How to write interesting posts in Instagram: Examples. Posts for instagram: what and how to write

SMM specialists, content marketers say in one voice. Publish interesting content, and then everything will be fine with the involvement and sales. But no one told in detail, and what is interesting content? I will try to disassemble this blatant misunderstanding. If you are interested in the topic of promoting instagram accounts, then read our service.

So, in this article we will look at 208 ideas for publications in instagram. Go.

Bear favor.

This is what followers will love you. Such content will show you from the expert side in your niche. Authority and confidence in you and your business automatically rises.

1. Lists.

Lists go very well. Carefully collected selections save the time of other people to find the right information. And the thicker your list is the better. Create lists of books, useful resources, ideas, movies and any others that will be useful to your target audience.

2. How to do.

Posts in the style of "How to do" is another way to be a useful audience. Describe what needs to be done to get the result. For example, this heading includes culinary recipes.

3. Research.

Different studies confirmed by facts enter better than ordinary posts. Publish Cases. Tell the story as a study and which conclusions were obtained as a result of the study.

4. Problem / solution.

In such a post, the simplest format. Description of the problem. And presentation of its decision. Such a post can of course attribute to the heading of popular questions and answers or to the posts heading check list. But do not confuse. In fact, it is a little different content options.

5. Own research.

Spend your own research and give a solution. Information can be submitted in the form of infographics or screenshots and photos with graphs from different analytical systems. Such a post accurately attract attention.

6. FAQ posts.

If you often ask the same questions, then create a heading Popular questions and answers to them. Post 5 of the most popular questions will be interesting.

7. SAQ-posts.

8. Cheklists.

You can paint steps and checkpoints that indicate that the step is made. It also works cool. People love checklists. With such a list it is easier to do something, as it is convenient to check.

9. Post with definitions.

In niches, where the market should be formed. The post with the definition is a necessity. These are terms, professionals and other words that can only understand market professionals.

10. Wall posts.

Find the topic that you can tell in several posts. So that you can decompose the topic for daily publications or publications every second Tuesday of the month.

11. Post statistics

Publish statistics useful for the audience. This rubric works best when this data received you during the study.

Talk about others.

One of the easiest ways to gain an audience, it is to promote other people.

When you talk about others, they will help you.

Here are some ways to do it ...

12. Share people.

13. crowdsourcing posts.

This is when you call a lot of authorities to solve a specific task. So you will get very standing comments on the topic. Such posts will accurately gain a lot of attention from readers.

14. Post with an interview.

You will be surprised how even the most influential people willingly give interviews. Even if you have a little audience coverage from subscribers.

15. Best news.

Such a post can go out once a week or a month. You can collect brief news announcements in a niche in one post with the reference to the source. Both text reference to the article itself and references to the source account in Instagram.

16. Post-quotes.

People love quotes of influential people. Look for interesting people in your niche and do not forget to mention its instagram account.

17. The best post

Looking for the most popular posts in Instagram and can tell about them in your account.

18. Selection of the week.

This is a rather popular type of fast. As a rule, this is a short message with reference to the source. For example, it may be a person-week and mention of his account. Or just the best post in Instagram for the week, with reference to the source.

19. People who are worth subscribing.

This is a list of people who do you think you should watch in instagram.


Create entertainment content can be difficult, but if you cope with this task, such posts will be quite effective.

20. Post history.

Study Personal Stories or Stories An interesting to your market. Some authors produce only this type of content and are popular.

21. Humorous posts

It is possible to exaggerate or iron on certain topics. They work well such posts on a political or sports topic. If there is a lot of funny in your niche. Tell about it.

22. Posts comics.

Create a series of comic posts. With your characters. It's fun.

23. Posts of Mem.

You can create your own meme or find an existing on the Internet. Memes - well raise the mood and always do fine.

24. Post parody.

Create a post that imitates a famous person or its publication in your niche. Be sure to exaggerate the advantages and disadvantages of arguments in such a post.

Be timely.

Current information is always in demand. If you should keep track of trends in your niche. That's a few ideas for you.

25. Post-Overview

Consider a product, an event or something else that deserves publications. For better effect, be as honest as possible in the review, rather than trying to set the product in the best light.

26. Post-survey.

Ask the audience that they think about the current news now.

27. News post.

Tell me in your instagram about events and events that soon happen to you or at all.

28. Posts with trends.

You can predict some things that in your opinion will be popular or talk about what is now gaining popularity. Try yourself in forecasting.

