VKontakte welcome login and password. VKontakte - social network

February 23, 2012, 16:13 - Nikita, Ulan-Ude

Thanks a lot for antivirus. Now I will know that the programs for raising the rating are a complete divorce. ***** This is the name of this program to improve the rating, I do not advise you to download - a full scam)

January 14, 2012, 17:11 - Dasha, Shumerlya

Thank you very much, your program helped me to find the virus .. THANKS !!!

November 28, 2011, 13:32 - Ksyusha, Murmansk

thanks for the tips)))

10 October 2011, 03:00 - Slava, Moscow

Thank you, I did it) I did it as in the instructions, I'm grateful to you) Antivirus really helped, thanks again!

Yes, nezachto! ;) I remind everyone who can not get in touch and you are asked to send smsku, or enter your phone number, this is a 100% divorce! The reason is one - virus-extortionists! You can defeat the problem, follow these instructions.

July 09, 2011, 18:49 - Regina, Almetyevsk

Thank you! On your advice, I downloaded a program that scans the computer for viruses. I'm in touch! Sincerely grateful!

This program is called an antivirus! :) I'm glad that you did it! Thank you for your good feedback. ;)

May 7, 2011, 13:04 - Natusia, Severodvinsk

Yes, contact is fun, but when you hack it hard!

To contact gave only positive emotions, do not go on questionable links and sites, download incomprehensible applications such as "increasing the rating", "guests of my page", etc. And it is necessary to install good antivirus  with constant updates!

April 20, 2011, 19:53 - Anastasia, Akhtubinsk

Help me please. I already registered on the site, but unfortunately I forgot my password and login. What should I do?

I'm not tired of repeating :) that on our site there is a "Question-Answer" heading, where there are already answers to many questions. Including there you will find the answer and to your question - link :)

April 19, 2011, 18:19 - Ella, Narovlya

how to register in contact?

Now registration in contact is possible only by invitation. Ask someone from friends who are already in contact to send you an invitation. It will come in the form of a text message on your mobile phone, there will be a login and a password to enter.

April 19, 2011, 00:10 - Natalia, Minsk

Help me please. I can not go to the page, the white screen and writes - the website can not display the page, what should I do?

April 18, 2011, 04:05 - Vovchik, Voronezh

I need help, went through spam, now I can not even get in touch, what should I do? I go, writes that my page was hacked and offers to change the password, but not as usual, but put 100 rubles for some number.

I already answered a similar question. Your computer is probably infected with a virus. What you need to do in this situation and how to restore access to contact, you can see.

In order to register and get a personal page (profile VK), you need to complete only 5 steps.

Registration is not possible without:

  • Access to the Internet.
  • Mobile phone.
  • Straight arms.

Step 1. Go to the page http://vk.com. Under the "Instant registration" there are two columns "Your name" and "Your last name", fill out and click the "Register" button.

Step 2. Choose the school in which we studied. Here, too, are two columns "Country of School" and "City of School." We fill in, there will be the 3rd "School", we will write down, further "year of release", "class". After filling in below will open a photo with the names of people we can know. If we know, add them to friends (make people add to friends) and move on.

Step 3. "Country of the university," "City of the university," "HIGH SCHOOL", if studied, fill out, if not, skip and click "skip the search for classmates."

Step 4. Bind the page to a personal mobile phone. Enter the phone number, press "get code". After 5 seconds, the SMS will come to the phone with a 5-digit code, enter it in the last column (the binding is free, it does not take money from the account). After that, enter your personal password. And all of you are registered In contact, you have become part of a multi-million community.

Step 5. We went to the personal page. We upload our photos, edit, fill out accurate information about ourselves and forward with friends, listen to music, watch videos, play apps, share interesting news.

How to register Vkontakte without a phone number:

VKontakte login to your personal page.

As soon as they are not called, everyone who fell in love and is part-time is the most popular social network in runet: "Contact", "VK", "", "VKontakte", etc. There can be many names but one, the main page of VKontakte, and the page on which you enter into the VC, is located at: http://vk.com or you can go to http://vkontakte.ru you will still redirect to it. Good luck!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Social network VKontakte since the beginning of its existence has reached such a frenzied popularity that now almost all users of runet have their own accounts VKontakte. Sots.set so demanded and the range of people is so wide that almost everyone can find an interesting interlocutor, business partner and even a friend.

