Macros for class - shaman. Macros for class - shaman Profession bonuses

Ready macros for Shaman

Multi totem

/castsequence reset=4 Windfury Totem, Mana Spring Totem, Earthmight Totem, Magma Totem

With one button, we put four totems at once.

Totems for protection

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Healing Stream Totem, Stoneskin Totem, Nature Protection Totem, Frost Protection Totem

This macro puts only protection totems and only in battle mode.

Totems in case of attack

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Earthstrength Totem, Frost Protection Totem, Fire Protection Totem, Windfury Totem

Everything is the same only for the attack.

Totems in case of escape

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Earthbind Totem, Magma Totem

The macro places totems that slow down the enemy and allow you to escape.

Removal of poisons and diseases

/cast Eliminate poison;
/cast Cure disease;
/cast Remove Poison
/cast Cure Disease

Just press - remove poison, press with shift - cure the disease, if an enemy is selected or no one is selected, then the first 2 points apply to yourself. Very handy in PvP, and helps in PvE.

Shields on one button

/cast Earth Shield(Level 3); Earth Shield(Tier 3); water shield

On one button, the main shields for the restaurant shaman.

Works like this:
1 - Just click on the button - water shield on yourself;
2 - Click on the button with a shift + choose yourself or the enemy - an earthen shield on yourself;
3 - Click on the button with a shift + a friendly player is selected, an earthen shield on him.

Damage or Heal with one button

/cast Lightning; wave of healing

With this macro, you can't go wrong with the target. If you have an ally target in your target, healing will be applied, if an enemy is in target, damage will be dealt. Very handy in PvP.

Handy Shields

/cast xxx; xxx;

This is not quite a ready-made macro. In place of "xxx" you need to indicate the most commonly used shields. Now hold Shift, press the macro and you will get the first shield. Without holding Shift, you will get a second shield.

Start attack for Enhancement Shaman

/cast Stormstrike

Even if Stormstrike is on cooldown, you will still attack. Instead of this ability, you can add the one with which you usually start an attack.

Two Purifications in One Macro

/cast Cleansing
/cast Purify the Spirit

Allows you to remove useful spells from enemies and harmful spells from allies. Useful in PvP, especially in mass-PvP, where the devil will break his leg, trying to figure out who is your friend, who is someone else's.

Instant Lightning

/cast Natural Swiftness
/cast Chain Lightning

The macro provides an instant cast of Chain Lightning. By analogy, any other important spell can be substituted for Chain Lightning.

piercing wind by focus

/cast Slicing Wind; Piercing wind

By clicking on your windshield bind (let's say the E button), you will launch it at the target; holding Shift (Shift + E) it will fly into focus.

Nature's Swiftness + Healing Wave

/cast Tidal Force
/cast Natural Swiftness
/cast Hex; wave of healing

Bread and salt for any resto-shaman (unfortunately), in fact, it is very strange if you did not already have this macro (or at least some similarity) before reading the article. It's just that if you took an ally as a target, then you heal him, if the enemy became the target, then jinx him. You can put any instant heal in place of the Healing Wave.

Dispel Magic / Purify Spirit / Dispel Magic by Focus

/cast Purification of the spirit; Dispel magic; Dispel Magic

A very useful macro for releasing free binds and quickly dispelling all types available to the shaman. If you press your bind on this macro (for example, Q), when the enemy player is in the target, a purge will pass through him, if the ally is in the target, the removal of poisons / diseases / curses; if the bind is used with the shift key pressed (shift+Q), the purge will pass through the focus.

Avoiding death

/use Fel Health Stone
/cast Riptide
/use Warlord's Devastation

Everything is simple and obvious, practically necessary for all classes, not only shamans. You have little HP left, press the macro and increase your survivability.

I bring to your attention a list of macros that are useful for a resto-shaman in the arena, and are currently relevant (patch 3.3x).

For better perception, let's enter a color code: conditions will be highlighted in orange, useful spells in green, harmful spells in red, and modifiers in purple. Conditions are usually what your goal will be; for example, "Focus", "Help (ally)", "Harm (enemy)", "PartyX (party member)". Useful spells will be used when you have an allied target in your target, and harmful ones - when an enemy one. From the clamped modifiers (alt, shift, ctrl) the effect registered in the macro will also change. Yes, at first it looks a little complicated and incomprehensible, but over time it will bring a lot of benefits: you will become faster, free up space for binds, and life in the arena will be much easier.

