How to flash nokia phone at home. Refracting the phone for dummies. We flash, update and tunify the smartphone without leaving Android

Many of us a year after purchasing a mobile device, and maybe earlier, think about what you want a new model with great opportunities in the functionality. It becomes a shame: it seems to be not a single scratch on your device, and a little time has passed, and today Android is not the last in it, and there is already a new OS in the devices. But these are the pace of technical progress, and it is unlikely possible to keep up with them, and irrational.

You can take a reliable apparatus in a good configuration and simply update Android in it. Now in many models there is a function of auto-update, the so-called "by air". True, it is noticed by many that it does not always work adequately. It happens, in the settings of the device they write that it is worth the latest version of the OS, and on the sites we all discuss operating systems on a couple of versions of the newer. So now I want to show several options how to reflash Android yourself.

How to reflash android: video

OS update through the manufacturer

First you need to learn the firmware on Android. You can do this in the device through the settings: go to "about the phone" (or "on the tablet", depending on what you have), then select "information about software", where the Android version will be specified.

So, a brief instruction on the Android firmware using the program from the manufacturer. This method is official, the warranty is not lost with it, only the official firmware Android is installed, but in the future, if you suddenly contact the warranty, mention that you are updated through the program from the manufacturer. I will say that each brand has its own utility, and it is impossible to give a description for all. The update for LG will be demonstrated for all, since at the time of writing the article in my hands the device of this particular company. For all the rest of the firmware principle, the difference is only in The program interface itself, and from the user generally not much required.

In my case, LG MOBILE SUPPORT TOOL showed that the latest version of software is worth. On this device there is Android 4.4.2, but I know that there is also 5.0 LOllipoP. In such a situation, we will use the second option: I will tell you how to flash android without a computer by installing alternative versions of Android firmware.

Installation of alternative firmware

In this version, the user will have to flash Android himself, and it will be necessary to actively participate in the process. To begin with, the installation of custom RecVery, perhaps someone is already there, and for the rest I will show how you can put this program (on the example of my device).

Getting ROT Right

To begin with, you need a rooftop right. They can be put like this:

How to get root rights: video

Installation RecOvery.

Now put Récovery CWM:

  1. In my case, you need to download Freegee FREE ** ROOT REQUIRD **.
  2. Run and select BAckup EFS.
  3. Tap on CWM- and agree, then select Mako Unlock for downloading hacked bootloader, as well as recovery.

    How to flash android tablet via computer: video

Android is an open source system, so developers can modify it freely, add new features and create their own operating system images for phones and tablets. Some of these firmware are enormous and even becomes the basis for successful commercial projects. We acquainted you with some of them in this, as well as. And now we want to discuss with you the reasons that can convince you to risk and installing a body firmware in your Android.

Getting the latest version of Android

It's no secret that many manufacturers even expensive devices do not bother themselves supporting their products. It is worth selling them your product, how they immediately forget about the need to produce new version of firmware for them. As a result, it turns out that you do not have the opportunity to upgrade to the new version of Android, even if the iron of the smartphone freely allows.

In this case, the best and time and time to the only solution will use the well-known CyanogenMod, which, although it has many of its own "chips", but in many ways it is like on stock android. Thanks to this development, even rather old devices can use the latest version of the system.

Refusal from "branded" shells

Many popular manufacturers (will not show your finger) very like to equip the phones with their branded shells, which, however, like not to all users. It is not enough that many of them are frankly ugly and uncomfortable - this is, as you know, the case of taste, but they also manage to slowly slow down the system. Naked Android on this background shows speed records and impressive his responsiveness.

Yes, of course, you can put your launcher and take all these widgets, but there is no way to refuse all the dubious settings that the manufacturer has done in the operating system. So in order to get a truly "clean" Android, you will need to install a custom ROM.

Removal of pre-installed in

Having received his new phone and playing with the programs installed on it, it is gradually an understanding that it would be better for them at all. Most often, manufacturers are equipped with a software set of a device, focusing not on expediency and quality, but purely from commercial motives. In addition, these programs are considered systemic and so simply remove them will not work. As a result, we get the device stuffed with frank trash, which prevents us from living.

A radical solution to this problem is to flash the device to a custom assembly that does not contain pre-installed software.

Obtaining additional features and system settings

Many firmware have so different from the original Android appearance and a set of functions that you can already feel free to talk about independent operating systems. First of all, we are talking about such popular Chinese projects as Miui, Lewa, OPPO, which are developing simply by gigantic pace. It is likely that by trying at least once of this oriental cocktail, you will look at the Android fresh dish with undisguised regret.

Other firmware, such as AOKP, although based on Android stock, give such a space in the settings, such caustomization capabilities that have not seen the owners of ordinary smartphones.


