How to send money to another MTS account. Ways to transfer money from MTS to MTS. Existing restrictions on transfers

Fastest option transfer the required amount via SMS. The service allows you not to remember each number to which you want to transfer money, but to send an SMS about the transfer to the subscriber himself. For this send the following SMS to the network user: #transfer 100, where “100” is the required amount. A request comes from the short address 6996 to confirm payment using a reply SMS of any content. Payment is made within a few minutes.

Example: if you need to transfer 100 rubles to the number 89160000000, then you need to send this subscriber an SMS message with the text “#transfer 100” (without quotes).

Transfer through your personal account

One-time payment

The second most popular way to replenish the balance of an MTS subscriber is through a personal page on the operator’s official website. Register on the portal, open the tab and log in. After this, the “Easy payment” option will become available to you.

In the “Financial services and payments” section, select the payment type (“To mobile phone”), in the window that appears, check the “Payment from MTS mobile phone account” box, enter your recipient and the required amount, and confirm the payment. The site also allows you to view your payment history and use the “Favorites” mode. Frequently repeated actions are remembered by the system, and upon subsequent logins, the primary information is filled in automatically, all you have to do is check and confirm your actions. Replenishment through your personal account occurs without commission.

If necessary in your personal account you can switch to replenishing your cell phone via a bank card. In addition, on the official website you can download a special application for mobile devices (works with Windows Phone, Android, iOS). Having access to the Internet, you can log into your personal account and transfer money from your smartphone at any time.

To activate the option without Internet access, dial *115#. A special menu will open, where you should select the “Mobile phone” section and carefully follow the following instructions.

Auto payment

A convenient option if you need to constantly replenish someone’s balance, for example, children or elderly parents. The function can be activated by logging into the operator’s website and setting the payment amount and frequency (daily, weekly, monthly). The specified number is automatically included in the list of regularly serviced ones. A commission of 7-10 rubles will be charged only the first time, after which the service is provided free of charge.

Special services

They are necessary in rare cases, for example, when you need to transfer more than the limited 1500-3000 rubles per day. The most common services:


The algorithm of actions is approximately the same as when making a payment through the official website of the operator, mandatory registration on the portal is not required. The commission for providing the service is 3-5% depending on the resource used.

Option “Top up my account”

Users can ask each other to top up their cell phone using a special command. To do this, you will need the following combination of numbers: *116*8ХХХХХХХХХХ# + call or *116*8ХХХХХХХХХХ*200#, where “200” is the amount of missing funds. Sending SMS is free, the recipient instantly receives the request and sends the required amount to your mobile phone.


The minimum one-time payment is 10 rubles. You can transfer no more than 300 rubles at a time, and at least 90 rubles must remain in your account. Using official MTS services, you cannot send or receive more than 3,000 rubles or carry out more than 10 monetary transactions during the day. You are allowed to transfer no more than 40 thousand rubles from your balance per month.

Services can only be used by individuals. You cannot transfer money from a corporate SIM card owned by a legal entity. In addition, customers must purchase a SIM card from an operator in the same region. Fast transfers to another phone are not available on some tariff plans. If you used the MNP service (“abolition of mobile slavery”) and changed the operator, while maintaining the telephone prefix of another, then the described methods may not work correctly.

Before confirming any actions, carefully check the dialed numbers and payment amounts. If errors occur, please contact customer support immediately. hotline – 0890.

These are the main ones between users of the MTS network. Even options with a commission justify the overpayment due to the speed and ease of operations.

Every subscriber has at least once felt the need to urgently top up the balance of their mobile phone. But what to do if you can’t do it yourself? If a loved one does not have a payment terminal, Internet access or money at hand, you can help him by transferring a certain amount to his account.

The “Direct Transfer” service allows you to transfer from MTS to MTS, wherever you are. The commission is 7 rubles for a one-time transfer. If you plan to regularly transfer money to another subscriber, then a payment of the same 7 rubles will be charged for adding it to a separate database; all subsequent transfers are commission-free.

Terms of transfer

To transfer a certain amount from a phone to another phone, you need to have a suitable amount of money on your balance, otherwise you will not be able to top up the account of another subscriber. After making the transfer, the balance on your mobile phone should not be less than 90 rubles.

