Alternatives to standard Windows Notepad


This plugin converts the selected text (or ASCII hexadecimal string) to ASCII or hexadecimal strings of your choice. The format of the generated hexadecimal string can be set by changing the parameters in the section from converter.ini. This will require restarting the Notepad ++ editor

With this plugin Notepad ++ you can run command line with parameters. Notepad ++ even has instructions on how to compile scripts for each type of source file.

Using this plugin, you can solve various complex tasks. For example, you need to compile your C files using NppExec, run them, and display your data.

Here's how it's done for Perl. That is, it just adapts for C

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 * Open Notepad * Type F6 to open the execute window * write the following commands: o npp_save< -- Saves the current document o CD $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) <-- Moves to the current directory o perl.exe -c -w "$(FILE_NAME)" <-- executes the command perl.exe -c -w , example: perl.exe -c -w (-c \u003d compile -w \u003d warnings) * Click on Save * Type a name to save the script (ie Perl Compile) * Go to Menu Plugins -\u003e Nppexec -\u003e advanced options -\u003e Menu Item * In the combobox select the script recently created and click ok -\u003e ok * Restart Notepad * Go to Menu Settings -\u003e Shortcut mappter -\u003e Plugins -\u003e search for the script name * Select the shortcut to use ( ie ctrl + 1), click ok * Verify that you can now run the script created with the shortcut selected.

* Open Notepad * Type F6 to open the execute window * write the following commands: o npp_save< -- Saves the current document o CD $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) <-- Moves to the current directory o perl.exe -c -w "$(FILE_NAME)" <-- executes the command perl.exe -c -w , example: perl.exe -c -w (-c \u003d compile -w \u003d warnings) * Click on Save * Type a name to save the script (ie Perl Compile) * Go to Menu Plugins -\u003e Nppexec -\u003e advanced options -\u003e Menu Item * In the combobox select the script recently created and click ok -\u003e ok * Restart Notepad * Go to Menu Settings -\u003e Shortcut mappter -\u003e Plugins -\u003e search for the script name * Select the shortcut to use ( ie ctrl + 1), click ok * Verify that you can now run the script created with the shortcut selected.


A useful plugin Notepad ++, with which you can export files to html, rtf formats

This is how it works. Open the file, go to the "P laginas "\u003e NppExport\u003e Export to HTML. That is, we export the file to HTML format. The code can be viewed in any browser

An extremely useful plugin. With it, you can work with files directly on the server. The plugin allows you to instantly download files from the server, make changes to them right in the editor window, and save them, thereby automatically sending the changed file back to the server. It's very convenient, believe me!


With this plugin Notepad ++ you will be able to give the ability to edit the file remotely. That is, you can connect yourself, or give your friend the opportunity to connect to your file, and after that you can, together, edit the file at the same time.


This plugin is the brain of the Notepad ++ text editor upgrade system. With this plugin, the user can update, remove or install plugins for Notepad ++. Simply open this plugin, select a plugin from the list of available downloads, and install it. Or just update the plugins. There are many of them. I have 10 plugins installed by default, and in the list of available ones I counted already 72 plugins for Notepad ++ !!! Small clarification... In Windows 7, to update, you must run the program as administrator.


This plugin is designed to check spelling, similar to the built-in Word dictionary. Here everything is the same by analogy. You just need to install the ASpell program first.

Others useful features free text editor Notepad ++

1. Syntax highlighting

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why I am using the free text editor Notepad ++. Its syntax highlighting capabilities are amazing. The number of languages \u200b\u200bused is enormous. IN latest version there are so many of them that they had to be divided into separate categories, because they simply do not fit in the window. If desired, you can create your own syntax highlighting rules.

For example, we set the highlighting of the php code

In addition to the highlighting itself, the advantage is that the information is divided into special containers, with which you can study complex code so as not to get confused. In this case, from the screenshot above, I expanded line 745 (clicked the "-" minus sign) to see the entire container. Now instead of a minus "-" there is a plus "+", and the study of the code becomes easier and more understandable

2. EditorNotepad ++ encodedUTF-8 (withoutBOM)

UTF-8translated from English means Unicode conversion format. Today this encoding is one of the most popular and used. It implements a Unicode representation that is compatible with 8-bit text encoding.

Now for the UTF-8 encoding without BOM, which you may already have heard of. The fact is that the WordPress engine (see) works with UTF-8 encoding, but if you use the standard Windows notepad, then when saving files in UTF-8 encoding, this charm adds invisible characters to PHP files. They are called BOM. Therefore, UTF-8 without BOM means the file does not contain all this joy, i.e. extra invisible characters. This problem is successfully solved using the free text editor Notepad ++, which can convert or save html files (see) and PHP (see).

You can convert a file from its original encoding to UTF-8 encoding (without BOM) as follows:

Everything is done simply. We take, for example, a file that contains English text, enter instead english letters Russian, then go to the "Encodings" tab, select "Convert to UTF-8 without BOM, and click on the floppy disk icon. Everything, the file is saved.


