Yandex Market is a huge database of products for Android. How to get to Yandex.Market, how much does it cost and does your business need a Lee market

Advertising on Yandex.Market is becoming a reason for heated discussions among entrepreneurs. Recently, the largest aggregator of online stores on the Runet has changed the rules, and this is causing a wave of discontent. Where do they come from and is it worth spending time and money on registration in Yandex.Market? We'll talk about this below.

What is Yandex.Market

Yandex.Market is a unified platform where online stores place their products. Outwardly, it resembles one large online store - with sections, a showcase and even a basket - recently, goods can be bought directly on Yandex.Market without going to the seller's website.

Today, Yandex.Market has more than 100,000 registered stores that sell electronics, clothing and footwear, toys, auto accessories, pet products, and much more. You can sell everything there - as long as the product does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the price list for Yandex.Market is drawn up according to the rules.

But in reality, everything is not so rosy and unambiguous. Opinions about Ya.Market are different, many contradictory and extremely negative. We will list the pros and cons of working with the site, which will not be written about on the official website. And you yourself draw conclusions whether to consider working with Yandex.Market as a channel for promoting your store.

Advantages of posting on Yandex.Market

  • High attendance. More than 20 million users visit Yandex.Market every month.
  • Big credit of confidence from buyers. For sellers, Yandex.Market has high requirements, checks are strict and regular, so it's almost impossible to run into an unscrupulous store. People know about it and buy there more willingly.
  • Automatic unloading of goods in Yandex.Market. Even if you have thousands of titles, you can upload them to the site in a couple of clicks. The main thing is to correctly draw up the file with the price list and data about the goods.
  • Targeted impressions. If your store operates in a certain city or has several branches in different cities, then it will be shown to the audience from the desired city.
  • Synchronization of prices, assortment and other data with the store. If something changes in your store, it automatically changes in the online store on Yandex.

Cons of posting on Yandex.Market

  • Unjustified expenses. Recently, the administration has introduced a new principle of payment - the seller can pay not only for the transition to the store from Yandex.Market, but also for the order from (2% of its value). This could be attributed to the advantages of the system, if not for one "but": Yandex first takes a commission, and then the order is sent to the client. That is, if the client changes his mind about buying the order, you will still pay Yandex this 2%.
  • Biased attitude of moderators. Moderators or the Quality Control Service will not only tell you how to work with Yandex.Market, but can also put a spoke in the wheels of your business. For example, many entrepreneurs complained that their stores were shut down on far-fetched reasons.
  • False orders for verification. Other entrepreneurs described how Quality Control officers made false test orders in their stores. When the seller bought the goods and paid for delivery, the buyer refused the order, which led to losses. Be prepared to be tested this way too.
  • The challenge of working with loyalty. If the buyer does not go from Yandex.Market to your store, but buys goods right there, you will not be able to fully do it, work with loyalty, you will not be able to communicate with the client, track his movements on the site in order to understand how to improve it.

As you can see, the disadvantages of Yandex.Market services are serious. Of course, you can use the system, but you should not consider it as the main source of customers. If half of your customers are from Yandex.Market, you should reconsider your promotion strategy. If you're considering Yandex.Market for an entry-level store, then it's worth a try. How and what to do for this - we will describe below.

How to get to Yandex.Market

Step 1. Site preparation and checklist

To prevent your store from being "wrapped up" at the very first check, make sure that it has everything required by Yandex.Market rules:

  • "Shopping cart", pages "Delivery" and "Payment" with the necessary information and other mandatory signs of an online store.
  • The "Contacts" page with a phone that you can call.
  • Actual prices for goods, store addresses and delivery terms.
  • Information about the legal entity that carries out entrepreneurial activity - Yandex.Market does not place stores owned by individuals. We wrote an article like.
  • Goods that are allowed for sale in the Russian Federation and were not in use.
  • No pop-ups on product pages.

Step 2. Creating a price list for Yandex.Market

The price list is needed for unloading the goods that you want to sell there on Ya. Market. If there are few of them, then you can create a price list manually. But most often, store owners provide a full assortment on the Market and they need automatic unloading. It can be done by preparing a price list in one of three formats - YML (Yandex Market Language), CSV or XLS. Read more about how to unload goods and draw up a price list.

The Shopconstructor management system has the ability to create a YML file with a product base. This is the most convenient option, Yandex.Market believes that it has the most features.

