Four cool email apps for iOS. Best email apps for iPhone Best email client for iPhone

Together we choose the best client.

What are we talking about?

Like many of you, I use email every day. I just can’t settle on just one application. All of them not ideal: this is sort of functional, but not beautiful, or stylish, but useless.

In search of the best mailer, I often change applications, fortunately there are tons of them in the App Store. Sometimes I use several at the same time for maximum profit.

Therefore, now I will talk about the applications that I have tried recently, I will describe the advantages and disadvantages of each. And in the end, together with you, we will choose the best.

What is he, the ideal mailman?

It is clear that everyone has their own ideas about the ideal, but for myself I have identified the following: criteria:

1. Timely notifications about new emails

2. Multiplatform

3. Modern and user-friendly interface

4. ToDo manager functions

In an unequal battle, five will fight, in my opinion, best email apps for iOS: standard Mail, myMail, Inbox, Spark and CloudMagic.

Standard Mail

For many people, the standard Mail application is enough to work with mail. Unfortunately or fortunately, I was never able to get used to it, despite many features.

What do you like:

1. The main advantage of standard mail is complete integration with the system. You can immediately start writing a letter by clicking on an email address, for example, in Safari.

2. With the advent of 3D Touch, the standard client acquired a number of useful features. For example, previewing text or attachments without opening the entire email.

3. The continuity function allows you to continue writing a letter on your iPad that you started on your MacBook.

4. Single tape for several boxes. No need to jump from one box to another to sort out the accumulated letters.

What I don't like:

1. The biggest disadvantage, which cancels out all the advantages for me, is the lack of push notifications. Using my Gmail account, I have to receive emails with a 15 minute delay. This is the minimum period for checking the box.

2. It is impossible to attach more than five images at once to a letter; the rest can only be attached manually, which is absolutely inconvenient.

3. There is no separate "Attachments" button. To attach a photo from the application itself, you need to tap in the text input field and select insert photo/video from the drop-down menu.

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It looks good, works quickly and has a lot of features. myMail is a product of a “subsidiary” company So don't be surprised when you see a full copy of myMail called mail.

What do you like:

1. Nice design in the spirit of minimalism. It looks fresh, nothing superfluous, everything is tasteful.

2. Notifications arrive instantly, even for my IMAP mailbox.

3. myMail can work with several mailboxes at once, scattering letters into folders and categories.

4. Push notifications have several settings. For example, you can enable/disable notifications for specific mailboxes, folders, and by time.

5. Easily opens the heaviest emails, no freezes or minute-long waits. You can easily attach large files up to 25 MB.

6. In addition to iPhone, the client works on iPad and Android devices. Smartwatches on both systems are also supported.

What I don't like:

You cannot view emails from all mailboxes in one feed. I don’t keep all my mail in my inbox; I always try to scatter it into folders, send it to the archive, or the trash bin. In myMail you have to jump from mailbox to mailbox to get things organized.


Variation on the theme: “What happens if you cross a mailer and a ToDo manager.” Inbox – great client, which will organize your letters and remind you of an important event. For me, it’s convenient: to deal with mail and everyday matters in one place.

What do you like:

1. My favorite is Material Design. The interface is simple, but stylish, with a lot of nice animations.

2. The application itself sorts letters into categories (“Promotions”, “Forums”, “Social networks”, etc.). This helps you quickly deal with your mail and not lose important information.

3. Letter cards are conveniently organized. Attachments are presented with previews, so you can immediately see what is in the letter.

4. Every letter is a task. Therefore, you can postpone it until later by turning on a reminder.

5. Speaking of reminders. In addition to the letter, you can create a reminder separately. Just type in “Water the cactus” and you’re done.

6. Available for all iOS and Android devices. There is also a web version. It's a pity that there is no version for Apple Watch.

What I don't like:

1. Unfortunately, Inbox only works with Gmail accounts.

2. Again, it is impossible to display letters from all mailboxes in a common feed.


Almost ideal client. It has a stylish design, convenient filtering of letters and flexible interface settings. I used it for a long time, and although I have now switched to another application, I continue to follow its development.

What do you like:

1. "Smart Inbox" function. This is a hub in which all letters are collected and filtered by type and importance. This is useful because you can immediately see what is important in the feed and what is not. Letters are divided by priority and then collected into groups, so mail is sorted in a couple of clicks.

2. Elements of ToDo management are also in place. Messages are managed by swiping, everything is intuitive and simple.

3. There is a built-in search both among addresses and headers, and by the contents of letters.

4. Supports multiple clouds and services. You can easily upload information to Pocket, or insert a document from DropBox.