Well, for webmasters, this is an extra opportunity to promote your project in this social network with the help of SMO and SMM, because search engines  very carefully refer to social signals and actively take them into account when ranking sites. Especially it will be noticeable if you manage to unleash your VKontakte group.

The possibilities of the VC network and its place in the world

The site of the VC was founded by Pavel Durov and was initially positioned as a means of communication between students and graduates from Russia. However, in the future, the audience began to expand and to date, users of this part of the Internet space are representatives of virtually all segments of society and all ages. On attendance VK (VKontakte) on the runet space is second only to the all-powerful Yandex, and this says a lot.

Moreover, judging by some signs, the Russian social network, as, indeed, the mirror Runet, seriously intends to conquer the foreign market. By the way, in this sense, there is a rapprochement with other major world social networks, such as how (how to adjust), which, by all, are going to expand to Russian territory. But Twitter, judging by the fact that it acquired a Russian-language interface (), has already seriously got down to business.

But there is still one that has its advantages. For the kit, there is also a site, which is another major social service on the runet, which is equally popular.

I, yes, I think, most users, really like the simplicity and convenience of the VKontakte site interface. The social network provides almost all modern possibilities: here you can listen to music, play games, watch videos, and, of course, create pages and communicate with friends. That is, VK seems to me a kind of focus of all the benefits in one vial.

At first I was going to tell you about all aspects in today's article, including, as well as other numerous chips. However, after thinking, I decided to divide the material into several parts, since the publication already promises to be quite monstrous in its volume. But we turn to the description of how the registration takes place in the VC, which is surprisingly laconic and pleasant.

Welcome page VKontakte, registration in VC, entrance to the page

Before moving on to the topic of registration, I will add a little tar to the barrel of honey, it is necessary to fully understand the situation. The fact is that the VC site in the world coordinate system occupies a very low position in "cleanliness", in contrast, say, from the same Facebook, which in this sense is more respectable.

This is due to the presence in the contact of a huge number of pages with the adult, with non-normative vocabulary, accounts created specifically for cheating (fake). VKontakte, or rather, the network administration, decided to correct the situation, and one of the measures was toughening the registration procedure. At one time it was possible to register on the VC website only by invitation.

However, apparently, it did not bring the necessary dividends, otherwise how to explain that everything has returned to its own place. Moreover, the registration process has become convenient and almost instantaneous. In order to pass it, it is enough to go to the page "Welcome" in contact (vk.com - the address of the official site). Follow here where passes instant registration  in VK:

First you need to enter your name and surname in the appropriate fields and click the "Register" button. Please note that it is possible to make a login in VKontakte using your Facebook account. This is in addition to my reasoning, which I allowed myself at the beginning of the publication, about the convergence of the world's giants.

So, registration in the contact begins. After activating the process, you get to the next section, where you can immediately perform VK search of your classmates and classmates. And you can just skip these steps, immediately by going to the section "Completing the registration":

To enhance security on many large and significant services to confirm registration information or other requests using the number mobile phone  user instead of identifying by e-mail. For example, this method is practiced in the payment system Webmoney. Now and in the contact registration is not without this. So you have to enter your mobile number:

Please note that if you do not reside on the territory of the Russian Federation, then before the actual phone number you need to add the code numbers of your country. However, the VKontakte script itself determines it by IP. After clicking on the "Get code" button, you should wait for the SMS message, which comes almost immediately, and having extracted the digital code from the content, enter it into the corresponding form:

Then follows "Send code", after which another form will open, which provides registration on the website of the VC. In this form you need to enter your super complicated password. By the way, to save time and at the same time increase security, use the program for storing passwords, which reliably saves all the passwords.

After these manipulations, which take a couple of minutes (instant registration of the VC), you get to the official site in contact. There, with the help of a special assistant, who will show and tell you everything, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the main options and features provided in your account.

In the future, you must log in to VC, entering the login and password VKontakte normally. By the way, as a login, if you have not yet understood, you need to use your mobile phone number, which was entered during registration on the site. So, below we will implement the VKontakte login on the page to set up your profile.

"My page" in the contact - the basic settings

After you have registered and made an entry to the Contact, you can start editing the main settings. First, go to the section "My page", where you need to fill in data about yourself, which in some way will characterize you, which is important for communicating with people. To enter information, click "Edit" next to the name of the personal section, several tabs will open, the first of which will be "Basic":

Here, everyone decides for himself what information to enter, which will be displayed on the personal page. In particular, if you do not wish to give data on the full date of birth, there is an opportunity to specify for open access  only month and day. You can enter your name and surname, the names and surnames of your relatives, their dates of birth.