YML file creation form on Shopconstructor

Take the time to prepare the right price list. If there are errors in it, you will not be able to add the store to Yandex.Market until you fix them. If the file is not filled in enough detail, then the store will occupy low positions in the rating, will not always be shown in the search and it will be seen by fewer people.

Here are some elements from the YML file that are required to upload products to Yandex.Market:

param - product characteristics, for example, color, size, weight, equipment. Fill in this property, and a product in different colors, types, and so on will be available to the user right on the Yandex.Market page.

delivery-options - this element displays conditions - terms in business days and cost.

sales_notes - used to specify the minimum order amount, the need for prepayment, as well as promotions and sales, if you have them in the store.

price - the current price of the product, a required parameter.

oldprice - old price for the product, which must be lower than the new one, optional parameter.

country_of_origin is an optional but desirable element that specifies the country of manufacture of the product.

category - an attribute that is required to correctly categorize the product. If the products are distributed correctly, then they will be easily found by keywords and viewed more often.

There is no universal instruction on how to add products to Yandex.Market, because different products have different characteristics and features. But the official website has recommendations for different product groups.

Step 3. Registering a store in Yandex.Market

To start registration, follow the link. You will be prompted to fill out the following form:

Check the box next to “Online store” if your products can be bought online. "Online retail store" - for those who use the site as a showcase and sell goods only in retail outlets.

The name and phone number of the store owner must be real - if the Yandex.Market administration has questions to the owner, it will need authentic data.

After that, you will be redirected to the next page for registering a new store on Yandex.Market. There you will need to download the price list or provide a link from where the Yandex robot can download it. The automatic check of the price list occurs immediately and if there are errors in it, the system will inform you about it.

Step 4. Setting up the Market

So, you have filled in all the fields and made the correct price list. Congratulations - just a little bit is left, and you can sell your products on Yandex.Market. The final touch is adjusting the placement parameters.

Please be careful when filling out these fields. This is especially true of your points of sale - indicate the real addresses, phone numbers and working hours of each of them, because Yandex.Market employees will call and check. If the point of sale fails the verification, it will be removed from the list.

Learn more about how to add a store to Yandex.Market and how to set it up on the original site.

How much does it cost to place a store on Yandex.Market

Registration on Yandex.Market itself is free. You need to pay for the results - for clicks to your site or for orders that were made using the “Order on the Market” program.

Pay for referrals (CPC model)

The minimum cost per click in Yandex.Market is 3 rubles. It can increase with increasing rates. You can set the rates yourself (indicate in the price list or in your personal account) or use special services for managing rates on Yandex.Market, for example PriceLabs. The size of the bid affects the position of the store in the Yandex.Market rating. But here, as in contextual advertising, not everything depends on the amount of bids. The positions are also influenced by customer reviews, the thoroughness of filling in the price list and other factors.

For the store to be displayed, you must have money in your account. The minimum deposit amount is $ 10. Payment for clicks is charged once a day

Payment for orders (CPA model)

If you choose this payment method, the cost of listing on Yandex.Market will also be free. You will pay if:

The buyer will place an order through Ya.Market, that is, add the goods to the basket

The generated order will go to your Yandex.Market partner interface or to the store's administrative panel for processing.

The minimum commission for an order is 2% of the value of the goods. The fee is charged after the order is assigned the status “Sent for delivery”.

Note! If the buyer does not pick up the order or cancels it, Yandex will not return the commission to you. Service employees motivate this by the fact that customers need to be weaned from postpay and encouraged to pay for the order immediately, online.

How to take the best places in the ranking of an online store on Yandex.Market

All products that you uploaded to Yandex.Market are sorted into categories and compete with products from other stores. The position of products in the rating is influenced by many factors:

  • Completeness of the title of the product and the absence of unnecessary information in it.
  • Full product description.
  • The presence of additional parameters, for example, size or color. If these options are not specified, a user looking for a specific color or size will not see your offer.
  • Delivery terms. Offers with fast and free shipping are often shown first.

Availability of products with discounts.

Customer reviews, which also affect the rating on Yandex.Market. But use only real reviews - the administration can turn off your store for cheating.

The training program - Classifier - is responsible for sorting goods into categories. As in search engine optimization, no one knows the exact algorithm of its work. Therefore, all that can be advised in order to increase the rating of a store on Yandex.Market is to improve offers and make them more attractive to customers.

How not to place a store on Yandex.Market: typical mistakes

Here we will list typical mistakes due to which adding a store to Yandex.Market does not occur or becomes ineffective.

