Overview of the TP-LINK TL-WA850RE amplifier. Detailed guide. Self-configuring wireless repeaters Rssi range optimal for tp link repeater

An ordinary router, even if it is very fashionable, modern and decorated with four formidable antennas, has a limited coverage radius.
And if there are obstacles in the form of walls with metal reinforcement in the way of its signal, then the coverage area of ​​our device decreases very significantly.

For an ordinary city apartment, the coverage of one router, as a rule, is enough. But a private house with two or three floors has a lot of “dead zones”, where our Wi-Fi devices are confused looking for a network, and when they find it, they cannot firmly cling to it.

And there are places in the house where the laptop still works this way and that, and the smartphone no longer sees the home wireless network and switches to 3G.
Not to mention the plots in the yard and various buildings on its territory.

In order for the Internet to “catch” everywhere, it is necessary to increase the coverage area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main router.
We will not talk here about amplifying the router itself with high-powered antennas or other miracle amplifiers.
If the router is far away or behind serious obstacles, then all of them are ineffective.

This problem can be solved in two ways.
Or stretch a special "wire" and install an "access point", that is, another router that will be connected to the main device with a twisted pair cable.
It will receive a signal from it, distributing the Internet to all devices around it.

Or, what we are going to talk about today, put the so-called repeater or wifi repeater.
His task is to build wireless bridge from the main router to the point where you want to get good coverage.
This is the easiest way that does not require additional installation work, some drilling and hammering ...

But our repeater must “see” the main router, that is, be in its coverage area in order to qualitatively relay (repeat) the signal.
If it is too far, then you will, of course, get the Internet, but you will lose speed, that is, quality.
If we can lay the cable even into a deep basement, where there is no WIFI network from the main router at all, then such a trick will not work with a repeater.

But our repeater can be moved to any place where there is at least some signal from the main router and ... a 220V socket.
You just need to check with your smartphone how good the signal is where you plan to put the repeater.
To do this, you need not only to see the Wi-Fi divisions on your phone, but also download some kind of video and see if it goes at all.
Or measure the speed, if you know how.
Everything is working? Perfectly put here our repeater.
It remains only to configure it.

We will consider routers as an example. Tp Link and ASUS as the most common in our market.

How to set up an ASUS repeater

So, we need to connect the Asus router via wifi network to the main router in repeater mode.
We connect to it via a cable with an RJ45 connector.
This is the cord that usually comes with the router. We connect one end of it to the computer, and the other to one of the four identical ports in the router.
As it shown on the picture

We connect with a cable to one of the four LAN ports (yellow)

If you access the router from a laptop, then turn off the wi-fi network on it so that there is no conflict with the main router.

After that, in the address bar of your browser, fill in the address of the router: .
If you can't access this address, try the address .
If after that you still can’t get to the router, then you need to restore the factory settings (see the instructions for the router).

After connecting, enter the login admin and password admin.

If the initial configuration of the router has already been performed, then you will see something like this picture:

Asus router main window. To select the repeater mode, press the button circled in red

Next, we need to switch to repeater mode.
This stage is also present during the initial configuration of the router, which we do not show. There we also select the repeater mode.
After selection, press the button Save to go to the settings for this feature.

Select Repeater Mode...

In the next step, you will open all the wi-fi networks that the router has found within its range.
You need to select the network you want to connect to. That is, the network of your main router.
At the same time, we evaluate the signal strength so that it is not too weak. Otherwise, there will be speed losses.

By choosing a network, we can evaluate the signal level from the donor router. If there is a choice of which network to connect to, then here you can clearly see the best

After selecting the network, click on it and enter the password for the main router. The one with which you connect your phones and smartphones.
We press the button Connection

Enter the network key (wifi password) to connect to the main router

In the next step, you are prompted to enter network name Repeater (Repeater) and indicate which one will password on the wifi network in the new device (at least eight characters).

We name the repeater network that your phone will see and come up with a password for wifi

The connection is made, and after Network configured, you can once again see the entered data: network name, password, encryption type and received internal IP address.

At the setup stage - a brief instruction on how to connect to a new network via Wi-Fi

Click To complete and the main window of the router opens to us already in Repeater mode, the so-called Network map.
If you compare the menu of the Repeater with the menu of the main router of a similar or similar model, you will notice that they are significantly reduced.

You are connected!

Now all your phones, tablets, laptops and other wifi devices need to be connected to the repeater.
After that, when they are out of range of your main router or its network is weak, Internet access will go through a stronger WiFi network of the repeater.

