Search similar songs online. Best Utility for Search Duplicates MP3

Music recognition online.

Everyone came across the situation when a song that was wildly liked, but nobody knows, is playing on the radio or in the cafe.

Long surfing the Internet do not give anything, but I really want.

Fortunately, some startups listened to requests to create something to recognize music by passage. In the end we have several interesting services.


The main purpose of this resource is an online identification. There are no complex elements that need to operate to search.

The base of the tracks includes millions of tracks of any genre.

The chances exactly what you are not lucky, minimal.

It is noteworthy that the search is conducted in 2 ways:

  1. By providing a file;
  2. Reference reference.

To find the desired, the service requires about 10-20 seconds, after which the result appears on the screen.

The main thing is that the source is in relatively good qualityotherwise nothing will work. You only need to enter the captcha from you, and then enjoy the result.

The site has English localization, but navigation is so clear that knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bdoes not need.

IN search results You will present several tracks that are suitable for "Description". You can only listen to everything to find the desired song.

Magic mp3 tagger

One more interesting program Identification online on a computer.

This service was created for the local and global search for the conference on the Internet.

Important! If the program failed to find the song "On your own", it automatically switches to the MusicBrainz database, which is at the disposal of a huge collection of music, and free.

As for the algorithm of action. It uses not the entire file here, and its "blind", formed by the program.

This method allows you to define an audio recording with an accuracy of 97%.

If the desire to determine the composition genre will appear, the program will kindly provide all the required information.

In addition, files from the series "Track1", or "Various Artist" will be renamed according to recognition.

It is noteworthy that it is not particularly friendly with the Russian language, so Abrakadabab can be slipped in the name of the song, but completely picking up.

To use, you just need to download the installation package, which "weighs" a little more than 5 MB, and then feel free to surf the search. The main thing is the availability of the Internet.


Perhaps the most popular music recognition service online for, and. Not surprising why he is in such demand among music lovers.

First, the application interface is so clear that there will be no problems using.

Secondly, all that will be required is to click on the "Recognize" button, bringing the phone to the sound source.

Alternatively, you can independently sing the motive. The chances of course will be much smaller, but you can try.

Note! Identification is carried out through the microphone of the gadget. Note that with the close position of the phone from the sound source, various interference can be created, be it hissing and brute force.

The probability of finding is more than 90%. Consider that the signal must be broken.

No more than 3-5 seconds are spent on finding from the moment of start, and the procedure "eats" no more than 30-50 KB of traffic.

If the procedure is successful, you will appear the name, performer, as well as an album, year of release and reference to. For it is possible to buy through to save to the collection.

Fans will be delighted with the biography of the artist, which will be displayed when searching.

Disadvantages, unfortunately, there is. Let's start with the fact that it is relatively free. Free-version can define only 5 tracks per month.


Service that constantly competes with quality and speed by sound. They practically do not differ, with the exception of some moments.

Important! Unfortunately, it does not recognize the Russian-speaking stage in any manifestations. Apparently, in the database, our performers are missing. If they even be singing in a foreign language, the program will not delete anyone.

On the other hand, the database allows you to find even the most exotic styles inaccessible to others.

Often Soundhound managed to find little-known representatives of Techno, Psytrance, DownTempo and underground heavy music "garage" groups.

The principle of operation is similar to this: you press the button, bring the phone to the microphone to the source and wait.

If the song is stuck in the head, then you can sing. The result will also not make himself wait.

Another feature: Enter a few lines of text (if you know) in the appropriate section, and then click Search. There is no one for him principal differences.

In the "Load" to the desired track is offered, lyrics, the possibility of buying in and not only.

There are 2 types of programs: Free and Full. The basic functionality is identical, but the free can face pop-ups.

In a paid, which will cost $ 7, this shortage is not. On the other hand, the purchase is optional, so decide what version to download.

Excellent app for those who love Western pop.