In the "Contacts" tab, specify the country of residence, mobile and home phones, your own Scype, a link to your resource. Please note that phone numbers can be hidden with different variations using nearby links, when you click on which of the list choose whether they will be visible to all users, only you, only your friends, etc .:

There is also an opportunity to use the modern options of the VKontakte network by setting up the export of records from other social networks. The most illustrative example, I think, will be an example with Twitter. Click on the corresponding link "Integration with other services" at the bottom of the form and select the social network from which the records will be exported to VKontakte (in our case it's Twitter), after which the window will appear:

You are logged in to the Tweeter by clicking the appropriate button, and then you go to the next window, where the conditions for using the VK.com application will be explained. In order to allow the program access to the account, click on "Authorize":

The next step in the export configuration is to tick and save the settings:

If for some reason you decide not to use this opportunity, you can immediately refuse, clicking on the "disconnect" link. However, it is not forbidden to do this later from the same tab "Contacts". If you agree and are determined to use this option, save the settings. As a result, all entries from your twitter tape will be visible on the VC wall for users who are your readers in the Twitter microblog.

This is especially convenient for those who are self-promotion of their site, using for this purpose SMO optimization methods (promotion in social networks). In the same way, move on the other tabs and fill in the forms in a similar way:

Thus, carefully and thoughtfully filling in the forms in the tabs of "My Page" VC, greatly facilitate the search for old friends or new acquaintances close to you in spirit, life views, habits and worldview.

Yes, I almost missed one important aspect. After all, in order to present yourself in full, so to speak, you need to install a photo (or avatar) on your page. How to install, I'll write in the nearest publications.

Effective people search VKontakte, friends and communication with them

And now let's see how to effectively use, for example, the search for famous people in general or friends in particular. First you need to go to the "People" section from the top menu of VK. To find a person whose surname and name are not a secret for you, just enter them into the search field and click "Search":

If the name and surname are common, you will have to shovel the search data, since the number of results can exceed a thousand. For a more accurate VC search, use the forms on the right that exactly repeat those that are filled in the section for editing your personal data on "My Page".

For example, you know the approximate age of a person, mark it in the right range, the VKontakte search range is immediately reduced by several times and you get a much smaller list for research. Of course, the more specifying information about the person you are looking for, the more narrow the search for people VK (VKontakte).

To subscribe to the messages of the person found, just click on the link with his name or on the photo. This way you will be taken to his personal page, where you press the button "Add to friends". This will mean that you are subscribed to his materials and sent an application for addition to VKontakte. If you change your mind, click on the "Cancel" link:

That's it, it's simple. Of course, it is not the fact that he will add you as a friend, it's up to the person to whom the offer is made. By the way, here it is possible to take the first step towards VKontakte communication. Choose your favorite entry and do one of the following:

First, you can choose who exactly you want to send a record with your own comments: to all friends and subscribers, to subscribers of the community (in this case you need to enter its name) or to one of the VC friends personally. To do this, enter its name or e-mail in the line, located just below. In the process of typing a name or surname below, the list of all friends will automatically appear, from which you can select the desired recipient (or even several).

Secondly, you can attach a photo, video or audio recording or even a document to the message you send. As you can see, the possibilities are the widest.

2. By clicking on the likes (the inscription "I like"), behind which the picture with the heart is located, you thereby vote for it. In the same way, any user of the VKontakte network can "vote" for any of your messages. The term "like" VKontakte comes from the English word like - like. To the left of the husky is located the number of the given by the given record with friends, to the right - marking it with the husk.

Having added the cursor to the number of people on the left and clicking on the link "Go to the list of shared ones", get two lists of real people (who put the rating and shared with the likes) with whom you can also start communication by hitting their personal page after clicking on the link or on the photo .

In the first tab on the left are your "All Friends" VK. On the right is a list of possible actions that can be applied to each of the friends (write a message, view friends of this friend, remove it from memory or arrange lists, one of which will include this friend (best friends, relatives, colleagues, friends in the university and school).