How to set up a TP-LINK repeater

Setting up a TP-LINK router in repeater mode is more cumbersome than that of ASUS, so you need to carefully follow all the points so that "it works and does not fall off."

First of all, you need to get to the main router and set the channel (frequency) on which it will work with the repeater and all your devices.

By default, the router itself selects the channel, that is, the frequency for communication with your phones, tablets, laptops and other equipment.
This scheme is not suitable for setting up a repeater.

In this case, there is no need to connect with a cable to the main router, since we are connected to it via a Wi-Fi network.
You can also do this operation from a desktop computer, if you have one.

If your "master" router is also TP-LINK, then you need to go to it by setting the ip address in the address bar of the browser , or tplinkwifi.net.

Enter login and password. (Default admin)
Let's go to the menu.
There we find the line Channel and install, for example 6 . You can use any, but choosing an average would be more rational.
Be sure to press Save at the end.

Channel selection on the main router

Now we connect via the cable that comes with the router to our future repeater. We insert one end of the cable into a laptop (network card), and the other end into one of the LAN connectors (see the example above for the Asus router).

After the laptop and the router have seen each other, we drive in the address bar of the browser: or //tplinkwifi.net, just like you logged into the main router when you set up the channel.
Enter login admin and password admin

Tp-Link router login window

If everything worked out with the entrance to the router, then you will see its menu.
It is necessary to select the item Network and subparagraph LAN.
Here we need to do an important operation - set the ip address for our repeater. He must be on the same subnet with the main router, but have a different address so that there is no conflict.

If the ip address of your main router was (you went to it when you changed the channel), then assign the repeater .
If the main router has some other address, for example,, then we assign to the repeater.
If the main is, then the repeater is
Well, and so on ...
Click Save and confirm our strong desire to change the IP address when the router asks us again.

Changing the IP address for the internal network

We confirm our intentions. After that, the router goes to reboot

It reboots and the login window opens again, where we fill in the login and password to enter the router.
If you look at the address bar, you will notice that there is already a new address that we just changed.
At this address, in the future, it will be possible to go to the repeater to adjust any settings (for example, change the password for the Wi-Fi network).

The next step is to go to the menu. WPS and disable this feature, as it will interfere with our further configuration.
There is no reboot of the router.

Disable WPS - we don't need it

Now let's go to the menu Wireless setting and there we set the same channel as on the main router.
After that we put the bird Enable WDS and press Save.

We set the channel number, as on the main router and turn on the repeater (bridge) mode

After that, new fields and buttons open in the settings. We find a button Search and press it.

Click "Search" to find our network to which we will connect

There is a search for all wifi networks that our custom router-repeater sees.
Among all this abundance, if you live in a city apartment, of course, select our network and press connect.

The list of networks in a city apartment can be quite large. And the network we don't always need will be first on the list. Find it and click "Connect"

In the next step, you need to enter the password for the router to which we are connecting.
We also write the name of our new wi-fi network in the topmost field.

Entering a password to connect to the main router

Correct connection can then be checked in the menu State, where opposite WDS Status must be a cherished word Installed.

Checking the "bridge" mode - repeater

If everything is fine, and you should be fine if you follow all the steps in sequence, go to the security settings of the new wireless network to set your favorite password.
Don't forget to click "Save" at the bottom of the page.

Set a password for a new Wi-Fi network

And the last thing that must be done is disable DHCP.

Choose DHCP - DHCP Settings - Disable
Click Save and the router goes to reboot.

Disable DHCP, otherwise the repeater will not work stably

All. After that, you can connect to our repeater via Wi-Fi or cable by inserting it into one of the LAN ports (usually there are four of them in the router).

See how simple it is! And someone did not believe, said that he could not ...

If the WPS setup was unsuccessful or if your router does not have a WPS button, there is an alternative way to properly configure your wireless signal extender to work within your network.

Configuring the Range Extender Using Method 2: Web-based Configuration Utility

Connection byethernet

Step 1:For TL-WA750RE and TL-WA850RE, one of the most efficient ways to access the Range Extender's web interface is to use the Ethernet cable that came with our unit. You will need to connect one end of the cable to your laptop or desktop PC and connect the other end of the cable directly to your extender's Ethernet port.Please note that the signal booster must remain on during this process.

Note:If your desktop PC does not support wireless network connection, please unplug the Ethernet cable from the router and connect it directly to the TP-Link Extender. This will establish a direct connection from the computer to the range extender using the Ethernet cable.