Notepad ++ contains such a useful thing. Suppose I have several files in .txt format, where I store all necessary information: various html codes, reminders. In general, current work information, and just frequently used information. Well, for example, I need to find for some purpose (no matter what) in my .txt file tags ... In addition to these tags, this file can contain a lot of other information. And to me to find these tags , you will need to scroll the document up and down until I find it. The result is stupid work. And if you need to open this .txt file not once, but several times a day, then in the end it turns out that for some time we are just stupidly spending time scrolling the document up and down. The problem is easily solved. Find the line we need, and double-click next to its number. And immediately a bookmark will appear opposite it. And then this bookmark can be easily found by pressing F2 on the keyboard.

One of the advantages of the operating room windows systems is to provide its users with many useful and quality programswhich are installed by default. For example, if you want to do some basic editing text files, then two programs will come to the rescue at once - WordPad and Notepad. Both applications belong to the category of free basic editors, those who like to work with more powerful programs will be forced to download other utilities.

But if you need software for working with text, then turn your attention to Notepad - this is a fast and convenient utility that allows you to process a document in the shortest possible time. It should be noted right away that if you download the software, you can open documents only in TXT format, the application does not work with other extensions.

Through the free editor, users will be able to process and open small files, for example, notes, stories, messages. If desired, you can change the encoding if the text editor is not able to reproduce the text in the correct form. To start the application, you need to go to Start - Accessories - Notepad. In addition, there are several more ways. For example, if you install a utility, you can call it using command linewhere you should enter the notepad command. Free editor opens in another way - calling software from the submenu standard applications... In general, if you need to download, then even beginners will not have problems with this.

How can users please?

If you throw off the software, then the main window will appear in front of users, where you can enter text. The toolbar is represented by various tabs, each of which performs specific functions. If you go to the File settings, you can save, open a ready-made document, and also decide on the file printing settings. Here, the software sets the page parameters.

To open commands for editing documents, just visit the Edit tab. To change the font, its style or size, the user needs to go to the Format settings. Highly important function, which can, is word wrap. By installing the application and selecting this option, users will be spared from long paragraphs, for reading which it is necessary to scroll the horizontal scroll bar to the limit.

In general, the software is deservedly included in the standard set operating system Windows. It is comfortable free utility, which, in fact, does not even need to be downloaded. Discreet, convenient, simple - Notepad will come in handy in case of simple document editing.

It's no secret that most often on a computer you have to work with text information... This is working with documents, and correspondence, and browsing the Internet. There are many different applications and online services for entering and editing texts, ranging from office programs and ending with site management systems. Most of these software tools have evolved over the years and at the moment are quite complex systems for working with formatted text - i.e. text in different fonts, characters of different sizes, colors, positioning, etc. At the same time, sometimes there is a need to work with simple, unformatted text - i.e. with text, which is one continuous sequence of characters that does not contain information about appearance letters. Standard windows tool to work with such text is notepad program... This program has a rather meager functionality that allows you to open a file in the standard Windows encoding, edit the text using the keyboard and clipboard, and then save the edited information as the same text file.

Since work even with unformatted text can be quite varied, many have been created to replace the meager functionality of Windows Notepad. alternative programs... And one of the most popular among them is the Notepad ++ program. As the name implies, it is also called a notepad, but with the prefix "++", which implies advanced functionality and convenience. In this article we will tell you how to use these two programs and reveal their most important features.

Installing and running programs

Since Windows Notepad is a standard program of the operating system, you do not need to install it, but just run it through the menu item "Start / Programs / Accessories / Notepad". And to install the Notepad ++ program, you can use either the installer with the official website of the program, or set portable version across . To do this, in the window for selecting programs for installation, select "Notepad ++" in the "Development" section.

After downloading and unpacking the program will be available in the portable programs menu.

Opening and saving files

Both programs have standard means to manage files. Thus, the Windows Notepad program has the usual "New", "Open", "Save" and "Save As" items in the "File" menu section. But even in this seemingly simple question, Notepad ++ has a number of significant advantages. Here are the most important ones.

In Notepad ++, you can open several files at once by switching between them through the tabs in the program window.

The File menu displays a list of previously opened files, which is extremely convenient if you have to frequently return to the same text. Moreover, Notepad ++ remembers the list of open files at the moment of exiting the program and opens them all the next time you start it.

If the file encoding is non-standard for Windows, then Notepad ++ can set it for the current file. For example, when editing files for Internet pages, the encoding "UTF-8 without BOM" is often used. Accordingly, you can enable the operation mode in this or any other encoding through the menu item "Encodings".

If necessary, through the same section of the menu, you can convert open file in a different encoding - for example, to be able to work with it in Windows Notepad.