29. Relevant post.

Select a problem that is relevant to your audience now. And tell me what you think about it.

Be humane.

30. Inspirational posts.

Such posts do not bear information. They just inspire the audience and encourage her. May look like a story, quote, or just a message.

31. Festive posts.

While other instagrammers are silent, publish congratulations on popular holidays. Show that you also enjoy and follow the tradition.

32. Watching posts.

Some such posts are gaining great popularity. Tell people what it is worthwhile. This is your personal negative experience that will be interested in your audience.

33. Locked.

If you have already readers, then they will surely want to see how everything happens to you. During the creation of content, creating your product, providing services and even your personal life. Show internal processes.

34. Off-topic posts.

It can be risky, but if you have a loyal audience, which is used to your content, then the nethematatic posts can shock them and you will get a good response. In general, test.

35. Scandalous posts.

If something infuriates you or vice versa, something madly you like, then you are talking about it publicly. Show your anger and passion in the posts. It is emotionally, it will attract attention. But this approach is far from all.


Some instagram accounts are used exclusively for advertising. And except for posts with their products there is nothing there. And it works too!

36. Comparison posts.

Create a post in which you compare your product with competitive solutions. Pros and cons. To strengthen confidence in you, your product is not obliged to be the best solution in the market. Voicate your minuses.

37. Post-showcase.

Use your instagram as a showcase. Publish photos of goods or services process with a detailed description How to order. For designer, the account can serve as a portfolio of work.

38. Profit report.

Tell the audience how much you and your organization makes sales and profits.

39. Upgrade in the company.

Talk in your instagram about a new employee, acquiring or about any major contract.

40. Post of employees.

Publish Content from employees if they can tell something interesting for your audience.

41. Product updates.

If you have fans of your product or service, then they will be happy to learn about innovation. New packaging, price reduction or something else.

42. How to use.


You can get involved in discussion posts. Here are a few ideas for them.

43. What to do if ...

The success of such posts depends if you select an interesting topic for discussion. Better if the topic is controversial. For example, the auto filling of Yandex offers such topics. What if I am Shawarma.

44. Post-discussion.

Use your instagram to take one side of some topic. Argument your position. Or find the one who occupies the opposite position and attract the discussion. It will be interesting.

45. Attacking posts.

When choosing a person, themes, events for attack, be careful. Such content can create enemies, as well as your tary supporters. Such a post accurately attract a lot of attention.

46. \u200b\u200bPost-forecast.

If you take a controversial argument, the post with the forecast can get a good discussion around.

47. Post reaction.

Use posts in Instagram to write your opinion about someone else. For example, it may be a review of the book, the author or product.


While you do not involve the audience, you will always have a weak involvement.

48. Post-Question.

Make people ask questions in the comments. Later, look for interesting questions in the comments and create posts with answers on them.

49. Post-answer.

This type of content is the sister of post-issues. Only in this case you ask the question you are answering it your audience. All content are generated in the comments.

50. Post-Challenge.

Create competitions among your audience. Follow them with each other.

51. Post-Halewa.

Periodically give your audience some gifts and bonuses.

52. Post with the competition.

Announce the competition among your instagram subscribers. With the date of determining the winners and thematic prizes.

Mix Content!

Instagram has 4 ways to feed content (image, video, with text and without text)

Image - can be using infographics, comics, drawing, charts or simple photos. Video - in video content can be served in different ways. From the usual talking head to the recorded screenwriter. Text - Text has always been a common way to submit information and with it in instagram can be expanded by the amount of information filed.

You can make posts with both text and without. And now multiply the outlined ideas on any of the formats of the report. I think now there will be no questions, talking about instagram.

It's no secret that instagram enters the top three social networks that contribute not only to the effective promotion of goods and services, but can make any previously unknown person in a truly popular person. Thanks to millions of users, this application is an effective platform for attracting real customers.In order for your working or personal account to be successful, the main thing is to place and place the post in Instagram - the very photo for which this sociable was created.

It is important to remember that people came here for entertainment and, of course, want to enjoy spectacular pictures, the latest information about the life of their friends, as well as learn interesting facts.

Your post is a main factor that can hook a visitor and turn it into a subscriber, and maybe a client or friend.

Publication of posts in Instagram: step-by-step plan of effective page promotion

1. H.otitis truly publish exclusively to my photos and thoughts. Do not climb the tape with pictures or add "stolen" snapshots.

Quality photos, interesting places and creative records - this is what can interest the visitor.

