Kaya Spring. Ukrainian history and Russian spring

Ukrainian politicians and journalists of nationalist views, and after them and the mass of ordinary citizens who supported Maidan, love to glue on their opponents the labels of "Ukrainophobians", "Ukrainian" labels and haters "all Ukrainian". The Bulgakovsky professor of Preobrazhensky in his famous spher about the "counter-revolution" was given by the description of this unpaid propaganda reception.

In fact, the whole of our imaginary "Ukrainophobia" stems only from sincere living interest to both the culture of Ukraine, and we are experiencing acute dislike for us those who take a caricature charovin or exotic Bandera.

Archetypes of the Ukrainian Bunta

Here, for example, such a bright episode of domestic history, as Kolivshchyna - the uprising of the Cossacks and peasants on the Polish lands of Ukraine in the middle of the XVIII century. Who of the citizens of famous views does not identify themselves with her heroes? At the start of the electoral company to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 2012, opposition candidates, priests of the non-Canonical UPC of the Kiev Patriarchate and representatives of the national intelligentsia even conducted in the Cold Yar (Cherkasy region), the ritual of the sanctification of knives, sneezed by Taras Shevchenko in the "Gaidamaki" poem. And in Odessa, one of the most comical characters of the local Euromaidan - Mr. By the name of Gutsalyuk, calls himself no other than the "Ataman of the Black Sea Gaidamatsky Association."

And now let's postpone the Sharovarchina together with the inappropriate in the Nadniprany Ukraine Mashinger. What do we see? The uprising begins with the fact that the Zaporizhia Cossack is touched by the towns and towns and waving the "golden diploma" of the queen of Catherine, and the then "Vatushki" and "Titushki" are enough. I suddenly remembered this episode when I read the status of the famous Moscow publicist Dmitry Olshansky in Facebook that the Russians, unlike Ukrainians, do not cope with their problems without a state. Like, the uprising in Sevastopol without "polite people" would choose the same as the uprising in Donetsk.

"It's funny and sad," Olshansky writes, - that in Ukraine our authorities prevents exactly the property of the Russian people, which helps it in Russia so much. Russians are not sufficiently buzzed. Not because they are good (...). And because there is no order. As the secretarial butcher spoke Nicholas Pavlovich in 1848: you are, the sovereign, only the orders - and we will arrange such a revolution that any-expensive. "

So, in 1768, in order to raise the uprising, the zalizonak such an order falsified! Imagine, it doesn't care, as if Pavel Gubarev, the current Ukrainian political prisoner number 1, read the order of the President of the Russian Federation on Donetsk Square: "Relive and get the power!". From the point of view of the current "Gaidamaks", the real Gaidamak Zaliznyak is a traitor and collaborant, which in the country difficult for the country went to the area under the flag of the "aggressive neighbor." And what happened then? The detachment of the "National Guard" was sent against the traitor and separatist, headed by a genth, so to speak, "clean up order." And he instead did what? Right, changed the oath! Traitor and shame of the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Gangle!

Further more. Catherine, in the end, introduced the troops under the slogan of protecting the humanitarian rights of the uninterests. An occupation! And if you change the "here" and "then" in places, then an unbreakable wall of the Poles deposited in Uman and Gaidamaks, who know what was done with the first two categories of citizens would be to be stood against the Russian army. But in the XVIII century, there was still no Kiev media, so in reality everything came out quite the opposite. Even Gaidamaki, who started all this, could not withstand the regular army of the European sample, which in this part of Europe at that time was only among Russia.

Nerve history

This whole story, our native domestic history and there is a direct analogy with the current return of the Crimea, and not the "Anshalus" and "Munich collusion" at all. Just in order to make this obvious conclusion, you need a little bit of this very native story to know and love.

And what the soil for the analogies gives another key episode of the Ukrainian National History - Khmelnichichina! Bogdan-Zinovy \u200b\u200bKhmelnitsky - It's just a "separatist of the 80 level"! Even an accession to the Soviet Union of Galicia in 1939 lies within the framework of the same historical logic, when the Ukrainian population of "similar jaciers", exhausted by polonium and paresing, was optimistic of Soviet tanks.

The main nerve of Ukrainian history is that every time the humanitarian, political and social pressure of the West is completed by a surge of people's wrath and the arrival of more or less polite, but always well-armed with the northeast. And according to the result, the territory covered by the uprising is completely or partially included in Russia. That is why the real historical heirs of the hinticuls and coliivshys are not impoverished rummy clowns, but the current popular uprising of the Ukrainian southeast, which has already been called "Russian Spring".

There are serious suspicions that the Russian Spring site rusvesna.su is an American provocative project.

The site is high quality. The selection of news is also good, but there are serious disturbing moments.

