The best extensions for firefox. Mega Review of Firefox Add-ons

SnoozeTabs is a new way to manage tabs that allows you to open them at a strictly set time. Mozilla plans to make this feature standard in the future, but for now is testing it as a separate extension. After installation, a new button will appear on the browser panel, when clicked, a pop-up window opens. In it you will see stylish icons that allow you to choose the time of the next appearance of the currently open page. You can download the extension.

Capture & print

Very often a situation arises when it is necessary to print the page we are interested in, not a whole, but only a certain part. For example, we are only interested in a fragment of an article or a few pictures in a gallery. There are several ways to solve this problem, but the simplest of them is provided by the Capture & Print extension. With it, you can simply select the necessary content on the page and immediately send it to print.

Video preview

The YouTube service contains not only millions of videos on any topic, but also a huge number of comments on them, from which you can sometimes draw more useful information than from the video. For convenient study, and at the same time as watching a video, the extension serves.


Firefox browser differs from all competitors in a large number of possibilities for customizing the interface. The Puzzle add-on proves this once again. It adds a number of customizable panels to Firefox, giving users the ability to group buttons for installed add-ons in the most convenient way. At the same time, the program interface does not become overloaded, because each panel you created appears only when you hover the mouse.


You know that the LastPass service is unexpected? In this regard, many users decided just in case to look for an affordable alternative solution for storing passwords, the best of which was KeePass. And the extension will allow you to integrate this open source service with the Firefox browser.

Clean links

This is a small extension that should be present in the arsenal of every Firefox user. It can recognize sponsor, affiliate and any other “crooked” links and turn them into normal, that is, directly leading to the desired site. In addition, it cuts off various tracking supplements in links that convey the history of your movements.

Tab Groups Helper

In recent versions of Firefox, developers have removed the Panorama feature, which allows you to group open tabs into sets. If you have actively used this feature and now you are missing it, then try the extension. It allows you to distribute open tabs across several groups and work with them separately.


If you are preparing a report, essay or research work, then you probably had to use various sites as a source of information. The extension greatly facilitates such tasks, allowing you to select and save the necessary fragments in your own storage. The selections made are saved even after the browser is rebooted, so you can always view them later.

Beyond australis

This extension will appeal to fans of minimalism. With the help of Beyond Australis, you can already make the modest browser interface even more concise. In fact, all that remains of him is a thin strip of tabs on top. All other panels will be hidden and will appear only when you hover over certain active areas of the program window.

Firefox for iPhone and iPad

The last element in this list, although not related to extensions, is so important for Mozilla that we could not help but recall it in the year’s results. Entering a new platform is always an important step, and if it is iOS with its huge fleet of gadgets, then it is doubly important. We will say right away that the debut turned out to be quite successful and our browser praised the new browser.

Mozilla Firefox Browser  is one of the most loved by users. He is praised primarily for speed and ease of use, but also appreciate openness to various add-ons.

What are the best extensions for Firefox? Of course, everyone will answer this question in different ways, but we also have our favorites. In this report, we recommend, first of all, those extensions that increase security and allow you to maintain confidentiality when working on the Internet. Among our offers, there was also a place for multimedia add-ons that can improve productivity.

Category - Security

Our review reveals extensions designed for users who are aware of online threats and who want to take care of their privacy.

uBlock Origin - ad blocking

Many different ad blockers are available, but we recommend specifically uBlock Origin. First of all, because it is effective, as well as very light and easy to use, and allows you to conveniently set exceptions (i.e. indicate pages on which you do not need to block ads).

UBlock Origin add-ons  - intuitive for beginners, and at the same time, it offers many features for more advanced users, which makes it a universal solution.

NoScript - script blocking

Another extension that allows you to take better care of your privacy is NoScript. This is a small add-on, which for many people is an absolutely necessary component of Firefox.

What does NoScript do?  Allows you to block the execution of JavaScript and Java or Flash applets on web pages, which protects against attacks using them. Of course, in a situation where you trust a website, and such elements are necessary for its normal functioning, they can be unblocked locally or temporarily.

