Power consumption of the phone. How to improve battery life and reduce power consumption

There are 16 tips on how to reduce energy costs and increase the operating time of devices running Android - smartphones or tablets.

  Tip # 1

Tip number 3

Do not turn on the auto-adjustment of the brightness of the screen. Usually, the use of auto-tuning leads to the fact that the brightness level of the tablet or smartphone is higher than required and this directly affects the power consumption - they increase. Therefore, it is better to set the brightness level yourself.

Tip number 4

To save battery power, it is better to turn off vibrations if there is no need for them. Using a single melody as a call consumes much less energy than a vibrating alert. Those. if you turn it off, it will reduce the power consumption of your Android device.

  Tip number 5

  Tip number 6

Reduces the display time before turning off for up to 15 seconds. If this time is set to 1 minute, then Android's power consumption increases 4 times, compared with 15 seconds.

  Tip number 7

  Tip number 13

Using Android energy-saving modes increases battery life.

  Tip number 14

Activation of special options to optimize the work. Such options are at each firmware, them only
  need to find.

  Tip number 15

Disabling the auto-synchronization of applications and services with the cloud, if it does not adversely affect their work.

  Tip number 16

Activation of application updates only when they are started. Thus, you can avoid frequent updates of applications and thereby save battery consumption.

The disadvantages of smartphones running the Android operating system traditionally include low autonomy. This is due to the use of such displays in such devices.

In contact with

   diagonal and high-performance, and consequently, energy-intensive processors. So far, none of the Android-based smartphones can last more than one day offline, provided it is actively used.

Today, perhaps, only developers do not want to recognize the existence of problems with the autonomy of Android-communicators. For example, the head of Google, Larry Page, said: "If the Android-based device is not able to work offline even for a day, then you need to look for the cause in the hardware."

Thus, if you follow the logic of Google, hardware flaws are available in almost all “Google phones”. After all, many flagship phones with active use are not able to work out even eight hours. Take, for example, HTC Desire. Like all modern Android devices, this model does not have a sufficient level of autonomy.

Let's do a little research and see how effective the numerous tips on which the Internet is replete with today will prove. As practice shows, the overwhelming majority of the so-called “secrets” do not carry any practical benefits. Let's try to figure out how truthful the most popular ones are?

Automatic brightness adjustment

Myth:  setting in the settings screen automatic brightness control saves battery power.

How does automatic brightness control work?  All modern Android phones are equipped with a light sensor that monitors the intensity of illumination of the external environment and gives the appropriate command to set the display brightness.

How does auto brightness affect battery life?

Without automatic brightness control: in this mode, the light sensor readings do not affect the display brightness, which remains constant.

With automatic brightness control: a light sensor registers changes in ambient light parameters and sends a signal to the processor, which, in turn, controls the brightness of the screen.

How does the battery behave?  When the automatic brightness adjustment function is on, the battery charge is quite intensively reduced. This happens because the data from the light sensor is constantly transmitted to the processor, which is forced to process them.

What to do to increase the autonomy of the communicator?  Install the standard Power Control widget and bring it to the desktop. If you need to quickly change the brightness of the screen, you can click on the sun icon and select the desired level of backlight. Although when using the smartphone outdoors, it is still more convenient to use the automatic adjustment.

Myth is refuted!

A certain sequence of charging cycles can significantly increase the autonomy of the phone.

Myth: in response to the complaint of one of the permanent participants of the XDA forum in HTC technical support, the company representatives offered to produce it, which, supposedly, should provide increased autonomy of the communicator.

  • We charge the device for 8 hours in the usual way.
  • Turn off the device completely and charge it for an hour.
  • Turn on again, wait 2 minutes, turn off and charge another hour.

At the same time, it is alleged that the battery capacity should almost double, and many users even feel the difference.

Does it really work?  No matter how meaningless it may sound, this method really works. This can be judged by the numerous reviews on the XDA forum, in which users state that the procedure described above really increased the autonomy of their communicators.

The myth is confirmed with a high degree of probability!

Live wallpaper

Myth: Using the Live Wallpapers feature very quickly leads to battery drain.

What is a live wallpaper?Live Wallpapers are wallpapers with the addition of animation / movement and give the smartphone’s desktop an absolutely gorgeous look.

Does their use greatly affect the battery life? Yes! To draw the animation, the wallpapers use the resources of both the processor and the graphics core, which certainly affects the battery charge level.

How strongly reflected?  In most cases, live wallpaper "eat" no more than 2%. Live wallpapers really sow the battery, but many users will not stop it, because visual effect  from their application is worth it. However, it has been observed that some threads drain the battery much more. Check the degree of influence of live wallpaper on the charge can be in the settings (Settings\u003e About\u003e Battery\u003e Battery Use). If this parameter for live wallpaper does not exceed 5%, you can not refuse from their use.


