Download a program for reading jpg files. Jpg source data format not recognized

Chief Technology Writer

Did someone email you a jpg file and you don’t know how to open it? Maybe you found the jpg file on your computer and you are interested in what kind of file it is? Windows may tell you that you cannot open it, or, in the worst case, you may encounter the corresponding error message associated with the JPG file.

Before you can open a jpg file, you need to find out what kind of file the jpg file extension belongs to.

Tip:  Incorrect JPG file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your Windows operating system. These invalid entries can also produce associated symptoms such as slow Windows startups, computer freezes, and other PC performance issues. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you scan your Windows registry for invalid file associations and other issues related to a fragmented registry.


JPG files are Raster Image Files primarily associated with CompactDRAW e-JPG Graphic (MediaChance).

JPG files are also associated with JPEG / JIFF Image and FileViewPro.

Additional types of files may also be using the JPG file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats using the JPG file extension, please contact us so that we can update our information accordingly.

How to open your jpg file:

The fastest and easiest way to open your JPG file is to double-click on it. In this case, Windows will choose the necessary program to open your JPG file.

In the event that your JPG file does not open, it is very likely that the necessary application program for viewing or editing files with JPG extensions is not installed on your PC.

If your PC opens a JPG file but in the wrong program, you will need to change the file association settings in your Windows registry. In other words, Windows associates JPG file extensions with the wrong program.

Install Optional Products - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | | | |

JPG Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME):

  • mime image / jpeg

JPG File Analysis Tool ™

Not sure which type of jpg file you have? Want to get accurate information about the file, its creator, and how to open it?

Now you can instantly get all the necessary information about the JPG file!

Revolutionary JPG File Analysis Tool ™ scans, analyzes, and reports detailed information about the JPG file. Our algorithm (a patent is pending) will quickly analyze the file and in a few seconds will provide detailed information in a clear and easily readable format. †

In just a few seconds, you will know exactly the type of your JPG file, the application associated with the file, the name of the user who created the file, file protection status and other useful information.

To start a free file analysis, simply drag your JPG file inside the dashed line below or click “View My Computer” and select the file. A jpg file analysis report will be shown below, right in the browser window.

Drag the jpg file here to start the analysis

  View my computer »

  Please also check my file for viruses.

Your file is being analyzed ... please wait.

It is pronounced as a “jeep” and encompasses the abbreviated name of the organization - the developer of this format, the Joint Photographic Experts Group (Joint group of photography experts).

How to determine the image format

Extensions help determine image format. Popular extensions for jpeg format files: .jpg, .jpeg

Go to the folder with the desired image, find it in the list and move the cursor over the image (with the mouse arrow). Usually, information about the type of drawing and size immediately pops up.

If this does not happen, click on the image of the right mouse button and go to the properties. It will indicate the type of file, its size, location on the computer, the amount of space it occupies on the disk and the date it was created.

Convert image to jpeg format

Any program for editing pictures and photos can convert an image to jpeg format.

The simplest such program is the Paint program. Along with notepad and calculator, it is in almost any operating system.

Right-click on the desired image. In the window that appears, select the function: "Open with ...". Another window pops up with a list of programs available on your computer that are suitable for editing images. Feel free to choose Paint (an icon with a palette and a brush).

In the Paint program, you can independently resize the image by selecting the "Resize" function. You can change the size both in pixels and in percentage. Mark the desired action with a dot (pixels or percentages) and set the horizontal and vertical sizes. In order for the picture to retain its appearance, do not remove the checkmark from the "Save aspect ratio" function.

You can also slightly adjust the picture using the appropriate tools of the program. By pressing the “F1” key, you can call up a window with help information about the program and the possibilities of working with it. It is not recommended to adjust photographs in this program, since subsequently they can have the effect of a picture.

Do not be afraid to accidentally click somewhere and ruin the image! You can always press the ctrl + z keys at the same time and undo the last action. In the Paint program, you can undo the last three actions in a row.

