Windows Password Recovery: Windows account password reset utility. Reset Windows password using a bootable USB flash drive Windows 10 administrator password remover

The password is the most important tool to protect user data from being viewed and used by third parties. However, an unlearned password can also turn against the user himself. And if, for example, it is not difficult to recover the password from the account of any website, then questions may already arise with gaining access to the Windows account. But there is a solution, and that is the Windows Password Recovery utility.

In fact, quite a few users find themselves in such a situation as losing their Windows login account password. In most cases, users resort to a complete reinstallation of the operating system, which can be avoided by using the Windows Password Recovery utility to recover the password.

The Windows Password Recovery utility is an effective tool that allows you to recover or completely reset your password, as well as create a new administrator account or completely delete an existing one. The utility successfully recovers the password for Windows 10 and earlier versions of this operating system.

The progress of password recovery with the Windows Password Recovery utility:

1. First of all, the utility will need to be installed on any other working computer in order to create bootable media.

2. After launching the utility, you will be prompted to create a boot disk or USB flash drive. Please note that the trial version of the program can only create a bootable CD, and to create a bootable USB flash drive, you will need to purchase the full version of the program.

3. Go to tab "Advanced Recovery" , where you will need to select the version of Windows for the computer on which the password will be recovered.

4. Return to the first tab. You will see that a third item has appeared on the screen, allowing you to save the ISO image with the utility to your computer. Subsequently, you can create a bootable disk or USB flash drive using any other program that is convenient for you.

5. If you create a bootable disk (in the free version) through Windows Password Recovery, then you just need to click the button Next , and then Burn to start the program creating bootable media.

6. The progress of the process will begin, which will take several minutes.

7. Once the bootable media burning process is completed, a window will appear on the screen informing you of the success of the procedure.

8. Now, armed with bootable media, you will need to connect it to the computer on which the password recovery will be performed, and then enter the BIOS and set the disk or USB flash drive as the main boot device.

9. If everything was done correctly, the following window will appear on the screen:

10. After waiting for the utility to finish loading, on the screen you will need to select the disk with Windows, on which the password will be reset.

11. Select the account in which the password will be reset, and just below, select the appropriate action: remove password, change password, delete administrator account, create a new administrator account.

12. In our example, we are changing the old password to a new one, therefore, in the next program window, we will need to enter the new password twice.

13. After the procedure is completed, you just have to restart your computer in normal mode. Ready!

Features of Windows Password Recovery:

  • The utility has a free version, but there is one caveat: it works purely in evaluation mode, not allowing you to delete and reset the password for Windows 8 and other versions of this OS, as well as delete the administrator account or create a new one. To perform these steps, you will need to purchase a paid version;
  • The utility works with operating systems Windows XP and above;
  • The utility successfully resets and recovers the administrator password for Windows 10 and earlier versions of this OS;
  • Allows you to delete an existing administrator account or create a new one.

Windows Password Recovery is an effective tool for both ordinary users and professionals who repair computers. Despite the lack of support for the Russian language, the utility is extremely easy to use, and therefore it can be recommended to everyone to quickly gain access to a locked computer.

In fact, nothing terrible happened - at least if you followed my recommendations and from the very beginning tied your system to a Microsoft “network” account, that is, to your email inbox. We take our legs in our hands, our nerves in a fist and go to the page.

You will need to specify the address to which your copy of Windows is linked and answer a couple of simple questions, after which your old password will be reset and you will be able to set a new one - a notification about this will be sent to the email address you specified during registration.

Reset Windows 10 password for local account

It is much more difficult if you need to reset the Windows 10 password for a local account that is not connected to the Internet in any way. Microsoft itself recommends creating a special bootable password reset flash drive for this case - to do this, type the command Create a password reset disk in the search field at the bottom of the screen and run the program found.

It seems simple, but it was not without unpleasant surprises: you need to create a USB flash drive for this procedure IN ADVANCE, moreover, on the very computer you want to access, since the program will require you to enter a password to enter Windows. It turns out that the key to the apartment is securely locked in itself, and you are still helplessly trampling around outside.

Video - Reset Windows 10 password

Reset password using recovery flash drives

But there remains one more workaround to reset the password in Windows 10 - you probably guessed which one: we need a universal bootable USB flash drive with the Windows PE operating system and a set of special utility programs for maintaining and restoring the computer. You can download images and instructions for making such flash drives on the Internet at the request “Live USB”.

By the way, it is this program that is most often included in the “multi-boot USB” created by enthusiasts. On the official website you will find the “image” of a bootable flash drive and instructions for making it (unfortunately, only in English). For more information on how to do this, see the Getting Started chapter. Computer loading.

In Windows 8, 7, and 10, you can secure your account. So no outsider can enter. But suddenly you forgot your password? Or have you purchased a computer that already has an “account”? In Win, you cannot restore an account using email. The code will not be sent via SMS. But you don't need to format the drive. Resetting the Windows 7 password via a USB flash drive is the solution to the problem.