  • Wind shir = Wind Shear = Slicing wind;
  • NS = NS = Nature "s Swiftness = Natural swiftness;
  • HB = HW = Healing Wave = Healing Wave;
  • Hex = Hex = Evil eye;
  • TF = TF = Tidal Force = Tidal force;
  • Purge = Purge = Dispel Magic;
  • Cleanse spirit = Cleanse spirit;
Wind-width by focus

/cast Slicing Wind; Piercing wind

By clicking on your windshield bind (let's say the E button), you will launch it at the target; holding Shift (Shift + E) it will fly into focus.

NS + XV or Hex

#show Natural swiftness
/cast Tidal Force
/cast Natural Swiftness
/cast Hex ; wave of healing

Bread and salt for any resto-shaman (unfortunately), in fact, it is very strange if you did not already have this macro (or at least some similarity) before reading the article. In a specific example, Hex (can be replaced by any offensive spell) and instant heal are combined. If a partner is taken as a target, he will be healed, if an opponent, you jinx him.

Purge / Purify the Spirit / Purge by focus

/cast Purification of the Spirit ; Dispel Magic; Dispel Magic

A very useful macro for releasing free binds and quickly dispelling all types available to the shaman. If you press your bind on this macro (for example, Q), when the enemy player is in the target, a purge will pass through him, if the ally is in the target, the removal of poisons / diseases / curses; if the bind is used with the shift key pressed (shift+Q), the purge will pass through the focus.

Hex on target/focus

/cast Hex ; Evil eye

If you press the Hex bind (Let's say R) when there is an enemy in the target - you won't believe it, the enemy will turn into a frog. If the bind is used while holding down the shift (shift + R), the frog will already be your focus. Pretty good trick: it's not always clear who you're going to hex now, which means that a horn can inadvertently be forced to press KoSh, DK - AMSh, etc.

Hex / Healing Wave

/cast Wave of Healing; Evil eye

Another macro, great for releasing binds. Instead of the spells shown in the example, almost any combination can be used. If you press the XB bind (for example, R), when an ally is in the target, heal him; if with the alt pressed (alt + R) - heal yourself. If the same bind is used when the enemy is in the target, he will be in Hex, and if with the shift held down, the focus target will turn into a frog.

Here are more examples of similar use of macros of this kind:

/cast Chain Lightning ; earthen shield

/cast Gift of the Naaru(Racial) ; fire shock

/cast Lesser Healing Wave; lava burst


/use Fel Health Stone
/cast Riptide
/use Warlord's Devastation

Pretty obvious thing, a must for every shaman resto. If you get hit hard, pressing this button will extend your life for a short period of time. You can use your own combination of items and trinkets (first line - consumable items, second line - spells, third - usable trinkets); and if the blizzes suddenly have a brain enlightenment, perhaps it will be possible to shove the shamanic analogue of Pain Suppression here too.

Change weapon buffs.

/cast Flametongue Weapon
/cast Earth Life Weapon

A very simple macro that you are unlikely to bind, but again, it saves a bit of free space. A simple press of the bind will hang on your weapon the effect of Earthliving Weapon (Weapon of the life of the earth), with the alt held down - Flametongue Weapon (Weapon of the flame tongue).

If it seems to you that some macros have been overlooked, if you have something to add - feel free to write them here.

Hello friends, today we will look at the PVP guide for shaman 3.3.5, the Elements branch sparkled with new colors in season 8, when access to the CLC was opened and a new coolest item appeared. For a burst shaman, he could take down targets of the order of 17-25k hp (if you are lucky with crits), and this is quite fatal for many classes that have a weak defense.

What can be distinguished from the pros for playing elem:

  • Has a fairly strong burst;
  • Good heal;
  • The presence of totems that improve characteristics well, have anti-fire and you can catch spells;
  • Good mana regen (thunder and lightning, mana shield and totem on mp);
  • Slicing Wind (disrupts cast) has the lowest CD in the game.

Cons of playing for this spec:

  • Lack of magic dispel.

For the alliance, the only one we can choose from is the draenei. +1% to accuracy, as well as a small self-heal.

For a horde, you can pick a tauren, a short mass stun and + 5% to stamina, a pretty good bonus.

You can also take an orc, which has -15% to the action of stuns and a burst ability that adds SPD.