Wireless connection

Step 1A: The TP-Link Wireless Signal Extender can also be configured wirelessly. TL-WA854RE does not have an Ethernet port, so configuration must be done wirelessly. Please go to the wireless settings menu on any wireless device (laptop, tablet or smartphone) and connect to the default TP-Link_xxxxxx network.

Below is an example of connecting to the default TP-Link_xxxxxx network on Windows 7 (the same for all versions of Windows).

Note:Ignore the various TP-Link_xxxxxx entries in the above window, on your computer you will most likely see only one TP-Link device SSID available for connection.

Step 2:Once you have established a direct Ethernet connection between your computer and the range extender, make sure you disconnect from any wireless network that your computer may be connected to.This condition may only apply to computers and laptops with wireless connectivity.

Step 2A: For a wireless connection, this step is not necessary. Go to Step 3A.

The following is an example of disconnecting from a wireless network in Windows 7.

The following is an example of disconnecting from a wireless network in MacOS.

During this process, there will be no access to the Internet from this computer, but since you are directly connected to the signal amplifier TP- LINK, this will allow you to access its web-based configuration utility.

Step 3:After disconnecting from your wireless network, open any browser on your computer (InternetExplorer, GoogleChrome, MozillaFireFox, AppleSafari), after

what in the address bar of the browser enter tplinkrepeater.net or tplinkextender.net depending on the version of the out-of-band amplifier you are using.

Step 3A:After you have established a connection to the TP-Link_xxxxxx wireless network, open a web browser on your device and enter: tplinkrepeater.net, tplinkextender.net in the browser's address bar.

Step 4:If you have successfully logged in to the Device Configuration Web Utility, the following window will be displayed in your browser. You will need to enter “admin” as the username and password.

Note:If you are unable to successfully connect to the tplinkrepeater.net/tplinkextender.net domain name, please clear your address bar and enter the IP address, which is the default IP address of the TP-Link Range Extender. The default domain name and IP address will display the same authorization window as above.

***When connecting signal amplifier TP- LINKto the computerMACan authorization window will immediately appear in front of you, after ethernet-connection will be established between your computer and signal booster TP- LINK.

Step 5:After you have successfully connected to the TP-Link signal amplifier, the following window will appear in front of you (all signal amplifier models use one web interface: TL-WA750RE, TL-WA850RE, TL-WA854RE)

1) Click Next on the next page of the Web Configuration Utility.

2) Choose your region

3) Check the desired wireless network

Note:If your main router's wireless network name is not displayed, or if you have turned off broadcasting SSIDon your wireless router, please manually enter SSIDorMAC-the address.

6) Please check your settings to make sure the information provided is correct and click FINISH(To complete).

After you click FINISH, the wireless extender will reboot and the specified settings will take effect. This process should take about two minutes.

The following characteristics indicate that the signal amplifier has been successfully tuned:

1) The RE and Wi-Fi LEDs are on.

2) For one version will be in the box connection status(connection status) will be the value connected(Connected).

Other versions will display a check mark between range extender(signal amplifier) ​​and Main router/AP(master router/access point). If the router and range extender are connected to the Internet, a checkmark will be displayed between the main router/range extender and the Internet.

Device Capabilities

The TP-Link WiFi repeater is designed to expand the coverage of a wireless network and increase the strength of a wireless signal, as well as to eliminate "dead zones". Data transfer rate up to 300Mbps, small size and wall-mountable, Range Extender button can help you easily expand your wireless coverage area.

Wireless signal booster with data rate up to 300Mbps

WiFi TP-Link is used to quickly and conveniently expand the network coverage area, increase signal strength, and also eliminate "dead zones". The TP-Link WiFi Repeater provides data transfer rates up to 300Mbps, which is convenient for high-quality video transmission, music streaming and online games.

Convenient to use

Thanks to the compact and convenient body, the amplifier is easy to install and carry. In addition, the profile save function remembers the wireless networks that the device has previously connected to, so there is no need to reconfigure the amplifier when changing the router.

Plug and play support

The user can easily extend the wireless coverage area without running additional cables by pressing the WPS button on the router and then pressing the Range Extender button on the TP-Link WiFi repeater, or vice versa. An additional press of the Pair button will quickly set up a secure connection with the user's devices.

Informative signal indicator

The LED indicator shows the strength of the signal that the TP-Link WiFi Repeater is receiving from the router, which will help you determine the best place to place the repeater, where the signal is strongest, to ensure the maximum coverage of your network.