2. P.sleaving jokes, beautiful photographs of food and demotivators cling to few people. People are more interested in personal pictures.

Try to upload photos regularly, enough 1-3 snapshot per day.

3. P.try to create a useful and interesting page. Under the photo, be sure to place the tempting history of the picture or simply tell about how you spent the day.

Call users to speak in the comments, ask the Council or arrange a survey.

Check out the video: how to collect 100,000 readers in Instagram

4. S.tear to create a discussion. Reasoning or active disputes attract the attention of subscribers.

Live communication with users guarantees their good attitude and trust.

5. N.e Forget to put hashteg. Thanks to them, your pictures will see other users.

6. O.taming the places in which the picture was taken. Potential subscribers will not be guided by geometrs, you will be able to interest people from your city and they will watch your new travel.

People who attend the same places will definitely see your photo and will be interested in an attractive page.

7. K.replacing the records of other people and become an active participant in popular groups. Snapshots of promoted pages sees a huge number of users.

Having entered into a discussion, you will attract the attention of new follovers.

8. P.share on unfamiliar pages. Statistics shows that most of us monitor those who subscribe to the account and respond to reciprocity.

9. N.e is lazy to deliver like. A person wants to find out who liked his post and goes to your page.

Collecting them together, it will be a good result.

12. O.totems in the photo. If you have visited the beauty salon, a new restaurant, a store and captured your person there, be sure to ask the photographer to celebrate you in the picture.

As a rule, the marks attract the attention of many people, but so that users are delayed on your page, take care of an interesting content.

Check video: 2 posting strategies in Instagram

13. R.adjust photos in small video. It should be a positive shooting that will cause smiles of users or, on the contrary, a useful video, from which subscribers will be able to make something new for themselves.

Such actions allow for free to attract subscribers and save their quantity. Spectacular pictures and marks in the photo will increase the profile rating, and you

As you can see, if you already know how important it is to correctly fill your account, then in your posts, try to convey to subscribers of various kinds of information: news of your niche, facts from her story, the history of your personal business (brand). Sut the heading of answers to questions. If you are working in the service sector, then let people advice, describe the main mistakes and how to avoid them.Act better together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs, at the same time and earn more!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

If the next 5 minutes you can invest in self-education, then go to the link and read the following our article:

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Now any company that has something to show to its customers wants to know how to write texts for instagram. This social network quickly went beyond the "I post a lamp photo from the phone." Today, the IG brings a noticeable growth in sales online stores and increases the recognition of brands of any size, and it must be used. And how to do it and tell us in the article.

Posts in Instagram: Three Rules

Regardless of the corporate profile you will lead, or a page that will sell, you need to remember the three basic rules. And to a narrower nuance for a specific business, go over time.

So, 3 "whale" of the ideal text:

Whale first. Beautiful picture. The audience of Instagram "forgives" fuzzy, blurred and faded photos of only close. Do business account? Post high quality photos weathered in a single style. Without this item before the text, the user will not even reach, just a mischievous picture.

The main plus instagram posts on the background of selling tests for the site is the possibility of every advantage of the goods to back up the picture. Thanks to this, all the advantages that previously crowded in marked lists will be seen and evaluated.

If the ig in your case is a platform for the presentation of the goods, show it in different situations. An ideal formula photo with a commodity / service in IG is 1 one picture 1 advantage.

Do you sell backpacks? Show photos with internal branches, clearly demonstrate how many things fit into it.

Offer notepads? Then make layouts with color covers, show features of internal filling. Such photos should cross the text:

"In a backpack N departments for a laptop, mp3, a bottle for fitness",

"Choose notepads with white or kraft paper, linked or not lined, lemon or crimson. In stock Notepads for any mood! ".

Agree, such photos with signatures will cause more confidence than stamps like "impressive capacity" or "wide range."

Whale second. Infograms. If the user subscribed to the business account, he wants not only to see "Lock" or goods. He needs to know how to order a product, how to get to a manicure salon or someone to call to order a tour to Europe. Therefore, the contact details are desirable to unobtrusively leave in each post and competently arrange Bio - the account of the account. Without this, even excellent text will not bring benefit.

Bio design is a whole art. The hat should be short and laconic - so that Follovier immediately realize that you are for the company, what services / goods you can offer him, and how exactly they get.

If a person does not understand where he got, he would immediately leave. If there is a link to the site or a group on a social network - it is also published in Bio.

The header shows the specialization of the store, the price per day, 2 addresses, telephone and address of the site. There is a lot of information, but it is submitted compact and answers all subscriber questions.

