Translit net Russian keyboard. Translation of Russian letters into English (online)

Why are SEO urls with correct transliteration so important for a website?

For competent, correct formation of the structure of a web resource, one of the main conditions is a unique CNC (human-readable URL). The url view gives the user an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is on the page, and tells the search robot what the format is, what is the relevance to the query, and so on. In a word, it provides information that is used in the search algorithm and delivery of web pages. Thus, when specifying the resource address, you must use Yandex transliteration.

Why choose transliteration from Yandex?

Yandex transliteration is different from the usual transliteration

When analyzing links, the Yandex search robot pays attention to site addresses. And here the url, written in transliteration, plays an important role. It turns out that Yandex transliteration does not correspond to the traditional transliteration rules. There are exceptions to the translation of Cyrillic characters into the Latin alphabet. For example, for Yandex the transcription of the letter "ш" differs from the generally accepted one - SHH instead of SHCH.

Yandex URL transliteration and site ranking

SEO strategies necessarily take ranking algorithms into account. Thus, the webmaster achieves an improvement in the position of the web resource in the search results. Correct URLs increase the chances of getting closer to the first positions in the SERP. The search engine ranks pages with the correct transliterated address higher. Consequently, an Internet resource where the correct transliteration of Yandex is observed gains an advantage over its competitors.

Yandex also integrated a useful bonus in search for sites that use literate transliteration - highlighting the transliterated address. This selection is a powerful tool for attracting visitors to the resource, increasing the conversion rate of the site as a whole.

Which type of CNC to choose?

Transliteration or translation into English, Cyrillic?

The following three translation options are available on the site:

  • Competent translit according to Yandex. Ideal for Yandex, but not suitable for Google. Google will not highlight these words in the search results.
  • Manually translate a word into English. Unfortunately, such links are useless for Yandex, but a priority for Google.
  • Using Cyrillic URL spelling. Minus - external links without anchor will look like this

The conclusion is unambiguous: to create a CNC site on the Internet under Yandex, we use the online transliteration service. For Google, we just take the translation of a word into English.

It will help you to perform the correct transliteration from Russian into English of the necessary data: names, titles, URLs of site pages. Online transliteration (online transliteration) is a convenient and easy-to-use program that will facilitate your work and help you correctly present the necessary information in Latin.

The advantages of our online transliterator:

  1. Considered rules of various systems;
  2. Ready URL for insertion into the site;
  3. Online translation in real time.

Use proven resources and don't waste time on long transliteration!

Online transliteration

Below you can find out what transliteration is, as well as get acquainted with the main systems of transliteration.

What is transliteration?

Transliteration is the most correct and relatively easy way to convey text written in one alphabetical system through another, for example, Russian words in Latin letters. This method was developed by Schleicher and is still in demand today. This is logical, because thanks to this particular method it becomes possible to correctly and correctly issue a driver's license, passport, diplomas and other documents.

In other words, this is the transfer of Russian words in Latin (in English), that is, the representation of Russian words using the English alphabet. For example, "goodbye" will not sound "bye", but "dosvidaniya".

Where is it applied?

Initially, transliteration from English into Russian was studied and used mainly by translators, but today its areas of use have expanded significantly. Transliteration has become very popular on the Internet.

When translating, professional translators use the transliteration method if:

  • It is necessary to write the full name in the documents, addresses (streets), as well as other Russian letters in Latin. For example, Kovalenko - Kovalenko; Swan Street - ylitsa Lebedinaya;
  • We are talking about the realities of a locality or country that do not have a designation in the target language, or there is a need to emphasize the color of the language. So, we can cite as an example the well-known borscht, which translates as "borsch", grandmother - "babushka".

If we talk about Internet technologies, here transliteration into English serves to:

  • Come up with a name for the site. Despite the English letters, many site names are easy to read in Russian.

Use in correspondence or online communication. Here, letters are often replaced by numbers or other symbols. H is often written as 4. Hat - Shapo4ka. It is also a favorite communication method for gamers who often use transliteration into English.

Most popular transliteration systems

There are various transliteration systems. They may have some differences among themselves. We propose to consider several of the most relevant transliteration methods.

Transliteration according to GOST... It is an approved document that defines how to transliterate Cyrillic languages \u200b\u200busing the Latin alphabet. GOST 7.79-2000 - adapted to the international standard ISO9, adopted in Russia.

Transliteration for documents according to ICAO requirements... ICAO stands for International Civil Aviation Organization. This organization has developed its own system of transliteration of names and surnames. This system is often included in online transliteration from Russian to English.

TYP transliteration (Traveler's Yellow Pages Transliteration) Despite the wide variety of transliteration systems, this system is quite popular and the most used, it has its own distinctive rules of transliteration from Russian to English, which can be seen in the table below.

Transliteration by order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs N 4271 used for registration of passports.

Transliteration by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs N 995 used to issue driving licenses and at the moment (2018) coincides with transliteration for passports.

Transliteration for Yandex... Often, the title of the article itself in English letters is used as the title of the site page. To achieve good results in search engines, you need to use the Yandex algorithm.

When transliterating, some letters of Russian (or any other Slavic language), such as sch, c, s, h, y, f, y, in English cause the greatest difficulties. Let's look at how they are transliterated according to the above parsed systems using the transliteration pivot table.

