. At the edges are drilled thin holes: four in the end blanks and three in the side.
  4. Screws 40-50 mm long first fix the bottom and sides, then screw the end pieces.
  5. The collected floral container is ground with a fine sandpaper.
  6. The wooden box is impregnated with antiseptic from all sides, and outside is covered with stain, varnish or enamel.

The construction of a flower box from unnecessary pallets:
  1. The old stand is dismantled on the part - the slats are neatly tucked up by the nailer, the fastening elements are pulled out by the forceps.
  2. Severely damaged and rotten slats are rejected, usually 10-14 suitable planks are left.
  3. A sketch is drawn up indicating the dimensions of the future product.
  4.   cut to the required dimensions and sanded with an abrasive skin.
  5. The upper frame and the bottom base of the container are assembled.
  6. Two parts of the box are fastened with side panels on nails.
  7. Masked joints with decorative laths.
  8. They begin finishing with paint and varnish materials.

   The outer surface of the box can be decorated with wood spills, thick branches or thin plaques in the form of a fence. From the bottom of the container, the legs from the bars are nailed, necessary for ventilation and preservation of the tree in good condition. Flowers inside the box are placed in plastic pots or planted directly into it, before laying the film and making drainage holes.

Hand-made flower boxes become exclusive details of your garden or balcony. And material for homemade products can be anything: plastic bottles, wicker baskets, old utensils or unnecessary furniture.

To date, every gardener (amateur or professional) would like to turn his site into a real work of art. Fortunately, in the Russian market, there is everything necessary for this. Of course, no personal plot can not do without flowers. They fill the air with wonderful aromas, and beauty at the moment of flowering will please every household.

Boxes for flowers by own hands

But over time, the question arises where it is better to plant flowers. First, you need to determine the location of the flower bed. Secondly, the right choice boxes for flowers. It is best if they can be made with their own hands, since not always purchased boxes fit in shape, size, shape.

For example, on the site, the entire territory is occupied by plantings, or buildings, and so you want to build another flower garden. To do this, you can build a conventional flower pot, which does not require a lot of money, and does not take a lot of time to make.

  1. It is necessary to take a regular board, and cut into such fragments, depending on how high the tub is. Then connect them together with screws or nails.
  2. After that, you need to take plywood and measure the bottom, cut and also attach to the tub. For reliable and long-term use, it is recommended to tie it with a rope and smudge with acrylic lacquer.
  3. Also, for convenient movement of the flower garden to another place, you can fix the handles on each side. The tub is ready.

The advantage of such boxes for flowers  is that during the transplant the plants will not perish in the sun, as the tub can be transferred to the shade; those plants that have faded to drag into the backyard, and blossoming to move to the fore.

Living hedge from boxes with flowers

On large household plotsvery beautiful will look like a hedge. It is necessary to build such a number of tubs, which will correspond to the length of the fence, and, having arranged them in a row, will be planted with magnificent plants of the same type.

Boxes with flowers for the kitchen

You can also build a shelf for greenery, which will take pride of place in the kitchen. Subsequently, it easily changes to a shelf for indoor flowers. For manufacturing, you will need boards, screws, nails, glue. First you need to make usual long box for flowers,without the top. Then take a board and cut three holes in it (for pots), and fix it to the already made box so that the pots themselves are hidden inside the box. From the outside, cover the box with a mixture of varnish and varnish on an oil base on three layers.

Such boxes are good in that they can be taken to fresh air or to the sun if necessary, if there is not enough sunlight in the house, which is simply necessary for greenery. In the future, pots from the box can be reached and transplanted into them with flowers.

Boxes with flowers for window sill

More and more often, for country houses, flower boxes for windows are designed. For windowsills that have a slope, it is best to make triangular slabs and fix them along the entire perimeter of the sill. The flower arrangement will look much better, and the box itself will safely stand in its place.

If the window design does not have a window sill, boxes are suspended using conventional hooksor metal brackets. They are sold in any building supermarket. It is necessary to fill the boxes with earth and plant the plants. The soil should be covered by 2/3, because during the rain it is washed out, and reveals the roots of flowers. Usually such pots put plants in the foreground, which will later cover the box itself. And the second row is filled with lush and small flowers. The more compactly planted plants, the more beautiful the composition will look during flowering.

Boxes for flowers: photo

Of course, all these designs will perfectly fit into the interior of any infield. According to their characteristics, they have additional advantages:

Based on the dimensions, boxes for flowers  do not require much soil. If space is limited, the boxes are perfectly placed near the house.

From boxes, tubs and pots, you can build any composition, depending on your mood or wishes.

No additional care is required. You do not need to weed, loosen the ground, and to process the flower from dry leaves will be much easier, since you do not have to bend low.

You can make a mixture of peat, sand, claydite and fall asleep in boxes, while on ordinary ground to pick the right concentrate for different types of flowers is very difficult.

Flower compositions can be reliably protected from pests and diseases

If the garden has a variety of items, such as a hatch from the sewer, it can easily be disguised with a tub or flower box.

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