Kit Third. Editorial It is logical that the text must be compiled competently and without errors. This advice is not even about what needs to be armed with a dictionary when writing text, but that each text is better to deduct 2-3 times before publication. Nobody is insured against errors and typos, but a reputation to raise after the "flashers" is much more complicated than building a business from scratch. Therefore, the deduction, the foil and again the deduction.

What to write in instagram to read the text?

There are free photoshoplands, from which you can make signs for your business, but there is no such templates for text. Laconic information post-usefulness is positively found by Follovers, they can be diluted with advertising sectors.

An example of the text in the instagram of the cosmetics store. In the profile not only the photo of the goods that the company implements, but also useful collections of the Soviets

What to propose as entertainment - depends on your audience. Post the features of the use of goods, photo of the workflow (staff, office, warehouse or shop). Between them, place advertising and selling posts with goods and descriptions of services.

If you, for example, lead the cosmetics store profile, posts with goods and prices dilute with tips on choosing products, master classes to create makeup, face care sedactors.

In the case of travel business, let's say, you can dilute the texts of the last-minute tours and other services with advice to obtain a passport, budget planning while traveling and describing interesting laws of different countries. Etc. The principle is probably understood.

Place the photo of the courier, which is in a hurry to the mail, sleepy pastryer, who whips the protein for Makarun, the manager who beautifully packs the goods. These posts have a clear goal - to cause trust. It is always interesting to clients to look behind the scenes, and you must give them such an opportunity with instagram.

Practically for all types of business that are mastered in Instagram, the rule acts - the closer to the people, the better. , on facebook or on a personal site you write strict texts and grind the cards of the goods so that there is only the "juice" there, in instagram you can afford more.

Burning is always interesting to the reader. In the picture - post with a photo of the process of creating a print for a T-shirt

Text in such posts should be conversational and simple. Communicate with readers. For example:

"Marina is trying every morning that your morning cappuccino on the way to work warmed and Bodril"; "Today and tomorrow we work to 22 so you have to buy or order goods before the New Year. With us you have time to buy all gifts! ";

"Petya extended not the first apron, sitting behind a pottery and with love creating your orders. And today we gave him a new one, because this master is on all the hands of the anniversary. "

Yes, it is not selling texts. These are texts working for brand and communication.

The more open and soulful will be a profile, the faster readers and customers will be reached

Business time, posting - hour. When it is better to write?

Although social networks and their visit are unpredictable, Sumall analysts managed to hold parallels and highlight the hours in which the activity of visitors are high. If the post is published during this period of time, then more chances that will notice it.

But it is important to navigate on the features of the Central Asia. If you sell goods for kids, then moms on maternity leave will meet her husband from work and go for a walk with his family, but time is within 10-15 hours, the opposite is more suitable for posting.

If your audience is predominantly students, then in addition to the evening, you can post texts for instagram in the morning (when they go to couples and scroll through social networks in transport) and in the area of \u200b\u200b14-15 hours (when the pairs are ends).

Remember! Already now, Instagram employs content selection algorithms for the user (by analogy with FB). Therefore, posting time is moving to the background (although it is still used by SMM-locks). The main task is to motivate readers to comment and put likes to increase the value of your posts and their position in the follov guinea tape.

When you manage # hashtags, and not you

Today, perhaps, only in Instagram, Hestegi really benefit. With their help, you will find potential customers, so the more clear you will pick up the database of requests for your business, the better.

With hashthers, it is very easy to go to the extremes - to overdo it with their number, or, on the contrary, it is no expense. On average, the query field that can be used is 10-15 hashtegov. These lattices look in the signatures not very beautiful, so they can be taken out in the bottom of the text and even write them under the separator.

Create a corporate heshteg - it can be the name of the store, coffee shop, salon, company. If the unique hashneg does not work out of the name, add another 1-2 words on business.

First, for such hashtyga you will be able to find customers who already know about you (for example, heard friends). Secondly, you can find photos from customers. As a rule, Futyers themselves and they themselves are pleased to put Hestegi brands and services in the service sector.

You can motivate them with a cherished grille by creating the repairs of the most cool photos from customers. This will replenish your profile by "live" photo reports, which will increase confidence in newbies, and will work as a "sarafined radio."

Corporate Hesteg Coffee Shop not only in posts, but also in the comments to the photo of the company itself

How not to write in instagram, not to confuse subscribers

Closed corporate accounts. Imagine you were invited to open the store, handed a bunch of booklets and discount flyers. With a positive attitude, you approach the door decorated with balls, and she ... closed. The same feelings will also experience the client who has seen a closed corporate profile on the social network.