The Internet made music available as never before, but did not leave music lovers without any problems. When at hand millions of compositions, you start thinking about eternity. Sometimes it seems that approximately so much time will take the search for something worthy. Nevertheless, the situation is gradually changing for the better: recommendatory online services are increasingly helping the listeners to open new masterpieces. If your musical source does not tell what to listen to, or does it bad, it can be supplemented or even replaced by projects from the present selection. We have already written about current music services, but in this article I will focus on advisory opportunities.

The Internet made music available as never before, but did not leave music lovers without any problems. When at hand millions of compositions, you start thinking about eternity. Sometimes it seems that approximately so much time will take the search for something worthy. Nevertheless, the situation is gradually changing for the better: recommendatory online services are increasingly helping the listeners to open new masterpieces. If your musical source does not tell what to listen to, or does it bad, it can be supplemented or even replaced by projects from the present selection. We have already written about current music services, but in this article I will focus on advisory opportunities.


Spotify gives recommendations based on your chosen music. It looks like this. You find in the business artist service catalog, album, playlist, song or genre and activate radio mode. As a result, the algorithm begins to select and include in turn of the song that match your choice. To increase the accuracy of such a selection, you can use the "Like" and "not like" buttons for estimating tracks.

In addition, the system analyzes the compositions listened in the embedded player and recommends others like. And if you connect a Facebook account to the service, then Spotify will begin to show what they are divided and what your friends are played. Another project offers to choose from tracks from internal music charts and an extensive collection of playlists, which users replenish. The service is focused on the Western audience, but still includes the records of some artists from Ukraine and Russia.

Although Spotify officially works far from all countries, this restriction is easy to get around - at least for a desktop client. In addition to him, there is still a web version and Applications for Android, IOS and Windows Phone. To use the huge music library Spotify to the entire coil, you need to issue paid subscription For 10 pounds / month, because in free mode there are limitations. For example, listen to music, you can only online and with advertising. But it will not big problemIf you install Spotify for the same recommendations. In this case, there is enough free access.


Deezer combines the work of the recommendation algorithm with the advice of experts. While listening to music from the service catalog, you specify which tracks like, and which are not. The system monitors these actions and begins to display editorial selections that correspond to your musical taste. The more often the estimates of tracks, the more accurate the recommendations become. The service contains an impressive list of playlists that are compiled. professional editors. You can always find anything interesting among them.

In addition, Deezer offers something like a radio regime in Yandex.Music and Spotify. Here it is present in two variations: Mix and Flow. The first automatically selects music by the selected performer or genre. The second makes it on the basis of the compositions already added by you in the personal library. If you wish, you can subscribe to other users or connect your social accounts to observe the activity of friends in Deezer. The project includes musicians from Western and Post-Soviet countries.


SoundWave is entirely dedicated to the Dedovsky way to open new music - research tastes of friends. The project shows that listening to your familiar from Facebook and Twitter in the players of other music services from Deezer to Play Music.

SoundWave captures all playback of music with friends and displays the corresponding tracks in one pivot ribbon. Here you can listen to them using an integrated player or quickly open in an external streaming service that you use.

If the musical tastes of some friends do not coincide with your, SoundWave permits to exclude their accounts from the tape. The service also encourages subscribing to other users to make new acquaintances and find more good music. The project functions for free on Android and iOS.


MixCloud is designed for club culture fans. The service introduces users with relevant DJ Mixes and Dance Radoshou. Launcing MixCloud, you get access to the most popular among all compositions in the project's database or popular records within a particular genre. These ratings perfectly complement the editorial selections. All of the above can be listed online in the built-in player. Among other things, the service allows subscribing to DJ channels, radio stations, music clubs and other types of accounts to receive fresh content from them. Look for MixCloud B.

