Lost parcel with aliexpress what to do. What to do if the parcel from Aliexpress is lost at the Russian Post? Detailed video on filling out the application

Shopping in foreign online stores has a number of attractive advantages. Among them - a huge range of choices and prices without additional extra charges and fees. The only issue that comes up is shipping or forwarding. The most common options for receiving goods are the Russian Post or the EMC service. How to protect yourself from losses caused by delivery services?

Delivery by Russian Post

To save your nerves, be sure to enable the "tracking" function when placing an order (it is possible that you will have to pay extra for this functionality). This means that the postal item will have a unique track number by which it will be possible to track its location. This track number is indicated on the receipt, which is issued when sending the parcel. The original (preferably) or a copy of the check should definitely be requested from the sender. Demand from the sender that the amount of the declared value is correctly indicated on the check - this will help to receive adequate compensation in case of loss of the parcel. It is optimal if the declared value is equal to the amount that you transferred to the online store for the purchase.

Using the track number, you can use the location of the cargo. If the parcel successfully passed customs and entered the territory of the Russian Federation, then the shipment will receive the status “Left MMPO”. From this moment on, the Russian Post is fully responsible for the parcel. If there is no such status, only the sender will be able to find the lost package.

If the shipment is stuck at customs, you must contact the customs office of the Russian Post by phone. By the track number, you can find out the reason for the delay and the expected release date. There is no way to speed up this process. If all reasonable terms have passed, you can apply in writing to the Federal Customs Service, but bureaucratic correspondence threatens to drag on for a long time.

The parcel will become lost after they expire. In case of delay in the order, the addressee is entitled to compensation in the amount of 3% of the cost of the service. To receive compensation, you will have to write. The claim can be filed no later than 6 months after the fact of the delay has been established.

Suppose all the deadlines have expired, but the package has not arrived. That is, the parcel left the sorting center and disappeared. What to do if the package is lost? Russian Post provides detailed information in this situation. Filled in, which is transmitted to any post office. The search period is 60 calendar days from the date of application. If the search yielded no results, the applicant will be compensated in the amount of the declared value plus the postage.

What if compensation is denied? This happens if the Russian Post has lost the package and refers to damage / loss as a result of incorrect packaging of the postal item. We draw up, and we are waiting for the results. If these results are not satisfactory either, all that remains is an appeal to the courts, but this is a completely different, very complicated story.


The algorithm of protective actions is identical to the one described above: at any cost we get a unique number of the postal item, and we also fight for an adequate declared value. Please note that EMS does not work with a declared value of more than 50 thousand rubles. You can track the route of the cargo in or in the universal locator of postal items.

EMS guarantees tighter compliance with delivery times. So, if there was a delay of 5 days, the recipient must return 100% of the cost of the tariff. For EMS, the same search algorithm applies as for the Russian Post. For the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that if the ems lost the package, the chances of receiving compensation are much higher.

Let's summarize. Finding a lost package and getting compensation for it is certainly possible. However, this will require a significant investment of time and nerves. That is why when ordering goods in foreign online stores, it is recommended to use alternative courier services. The cost of overhead costs will increase slightly, but you will receive more significant delivery guarantees: after all, in this case you will make claims to the online store.

Detailed video on filling out the application

It just so happened that, after ordering another batch of trinkets in China, my parcels ended up in a giant traffic jam that happened at the Aliexpress sale at the end of the 12th year. And in the end, almost all got out successfully, but two pieces were completely lost. Of course, according to Murphy's law, the most expensive and expected. This is a healthy pack of 1000 white LEDs and a roll of film photoresist. Moreover, according to tracking, they were exported from China, but they were not noted on our side. I negotiated with the Chinese, and they delayed the delivery time as much as they could, assuring that everything was fine and the goods were just moving slowly due to congestion. And in the end, due to inexperience, they persuaded me to confirm receipt of the goods without opening a dispute. I confess that I was wrong, but almost 15 parcels always reached this, sometimes for a long time, but nothing was lost anywhere and the Chinese in general did not fool around, and sometimes even put more than I ordered. As a result, after a couple of months of waiting, I realized that the parcels were definitely lost. I decided to start looking for them.

