Missing sound on iPhone - what to do and how to be? What to do if sound disappears on iPhone

Thanks to the speaker built into the iPhone, we hear voice ringtones, SMS notifications, as well as sounds of running applications and much more. Also, the system speaker is used to listen to music tracks in player mode. What to do if sound disappears on iPhone? The problem can be hardware or software. Let's try to figure out how to get the sound back if it suddenly disappeared.

What could possibly have happened to the iPhone?

  • A speaker could have broken in it - this is a hardware failure that requires the intervention of specialists;
  • Water could get into the smartphone - in this case, the absence of sound will seem like "flowers";
  • A software error could have occurred in the device - this is the simplest reason that can be dealt with without too many problems.

Let's consider the reasons for the lack of sound in more detail.

We return the sound by rebooting

Software errors occur in smartphones quite often - as a result, there are "slowdowns", incorrect operation of applications, errors appear with the playback of individual multimedia files. The loss of sound can also be the result of an error. How to get rid of "glitches" and return functionality and "voice" to the iPhone?

The easiest way out of the situation is to send the iPhone to reboot. The reboot will clear the cache, delete temporary files, and restart the operating system. If there were any errors in the system and applications, they should disappear... Therefore, after a restart, the sound should be restored - wait until the operating system starts up and try to extract any sounds from the smartphone (for example, launch a music player or some game application).

If you rebooted your iPhone 2-3 times in a row, but no results were obtained, try to get rid of the problem in other ways - they will be discussed further.

Dealing with the volume control

In some cases, the sound in iPhone disappears somehow one-sidedly - in applications it is there, but when you call it is absent. The opposite situation can also be observed, when there is silence in applications, but in calls it is. What to do? Try to "play around" with the volume control in running applications, and also check the state of the current sound profile - it is quite possible that the sound output is simply disabled in the active profile.

If all else fails, and there is still no sound in the iPhone, we send the smartphone to reboot - the sound settings will have to be reset, after which the sound will still appear.

Dealing with applications

If the sound on the iPhone disappeared, you should remember, after which there was a problem with its playback. Usually, problems do not arise just like that - they are preceded by some prerequisites. Therefore, you need to sit and try to remember after what actions the problems with sound began:

  • You may have dropped or drowned your smartphone;
  • You could have done something wrong in the settings;
  • You might have installed some applications.

The last point is the most interesting - sometimes the sound disappears as a result of any software conflicts... And the conflicts themselves arise in the process of not very correct operation of individual applications. In iPhone smartphones, conflicts are extremely rare, since the platform is literally licked up to the smallest detail. However, no one is safe from them.

If you suspect that the problem with the lack of sound in the iPhone is related to the installation of some applications, try uninstalling the latest applications and restarting the device. Now you can check the correctness of playing system sounds and sounds in certain applications. If such a solution did not lead to the elimination of the problem, we proceed further.

Checking the sound in headphones

In some cases, the audio dropout problem on iPhone is related to headphones. Try connecting headphones to your smartphone and test for sound. If there is sound in the headphones, that's good. If there is no sound, try to increase its level using the adjustment buttons... If after these steps the sound appears, we try to pull out the headphone plug - the sound should appear.

Fraud with headphones did not give any results, is there no sound either in the headphones or in the speakers? This means that the root of the problem lies in something else.

Speaker test

What to do if sound disappears on iPhone? If you still have it in the headphones, and the speaker is silent, then the root of the problem lies in the faulty speaker. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to check it at home - you will have to go to the nearest service center and hand over the device for repair. Here it will be tested and checked, the speaker will be replaced, after which the repaired smartphone will be handed over to the client. What are the reasons for the failure of the system speakers?

  • Moisture could get into the smartphone - in this case, a variety of problems can arise, ranging from a speaker breakdown and ending with a complete loss of the smartphone's performance;
  • The smartphone could fall or hit - another reason for all kinds of problems. Shocks often provoke equipment failure and the appearance of microcracks. As a result, the functionality of individual nodes is impaired. Including possible loss of sound;
  • The speaker could fail due to a factory defect - another reason to visit the service center or hand over the smartphone for repair through the store where it was purchased (if the iPhone is under warranty).

It is almost impossible to solve the problem with a broken speaker on your own. - for self-repair you will need special knowledge and tools. Therefore, the solution to this problem should be entrusted to specialists.

