Another city: on the other side of the radio. And on "our radio" you are only DJ

In the heading "Other City" DJ "Our Radio" Blonde Tanya.

Radio-heading is a public profession. But, often, few people know in the face of people who are on the other side of the radio. We are tuned to one or another wave not only because of musical preferences, but also because of the voice of the lead.

How did you get on the radio?

I got on the radio for a long time, it was the 95th year. I always loved music, talked a lot with the musicians, and I really wanted to work on the radio, although I studied at another specialty, on an economist engineer. The newspaper saw the announcement that they were gaining leading. I was also taken by a few more people and began to prepare for the ether on a future radio station, which did not work, but I got an initial experience. Later, in St. Petersburg, the popular Moscow radio station "101" was earned, on which our and foreign rock and roll sounded. My friend, working at this station, invited me.

And how long have you been on "our radio"?

I have been working on our radio with practically from its discovery, from February 1999.

Did you immediately have done the show?

No, I led night esters as an inexperienceful presenter. It was pretty hard, since the night shift could last 6-7 hours. In this mode, I worked for a year and a half. After some permutations on the radio station, airtime was released from 11 to 15, and I was put there.

Tanya, did you have any incident on the air?

In fact, this is the most difficult question, because, the incidents associated with other leading, I know enough. But your remembered bad. There was one case. Cases on the air are usually associated with obscene vocabulary. Somehow I put the song of the Teiff group, there at the end of the loss, pause and drunk ballot vote, which in a decent version sounds like "hurt!". I thought that it would be very cool if the liner was put in this pause (sound design with the name of the radio station - the editorial note). And here is the drum fraction - BAMS! - Our radio! "Scrib!". This second phone calls me, and Mikhail Kozyrev, the general producer of the radio station, says a strict voice: "Tanya, it was superfluous!", And barely restrains laughter. Mat on the air is, of course, it is unacceptable. As I was not fired - I do not know.

And what do you still have to do? I know that you are not only a radio friend.

Radio officials, as a rule, work not only on the radio, but earn money and glory in different ways. I write texts for companies that are satisfied with various events. I am writing for other leaders - what is the funny thing. He worked on the television by the voice editor, the texts voiced, was leading. Scribed with girlfriends Sitkom script.

The festival "invasion" here can also be attributed?

I was lucky, I found the very first festival. He took place in DC Gorbunov. It was a more modest event than now. Later, the festival began to develop and pass as Open-Air. There was no such format in Russia yet.

At the very first festival, which was held in the Gorbushka, I represented musical groups. For me, it was the first experience when I went to the scene as a presenter. It was very scary. I still do not understand how I generally managed to say something.

Now you are not attracted to this event?

No, I rarely go to "invasions". At this time, I have a vacation, and therefore it is not always possible to go.

And on "our radio" you are only DJ?

Not only. I perform the functions of the editor-in-chief, some administrative work, including inventing colleagues in the rubrics, quiz.

The show you lead, who came up with, whose was the idea?

It was the idea of \u200b\u200bour director, but the project show, headings and names came up with Alexey Petrovsky, my partner on Efira.

And what's the essence of the show?

The essence of any radio shop is to entertain people. We communicate with listeners, discuss various topics, make riddles, arrange contests, play prizes. There is no particular directivity, despite the fact that we are called "before, after and during the" Rock and Rolls "dining show. Of course, this is not a culinary show. Just the designation of the temporary gap when our program comes out: from 11:00 to 16:00.

Music that plays on "our radio" is close to you?

This music is close to me and, of course, I was very lucky that I got to "our radio." I hardly imagine how I worked on the radio where the music I did not like.

Is it difficult to get to the radio, hardly on the advertisement in the newspaper are gaining leading? What qualities should you have?

Of course, on the announcement in the newspaper is not gaining, now other criteria. In a public understanding there is a stereotype relative to the radio. And I, as the chief editor of the radio station, come across this regularly. People suggest that this is a very simple job, Sit yourself and Meln's tongue, who can't do it? For this money they pay, plus music is good. To some extent they are right, but in order to be the lead you need to possess certain experiences, certain qualities, first of all, a person should not be a fool. It is necessary to have a sense of humor, possess a self-irony, not to be snob, a lot to know, have your own opinion. The radio host is a very relevant person who has felt today.

On the radio get difficult, but perhaps! Now there are Internet radio stations where they take without experience. Just at such stations you can get the necessary practice and work out your style. If there is at least some vacancy on the radio, use this chance. The main thing is to start, even if not by the radio.

Thank you very much, Tanya!

And I will add from myself: "Who searches - he will always find"!

