How to turn off the monitor with a key combination. Create a shortcut to turn off the monitor Keys to turn off the screen on a laptop

For portable computers, long battery life is very important. Most of the energy is consumed by the image. Therefore, turning off the display is one of the most requested features. It can be done in several ways.

You can reduce the brightness of the screen to the minimum level. There is a keyboard shortcut for this. Pay attention to the "Fn" button, which is located in the lower left corner of the keyboard. The second button depends on the computer model you are using. It will definitely be placed among the row of buttons - "F1" - "F12", which are located at the top of the keyboard. Open the instructions for the computer and find the required key or use the “poke method”. After pressing this key, the screen will turn on again. You can also just wait until the monitor turns off by itself. In order not to wait too long, set in the parameters a convenient time after which the monitor should turn off. Remember that it will turn off only if you do not perform any actions on the computer for the set amount of time.

For example, in Windows 7, you need to click on the button with the image of the battery, which is located on the bottom taskbar. Then select the option "Settings", in the window that opens - "Setting screen off". Set the appropriate parameters and save the changes. For impatient and lazy people, there is another remedy - to slam the lid of the computer. After closing the lid, the screen will immediately stop illuminating everything around and after a certain time it will go out on its own if you first set the appropriate settings.

In "Settings", select the option "Power and lid", then "Close lid". For the options “On battery” and “On the line”, select the setting “Not required”. Save your changes. Now, when you close the computer lid, the monitor will turn off automatically. The method will not affect the operation of the computer in any way and will not damage the system.

For Mac OS, there is another keyboard shortcut for quickly turning off the monitor - “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Eject”. You can also put this function in one of the corners of the screen. If necessary, simply move the cursor over the function and the screen will turn off automatically.

If you plan to use an additional screen for your computer, the built-in screen must be turned off. Click on the “Device Manager” option, then on “Monitors”. Right-click on the screen name and select the “Turn off” option. In this case, you will not be able to use the computer display until you turn it back on. This technique is not recommended to use too often.

Many people set the display to turn off automatically. But if you read information or watch videos, you will have to constantly take action so that the system does not turn off the screen. To avoid this situation, special programs have been developed. They allow you to turn off the display if necessary. One such utility is Dark - Turn Off Monitor. After installing it, a shortcut will appear on your desktop, double-clicking on which will turn off the monitor. Pressing any button will turn it on again.

Hello! For two days I have not written anything useful on the blog, I was busy with one very important thing, which I will say at the end of the article :). And I'll tell you right now how to disable sleep mode And display off in Windows 7. You probably know that if you leave the computer alone, do not press the keys and do not touch the mouse, then after a certain time the screen will turn off and it will go into sleep mode, all this is done to save energy.

All this is of course good, you need to save electricity, global warming and other cataclysms, but automatic switching to sleep mode very often brings a lot of trouble, as well as automatic screen shutdown.

Perhaps you have had cases when you watch a movie most often online, and every, about 10 minutes, the screen turns off, you need to press the keys, or move the mouse. Or they left something to download from the Internet, and the computer went into sleep mode and everything stopped, these are the problems. And in order to solve them, you just need to disable the automatic shutdown of the screen and the transition to sleep mode. What we will do now.

Click Start and go to .

In the control panel we are looking for “Power supply” and select it.

Screen auto-off and sleep can be configured differently for the two plans: "Balanced" this plan is most often activated on stationary computers and laptops connected to the mains. AND “Energy saving”, this automatically turns on usually when the laptop is disconnected from the mains. Let's set up for "Balanced" mode, press next to it.

As you can see, I have the screen turn off after 10 minutes, and the automatic transition to sleep mode after 30 minutes. All you need is just to change the time, or completely disable these actions by selecting "Never". Don't forget to click the button after changing. "Save Changes".

That's all friends, now you can safely watch movies and leave the download for a long time. The computer will not automatically turn off the monitor and enter sleep mode.

You can use the keyboard to quickly hide the contents of the screen without pressing any buttons on the monitor. We will show three ways to turn off the display in one click.

How to turn off the monitor using the Fn key Most keyboards and laptops have function keys. They are easy to find by the inscription "Fn". Typically, such a button is located on the bottom line next to, and.

To turn off the monitor, the combinations +, + or + are most often used.

Depending on the driver settings, the button may be enabled by default. Then it will be enough to press or to turn off the screen. How to turn off the screen using the nirCMD program You can also use the free NIRCmd program to quickly turn off the monitor. Install the utility, create a shortcut on the desktop and set the program to the following path: "C:\Windows\nircmd.exe monitor off".