It may sound strange, but the firmware created by the free community can sometimes be safer than Google's product. In them, if you wish, you can completely get rid of the all-seeing eye of this company, completely replacing all their services and applications on third-party development. It turns out, therefore, "Android without Google", no matter how strange it sounds.

In addition, many custom Roma contain built-in antivirus and so detailed permissions for each application, which you can thoroughly indicate who, what a goal can move on your device.

Reasons not to use third-party firmware

But, as you understand, everything is not so rosy and there are quite good problems with which you may encounter in your experiments with firmware.

  1. Bricks. The process of flashing, although it is thoroughly designed and quite light, while with some degree of unsuitable and curvature of the hands can turn your device simply into a dead plastic and microcircuit.
  2. Battery problems. The user ROM may not be optimized enough for a specific device and discharge the battery faster than the official firmware.
  3. Hardware problems. Your new firmware may not fully maintain all the iron in the phone, so you may encounter errors, separate non-working modules and other questions. For example, the device chamber may not take just as good as before, or your GPS will suddenly get satellite slowly.
  4. Errors. Manufacturers of your device are well testing software before issuing it to sell it, which, of course, cannot be said about independent firmware developers. Therefore, you can meet annoying mistakes, which in the future, although they will be corrected, but the blood can not be understood.
  5. Guarantee. In the case of using third-party firmware, you lose the warranty. If it is important for you, then think about it.

Now I would like to know your opinion on the need to flash Android. We ask you to participate in the survey and express your point of view in the comments.

If you want to use your old cell phone with a new cell operator, then you need to know how to flash the phone. The firmware is sometimes called "reprogramming". Of course, for flashing you can contact authorized service centers, but you can also find out how to flash your phone yourself.


Part 1

Working with the right equipment

    Make sure you are trying to reflash CDMA phone. CDMA means "multiple access with code division". If you are not sure that you really have a CDMA phone, remove the battery from it and look for a removable subscriber identification module (SIM card). If there is no SIM card in the phone, this is a CDMA phone, and you can reflash.

    Remove your USB cable. In the firmware process, the same cable will be used that you use to connect the phone to the computer to download music on it or something else.

    Find the appropriate firmware software. There are several easy-to-use programs with which you can easily flash the phone, and some of them can even download for free. Before trying to reflash the phone, make sure the program you chose will work with your phone.

    Calculate for yourself what you want to flash in the phone. You will change your current cell operator to another. The only condition that this should also be a CDMA network. Cricket, P Plus and Metro PCS - Here are three popular options.

    Part 2

    Proceed to the firmware process
    1. Download the program you have chosen for the phone firmware to your computer and unzip files. Carefully read the instructions and follow them strictly. After reading the instructions, you can flash your phone for 15 or 20 minutes.

      • The settings of each phone are slightly different, so it is impossible to write step-by-step instructions here. However, we will try to cover those highlights that you need to know.
    2. Check drivers. If you are not sure that you have the latest version drivers for your phone, just download them online. If you know the number or the name of the model of your phone, there will be no problems with this. If you do not know, you can also find out the model name online.

      • Before you start firmware, make sure you have all the necessary drivers! Otherwise, the firmware process may not work. To do this, visit the manufacturer's website of your cell phone (for example, Samsung).
    3. Examine the basics. The program will ask you who is your current operator, for which operator you are trying to reflash the phone, as well as the manufacturer and model of your phone. She will also ask you to choose between incomplete and complete flashing. The incomplete firmware will change only a greeting and some inscriptions.

      Learn your MEID and ESN. If you launched a program for the phone firmware, you can "read" it, which will give you all the information necessary for further process. Or you can learn it in advance. MEID and ESN must be specified under the battery.

      Let the program detect your phone. Your program should have the opportunity to detect the connected phone itself, which will allow you to count the data from it. If you do it, you will not need to worry about the COM port definition - the program will do it for you.

      • If she asks you unlock code, for Verizon phones it is always six zeros. Less likely, but still options with six units or six troops are possible.
      • Some phones may require you to download PRL. In the US, this can be done by typing the code * 228 (for Verizon / Metropcs / US Cellular) or ## 873283 # ("Update") for Sprint. In Canada, this is the code * 22803 for Telus Mobility.
      • If for some reason you are not transmitted to the COM port specified by the COM port, you can manually find the port of device manager to find which port is actually used.
    4. Select "Record." Most software will wait for you to write a "write" from you and then ask you to confirm your choice. As soon as you click "Yes," the firmware process will begin, and after its completion, the phone will automatically restart. That's all! Ready. Is it too simple, right?

    Part 3.