There are also trolls, who also have an interesting ability that speeds up the speed of casting spells, as well as a minus to the effect of slowing effects.

Here is the most common build for an elemental shaman on lx:

Character selection

Here are the three main big symbols for shama:

  • Glyph of Thunder - Reduces the CD of your Thunder and Lightning ability by 10 seconds.
  • Glyph of Lava - Increases the Spd of Lava Burst by 10% of your total spell power.
  • Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem - Stoneclaw Totem grants you an additional shield (4200 damage).

Small characters:

  • "Glyph of Underwater Breathing" - does not require reagents for this spell.
  • "Glyph of the Ghostly Wolf" - additionally restores 1% of total HP.
  • Glyph of Water Walking - Does not require any reagents for this spell.

Accuracy is one of the most important stats, we collect 5% (4% per draenei);

Speed ​​(hast) - 300 units of speed in mp5 gear and 500-600 units in crit gear;

Crit - 30% in mp5 gear and 35-38% in crit gear;

SPD - the more the better. Starting at +2.9k spd without buff from totems and enchantments on weapons;

Spelpenetration (Spell Penetration) - 130 units.

Resilience – Minimum 1100 resilience.


We will insert stones based on the calculation of our caps of characteristics. If you don't have enough speed, then get speed, penetra, then get penetra, etc.

But in the meta slot, we will throw a pebble at +21 to crit and + 3% to critical damage.


Head - +29 Spell Power and +20 Resilience

Shoulders - +23 Spell Power and +15 Resilience

Cloak - +35 penetre;

Breast - +20 to resilience;

Wrists - +30 spell power;

Hands - +28 spell power;

Belt - belt buckle, additional socket slot;

Pants - +55 spell power and + 30 stamina;

Booths - +15 stamina and a slight increase in running speed;

Weapon - +63 spell power


The most profitable professions are the blacksmith and the jeweler, as these are 2 additional sockets and 3 reinforced stones.

Stop casting and use spell interrupt:

/cast Slicing Wind

Focus cast interrupts:

#showtooltip Slicing Wind
/cast Slicing Wind

Stop casting and use focus frog:

#showtooltip Evil eye
/cast Hex

Or like this, with the shift pressed, the cast goes into focus, and without it into your target:

#showtooltip Evil eye
/cast Hex
/cast Hex

Stop casting and place a grounding totem:

/cast grounding totem

The best setups for elem shaman in lich king


Elem + Dlok - unrealistic burst, especially under BL (fornication last, heroism), control (frog, fir, succubus, casting down from shama), purge and heal from shaman.

Elem + ShP - good control, double heal, double purge, poison and magic dispel.

Elem + DC - here we need to put on a gear in MP5, the priest will additionally assist in damage, and not just heal. Good heal, burst, poison dispel and double purge.

Elem + Frost or Fire Mage - also a pretty good setup, heal, burst (with fire the burst will be tougher, but less survivability), control, purge.

Elem + Khpal - a good setup, though less control, but here we have a stun from a paladin.

Elem + Bmhant - burst setup, here you have to take down any target per cd of your main spells, otherwise you will get drained.


Elem + Dlock, or Aflik + DC (Rdruid, hpal) - a lot of control, good burst and excellent purge, as well as dispel (If you play with DC and hpal).

Elem + Fire / Frost Mage + DC - everything is the same as in the deuce, only the presence of a double purge, huge control, double heal and dispel.

Elem + ShP + Khpal - the game is designed for protracted battles and drawdown of opponents in terms of mana, they also have good control (fir, fat, interrupt spells, stun from falling and a frog).

Elem + Avar + DC - double purge, mortal, good burst and good control (fir from var, fir from priest, frog, interrupt spells).

I will write down several cycles of damage for Shama:

The wildest burst: under trinek procs, you can give hellish damage. If a fiery shock is already hanging on the target, then we use “Lava Burst” - “Conquest of the Elements” - “Lightning” - “Chain Lightning” and close the whole thing with frost shock. With luck after this combo, you can take damage for 17-25k hp;

The usual burst - "Fiery Shock" - "Lava Burst" - "Chain Lightning" - "Shock", can easily give out 12-15k hp.

Don't forget the totems:

  • Watch out for tremors when you play against Priests and Locks;
  • Try to put grounding on cd or under unpleasant spells (stun, coil, etc.);
  • If you took a large raid from totems, then do not forget to rearrange them.