Firmware update and iPhone recovery

Sometimes the iPhone no sound problem is solved by updating the firmware or resetting to factory settings. If there is an available update for your smartphone, connect the device to your computer, download iTunes and start the update. Although it does not affect user files, you should back up important data before proceeding. If everything goes well, after updating the device, you will be able to hear the sounds it makes.

You can also update the firmware or perform a general reset of the iPhone through recovery mode or DFU mode - in the first case, the operation occurs with saving user data, and in the second case, without saving. We have already written about this in our reviews, find the materials you need using the search.

An American corporation called Apple is engaged in the production of high quality products. Their gadgets are famous all over the world. The most popular device is the iPhone. This is a kind of smartphone, endowed with different functions. Unfortunately, like any other gadgets, Apple products can fail. Often, subscribers complain that sound disappears on the iPhone. How to fix the situation? Why can sound disappear on a smartphone at all? All this will be discussed further. Correcting the situation is sometimes easier than it seems.


The most common case is for iPhone audio to drop out after using a headset. The thing is that sometimes the device does not switch to the "Call" mode when the headphones are disconnected. And the phone speakers stop working.

Why did the sound disappear on the iPhone? If the user used a headset before the problem, this means that the device still "thinks" that the headphones are connected. You can correct the situation by turning the component on and off again.

Installing programs

However, this is just the beginning. Sound disappears on your iPhone? It is likely that this phenomenon began after the installation of a particular game or program. The situation is not very common, but it still occurs.

Of course, to get rid of the problem, it is enough to detect the problematic software and erase it from the mobile device. After that, the gadget starts working in full force without failures and malfunctions.

Application conflict can be minimized. To do this, it is enough to download data from reliable sources, from official developers.


What to do if sound disappears on iPhone? It is possible that the phenomenon is caused by clogged speakers. Usually a similar problem overtakes sloppy users.

It's not hard to guess that cleaning your smartphone will help fix the situation. It is noted that it is best to entrust this task to professionals. An ordinary user will not be able to clean a mobile phone and its connectors efficiently and safely.

Mode switching

Sound disappears on your iPhone? The next variant of the development of events can be the included "mute" mode. Subscribers rarely encounter such a situation. After all, this parameter is usually turned off automatically.

If this did not happen, then it is enough to visit the iPhone settings and set the "Call" mode on the mobile phone. Then the sound should appear. That did not happen? So, the reason lies in something else!


Missing sound on the iPhone 5? If all of the above methods did not return the smartphone to working condition, another trick is recommended. Often system crashes lead to problems with sounds. They are corrected without much difficulty.

How exactly? You just need to turn off and on the device. Restarting the smartphone will return the sound to a working state if the reason lies in a system failure or error. Unfortunately, subscribers rarely encounter such circumstances.


What to do if sound disappears on iPhone? It all depends on the circumstances preceding the event. Each phone has its own lifespan. At some point, the gadget and its components wear out. This leads either to a malfunction of the phone, or to "glitches" on it.

Have you been using your iPhone for years? Then wear on the speakers should not be ruled out. They can either be repaired on their own (it is highly discouraged to do so), or the smartphone can be returned to a service center for diagnostics and further repair.

In practice, repaired speakers do not last long. This means that soon the sound on the smartphone will disappear again. Therefore, if a component breaks down, it is best to pick up a new phone for yourself. The sound will work 100% on it.


But the possible circumstances do not end there either. Missing sound on iPhone 6 or any other? It has already been noted that it is always important to pay attention to the events preceding the error or problem. Why?

High humidity or water / ice / snow ingress into the speaker will cause the component to fail. If you drop your iPhone in water, dry it as soon as possible. Be sure to start with the speakers. Often they refuse to work normally after "bathing".

A hairdryer will help you quickly dry the speaker, like the rest of the smartphone. Further repairs and replacement of speakers should not be ruled out. After all, if even after drying the device does not work normally, you will have to solve the problem in a radical way - by replacing the components.


The firmware of a mobile device also causes problems with sound. Fortunately, this situation is not so common in practice. Basically, it concerns those who independently reflashed the gadget.

Sound disappears on your iPhone? Re-flashing the device will help eliminate the problem if it was possible to prevent clogging of the speakers, as well as moisture ingress into the smartphone. It is recommended to entrust this matter to professionals. Only experienced users can flash an iPhone on their own. Otherwise, a person risks getting not a multifunctional smartphone, but a toy that does not support communication.