1. It is absolutely unclear who is behind this site. Category "Contacts" has been absent from recent time.
2. When the heading "Contacts" existed in it, an e-mail address was specified on Gmail.com. Now this address is shown at the bottom of the page. This is an American postal service to which specials have access to Snowden. US services. Naive militias sent news, and after that the United States could have reported on the pro-Russian citizens of the SBU of Ukraine.
3. Pavel Gubarev speaks on his facebrachnaya page that the Ukrainian military was shot under the Volnoveth "right sector", and "Russian Spring" about the fact that militia was made. On behalf of the militia, there is an unknown "who" and gives decisive news in an unsightly form.
4. The site was DDOS attacks. At first glance, this indicates the pro-Russian mood of the site, however, during these attacks, a message was displayed that the site was protected by the American CLOUDFARE service. Then the site admitted that the attack was on hosting, where the site itself is directly located. To find out where this hosting can only have administrative access to CloudFare. DDOS attack was carried out at the time of information uncertainty. At the very moment, the attacks of the Ukrainian media flood the news that the shooters are desperately breaking into Russia, and the militia suffered defeat.
It looks like competent tactics of knocking out urgent valid information about the setting - to make a "Russian spring" by the main resource, and then at the right moment it is turned off to embarrass the militia.
5. The site has never collected any donations to their existence. What does it speak about the funding (?!).
6. One of the headings of the site is called "Uvagi!" (!) And this is on the Russian-Public site !!! According to Ukrainian, this means "attention." This suggests that the site did Ukrainians, and not Russians.

There is another option: site administrators - idiots who trust Western services, but in such simplicity is unbelievable.

The defeat of the National Guard of the Army, Novotroitsk fertile. (Yesterday, contrary to the statements of the junta and the "Russian_Vesna" site, the militia shoots did not retreat and were not surrounded. This is a lie of this site)
Affiliates Volnoveha 22 05 14:

Only it is not clear who the turntables were fired if self defense left the whole? Did the legal advocacy?

And this is the defeat of the National Guard and the Army, Novotroitsk; Fertile ...:

There are less than thousands according to the shooting school. And this is from 7 million inhabitants?!

This is Slavyansk, there are still Donetsk region and the Lugansk region, there are also people too. Now the battles go under Lisichansky this is the Lugansk region. There are tanks in the city of martial law on Lugansk.

Make conclusions yourself. And if something happens to this ... all the wines will lie on the people of the republic and the shame of this will never wash away to you.
Nahapurik: http: //www.Syt/users/4955658/post325340247/

In our world every day there are many different events. And if in ancient times to find out about them it was very difficult, and sometimes it is impossible, then today it is very simple. The network has special news portals that tell about what happens every day.

Russian Spring - Home

Russian Spring is one of the sites that specialize in the events in Russia, Novorossia, Ukraine, Syria. He also covers themes exciting all in the world. And today this resource is very popular.

In search engines, this one of the most frequent requests for this site is considered to be: "Russian Spring is only verified information." This suggests that users want to receive only reliable information about various situations in the country and in the world. Not surprisingly confidence in the site, because its developers say that they offer users only proven information.


Why can you believe in it? Because the employees of the publication Russian Spring are directly ethers, to lead from places from participants in events, extracted exclusive photos and videos. This is not just a website that copies news from other similar sites. There are indeed active activities of journalists, experts in various matters, correspondents.

And those people who are looking only for proven information can be understood because every day, together with truthful news, a bunch of fiction pops up, which is often hard to distinguish from reality. And the users of this portal trust him and know that whenever they entered here, there will be a list of real news on politics, economics, terrorism, sanctions, etc.

In addition, Russian Spring publishes a lot of news every day. People who read it daily, know that the most acute, important issues will be considered that they will be interested in reading not 1-2 news, but at once 10-20 or more articles.

To sort out how the site works, you need to start from the main page. When entering it, it can be noted that some news are grouped by topics that are included in the top of the day, etc. In fact, all sections are mixed on this page. It is here in one column you can find text, video and photo reports in different directions.

News - Top Day

If you want to use proven tactics and read information only by sections, it is quite possible to do. So the "Video" section is filled with various articles on events, which are described not only in words, but also in the rollers. If you click on the title, then the new page will appear on which the topic will be painted. There will also be a video, which can be clearly shown the situation in question.

No less important is the page on the Russian Spring website with opinions and analytics. It contains a variety of topics, ranging from US sanctions against Russia and ending with atomic bombs. The main difference of articles in this section is that it is not just news. These are texts in which some facts are set out, and after it is analyzed, an assessment of some actions, activities, opinions, etc. are expressed. Often under such articles are undergoing discussion by people.

Section of analytics and opinions

Of course, it does not do without material about the economy, because this sphere is interested in Russians at no less than the topic of politics, information wars, terrorism. At the same time, in the section with such news, a variety of economy issues are considered: a change in gasoline prices, growth or collapse of the ruble in relation to other currencies, pension reform, public debt, changes in the value of utilities, taxes, etc.

This portal has its own group on the social network Vkontakte, which also publishes only verified information. It is designed for those people who prefer to learn news not from specialized sites, but in social networks that are accustomed to dwell. As a rule, we are talking about young people 20-35 years.

Vkontakte community

A group VK promptly publishes the news, so you can be sure that it will not be possible to skip something. In addition, you can connect notifications to immediately find out about the release of new texts. It will take to join the group and click on the "Enable Notifications" button, near which the bell is depicted.

An interesting feature of the site is that it can be read in 5 different languages. There is Ukrainian, German, French and others. To start reading news on one of them, it is enough just to click on the country's flag of interest. Articles instantly appear in another language. It was done first of all for foreign users who are interested in what the Russian Spring site writes about.

Changing language on the site
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