If you forgot your Windows password, don't worry.

  1. For this, the UltraISO program is suitable. You can use another utility if you like.
  2. Find it online and download it. The application is paid. But there is a trial version.
  3. Insert the drive.
  4. Run the program.
  5. "File - Open". Select the ISO file.
  6. Go to the "Boot" menu and click on "Burn Hard Disk Image".
  7. In the "DiskDrive" section, select the USB drive.
  8. Then you can format it if you haven't already done so. The flash drive must be
  9. FAT32.
  10. Click on "Record". The system will warn that all data from the drive will be deleted. Confirm the action.
  11. Wait while the files are copied.

File replacement

To remove the Windows 10, 8 or 7 password, enter the recovery mode, and through it - to the command line.

  1. In the BIOS, set the external drive to boot priority.
  2. Once launched, the installation wizard will open.
  3. Choose language.
  4. Click on System Restore. Don't click on "Install".
  5. The OS list will appear. Check the one you can't remember the code for.
  6. In the recovery options, click on "Command Prompt". Now you see white font on a black background.
  7. Back up "Utilman.exe" - type "copy [SystemDrive]:\Windows\system32\sethc.exe [SystemDrive]:\File". The file will be copied to the "File" folder.
  8. Now replace it - "copy [SystemDrive]:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe [SystemDrive]:\Windows\System32\Utilman.exe".
  9. The system will ask you to confirm the action. Write "Y" if you agree.
  10. When the file is copied, click "Reboot" and remove the drive.
  11. Change the BIOS back to the original settings. Now you can start the OS.


  1. When you log in to your account, open "Accessibility" (button at the bottom left).
  2. But the command prompt will start.
  3. To reset your Windows password, type "net user [UserName] [NewPassword]". If there is a space in the name or cipher, enclose it in quotation marks.
  4. If you want to remove the code, put two quotes with no characters between them.
  5. Restart your computer again, calmly log into your account.
  6. Return the "Utilman.exe" file. Start again from the flash drive, open recovery mode and command prompt. Write in it "move [SystemDrive]:\File\Utilman.exe [SystemDrive]:\Windows\System32\Utilman.exe"

If you cannot log into your Win account, this does not mean that you have lost all user data. In Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, resetting the password from a flash drive is a very simple task. Although this has its downsides. It turns out that anyone can log into the account. Protect your personal information in several ways - not just with the code in your account.

This happens: when you try to log in to Windows 10, you receive a notification that the password is incorrect, and the system does not let the user go to the desktop. Let's consider how to reset the password on Windows 10 without reinstalling the operating system. You must first make sure that:

  • the Caps Lock key is activated or, conversely, not active (check the button indicator on the keyboard);
  • switch the keyboard layout to the correct one and make sure that it does not automatically switch to the input language set in the system by default.

If you are convinced that you are entering the correct characters, but nothing helps, we proceed to reset the password.

The method is relevant only for users who work on a computer under a Microsoft account. If there is no such account, or if the password is not suitable for the local user, skip to the next section.

1. To reset your password, follow this link: in any browser.

We choose a more suitable option (it is best to stop at the first one, so quickly proceed with the procedure for replacing a sequence of characters to protect your account).

The next step is to enter the phone or mail associated with the account.

Reset password using bootable media with Windows 10 distribution

The option is given for owners of local accounts. Let's use the official installation image recorded on a USB flash drive (although the LiveCD version with the appropriate set of options is also not bad).

1. If there is a disk / flash drive, we connect the media and reboot, otherwise we are looking for the opportunity to create a self-bootable drive with the Windows 10 distribution.

2. We start the system from the installation disk through the Boot Menu BIOS.

3. Specify the language and accept the software operating conditions.

4. In the window with the "Install" icon, hold down the "Shift + F10" keys to open the command line window.

It happens that the last operation does not lead to anything, if this happens, click "System Restore".

  1. Click "Next", then again on the "System Restore" icon.
  2. Select the item responsible for troubleshooting and troubleshooting.
  3. Click "Advanced Options".
  4. In the menu, select the launch option "Command Prompt".

5. Find out the letter identifier of the volume with the operating system.

Usually, this is the letter C \, but due to the presence of several partitions on the disk with a volume of one hundred megabytes, the label in this launch mode may appear different.

We start the disk utility diskpart by executing the command of the same name.

We execute "list volume" to visualize information about the partitions.

Based on the volume and name of the partition, we conclude about the letter label of the system volume.

We exit the diskpart program by executing " exit".

6. Run the command " move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe» to rename the service file that provides accessibility on the lock screen.

7. Then enter the line " copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe»We replace the utility with the command line.

8. Execute "shutdown / r" Or close all windows to restart the PC.

9. On the lock screen, launch the Accessibility utility to open the command line (this was done in steps 6-7).

10. Enter “net user Administrator / active: yes” into the command line to obtain administrator privileges on the system.

Activation of an account with unlimited rights in the operating system is necessary to call the Computer Management utility and work with the registry through it

11. After the successful completion of the operations, the "Administrator" icon will appear in the lower left corner. Click on this icon to log in to the system with the appropriate privileges, which does not require a password.

