The main rules of surveillance. How to spy behind people using mobile phone tracking methods


Sometimes situations occur when it is necessary to trace the smartphone for the subscriber. Purses confidence in his wife / husband, you need control over the employee, a small child or an elderly relative. With the advent of the latest technologies, this task can be solved through a mobile device.

Liseline mobile phone

On the Internet you can download a special application that makes it possible to track the conversations of the subscriber of interest to you. How to follow a person through the phone? To activate the program, no conference call is required to be monitored, opening root rights or other requirements. The only rule should be enabled data transfer. The mobile phone listener opens the following features:

  • the wiretapping will be recorded and transferred to you a computer, smartphone or iPhone;
  • the subscriber call log will be unloaded into your folder where they can be viewed;
  • all SMS messages from the recipient's phone number will be intercepting together with the text, date and time;
  • the possibility of interception of all emails with email and gmail clients is activated;
  • the location definition is also present in such programs.

How to find out where the subscriber is

You can monitor the location of the person of interest to your mobile number. Cellular operators are now offering geolocation services. Systems can determine the coordinates of the subscriber with very high accuracy - up to a tent of meters. Geolocation is an alternative to satellite positioning. How to find out where the subscriber is? If the mobile device operates in the area of \u200b\u200bmaintenance of its network, then the search for a person's location is based on tracking a smartphone via an electronic map, because the gadget constantly sends its data to the operator.

The geolocation is paid. To activate it, make a request via SMS, operator call or USSD. Information about the location of the desired user will come to your Android in the form of SMS. If you want to receive data in graphical form or markers cards, then you need to additionally download and install the desired program from the provider website.

How to track a person by phone number through the computer

On the Internet, it is easy to find programs (not free!), Which offer such a service as a surveillance for the phone number through the computer. To track android through the PC, you must register on the service, then introduce a utility to the smartphone, followed by observation. All these actions will not take a few minutes. How to track the location of a person by phone number?

After installing the desired utility, information will be sent to the location of the person of interest. You can view his messages, listen to conversations, hear surrounding sounds and even watch a picture from the camera. Phone tracking is a great option to be aware of the movements of your teenage child, especially if he is not divided by events from his life.

Phone Tracking Program

Sometimes tracking a phone close person carries no distrust in himself, but the desire for his protection. For these purposes, serves a special application from Google working with your account. A spyware on the phone (TrackView or WardenCam) allows not only to follow the other person, but also gives full control over its mobile device. For example, if you leave the smartphone in the car, and it will bearing, then you will not find out about the movement of the car. Tracking the phone number with a spyware can be carried out from any device having a webcam.

How to track the phone on GPS through a computer

You can find out the location of a person by incorporating the GPS search on android you are interested in. Watching mobile phones through collecting information from providers that provide such services. How to track the phone on the GPS through the computer? You need to install any application that on the Internet is offered a huge amount, for example, GPS Tracking Pro, on the smartphone of the person you want to check. The program works unnoticed for the user, and you regularly receive data to your personal account on the service provider website.

Can watch through the phone chamber

Spying without observation can not be full. Now the question is no longer relevant, can it be monitored through the phone chamber. Many programs offer such a service as video surveillance for the object of interest through its smartphone. For example, Webofcam application offers such a service. The meaning of the program work - on one mobile device it is clear that it removes the other.

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How to save confidentiality of data?

The specificity of your activity requires a confidential situation at the management meetings or during conversations with partners? Competitors constantly monitor you. In order for the information intended for a small circle of people, they were not heard with competitors or hired by private detectives, we recommend investigating the premises for business negotiations, a car salon and communication tools for listening devices. Manufacturers of this technique, popular with lovers to extract not intended for extraneous information, are constantly improving the technical capabilities of their products.

In the photo examples of the bugs found by us:

Therefore, the probability of its non-professional detection is zero. By contacting the private detective, you already in a day after the arrival of our specialists will reliably know whether there were bugs and other listening mechanisms. We also help to establish a hidden video surveillance in the room, which only you and the representative of our detective agency will know.

Private detectives consider the prevention of crimes in the most efficient way to combat attackers.

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The cost of services in the Decision Agency "Decision" is formed on the basis of the Cosmplex of the necessary work, of which the event is to solve your task. And each part of the work of private detectives has a certain bet, for example:

  • Data collection and information - from 5,000 rubles;
  • Checking for the wiretapping - 1,000 rubles per m 2;
  • Search for debtors and investigating theft - from 20 000 rubles;
  • Protection and protection - from 10 000 rubles;
  • Verification of partners - from 5,000 rubles;
  • Observation and counter-observation services - by agreement.