The amount of a one-time transfer should not exceed the limit of 300 rubles. You can send 1,500 rubles per day to one or more recipients.

In turn, the receiving party also has restrictions on receiving transfers. It should not exceed 3,000 rubles per day from different subscribers.

The service is provided if both clients have entered into an agreement with an operator from the same region. In addition, the service is not provided to subscribers of the “Super Zero”, “” and “MTS Connect” tariff plans. Users of corporate tariffs will also not be able to transfer money from MTS to MTS.

Translation methods

In order to transfer money to another MTS subscriber, the “Easy Payment” service will not work, but you can use the “Transfer by SMS” service, your Personal Account on the operator’s official website, or special USSD commands.

Transfer money from MTS to MTS via SMS

This is the easiest way, all you need to do is send to the number of the subscriber to whom you want to transfer money SMS message with the text #transfer amount, where instead of the word “amount” you need to write the amount to be transferred in numbers. After sending, you will receive a message requesting confirmation of the transfer - follow the instructions to complete the operation.

For example, if you want to transfer 100 rubles to the number 89191234567, then you need to send this subscriber a message with the text “#transfer 100” (without quotes).

Personal Area

To transfer through your Personal Account, log in –, open the “Mobile phone” tab and select the “Transfer” service. After this, you will be asked to fill out a simple form and confirm the transfer of funds. When the operation is completed or cancelled, you will be notified. If unsuccessful, check your balance - if you spend less than 300 rubles, but there are no funds left in your account, reduce the amount.

Another option that allows you to send money from a number to another number when there is no access to the Internet is to use short commands:

One-time money transfer from MTS to MTS

To transfer, enter the USSD command in the format *112*phone number*amount# and press call. In a team "phone number"– this is the recipient’s phone number, it can be specified in any format, and “amount” is a number corresponding to the amount you want to transfer to another subscriber, it should be from 1 to 300.

For example, in order to transfer 200 rubles to the number 89191234567, you need to dial the command *112*89191234567*200#.

After sending the command, within a few seconds you should receive an SMS with a confirmation code for the operation. This code must be sent with the command: *112*code_from_sms#.

For example: *112*0000#.

Regular transfer of money to another MTS number

For regular, periodic transfer, type the command in the format: *114*phone_number*frequency_code*amount# and press call. Where "phone number"– this is the recipient’s phone number, "periodicity_code"– this is the figure corresponding to the frequency of payment ( 1 – daily, 2 – weekly, 3 – monthly), “amount” is the number corresponding to the amount of the periodic payment.

For example, in order to transfer 200 rubles every week to the number 89191234567, you need to dial the command *114*89191234567*2*200#.

After sending the command, you will receive an SMS with a code to confirm the operation. This code must be sent with the command: *112*code_from_sms#.

For example: *114*0000#.

To cancel a periodic mobile transfer from your phone to another number, dial the command *114*phone_number#, Where "phone number"– this is the phone number to which you want to cancel payments.

For example: *114*89191234567#.

MTS "Autopayment" service

In addition to direct transfer of money from one MTS phone to another MTS phone, there is also an additional service - “Autopayment”, it will be relevant for parents who want their children to always stay in touch. You will be able to regularly top up the balance of another MTS mobile phone by a certain amount from your bank card account.

The “Autopayment” service will be relevant for those who regularly transfer from an MTS number to the number of another MTS client. You can pay for someone else’s mobile communications, for example, your child’s, daily or monthly. A one-time fee for the service is 7 rubles. You can enable or disable it in your personal account on the company website or via SMS commands.

To activate automatic payment, use your MTS Personal Account or contact the nearest company store.

Question: How to transfer money from an MTS number to another number?

Answer: Now you can transfer money from your MTS number to another number, an excellent opportunity to top up the account of loved ones by transferring money from your account to the account of another MTS number. To do this, you don’t need to go anywhere, look for terminals, you can immediately throw over money from your MTS number to another number by dialing a certain command on the phone. To send money from your number to another number, you must have a certain amount of money in your account. See below for how to transfer money.

1) So that transfer money from one number to another MTS number dial: USSD command *112*ten-digit MTS number*transfer amount# and a call key.
2) In response, you will receive an SMS message with a code to confirm the transfer. (Follow the instructions indicated in the response message).