  • Outdated prices.Moderators often reject the price list because of out-of-date prices, outdated delivery terms, due to the fact that the item under the order is displayed as an item in stock.
  • Images with watermarks. Take your time and find photos of products without watermarks - this is better, first of all, for your customers. You can also take a photo of the goods yourself. We wrote an article about.
  • There is no delivery information in the “delivery-options” parameter.If you leave this parameter blank, the default delivery time is 2 days. And even if you deliver the goods on the same day, the user who needs urgent delivery will not see your store in the search.
  • Orders are processed slowly. If you decide to upload products to Yandex.Markets to sell them there, work with your sales managers to see how quickly they process orders. The Yandex.Market Quality Control Service may come to you with a test order. And if she thinks that you handled it poorly, the store will be downgraded.

Do you need Yandex.Market for stores: draw conclusions

For many novice entrepreneurs, registration on Yandex.Market is a wide range of opportunities and a path to the wallets of thousands of customers. For those who have already more or less got used to the vastness of online commerce, these are restrictions, strict rules and the constant expectation that your store will be disconnected for some subjective reasons.

If you decide to register on Yandex.Market, we wish you patience. This is not the easiest way to advance, you do not need to make it the main one and pin high hopes. After all, you started your own business also because you don't like someone's control. So why make your brainchild too dependent on a third-party service?

Good luck and high sales!

Hello dear readers of the blog site. My name is and today I invite you to discuss not a little-known service Yandex Market.

If you have ever searched for some product on the Internet, then you probably got to the pages of this site. Yandex market is a powerful tool for searching for goods, comparing their characteristics and prices. You can also find out the opinions of other people about stores or products through reviews and discussions.

Yandex Market even has its own artificial intelligence, called "Guru".

There are really many opportunities for both buyers and sellers. So it's really worth getting to know Yandex Market, as it will greatly simplify your choice of goods in any, even not very clear for you, area.

Yandex Market development history and statistics

Before learning how to use the market, I suggest you look at how the project developed and how many users it has.

This service is at the peak of its popularity, in the era of digital technologies and the Internet, since now it is much easier for most people to go online while sitting in an armchair, choose and make a purchase. In order not to be empty words, I will give a few numbers that are provided by the TNS Russia group of companies, which regularly measure the Internet audience as part of the Web Index project. The information is true as of February 27, 2014, but for the general picture, it will do.

Yandex itself writes about its project as follows:

I.e Yandex Market is an online store that unites many others, similar, but less wide in scope of goods, shops. Read about that in the above article.


This service was conceived at the very beginning. Almost three years passed from the start of work on the service to its launch. At the end of this period, about 160 stores were connected directly to Yandex Market.

Resource capabilities

Let's summarize all the possibilities that the resource provides and identify its advantages. Yandex Market is where the interests of sellers and those of buyers converge. Both those and others will find for themselves a tool in it to implement their goals. Actually, everyone can reveal a greater number of advantages after getting acquainted with the service, but here are my personal ones:

For buyers

So, with the Yandex market, you have the opportunity to:

  1. Go to the site without specific intended models and firms and choose anything: a gift, household appliances for the home, a bicycle for a child, a gadget for a car, etc.
  2. Pick up certain products according to your budget.
  3. Understand the types and differences of the entire periphery of goods.
  4. Compare the characteristics of competing products and find the best one for you.
  5. Find out the opinions of different people about a particular product.
  6. Read reviews to understand the pros and cons of buying.
  7. Discard unnecessary using numerous filters.
  8. Be aware of all new products, price changes and discounts in different areas.
  9. See what's very popular with buyers right now.
  10. Avoid the bitter experience of a dishonest store by reviewing user ratings.
  11. Choose a store closer to you and better in terms of service.
  12. Scooping shopping ideas by browsing categories.
  13. For each product, get useful additional products. For example, if you buy a bicycle, the Yandex market will offer you to buy protection, a backpack, a pump.
  14. Ask questions to the owners of this product in the discussion section.
  15. The Market keeps a history of your searches, which you can always see later in My Finds. There are times when a link to an important site is lost, but you remember how you found it. Digging into history, you can thus restore the loss. If necessary, you can delete individual positions or even the entire history of your views and searches in the Market. Read more about this in the post about,.

For sellers

For online stores, this is a good way to establish yourself and gain.