Only selling texts with photos of goods and services. Put yourself at the point of the reader and imagine that there are bags, translators or children's toys in your ribbon. Even if you are, it will soon be bored with you and will cause the only desire to unsubscribe.

No dynamics and constancy. Any account in social networks is either developing regularly, or rapidly loses popularity. If you promote your account - do it with regular posts. Better 2-5 posts once a week than 10 per day.

Black color panels. White monitor screen. Shimmering cursor. Pim-Bim ...

If you blog or engage in regular publications in social networks, then probably faced with a creative crisis. Sit and think - what to write? And whether it was already like this? What do you write to find readers to come to remember you to inspire? Especially if you want something unusual, not a simple copy-paste.

How to deal with this: Today in this article we will consider several tested and already proven methods for finding ideas for publication in your blog, even in cases where you think that inspiration has long left you.

Step 1. Collect your ideas in one file

The main feature of inspiration is that it is impossible to predict when it will visit you. To assemble the hay, you need to prepare in advance by the time when the sun starts to shine. And for this it is impossible to do without at least initial preparations.

Create a file (document or sheet in Excel) with a list of your ideas for posts. Store this file in the folder to which you will always have access. For example, in the documents on Yandex.Disk.

As soon as an interesting idea comes to your head, write it down.

Enter so every time and long before you become directly working on the post. Then you can make it, even without having a special mood.

Step # 2. Strike others

One of the best ways to find the idea for post in the blog is the tireless reading of blogs of competitors. Use ribbons (we like FeedReader, for example) and sign on your favorite blogs, check them out once a day to know what has appeared there.

Feel free to steal ideas that are already successfully working on others. On the success of such people you can learn a lot. Do thematic series of posts, photos ... - The list is infinite! Just do not need to completely copy someone else's content. It is not cool at all.

Did you read the cool post from our competitors? Add it to your file with ideas. In a rainy day, when you are missing a bit of inspiration, this spark will warp your inner fire, and the new post will appear by itself.

Step # 3. Start the audience;)

If the first two steps did not help you, we suggest try the third! Denis Kaplunov believes that the so-called consulting session is at an equally excellent view of the search for posts. Under it is understood as an Internet marketing tool when a special post is created with the ability to ask any questions in the comments expert. Only an expert, or the author of the blog, you will.

Such a post decides several tasks at once: first, he will give a clear picture that at the moment it is interesting to the audience, secondly, allow you to collect a whole range of issues interesting to your readers, thirdly, will increase their loyalty. After all, when you get the answer from the blog blog, you, too, inside purr?

Step # 4. Ask your readers

Stupid bloggers are sent in search of fresh ideas, and smart allow ideas to come to them.

Ideas for a blog can be found, just scrolling comments, answers in Twitter, listening to foreign conversations.

What questions do people occupy? What seems to them difficult or, on the contrary, very interesting? What are they talking about? What are they not sure? Ask your readers to tell you what they are waiting for you, what they want to read. It sounds too simple, but a catastrophically small number of people do that.

Step # 5. Contact your internet

And many, even the most outstanding bloggers, suffered from a lack of ideas for posts, and if it became an insurmountable problem for someone, then ... there were those who successfully passed through this crisis and described their experience! We have compiled a list of excellent ideas for blog posts. We liked the following:

Step # 6. Improve the already successful "hits"

Browse your statistics and analyze which posts in your blog have become the most popular.

These are your "hits."

We took weeks, months, years after publication, but these articles still attract new visitors who first get acquainted with your blog.

So, you know that such content works, then the question is: how to expand it? Is it possible to break what is said in the article, a few, more detailed steps? Do I need to refresh it at the expense of updates, improvement of text? Be that as it may, always edit your old posts with such marks:

Step # 7. Start Trends

On the Internet there are many ways to check that now "in the trend". The best way to write is not the text, but the work of art that will read many people is to determine in advance that people are now looking for online and what they read.

GoogleTrends - here you can find out what users recently were looking for - Provides information about world trends that tweet write about.

On - it is shown that it is in the news of Internet users

Yandex. Live ether - direct broadcast of requests to the search for Yandex.

On these sites, you can find out which content type is now popular. Do not miss this opportunity.

Step # 8. Tell your story to the present

Sometimes there is no post better than the one in which one person tells his story to other people. It doesn't matter what your blog is, but you have already accumulated some experience.