The final table of transliteration from Russian to English

Below is a summary table for transliteration from Russian to English, which shows the systems discussed above.

Russian letters

TYP system

ICAO system

GOST 7.79-2000

Orders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs N 4271 / Ministry of Internal Affairs N 995

You may be interested in studying the topic of letters and sounds of the English language in more detail. With the online tutorial Lim English, you can take a specialized course on this topic. and start exciting activities!

Each language has such a category of words as proper names: first names, surnames, all sorts of names. Any of us at least once has necessarily faced the need not translate, namely to write Russian word in English. For example, when we are dealing with names, surnames, names of cities, streets, various institutions (such as cafes, restaurants, hotels), we need to convey the sound of the word, make it readable in English. The names of cultural and religious events, the names of holidays, national elements that are not in the English-speaking culture also require transmission in English, because we communicate with foreigners about these things, we talk about our country and culture.

There are rules for this purpose transliterations - a method of writing words of one language by means of another. Each letter of the Russian alphabet (Cyrillic) has a corresponding English (Latin) letter or a combination of letters.

There are many systems and standards for transliteration. But first, let's talk about transliteration standards. Now, when almost everyone has a passport, when we travel abroad and fill out documents and forms in English, you just need to know the rules of transliteration that are accepted in the world.

Below are the options for transliterating letters and combinations of the Russian alphabet:

Russian letters

English letters and combinations

Soft mark and hard mark are not conveyed in writing. Some letters are conveyed by combinations of two letters, and the letter Щ - by a combination of four: shch.

For instance:

Surname Shcherbakov will be written Shcherbakov.

Vowels E and Yo transliterated as YE if they appear at the beginning of a word or after a vowel:

Yezhov - Yezhov
Yozhikov - Yezhikov
Sergeev - Sergeyev

In Russian, letter combinations are often found Th with vowels, and each of the combinations has a correspondence:

Russian combinations

English combinations

Many countries have transliteration rules for passports. In Russia, for example, the following rules apply for passports:

A-A, B-B, B-V, G-G, D-D, E-E, E-E, Z-ZH, Z-Z, I-I, Y-I, K-K, L- L, M-M, H-N, O-O, P-P, P-R, C-S, T-T, U-U, F-F, X-KH, C-TC, H-CH, SH-SH, SH-SHCH, S-Y, E-E, Yu-IU, I-IA.

Transliteration of names and surnames for passports is carried out according to this standard using a special program into which your data in Russian is entered. If you have a passport, you must use the spelling of your first and last name, which is presented in the document.

Transliteration is used not only in paperwork. We have already mentioned the word groups for which we use transliteration. For example, in English texts, you can easily come across the words borshch, pelmeni, matryoshka, Perestroyka and many others that have no English equivalent.

Or perhaps you remember the times when mobile phones did not support Russian, and we exchanged SMS messages in English. At the same time, everyone intuitively invented their own transliteration rules. These messages were challenging to read, but very funny. For example, to transmit the letter F used the letters G, J, Z, ZH. With letter S it was generally difficult: it was written as I, U, Y, JI. Those days are long gone, but the need to master the transliteration system has not disappeared, but, on the contrary, has increased. Use the knowledge gained and communicate in English fluently. I wish you success!

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Online service: transliteration of text - writing Russian characters in Latin.

About transliteration of Russian names and surnames

When filling out registration forms, questionnaires, drawing up various kinds of documents (for example, a passport or visa), you have to write your last name, first name, address in Latin (English) letters. This service allows automate translation ( transliteration) russians letters in english.

How to spell the last name and first name in English? What is the correct name for a Russian site in English letters? There are various systems or rules for transliterating first and last names (transliteration of Russian words). They are based on the process of simple replacement of the letters of the Russian alphabet with the corresponding letters or combinations of letters of the English alphabet (see below). The difference between the systems of transliteration of names and surnames is observed when translating some letters, for example, E, E, b, b and diphthongs (combinations of a vowel letter and Y).

A - A K - K X - KH
B - B L - L Ts - TS (TC)
B - V M - M H - CH
G - G H - N W - SH
D - D O - O Щ - SHCH
E - E, YE P - P B -
E - E, YE P - R S - Y
F - ZH C - S B -
Z - Z T - T E - E
I - I U - U Yu - YU (IU)
Y - Y (I) F - F I am YA (IA)

In order to translate english letters at russians paste your text into the top input field and click the "Do" button. As a result, in the lower input field, you will get a translation of the Russian text into a transcript (Russian words in English letters).

Note. Since March 16, 2010, new rules for transliteration of the Cyrillic alphabet for the Russian alphabet have been used when issuing a passport. The result may not match the old name, for example, on a plastic card. In order for the name to be entered in the passport correctly (as before), that is, so that it coincides with the name on the credit card or driver's license, an additional application must be submitted. Example: Julia according to the new system will be Iuliia, most likely you will want Julia or Yuliya (which, in my opinion, is more harmonious).

When issuing a driver's license, a transliteration system is used that is different from a passport, similar to the system for a US visa. At the request of the owner, the entry in Latin letters in the driver's license can

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