Surely you know the situation when the same song is found in several different albums of some artist. Very often singers or musicians include several old compositions in new albums. The same songs clog the musical collection and occupy a place on the hard disk, so they need to be removed from time to time. Of course, the search for similar songs can be done and manually moving from the folder to the folder, but still, faster and more efficient to use special programs for this purpose. For example, the ManyProg Find Duplicate Files program will help not only find duplicates of music files and remove them, but also will search for similar songs by the artist or by album name. The program also allows you to search for music duplicates only of the specified format and in the specified interval of the size of the music files.

7 services that will select good music for you

The essential advantage of this program is that it does not remove anything without the user's knowledge. In the list of found duplicates, the user itself indicates the program those duplicates that need to be deleted.

Musical file formats There is a lot, and for sure the main formats are known to any PC user, so it is not difficult to distinguish audio files from other type files, especially since most of the music is stored in MP3 format. If you are not Meloman, this format is quite suitable. The quality of his sound is almost indistinguishable from the sound of the original, but in the presence of high-quality equipment, the difference as a sound becomes very noticeable. For playing and storing music high Quality Relevant audio file formats have been developed - audio formats without quality loss. These formats allow you to maintain the quality of the original even with compression. At the same time, not only the original sound is saved, but also a decrease in the volume of the audio file, which allows you to store a copy of digitized music albums on the hard disk with vinyl discs or CDs. These are the so-called Lossless formats and the most widespread among them are FLAC formats, Ape, Apple Lossless, Lossless Audio.

Selection of music is an important process to which I personally treat with a special trepidation, because the music at least sets the mood of the roller, helps perception, hides shortcomings. Below I will describe 5 ways to search for music, which I use regularly. Surely they are already known to the majority, but maybe there are those who will hear about something for the first time. I will also be glad to comments on your places and methods for selecting music.

1. 2 Useful groups VK Music for YouTube without copyright (AP) and music for video
In groups, music is divided into categories, both in genres and mood, tools and use. And shared qualitatively. Navigation is quite convenient. In the first group of music less, but she, according to the administration, without copyright, which means the use of music will not be taken to YOUTUBE, nor on Vimeo.

Search music for sound online

In the second content more, and in my opinion, the category is chosen better. Updating both groups is regularly. I add to your personal audio recordings in VKontakte.

2. site
Similar to groups, all the music is divided into categories, in addition to duration, speed, with vocals / without, with Soundform visualization (you can see whether the draw will be and when), and also offers recommendations for just listened to the track / artist, which makes the search even more Convenient. The site is extremely pleasant and in appearance, and in use. But there is one thing - it is much slower than Vkontakte. The launch of music playback takes from 3 seconds, which at first glance seems insignificant, but when listening to the first hundreds of compositions, becomes an unpleasant moment. All the same, the guys from Vkontakte Well done, were able to build inside social network The player, which is difficult to compete in speed and collection. Liked compositions also add Vkontakte to audio recordings, for further selection already in one place.

3. Thematic videos on Vimeo / YouTube
If the first 2 methods turned out to be unsuccessful, I turn to the search for similar video. In such videos, sometimes you can hear some interesting direction of music, which I could not even think about the initial presentation of the final video. Also, often from such a video, it is possible to pull out the artist, with no less interesting compositions than used in the video itself.

4. Recommendations VKontakte
Having revealed some tracks, I start the search on the recommendations of VKontakte. Pretty effective thing. The only one, not so universal, as on the site is - if the track is not popular (loaded only in several people), most likely the recommendations will not be given a single coincidence.

5. Audio recording of people with approached music
If even recommendations did not give a positive result, proceed to the search for compositions in people who find through the search for more or less successfully selected compositions. In essence, this advanced search on the recommendations. To success this step It leads much less often, but about the reserve, it is always worth remembering about it.

Home »System» Diagnostics »Rightmark Audio Analyzer

Free Download Rightmark Audio Analyzer 6.4.2

Rightmark Audio Analyzer - a program for testing audio equipment in a computer. With it, you can evaluate the quality of the sound card and acoustic systems.