How to dress the starter element on 3.3.5

PVP Addons

I think we've covered all the basic PvP points of el shaman. If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments. Have a good game in the arena and bg!

Shaman Enhance PvP Guide 3.3.5 - A Complete Guide to Playing Enhance

1. Totems in case of protection

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Healing Stream Totem, Stoneskin Totem, Nature Protection Totem, Frost Protection Totem

Macro for more survivability, install defensive totems in combat mode

2. Totems in case of attack

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Earthstrength Totem, Frost Protection Totem, Fire Protection Totem, Windfury Totem

An analogue of the previous macro, everything is the same, only for the attack.

3. Totems in case of flight

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Earthbind Totem, Magma Totem

Plant totems that slow down the enemy, allowing you to escape.

4. Cleansing from diseases and poisons

/cast Eliminate poison;
/cast Cure disease;
/cast Remove Poison
/cast Cure Disease

Just a click - Removal of poison
Click+Shift - Cure Disease
If the target is an enemy or no one, then the macro will apply Poison Removal and Cure Disease to itself.

5. Shields on one button

/cast Earth Shield(Level 3); Earth Shield(Tier 3); water shield

On one button, the main shields for the restaurant shaman.

Works like this:
1 - Just click on the button - water shield on yourself;
2 - Click on the button with a shift + choose yourself or the enemy - an earthen shield on yourself;
3 - Click on the button with a shift + a friendly player is selected, an earthen shield on him.

6. Damage or heal on one button

/cast Lightning; wave of healing

If an enemy is targeted, it casts Lightning, if an ally it casts Healing Wave.

7. Convenient shields

/cast xxx; xxx;

This is not quite a ready-made macro. In place of "xxx" you need to indicate the most commonly used shields. Now hold Shift, press the macro and you will get the first shield. Without holding Shift, you will get a second shield.

8. Start an attack for an enchant shaman

/cast Stormstrike

Even if Stormstrike is on cooldown, you will still attack. Instead of this ability, you can add the one with which you usually start an attack.

9. Two Cleansings in One Macro

/cast Cleansing
/cast Purify the Spirit

If there is an enemy in the target, it will remove useful spells from it, if it is an ally, then harmful spells.

10. Instant Lightning

/cast Natural Swiftness
/cast Chain Lightning

Uses natural swiftness and an instant cast of Chain Lightning.
You can replace to your liking, substituting the spell you need.

11. Sharp wind by focus

/cast Slicing Wind; Piercing wind

By clicking on your windshield bind (let's say the E button), you will launch it at the target; holding Shift (Shift + E) it will fly into focus.

12. Nature's Swiftness + Healing Wave

/cast Tidal Force
/cast Natural Swiftness
/cast Hex; wave of healing

An incredibly important macro for heal shamans, if you didn’t have this macro (or at least some similarity) before reading the article, then be sure to install it. If you took an ally as a target, then you will heal him, if the enemy became the target, then jinx him. You can put any instant heal in place of the Healing Wave

12. Dispel Magic / Purify Spirit / Dispel Magic by Focus

/cast Purification of the spirit; Dispel magic; Dispel Magic

A very useful macro for releasing free binds and quickly dispelling all types available to the shaman. If you press your bind on this macro (for example, Q), when the enemy player is in the target, a purge will pass through him, if the ally is in the target, the removal of poisons / diseases / curses; if the bind is used with the shift key pressed (shift+Q), the purge will pass through the focus.

13. Avoiding death

/use Fel Health Stone

/cast Riptide
/use Warlord's Devastation

Everything is simple and obvious, practically necessary for all classes, not only shamans. You have little HP left, press the macro and increase your survivability.

Good afternoon friends, today we will consider PVP guide for enchant shaman 3.3.5, as this is quite an interesting class where you can get a good boost in the arena, show your skill or just take a break from other classes.

Pros for Enhancement spec:

  • Call of the wolves;
  • Instant heal;
  • Frequent interruption of the cast;
  • Totems.

Spec cons:

  • No mortal (-50% to heal);
  • There are no burst abilities like the wings of a fallen or bsh warrior.

For the alliance, the only one we can choose from is the draenei. +1% to accuracy, as well as a small self-heal.

For the horde, you can pick an orc, which has -15% to the action of stuns and a burst ability that adds ap.

You can also take a tauren, a short mass stun and + 5% to stamina, a pretty good bonus.