The first login from a newly activated account may take a little longer than usual, please be patient.

12. Using the context menu or the Win + X key combination, we call the menu of the same name and select the "Computer Management" item.

This will launch a Windows 10 snap-in designed to perform actions on the system that require special privileges (they are obtained).

13. Expand the first branch of the vertical menu on the left.

14. Open "Users" in the "Local Users" directory.

15. Through the context menu of your account, call the command to specify a password.

16. We take note of the contents of the next information window and click "Continue".

17. Enter a new combination of characters to protect your local account and confirm it.

On this instruction on the topic: How to reset the administrator password, you can finish, but it is strongly recommended to bring the system back to its original form.

18. Disable the administrator account by executing "net user Administrator / active: no" in the command line (launched through Win → X).

19. We return the launch of the Accessibility utility.

Open the system32 directory in the Windows folder and delete the utilman.exe file, then delete the two with the name utilman2.exe. If it was not possible to perform actions through Explorer (the operating system denied access), the same is done through the command line. Run it and run the following commands in the same sequence:

del C:\Windows\System32\utilman.exe

move C:\Windows\System32\utilman2.exe C:\Windows\System32\utilman.exe

If unsuccessful, you must restart in recovery mode (point 1-4).

Now you can work, and if necessary, quickly recover a lost password or gain access to another computer (only the password will have to be deleted or changed).

The same, but through the registry

1. We start from the installation drive.

2. We call the Windows recovery environment using the combination "Shift" + F10 ".

3. We execute "regedit".

4. Go to the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" branch.

5. Call the "Load hive" command via the context menu or the "File" item.

6. Open a document called System, located along the path System32\config in the folder with the operating system.

7. Enter the Latin name of the bush and press "Enter".

8. Go to the new HKLM branch and select Setup.

9. In the right frame, replace the key value from "CmdLine" with the string parameter "cmd.exe".

10. Double click on "SetupType" and enter its value as "2".

11. Reboot.

12. After loading the lock screen, a familiar command line window will appear, where you need to execute a command like: “net user user password”, where instead of “user” we enter the name of the account, and after a space - a new password.

13. Execute "exit" and restart the computer.

The advantage of this method is that all settings are restored automatically at the next boot of the operating system.

Hi friends! I've been wanting to tell you for a long time ashack admin password in windows 10 with the help of one cool program called Active Password Changer.

How to Crack Administrator Password in Windows 10 Using Active Password Changer

I am often brought to work laptops, the owners of which simply forgot their password to enter the operating system and now do not know what to do. In this case, the problem can be solved in several ways, for example: use a bootable USB flash drive with the program Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home, or boot the laptop from the Windows 10 installation disk and use the boot environment and the command line to create another user with administrator rights and log in, there are several more ways, if you are interested, read ours, but today I will offer you an even easier way.

The Active Password Changer program itself paid, but the author is a kind person,"sewed up" in the installer image BootDiskDOS.ISO, with which you can reset a forgotten administrator password in Windows 7, 8.1, 10 operating systems, you just need to create a bootable USB flash drive, I will also show you how to do this.

In short, you can do this, follow the link to the official website of the Active Password Changer program

download it and install it

and then in the personal folder of the program take the image BootDiskDOS.ISO and make a bootable USB flash drive out of it, but I would not download and install the program just because of this, since The demo version will not hack your password for free, but will only demonstrate the hacking.

You can do it easier, download BootDiskDOS.ISO on my o black .

The ISO image itself weighs only 1.53 MB.

We create a bootable USB flash drive from it using the program.

We start the program. At the very top, in the list, select our flash drive.

Put a tick in the box Auto format it with FBinst and mark the item NTFS.

Check the box Linux ISO/Other Grub4dos compatible ISO and click on the button on the right

an explorer window opens in which you need to find the BootDiskDOS.ISO image, select it with the left mouse button and click OK.


We are warned that all files on the flash drive will be deleted (if you want to create a bootable USB flash drive without deleting files on it, then read this).

Agree "Yes"

The bootable flash drive is ready.

We boot from this flash drive our computer with Windows 10 installed, on which we forgot the administrator password.

In the boot menu, select our flash drive.

Press "Enter" on the keyboard.

If we want to reset the password, then press on the keyboard " 0 »

Windows stores all passwords in the LM hash or NTLM hash format in a special file called SAM(Security Accounts Manager - SAM).

We start the search for the SAM file - click on the " 2 " and then "Enter".

Active Password Changer starts looking for the SAM file with password hashes on the hard drive.

SAM file found, click"Enter" on the keyboard.

The program found in the SAM file under the number "1" my account named Alex.

Press "1" and "Enter" on the keyboard

In the next window, the program by default offers to remove the password from the account we have chosen.

We press "Y".

The password has been reset.

And we enter the operating system without a password.

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