Ghostery - for privacy lovers

Ghostery - this extension is indispensable for those who consider themselves to be a conscious user and value their privacy. This solution scans the visited sites for the presence of so-called “bugs”.

After a quick analysis of the webpage being viewed, Ghostery warns the user about the presence of various kinds of scripts and elements that have the task of collecting data about activity on the network, as well as all kinds of objects whose origin causes some doubt.

Everything is displayed in a small window in which you can quickly and easily block found items or learn more about them.

Trio uBlock Origin + NoScript + Ghostery can increase security and speed up sites.

Facebook Container

Recent weeks have brought several messages that seriously cast doubt on how responsibly Facebook cares about the privacy of user data. Apparently, this issue needs to be addressed by the users themselves.

The main thing is the responsible use of social networks, but their tentacles stretch further. That is why the Facebook Container extension arose, which “closes access” to Facebook, creating an isolated environment for it - thanks to this, it has no way to find out what we are doing on other sites. The app also works with Messenger and Instagram.

Note: due to the isolation of the portal, its plugins may not work properly on other sites. This means that, for example, it will not be possible to leave a comment or log in through your FB account on "other people's" pages.

Category - Multimedia

Now it's time for multimedia extensions, which, for example, make it easier to use YouTube (and not only).

Enhancer for YouTube

Although YouTube owners do a lot to improve movie viewing, thanks to the extension, you can get quick access to several different configuration options.

Enhancer for Youtube allows you, for example, to automatically play videos in the desired resolution, use your own color themes or enlarge the viewing window.

But this is not the end, because this add-in also allows you to remove the annotations of ads from films (and create a “white list” of channels).

An interesting option would be to fix the player so that it remains visible when scrolling the page (which allows, for example, conveniently reading comments).

Video DownloadHelper

How many times have you wondered how to quickly upload YouTube videos to your hard drive? Probably more than once then Video DownloadHelper came to the rescue.

At the same time, it should be added that the scope of the extension is wider, because you can use it also on many other portals, such as DailyMotion, Facebook, Periscope, Vimeo, Twitch and others.

The Video DownloadHelper icon, located in the browser toolbar, tells you how many videos on the page you are viewing are available for download.

Note: You may need to install the Companion App.

Turn off the lights

Turn Off the Lights is one of those extensions whose purpose is to simplify the viewing of your favorite websites, and, more precisely, the videos presented on them.

The application makes it so that the entire text of the page will be darkened, and only the film will remain in the foreground. Eo can occur automatically (after the start of video playback) or on demand (by clicking on the add-on icon).

It is worth noting that here there are several options for personalizing the mentioned background dimming, taking into account individual preferences, as well as many additional, more complex options associated with the YouTube portal.

Category - Other

Extensions that are optional but may make using the Mozilla Firefox browser more convenient.

LastPass Password Manager

Firefox Quantum, like any modern browser, has its own password manager, but LastPass Password Manager can do it better. This extension eliminates the need to add data in login windows, because logins and passwords are stored in a safe place. Moreover, you do not need to add other information to various web forms.

This add-on also offers the function of saving notes (which will be available only to the user). It is also important that LastPass provides password synchronization between the computer and the smartphone.

Tile Tabs In

Tile Tabs B is an extension for people who profess the principle of multitasking. It allows you to conveniently arrange tabs on the screen - so that you can conveniently view multiple pages at once.

This add-on allows you to split the screen, for example, into two, three or four windows (or more, if necessary). There are several different configurations to choose from.

To start working with the extension, simply right-click and select an interesting configuration from the Tile Tabs menu.


It seems to you that by visiting the selected portal you are doomed to its appearance? There is nothing further from the truth. Stylish is a very interesting application thanks to which you can change the appearance of web pages.

You can only choose to change the color scheme of individual elements or font size, or complete remodeling of this page.

There are options for using ready-made styles, the base of which is very extensive, and you can also edit them or even create your own, which, however, requires some knowledge of CSS.