To begin with, I contacted the Chinese and asked them to look for the lost parcels. Both suppliers replied that they had made inquiries to the China Post and received a response that the parcels were exported to Russia and they needed to be looked for there.

1) I contacted the Chinese and asked to send Invoice (it took a long time to get into the essence of the document, somewhat reminiscent of our invoice, in domestic practice there is no analogue of such a document). This is what the Chinese sent me (somewhere I had to correct it manually)

2) I downloaded from the website of the Russian Post and filled out the form (http://fc.russianpost.ru/DownLoad/For_Site/Uslugi/Blanks/Prilog_5.doc) although in theory you can ask for it at the post office, but I didn’t risk it and came with his.

3) With an invoice and a statement, I went to the nearest post office (not necessarily the central one) and registered everything there. The head of the department registered, two applications, one for the parcel, from each I got a receipt.

4) A couple of days later I received a letter with information that my appeal from Taganrog was transferred to Moscow, to the Department of Claims Work (DPR) and I will receive an answer in two calendar months! Okay, I've been patiently waiting.

5) Almost three months later, without waiting for any response, I wrote an email to [email protected](which was listed on the official website of the Russian Post as a contact for the Claims Department). In the letter, I attached scans of receipts and a letter received from the Taganrog main post office “about the transfer of the case to Moscow”, and asked at what stage the consideration of my issue was. Almost immediately, the mail robot answered me:

Dear Customer!

Your appeal has been accepted and will be considered within the time limits established by law.

FSUE Russian Post

And a little later I got a more extended answer:

Good afternoon.

In response to your request regarding the postal item RB343007485CN, we inform you that your request has been accepted for consideration by the Appeals and Claims Department of the Claims Department for International Mail Exchange, registration number 36115-13.

Unfortunately, the review has not been completed at this time.

You will be informed about the results later.

However, we inform you that the response to the appeal in the on-line mode is not provided. Received applications are processed in order of priority.


Analytical Department Specialist

Claims Department

by international postal exchange

Main center of long-distance transportation

mail - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia"

This is such an interesting answer. That is, "we are working, wait and do not write to us anymore." Well, there was not much choice, although I had already begun to think about contacting the prosecutor's office. As people wrote on the Internet, the lack of a promised response to an official appeal, within the prescribed period (2 months) - there is a precedent for the relevant authorities. But in the end he scored and decided to wait.

6) And now, after another two months from the moment of sending my e-mail and almost five months from the moment of applying for a wanted list (and more than a year from the moment of sending the parcel), I finally received an answer!

The beauty and grandeur of the style were admirable! “We inform you that as a result of the audit, the loss of this postal item was established at the internal stages of its processing on the territory of the Russian Federation ... On behalf of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post, please accept my apologies for the fact that the quality of postal services in this case was not up to par. At the same time, please accept my apologies for the delay in providing an answer, which was caused by objective reasons.”

What exactly were the objective reasons for the search for a parcel for 5 months, I was not specified. Apparently, these reasons were as obvious as they were objective, so writing about them is superfluous.

Well, in fact, what the Mail answered me: “we lost your package, but we won’t give you money for it, because until we deliver it, it is the property of the Chinese, and if the Chinese officially refuse this money and ask us to transfer it to you “Then we will refund your money.”

On this, in fact, it was possible to put an end to the search. I wrote in Chinese and tried to explain the essence of the problem. But for more than a year since the order, one of the suppliers has already completely closed his store, and the second answered me with complete silence. What is the point of the Chinese fooling themselves with complaints because of a product for which they have long received money and spent it on rice?