If everything suits you in the image and you just want to change the format, press the F12 key. In the window that appears below, enter the file name and select the jpeg format from the list of formats. Check the save path in the line under the words “Save As” and click the “Save” button. Your image will automatically be assigned the extension .jpeg.

In addition to Paint, you can use a photo converter to convert the image to jpeg format. You can read that, as well as download a free demo version for 15 days on the website

Change images to your liking!

By default, any file accepts the extension of that program with the help of which it was created. You can find out what format of a particular file, for example, from a picture, by right-clicking on the file’s icon itself and selecting the “Properties” item in the drop-down list. In the "General" window, we see that this is a JPG image and it has the extension.jpg, and in the next line, which is called "Applications", we see a program for reading, with which the system opens it. In this case, the image shows that in the Windows 10 operating system, you can open the jpg file on your computer using the "Photos" program. But how to open a file in this format if another OS is installed? Everything is simple in all operating systems by default there is a built-in function for viewing and editing pictures on a computer in jpg.

Jpg image file format

JPG or JPEG images are one of the most common of all formats, in general, a huge number of a wide variety of programs can work with this format. On all known operating systems up to mobile OS.

Almost all cameras and camcorders support jeep format. That is, the photos taken are automatically created in jpg format and are available for viewing on any device, computer, mobile phone. For simple viewing jpg photos and pictures in JPG or JPEG format, there is no need to install third-party software. The built-in program for reading this type of file — the “Image and Fax Viewer”, or on newer versions of the OS this “Photos” application does an excellent job. But, if a picture or photograph (jpg file) is edited to some editor, or will be placed in some document, in a presentation, for example, then you need to download a program in which further work on the document will take place. You can embed some fragments from the picture in the Photoshop program, and then they can be used already in other programs for reading.

The lion's share of the images that we see on the network, and no matter on which site, they are all downloaded in jpg format. Because this format has a good compression ratio, the greater the compression of the file (image), the less it weighs, but the greater the compression, the worse the quality. But, unfortunately, this format has one drawback - it does not support transparency.

The list of programs and applications that support the jpg format

Program to view files

One very common program for opening jpg is photoshop.

  • You can open any picture, including the jpg file, in Photoshop by clicking on the “File” button in the program.
  • Open - in the window that appears, select the file of interest to us and again click on the "Open" button.

The picture will appear in our working environment and you can continue to work with it.

  • If you want to insert a picture into a Word document, then in the workspace, place the cursor in the place where the picture will be located.
  • Select the "Insert" tab and in the quick access panel select the "Picture" button.
  • From the window that opens, locate the desired file on the computer on the hard drive and click "Insert."

By default, any file accepts the extension of that program with the help of which it was created. You can find out what format of a particular file, for example, from a picture, by right-clicking on the file’s icon itself and selecting the “Properties” item in the drop-down list. In the "General" window, we see that this is a JPG image and it has the extension.jpg, and in the next line, which is called "Applications", we see a program for reading, with which the system opens it. In this case, the image shows that in the Windows 10 operating system, you can open the jpg file on your computer using the "Photos" program. But how to open a file in this format if another OS is installed? Everything is simple in all operating systems by default there is a built-in function for viewing and editing pictures on a computer in jpg.

JPG or JPEG images are one of the most common of all formats, in general, a huge number of a wide variety of programs can work with this format. On all known operating systems up to mobile OS.

Almost all cameras and camcorders support jeep format. That is, the photos taken are automatically created in jpg format and are available for viewing on any device, computer, mobile phone. For simple viewing jpg photos and pictures in JPG or JPEG format, there is no need to install third-party software. The built-in program for reading this type of file — the “Image and Fax Viewer”, or on newer versions of the OS this “Photos” application does an excellent job. But, if a picture or photograph (jpg file) is edited to some editor, or will be placed in some document, in a presentation, for example, then you need to download a program in which further work on the document will take place. You can embed some fragments from the picture in the Photoshop program, and then they can be used already in other programs for reading.