Full reset

Missing sound on "iPhone 4" or any other? You should not rush to contact the service center. If the subscriber has a copy of the data, you can use a little trick. Namely, by resetting the gadget settings. Surprisingly, the trick has helped many to get the speakers working again.

Reset iPhone settings is suggested as follows:

  1. Open "Settings" - "General" - "Reset".
  2. Select "Reset settings". It is advisable to give preference to the "Reset settings and content" option.
  3. Confirm your intentions. To do this, you will have to click on "Reset iPhone". After - enter the password from the smartphone.

Next, the gadget will restart. As soon as the operating system boots up, the user will be prompted to restore information. For example, using iCloud or iTunes. Having a backup copy of your data will help keep information on your smartphone. If it is missing, then the actions taken will lead to a complete reset of the phone to factory settings. But the speakers are likely to return to a usable state.

Results and conclusions

From now on, it is clear how to behave if sound disappears on the iPhone. In fact, there can be many reasons. And the method of resolving the situation directly depends on them. You should not speculate and experiment in this situation.

If it was not possible to correct the situation on your own, the smartphone must be taken to a service center. They will quickly help you understand why the sound on the iPhone has gone missing. In addition, for a reasonable fee, such organizations will solve the problem.

There can be a huge number of reasons for the missing sound on the iPhone - from a system failure to physical damage to the gadget. The main thing is that only a service center can 100% establish the source of the problem.

iPhones are smartphones that are gaining popularity every year. There can be many reasons why sound is not working on iPhone 4s, but they are all divided into hardware and software.

If the sound stopped functioning normally after the phone simply fell, or water got in, then the problem is at the hardware level, it is better not to try to repair it yourself, contact the service center for help.

If the sound disappeared for no reason, then, most likely, the problem is in a software glitch. Here you can try to get the sound back on your own.

Identify the problem

To begin with, it's worth finding out if there is no sound only in the speakers, or in the headphones too.

Check the sound when:

It happens that the sound is normally heard both in the headphones and in the speakers, but when you start applications, it disappears, or it works only in the headphones. 99% of this is a software error.

By the way, if the sound in the application works only in headphones, then there is an output.

Do the following:

  1. plug in headphones;
  2. enter the application;
  3. Hold down the volume up button;
  4. together with the pressed button, you need to sharply pull out the headphones and continue to hold the volume button.

In most cases, this procedure will solve the audio problem in applications.

We also recommend trying to lightly press down the phone from the bottom and top of the speaker, or gently knock on this place. If, during compression, or tapping, sound appears for a few seconds, then the problem is physical, in the hardware part. In any case, it must be carried to the service center.

If the problem has not been accurately identified, then this may be a serious software glitch, which cannot be eliminated by rebooting and resetting the settings. We recommend either updating the firmware or reflashing the phone again.

It is also worth considering that if you have an Unlock phone, jailbreak and cydia installed, then this may be the problem. A flashing should help.

Turn up the volume

If the sound does not work either on the stationary speakers of the phone or in the headphones, try adding the volume with the volume up button (located on the end of the phone). If the sound is set to maximum, but when you play the melody, you hear nothing, read the article further.

Photo: location of volume buttons and other things on iPhone 4s

Reboot your device

If you have checked that the volume on your smartphone is set correctly, but there is still no sound, try restarting your phone. Hold the lock button, wait until the phone turns off, and then turn it back on with the same action.

This is done in this way:

We make a backup copy just in case, but after resetting the settings, videos, music, contacts, notes and other personal data should be saved.

Connector problem

The most common sound stop on iPhone 4s is after listening to music with headphones. The person listened to the music, pulled out the headset, and then, during the call, he does not hear either the ring itself or the person who is calling, and when adding sound to the menu, he writes “Headphones”.

In this case, the problem is in the headphone jack. Either it is broken or it is clogged. Try cleaning it with a damp cotton swab slightly dipped in rubbing alcohol, and then blow it a little with a hairdryer. If the problem persists, then the socket is broken.

Sometimes people do not carefully pull out the headphones, and the plug from them remains inside. As a result, the phone thinks that the headphones are plugged in, but in fact they are not. Phones with such a problem are brought to services, but not often.

Sound control IC

If the sound stops working after the phone has been dropped violently, or after moisture gets inside the device, then there is a problem with the sound control chip. The only solution is to go to a service center and change the microcircuit. Expensive, but the phone will work fully. If this part breaks down, then there will be no sound either in the headphones or without the headphones.