Enter the MTS subscriber number to which you want to send money without 8 or +7.
- The transfer amount can be entered from 1 to 300 rubles.
- Possible reasons for the transfer refusal: there are not enough funds for the transfer, the balance on your balance will be less than 90 rubles, the money transfer limit has been exceeded.

Information on how to transfer money from your MTS account to another number is relevant at the time the article was posted on the site. The terms and conditions for mobile transfers may change in the future.

If you are unable to send money from your MTS number using the USSD command, then you can try to transfer money in other ways using the links below.
How to transfer money from an MTS account to another MTS number using SMS messages, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2, Rostelecom, SkyLink, Yota.

  • I hope this article helped you how to send money from one MTS number to another MTS number via USSD command.
  • Reviews, comments, additions to the article on the topic, as well as questions and answers can be added below.
  • We kindly ask you to provide mutual assistance and share useful tips.
  • Thank you for your responsiveness, mutual assistance and useful advice!!!

05-05-2018 hour. 00 min.
[email protected]

At the time the article was published, the ability to transfer money via USSD command definitely worked. Now I typed a command to check and the system responded that “the service is temporarily unavailable.” Perhaps the transfer of money via USSD command will become active again over time and therefore I am not closing the article. At the end of the article you will find links to other ways to transfer money from an MTS number. Good luck to all!!!
08/31/2016 hour. 20 minutes.

I do everything as written above. But they write to me: wrong code.
21-06-2016 hour. 04 min.
[email protected]

how to transfer from 9113227937 to 9113223693
01-01-2016 hour. 09 min.
[email protected]

Is it possible to transfer money from my MTS phone to an MTS number in another region? I'm trying to send using the above formula, a message comes that the transfer is impossible, the recipient d.b. an individual. And the number is just that of an individual. What am I doing wrong?
25-12-2015 hour. 22 min.
[email protected]

unblock the service for sending transfers
13-08-2015 hour. 12 min.
[email protected]

What a disgrace, all the functions have been completed, but there is no transfer. What a deception. The deadline is ending and the money must be written off, I have not been to Russia and I have money left and cannot transfer it to my grandson’s account.
07/26/2015 hour. 13 min.
[email protected]

Long gone are the days when topping up your phone balance was carried out through the operator’s office and using special cards, the sellers of which were not shy about taking a hefty commission. Currently, it is possible to top up your mobile phone account through a variety of methods, many of which involve no commission. Moreover, now you can easily top up the balance of another subscriber. Each operator provides such an opportunity and MTS is no exception. As part of this review, we will tell you how to top up the account of another MTS subscriber.

There are a number of services developed by the operator, as well as special third-party services that allow you to top up the balance of MTS subscribers. The account of another subscriber can be replenished by transferring funds from your balance, and it does not matter which operator you use. If you need, then you can do it with a minimum commission. By the way, it’s already on our website.

Below you will find all the current methods for replenishing the balance of another subscriber of the MTS mobile operator. Before you top up the account of another MTS subscriber using the first method given in the review, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the methods and then use the option that suits you.

Top up another MTS subscriber's account from your phone

The easiest way to top up the account of another MTS subscriber from your number is using the “Transfer by SMS” service. To transfer funds from your personal account to another account, send an SMS message to the payee number with the following text: #transfer<сумма>. Next, you need to wait for the response message and confirm the transfer of funds following the instructions given in the SMS. The “Transfer by SMS” service involves a commission of 10 rubles, regardless of the transfer amount. You can transfer up to 5,000 thousand rubles at a time.

Another way to top up the balance of another MTS subscriber from your phone is to use the “Direct Transfer” service. As part of the service, it is possible to replenish the balance of a loved one from your account one-time, as well as set up regular replenishment of his balance.

The “Direct Transfer” service is valid for MTS subscribers who have entered into an agreement for the provision of communication services in one region. If you need to find out how to top up the account of another MTS subscriber from Beeline, Megafon or Tele2, then you can immediately proceed to the next part of the article.

Topping up the balance of another MTS subscriber within the “Direct Transfer” service is possible subject to the following conditions:

  • Amount of one transfer: from 1 rub. up to 300 rub;
  • The minimum balance on the managing subscriber's Balance must be at least 90 rubles;
  • The maximum amount of transfers per day cannot exceed 1,500 rubles;
  • The party receiving funds in one day can receive no more than 3,000 rubles from all account replenishments.