Instruction manual

Launch the Mozilla Firefox program. After that, click on the orange button in the upper left corner and select "Settings", in the "Basic" tab, click on the "Configure Add-ons" button, or after clicking on the orange button, immediately select "Add-ons". In the window that appears, select the "Get Add-ons" tab. On the page that opens, you can select the extensions from the "Recommended" and "Gaining Popularity" sections.

If none of the add-ons you are looking for has caused you interest, you can search or browse the full list of available extensions. When choosing the first option, click on the "Search among add-ons" field in the upper right part of the page, enter the necessary criteria for the search and press Enter. After that, a list with the results will open, from which you can choose what you need. If there is no suitable option, specify a different search criterion.

To view the full list of available extensions, click on the “Browse All Add-ons” link on the “Get Add-ons” tab page, or go to Here you can view the extensions sorted by popularity, number of downloads, date added, specific category.

After you find an add-on that interests you, click on its name. The personal extension page will open. Here you can find a detailed description, changes in various versions, see screenshots, read or leave your own, find out the name of the developer. To install the extension, click on the "Add to Firefox" button.

After that, a window will open showing the progress of downloading the file. At the end of the process, a warning appears about the installation of the extension. To continue, click the Install Now button. Next, you will be prompted to restart Firefox for the extension to take effect. Click the appropriate button.


  • how to add extension to mozilla

A plug-in (from the English plug-in) is a whole class of applications that are an additional software module to any application. Such an application may be, for example, a browser, a graphical editor, an audio player, or even a website management system. Depending on how the plug-ins are connected in a particular application, the methods for installing them differ.

Instruction manual

If you need to install the plug-in in your browser, use the built-in functions of this application - access to them is organized through the menu of a web browser. For example, to install in Opera, open its menu and select “Select Extensions” in the “Extensions” section, after which the browser will load a page with a catalog of available plug-ins. Select one from them, and then click on the green button “Add to Opera” - it is on the page with the description of the extension module. The program will do the rest itself. Similar features are available in all modern browsers.

To add expansion modules to programs that do not have functions of this kind built into the menu, place the plug-in in a specially designed folder for this. Such a directory is usually placed in the root directory of the application - for example, in the popular graphics editor Adobe Photoshop, this folder is called Plug-Ins and is located on the system drive at Program Files / Adobe / Adobe Photoshop.

It is only necessary to copy the plug-in to the folder reserved for extensions only if it does not have an installer — an executable program that itself extracts from the archive all the necessary files and places them in the desired directory. For example, if the plug-in for Adobe Photoshop has the 8bf extension, you will have to move it to the “manually” folder specified in the previous step, and if it has the exe extension, simply double-click the file to launch the installer.

Installing plugins for site management systems is somewhat different from the methods described above, as it is done on a remote server, and not on the local computer. Typically, such systems have special scripts, access to which is organized through the control panel itself. For example, immediately after authorization in the popular CMS (Content Management System) Joomla, the administrator gets to a page where you need to click the Extansion Manager icon to access the plugin management section. Then you need to select the location of the file with the extension and click the Install or Upload & Install button, and the rest of the scripts in the system will do it automatically. At the end of the process, you only need to activate the installed plugin by selecting it in the general list.

I decided to give a title to today's article, as I am really going to give a very large list of useful extensions with a Russian description for them. All known extensions and additions can of course be found on the official website, but sometimes people don’t know what to look for or don’t know the name of the plugin they need. In the list you will find browser add-ons for working with tabs and bookmarks, add-ons to increase the security of your browser and many many others ... I hope this collection will be useful to you.

I'll start the selection with extensions related to one degree or another with security  Surfing the Internet

This is a Firefox extension that blocks the execution of javascript, Java applets, Flash, and other potentially dangerous components of HTML pages until the user allows them to execute on this node or globally. NoScript also allows users to whitelist sites that are allowed to use this feature. Plugin management is possible regardless of scripts. Another NoScript feature is user protection against XSS attacks with the ability to create separate lists of servers that require functionality similar to an XSS attack.