  • What did you learn during this time?
  • How much did you change?
  • If you could go back and give yourself advice, how to start a career, what would you say?

Such posts are not just exercises in Narcissism, they may be extremely useful for other users in this area. Everyone has to start with something. Studying on your mistakes, the next generation will be able to grow even faster.

Remember your past and - tell your story.

Step # 9. Write instructions for action

What is so good blogs? Everything is simple there. It is best that one of your post can make people read twelve other your records. And only rare bloggers competently associate posts and earn on it.

Sit and re-read your old posts. Combine similarly on the subject of recording in one group, see if it is possible to distribute the mini instruction to action when the user can read posts one after another.

Add accession, conclusion, small, easily readable descriptions + links to each post. Now you have a post, with a hose to whose people will be able to explore your blog in one click mouse.

Pay attention to the posts of Dmitry Rumyantsev such instructions for action.

Step # 10. Become a brain

Is your brain tired? Write brains from someone for a while! Who are you equal in your field and who is interested in your readers? Write a letter to this person and ask him about an interview. The only difficulty you may encounter is to find interesting questions that your interlocutor will be "spoken". So it will fill your blog to a stunning unique content instead of you.

But remember: there is nothing more important than a high-quality interview!

On the Internet and so full of garbage on the topic "Tell us who you are and what you are doing." Do not engage in the same nonsense. Write a worthy entry and imagine the interlocutor, instead of asking it to do it for you. Learn about it in advance and ask interesting questions. So the genuine magic is born.

Step 11. Perform link analysis

What works on your competitors can successfully work for you. And you knew that you can easily find out what posts most often become popular on any site you are interested in in the world? Information about who will post who will be available to everyone.

With the help of Yandex.Metrics, you can watch the key performance performance indicators, analyze the behavior of visitors and their actions. If you read "VKontakte", then you will be easier to figure it out, the content statistics are reminders of VKontakte views.

Take the simplest example - how many people are browsing the page with Yandex.Metric and what is requested.

Yandex.Metrica gives a visible picture of how much person yesterday, today I visited the site (you can also view statistics and for the year, and for the month), from where they go to your site (sources of transitions), as well as by what search queries.

Over the metric you will have a menu where you can distribute visitors on geography, interests, demographics, etc. There is a lot of things, but we are primarily interested in what posts are most popular. To do this, it is enough to click on the "Content" tab - "popular" in the top menu, and you will see which pages are most popular.

Find your most popular post. Can you write something similar? Can you add and improve what someone has already written? Make one more note in your file with ideas as soon as you come to your head.

Leave the "sweet" for later.

Step # 12. Train Muscle Generation Ideas

Muscle generation of ideas need to constantly train. The more often you do it, the stronger the muscle. Start inventing ideas for posts each, God, day, and soon you will notice that it has become something natural for you.
In this context, it is worth mentioning one of the greatest bloggers - James Altucher. He is the author of "instructions, how to become an idea-machine", the translation of which we will publish the next time. It concerns not only blog posts. Here is an excerpt from this article:

What does the idea mean?

And the fact that you are like a superhero. This is almost guaranteed membership in the American equity league.
For each situation, you will find a million ideas. For each question you will have not one answer. At each meeting, non-standard solutions will come to you, as if you are on another planet. Even if you are stuck in the middle of a deserted highway, and there you will find an interesting solution. If you urgently need to make money, you will come at least 50 ideas of how it can be done. And this is not the limit ...
After I began pumping the muscle of the generation of ideas, I seem to appear with superpost!

Step # 13 ... And what then?

Everyone has ideas for post in a blog. It is much more difficult - then they can be organized so that they can be used. I hope that in this article I managed to give you a couple of starting ideas.

So let's summarize:

  1. Start your document with ideas on GoogleDoc, in Excel, etc. Add ideas there daily. Contact this document every time you feel "stuck".
  2. Find out what other bloggers write about your sphere. Start and expand their ideas.
  3. Do not be afraid of the "Publish" button. Some posts, of course, better, some kind of, but better something that nothing.

Material is an adapted translation

If you are promoting your account in Instagram, then you need to be able to write texts for posts, because the success of your profile depends on them to some extent. And in this article I will give you 10 tips, how to write posts in instagram so that they were interesting to read.

Before answering the main question, let's figure it out, why, in fact, write texts in instagram and is it necessary at all?

Why write posts in instagram

When I said at the very beginning that the success of your profile to some extent depends on the text, I did not joke. Do you know why? Yes, because it is the texts that you help you arrange subscribers to yourself and "add" them to your content.