Photo: sound control chip (black element)

Mechanical deformation

If the sound is on your belovediPhonewas goneafter a strong fall, there can be a lot of reasons, for example:

These are the most common fall failures related to sound.

Moisture got in and sound stopped working on iPhone 4s

The telephone is a rather delicate technique. In order for it to fail due to moisture, it is not necessary to throw it into a river or a glass of water. You will be surprised if you find out that the phones fail after talking in a light rain, or after a person inadvertently took it with wet hands.

Moisture can either completely break the phone or remove certain of its functions from standing, including sound. Both the speakers and the sound control chips fail. To correctly diagnose a breakdown, you need to contact a service center.

If your phone gets into water, then the first thing to do is turn it off and, if possible, disconnect the power. De-energization occurs by pulling out the battery.

The problem is that iPhones don't have direct access to the battery, which means you have to disassemble half of the smartphone to get it out. If you have no experience in disassembling Apple technology, we advise you not to try to disassemble your iPhone 4s yourself. Just turn it off and take it to the specialists as soon as possible.

Video: Apple IPhone 4S Sound Problem

Safety net is clogged

If the sound did not disappear completely, but became muffled, indistinct, interference appeared, then the problem is in the protective mesh of the speakers. You just need to clean it with a cotton swab. It is very easy to check the functionality after cleaning.

First, record something on the recorder, and then listen. This will test both the microphone and speakers. We also recommend cleaning the microphone connector.

Regardless of the source of the problem, we advise, if possible, to give the phone for diagnostics to official service centers. Besides, it's free there. If a person lives in a small settlement, then, most likely, there will not be an official Apple SC nearby, you will have to find out the cause of the breakdown yourself. Adhere to the above tips, and in any case, do not climb inside the smartphone without experience in this!

The question of why there is no sound on the iPhone can arise even among the owners of completely new smartphones, not to mention the owners of the 4 series models. For example, when you turn on the headphones, music plays both in them and in the phone at the same time. Either the system sound is completely absent, or it appears and disappears, or ... Situations are very different. As a rule, such complications appear for two reasons: mechanical damage and software failure.

The problem does not arise out of the blue: if there is no sound on the iPhone 5S or some other model, this means that the smartphone was dropped, allowed moisture to enter, worn without a protective case in a dirty pocket, inaccurately connected and disconnected headphones or installed unlicensed software from dubious sites ... All this, and by no means a factory defect, in most cases leads to problems.

First Steps If Sound Is Missing on iPhone

First of all, you need to identify the essence of the problem. If the sound in your iPhone is not completely lost, and the music is playing simultaneously in the headphones and the speaker, or it does not play, but the sound turns on with an incoming call or SMS, this means that the loop contacts are dirty or oxidized. On the forums, you can find a ton of recommendations on how to clean them with a needle, toothpick and alcohol. But in most cases, such self-activity only aggravates the situation and leads to more serious breakdowns. It is best to entrust the solution to this problem immediately to professionals. They will diagnose and quickly replace the failed parts.

You may have lost sound on iPhone 4S after using headphones. This means that the phone simply did not respond to the disconnection of the external device. Try plugging in the headphones again, setting the volume to maximum, and pulling the plug out of the jack relatively abruptly. After that, the normal operation of the speaker should be fully restored. Nothing has happened? In this case it is necessary to replace the upper cable together with the connector. More accurate information will be given by specialists after diagnosing the device.

Other reasons why there is no sound on iPhone

Does the phone work normally when listening to audio files and watching videos, but all or part of the music is missing from all applications? It can be argued that a software glitch has occurred. In this situation, restarting the smartphone or resetting all settings, which will be updated to the factory settings, sometimes helps. At the same time, all notes, contacts, video, audio and other files will remain in place, as specialists will make a backup copy of the data.

After installing an application, the sound in the iPhone 5 or another model disappeared? This means that the new program is disrupting the smartphone. It must be removed immediately, after which the phone must be rebooted. Did not help? Contact the service center for flashing.

Often, the owners wonder why there is no sound on the iPhone, if the smartphone is completely new, for example 5C. And such misunderstandings arise due to forgetfulness or banal inattention of the owners. So, when performing some manipulations, the silent mode is accidentally turned on or the volume is reduced to a minimum. Try going into the settings and turning off the Mute function, or simply adjusting the Volume level.