    Awareness risks

      Know that there is a possibility that your phone will turn into a "brick". This term is used for "sudden death" of your phone. It becomes almost useless ... Only if you do not want to use it as a brick.

      • This risk exists, even if the firmware performs a professional. There are few chances, less than if you were asked to make a neighbor on the room, but they still have.
    1. Understand that all guarantees are canceled with you. Logic is very simple - you betray a cellular operator, he betrays you. However, if you go to the store, and they make the firmware for you (as an option), your guarantee may still act (depending on the circumstances, of course).

      Ensure that the operator under which you flash the phone supports other ESN identifiers. If you flash under Boost or Cricket, you should not have problems. But the firmware under such giants, like Verizon, can cause certain problems - they do not really approve such ways to transition to them, including independent firmware.

      Know that you are still using the same technology. When you work with the CDMA phone, it has been stitched or not, it still uses CDMA technology. If you live in the US and travel a lot, know that most phones in other countries use GSM technology (that is, they have a SIM card). The main advantage of flashing the phone is saving money, as you give money to a smaller number of people.

      Re-flashing your phone on Straight Talk illegal. To do this, you will have to copy the ESN of your phone, i.e. Cloning it. Availability of two phones with the same number suspiciously, it is a crime and can lead to a large fine or more serious punishment. If you intend to go to Straight Talk, visit their web site in advance and talk to a professional.

    • The phone firmware can save you money, because you do not have to buy a new phone when switching to another operator. You will also have the opportunity to take advantage of cheaper tariff plans offered by other operators if you have the opportunity to independently flash the phone.


    • CDMA phones can only be used with CDMA operators, such as Metro, Sprint, Cricket, Boost and Verizon.
    • You can only reflash CDMA phones. GSM phones containing the SIM card used by such operators as AT & T and T-Mobile, it is impossible to flash. If you have a GSM phone, you are forced to use the services of the operator, with which the contract was originally signed.
    • CDMA phone can be used in a compatible CDMA network only if a new operator is ready to activate this phone in its network. Budget operators, such as Cricket or Boost, usually allow flashing, while larger main operators, such as Sprint or Verizon - no. In general, before trying to firmware, it is worth calling a new operator and find out whether they really take other people's electronic serial numbers in their network (ESN).
    • There are always risks associated with the phone firmware. Data may be permanently lost, or even the phone can stop working. Firm up on your own risk and make sure that you follow all the instructions of the program, since I took it yourself to flash yourself.
    • The flashing of the phone annuls the manufacturer's warranty on it. If you bring the phone to an authorized service center or store, it will be able to reflash without cancellation warranty.

    What you need

    • Software for firmware (downloadable)
    • USB cable compatible with your phone
    • Computer with Windows 2000 or higher operating system, USB port, processor with a frequency of 800 MHz or higher, 256 MB RAM
    • CDMA phone

The "Android" firmware through the computer is not the easier thing. But it's not difficult to learn this at all. Especially since this process will help eliminate the problems in the performance of any smartphone or tablet, which most often arise after using applications from unknown sources or after visiting websites to which there is no confidence. It can happen anything - from unauthorized installation of third-party applications before infection with viruses and its integrity disorders.

As a result of such actions - the device begins to "brazen" and hang, and this is very unpleasant for perception. In addition, "samples" may appear in the file system that will disable the device and the device will hang forenight on the download screen. The only output when solving this problem is to flash the device. This article will describe how to restore and update software using a computer.

First step

Before flashing "Android" from the computer, the first thing you should make sure there is a suitable USB cord. In most cases, the Micro-USB connector is found on modern devices, but in updates it is possible to detect the standard - USB Type C. Most often the required cable can be found in the standard configuration of the device, but if it is missing, you will have to purchase. It is advisable to buy high-quality and expensive USB cables that will give confidence that the firmware process will not be interrupted in an unnecessary moment. As soon as the necessary "lace" is found, the first step is made.

Device drivers

Another important moment before flashing the "Android" from the computer is to install the necessary drivers on the PC. This article we are talking about computers under Windows OS, therefore, the drivers need to be founded for this operating system.

Most often, the necessary software programs can be found on the device manufacturer's website. If there is experience in using the web sites of type 4PDA and the like, then the entire necessary software can be found exactly there.

Android firmware: where to download

Attention: This item is relevant only for those who are going to flash the device through ODIN. If the firmware is carried out by the original utility, you should skip this step.

If the Samsung device is on the hands, then you can flash it "manually". Everything that needs to be done is to find the necessary firmware. The firmware file most often can be found on third-party Internet resources, as manufacturers try not to post such information for confidentiality. Cult pads to search for firmware are "XDA" (foreign segment of developers of various software and firmware) and "4pda" (Russian segment, most of them are taken with XDA). The easiest way is to find the necessary firmware by searching on the site by entering the model of the device being styled. It is not recommended to use third-party (or the so-called manually assembled by lovers to experiment. The fact is that no one is responsible for the problems caused by such versions of the OS, and in case of their occurrence, everything will have to be corrected through the service center and not for free.