Universal Compatibility

The TP-Link WiFi repeater works with all 802.11b/g/n wireless devices and supports Windows 8.


  • Signal amplification mode (Range Extender Mode) allows you to transmit a signal to previously inaccessible areas and places where cabling is problematic
  • The compact and handy design makes the amplifier easy to install and carry.
  • Coverage expansion at the touch of a button
  • Signal strength indicator light helps you find the best place to place your device 300 Mbps - the ideal speed for streaming video, online games and Internet telephony
  • Support for authorization by domain name (http://tplinkextender.net) for more detailed settings
  • Compatible with all 802.11b/g/n devices
  • Supports 64/128/152-bit WEP, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryption modes to protect your network from Internet threats
Buttons RE button (wireless network coverage extension), Reset button (reset settings)
Wireless standards IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b
Antenna 2 built-in antennas
Dimensions (WxDxH) 110.0 x 65.8 x 75.2mm
socket type EU, UK, US
power usage About 3W
Frequency range 2.4 - 2.4835 GHz
Signaling rate 11n: up to 300 Mbps (dynamic) 11g: up to 54 Mbps (dynamic) 11b: up to 11 Mbps (dynamic)
EIRP (Wireless Signal Strength) < 20 дБм (EIRP)
Sensitivity (reception) 270 Mbps: -68 dBm @ 10% PER 130 Mbps: -68 dBm @ 10% PER 108 Mbps: -68 dBm @ 10% PER 54 Mbps: -68 dBm @ 10% PER 11 Mbps /s: -85 dBm @ 8% PER 6 Mbps: -88 dBm @ 10% PER 1 Mbps: -90 dBm @ 8% PER
Operating modes Wireless signal boost
Wireless Functions WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) MAC Filtering Wireless Statistics Domain Name Authentication Function
Wireless Security 64/128/152-bit WEP encryption WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK
Certification CE, RoHS
System requirements Microsoft® Windows® 98SE, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows 7, 8, Mac® OS, NetWare®, UNIX®, or Linux.
Environmental parameters Operating Temperature: 0℃ - 40℃ Storage Temperature: -40℃ - 70℃ Operating Relative Humidity: 10% - 90% non-condensing Storage Relative Humidity: 5% - 90% non-condensing

The article will discuss one interesting device - TP-Link TL WA850RE. Reviews about this device allow you to find out how well it works, what is its performance. What is this technique? We are talking about a repeater, which is also known as a repeater and repeater. It is necessary in order to increase the range of the existing wireless network. Further - in detail about the device.


The device is sold in a white-green box. It shows the repeater itself, its characteristics and connection methods.

The envelope that comes with the kit contains a disk with all the descriptions and special software, there is also an instruction manual for the TP-Link TL WA850RE and documentation for the device. In general, such a set is unnecessary, since the process of setting up a repeater does not even take a minute. It also includes a gray network cable.

Reasons for use

The repeater is used quite often. A popular reason for buying a repeater is a low-quality router whose signal is not enough for distant rooms or other floors. The TP-Link TL WA850RE repeater, reviews of which are given later in the article, will solve this situation with ease and without any problems. Of course, you can change the settings of the router, try to use a more powerful device, but nothing will give such a result as installing a repeater. The cost of the device is small, but the benefits of it are huge.

The essence of the work

How exactly does a repeater work? With a router installed that sends a signal over a short distance, a repeater is used. It is necessary to activate the device in a place where the network is still stable. The last one should be configured. A second access point will be created, which is a copy of the first one. When moving to a place where the signal is weak, the networks will be automatically reconnected. If desired, you can create a point with a different name and password, which the TP-Link TL WA850RE repeater will distribute. How to set up and how to use - described below.


The design of the repeater is quite simple, there are notes of minimalism. All lines are smooth, body is white. The device does not resemble a "brick" of a rectangular shape.

The device is made of glossy plastic. The TP-Link TL WA850RE repeater, reviews of which are quite good, is small, has a compact size.

On the front surface, you can see a button around which a ring of various inductors is installed. They are responsible for powering, connecting via a network cable, enabling repeater mode and working with an access point. An indicator is also installed that displays signal reception from the router. It is best to place the repeater where at least three lights are lit. Then the connection will be excellent and stable.

There is an electric plug, which many consumers note in the reviews.

In general, the design is not bad and most owners like it. Reviews testify to this. The TP-Link TL WA850RE wireless repeater will easily fit into any interior.