That's the whole story. What conclusions did I draw:

  • Never do not confirm receipt of the goods until it falls into your own hands. Even if, according to the mail tracking, he has almost arrived in the city, I would rather open a dispute, and then I will remove it, and I will not be persuaded by the Chinese. Not because the Chinese are crooks, no, because if the post office loses the parcel, this will be the only way to return the money.
  • If you are already looking for a package, then do not give up and press to the end. There is no answer within the prescribed time - take the documents and go to the prosecutor's office. This should stimulate mailers and possibly provide a positive search result.

When solving my question, I got a lot of useful information from here: http://www.russiapochta.ru/forum/topic.php?forum=3&topic=451&p=1 approximately the same story of searching for a parcel.

In contact with

Lost in the Russian Post. What to do in this case?

Situations related to the loss of parcels on Aliexpress doesn't happen that often, but it does happen. Each user of the system should know what to do if the package is lost.

In general, in order to protect yourself from such cases, it is better not to use state delivery services, but to choose modern courier companies. This is a great option to receive the package in person. Moreover, the risk of losing it is practically absent.

What to do if the package is lost at the Russian Post with Aliexpress?

If you are sure that the parcel is still lost, then you need to contact the post office to write an application with a request to find the postal item.

In addition to the application itself, a receipt for payment for the goods must be attached. You must also provide a passport when contacting the branch Russian Post .

According to the law, the post office can search for a parcel for two months.

If the loss of your shipment is really confirmed, then you should be paid compensation equal to the amount of the cost of the parcel. Therefore, when sending the goods, always ask the seller to write the real price of the goods, as well as all shipping costs.

If your shipment was lost more than six months ago, then compensation is not refundable.

Where to contact if the package is lost at the Russian Post?

If the shipment cannot pass customs control, then in this case, contact the customs office Russian Post. The track number allows you to clarify the reason why the parcel is delayed and when it will go further. Unfortunately, there is no way to speed up the process. If all the deadlines have already passed, then write a statement to the Customs Service about the search for the parcel, but be prepared that the process will drag on for a long time. The parcel will be recognized as lost only after the terms of its delivery expire.

Search for a parcel from China with Aliexpress

  • Open the main page Track24.ru
  • Write the track code in the appropriate line

  • Next select "Package tracking"
  • Within a minute you will receive tracking results
  • Carefully study all the movements of the parcel, and pay special attention to its last location

Video: What to do if the package is missing? We are writing a statement.

No matter how much they laugh at the quality of postal services in Russia, citizens still have to use this method of forwarding. First of all, many are attracted by democratic tariffs, and in terms of terms, such delivery is quite satisfactory. popular among online stores.

Do I need to go all the way (up to filing a lawsuit) if your rights have been violated?


Some of them even pay the cost of postage instead of the addressee, making the goods more attractive and affordable as a result.

It is not uncommon for the addressee to wait a long time for his parcel, and often to no avail. How to determine who is at fault here? Lost your package at the post office or customs? Where to go to search for a shipment if the Russian Post has lost the parcel? Let's try to answer these questions.

Correspondence delivery times

Before you panic about a missing piece of mail, you should make sure that all allowable delivery times have passed. There is a section on the official website of the mail where you can clarify the necessary information. Delivery deadlines are set for many types of shipments. These are standard maximum short periods. A deviation in one direction or another for a couple of days is allowed.

For example, a standard package from Abakan to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky should reach 19-21 days, and from Voronezh to Orel it travels from 1 to 3 days. Meanwhile, even when sending written correspondence within the same city, such a period can stretch for 3-5 days.

This is explained by the fact that the shipment initially gets to the central city post office and only after that it is sent further. Each fixation of the fact of arrival and departure takes time. It is added to the travel time.

In case of exceeding the standard terms, compensatory measures are established.

In the case of non-commercial domestic delivery, this is a penalty of 0.1% of the amount paid for the shipment. In this case, every day that exceeds the target dates is taken into account. The payout is limited to the full value of the fee paid.