On the next tab, you can see which of the people you know are currently online and chat with them. If you go to the applications, you will open two more tabs where you can add simple subscribers to VC friends or unsubscribe or cancel your own application:

To write a message on your own or someone else's "wall", you do not need to be a genius for a forehead either. Enter the cursor in the form, where the inscription "What's new with you?" Or "Write a message" (for the "wall" of another user) flaunts, click on it and make a note:

Note that here you can make a number of additional body movements: attach a photo, video, audio recording and much more to the message, the list of which will be opened after clicking on the same link in the same registry. Let's try now to go to the "Messages" section of the personal page VKontakte:

Here you will get all the data about all the messages you read, new, received and sent, which can be viewed in the form of a dialog or immediately deleted. Here you can send a new one to any of the friends by clicking on the link "Write a message", enter the required text, specify the name or e-mail of the person and click the "Send" button.

Well, and finally the final touch, which will loop today's material. If, in anticipation of a sudden, the question arises before you, how to delete the page VKontakte, here

«My page» on VKontakte  - so all users of this social network call their personal profile. On the personal page there is personal information of the person that he himself entered when registering on the site, on this page people, favorite music, clips, films and communicate with their friends and acquaintances.

Go to the official VKontakte page, on my page: VK.com

What is "My Page"?

Creating a profile on the site VKontakte, you fill out such personal information about yourself as: date of birth, place of birth, enter the place of your work, look for and add friends and friends to your page.

  To go to your page you need ONLY through the official website:. At the entrance to the site you will be greeted: "Welcome VKontakte!"

A few secrets ...:

It is worth noting the fact that every person who is a registered user of VKontakte will be able to read your data, see a list with your friends, read correspondence on the wall or comments to photos and much more. So, when filling in the profile, think about what to write there. Although this is called "My Page VKontakte", but many people have access to it, in particular, the owners of the site. And it does not matter whether you hide your face on the avatar for a mask or not - you are easy to recognize.

Hiding behind masks ...

A little story about personal pages VKontakte

The VK.com website is by far the largest social network in the CIS. He was created in 2006 by Pavel Durov who at that time graduated from the State University in St. Petersburg at the Faculty of Philology. The site was developed by Pavel Nikolay's brother and the development team.

The first project of Durov was a site: durov.com, which contained mostly educational materials. This site also had a concept such as " Personal page"but, not VKontakte, but after the site vkontakte.ru (later - VK.com) came the notion of "My Page VKontakte" which is well known to all of us today.

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VKontakte my page "Welcome", 4.6 out of 5 based on 18 ratings

howIn contact with  come in  no password

Forgetting the users of VKontakte regarding their passwords is a solvable problem. And there are a number of ways to recover the password. Many people use automatic memorization. thereforeIn contact with  will become possible within a few seconds, as it was previously saved by your browser. However, if the system was reinstalled and the cache was cleaned, the hope of recovering the password was evaporated during these processes. So, there is a problem, but it is completely solved, how to performVKontakte social network login without password. You can find out about entering VKontakte from your computer.

If you do not know how, In contact withlogin without password  for its forgetfulness, the below described method will help to get to the page.

  • Make the transition to the site vk.com.
  • Click "Forgot your password?".
  • Run the input in the window that was opened, e-mail or login, applied at the time of registration. You can also specify the phone number to which your page was attached at the time of registration. Click "Next".
  • Write in the window the name that appears in the profile belonging to you, then click "Next".
  • If the proposed data matches yours, then click on "Yes, this is the right page".
  • A few minutes later your phone will receive a message. It has code for entering into the form, which you will see on the computer screen. Then click on "Change Password".
  • Enter a new password.

From now on, the problem VCmy page ВКонтакте login without password  for you it is solved. Therefore, you can try something new to make your page more popular, for example, buy without spam, mailings and other unnecessary hassle. Read also the article on : "Vkontakte login without login"

On your phone will come another message, which will indicate the data to enter. New password  gives the right to freely enter your page. In contact withsocial network login without password  It is impossible, and only you and no one else can get a password in this way. If the topic is new for you, how to implement In contact with «My page» login without password, which is forgotten, like other data, then another method will suit you, like In contact with  entrance  no password.

The first and second items of the previous method are also executed in this case. Then click on "Click here" on the page "Restore access to the page". In the form you must specify a link to your profile in the VC, click "Next". In the next window it is suggested to fill the form in the most detailed way. If you do not know the old password, you need to fill out an extended application to restore the page. Your application is considered if there are 2 relevant document images. If there is an external image, the VC will reject the request for restoration. Find out how to restore the page VKontakte, you can by clicking on this.

  VK my pageIn contact withlogin without password  is not available to anyone until you have the opportunity to use your account.

Qualitative and profitable promotion VKontakte

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