The repeater is powered by an Atheros controller. It is he who gives the right to function in networks such as b / g / n. Available to use 32 MB of memory. The maximum network speed is 100 Mbps.

It is impossible to work with external antennas, since there are none, but two pieces are installed inside.

Setting up the TP-LINK TL-WA850RE repeater

How to configure TP-Link TL WA850RE? Carrying out the process of optimizing the repeater, it is necessary to choose its location correctly. The device must be installed where the Internet speed will be stable without loss or distortion. You also need to consider its localization in such a way that the received signal can cover all the necessary places in the house or apartment.

Setting up the repeater is carried out quickly, in just a couple of minutes. It is enough to plug it into a power outlet, find the WPS button on the router and press it. After that, a large key should be found on the repeater, on which there is a picture of the lock. How to understand that the device is working? The special RE code indicator will light up. The repeater will connect to the router in a second and start working.

In order to understand the signal level supplied by the router, you can pay attention to the built-in indicators. If there are at least three divisions, then the network is of high quality. For the most stable and convenient operation, it is necessary that the router shows at least two “sticks”.

When working with a repeater, the consumer does not even notice the device. The only noticeable indicator is a stronger Internet signal, which in certain places did not even appear before.

When you turn off the device from the power supply and carry it, you do not have to reconfigure the device. All this is confirmed by reviews. The TP-Link TL WA850RE signal amplifier remembers all the networks to which the owner connected it.

At the bottom, consumers may notice a special port required for networking. It is suitable for interacting with a computer or TV that does not have the ability to connect to a wireless network.

Connecting devices

Connecting to a repeater is pretty easy. It is enough just to click on the appropriate button, and everything will begin to function.

But there are other ways to connect (without the WPS key). Each device has its own control panel. It is she who will be needed to obtain a stable connection if the specified button is not on the router.

To open the control menu of this repeater, you will need to connect to it. This can be done both by cable and wirelessly. Immediately after this, an access point (factory) will appear, without a password. Even if the repeater has already been used (settings are saved), you will still be able to enter the panel only when connected.

Next, in the browser, you need to register the address tplinkrepeater.net. To log into your account, you should refer to the instructions or see the data on the official website. As a rule, they are standard and the same: admin.

Entering the repeater settings

After entering the control menu, you need to pay attention to the main page. It will show all the data about the repeater and its status. If the repeater is configured, the owner will see the relevant information.

If the router does not have a WPS key, then settings should be made through this menu. You need to find the item "Master of Instant Options". It is there that access to the quick setup of TP-Link TL WA850RE is located. You need to go to the appropriate tab and click "Next". You should also select a region. The repeater will quickly find all the networks that are nearby and you need to find your own among them. Then - click "Next".

Connecting the TP-LINK repeater to a Wi-Fi network

After searching for your network, you need to specify the password for it. It is allowed to make a clone of this point, you can also rename it. Then you need to click on the “Next” button.

You should review all available settings, if they are correct, you must click "Finish". After that, the repeater will reboot. Then it will turn on already connected to the network.

Resetting the repeater

Sometimes it becomes necessary to reset the device settings. The reason can be many problems with TP-Link TL WA850RE. This is done in two different ways. The first is the easiest - just press the desired button on the repeater. It is enough to turn it on, take a knitting needle or some other sharp object at hand and click on the RESET key. After that, the owner will see that the indicators light up. The repeater will reboot and the reset process will be completed.

Through the control panel, this manipulation is also easy. It is enough to enter the menu "System Tools", "Factory Settings". There will be a Restore button. There will be a reboot.

If the internet is not working

Sometimes reviews of the TP-Link TL WA850RE describe a problem that there are problems with the signal. Often the repeater does not see the network, it happens that the connection occurs, but there is no access to the Internet. This problem is quite easy to solve in several ways.

You need to install a repeater closer to the router. As a rule, the problem is in the wrong location if a weak signal occurs. If the problem is that or the network itself, then you need to reset the settings. How exactly this is done is described above. Next, you should restart the device again and try to connect to the router.

If there are problems when making settings via WPS (for example, the router does not see TP-Link TL WA850RE), then you should use the control panel. This process is also described above. You can also update the firmware as an experiment. Sometimes this solves the problem.

Another way is to change the channel of the wireless network.

Repeater Availability

This repeater can be purchased for a small amount - 1150 rubles. The cost is justified for such a device. This explains the popularity of the described repeater.


