Topographic Maps of Russia, Maps for GPS Navigators. Topographic Maps of Russia, Maps for GPS Navigators

As you know, on the maps there is such a thing as scale. Travel maps are created so that travelers can then simply navigate the terrain and go to the desired point, according to a pre-approved route. Much more accurate maps are used by the military. When conducting combat operations, every, even the smallest detail is important. After all, it can play a decisive role in saving human lives and achieving victories in the theater of operations. Legendary maps of the General Staff 500 meters are now available to everyone. Information on them for a long time was strictly classified. Now their use is allowed at the legislative level. The latest samples of maps in 1:500 and 1:250 scales are available to all our customers without exception. We have absolutely all the sheets that are digitized and linked to electronic maps for navigators.

What are the benefits of such cards

They show everything down to the smallest detail. You will know about the type of forest, tree heights, presence of fords, bridges, wells with drinking water, height of the terrain, etc. In general, it will be possible to obtain almost any information. A scale of 1 centimeter - 500 meters guarantees a high degree of detail, which will allow you to accurately enter any object.

To order, it will be enough to name the region of the Russian Federation that is needed. There is no need to study prefabricated sheets and delve into the intricacies of the coordinate cartographic grid. Using these cards is very simple, because their designations are intuitive and known to each of us since childhood.

How much does it cost

General staff maps can be downloaded for free, but the quality is usually very poor. Also, not all sheets may be available, and usually the most interesting areas are missing. In order not to deprive yourself, use the services of our store. It will be possible to download the map of the General Staff only after the payment procedure.

Raster topographic maps of the General Staff and the State GisCentre of the Russian Federation are freely available on our server. The volume of maps is about 200 GB. Raster maps, scan format - gif or png. All maps are linked to the OziExplorer program.
Map coverage: - The General Staff - the whole world, GosGisCenter - mainly Russia.
The scales of the available topographic maps in 1 cm are 1,000,000, 500,000, 200,000, 100,000.
The search for the desired map is carried out on the interactive satellite map Google Maps. Just select the area you are interested in and click on it with the mouse - a pop-up window will display information about the nomenclature of maps for the selected area, as well as a link to view and download maps and bindings for Ozi available on the server.

Search for interesting places on the satellite map. We add our points to the map.

Our site is a project to create a database of all interesting places in Russia marked on satellite maps. You can add any interesting points to our site, as well as comment on existing ones.

You can search in any region of Russia, district. Points are displayed on satellite maps, each point has a name and description added by our visitors. You can add your comments, photos to each point.

To add an interesting place or point to our database, select a category, follow the link "Add point" - a page will open with a satellite map and a marker placed in the area you have chosen. Move the marker to the desired location with the mouse. Add a name for your point, a description of the place. Click on the add button and your point will be added to the database

Search for coins and treasures

Points for those who are interested in finding coins and treasures with a metal detector.
In this section, we note the places where they were looking for coins - old, abandoned villages, venues for fairs ... We also add here the places where, according to legend, the treasures of Kolchak, Stenka Razin, the gold of Napoleon and Yermak were supposedly hidden.

Anomalous zones

In this section, you will find places that are considered "weird", i.e. abnormal. This is the well-known anomalous zone Molebka, and other points on the map of Russia, where UFOs, Bigfoot, or other inexplicable phenomena occur most often.
Also in this section you can see satellite images of places where mysterious, inexplicable events took place, for example, the Dyatlov Pass.

Historical places

Section for lovers and connoisseurs of Russian history.
We look for and mark on the satellite map the places where significant historical events took place - these can be battles from different wars, and events from the recent past of Russia.
Coordinates of monuments of history, architecture, archeology - also search and place in this section.

Hunting and fishing

Section of useful information for fishermen and hunters.
Love to hunt and fish - mark your favorite places where you hunt or fish - add in the comments what kind of fish or game is found in this place.
You can also find and add information about the location of hunting grounds, reserves, private ponds.

Tourism and rest

Section of the site for lovers of outdoor activities.
Points for tourists - natural monuments, landscape monuments and reserves. Points of tourist routes and mountain climbing. For lovers of rafting on the rivers - parking lots, names of stones, tributaries, islands. Discussions, comments and questions for each marked point.

Meteorites and craters

Site section for meteorite hunters.
Dots indicating the places where meteorites fell. The section indicates the points of impact of meteorites, the location of meteorites, as well as the places of formation of meteorite craters on the territory of Russia. For meteorites, their type, weight, description of the fall or circumstances of finding the meteorite (in the event that it was found) is given.

Section with information about the location and coordinates of various interesting places in Russia.
Do you know any interesting place? See if it's already in our database and you can read the comments of people who have already been there. Or add a new place, describe it and provide an opportunity to learn about it to all site visitors.

I’ll say right away that for those who want a lot of strange things, they can google the “Textbook on military topography” and study. He himself studied at the university. There is a ton of old and useless stuff for tourists.

What will be in this article:

So, what is useful to know about GSh cards and comes in handy in practice.

To begin with, a little repetition of what was in previous articles.