Using the clipboard and search functions

Working with the clipboard is an integral part of editing text data. Therefore, you can work with the buffer in both notebook programs. The same goes for text searches. In Windows standard notepad, these features are available through the "Edit" menu item.

Of course, in Notepad ++ not only these features are available, but also a number of others that are not available in regular Notepad. For example:

Copying and pasting vertical text blocks by selecting them with the mouse while holding down the Alt key.

Selecting multi-page text without forced scrolling when selecting - through the menu item "Edit / Set selection"

Clipboard history panel.

Paste special formatted text from the clipboard when not only display text is pasted, but also formatting characters such as HTML tags.

Search and replace in several files at once.

Highlighting all matching text fragments with a different color.

Search using special characters (line break, etc.), as well as using the so-called. regular expressions.

Setting the display type

Since unformatted text is not bound to the size of the printed sheet, it can consist of lines of arbitrary length. And if the line does not fit into the current width of the window, then you can view it only by scrolling the horizontal scroll bar. To avoid such inconvenience, you can enable line wrapping mode in standard Notepad.

In addition to setting the font, there are no more options for changing the type of text in this program. But Notepad ++ has a number of important functions in this regard:

Displaying special characters (tabs, line breaks, spaces, etc.).

Change the scale of the text with the mouse wheel or with the Ctrl + Num + and Ctrl + Num- key combinations.

Syntax highlighting for the selected programming language or markup.

Selective hiding of lines, as well as selective hiding of syntax blocks.

Optimization of work

Windows Notepad does not provide any special operations that speed up text editing. While in Notepad ++ there are a number of useful features that can significantly increase the speed of work. So, for example, you can convert the case of characters in one click for a selected fragment of text. To start such a transformation, you can use the "Edit / Transform Register" menu item or the corresponding hot keys.

An even more commonly used Notepad ++ function is working with integers text strings... Indeed, for example, it is much more convenient to delete a line by pressing one key combination than to pre-select its beginning and end with the cursor and then press the Delete button. The same goes for deleting lines and moving them. When working with texts on a regular basis, such small optimizations make things easier. Moreover, the program has the ability to sort the strings by different criteria. All these operations are available in the menu item "Edit / Operations with strings".

No less useful function is the automatic handling of spaces. Indeed, in the process of working with text, it is difficult to keep track of where unnecessary ones were inserted by mistake whitespace characters... And therefore, operations to remove extra spaces can be very useful. These operations are available in the menu item "Edit / Operations with spaces".

For those who are engaged in the preparation of technical texts, editing HTML-code and programming, it will be extremely convenient to use tools for commenting the code and auto-completion of input. In addition, all users can automate many routine actions by creating their own macros. This can be done through the "Macros" menu item.

In addition to all these advantages of the Notepad ++ program, it is worth mentioning the ability to install a variety of plugins, thanks to which you can further expand the program's functionality.


With the help of Windows Notepad, you can solve basic tasks for editing simple text files. This is convenient because Windows Notepad is a standard program included in the operating system, and therefore is available on all computers under windows management... If you need to work more closely with unformatted text, then for this it is convenient to use notepad program++, which has a much larger set of functions, making the process of working with texts much easier and more convenient.

I have already told you (and more than once) about various good text editors for Windows, but today I want to introduce you to one more, very simple and lightweight notebook. AkelPad.

Personally, I liked it both with its multi-window mode of operation and the ability to replace windows notepad... It is precisely to replace it completely, and not just open by association with text documents.

If you are not a programmer or webmaster, but a mere mortal computer user, then AkelPad will appeal to you for its convenient, lightweight and fast work with text files.

I won't be clever today ... simple program - simple description. Here is a direct link from the official AkelPad download site ...

Installation is simple and without "pitfalls" in the form of advertising modules, etc. ...

As mentioned above, AkelPad is embedded in the very brain of the system, replacing the usual windows notepad

Do not worry, when you uninstall AkelPad, it will conscientiously collect all its monats and leave the system, while the old built-in notebook will return to its place ...

When you start AkelPad for the first time, you will see the usual working window of the system notepad, but it is worth setting the multi-window mode ...

... and you will start to notice the differences between this text editor and Windows Notepad ...

I hope to explain how convenient it is to work with several open tabs no need for a notebook? It's no wonder that tabs are already used in absolutely all browsers, as well as in many computer programs... even in windows explorer we have implemented them with you, remember?

To open a new tab, just create a new text document ...

And to close the tab, poke on it with the RIGHT mouse button and ...

By the way, the view of the tabs can be slightly changed through the "View" ...

Another difference from the system notebook in the presence of a decent number of settings that will appeal to advanced computer users ...

AkelPad also supports a whole bunch of combinations hot keys ... A complete list of them can be found by going to the "Help" of the program and the "Manual" ...

(this is not the whole list - it is much longer)

It should be noted that this notebook supports work with plugins, which can be downloaded from the official website of the program... There is even a plugin for the previously described by me system clipboard enhancer Clipboard.

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