5. Customize the interface for yourself. You can add widgets to the home screen, change side menu items and swipes. It's just a pity that you can't change the background color. Poison blue is a little annoying, but that's natural IMHO.

6. Notifications are configured. Let’s say you can set it to only send notifications about important emails. This will save you a lot of time and you won’t have to constantly be distracted by unnecessary notifications.

What I don't like:

1. The app is currently only available for iPhone and Apple Watch. The developers promise versions for iPad and OS X in the near future, even sharing screenshots. We are waiting, but for now this is a minus.

2. No landscape mode. I can’t say that I often write in landscape mode, but if the text is large, then of course it’s more convenient.


In my opinion this is best email app for iOS, and for other systems. Now I only use it on all my devices, I haven’t seen anything better yet.

What do you like:

1. This is the most stylish and laconic email client. There is nothing superfluous, nothing distracts from work, everything is in its place. The interface is thought out to the smallest detail, take at least the switch for unread messages.

2. Integration with most clouds and services. Moreover, the services are represented by cards in which you can save the necessary information. Currently, Evernote, Todoist, Pocket, Trello, OneNote, Zendesk, Salesforce, Asana and MailChimp are supported. If you don’t like it when the mailer reminds you of something else, they say there are special applications for this, then CloudMagic is for you.

3. The application is very fast! This is especially noticeable when several accounts are active and there is serious correspondence with large investments. No slowdowns or glitches - this is the fastest mailer I've ever used.

4. There is a quick search by letters, sender names and topics, without the need for a network.

5. There are also my favorite elements of a ToDo manager. You can review the letter later by setting a reminder.

6. The application is available for all iOS and Android devices, supports Apple Watch, Android Wear and Mac computers.

7. Single tape for several boxes. Moreover, you can assign a different color to each box, so there will be no confusion.

What I don't like:

Bye I didn't find this

Despite the expansion of instant messengers, I use email all the time. It resolves both work-related issues and some personal ones that do not require an immediate response. There are a ton of email apps in the App Store, but it’s quite difficult to choose just one. Somewhere the design was screwed up, somewhere the necessary functions were missing.

My optimal set looks something like this:

  1. Modern minimalistic interface.
  2. Convenient work with several drawers.
  3. Timely notifications (hello, standard Mail).
  4. Multiplatform.
  5. Various features like a calendar and task manager elements.

After digging through the App Store, I selected what I think are the five best email apps: Spark, CloudMagic, Airmail, Inbox, myMail. I’ll tell you what I liked and didn’t like, and at the end there will be a survey, and you can decide for yourself which email client is the best.


What do you like

  • It's difficult to find the information you need when your feed is filled with mailings, receipts, and simply unnecessary data. But there is a cool feature - Smart Inbox. A single hub that collects all letters and sorts them by type and importance. An extremely useful thing, it helps you quickly clear out your mail and find the letter you need.
  • A set of five widgets greatly expands the capabilities of the mailer. You can quickly access the built-in calendar, attachments, or pending emails. Widgets are placed either on the top bar or at the bottom, in a drop-down button.
  • The developers managed to create a minimalistic and yet flexible interface. You can display widgets on the main screen, change side menu items and swipes. Absolutely everything is customizable: from notifications and badges to signatures and sounds. In terms of customization, Spark is, if not in first place, then definitely in the top.
  • Spark supports most well-known services like Evernote, Pocket, Google Drive, and so on. You can easily save a note to Pocket or send a document from Dropbox.

What's not to like

  • The only downside is the lack of a version for macOS and Android. But the email client is developing rapidly: not so long ago, Spark became available to iPad owners and acquired a Russian language. In addition, the developers have already shown a screenshot of the application for macOS, so we just have to wait for the release.


What do you like

  • The application has a simple and concise interface, not overloaded with unnecessary design flourishes. Each button is in its place, the boxes have their own color, which allows you to quickly figure out where the letter is from and where to send it: to the archive or trash.
  • The developers took an interesting approach to integration with various services. They are presented in cards, which, firstly, looks cool, and secondly, is convenient. The following services are currently supported: Evernote, Todoist, Pocket, Trello, OneNote, Zendesk, Salesforce, Asana and MailChimp. I actively use Trello, and I really like the ability to save the information I need directly from my email to a board. In addition, all popular cloud storages are supported, where would you be without them?
  • The application is very fast and easily works with dozens of boxes without a hint of lag or slowdown. In my opinion, this is the fastest mailer in existence.
  • available for all iOS, Android and macOS devices. Apple Watch and Android Wear watches are also supported. Just a must-have for those who have several devices on different platforms. The Mac application is still lagging behind its mobile version in terms of functionality, but I think this will be corrected soon.