The lion's share of the images that we see on the network, and no matter on which site, they are all downloaded in jpg format. Because this format has a good compression ratio, the greater the compression of the file (image), the less it weighs, but the greater the compression, the worse the quality. But, unfortunately, this format has one drawback - it does not support transparency.

The list of programs and applications that support the jpg format

Program to view files

One very common program for opening jpg is photoshop.

  • You can open any picture, including the jpg file, in Photoshop by clicking on the “File” button in the program.
  • Open - in the window that appears, select the file of interest to us and again click on the "Open" button.

The picture will appear in our working environment and you can continue to work with it.

  • If you want to insert a picture into a Word document, then in the workspace, place the cursor in the place where the picture will be located.
  • Select the "Insert" tab and in the quick access panel select the "Picture" button.
  • From the window that opens, locate the desired file on the computer on the hard drive and click "Insert."

Now you know how to open jpg  and what programs to use for this!

The JPG file is opened with special programs. To open this format, download one of the proposed programs.

The abbreviation for the JPG file extension (also known as JPEG) stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. The format was introduced in 1994. Such files contain compressed raster images: JPEG compression uses a discrete cosine transform and uses the Huffman coding algorithm.

What is in the .jpg files

JPEG files also have image metadata in the form of EXIF \u200b\u200btags. These tags contain information about the image name, creation date, camera settings - such as lens aperture, shutter speed, focus distance, etc. The Jpg format is popular in geotagging (this is the addition of geographic coordinates to EXIF, which is performed in the editor program or directly on a digital camera if GPS is built into it).

JPEG images can have color space information embedded in them in the form of an ICM profile. This data is used by devices - such as monitors and printers - to correctly display color tones in an image. Not all software supports or correctly processes the embedded color profile.

How to open jpg file

There are many applications that support viewing and editing JPG files and work in almost all modern operating systems - ACDSee, Adobe Protoshop, FastStone Image Viewer, etc. JPG files are widespread because the compression algorithm significantly reduces the file size, making it ideal for sharing, storing and displaying on websites.

What is jpg

Although sometimes compression can lead to loss of quality.

You can open and download JPG using any browsers - such as Chrome or Firefox (you just need to drag the image from the Explorer window to a new browser tab and open Jpg online). Also for viewing and elementary editing you can use standard Windows programs - View photos  and Paint. On Mac OS, these functions Apple preview  and Apple photos.

Compressed image format standardized by Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG). Most often used for storing digital photographs, as the format supports up to 24-bit colors. Most digital cameras store images as jpg files by default.

JPEG is also the standard format for publishing web graphics, as the JPEG compression algorithm significantly reduces the size of the image file. However, the lossy compression used by JPEG can significantly reduce image quality if a large number of compressions were used.

For more information on JPG files, see the JPEG format description.

MIME type: image / jpeg

Download program for format Jpg

Are you looking for a way to recover damaged files? Recover deleted files, but they do not open? When opening a file, does the system report an error?

JPEG format for photos

Are recovered photos displayed only in a small size?

Recovery of damaged files by the program

Use the RS File Repair program to recover your files. The program will repair damaged files after a failed recovery of deleted files, virus attack, software or hardware failure.


RS File Repair supports recovery of damaged digital images in * .JPEG formats (* .JPG, * .JPE, * .JFIF) and allows you to restore damaged photos to their original form. During the recovery process, the program will save the damaged file itself in its original quality, as well as all data containing in the file, including “Priview” and Exif data.

The design of the program is made in the style of Windows Explorer, which makes working with the application convenient, simple and straightforward, and allows you to quickly find damaged files and fix them. The result of the program is immediately visible thanks to the preview function. That is, you can evaluate the quality of recovery of damaged files even before saving the final result of the recovery procedure.

The built-in “File Repair Wizard” takes you in just a few steps from searching for files to saving fixed files, helps you quickly select damaged files and recover them.

You can evaluate the performance of the RS File Repair program for free by downloading it on our website. To save the corrected files, the program must be registered.