Firmware with ODIN

This item is suitable for the firmware of the Samsung devices manually. All you need to do is enter the device to download mode. To do this, on the disabled device, you must clamp the "Volume" and "home" buttons, and then click on the power button. If the physical button "Home" is missing, the process occurs without presses. After the appearance of a request for confirmation on the display, click on the "Volume +" button. Downloading mode activated.

After these manipulations, flash the "Android" phone through the computer is easier than simple. You should open the previously downloaded ODIN program on the PC (you can find on the developer's website or on, connect the device in downloading mode by usb-cord to a PC and select the desired firmware file in the PDA line in the program itself. After that, make sure that the checkboxes "F.Reset Time" and "Auto Reboot" are facing, and click on the "Start" button. The program will perform the necessary actions, and the device will restart and turn on as "out of the box."

How to flash "android" from a computer via software manufacturer

Any self-respecting manufacturer of mobile devices produces specialized programs with which it is possible to flash a device in automatic mode. Whether it is LG, Samsung, HTC or Sony, are all capable of flashing through the manufacturer's program.

For the firmware this way, you need to visit the device manufacturer's website, then go to the support page and select the device directly to flash. Software selection system in automatic mode will be offered to download the program for the firmware. After downloading the utility you need to run it, sometimes it requires entering registration data. After that - the only trifle. In the program menu, you can choose which action you want to make. If you need to do the firmware of the device - you can select the "Restore" item. The program itself will help to make a backup, download the firmware and complete the process. Read more described in the instructions on the sites of manufacturers.

I would like to note that this method is quite resource-intensive. It requires high time spent, since, in addition to downloading the firmware file, the program evaluates the device's performance, herself transfers the device to the necessary modes and sends the firmware data by using a USB cable. That is why you should be patient and not surprised the duration of the process.

Firmware tablets

In order to flash the Android tablet through a computer, you do not need to be inventing the bike. If the tablet is required to firmware - Samsung, you can use the firmware manually through ODIN. If the tablet is made by any other manufacturer, then you should refer to the instructions for the automatic firmware through the manufacturer's software. In both cases, all actions will be identical to the fact that they are performed with smartphones.

This article describes how to flash android from a computer, and this is just a common instruction. To obtain more detailed replies, contact the full guide on the firmware of certain devices in which it is interesting. I also want to note that you can flash the device and without help PC.

You are the happy owner of a tablet or smartphone, and for some reason you are interested in the question: you went to the address. In this article I will write in detail that you will need it for this, I will give the appropriate instructions, I will specify that you need to pay special attention to, and I will give a few useful recommendations.

Immediately I will say that you are far from the first user who wants to re-flash Android. This question becomes relevant for all owners, some time after purchase. This is mainly due to the fact that new versions that include some useful functions come out more and more. Some simply does not suit the work of the already installed version.

So, what we need, in order for the new one to be installed on your device. First charge your device (tablet or smartphone) that you are going to reflash. Take care of the installation file of the drivers that will be necessary in order for the computer to be able to correctly recognize the device. Next, prepare the cord that connects the gadget with the computer. From the software you will need ODIN, as well as the file of the required firmware.

Now your attention is proposed instructions on how to flash Android. So, connect the phone or tablet to the computer. Before this, install the desired driver. It is on the disk that went complete with the device. If you do not have it, download this software on the official website. After that, download the desired firmware file to your computer. They are usually "distributed" in various forums or file sharing. Note that the file has an OPS extension.

When all these conditions have all these conditions, click on the device at the same time three buttons: power, menu and volume lifting. The display will show the message "Downloading". This will mean that your device is ready for flashing. Next, connect it using the cord to the computer. After that, run the ODIN program. Try to download the latest version when you follow this procedure. After starting, you must see the inscription select the firmware, under which the OPS button is located. Press it and specify the path to the firmware file. All, now click on the "Start" and expect the completion of the process that will last about four to five minutes. After that you will see a message PASS. This will notify you about the completion of the procedure. Now you have received an answer to the question: "How to flash Android?".

Please note that the phone can be rebooted until the flashing is completed. In no case do not interrupt this process. Just wait for it to complete.

Some more important recommendations. Before flashing Android, save all the important information that is on your device, since all the data will be deleted. I already mentioned the battery charge at the beginning, but this is an important aspect. In no case can not allow the battery discharge until the process is completed. If during the firmware there was a failure or freezing, use three buttons again. That's all.

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