It reproduces the sound, and then writes it after passing through the desired sound path. With the help of frequency analysis, it compares the source with the recorded sound and gives the results.

Fortunately, the results can be understood even with complete "teapots" in sound issues, since the program displays a brief text interpretation. For pros will be interested in amplitude-frequency characteristics, books, dynamic range, noise levels, interpenetration of stereokanal. With this data, you can diagnose a sound card with high accuracy to 100%.

This program is used to verify not only sound cards, but also portable MP3 players, acoustic systems and domestic DVD players. The utility is the most popular one, it is also used by world-famous professionals. Just download free Rightmark Audio Analyzer, and you will receive a legend program in the sound area.

Version: 6.4.2
OS version: Windows 7/8 / XP / Vista
Russian language: Not
The size: 2.1 MB


There are services of recommendations that automatically produce look like similar songs. An example of such a site - LastFM.RU. Enter the title of the track that you like, in the search string and press ENTER. The page will appear the best matches - songs, presumably similar to those entered. Recommendations are formed on the basis of numerous resource users.
Another interesting site is There you can search similar music according to the artist, style, decade, key. The resource also allows you to listen to tracks and watch the musicians found.

From English-speaking services, you can name Enter the name of the artist (film, actor), and the system will give you a list of similar. Such a search can be made to infinity by clicking on the names of the found performers. The list is displayed as a visual card with floating bubbles, the more popular the artist is the larger the bubble.
Similar resources -,, Separately, it is worth highlighting a bloson music network ( C huge base Music where you can request a list of similar music, view clips and biographies of artists.

If you are registered on, you can find similar there. In the audio recording tab since May 2011, there is a recommendation button. Based on your list of songs, the site will issue a list of music that may interest you. This list is formed by compositions from the lists of those users with whom you have the most coincidences. This service often offers tracks that you already have on the list, but also allows you to learn a lot of interesting things. unfamiliar groups and performers.

On various music forums there are topics where users give recommendations, share information. There can be prompted by similar songs similar to the style of your compositions.


  • how to find artist in music

Helpful advice

It may happen that you need to find the artist who sang it only one day, or records are very rare. For example, a rough version of the "rare birds" Vyacheslav Butusov on english language or "New York" from Freddy Mercury (there was generally initially only a verse and voice of the voice, from which the remix was subsequently mounted).

Then you need to help special sites for finding rare songs and artists,,, http: // www. and others.


  • find songs songs

Music video clip typically illustrates a song or musical composition, they are filmed mainly to broadcast on television or online. Very often, the demonstration of clips accompanies the performance of a group or artist at a concert. There are a lot of modern clips, and they are very simple to find them, they are sisite the Internet. But lovers of music past years have a little more difficult.

You will need

  • - Computer with internet access
  • - Browser
  • - program for downloading torrent files


Go to the browser program and try to find a clip by name and artist in any of the search engines - Google, Yandex, Yahoo. Search first all the information, then by video recordings. Add to the title of the song and name of the artist or the name of the group the word "clip".

Go to the specialized sites with the clips and search by the name of the group or the artist name, separately by the name of the song. For example, go to the site or On the last site you can leave an application for searching the clip, place it if you failed to find a clip on the site. To do this, register on the site. Click on the "Registration" link in the upper right corner, enter the login, password, your address email. After registration, go to the site under your login and place an application for the search of the clip. Go to the "Applications for Clip Search" and in the comments, specify the name of the group or the name of the artist, whose video clip you are looking for and the full name of the musical composition.

Go to the torrent tracker, for example, and search by the name of the group or by the name of the artist. Often, the forum discusses the presence of clips of a particular artist, and you can find a person there who has the old clip you have. In each section dedicated to a certain music genre, there is a section "", go to the desired section and search for the clip there.

Go to the site with view -video, for example,\u003dru&hl\u003dru.. Search clip by group name, performer name, separately by song name. If you found the performer, but the clip to another composition, ask a question about the song you need.