Features of the program:

  • Correction of files that do not open or open with an error;
  • Troubleshooting internal file structure;
  • Restoring the structure of damaged digital images of any popular formats (JPG, JPEG, JPE, JFIF, TIFF, TIF, PNG);
  • Saving photos, available only in a small size (“preview”), in their original form without loss of image quality;
  • The ability to quickly search and fix logical errors in the structure of damaged files;
  • The ability to use a longer, but better and more detailed study of damage in recoverable files, allowing you to save much more information from the desired file and recover even badly damaged data;
  • Ability to preview the results of fixing damaged files;
  • A simple and convenient wizard to work with the program allows you to quickly learn a step-by-step algorithm for recovering damaged files and save the necessary information to the selected medium;
  • The interface in the style of the standard MS Windows explorer allows you to view the contents of electronic media in the usual way for the user, quickly find and recover damaged data.
  • Support for popular exFAT / FAT 16 / FAT 32 / NTFS / NTFS 4 / NTFS5 file systems, and popular Microsoft Windows operating systems, including XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 Server and Windows 7, 8, 10;
Category Image file
Associated programs Adobe Photoshop
Apple preview
Corel paint shop pro
Developer The JPEG Committee
MIME type image / jpeg
Expansion .JPG, .JPEG, .JPE, .JIF, .JFIF, .JFI
Category Image file
Description JPG is an image format created by digital cameras. It is one of the most common graphic formats on the Internet.

Converting images to JPG results in loss of quality due to compression. At the same time, compression can significantly reduce the file size, after which it becomes convenient for archiving and publishing on the Internet. In these cases, file compactness is more important than image quality. In addition, with the help of professional software, you can choose the compression ratio and achieve acceptable quality.

Associated programs Adobe Photoshop
Apple preview
Corel paint shop pro
Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery Viewer
Developer The JPEG Committee
MIME type image / jpeg
References More detailed information on JPG files
Expansion .JPG, .JPEG, .JPE, .JIF, .JFIF, .JFI
Category Image file
Description JPG is an image format created by digital cameras. It is one of the most common graphic formats on the Internet. Converting images to JPG results in loss of quality due to compression. At the same time, compression can significantly reduce the file size, after which it becomes convenient for archiving and publishing on the Internet. In these cases, file compactness is more important than image quality. In addition, with the help of professional software, you can choose the compression ratio and achieve acceptable quality.
Associated programs Adobe Photoshop
Apple preview
Corel paint shop pro
Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery Viewer
Developer The JPEG Committee
MIME type image / jpeg
References More detailed information on JPG files
Expansion .JPG, .JPEG, .JPE, .JIF, .JFIF, .JFI
Category Image file
Description JPG is an image format created by digital cameras. It is one of the most common graphic formats on the Internet. Converting images to JPG results in loss of quality due to compression. At the same time, compression can significantly reduce the file size, after which it becomes convenient for archiving and publishing on the Internet. In these cases, file compactness is more important than image quality.

JPEG file - what is it?

In addition, with the help of professional software, you can choose the compression ratio and achieve acceptable quality.

Associated programs Adobe Photoshop
Apple preview
Corel paint shop pro
Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery Viewer
Developer The JPEG Committee
MIME type image / jpeg
References More detailed information on JPG files

Now let's see what to use to view images on a computer, choose the best photo viewers for Windows. The best photo viewer is a subjective concept, so I will offer several applications in the article with which you can open popular image formats for viewing and processing images.

Any user, while working on a computer, inevitably encounters pictures, images, photographs. In any case, the graphic file formats will get to the computer, so you need a program to open and view them. Therefore, a photo viewer is needed on the computer for convenient viewing of digital images.

In Windows 10, the Photos application is built-in, with which you can open a graphic file, create an album, make the necessary changes to photos, etc. In previous versions of Windows, the Windows Image Viewer application was used. The user can install Windows Image Viewer in Windows 10, in addition to the Photos program.