And now you are already becoming a favorite blogger, which I want to read in Zakhleb. That is, the account appears the value for which you and love. And value is achieved with the help of useful content, the head of which is the text.

And if you promote your business in Instagram, then using posts you can encourage potential customers to buy your goods or services. As you can see, writing posts need, because with their help you contact with your subscribers. After all, in Instagram, you have no other way to convey your thoughts to readers. Is that video, but it's a little different.

But there is one nuance, write posts for social networks - this is not the same thing to write, for example, articles for the site or magazine. In instagram reigns a slightly different atmosphere under which you need to be able to adjust your posts. And here you have 10 tips, how to do it.

To begin with, remember one simple truth - in Instagram, people come to relax from harsh reality and completely unload their brains. And not to learn there "3 Newton's Law" or complex marketing schemes.

And if you try to "download" your subscribers with some kind words and complex suggestions, then they are unlikely to appreciate it. From here, the first advice immediately follows.

I call it the rule of three "P" - we write posts just 😊 the easier and clear text is written, the better it is perceived by subscribers. Remember yourself when trying to read some too smart post. The language then "stuff" about unfamiliar words and have to strain their brains in effort to think about it in meaning. And sometimes it does not help.

Moreover, too distinct texts are "dry" and "lifeless." There is a feeling that you read not post, but some kind of boring chemistry textbook. At the expense of chemistry is personal 😊

Therefore, not to be a botany from the first parties and not to scare away from yourself an audience, then train to convey your thoughts as simple as possible and understandable words. Sophisticated terms try to rephrase, even the most avid teapots understand them. Imagine that you write a letter to your best friend with which in childhood on one pot sat 😊

You can even connect humor and write jokes in the topic. General humor is a cool thing. With it, you can betray some lightness and informality, and this very well has people.

The best way to check the "degree of clearness" of your post is to read it to a person who is very far from this topic. And then ask him everything was clear or not.

Example from life. I liked the lesson in school, because the teacher told us the material based on some life situations. In addition, he often joked and created a relaxed atmosphere. A feeling was created as if we were sitting in a circle of friends and simply talk on the topics of the Obzh.

At the same time, I could not bear the lesson social studies, because everything was strictly on the textbook. Everyone was sitting intense and smart faces. In the first case, I gladly walked on a lesson, and in the second, I often skipped. The same with posts, write a clear language - you read, write awesomely - you do not read.

But sometimes there are exceptions from the rules. Therefore, here is the second advice.

Above, I gave you advice to write in simple language and chew complex terms. Yes, such posts will really work well in 90% of cases. But sometimes there are exceptions. For example, when the main part of your audience is people who are already "in the topic." That is, either the same experts as you, or those who are good to understand your topic.

For such people it is silly to chew each word, if they are so beautifully understood all their meanings. It will look like you are trying to explain the elementary things for them. What a fly is fly, and an elephant is an elephant.

Therefore, before writing a post, first decide who will be it to read it.

If you are in subscribers mostly people "in the subject", then you can write posts using professional slang and complex terms. They will still understand what you write there. In this case, you can simply dilute posts by humor or some examples from life so that they are not so "heavy."

But if you are going to write for ordinary people, including there are no experts on your topic, then it is best to use a "simple language", which we talked above.

Knowing his reader, you can easily build trust relationships with him, starting to write posts in his language. Look a small video on this topic and immediately understand everything

Write posts as you communicate in ordinary life. Try not to portray myself quiet if in my life you are still just an upset. Each person is unique in its own way and it is this uniqueness that attracts other people. And if you write posts as it asks for this soul, then your texts will get "alive", and not learned.

In social networks it is very important. I mean to be yourself. Here you are not an office with a schedule 5/2, where you need to strictly observe the business ethics. Who knows, maybe on the basis of some of your lack you will be able to build a personal brand well. And if not, then at least you will differ from a million of the same type of accounts.

Unfortunately, most of the "instagrammers" borrow the style and manner of letters from their idols. As a result, accounts are obtained, which are similar to each other as 2 drops of water. Only pictures are different. Trying to lean someone, you will always give up the "original", remember it.

By the way: download free PDF reportwhere I deal with the top 12 of the main mistakes that are allowed when promoting instagram.

"Stamps" are confused words or phrases, which are found at each 2 entrepreneur or blogger. For the sake of interest, find 5 accounts in Instagram, in which they sell, for example, to order cakes. I am more than confident that in 3 of them you will meet the expressions on the like "Quality Ingredients", "Low Prices" and so on.