Lost sound in iPhone, but can't fix the problem?

If the above manipulations did not bring any result and there is still no sound, this means that the matter is most likely in mechanical damage, which can only be eliminated at a service center. Consider if you dropped your smartphone on a hard surface, and if you are sure that no water got into it. In any case, do not try to disassemble the phone yourself, as this will definitely lead to serious damage. Apple devices aren't cheap enough to experiment with.

To identify problems, professional diagnostic equipment is required, which is available only in specialized workshops. Even a complex iPhone repair will be much cheaper than buying a new device, so you shouldn't try to save money. Our service specialists will be happy to advise on all issues. They will promptly carry out repairs of any complexity, leaving for your home or office. Call us!

The iPhone, on which the sound disappeared, actually loses most of its functions - it cannot be used either as a music player or as a means of communication. Therefore, the user, faced with such a malfunction, is forced to immediately attend to its elimination.

The iPhone owner does not need to immediately prepare for the worst - to call for service and expensive repairs. If the device is mechanically working, then the user will most likely be able to solve the problem on his own.

The reasons why the ringing sound or the sound during a conversation most often disappears on the iPhone can be roughly divided into programmatic and hardware.

Software errors

Common software reasons for missing sound include:

  • Unsuccessful jailbreak. Hacking the system can lead to an error in the iOS code.
  • Installation of unofficial software. Only those tweaks should be downloaded from Cydia that have been verified and recommended by experts on thematic portals.
  • Operating system freeze.
  • Incorrectly set iPhone settings.

Hardware problems

Hardware problems that can lead to the loss of sound on a call and in the speaker are as follows:

  • Filling. Due to the ingress of liquid under the case, the headphone jack microcircuits are oxidized. Because of this, the iPhone constantly "thinks" that a headset is connected to it - although the 3.5-Jack connector is actually free. It is better to “cure” the iPhone from flooding in a service center, but “first aid” should be provided to the gadget with your own hands. Our article tells what to do if your iPhone falls into the water.
  • Clogged speaker or headphone input. This problem most often affects people who prefer to carry iPhones in their pockets without using protective cases. The speaker mesh and 3.5-connector are inevitably clogged with small debris and dust.
  • Mechanical damage to the speaker. Breakdown of the speaker is a result of physical impact on the mobile device. In this case, you need to replace the speaker or at least a non-working microcircuit. The replacement can be done by a person who can disassemble iPhones and own a soldering paw.

What to do if sound disappears on iPhone?

An ordinary user will hardly be able to accurately diagnose the cause of the loss of sound. Therefore, you will have to take measures aimed at eliminating all kinds of reasons - starting with the simplest.

You must follow this algorithm:

Step 1.Perform a visual inspection of the gadget. The reason for the lack of sound may lie "on the surface" and consist, for example, of the fact that the speaker is covered with a film or a cover.

Step 2... Reboot your gadget. As a result of the restart, the cache will be cleared, temporary files will be deleted, and iOS will start working again. By rebooting, you can eliminate a reason such as operating system freeze... If after launching the iPhone there is still no sound, you should exclude this reason from the list of possible ones and move on.

Step 3... Reset the settings. With this action, you will bring all the settings of the mobile device to the initial configuration. Follow the path " Settings» — « The main» — « Reset", Press on " Reset all settings”, Then enter the password twice.

This type of reset will not erase the user's personal data, so it is not necessary to create a backup before doing this.

Step 4... Remove apps. Remember which of your actions preceded the loss of sound. Perhaps you installed a tweak from Cydia and then immediately discovered the problem? "Take down" applications and tweaks that you downloaded recently, reboot the device again and check the sound.

Step 5... Back up your data in any way. The next operation will delete information on the iPhone.

Step 6... Restore the gadget through DFU mode. Connect iPhone to PC with cable, open iTunes and enter "apple" device into DFU MODE. How to start DFU mode is described on our website. When a question about restoring the gadget appears in iTunes, answer it positively.

If none of the above measures worked, there are no software errors - the problem lies at the hardware level. Everything that the user can do in this case with my own hand - clean the headphone jack and speaker.

This work must be done as carefully as possible! Do not use metal tools (such as a needle), otherwise you risk scratching the contacts. You can remove dirt from the 3.5 mm connector with a toothpick or a thin cotton-tipped stick.

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