Here's what it looks like:

File extension .gif- just a picture. How you can have sex with her separately is described in paragraph 2. A file with the extension .map- the file that the Ozi Explorer program will open will find the path to the picture written in it (you downloaded both files in the same folder, right?) And show you a map on the monitor, and the program will understand that this is the map, each point corresponds to some geographic coordinates. (The same two files (picture and .map) for each map sheet will also be on decent distributions from torrents.)

Now everything is simple. "File Print". Specify what kind of scale you have, the paper format and its orientation, and that's it. The program also allows you to print not the entire sheet, but the selected fragment.

Also, scaled maps, like Ozi Explorer, can be printed by the Global Mapper program.

If you followed one of these points, except for 1a, then printing on A4 paper you will spend 6 sheets per card sheet, and on A3 paper 3 sheets. And most of the paper will go to the scraps. And then it will be necessary to glue the sheets from the printer into one sheet of the card. Weird, but fun. Without an A3 printer at home, I used Ozi Explorer to send a map to a virtual printer for printing, which gave birth to PDF files for me, which I already carried on a flash drive to the A3 print service near the metro.

Of course, you can print on a scale, but just take an image file with a map, print it using the usual Windows tools, or whatever you have there, on one sheet (well, at least A3, otherwise pornography will come out completely) and rejoice. True, then you will already have a map without a defined scale at all. It will definitely not work to measure distances on it, to calculate directions too. Only as an overview map will go.

At home, when planning a report on a computer, we are dealing with GS maps in electronic form, which is unnatural for them.

To work with maps on a computer SAS Planet, which I have already named, is best suited, you can also view them on the website or

From the screen of a mobile phone: LOCUS (it also has a package of maps from here, where there are GSh maps and many others, instructions for the application from me). To a Garmin travel navigator It is convenient to upload GSh maps using the same website (download the kmz file and put it in the Garmin — Custom maps folder on the device. Detailed instructions). Although I advise you to fill in the OSM maps in the navigator, and print the General Staff.

Why did I write the length and width of the map sheet in degrees?

The fact is that in practice you will get sheets where all the information outside the map frame has been cut off, including the inscription on the scale (there used to be a secrecy label that was removed, and a lot of information that interfered with the use maps in the electronic navigator). And the frame always remains (if the person who scanned the card is not a scoundrel), and by counting the width or length of the sheet in angular measures from it, you can determine the scale.

The frame is cool. The presence of a frame allows you to get geographical coordinates (yours or some other object) with a paper map in your hands, without a computer and a pocket GPS navigator. For what? The only situation that comes to my mind is a group of tourists who had an emergency, and they do not have a GPS navigator, but they have a map of the General Staff and the ability to contact rescuers. It usually happens that there is GPS, but there is no connection. In practice, I had to do the opposite, using the coordinates in the device, to poke a finger on a piece of paper to the place where we are (well, I didn’t have a map of the General Staff in the navigator in electronic form!). In one of the previous articles, I already talked a little, gave this example.

That very rare moment when the coordinate format “degrees, minutes, seconds” comes in handy. (On other coordinate formats and which one is better to use, read)

Having received the coordinates of your location (using a GPS receiver or by astronomical observations), you can find this place on a map with a coordinate grid.

For example. Our coordinates are 55°41’10”C 36°3’50”E. Where are we on the map?

Each corner of the map grid contains the coordinates of that corner. Alternating black and white stripes represent minutes of latitude or longitude. Dots next to the bars separate tens of seconds.

Let's find the latitude first. The latitude of the lower edge of the sheet is 55 ° 40’00”, put one more strip up. We will have 41 ', and we reach the nearest point - this is another 10 ”. I put a line in there.

We perform a similar operation to find the longitude. Only from the corner of the map will we move to the right. The coordinates of the left side of the sheet are 36 ° 00’00”, we lack 3’50” to the required 36 ° 3’50” - these are three stripes and five points. I put a line in there.

At the intersection of the rulers there will be a turn in the road, which I circled in yellow.

Having determined your location on the ground and found it on the map, you can reverse the operation by finding your coordinates. It is only necessary to draw perpendiculars to the vertical and horizontal borders of the map, and then count the required number of stripes and dots from the corners of the map. The resulting coordinates .. well ... uh ... dictate to the rescuers, I guess.

Rectangular (kilometer) coordinate grid and Flat rectangular coordinates

Each textbook, presentation of tourist clubs and gurus in cartography considers it his duty to tell about it, to spend the darkness of his own and others' time. And only in the textbook on military topography of 1977 it is said that this garbage is used for target designation to artillerymen. Well, it's easier for them. The question is, why the hell torturing your head with unnecessary information when the whole world and all other maps use a geographic coordinate system? Why this system for tourists?

Yes, it gives us a coordinate grid with which we determine the scale of the map, if it is not specified anywhere else!