(Download) Link - Tanya Borisova Our Radio Biography

Description - Tanya Borisov Our Radio Biography

Our people our radio - Tanya Borisova photo about Moskvafm Person. Tatyana Borisova Biography Russian actresses of cinema! Our radio menu MOSCOW. Tatyana Borisova - Biography - Russian actresses - Movies - Theater. FM - Tanya Borisova: photo, biography and personality information on Moskva. Born on March 12, 1957 in Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky edition his book Litles rapidly. Leading our radio Tatyana Borisov, the brothers Edgard and Askold Pasta and Tiger Martin. Abaeva Temin Salikhovna in the electronic library can be the book by Tatiana. Retro FM Echo of Moscow humor FM Our radio DFM radio. Leps Biography The audience of our radio in Russia is about 2, 5. Igor Pankov, Tatyana Borisov Popular radio hosting Pavel Kartaev and Vakhtang Maharadze left with the radio station our radio. Photos and pictures of our radio! , in the album of the group our radio! - 6. Mikhail Kozyrev was headed by our radio Alexander Bon, Igor Pankov, Tatyana Borisov Radio-seekers Svetlana Zeynalova left our radio. RU presented to our attention an interview of his workers who make our. Tatyana Borisova photo (all photos) on KinoMania. Autoexpert of our radio Andrey Lomanov. That's the same Tatyana Borisova is our children! 4. Photo album Collection of photos Tanya Tanya: Biography Borisova Tatiana. Tatyana Borisova: All about Person on the KinoMania website. Wallpaper, photos, filmography, biography. Tanya Borisov and Igor Pankov celebrated the day. Tatyana Borisov and Alexander Bon give the listeners good. Tanya Borisov and Igor Pankov celebrated the day. The wind of change blew in the right direction. Our radio is part of the Holding Multimedia. Stream Podyomniki ON Nashe Radio Free Online. Blonde Tanya and Max Lyubimov - the invasion of 2006 Borisova Tatiana. Moment You cannot celebrate a person in the photo. 1 Yun discharge Borisov Ilya, Harin Danya and Smirnov Nikita - Duration. Borisov Vladimir KVN Biography and thousands of other books The live broadcast of our radio from Chile - Bar: Pavel Kartaev and Tatyana Borisov fell in love with Tula Information on Tatyana Dangkin - Borisov. Photos on request Tatyana Dankina. Tanya Borisov and Igor Pankov celebrated his birthday. Tatyana Denisov Latest news, photo our radio Nrj Lounge FM. When Dmitry appeared that this was not enough, he was instructed by the preparation and conduct of esters. Tanya photos, biography, albums, clips, reviews. Childhood spent in Panevis Lithuanian SSR. Photos of the young Dmitry Borisov on the radio echo. Join Facebook to contact Tatiana. Now your favorite radio can be listened online! On sound.

Tanya in search of the groom got to television.



On May 31, the world will celebrate the blonde day. Journalists on the eve of the holiday decided to communicate with the most famous blonde beauty of the Crimea Tanya Strebok. Fame to this girl came after her appearance in the show "Bachelor". And although the Crimean flew out after the first transfer, video with her participation to this day

Catch Tatyana turned out to be a task not out of simple: now the girl is engaged in the opening of the chain of stores in Kiev, which is virtually no free time.

Tanya, how did you find out about the "Bachelor" show and for what purpose did you go to him?

Watch the show today and how do you rate the chances of girls?

Yes, I watch the show today. And I think that the perfect pair for Maxim would be Christina Krasovskaya. But, unfortunately, he did not notice it. But this is only my opinion. Opinion from. (Christina from the show has already dropped out. - Ed.)

Tanya, would you marry Maxim if you won the show?

I'm just not such a person, I do not like to think that it could be, I would marry him or not ... especially if it concerns marriage, it is 100%. I know Maxim very badly. And in life, he can be one person, and his television can act differently. Therefore, at the moment it is absolutely indifferent to me.

And when you were in the show, did you like him?

I like Maxim ... Here is outwardly, that he is so beautiful. But no matter how soul to understand him, I did not have time ... we did not have sampling. Yes, and my microphone broke.

Do you have a man's ideal?

Ideal I have, of course, is. But I have so many requirements that I can not appreciate. I have to feel it (man. - Ed.) Feel. I love when everything is from the soul. I can not tell you.

Tatiana, are you satisfied with your ether and don't you think that the director's director are joked at you, because the post is always unsuccessful from the first time?

I am satisfied (laughs). Just know, I am very developed a sense of self-irony. I am absolutely indifferent to me how they are shown. I'm not offenced. Are you asking if the director's joke is not angry? Yes, the joke, of course, is present. But I do not say you that I am completely different than what I imagined before people.

I think that if the channel had favorably show me on the other hand, it would be very easy to do. After all, the interview continued for several hours. And choose some phrases or best moments could be. But it is not important. I absolutely do not take offense at them.

Have you tried to divert a TV channel?

No, did not try. Because I have signed a contract, firstly, that all videos with my participation belongs to the channel. And the second reason that I even liked to be in this image ...

Yes, Tatiana, your image, however, is unusual, you are not like that.