  1. A really high-quality store can get a well-deserved appraisal and reputationwhich attract the public to it... For example, the rating is influenced by each user rating, the maximum rating is five stars. If buyers are satisfied with the store, then its rating will grow, accordingly, new buyers will treat it with great trust.
  2. Naturally, for shops this is a paid service... Placement of goods is paid on a principled basis, that is, payment is charged only for a click on the product, a transition to the seller's website. The cost is discussed with the Yandex market. The higher the payment rate, the higher the product will be in the search.

Everything for people. Yandex Market interface.

Enough theory, to the point! So, we are on the main page of Yandex Market, everything is replete with pictures and lists, let's figure it out.

The interface, as for me, is worked out with a bang. Everything is where it should be. Almost everything is intuitive. But in order not to miss the slightest detail, which is very simple with so many pictures and menus, let's take a look at everything that is presented on the main page.

In the upper left corner there is search line, if you already have specific ideas for a purchase - use it to find models, firms or product categories.

To the right of the search bar, you can find the main menu associated with your profile... Yes, we need a profile, but not a separate one (specifically for Yandex Market), but simply, which can be used in all services. If you do not have mail on Yandex, then I advise you to register, this will open up a large number of opportunities for you in the market (for example, such as adding to cart). So that you do not have any difficulties with this, I advise you to read the article that you will find at the link above.

By the way, about yandex services - we have access to them directly from the market, just click on the icon, which is six black squares, as shown in the screenshot below.

Another of the possibilities that you get with a Yandex profile is various manipulations with goods, adding them to special lists, which you can access by clicking on a button. Separately, there is a list called "basket", here you can add goods that you are ready to checkout.

While we are looking at the main page, I do not see the point in going to the lists, so we will return to them later when we learn how to add products to these lists. But in customization it is even necessary to go in, especially if you have just acquired a Yandex profile. There are not so many settings here, but they will help you customize the market for yourself, as well as simplify the purchase of goods.

To begin with, we are offered to make your data in profile. Such as name, phone number, mail, birthday. There is also a possibility link an account from social networks... All this is optional and is needed mainly for communicating with other users, for example, discussing a new phone model.

Scroll below, here we can choose city... This is necessary so that Yandex, offering you stores, takes into account your geographic location and does not litter the list with stores in other cities. So it's definitely better to indicate your city right away. There is also an opportunity, by checking the box below, to see offers from all regions, for example, if you are not too lazy to go to another city for a better price.

Since the Yandex market is still an online store, albeit of a great scale, here we can immediately checkout and delivery, in order not to constantly specify the address, you can register it in the profile once and it will be automatically inserted into the order.

The quantity is also configured notifications to your mail... This is convenient if you do not want to miss discounts or are waiting for an answer to your question. You can even refuse notifications. Customize everything for yourself by unchecking and checking the appropriate checkboxes.

With the settings sorted out, let's go back to the main page. Just below the search and profile we have disassembled, there is a line of light gray inscriptions: Electronics, computers, household appliances ...

Try to move your cursor over any label. Here all product categoriesdivided into types. At the same time, text and graphics are very well combined. Everything is very succinct and clear. From here you can start choosing any product you are interested in, be it an air conditioner or a computer.

Below are two tabs, written in large print: and "Catalog".

The catalog is the entire sitemap, all its sections and possible categories of goods.

Showcase is the most relevant products, discounts and the most popular now. In the height of summer, it can be goods for summer cottages and recreation, bicycles, grills and barbecues, as well as everything that can be useful to a person during this hot season.

Well, what about 2015 without mobile application? Yandex Market also has those. This is evidenced by the icon to the right of the catalog and showcase tabs. By the way, it is clickable, by clicking on it you can easily and free download the application for all mobile systems (ios, android, windows Phone). It is convenient to have such a powerful tool and a huge catalog of goods wherever you are from your phone.

But that's not all, scroll down, there are more sections waiting for us.

Section "Popular goods"... The name speaks for itself, the most bought is shown here, with a rating from buyers.

Below you can find out which discounted goods found the largest number of buyers. Here you can see the old and new prices,% discount, and also the product category is indicated in gray under the title.

Next comes the block with the largest and most recent discounts.

Almost at the very bottom goes history the products you viewed under the name. Let me draw your attention to the fact that not only the last 4 goods are saved there, but a much larger quantity. In order to see a larger number of products, just click on the arrow to the right of the inscription "You have seen". Alas, there are no arrows in the screenshot, but I hope you will see them yourself.