Javascript blacklist.

Monitors allowed cross-site requests. Increases the privacy of web surfing. Protects you from cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and other attacks.

Provides Advanced javascript options for Firefox. Extends control over what javascript webpage is possible and what cannot be done. It is far from being as comprehensive as NoScript; it is just a simple alternative Lite.

Check links antivirus. With this extension, you can check any link on the Internet for viruses, trojans and other malicious code!
  "Spoiler (click to read)"

Protects you when you use the Internet and shop at online stores. WOT icons that match the color will help you avoid online fraud, theft and unauthorized use of personal data, unreliable online stores and other security threats. They will warn you before you click on the dangerous link.

Flashblock is for those Firefox users who are not Macromedia Flash enthusiasts. This extension blocks ALL ALL flash clips from web pages, leaving a blank frame with a button in their place. By clicking on this button you can view this flash movie.

It serves to protect against the so-called non-removable long-term cookies, a new generation of "Super-Cookies" that silently conquered the Internet. This new generation of markers serves for unlimited tracking for industry and market research, referring to Flash cookies (Local Shared Objects, LSO) and DOM Storage. BetterPrivacy removes them all.

Protect your privacy. See who tracks the web browser and block them with Ghostery. Keeps track of sites that are following you and warns about it.

It establishes a permanent failure of behavioral advertising on 84 different advertising networks. It interferes with the display of ads by Google, Yahoo and many other networks. It also helps to delete other cookies, which are sometimes not deleted in a standard way.

Gives you the ability to block any site.

Kills pop-ups on the spot.

A toolbar that will help you protect yourself from phishing scams.

Apps for tabs

This add-on for working with tabs was created, it contains a bunch of settings, it’s also multifunctional, it adds a download indicator to each tab, a button to cancel closing tabs, it records every session of bookmarks when you close the browser, and much more. And includes many of the additions provided below. recomend for everybody

When double-clicking on a tab, leaves only the tab icon, saves space. You can configure to automatically minimize the tabs at the address.

A Firefox extension that allows you to rename all your tabs in a Firefox browser.
  TabRenamizer adds two new options to your menu:
  Renaming tabs manually.
  Rename tabs automatically: when this option is enabled, tabs are renamed automatically. You can set a rule in which certain tabs will themselves be renamed.

Closes a tab by double-clicking on the page.

Adds a button that cancels the closing of tabs to the toolbar, and the function of the back button does not stop affecting them.

If you do not like the fact that the last tab does not close in Firefox 3.5 and the cross in the corner does not show, then this add-on shows the "Close" button on the last tab, when clicked, only the tab itself is closed, and not the browser.

Creates a thumbnail of a tab and a progress bar in each tab.

Opens a tab to the right of the current one.

Lock and protect tabs.

A small extension for coloring tabs in different colors for each tab or in one color for a separate URL.

Shows the number of tabs open.

Switch between tabs when scrolling the mouse wheel in the tab bar.

Allows the use of separate keyboard layouts for each tab.

If the site does not have the actual icon, you can add your own by assigning it any color you like.

Hover over the tab to see the contents of the page inside them. Screen.

Shows a download indicator in each tab.

Ability to copy the name of the tab from the context menu.

After installing this add-on, your tabs will be located above the address bar in Google.

Bookmark apps

Install - Quick access to the most visited websites. Divides the page into 9 windows (if desired, as many as possible) as in Opera, into which you can drive the addresses of your favorite sites. recomend for everybody.

Divides the page into 9 windows (if desired, more) as in Opera, into which you can drive the addresses of your favorite sites for quick access.

This is an add-on for memorizing and playing back bookmarks. Convenient and practical. Another tabbed panel will appear, where you can transfer any pages and then load them onto the main tab bar. This panel may be at the bottom and disappear automatically, or disappear and appear when you click a button. Bookmarks can be divided into categories.