Enhance has several builds for different playstyles, in the first one you will give out maximum DPS, and in the second you will be more support, although in the first you are also needed as a support.

First build for max DD:

Second build for support:

Character selection

Now let's move on to choosing characters:

The stoneclaw totem glyph is the standard glyph and is mandatory.

Glyph of the spirit of the wild wolf - also a mandatory symbol.

And here are the situational symbols:

Symbol of a big wave of healing - we take it when a big assist is required of us.

Windfury weapon - we put it at the moment where we need to give out the maximum dps.

You can also consider a glyph of shock if you have very little haste and the Echo talent is maxed out.

Small symbols

"Glyph of Underwater Breathing" - does not require reagents for this spell.

"Glyph of the Ghostly Wolf" - additionally restores 1% of total HP.

Glyph of Water Walking - Does not require any reagents for this spell.

Accuracy is one of the most important stats, we collect 5% (4% per draenei);

Spell Penetration (or penetra) - we collect 130 units.

Haste (hast) – stat cap is 328.

ARP is a rather controversial stat for an enchant, since it doesn't add much dps to you. It doesn't need to be set.

Resilience - from 1100 to 1400 res, depending on the choice of setup.


Hands - we put a cup on 44 to the attack power or a rocket from an inghy;

Head - 50 attack power, 20 res;

Shoulders - 40 attack power, 15 res;

Cloak - 35 to the penetra;

Chest - +20 Res;

Wrists - 50 attack power;

Belt - buckle for an additional socket;

Legs - 75 attack power and 20 crit;

Feet - 15 to stamina and an increase in running speed, otherwise you won’t catch up with anyone =);

Shield - 12 to resilience;

One-handed - "Berserk" (battle frenzy) on OH and Black Magic on MX.

We insert sockets depending on our characteristics, after you get all the most important caps, and we will finish the rest with agility.

We set the meta socket to +21 agility and +3% to critical damage, why do we put agila and not crit? Because the difference in the increase in crit is minimal, but with agila we will get a small % to evasion, and this will be more profitable.


The most profitable professions are the blacksmith and the jeweler, as these are 2 additional sockets and 3 reinforced stones. You can also take inzhu + tailor, as they will give a rocket and a proc from a cloak.

Saving binds, interrupts the cast and gives Piercing Wind on the target, if you press with shift or alt, it will give out the corresponding spells.

/cast Slicing Wind
/cast Shaman's Fury
/cast Ring of Fire(Rank 9)

Focus cast interrupts:

#showtooltip Slicing Wind
/cast Slicing Wind

Stop casting and use focus frog:

#showtooltip Evil eye
/cast Hex

Or like this, with the shift pressed, the cast goes into focus, and without it into your target:

#showtooltip Evil eye
/cast Hex
/cast Hex

Stop casting and place a grounding totem:

/cast grounding totem

The best setups for an enchant shaman in lich king


Enkh + BM - it all comes down to tunneling one target, you have to merge it for all cd.

Enkh + Horns - the same as in the first version.

Enkh + DC - double purge, dispel of all kinds, support control and mana burn.

Ehn + Khpal - everything is the same as with dts, only there is no fear, a burn and a blizzard fell from it. But there is a camp.

Enkh + Frost - it all comes down to tunneling one target, you have to merge it for all cd.

Enkh + Arms - same as in other setups with two damage dealers.

Enkh + Retrik - same as in other setups with two damage dealers.


Ehn+Arms+Hpal or Rdru – max damage and purge makes this setup very strong.

Enkh + BM + Khpal - your opponents will not be able to resist your Burst with BM.

Enkh + Horns + DC - double purge, control, dispel of all directions.

Enkh + Retrik + DC - everything is the same as with the rogue, only more saves fell from the fall, but less control.

Tremor Totem Positioning:

We must use the addon in order to see the life of the totem.

If we are playing against priests at the pillars, then the location of the totems will look like this:

Where the blue star is our totem, the gray circle is the priest, and the blue one is us, the arrow shows our direction.

If the priest wants to destroy our totem, we must move our tremor to another place and tunnel the priest again.

So we repeat until the moment when one of you merges.

Do not forget about knocking down casts, try to save yourself and your teammates as often as possible.

Also, do not forget about grounding, it can also save you in difficult situations.

pvp addons for shama

I think we've covered all the main PvP points of the enchant shaman. If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments. Have a good game in the arena and bg!

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