Look at the numbers I circled in red. This is the number of kilometers from ... Narnia / the country of elves / the tail of the World Serpent, it doesn’t matter where it comes from, it doesn’t change the essence, no one has been interested in their absolute value for a long time. Who cares

We are interested in the difference between them. As you can see, it is 1 km. Above, I wrote that the coordinate grid on the maps goes through 2 cm. Divide 1 km by 2, it turns out 500 meters in 1 cm! This means that this is a fragment of the “five hundred meters” map (1:50,000).

Sometimes, for convenience, these numbers are placed in the middle of the map and written near the stripes of the grid. This allows us to determine the scale of the map even if the map border is clipped.

Symbols on topographic maps

Common designations. Nothing complicated, but you need to watch a couple of times. Here are a lot of pictures for you:

Original name: SAS.Planet + New General Staff (GHC maps)
Year of issue: 2013
Genre: GIS
Developer: SAS Group, State GisCentre, "new general staff"
Version: 06.2013
Language: Russian

About the program: SAS.Planet / SAS.Planet / SASPlanet is a free program designed to view and download high-resolution satellite images and regular maps provided by such services as Google Earth, Google Maps, Bing Maps, DigitalGlobe, Kosmosnimki, Yandex.maps, Yahoo! Maps, VirtualEarth, Gurtam, OpenStreetMap, eAtlas, iPhone maps, maps of the General Staff, etc., but, unlike these services, all the maps you download will remain on your computer, and you can view them even without an Internet connection. In addition to satellite maps, it is possible to work with political, landscape, combined maps, as well as a map of the Moon and Mars.

Cards are dealt in the following scales:
layer z13 - 1:200000, 2 km in 1 cm
layer z14 - 1:100000, 1 km in 1 cm
layer z15 - 1: 50000, 500 m in 1 cm
layer z16 - 250m the GHz card is loaded from the network as needed, it is not in the distribution yet due to the large volume.
NB: layer numbers and folder names differ by one. The z15 layer corresponds to the z14 folder.
- With this use of scales, when you zoom in / out with the mouse wheel, you will see a map of a different scale, and not the result of zooming in / out.
- This set of maps is great for both general familiarity with the area, and for more detailed route planning, without switching between different map services.
Coverage area:
- The screenshots indicate the presence of source maps. In the distributed cache, in the absence of a map section, it was formed from a map of a more detailed scale.
Scale coverage:
In the distributed cache, in the absence of a map section, it was formed from a map of a more detailed scale!
Pictures are clickable.
The missing areas are shaded dark:
2 km in 1 cm:

1 km to 1 cm:

500 m in 1 cm:

The cache format is BerkeleyDB, i.e. Tiles are stored in several larger files, which avoids the time consuming decompression and copying of millions of tiles.
- You can download both the entire cache (folder! N36_38_O36_38) and the desired square.

Click to close spoiler: Composition


1. Place the genshtab_new.zmp folder in sas.planet sas.mapsGenshtab
2. Put the genshab_new folder in sas.planetcache_db
3. Restart SAS.Planet
4. Select the map General Staff -> New General Staff (GHZ)
Opening the map may take 10-15 seconds, don't worry.
1. Download and install the SAS.Planet program.
2. Download from this distribution the genshtab_new.zmp folder and the folders of the squares you need or the folder with the entire cache - N36_38_O36_38
3. After installing SAS.Planet on your computer, the first thing you need is a description of our layer so that it appears in the "Maps" menu. The description is contained in the genshtab_new.zmp folder. Copy this folder to the SAS.PlanetMapssas.mapsGenshtab folder (assuming SAS.Planet is the folder where you installed SAS.Planet). After copying genshtab_new.zmp, you need to restart the program.
4. Archives with the map cache must be unpacked to the SAS.Planetcache_dbgenshtab_new folder. For example, a scale coverage of 15 (500 meters) should be in the SAS.Planetcachepenzasatz14 folder, the rest by analogy.
5. Restart SAS.Planet
6. Opening the map may take 10-15 seconds, don't worry.

Click to close spoiler: Installation

Minimum system requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
CPU: Pentium 4 2 GHz
Memory: 512 MB
Video card: 128 MB
Free space on the railway: 46.46 GB

Dear visitor!

Your attention is presented to the System for searching maps in the archive of topographic maps of Russia. For your convenience, a map search system has been implemented on a satellite map, by the name of settlements, rivers, as well as by the coordinates of points, or with the help of Google Maps. The site contains topographic maps of the General Staff, maps for Garmin GPS navigators, topographic maps of the State GisCentre.
Maps for GPS navigators - in jnx, map, img formats

Custom JNX Card Making

We will make for you maps in JNX format of any region (subject to the availability of maps on our server - from the General Staff maps, from the new GHC topographic maps from the site Contact [email protected].

We help beginners: Dear visitors! Please, add places of interest known to you for maps through the link " add to map description", which is on the page of each map.

Maps Navitel Navigator

Maps Navitel Navigator for car GPS navigators, smartphones and tablet computers. The most detailed maps of Russia, Europe, Latin America. A huge number of POIs, the latest information about the country's road network and a convenient address search.

Three-dimensional maps, interactive services - traffic jams, exchange of coordinates, information about accidents, warnings about surveillance cameras and speed limits - all these are maps from Navitel.

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