And at the very bottom of the page, you will see auxiliary links, where you can learn more about all the nuances of delivery, returns and exchange, and much more.

Product search by categories Yandex Market. "Guru" in action

At the very beginning, I talked about the selection of goods using the "Guru" system and about the fact that without understanding the differences between goods of one category, you can still figure out and select them using Yandex Market.

Now I will demonstrate it, join me.

Here we see "Selection by parameters": Price, Platform, Type. And firms. No, these are not the same "Multiple criteria", these are just the most basic ones. To set more criteria, you can click "Advanced Search"... We will go to the advanced search page a little later, for a start I propose to study the current page, believe me, there is still a lot of interesting things on it.

Below are the products from our chosen category, most Popular and the newest.

Below are popular and new products. This is what you might need along with your purchase. For example, you will definitely want to buy a case or a memory card for your phone. By clicking on the necessary categories from this list, you can quickly and easily buy everything you need.

Now pay attention to the right side of the page. Here Yandex Market is eager to help you. He offers read the article about how to choose a mobile phone. Immediately gives recipeswhich are good for typical cases. You will immediately get what you are looking for, without even setting numerous checkboxes and sliders of criteria. A "Guru" about which I, perhaps, even talked too much, as if leading with you dialogby asking questions about what you want from your phone. After your reply, it will direct you to a page with already selected models and special criteria.

Let's go to the page "Advanced Search", which I wrote about earlier. To do this, click on the link with the appropriate name.

A list of phones appears here. The easiest way sort them - click on one of the values \u200b\u200babove, as shown in the screenshot. And everything will be sorted according to the principle you choose. There are four of them:

  1. by popularity
  2. by price
  3. by novelty
  4. by discount

Each model on this page will be equipped with a feature brief, product photo, main features, price and rating. It will also be possible here "Postpone goods", go to comments or add it to comparison... What you postpone can be viewed in My Market, which we analyzed earlier.

By the way, about comparison, this is, well, just very comfortably... You can add not only 2 products to the comparison, but also more. Why is it convenient? For example, we compare leading models from different firms. We have outlined 6 of them. Running through browser windows with characteristics is, to put it mildly, not convenient. Yandex Market invites you to see all the characteristics, or even all the differing characteristics, on one page.

Try adding a couple of products to your comparison. To do this, click on the inscription "For comparison"... If the product has been added to the comparison, then you will see a yellow line at the top, which will notify you about it. To remove an item from the comparison list, click on the same label again.

To go to the comparison page, click on the button "Go to comparison" on that yellow line. It looks something like this. Agree, it's very convenient.

You will be surprised, but even these criteria are not the limit. Scrolling through this column with the criteria and reaching the "Apply" button, under this button there is a link "Go to all filters". A huge list for the most fastidious buyers will unfold before you.

Product page. The shops. Discussions.

Let's say, having fiddled with the criteria, you still found "the same phone". Let's go to his page and see how this wonderful service will help us.

On the top left, there will be the name of the product, its price range, average price, and also the main characteristics.

The whole product page is split into 7 tabs, which are located directly under the yellow button "Add to cart":

  1. Description
  2. Specifications
  3. Reviews
  4. Reviews
  5. Discussions

Accordingly, the numbers next to them are the number of comments, reviews, reviews or discussions on this product. All these tabs, except for reviews and discussions, are on the product page ("description" tab), only in an abbreviated form. In the tab "Reviews" Yandex posts links to articles about this product from third-party sites that have gained its trust. "Discussions" Is the place where you can to ask other users have something about the product.

From here you can go to ordering by clicking on "Add to cart" opposite the desired store.

Below will be similar to your products(by category, firm).

If you care store location, then you can see all the stores on map of your city that have this product.

Comparing stores, you can choose the best store in terms of location, rating and price.

Below will be the detailed product specifications, such as battery capacity, display width and so on.

You can find out what people think about a product by reading the reviews below. Moreover, the authority of the opinion will be immediately clear. Since when writing a review, it is indicated how many people have used this product. The author's assessment of the product on a five-point scale, his nickname (), the number of reviews left, and the date of writing at the bottom of the review will also be indicated.

Also, all registered users can not only write comments, but also rate them likes or dislikes... Accordingly, the more likes a commentator has, the more people agree with his opinion. You can also rate other people's comments and write your own, so you will help other people in choosing.

To the right, you can choose which rating you want to see reviews (it is better to familiarize yourself with the negative ones to complete the picture). Immediately, the Yandex market summarizes all the pros and cons indicated by the commentators.