For example, a non-commercial parcel was sent, the payment for which included a forwarding service in the amount of 145.63 rubles. It is from her that this same 0.1%, that is, 0.15 rubles, will be calculated. per day. And such compensation will be limited to 145.63 rubles.

How to make sure that it was the mail that lost the package?

In the absence of a parcel within the established deadlines, the mail is not always to blame. Shipments coming from abroad may not reach the borders of the country, may get stuck at customs. They also disappear due to the fault of the services that deliver them to the border.

To make sure that the shipment has been accepted for delivery, you need to get a special tracker number for the lost package from the sender.

Each postal item is fixed in the delivery system, numbered, sender and recipient data are entered into a program designed to streamline accounting. In this case, a receipt is issued, which contains the number assigned to a specific letter or parcel.

On the official website of the Post there is a section where you can track the lost parcel by number. If the entered number is entered erroneously or if such a shipment simply does not exist, the program will generate an error. It follows from this that the postal service is not at all to blame for the absence of a parcel or letter.

If everything is correct, then the user will see the path traveled by the item from the moment it first appeared in a particular post office to issuance. Thus, you can not only periodically check the location of the long-awaited parcel, but also find out at what point it was lost.

The parcel was lost at the Russian post office: what to do?

What to do if the deadlines have already passed, and the parcel has disappeared between the sorting points? The answer is simple: you should first create a request to search for a shipment. The claim form can be taken at any post office or downloaded from the official website of the postal service.

In the claim statement, it is necessary to describe the departure itself in as much detail as possible:

  • packaging, including shape and material. For example, “Packed in a cardboard box with the logo of the postal service, purchased from the post office. Dimensions 42.5x26.5x38 ";
  • the content of the shipment. It is advisable to rewrite the list of attachments, as well as individual characteristics;
  • mass;
  • departure type;
  • sender and recipient data.

A receipt is attached to the application, designed to confirm the shipment and the tracking number. It is allowed to attach a photocopy of the document.

The claim can be handed over at any branch, having received a mark of acceptance on your copy. You can also send a scan to the email address of the service. The best option, of course, is the first one, since the certificate of acceptance of the document will remain on hand.

The time limits for reviewing and responding to a claim are as follows:

  • for internal shipments from 5 to 30 days;
  • international - from 2 to 3 months.

After that, the applicant is given a written response about the results of the search. It is not uncommon for a shipment to arrive before an official response. In this case, the recipient can start claim work to claim a penalty for violation of the waiting time. But most often the addressee leaves such a violation without consequences, since the amount is very small.

You can put a wanted item on the wanted list within a 6-month period from the moment its data enters the system, that is, from the date of dispatch. After carrying out the search work, the applicant receives a written notification of the results. If the package has not been found, you must write a claim for a refund.

The lost shipment will be compensated only in part of the declared value. If the estimate was minimal, then the amount received will be very different from the real value. For example, if the package included:

  • cell phone worth 10,000 rubles,
  • headphones 300 rubles,
  • case 1 500 rubles,

and the valuation was made at only 3,000 rubles, then compensation will be received in the amount of the valuation. The cost of the filling will not be taken into account, but meanwhile it can be much more significant. Thus, the sender saved a couple of hundred rubles on the tariff, and the addressee lost several thousand.

What to do with a lost parcel, the tracker for which was not tracked?

This situation arises when sending goods through well-known Chinese online trading platforms. Sellers working through such a resource save money by sending parcels with more profitable delivery services. As a result, the addressee is unable to track the movement of the item.

The easiest way in this case is to use the buyer protection program on the resource itself. At the same time, he simply informs that the shipment did not arrive at the address on time, opens a dispute.

The situation associated with the loss of a parcel in the mail occurs quite often. What to do and what to do if the parcel was lost?

Before describing in detail the process of finding a lost parcel at the post office, it is worth noting that it is better to initially try to avoid such events in the future, that is, leave the idea to use the state postal service, and choose a more modern courier delivery system.

This is a great opportunity to receive an order directly into your hands and not wonder how to find a lost package.