What's not to like

  • For myself, I did not find any shortcomings. This is an excellent email tool that I can recommend to everyone.


What do you like

  • It deservedly receives the title of the most customizable email client. Change menu sections, feed, notifications the way you want. Every detail in the application is customizable: in which browser to open links, what size attachments to download automatically. The application can be customized as much as possible to make it convenient to work with mail.
  • The email editor has an additional row of buttons above the regular keyboard. With it, you can format a letter, create a numbered list, insert text or an image. This is a great time saver.
  • If you use Airmail on Mac, the mobile version is definitely your choice. When you turn it on for the first time, you will be prompted to import accounts from desktop Airmail, and you won’t have to enter anything manually.
  • Airmail has a great implementation of the delayed reading function. You can fine-tune when you want to read the letter, and the settings are immediately synchronized with the desktop version.
  • The application supports all possible services; I have never seen such variety in any mailer. Moreover, it is proposed to immediately download the necessary application and save the information there.

What's not to like

  • This is the only paid email client in the selection. And it costs a lot - 379 rubles. But you need to understand that if you have 1-2 mailboxes and receive at most five letters a day, you don’t need Airmail. It's a great tool with amazing functionality, but it's not for everyone. Airmail will be useful for those who constantly work with mail and have many mailboxes. Ordinary users are more likely to choose free analogues that are enough for them.


What do you like

  • Sorting letters works very well. They are automatically sorted into categories (“Promotions”, “Forums”, “Social networks” and so on), so the feed is always in order. And thanks to the previews, you can see which emails have attachments and whether they are worth opening.
  • Each letter is also a task, which means that all the tools of the To-do manager are available. Moreover, you can create a reminder directly in the application, the only thing missing is a calendar.

What's not to like

  • Inbox only works with Gmail accounts, so it's not for everyone.
  • There is no single feed for all mailboxes; you have to constantly jump from one account to another.


What do you like

  • An omnivorous email client that works with most email providers:, Mail.Ru, Yandex, Google, Rambler, Exchange and Yahoo! It is convenient to keep several accounts here without installing a separate Yandex.Mail or Mail.Ru application.
  • Looks fresh and tasteful. Control is mainly based on swipes, the interface is not overloaded with unnecessary buttons. It works quickly and easily opens the heaviest letters. You can easily attach large files up to 25 MB.

What's not to like

And again, you cannot view all the letters in one feed. If in Inbox this is somehow tolerable (it still only works with Gmail), then here it is a big drawback.

No matter how social networks and instant messengers develop, mail remains an important and most common way of communication, data verification and a place to receive reports, subscriptions and other publications. The standard mailer on the iPhone is not bad, but there are high-quality alternative clients that are superior to Mail in capabilities, convenience and, subjectively, appearance. There is plenty to choose from.

Everyone ran the built-in client. And if then it went into the folder with standard garbage, then no one will condemn it. will satisfy the needs of mass users, but those who actively work with mail will find a lot of arguments in favor of alternative solutions. The client is not bad, but is simple both in appearance and functionality. It is not developing very rapidly; the same quick swipe actions that gained popularity in 2013 appeared in only with the update to iOS 8.

But the app does the job, it's stable, fast and easy to use. And built-in VIP lists will help you not to miss an important letter.


Client for the postal service of the Good Corporation. The application takes full advantage of the service's capabilities, has a pleasant appearance and smart sorting of letters. But sometimes it slows down when reading.

Gmail works, of course, only with Gmail mailboxes. If you additionally use other mailers, you can link them through the account settings on your computer.


Another Google project. It works similarly only with Gmail mailboxes, but is much more interesting than the main application because of its capabilities. Inbox is a hybrid of a task manager and an advanced mailer. In the client, you can create reminders, snooze emails, and view content without opening them, such as files or links to videos. Inbox has a unique feature that can unsend an email within a few seconds if you are in a hurry.

Inbox is not only functional, but also beautiful. The modern interface is decorated with unobtrusive animations.


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Flexible, nimble, functional and externally neat mailer. CloudMagic works with large services, as well as through the IMAP protocol. General Inbox collects letters from all mailboxes with a visual indication, quick actions and reminders.

For mail security, there is password protection, but Touch ID authorization is not supported, and letters are displayed with subject, text and the option to delete in the control center, which is not well thought out.