Today we got acquainted with the Yandex Market service, which greatly facilitates the selection of any product. Now you can use it one hundred percent, and the probability of regretting a purchase with this service is close to zero. Happy shopping and goodbye!

P.S. This post was written not by me, but by my son. His name is Roman and he is 17 years old.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Yandex Market - a service for comparing the characteristics of goods and their prices. Created on November 30, 2000 and serviced by Yandex. Internet users have access to detailed descriptions of product characteristics, selection of goods by parameters and quick selection using artificial intelligence Guru and ready-made recipes, comparison of models and prices, customer reviews of products and stores.


More than 11,000 stores provide Yandex.Market with up-to-date information on the availability of goods and prices for them (as of November 10, 2012, 46,298,941 offers, divided into 23 categories from 11,153 stores). The daily audience is over 1.2 million people, the monthly audience is over 12 million people throughout Russia.

As of November 2008, the most popular thematic sections of Yandex.Market were electronics, photos, computers, phones, household appliances, and books. The biggest demand is for cell phones, cameras, laptops, refrigerators and washing machines. It should be noted that there is also a seasonal demand, for example, in spring and autumn they are actively looking for tires and rims, air conditioners.

The history of development

In the spring of 2000, Dmitry Zavalishin, Evgenia Zavalishina and Ilya Polozhintsev came to Yandex with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a service for customers that would allow them to quickly and easily select the desired product.

On October 16, 2000, Yandex.Guru was launched, which implements the idea of \u200b\u200bchoosing goods based on their consumer properties. At the start, several categories were made: digital cameras, car radios and cell phones. In parallel, work was underway to create the Yandex.Tovary service, a universal search and reference service. The service opened on November 30, 2000. Guru and Goods, two closely related services, implemented the basic functions and business model of the future Yandex.Market. This date is considered the day of his birth.

In 2002, the project was purchased, which helped to significantly increase the number of categories with catalogs, which means it would be better to select products for these market sectors, and it was decided to combine the three services into a single platform for buyers and sellers. In early December 2002, the merger ended with the opening of Yandex.Market.

Thus, the development of Yandex.Market lasted almost three years before the first launch; by the time Yandex.Market was launched, about 160 stores were directly connected.

In February 2009, the Yandex.Market service was expanded with the Store Visitor History service. Now authorized users of the product catalog were able to use the history of previously viewed offers, as well as rate the online store where they made an order. Such a service can be very useful, for example, if a user wants to find a previously selected product that he forgot to add to the cart, or if he wants to leave a review about an online store, but forgets its name.

On May 26, 2010, for the presented products, a card-summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the product was introduced, generated based on user reviews.

In June 2010, a new Formalizer component appeared in Yandex.Market, which allows extracting from a product description a meaningful set of parameters by which Yandex.Market users can select a product.

In April 2011, Yandex.Market also opened for offline stores, that is, stores that sell only in sales areas that do not accept orders via the Internet and do not deliver goods to the buyer. With the advent of a new type of store, the service has undergone changes. A map with points of sale appeared on the model card. If an online store has a point of sale, then the offer can be shown in two places on the card: in the block with online stores and in the list of offers on the map. In order for users to be able to select a store by location on the map, it is necessary to indicate the addresses of the points of sale of the online store. There is also a filtering of stores in the search and on the Yandex.Market map. Users can only view offers from delivery stores, pick-up points, or offline stores.

In May 2011, the rating calculation system was changed on Yandex.Market. Under the new rules, additional bonuses are awarded to stores that responsibly approach the quality of customer service. Thus, if the store has not registered any errors or negative reviews within 3 months, then the “Bonus for the quality of the store's work” will be taken into account when calculating the rating, which can bring an additional “star”.

On November 1, 2011, the Yandex.Market application appeared for phones on the WP7 platform.

In September 2012, Yandex launched an online hypermarket for clothing selection - Visitors will be able not only to view or compare, but also to choose suitable wardrobe items and accessories for them.

Yandex.Market for buyers

For each online store registered on Yandex.Market, a rating (up to five stars) is indicated based on user voting. Any user can rate stores. The Yandex.Market quality service collects information about stores - availability of goods, compliance with prices indicated on the site, etc. In calculating the rating, this data is used until there are enough user ratings. According to Yandex.Market, if the rating of a store increases by one star, the traffic to the store by users increases by 30-50%.