Private detective services consist of a set of events, so to find out the exact cost - call and sign up for a free consultation!

■ Decided to post the girlfriend, suspecting that she changed you with her husband? To begin with, take care of the possibility of quickly change the appearance.

■ It is not necessary to rent a tuxedo, a sufficiently double-sided jacket of neutral colors, sports pants under jeans, compact windbreakers in pocket and pairs of samples in a bag. It will be convenient to hide jeans when you rent them.

■ If you wear socks in a blue-yellow strip, take a spare pair of another coloring. Yellow-blue, for example. To one of his images to pick up characteristic glasses and a nonsense hat.

■ Clothing, by the way, should be absolutely new, so that in the midst of the operation you did not recognize the walking around the city's brother's brother of your girlfriend.

■ In order for the observation object, it certainly did not suspect anything, ask for help from friends and scalotize the recharge from 4-6 people. You can walk not only one by one, but also two, pretending to spouses or Siamese twins.

■ When the machine is needed, take the most inconspicuous: not too large and not small, gray or white. If your own flesh is small, lend cars from friends or take a test drive in the cabin. If you do not have the ability to transfer the relay to another driver, throw in the trunk of a partner so that you can change along the prosecution. Do not try to specially reduce the speed, slip on the red light and make the same stops as the object of surveillance. Suddenly does he have eyes and a rearview mirror? He can alert.

■ Do not avoid visual contact. If it happened that the victim turned sharply and went in the opposite direction, your jump under trolleybus may seem suspicious. I better hand over the partner so that he takes the baton. Buy a bluetooth headset. This is the case when the similarity with the hero of Bezrukov from the "Irony of Fate" should not scare you.

■ Yes, and in advance dispersed assistants over the entire estimated route so that they can in your chance "by chance" to leave the alleys and continue to monitor the object by taking the baton. Having passed the necessary site, they can hide, change clothes, overtake the pursued and go to it already from the next public toilet.

■ Game went to the cafe? Work for "in love with a couple" (in your interpretation after all there is such?). Let the detectives order several dishes and pay in advance so that in the event of an emergency could be left cafes. Just do not let the "in love with a pair" continue to be surrounded by: they have already lit up enough. Let let the relay blowing with the entrance to you.

■ In the mall, one either can not cope. Let your companions differ in different sections. It is unability that the person, followed by a surveillance, noticed the same face in different departments, only if it does not look at the election poster.

By the way, in the case of linings, we will deny that we know, and from the police we will try to pull out next month.

Why do you need to follow a person? Everyone pursues their goal. Someone wants to come to the second half in treason, and someone to bring to the "clean water" of a business partner. Regardless of your goals, the detective online agency specialists will spend invisible to surrounding surroundings by collecting the necessary evidence in a short period of time. In our arsenal there is a modern technique that allows you to carry out a good observation with photos, audio or video reporting.

Surveillance services for man

Services of a private detective, in addition to the investigation may include surveillance. It will make it possible to find evidence for human exposure, or give reliable information about his real life. We are ready to establish a surveillance for your wife, trace your husband, a business partner, a child or any other customer you are interested in.

The confidentiality of the personality of the client is guaranteed by the contract concluded in the design of the service. We are not disclosed by the secrets of our customers, so for your reputation every customer can be calm.

Methods of surveying man:

  • outdoor observation;
  • phone calls;
  • social networks.

Outdoor observation is most popular. Our specialists will follow a person before the clarification of all the circumstances of the customer who are interested in. In the process of surveys, irrefutable evidence of the guilt is collected, or refutable client speculation.

The price of surveillance for man

The price of surveillance services for a person varies in a small price range. It depends on the number of people involved in the observation process, the selected method of providing evidence, the complexity of work, as well as other factors. So, surveillance for his wife or husband to identify the fact of treason, it will cost cheaper surveillance for a business partner. The difference lies in the fact that a business person in one day can be in a huge number of places. Our specialists will drive him on the heights to collect information. While the thief in treason is much easier, since lovers are found in one place, which allows you to collect evidence quickly.

You can find out the exact cost of the surveillance by calling our office on the phone number indicated on the site. We do not insist on providing our services, so after discussing the cost of the client will have time to think or abandon the transaction.

Which of us did not want to visit the site of James Bond? Cinema, intrigue, spy games and adrenaline - all this is so exciting! Today we will talk about programs for smartphones that can be safely called spyware. Write a conversation, without touching a mobile phone, or take a picture of someone without his knowledge - all this can be implemented using special mobile applications.