To perform a one-time top-up of the balance of another MTS subscriber from your account, dial the command *112#subscriber number*transfer amount#. For example, if you need to send 100 rubles to the number 89883814227, then the command should look like this: *112*9883814227*100#.

After sending the command, an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to your phone. Enter the confirmation command as indicated in the message. The subscriber will receive the specified amount, and you will also be charged a commission of 7 rubles.

Also, as part of the service, you can activate the replenishment of a specific account on a regular basis. To do this, dial the command *114*subscriber number*payment frequency indicated by a number: 1 - daily, 2 - weekly, 3 - monthly *payment amount#. With regular replenishment, all balance transfers are free. You need to pay 7 rubles only once to add a subscriber number.

  • Attention
  • The Direct Transfer service is no longer available. When you try to transfer money this way, you will receive an SMS with the current command, which was given at the beginning of the article.

How to top up the account of another MTS subscriber via the Internet

If you have Internet access, you can top up another subscriber’s balance using the “Easy Payment” service. Follow the link and open the “Mobile phone” section. Next, a list of cellular operators will appear. Select MTS (if you need to top up a subscriber account of another operator, just select the appropriate item) and fill out the appropriate form on the page that opens. Here you need to indicate the subscriber number and the transfer amount. After this, you need to indicate how the bill will be paid - from the MTS balance or from a bank card. If you select the “From MTS mobile phone account” item, an SMS with a transaction confirmation code will be sent to your phone.

Before you top up the account of another MTS subscriber using the “Easy Payment” service, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristic features. If the transfer is made to an MTS account, the commission will be 10 rubles. You can transfer up to 10,000 rubles at a time.

Third party payment services

Topping up the balance of another MTS subscriber from your account is also possible using third-party services. In principle, it is more convenient and profitable to use services developed by the operator. If for some reason they are not suitable for you, you can top up your loved one’s account through similar services.


Before topping up the account of another MTS subscriber through these services, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in detail with their policies and terms of service.

Top up the balance of another subscriber from a bank card

At the very beginning of the review, we promised to tell you how to top up the account of another MTS subscriber without commission. Finally we got to this method. More precisely, there are several ways to replenish your balance without commission, for example, replenishment through the MTS office, but the “Mobile Bank” service deserves special attention. If you have a Sberbank card, you can top up your account and the balance of your loved ones without commissions by sending an SMS message. To top up the account of any subscriber, send an SMS to number 900 with the text “phone number” “amount”. Wait for a response SMS with a code to confirm the operation. For example, you need to send 100 rubles to a subscriber with the number 89883814227. This means the text of the message should be as follows: 89883814227 100.

The SMS message must be sent from a number that is connected to the Mobile Banking service. Topping up your balance without commission is possible not only from Sberbank bank cards. To clarify the procedure for crediting funds to your balance through a card, contact your bank by calling their hotline.

This is where we will end this review. Of course, we have not listed all the methods for replenishing the account of another MTS subscriber, but only the most common ones. It is difficult to list them all in one article, and there is no point in doing so, because the methods given above are quite sufficient.

To top up your SIM card account, you no longer need to visit the office or buy expensive cards. All this, including draconian commissions, is a thing of the past. The world of technology values ​​convenience, ease of use and a variety of options. Subscribers of mobile operators providing their services in Russia, including MTS, can choose a method for replenishing their or someone else’s account.
Today you will learn how to top up the balance of a subscriber’s phone with an MTS SIM card (not your personal account, but someone else’s). To do this, you can choose methods developed by the operator or third-party services. In this case, the transfer of funds from MTS to MTS or from a SIM card of another mobile operator to MTS is carried out with a minimum commission. Perhaps it will be a little higher if you choose third-party payment services.

So, before you top up another MTS SIM card, choose the most suitable method that suits you personally. And we will dwell on each of them in more detail.

Top up another MTS subscriber's account from your phone

The MTS operator has several special services that allow you to top up the accounts of other company subscribers. The first service is “Transfer via SMS”. Topping up someone else's MTS card account from your subscriber number is as easy as shelling pears. This method is worth choosing if you want to transfer money as quickly and conveniently as possible by sending just two SMS messages (one with a test, the other with confirmation). To transfer an amount from your balance to another, but belonging to an MTS subscriber, you need to dial and send the following text message to his number: #transfer.