Video on the topic

Often the film is remembered by its musical component. But finding the desired song or melody after viewing is difficult, because In the cinema, the name of the compositions write far from always even in the credits.

Find your favorite composition different ways. You can simply find data on movie cornocarter on the official website or on sites specializing in the collection of information about cinema, for example on film search. On the map of Mono find a list of songs and melodies that sounded in the film. Also, such information is located in Wikipedia in an article dedicated to a certain film.

If there is no soundtrack list on the pages with information about the film, you can try to find them separately. In any search engine, we enter the name of the film and "OST", for example, "Doctor OST". In the search results, melodies and songs should appear, which are part of the official soundtracks of this film or cartoon. Most often, by clicking on the links issued by the search engine, on the page you can find the entire list with links to the injection of melodies.

Most. effective way Music search from the film is to search with the above parameters in large "banks" of music. In the CIS countries, the site with free access to the greatest number of music is social network "IN ". Account There are almost everyone, therefore, problems with access are unlikely to arise. Already familiar search parameters are introduced into the search by audio. Unlike previous waysThe search for "in contact" gives several times more results, besides, they can immediately listen.

You can download the composition from "in contact" by one of the following ways. Install FlashGot Supplement For Firefox (Next, simply play the melody and click on the "Film with Line" icon appeared - the file will boot on hDD, you can also download), find special program To download songs directly from this site, find add-ons similar to FlashGot for other browsers.


  • FlashGot Supplement Downloads page for Firefox
  • - All Films Planets
  • In contact with
  • Audio recordings in contact
  • find movies from movies

Golden voices of Russia, kings and sex symbols of Russian pops come and go, and Joseph Kobzon remains. There is no such person in Russia, which would not hear this name. Kobzon is not just a star. This is a symbol. This is a sample of patriotism, hard work, talent and mental tact.

Cobson's creativity can be loved or not taken, but this is the era in the Soviet and Russian pop. Like most pop singers of the Soviet Union, Kobzon began concert activities with Rosoncert, speeches on radio, subsequently on television. He never got his hard work and was ready to perform at any point of the Soviet Union. For him, the status of the public did not mean, he equally responsibly acted both at government concerts and in front of Tyumen oil workers, Chernobyl liquidators, on free charitable concerts.

The beginning of Cobson's creative activity was in the 60s, he took a worthy place in the cohort of leading Soviet performers, such as Muslim Magomayev, Eduard Hil, Lev Leshchenko, Valentina Tolkunova. The ticket to the concert activity of Kobzonus gave the Soviet composer Arkady Ostrovsky, who trusted his songs to the young Gnesinki "And in our yard", "boys, boys", "Biryusinka". Further, the repertoire of Kobzon expanded due to the songs of a patriotic orientation, this was facilitated by cooperation with the unique Soviet authors by Alexander Pakhmutov and Nikolai Dobronravov. In the repertoire of Kobzon (more than 3,000) songs of the most diverse orientation - lyrical, patriotic, folk, which he always serves in his recognizable noble manner.

Cobson's speeches distinguishes high stage culture, respect for the viewer, the complete absence of both flirting and neglect and arrogance. No less responsibly, Kobzon refers to colleagues in the workshop, which gave rise to him to the "godfather" stage.

Since 1990, Kobzon has added status status to the role of a public figure and singer, he became a deputy of the USSR Supreme Soviet. To date, he is a deputy of the State Duma of the FS RF VI convocation from the party " United Russia" Since 2012, Joseph Davydovich has not been conducting active concert activities, but continues to organize and performances at various charitable concerts.

Yuri Zlatov - under this pseudonym Kobzon worked out one concert. The pseudonym was invented by Ostrovsky, so as not to advertise the Jewish origin of the artist. Subsequently, Kobzon is politely, but firmly refused this pseudonym.
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