The following five programs for smartphones on iOS and Android seemed to me the most interesting.

Webofcam. Is free. iOS and Android

Spy recorder. Is free. iOS and Android

Top Spy Lite (Top Spy). Is free. Full version costs 33 rub / $ 0.9. iOS.

Hidden camera. Is free. iOS.

Securet Spycam. Is free. Full version costs 148 rub / $ 4.1. Android.


What spying without surveillance? WebOfCam application allows you to conduct video surveillance using a mobile phone. True, for this you will need two smartphones (it does not matter here, they work on iOS or Android). The meaning of this program is to see what the other takes off on one phone.

First download the application and run it on two devices at the same time. On one of the smartphones, select the "Camera" function - this phone will shoot the video. It is left at the place of shooting, sending the camera in the right direction.

In the WebOfCam application, choose a task for a smartphone - shoot or intercept video from another phone

On the second smartphone, choose the function "View" (observer). Both phones must be connected to one Wi-Fi network. Only in this case, the smartphone-winner will "see" a smartphone camera and can connect to it.

Video from the first smartphone can be seen not only on another phone, but also on a computer or laptop. Enough in the Internet browser enter the address specified in the application. At the same time, the WebOfCam page opens, where the screen with video can be increased or rotated 90 degrees.

With the help of WebOfCam video from the smartphone you can watch online on your computer

By the way, on the phone-camera in the WebOfCam application there is a "Blank Screen" button. When you click on it, the smartphone screen becomes black, as if the phone is not turned on. This is an additional encryption possibility.

Total, the WebOfCam application can be used, for example, to monitor her husband in the next room, as a video nanny or the means of surveillance for the cat, if he has fallen to steal food from the table. Situations can be inventing many. The main thing - now you know about the online video surveillance tool!

The disadvantages of the WebOfCam application are no sound (yes, unfortunately, you will not hear what your young man is talking about in another room) and the inability to save the broadcast video. But without this, the program retains its appeal. It can come in handy and for amateur joke. Imagine you are in one part of the house or apartment and can at the same time describe another person in the same building of his action!

"Spy Recorder"

This application secretly writes conversations. The program recognizes the sound and starts a record that stops if the sounds disappear. First go to the settings. You should specify which maximum number of entries should be done. You can install this setting and an infinite value - then the recording will last until the memory is run out on the phone. You also need to specify the volume threshold at which the record will begin.

All tracks are stored in a special archive of the Spy Recorder program. There, recording can be written, rename and delete.

Menu, Settings and Archive Applications "Spy Recorder"

So, if you want to record a conversation with someone, turn on the application in advance. As soon as the conversation starts, the program itself will write it.

Top Spy Lite and "Hidden Camera"

These applications are very similar. The main task they decide is invisible photo and video filming.

The Top Spy Lite menu is very simple. After starting, the application immediately reminds that the phone must be translated into a silent mode (otherwise all your secrecy when shooting will spoil the sound of the shutter). Before you four menu buttons. Select which chamber should be turned on - rear or front. Immediately after clicking one of the buttons, the phone screen goes out, as if it was turned off. In fact, the camera works and to take a picture, you need to double-click your finger at any screen location. In the Top Spy Lite application, only a photograph is available, for shooting video will have to buy a full version of the program. Personally, I, having seen a dark screen, never guessed that the phone is turned on, and even more so that the camera works.

The "Hidden Camera" application also allows you to shoot people so that they do not guess about it. This program has several camouflage screens. These are pictures that will be displayed on the smartphone screen when there is a secret shooting. In addition to the black background with the image of the battery (this screen is very similar to the Black Screen from the Top Spy Lite program), the application offers to use the images of a photo editor or an Internet browser. From the outside you as if you sit on the Internet or edit the photo, but actually taking pictures! The battery screen is free, but you need to buy other camouflage backgrounds, and they are 33 rubles.

Settings (left) and free camouflage screen (right) in the "Hidden Camera" application

Top Spy Lite and "Hidden Camera" work on the iOS system. Analogue of these Android programs can be called Securet Spycam. True, this application is completely in English.

SecureT SpyCam

The Securet Spycam application has one advantage over previously listed analogues. The program is able to respond to movement. This means that the camera of your smartphone will automatically take pictures or record the video if the movement will be seen in the lens field. Video filming will be carried out until the movement stops.

Summary. Before exploring the spyware programs, I did not have thoughts for someone to follow, listen to someone or photograph. But now I will not stop thinking how to use such applications. Be that as it may, the main thing is to behave confidently, even when you listen or select. If the phone does not give you a "spy", then the eyes and behavior can.

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