To buy a product at a lower price, you can select the "learn about the reduction" option. It is enough to indicate the price at which you would like to purchase the goods, and as soon as the price drops to the declared one, you will be able to receive information about the possibility of purchasing by e-mail. Additionally, you can specify your region and the desired store rating.

The service is available to mobile Internet users; to find out about the characteristics of a product and compare prices in different stores, you need to take a picture of the barcode or type the name of the product in the search bar. You can call the store directly from the Yandex.Market application.

Yandex.Market for stores

For stores, this is a paid service (placing a store on behalf of an individual is impossible). Placing an item in Yandex.Market is paid on the principle of contextual advertising, payment is charged only for a click on the item (that is, for going to the seller's website). The cost per click is set by the seller - the higher the bid, the higher the offer will be shown in the list of similar products. The minimum cost per click is 3 rubles. Products posted in Yandex.Market are strictly checked by moderators, there is a list of conditions for displaying materials.

To post information about goods, the store needs to register, prepare a file in YML (Yandex Market Language) format and post it on the Yandex.Market website at the URL specified during registration.

The range of products is automatically updated approximately every two hours. Updating is carried out using a bot - it downloads the price list from the link specified by the store when connecting, and publishes the updated list of products and prices.

Mobile application "Mobile Consultant"

On November 1, 2011, Market Place launched two applications from Yandex for phones on the WP7 platform: Yandex.Market and Yandex.Maps.

On March 12, 2012, the Yandex.Market application for the bada platform was updated.

An update for iPhone was released on March 22, 2012. The new version of the application is able to show stores on the built-in map and sort products by distance to them.

On April 26, 2012, the Yandex.Market application was updated for the Windows Phone 7 platform. In the new version of the application, you can sort products by distance and see stores on the built-in map.




In this article, we will look at how to load information about products from your store into the Yandex.Market price aggregator.

In order for products from your store to be displayed on the Yandex.Market pages, you need to complete only 4 simple steps:

  • Register your store in the Yandex.Market system
  • Upload to Yandex.Market a price list with your products
  • Configure your store settings in Yandex.Market
  • Transfer money to your Yandex.Market account


Registration under domain mail is not supported. The mail must be registered on Yandex and end with @

Registering a store in the Yandex.Market service

To place a store on Yandex.Market, you will need an account (email address) on Yandex, from which the store has not been previously placed on Yandex.Market. Log in with this account and go to store registration.

Picture 1.

When registering a store, you will need to choose a legal form. Be careful! It is not possible to place a store on behalf of an individual.

Required data for registering a store:

  • name of organization / full name individual entrepreneur;
  • the address where the office / trading floor of the store being hosted is located;
  • the address (domain) at which the website of the online store is available;
  • oGRN number.

This information is required to comply with advertising law requirements.

AdvantShop allows you to upload products to Yandex.Market from your store automatically on a schedule, if necessary.

Go to the administration panel, the menu item "Sales channels" and click on the "+", in the pop-up window select "" (Fig. 2).

Figure 2.

On the page that opens, if there is no upload, create (Fig. 3), or select an existing one. Further, in the “Product selection” tab, you can choose which categories / subcategories of goods to upload to Yandex.Market - all at once or only selected ones (Fig. 4, 5).

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Figure 5.

Pay attention to the "Upload Options" tab. In it, you must specify the basic and additional settings for your uploading goods to Yandex.Market.

Basic settings, without specifying which it is impossible to unload:

  • Upload name - the name of your upload (displayed only in the administrative panel of the site)
  • The upload file name is part of the full link to your price list, for example, yamarket.xml
  • If you plan to set up a schedule, then you must definitely specify the start interval
  • Extra charge (if the upload file is generated specifically for Yandex.Market, then leave this setting with the value “0”, since the prices uploaded to Yandex.Market and the prices on the site must match, otherwise the service will refuse to place your store)
  • Name of shop
  • Company name

Save your settings (fig. 6).

Figure 6.

When all the upload settings have been checked and all the required product categories are checked, click the "Export" button. The process of exporting the goods you need to the price list for placement in the Yandex.Market system will be launched. At the end of the download, you will be provided with a link to the price list, which can be downloaded to your computer or opened in a browser using the link (the link to the price list is indicated in the download settings). This is the price list file - information about all products in one file (Fig. 7).

Figure 7.

Figure 8.

In your Yandex.Market personal account, you can not only provide a link to the price list, but also download this price list from your computer. However, we recommend that you specify the link to the file, since when you configure automatic update of a file on a schedule (on the store side), it can be updated in Yandex.Market only by clicking the link.