Reduces bookmarks on the исаhelis muzzle panel to an icon, which allows them to be opened there in dozens without spacing the interface across itself wider. When you hover the mouse over a specific icon, the bookmark to which this icon was related “opens” to its usual state.

After installing this addon to Firefox, bookmarks always open in a new tab.

Adds bookmarks to the context menu so that you can access them with the right mouse button.

Sort bookmarks.

Adds a context menu item to the bookmarks folder, which opens the Organizer extended to this folder.

When you add pages to bookmarks, it detects duplicates. Also knows how to find and delete existing bookmarks.

Adds a user interface for replacing bookmark icons.

Hides bookmark icons.

If you want to place the bookmarks bar next to stretching elements, you can put this extension.

Hides the bookmarks bar automatically; when you hover over it, it appears again.

Platypus is a Firefox extension that allows you to modify web pages using a browser and then save these changes in script code for Greasmonkey.

FTP client for Mozilla Firefox. FireFTP is a free, secure, and cross-platform ftp client for Mozilla Firefox that provides easy access to ftp servers.

Minimizes (minimizes) Mozilla windows to the system tray.

This extension makes it easy to use multiple profiles in Firefox and Thunderbird. Two items are added to the File menu: Open Profile Manager and Launch another profile and by creating two or more profiles with different settings, for example, a profile for Work and a profile for Game games, you can easily switch between them .

Creates an additional panel on which you can put shortcuts, folders, files, .txt files.

Automatically hides the top browser bar, where the menu * File * * Edit * * View * is located, after 30 seconds (default) and displays when you hover over the mouse.

Automatically hides the main menu bar. To temporarily display it, press the Alt key.

Adding some amenities to working with alerts about statistics, private messages, new torrents and comments. View torrent files.

The save item will appear in the lower corner of the picture, when you click on it, the choice of folder for saving appears.

Adds new features to view images in a new window. recommend

Check the functionality of the links on the page at:, megaupload, mediafire,,, badongo,, filefactory, sendspace, depositfiles,

Allows you to quickly enable and disable Java and javascript in the status bar.

With this add-on you can open double-click links in new tabs. You can double-click on the tab to duplicate it.

Enlarges the image on hover.

Adds mouse gestures.

Allocates a domain address and decrypts the address for a more convenient perception. --SCREEN--

Change the number of visible results shown in the Locationbar drop-down when searching.

It saves a bookmark session with the click of a button, when you close FF, those that have been saved open, or click on the button and it will save the bookmarks and exit.

Blocks multimedia when loading pages. It does not automatically play audio and video. Button on the control panel On / Off.

The extension which, when you click on the button, automatically inserts the username and password, like a rod in the Opera.

Speed \u200b\u200bup Google searches, preview keyword phrases.

This extension allows you to copy the name (anchor) of the link, and also provides the function of "full copy link". Access to the functions is carried out through the context menu and represents 2 additional items (one of which, in turn, is a small submenu).
  If the function of copying the name of the link does not raise unnecessary questions - this is the usual anchor of the link, then the function of "full" copying the link should be considered in more detail.

Adds the * Open image in a new tab * item to the context menu of the right mouse button.

This plugin is more like a decoration for the browser, as it turns the standard "404" page into its art poster with the Firefox logo, the main plus of the add-on in automatic page refresh. Screenshot:

Allows you to install extensions (including several at once) and themes (one at a time) from the disk; automatically archive installed from the Internet extensions; disable time delay when installing xpi files. Adds advanced settings to the extension and theme manager. It includes the capabilities of the Open Profile Folder extensions, about: About, Nightly tester tools and a number of others (see the full page on the extension for a complete list). Allows you to export the configuration to a file. Adds the Add-ons button to the panel, as well as a button to all hidden browser settings. May cancel compatibility check for add-ons.
  (Indispensable for those who often install new extensions and make various changes, in various kinds of hidden FF settings)

An add-on that allows you to upload files using download managers such as Dawnload Master, intercepts the link and transfers it to your download manager. There is also the opportunity to download video and audio from sites such as Vkontakte and many other network resources.
  Note: Unlike Downloadhelper, downloading occurs through your download manager, and not standard Mozilla.