How to be?  Enjoy the visual beauty of Live Wallpapers, knowing that iOS users are deprived of this feature.

Myth is refuted!

Automatic update

Myth: function translation auto update  applications in manual mode helps save battery power.

How it works?  Programs (twitter client, HTC Weather widget, all kinds of email and RSS clients, and others) constantly “climb” to the Internet for information. At the same time they use Wi-Fi, 3G or GPRS.

Does this affect the battery charge level?  Of course, getting data via Wi-Fi / 3G negatively affects the battery charge. Moreover, if the data transfer session will occur often enough, the battery will be discharged extremely quickly.

How to be?  Of course, it would be foolish to completely disable the update, because then the whole point of using a smartphone will be lost. Just need to make this process more efficient.

If you are an adherent of communication in in social networks  and can not live without regular communication in Facebook, Twitter or receiving emailYou can, without disconnecting, set the frequency of downloading updates in a more economical mode. The best in this case will be a period of 4 to 8 hours. The most economical will be the status update mode only when working with Twitter / Facebook clients.

The myth is confirmed!

Using special software to close programs

Myth: Closing (unloading from memory) of unused applications can increase the battery life of the phone.

There are two different approaches to this issue. Some believe that the removal of unused applications can significantly increase the autonomy of the device, while other users, on the contrary, are of the opinion that this should not be done.

How to close programs?  There is a special type of software called task managers. These are small utilities designed to unload from memory unnecessary processes to the user. They work like a task manager in Windows, showing a list of running applications  and suggesting unloading unnecessary.

The idea of ​​such programs is to release the busy random access memory. This approach is relevant for the Windows environment, because we all know that with a large number of running applications, any Windows system  will "slow down". In the case of Android, this statement is not entirely true.

Why in Android you can do without such programs?  In response to this question, we will refer to the data resource Geek For Me.

  • If necessary, release extra memory  Android operating system itself can complete the execution of unused tasks.
  • Android automatically completes the task when there are no calls to it for a long time.
  • Most applications running in the background occupy a minimum of memory.
  • Shutting down some processes in general has a number of unexpected side effects, expressed in the absence of incoming text messages, missed event notifications, etc.
  • Many applications can complete their work with a long press on the "back" button.

How to be?  Allow operating system  most work with tasks and processes. You should beware of programs such as the Advanced Task Killer and use them only in case of incorrect application operation. By the way, in Froyo (Android 2.2) the function of forcing the completion of applications is not provided at all.

First, you need to calibrate the battery, which requires its full charge from the mains (100%). After that, you need to remove /data/system/batterystats.bin. This only works with view managers (required). After that, the device is turned off, we take out the battery and wait from 3 to 10 minutes, after which the battery is installed in place. Calibrating the battery allows you to show charging in more detail, and calibration also increases the time of the phone's functionality.

Also, the power saving of the device increases the shutdown of unnecessary functions:

  • it is advisable to turn off when no options are needed - GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi;
  • set the processor frequency to minimum;
  • delete everything unnecessary programs, which automatically enter the Internet;
  • turn on 2G mode on the device, and turn on 3G only when necessary.

Factory settings and official firmware do not guarantee low power consumption. It is advisable to install a Task Manager (task killer), which will close the application.

Check the battery performance and if the radio module consumes a lot of energy, you need to turn on flight mode and make sure that the specific energy consumption. If, during flight mode, the battery does not sit down, and when the device is turned on, it quickly discharges, then there may be several reasons: something is not disconnected (3G, GPS, Wi-Fi), the operator does not catch well, the network is on, or the SIM card needs to be replaced.

You can also use the software to install or track down what drains the battery and remove these applications. The programs will specifically tell you which of the applications most discharges the battery.

When working with the program, you need to enable the tab "Only processor and 3G". After that, in Settings, specify “Show average power” and you need to wait a minute. Further, in the System and Kernel processes, we see how much energy must be consumed and whether there are any processes that significantly “land” the battery.

Using the program, you can automatically use Flight mode, which guarantees energy savings. Exposing auto power off  applications GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth you will save energy and sleep peacefully.

In addition, reducing the voltage applied to the processor will also help save energy. The program allows you to reduce the frequency of the processor while the screen is off. Often everyone has a performance mode processor (default), but it is better to install ondemand, which will give an opportunity to save the charge.

Also, the old SIM card greatly affects the energy saving. It is recommended to change the card if it is over six years old. You can check the amount of energy that is spent on Wi-Fi, the Internet and other applications. In addition, it is recommended to install the most latest versions  radio, which will significantly reduce power consumption.

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