After sending a message, you will instantly receive a response with instructions. In order for the transfer to be sent, you need to confirm your actions by indicating the code in the response SMS. There is a fee for using this service: the commission is 10 rubles and does not depend on the payment amount. And when transferring 50 and 5000 rubles, you will pay a 10 ruble commission. The one-time transfer amount under this service is 5 thousand rubles.

The second service is “Direct transmission”. With its help, you will also top up your MTS subscriber's personal account as quickly as possible by transferring funds directly from your balance. The service can be customized for more comfortable use. You can transfer money once or regularly. If you need, for example, to top up your loved one’s account every week so you don’t forget, it’s best to set up an automatic transfer at a specified time.

To use Direct Transfer, the subscriber whose account you are topping up must be in the same region. The following rules apply for this service:

  1. You can transfer 1-300 rubles to the balance of another MTS subscriber at a time.
  2. After transferring funds, there should be 90 rubles or more left in your personal account.
  3. In 24 hours you can top up the balance of another subscriber with an amount of no more than 1,500 rubles.
  4. The subscriber to whom you are transferring money can receive up to 3,000 rubles in 24 hours. If such an amount already exists, a new transfer is possible only the next day. It does not matter whose transfers this subscriber received.
If you want to top up your MTS subscriber account once from the balance of your SIM card, use the USSD request *112#subscriber number*transfer amount# call . For example, your request will look something like this: *112*98000000000*280# call.

The transfer will not be sent until you confirm it. Wait for the response SMS message and enter a new request with the specified code. After confirmation, the transfer amount will be immediately debited from your personal account, for example, 280 rubles and 7 rubles for using the service.

If you need to regularly transfer a certain amount to another MTS subscriber number, make the appropriate settings. Use this USSD request: *114*subscriber number*transfer frequency figure*payment amount#(1 - every day, 2 - every 7 days, 3 - every month). The commission for regular transfers from the SIM card balance is charged only once, during setup, and amounts to 7 rubles. All other translations are free at certain intervals.

Important information!
The service is temporarily unavailable. When transferring funds, you will receive a response SMS with the current method.

How to top up the account of another MTS subscriber via the Internet

The third service is “Easy payment”. But to use it you must be connected to the Internet. MTS has a special service designed to pay for communication services and additional operator offers: .

The “Mobile Phone” section lists all mobile operators. By clicking on the appropriate link, you will be redirected to a separate page with the form.

Fill in all fields with correct data: subscriber number, payment amount. You are given two payment methods to choose from: you can transfer money from your smartphone (from your personal account) or from a bank card. We are now interested in the first method: from an MTS cell phone account. Select it and confirm your actions by entering the code from the reply text message.

If you top up your MTS account, the amount of a one-time transfer should not exceed 10 thousand rubles, and you will pay only 10 rubles in commission. The “Easy Payment” service has its own characteristics and terms of use. Therefore, it is better to find out more about it before transferring funds to the balance of another subscriber.

Third party payment services

Three services from a mobile operator are enough to transfer any amount quickly, conveniently and with minimal losses. But if for some reason the methods developed by MTS do not suit you, use other services. There are many websites providing payment services. For example, you can use the services:
  1. . Here you can pay for telephone, Internet, TV, utilities and other services, check taxes and receive other information.
  2. - a universal system of online and mobile payments. Here you can pay for cellular communications and transfer money to any personal account.

Topping up another subscriber's balance from a bank card

All the methods we described above (three services of the MTS operator, third-party payment services) require a commission for use. But there are other options where there is no commission. For example, you can top up the account of another MTS subscriber using the “Mobile Bank” option. All you need to do is write an SMS message “subscriber number” “transfer amount” and send it to number 900. The text looks something like this: 89000000000 270 .

After confirming the actions, the amount is debited from the card, and the subscriber receives a transfer to the personal phone account. An SMS message to number 900 must be sent from a SIM card connected to Sberbank’s online service. Without commission, you can transfer money to MTS and from cards of other banking institutions. But in this case, other services are relevant. For information, call the hotline.

We haven’t talked about all the methods, but these are enough to quickly top up the personal account of another MTS subscriber.

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