Store settings on the Yandex.Market side

Store settings on the side of the Yandex.Market service can be made according to the following instructions:

Basically, these settings are reduced to specifying additional information about your store, terms and conditions of delivery, etc.

Yandex.Market payment

Placement of goods from your store on Yandex.Market pages is paid according to the principle of contextual advertising - you pay only for a click on a product (that is, for a transition to your website). The cost per click is set by you yourself - the higher the bid, the higher your offer will be shown in the list of similar products. The minimum cost of one click starts from 30 kopecks.

Tips for placing on Yandex.Market

  • The success of an advertising campaign in Yandex.Market depends on the correct presentation of the product: photos, assortment and, of course, price. It is not necessary to upload the entire product catalog of your store to the service - you can select the most priority products and carefully work out their placement on Yandex.Market. Sometimes this is enough to not only recoup the investment in the advertising campaign of this service, but also to get a significant profit.
  • Be careful when checking the posted product offers (description, price, photos) - products posted on Yandex.Market are very strictly checked by moderators.
  • Remember the rating of your store in Yandex.Market: we are talking about both the rating of the goods themselves and the rating of your store. If the level of service is low, you run the risk of failing the entire campaign in Yandex.Market, since negative reviews about your store will alienate potential buyers from you.
  • Work on the quality of the services provided and the quality of your site. In the case of the quality of the site, statistics counters will help you, which will provide information about the visitors to your site. Instructions for installing attendance counters are available at the link: Statistics Counters.

Download the store launch checklist

Tired of running around the shops looking for the best product? Your colleague's birthday is coming soon, but you don't have time to choose a gift? There is a way out, you need to download Yandex Market on Android, and choose products even while sitting in the office, while driving to work or expecting a child from workouts. You can install the utility on your phone or tablet from our website or from the Play Store absolutely free.

Key features

Installation of the utility does not take much time. After the application appears on your device, you will forget how it is to go shopping, spend a lot of time on the road and meet crowds of people at the checkout during promotions and various sales. All goods can be ordered directly from Yandex.Market, and thanks to the courier service, you will not have to leave your home to pick up your purchase.

All Yandex.Market products are provided from the stores' official website. If you wish, you can see customer reviews or ask for a description of the selected product from online consultant... In addition, moving around the main screen of the program, you can read articles on the most frequent questions.

In order to synchronize orders or write a review about purchased products, there are two authorization methods. The first way is to register a new Yandex account, for this you will need to enter your personal data and a mobile phone number. The second way is to log in using any social network in which you already have an account.

For a more convenient search for goods in the utility, a catalog has been created in which all products are divided into categories. To go to the list, you need to click on the three vertical stripes, which are in the upper left corner of the display, in the window that opens, click on the word "catalogs".

Summer goods

Travel luggage - here you can find various suitcases, backpacks, travel bags, allergy and disinfection products, plasters, board games, navigators, cameras, combs. Beach Vacation - this tab provides a selection of towels, after-sun creams, inflatable toys, and other items that you will need while swimming. Women's summer clothes - all categories of things and footwear that a woman may need in summer are collected here. Playground - You can find sandbox sets, kids balls and skipping ropes, soap bubbles and even quadcopters.


Phones - by clicking on the link, you can select not only the phone, but also all the accessories that the user needs. TVs - by clicking on the link you can choose not only a TV, but also read expert advice on the choice of technology. Portable Acoustics - Provides a variety of speaker options. In addition to the categories described in the Market, you can also find things for the home and garden, household appliances, baby products and much more.

After moving to one of the categories, it is possible to change the sorting:

  • for updates;
  • by price;
  • by popularity.

Having chosen the product you like, to view its characteristics and reviews, just click once on the thumbnail image of the product. After that, a page with a full description will automatically open. To proceed to the purchase, you need to add the selected item to the cart. Then go to the cart and click on the "place an order" button. In the window that opens, select a method of payment and delivery, enter payment details and transfer the amount to the store's account.

In the application settings, you can turn off notifications, and hide the image of things to save traffic. By putting the birdie on adult content, the online store will open up another category of products for people over the age of 18.

Pros and cons


  • one of the best apps;
  • convenient navigation;
  • a large number of categories;
  • good description;
  • everything is in Russian.

The disadvantage of the utility is that the delivery of goods is carried out only in large regions of Russia.

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