History counter. Displays the number of history steps next to the Back Forward buttons and on each tab.
  Note: Digits may appear on top of the text on the tab, so it’s better to turn off the display on the tabs in the add-on settings.

Automatic download, reset time from file hosting.
  File Sharing:

If you add a lot of additions, then in the context menu there are many (unnecessary) commands that begin to interfere with the use of everyday tasks. This addition will help get rid of them, change the context menu. It can also change the menu located at the top of the browser. * File * - * Edit * - etc

This add-on for working with tabs was created, it contains a bunch of settings, it’s also multifunctional, it adds a download indicator to each tab, a button to cancel closing tabs, it records every session of bookmarks when you close the browser, and much more. And includes many of the additions provided below.

The context menu automatically pops up when selecting text, and it also contains a bunch of useful settings. It is easy to turn this feature on and off.

Quickly saves the page address for one reading later. For example, go to the forum where we liked the topic that we want to return to later, with one click you can save this page (on the principle of adding to bookmarks from the status bar).
  A very detailed description and instructions for use in Russian at

An indispensable addition if you use standard bookmarks. Convenient for adding pages to bookmarks, folders and on the control panel.

Bookmarks bar in several lines.

Displaying a site through Internet Exploer in Firefox.
  You can open any site, you can also set a rule for which sites to always open through IE.

Combines the Stop and Refresh buttons into one, as is done in Safari and Flock. Button functions change depending on page status.

Great addition. It remembers the login and password well, and inserts it into forms.

Next to the Back Forward buttons, there are buttons for moving to the beginning of the story and the end. And the page turning buttons alternately.

Crops the context menu on the fly.

A screensaver before running in Firefox.

Translates text from the context menu, in the pop-up window, can also translate the whole page. There is a function for detecting text. He will determine the language of the text and translate it. It’s necessary to click on the button in the Detect window that appears.

Adds mouse gestures.

This is a utility for backing up profiles of such programs as: MozSuite / SeaMonkey, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, Netscape, Flock, Sunbird and Spicebird. It helps you save mail, bookmarks, address books, passwords, add-ons, etc.

Automatically copies selected text to the clipboard. Paste text from the clipboard by pressing the middle mouse button. It is easy to enable and disable this function easily, using a button on the control panel.

A simple and convenient way to download video and audio from many resources on the network. It also remembers where and what video / audio you watched.

Adds an icon to the status bar to quickly switch the browser between online / offline modes.

After installing this plugin, an icon appears in the status bar in the form of a camera, by clicking on which you can prohibit the downloading of all graphic files on the page, all images that are loaded from another server, allow displaying only images from the cache, or enable downloading graphics without restrictions. Most importantly, the parameters for working with images can be determined separately for each tab.

Return to the previous page without reloading it (as in Opera).

A button appears in the address bar that deletes what is written. (Simplifies clearing the browser address bar)

Saves pictures by double-clicking in a predefined folder.

A small extension improves the Firefox search field. Adds two buttons to any of the panels. The functions of the first are to highlight the result obtained during the search. By clicking on the second, you can go to the part of the page where it is located, highlighting it.

If some add-ons have stopped working due to Firefox incompatibility, this plugin will solve this problem and your add-ons will start working again.
  Note: all kinds of bugs are possible; use this add-on in extreme cases.

With its help, you can open several sites at once with one click, your own selection. If you have a certain list of daily browsing sites, news, resources of any subject, then all of them can be listed in the Morning Coffee list. After that, it remains to configure the add-on, it is possible to open all sites from the list immediately after launching the browser or manually, by pressing a key.

The bottom panel shows how many images are on the page, how many KB are loaded, speed, time and percentage of page loading.

Notepad in the browser automatically saves what was written when you exit, you can select the text on the page and send it to QuickNote without going into it.