If I were like everyone, I would not remember.

Some life lessons after this show did you bring for yourself?

Yes, yes, I took a lesson, you need to be more serious. And so, when I was told: "Tanya, say what you want. We will show all the best," I realized that it is really impossible to trust people so much. I will continue, probably be careful.

Have any suggestions after the show have already arrived?

I received, but so far it's a secret. I can only say that this is my desire. Most likely, it will be a transfer.

What is the reaction of friends and parents on your participation in the show, something they told you?

Yes, they said. We laughed very much. Although they know me and understand that in addition to the show I have another life. In which it is simply impossible to be constantly in this image. Normally, they apply to everything. They know what I really am.

Tatiana, after participating in the show you became famous, will you know on the street?

Yes, people on the streets will learn. Smile. Take a picture asking. Learn everywhere. I will even tell you one such a case that happened to me recently. I sat on the summer platform of one cafe. There is a girl of fourteen years old, turns and says: "Are you Tanya?" I smiled at her. And she says: "And you are cool."

It is difficult to disagree with this girl.

(Laughs.) Probably, I taught a bad example. Although I just do not understand that I am so surprising in me. After all, I don't have such qualities that would help me become famous: I'm not a singer, not a dancer, I don't have brightly pronounced some talents. I do not know, maybe something else I am.

A few words about yourself: who is Tatiana Strebkov, what is her character?

The same as yesterday.

And what was your character yesterday? Are you soft or maybe hard?

I am such as the circumstances require. Here I am. Depending on the situation.

Do you have a hobby or any hobbies? Tennis does not count.

I love to do a lot. Depending on the mood. I love to meet with friends, go to nightclubs. True, it has already rarely lately.


I don `t want. Some other priorities appeared in life.

Well, what else do you like to do?

I know how well playing the piano. I've graduated from a musical school. True, I don't have a piano now, and I'm not sure that I could play something now.

Do you like to travel?

I love very much. But there is no possibility (laughs). I have the opportunity to buy a goat, but I have no desire. I have a desire to build a house, but I have no opportunity. I, like everything, was in Turkey and Egypt. Was in Dubai. Well, I do not consider the near abroad.

Where would you like to go?

Anywhere. I would like to go to any country in which I was not yet.

Tanya, you can still such a question ... I'm trying to catch you five days, but you are busy all the time. And what are you all the time so busy?

I now open two hair care shops. And I have very little time. I have to negotiate with suppliers, meet and make orders, compare prices. And it takes a lot of time.

Description tanya Borisova Our Radio Photo

Our people our radio - leading our radio Tatyana Borisov Brothers Edgard. Tanya Borisova photo about Person Moskvafm! Our radio menu MOSCOW. FM - Tanya Borisova: photo, biography and personality information on Moskva. Leading our radio Tatyana Borisov, the brothers Edgard and Askold Pasta and Tiger Martin. Photos and pictures of our radio! , in the album of the group our radio! - 6. Born on March 12, 1957 in Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky edition his book Litles without losing a second. That's the same Tatyana Borisov, she is Mariana, she. RU presented to our attention an interview of his workers who make our. Popular telecommunicative Pavel Kartaev and Vakhtang Maharadze left with radio stations our radio. The role of Svetlana in the morning air performed by Tatyana Borisov Our radio. The best photos of Tatyana Borisova photo (all photos) on KinoMania. Download - Tanya Borisov Our radio how many years. Alexander Bon, Igor Pankov and Tanya Borisov - lifts on our radio from September 14! How. If you are interested in organizing touring, order. Blonde Tanya and Max Lyubimov - Invasion 2006. Our radio offers you to open the windows of the sewing and deep breathe fresh air! On September 14, the new season starts on our radio. Download - Our radio leading Morning Tatyana Borisova biography. FM - Dmitry Lensky: photo, biography and personality information on Moskva. Radio; All rights to the festival belong to the radio station our radio Tatyana Borisov tariff. Dmitry Lensky and Tanya Borisov after the location of the secret bunker paragraph 71 Husband. Lord our radio, go to Russian, I feel no difference soon. On this page you can instantly recognize popular albums and songs Our radio 101. Please turn off the Adblock extension to view the page. 00 Meet the modern show lifts! Leading - good. Photo Gallery Lifts Our Radio Holding photos. Over the years, our radio has achieved wide. Tatyana Borisova: All about Person on the KinoMania website. Wallpaper, photos, filmography, biography. Everyone who listened to Ultra and our radio: Raisa Ivanovna Shabanova died last night. Incredible news came to us from a distant Denmark: our message in a bottle thrown out. The leading morning show lifts on our radio will be couriers joy! , news. Incredible news came to us from a distant Denmark: our message in a bottle thrown out. Our radio holds a wide variety of shares. Leading Morning Show Lifts on our radio Tanya Borisov, Alexander Bon and Igor.

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