Right-click on the shortcut, open "Properties" and enter the key combination that will be responsible for turning off the screen. Save changes by clicking OK.

Keep in mind that some keys are not suitable for creating quick combinations, as they are intended for entering characters. Among them, and

Now, when you press the specified key combination, the screen will turn off and will remain off until you move the mouse or press any button.

By the way, if you use the on-screen keyboard to turn off the monitor, it remains on the screen and its background turns black. How to turn off the screen without special software and keys You can set up your own keyboard shortcuts to turn off the monitor without additional software or a button. To do this, go to the Windows desktop, right-click and select "New" - "Shortcut".

Enter c:\windows\system32\scrnsave.scr as the object location and click Next.

Enter a name for the shortcut (for example, "Turn off the monitor") and confirm your action by clicking "Finish".

Right-click on the link you just created and select "Properties" at the bottom of the window.

In the "Shortcut" line, enter the keyboard shortcut you want to use to dim the monitor. The combination can contain buttons - and any symbols that are not used by the system together with, or. The keys and are also an exception.

Confirm the selected combination by pressing the "OK" button.

Similarly, you can set a keyboard shortcut to put the computer to sleep, rotate the screen, create a new folder, or launch the task manager. See also: How to bring back the classic Start menu in new versions of Windows?

How to find and fix problems with the search function in Windows

How to turn off the computer with a key combination? Photo: Windows 7,

You can use the keyboard to quickly hide the contents of the screen without pressing any buttons on the monitor. We will show three ways to turn off the display in one click.

How to turn off the monitor using the Fn key

  • Most keyboards and laptops have function keys. They are easy to find by the inscription "Fn". Typically, such a button is located on the bottom line next to , , and .
  • To turn off the monitor, the most common combinations are + , + or +.
  • Depending on the driver settings, the button may be enabled by default. Then it will be enough to press or to turn off .

How to turn off the screen through the nirCMD program

  • You can also use the free NIRCmd program to quickly turn off the monitor. Install the utility, create a shortcut on the desktop and set the program to the following path: "C:\Windows\nircmd.exe monitor off".
  • Right-click on the shortcut, open "Properties" and enter the key combination that will be responsible for turning off the screen. Save changes by clicking OK.
  • Keep in mind that some keys are not suitable for creating , as they are intended for entering characters. Among them are , , and [-].
  • Now, when you press the specified key combination, the screen will turn off and will remain off until you move the mouse or press any button.
  • By the way, if you use the on-screen keyboard to turn off the monitor, it remains on the screen and its background turns black.

How to turn off the screen on a laptop?

Master's response:

One of the urgent tasks when working with a laptop is to save battery power, and the main source of energy consumption on a laptop is the screen. Therefore, turning off the display device or, more simply, the monitor, is a very requested feature of the laptop. You can activate it in several ways.

In order to quickly change the brightness of the monitor to the minimum value, you can use a combination of "hot" keys. The mandatory button to press is the Fn key, which is located in the lower left corner of the keyboard. The other button depends on the model of your laptop. This button will definitely belong to the function keys (F1-F12 which are located in the top row of the keyboard). You can find out which button you need in the instructions for your laptop, or find it out using the “poke” method. So, for example, “Asus” laptops use the Fn + F7 key combination, “Samsung” - Fn + F5, “Acer” - Fn + F6 and so on.

Also, for especially "lazy" there is an easier way - just wait for the moment when the screen goes out by itself. In order not to wait for this moment for too long each time, you can set any time convenient for you in the settings once. If your laptop is running the “Windows 7” operating system, then you just need to click the “Power Options” icon located in the tray. This icon is displayed in the form of a battery. In the pop-up menu, you need to select the item "Configure power settings". Then click on the link “Setting the display off” and set the intervals you need in the fields “Dim the display” and “Turn off the display”. At the end of this procedure, click the Save Changes button.

There is also a way for the "lazy" and impatient at the same time. You just need to close the lid of the laptop. On the one hand, the screen will stop illuminating everything around instantly, and on the other hand, it will still take a certain amount of time for it to go out. How to adjust this time to the one you need is indicated above.

If your laptop is running on the Mac operating system or in the common people "MacBook", then the keyboard shortcut for quickly turning off the screen also exists. Almost always this combination is Control+Shift+Eject. Also, in this operating system, you can assign this function to one of the corners of the screen, the so-called "active corner", and then you only need to move the cursor to this corner. The brightness will immediately drop to 0.

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