All these expressions have long lost their strength and do not carry any semantic load. Nobody pays attention to them, and even on the contrary - they begin to really fight.

Here is the list of the most common stamps:

  • Professional masters
  • Quality work
  • Mutually beneficial cooperation
  • Low prices
  • Perfect quality
  • Only practical experience, without water
  • A wide range of
  • Flexible system of discounts
  • Individual approach to each
  • Etc

In fact, this list can be listed to infinity, because new ones constantly appear. Now, for example, one more popular stamp was the begging of likes at the beginning of each post.

Remember that the stamps "kill" your individuality and texts with them work badly. No other emotions, except indifference, they do not cause.

Agree when you only talk about 1 specific topic, then the information is perceived much better than when they tell about everything in a row, jumping from one topic to another. Personally, I have so. I think most too.

Still, much more pleasant when you understand your storyteller, and you do not sit with the thought "What are you tricking this?". So, instagram assigns only 2,200 characters in the post, so they are worth using the maximum to disclose only one topic in detail. Then the post will turn out to be meaningful and valuable for subscribers.

And if you start covering a few topics in one post, then in the end it turns out the vinaigrette that will confuse and confuse the reader. Do not do so.

Imagine that you decide to write a post on some particular topic. The first thing you need to do is to highlight the basic essence that you want to convey to your reader. This will help you concentrate on the disclosure of the topic and write in the case, and not pour water buckets.

Sketch the "skeleton" of the future post with the help of words or proposals that would help you to reveal all the essence. And then on this skeleton, start developing your thoughts and write a full post. So it will be easier than sitting and "padded" in front of a blank notepad sheet.

As a rule, most people first browse the entire post, and then, if they are interested in something, they return to the very beginning and begin to read completely. With the help of a breakdown to the semantic parts, it will be easier for you to hook the reader's attention and "force" to read it entirely.

Another option of structural post is lists. For example, the top 10 borsch recipes or 15 budget vacation options. Such posts will keep themselves in the bookmarks not to lose, thereby increasing their involvement.

Emodji is unconditionally needed, because with them the text takes on some "colorful". But you need to know the measure. If you are writing your post with emods through each word, it will be similar to the text, but to the Egyptian manuscript, which encoded some secret message.

If you want your subscribers with eagerly waiting for your new post, you can create some intrigue in the text of the post. For example, you tell some story and in the most interesting place break your thought and write that the continuation will be in the next post. Who is interested, that 100% will wait for your new post to find out what the case has ended.

It is like in the series. The scene ends in the most interesting place, and then you are sitting on the needles and wait for the continuation. Therefore, you can introduce this technique to your texts and create some intrigue in your texts 😊

The last and most valuable advice - if you want to learn to write posts, then simply write them. Genately, isn't it? You can read a million such articles on how to write posts in instagram, but until you start writing, then all this information will be meaningless for you.

Let the first pores have "so-so" posts. Spit on it and continue to write. With each new post you will get better and better.

And then you will begin to break the post into the semantic parts and the words will develop in the sentences themselves. The main thing is to start and not throw it.

What themes to write posts in instagram

In fact, there are so much, it all depends on your niche and on what you are interested in writing. But for inspiration, here's a list of ideas that can be used for information posts:

  • Reviews, Tips, Manuals
  • Lifehaki
  • "Lock" your business or blog
  • Interesting facts about the company and employees
  • About you about your life
  • Polls
  • Myths and refutations
  • Specifications
  • Expert opinions
  • Ideas and useful chips
  • Facts and statistics
  • Pros and cons
  • Reports and interviews
  • Successes and achievements
  • Comparison of goods / services
  • Secrets and secret secrets 😊

If someone is not aware, then information posts are needed in order to form their expense and talk about their products. With the help of them, you are familiar with potential customers or subscribers with you or with your business.

In addition to information, there are also entertainment posts. Their goal is to entertain the audience and save it.

It can be:

  • Competitions
  • Practical jokes
  • Quotes
  • Inspiration
  • Stories

There are still selling posts, but they deserve a separate article, which I will soon plan to write.

The most important thing is to write a variety of posts, so as not to annoy your subscribers to the same type content.


In this article I gave you 10 tips, how to write posts in Instagram, and also told about what topics you can write them. Take up and apply in practice. I hope I was useful for you 🙂

And on this I have everything, thank you for reading to the end.

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