Extension for managing sidebars. Allows you to quickly switch between sidebars, view the list of installed extensions and themes, the status of current downloads, page information, page source code, as well as the web page itself in the sidebar. Includes a series of buttons for the toolbar. The menu is in Russian!

Definition of concepts using Wikipedia and Wiktionary, without the need to open a new window or tab. Based on open source.
  Only version 2.0.0 or later supports the Russian language.
  Shift either Ctrl or Alt + right-click.

An extension for Firefox that allows you to improve Google search results by adding additional information (links to Yandex, Yahoo,, MSN, etc.) and deleting unwanted information (advertising and spam). All functions are optional.

Install - Displays thumbnails of pages in the search engine Google and Yahoo.

Selects text in a Google search engine and adds icons near sites.

Extend the capabilities of the standard Firefox download manager. Changes the appearance of the manager and allows you to open it in a window, tab or sidebar.

Search for text in all tabs at once.

Puts the top browser menu in one button.

It copies the selected text to the clipboard, (select the text and wait until the icon appears above the text) that is, you can choose which text to copy and which one is not needed, you can paste the text with the middle mouse button. I recommend to familiarize

Shows the IP address that is visible on the network. (A button will appear in the lower right corner; when it is pressed, your IP will be shown.

If you want to change the look of your favorite browser in a couple of seconds, then this add-on was invented for you.
  All T-shirts for Firefox can be found here:

An easy way to download and convert videos from YouTube and other similar sites, as it applies to audio and pictures.
  If you want to not only download, but also convert the downloaded video, you will need to separately install a special converter.

Adds icons to the browser context menu.

This is an addition to the Mozilla Firefox browser that allows you to take screenshots of the pages you open.
  Unlike other tools of this kind, this add-on provides the user with a number of tools for editing screenshots and adding graphical and text annotations. This functionality will be useful for web developers, testers and editors.

Adds two buttons to the control panel that return to the top and bottom of the page. (Useful on long pages like this)

It counts the number of pages you visit and gives the average number of pages visited per day.

When you right-click on a link, a new item will appear in the context menu, save the link and immediately click on it.

ReminderFox is an extension for Firefox that displays and allows you to manage dates for reminders and tasks. ReminderFox is not a complete calendar. In fact, its purpose is simply to remind important dates (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) without using special bulky calendar programs.

The icons for copy, print, save, save to folder will appear on the images.

This is an online password manager and form filler that will make web surfing more comfortable and secure.
  More information can be found here:

Press the "RU" button and write in Russian in all fields on the page. Instead of translita, Russian letters will come out. Horosho → Good.

WebShadow - a plugin that allows you to chat with those who are currently browsing the same site as you !!!

Tired of bookmarking every page you visit? Cut, save and share only the parts you need, which can then be easily found.

Preview of any web page to print it.

Saves web pages to a PDF document.

Closing a browser or tab, button on the control panel.

Saves space on your monitor, leaving more space for viewing sites. If you rarely use the menu bar (Where File, Edit), then this plugin will allow you to replace it with 3 neat buttons - bookmarks, history, and everything else. Moreover, unused items can be hidden at all.

The item * copy link name * appears in the context menu.

Button on the panel. Go back to your last page with Google search results, on the history of the current tab.

Installed many extensions and the menu item Tools has grown to incredible sizes? Then this extension is especially for you!
  Trims the Tools menu by moving all items added by extensions to a separate More Tools menu.
  Russian locale is included in the official assembly.

Displays the time of surfing the network in the status bar. Details can be found here.

Creating buttons for launching external applications (programs) on the toolbar.
For example, you can place the ICQ button on the FF control panel, or the Aimp player and run virtually any program from the control panel.
  - Extension for viewing and managing the history of forms.

Automatically show / hide the sidebar just by touching the border of the window.

BB codes in the context menu for forums. You can screw different tags, for example on the sibnet there is a mod * Private text *, it will be possible from the context. menu to enclose text in this mod.

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