Flexible parameters allow you to customize CloudMagic for yourself. For example, you can open links in Chrome, automatically download all attachments, customize the badge value for the program icon, and disable synchronization of individual mailboxes.

A CloudMagic account allows you to collect all the boxes and settings so that you don’t have to set all the parameters manually on another device.


The famous email service caused quite a stir in 2013 due to its invitation system, which forced more than 380,000 users to wait in line to access the service. Mailbox has gained widespread attention for its new approach to organizing email with tasks, reminders, and swipes.

In the application, each correspondence is a separate task, and by swiping to the sides you can mark it as completed (archive) or postpone it. And not only for a specific time, but for the weekend or an even more flexible “someday.” And if you have Mailbox installed on your Mac, you can ask to be reminded of an email when you sit down at your computer.

Mailbox is a smart mailbox. It studies your habits so it can handle your mail for you. The application can automatically send spam mailings that you usually delete to the trash bin, add promotional offers to one list, etc.

Mailbox has two nuances. First - in general, Inbox does not indicate letters from different mail services. Second, to fully use reminders, open emails on your computer, and lists, you need to install Mailbox, which is only available for Mac, and only in beta version.


Outlook is not just mail, but a platform for organizing your correspondence, schedule, contacts and files. Mail in Outlook takes up just one tab. The application contains a full-fledged calendar, files from Onerrive, Dropbox, Box and Google Drive, as well as a contact book displaying letters, events and content for each person.

The Outlook mailbox is divided into Important and Other tabs. The built-in algorithm analyzes your actions and determines which conversation will fall into one category or another. If you want to use it the old fashioned way, you can turn off the separation. There is no indication of mailboxes.

You can easily archive an email by swiping left or create a reminder by swiping right.

Outlook offers a convenient tool for making appointments via email. You can create an invitation or provide your interlocutor with several time slots for a meeting. In the mailer, you can insert media files from popular cloud services and send locations. However, the last function did not work for me.


Another feature-rich app, but its capabilities focus solely on mail. The only client in our selection with lite and paid versions. The first supports one account and the most basic features of the application - swipes for archiving, reminders and other actions. The list of actions is long. You can quickly reply to an email, delete it, mark it as spam, send it to Evernote, or send it through Sanebox. The latter is engaged in filtering letters.

You can add an unlimited number of mailboxes to the paid version, receive Push notifications, create your own template responses, signatures, and aliases. This is an incomplete list of useful actions for working with mail without having to open letters.

Boxer has a lot to complain about. For example, side swipes are not supported. To open a list of folders or go back, you always have to reach to the upper left corner. The application does not adapt letters to mobile displays, and the scrolling itself is intermittent.


The mailer from Ukrainian developers distinguishes which messages are priority and shows them at the top of the list. It is possible to attach letters so that they are always visible. Widgets, quick actions and the sidebar can be customized, as well as other parameters such as signatures, badges, where letters go after being read.

Spark has three main email locations: Inbox, Archive, and Scheduled. Everything you need, and the program tries not to overload you with unnecessary elements.

The application works quickly, with beautiful animations, although it has a special interface that does not at all fit with Apple guidelines.

If you need an application that can do everything in the world and a little more, download Microsoft Outlook. It intelligently filters emails and supports quick gestures. It's much more than just a mailer. This is a whole organizer with a calendar, navigation through files and contacts and other features.

During the marathon testing of mailers, CloudMagic left the most pleasant impressions. The application is pleasant to use thanks to its laconic interface and clear display of drawers. The letter or its content can be easily transferred to third-party applications through Cards. When writing text, it is convenient to look for images with large thumbnails.

The best client for Gmail users is Inbox. The application intelligently sorts mail into categories and shows key information without opening the letter, such as meeting or flight information. The program has a fresh interface, beautiful animations and a lot of swipes. Inbox works with Google Apps, so corporate email can be connected without problems. And recently, the application introduced a unique function to cancel an erroneous email, which is still not available in the Gmail application for iOS.

The site's laboratory site is finally finishing testing email clients for Apple iOS devices. All that remains is to consider the beautiful Alto service and the very advanced TypeApp. We hope that it was not in vain that we left these applications for dessert and that they will be able to please us.


Well, at the end of the article we will compare all the considered email clients according to key parameters and try to determine the best. Perhaps these results will give you new material to think about. And before reading the new review, we recommend that you read the article on choosing an email client for iPhone and iPad.

The following devices were used as test equipment:

  • Smartphone Apple iPhone 6 (operating system iOS 11 installed);
  • Smartphone Apple iPhone 5S (operating system iOS 10.3.2 installed).