There is a free Photo Gallery application, which is part of the core components of Windows Live. Photo album supports opening and editing photos. The program needs to be installed on the computer (it is not part of the OS).

In addition to applications from Microsoft, a large number of third-party programs for viewing and editing images have been created. In this article we will look at the best free programs - image viewers, which have many additional built-in tools for working with graphic file formats.

Third-party photo viewers (viewers) can be used on your computer, as an alternative to standard Windows tools. As the best free programs for viewing images, I recommend paying attention to the following programs: FastStone Image Viewer, XnView, IrfanView, Ashampoo Photo Commander Free, Honeyview. These programs work in Russian in the Windows operating system.

These applications, in addition to basic functions, have tools for editing images. For more serious image editing, you need another program - an image editor (photo).

The best photo viewers, in addition to the viewing function, have additional features necessary for working with images on a computer. Programs have built-in tools for performing various operations with digital photographs or any other images: rotation, resizing, red-eye removal, imaging, color correction, conversion to other formats, sending to print, etc.

Outside of this review, the free Picasa program (which would be included in this review) remained due to the fact that Google stopped developing and supporting the application in 2016.

FastStone Image Viewer

FastStone Image Viewer is a powerful free program for viewing and processing images with a simple, intuitive interface. Built-in tools will help the user solve certain problems with the photo: remove the red-eye effect, resize the image, apply color correction, convert files, etc.

A standard version of FastStone Image Viewer or a portable version of the program that does not require installation on a computer are offered for download.

Key Features of FastStone Image Viewer:

  • Opening graphic files of the main formats
  • Editing digital photos and graphic files
  • A large number of built-in image tools
  • Batch file processing
  • Batch Convert to Another Format
  • Create slide shows with transitions and effects
  • Preview function


XnView is a free program (for non-commercial use) for viewing images, multimedia files, for converting files to other formats. This is a quality program for managing photos on your computer. Thanks to the support of a large number of formats, in XnView, in addition to working with graphic files, for example, you can watch movies or listen to music.

The program has a simple interface, a large number of built-in tools, XnView will perfectly handle the processing and editing of photos on a computer.

The user can download the regular or portable version of the application to the computer from the official XnView website.

Features of the XnView program:

  • Support for over 500 formats
  • Photo editing
  • Apply filters and effects
  • Screen capture
  • Batch conversion
  • Editing Metadata
  • Convert files to files in 70 formats
  • Support for viewing video and audio files, archives, documents
  • Create slide show
  • Supported plugins for expanding program features


IrfanView is a fast free image viewer that consumes minimal computer resources. The program is one of the leaders in the number of downloads in the world for programs of this class. This indirect information tells us about the quality of the application, which is rated by users.

Honeyview is a free image viewer with a simple and intuitive interface. The program quickly opens image files, the application has tools for editing photos.

You can download it from the official website of the developer, in the form of an installation file or as a portable version.

Features of the Honeyview program:

  • Support for a large number of graphic formats
  • RAW format support
  • View images in archives
  • View photos in slideshow mode
  • Bookmark for Favorite Photos
  • Support for GPS data in photos


The user can choose for himself the best photo viewer running on Windows for his computer. Freeware: FastStone Image Viewer, XnView, IrfanView, Ashampoo Photo Commander Free, Honeyview, are among the best image viewers in this class of programs.

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Expansion .JPG, .JPEG, .JPE, .JIF, .JFIF, .JFI
Category Image file
Description JPG is an image format created by digital cameras. It is one of the most common graphic formats on the Internet. Converting images to JPG results in loss of quality due to compression. At the same time, compression can significantly reduce the file size, after which it becomes convenient for archiving and publishing on the Internet. In these cases, file compactness is more important than image quality. In addition, with the help of professional software, you can choose the compression ratio and achieve acceptable quality.
Associated programs Adobe Photoshop
Apple preview
Corel paint shop pro
Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery Viewer
Developer The JPEG Committee
MIME type