All online stores provide the ability to deliver your order by courier directly to your hands.

The forwarding service is provided on a paid basis, the cost is usually slightly higher than for using the services of the Russian Post, but at the same time, you are guaranteed the timely receipt of the goods.

If it was not possible to use the courier service, and the parcel was sent through the mail and it did not reach, we will try to answer the question: if the parcel is lost, what should I do?

First of all, you need to check where your parcel was fixed by the postal service for the last time. Usually, in the terms of delivery at the post office, tracking of the parcel is included, which is designed to most effectively track the current location of the cargo using the unique ID present at any time.

It should always be remembered that if there is no parcel, it must first be checked for delay. In such a situation, it is required to be guided by the official delivery times, which usually depend on the type of transportation, that is, on the transport used, on the location of the addressee, etc.

To determine whether this is a delay or a loss of your cargo, you should familiarize yourself with the main delivery times of Rospost, which are presented in days.

Naturally, a parcel delay is much better than its loss, but even in this case, the recipient has every right to partial monetary compensation. Collecting this compensation is quite difficult, but you can try.

Rules for the provision of postal services

If for some reason the terms of forwarding were violated, the operators are obliged to pay the client a penalty, the amount of which is 3% of the total fee for postal services for forwarding.

This fee is charged strictly for each day of the delay. Thus, if the parcel was delayed for more than 30 days, the addressee will be refunded all material costs for its shipment. In theory, everything is quite simple, but in practice, everything is a little more complicated.

To receive this compensation, you will need to do the following:

1. It is necessary to correctly draw up a written application for the provision of material compensation.
2. It is worth getting ready to wait for its consideration for quite a long time and be ready to defend your interests.

In order to solve the problem related to the compensation payment due to the delay of the parcel, it is necessary to have the original packaging with all labels and marks.

Also, you will need to provide a copy of the sender's receipt, otherwise the application will not be considered.

In some cases, you may be denied compensation:

  • If it is proved that the loss or damage to your package, or the delay in shipment, occurred due to force majeure, force majeure, or in case of improper processing of the shipment.
  • The violations that have arisen are in no way related to the fulfillment of the contract for the provision of postal services (poor quality of the goods, the wrong size, assortment or completeness of the items sent to you, etc.)

Actions if the package is lost

If the parcel was not delayed, but nevertheless lost, as well as in the case of a delay, a statement is written in order to start searching for your postal item. This document, written by an individual or legal entity, is provided to any post office in Russia.

In addition to the written application, you must also attach a receipt for payment or a copy of it. Your personal passport or other identification document (in the case of ) will need to be presented during the application process.

Important! According to the legislation, the post of the Russian Federation can search for a parcel within 60 days.

If the loss of the cargo was confirmed, the addressee is paid compensation, which is equal to the amount of the declared value of this parcel. Therefore, we strongly recommend that when sending a parcel and searching for it, indicate the real cost, and also do not forget about the costs of shipping.

Important! If more than 6 months have passed since the sending of the postal item, it is no longer possible to apply for full monetary compensation.

Difficulties in finding a postal parcel

Some complications when searching for your parcel may arise if the person who should receive it does not have a tracking number, you do not indicate the real cost, and there is no special invoice from the supplier or seller.

Russian Post is controlled by a special federal service, Roskomnadzor. If an urgent solution to the issue of the loss of the parcel is required, you can leave your appeal directly on the official website of this organization, which with sufficient probability will lead to the fact that all fines from the Russian postal service will be fully recovered in a fairly short time

Often a situation arises when the Russian Post refuses to cooperate, and branch employees do not want to listen to your complaints and, moreover, are rude. Then the only correct solution would be . This is a situation that may and will end successfully, but it will take you a huge amount of time and effort.

It is worth saving your nerves and, if possible, in the process of ordering goods in another city, choose a service that will quickly complete the delivery and save you from possible further problems with finding the package.

All currently operating courier services and intermediaries work quickly enough with high quality.

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