There are so many email clients for the Apple iPhone and iPad... I think that from such a long series of reviews you have already understood this. But there is another quite interesting email application that cannot be missed. Meet Alto for iOS.

Beginning of work

Alto greets its users with colorful banners and inserts with explanatory descriptions of the application’s functionality. Fortunately, you can quickly skip all of the above and move on to adding your email account, but there is something to add.

The program supports the following email services: Aol., Google, Yahoo, Outlook, iCloud, Exchange, and no one would hurt to add other email services. And that's cool!

Next, after logging into any mail account, you will be taken to the main screen of the mail application. But personally, I have the opinion that I ended up in the interface of an Android device, since the design is very similar, and the location of the elements and controls immediately suggests such thoughts.

The ergonomics of the email client are similar to similar applications; for example, it differs little from the same Gmail. All keys, buttons and elements are similar, there is nothing unusual. The main screen simply presents all incoming messages with detailed information, as well as a search bar and some other little things. They can be controlled using swipes, moved, deleted, and so on. I think you already understand what functionality we are talking about.

The only thing I would like to point out is the sidebar. Here it is made cool and truly unusual! The black background, thin white fonts and colored category icons are beautiful. True, some sections cannot be configured for proper filtering of letters.


Alto supports simultaneous work with multiple email accounts. Then a separate screen appears for each account and, in addition to them, one general section, in which all incoming letters are accumulated. A necessary thing and I’m glad that it is here, since some developers ignore such important “little things” that simplify our lives.

Everything related to letters is done in the most classic way, no support for attaching files from cloud storage, delayed sending of messages and all that.

Something unusual in this email client is a built-in calendar with weather and various goodies. In it our plans for the days to come are formed and assembled. This is a convenient thing, especially if you are used to simple diaries. Alto even has a widget specifically for this.



In the meantime, we move on to the settings, of which again there are not so many. For each existing account, and there can be an unlimited number of them, you can set a separate name, select the color of the icons, specify a signature, configure the display of certain categories, and even allow/disable notifications.

Despite the fact that any Apple mobile device has its own built-in email client, its functionality does not satisfy every iPad or iPhone owner. That is why many owners of Apple gadgets are interested in the question of which email client for iOS should be chosen.

Today, there are more than twenty different mailers for the iOS operating system, each of which has its own individual interface and functionality. At the same time, from all this mass we can single out several of the highest quality email clients, which are in high demand among users of Apple mobile devices.

Choosing email programs for iOS

Gmail. To use this official email app from Google, you must have an mailbox. The mailer has all the necessary functions and services for convenient work with letters, and among its advantages are:

  • support for multiple accounts and their simultaneous operation;
  • notifications about incoming letters;
  • clear interface;
  • easy controls;
  • the ability to search for messages;
  • creating email chains.

Also attached allows you to send replies to invitations received from Google Calendar. In general, the Gmail mailer is quite popular, which is largely facilitated by its regular updates and expanded functionality.

Mailbox. This is a fairly young iOS email client owned by Dropbox. Among the unique features of the program, it is worth noting that with just one swipe it makes it possible to sort all mail: send messages to the archive or trash, mark them for reading later. The app also allows you to create custom sorting sheets such as “weekend reading”, “thinking”, “for kids” and so on. This allows you to declutter your inbox so it never gets full.

Today the mailer is at the stage of active development. Dropbox representatives promise many new features for it in the near future.

CloudMagic. This email for iOS is suitable for anyone who doesn’t want to bother with settings for forwarding emails to one account. The client can search for all user mail profiles and works with a large number of different services, including Yahoo, iCloud and any IMAP accounts.

Also among the advantages of the program are sorting letters into folders, the ability to add shortcuts, setting reminders, stable working Push notifications and quick search for letters.

Yandex Mail. This is the best iOS email client for those owners of Apple devices who use Yandex.Mail. The program has a modern, intuitive ribbon interface, and among its unique functions it is worth highlighting the ability to communicate with your interlocutor via online chat. Users can also view a list of scheduled events without an Internet connection. There is also a standard set of mail functions, including a spam filter, sorting messages and assigning labels to letters.

Sparrow. This email program is controlled using horizontal and vertical swipes. The vertical one allows you to view previous letters in chains, and the horizontal one is designed to scroll through user accounts, as well as the folders and letters contained in it. The mailer has a set of functions that is quite traditional for such software.

To choose an iOS email client, you should try each of the above applications, which will give you the opportunity to test their functionality and stability.

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