In the article we will also consider the operation of the device in practice. It is possible that additional shortcomings will be identified that are not mentioned in the reviews. TP-Link TL WA850RE performs well in testing. But more on that later. The feed network, its stability and speed are also described below. All data obtained when working with a router from Zyxel. Its maximum speed is 150 Mbps. The repeater and the device are compatible. A computer and a laptop work with the network.

To obtain more accurate data, it is necessary to change the operating conditions of the repeater. The three most relevant have been selected.

  • Operation in the same room.
  • Work with a distance of 20 meters from the router, there is an obstacle in the form of one brick wall. The signal is lost by about half.
  • Outdoor use. The parent point is set at a distance of 30 meters, there are two brick walls between it and the repeater. The signal is lost almost 100%.

Being in the same room, the repeater and router work at the same level, giving out an excellent signal without failures and interference. At a small distance from each other, they can interact with additional equipment (TV) that is connected via the LAN port. The video works perfectly even in streaming mode and from a flash drive. When operating with a loss of 50% of the signal, the picture freezes. The problem can be eliminated only by connecting a SmartTV to the Internet. Then there will be no interference.

The last, third point is of interest. How did the repeater cope in such a situation? We get stable and fast Internet, even if it was previously lost on a laptop. If during direct work with the router the data transfer rate was no more than 10 Mbps, then with a repeater this figure increases to 35.

It should be noted that in all cases the level of access to the network does not change. The difference is only in quality and its loss. It changes in three situations upwards. The repeater did an excellent job with all the conditions.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that it is not possible to work with external antennas, the repeater does not provide a large space in which to work with it. Ideally, it covers only one room. If an obstacle appears in the form of a brick wall, then the signal is reduced to a level of 80 dB, two - 50 dB. If there is a need to work with wireless access points, then this nuance must be taken into account.

Summing up the results of testing, it should be noted that in all the cases presented, the quality of the signal and communication in general has clearly improved. That is why we can say with confidence that the repeater copes with its duties with a bang.

Using a repeater TP-LINK TL-WA850RE will allow significantly.

This will solve all the problems that arise due to a bad router signal, including slow internet speeds.

How does a repeater work and when should it be used?

A Wi-Fi repeater is considered a separate device, whose task is to amplify the signal of an already configured network.

This process occurs by connecting the repeater to the router via a web interface or an Ethernet channel.

The amplifier model must match the router. Popular manufacturers, such as others, produce lines of repeaters for their respective routers.

Compatibility of devices must be indicated in their technical parameters.

The appearance of the repeater may differ depending on the model and company, but they are all small in size, much smaller than a standard router.

In appearance, the gadget resembles an ordinary outlet. There are also repeaters that completely repeat the shape of the router.

You can buy TP-LINK TL-WA850RE, like any other amplifier model, in almost all stores that sell computer equipment and communications equipment.

The cost of such a gadget is equal to the price of a budget router.

Fig.1 - appearance of TP-LINK TL-WA850RE

The repeater is useful in the following situations:

  • For strengthening the signal in the office network. TP-LINK TL-WA850RE is able to significantly increase the range of coverage even in large rooms;
  • For home use. Often users face a problem. Uneven signal distribution in an apartment or house can lead to an instant disconnection of the Internet on the device and the loss of unsaved data.

As a rule, in order to increase the signal level and, accordingly, the speed of the Internet, users begin to do a lot of unnecessary and sometimes fruitless work.

Constantly dragging the router around the entire perimeter of the room, buying additional wires, connecting to a more expensive provider tariff - all these actions will not improve the performance of the router.

To solve the problem, it is enough to purchase a small and inexpensive repeater.

The principle of operation of the TP-LINK TL-WA850RE gadget is very simple: you plug it into an outlet closer to the router.

Then set up the connection of two devices. As a result, a coating will appear in the house, which will be several times more powerful.

To create the best signal level, which is simultaneously connected to the antennas of the router and amplifier.

Thus, the area for client connections is increased. The principle of signal amplification is shown schematically in the figure below:

Fig. 2 - the principle of interaction between the repeater and the router

As you can see, the task of the repeater is to receive the signal from the router and distribute it further indoors, where the router's usual coverage area no longer works.

Compatibility of TL-WA850RE with routers

TL-WA850RE is a universal type extender. It works with all routers manufactured by TP-Link.

There are no restrictions on the compatibility of any characteristics of the two gadgets.

Due to its unique and compact shape, as well as the presence of special slots for connecting cables, the TL-WA850RE can be used not only as an amplifier, but also as a wired device for connecting to the Internet.

Fig.3 - control panel and connectors in TL-WA850RE

Overview of characteristics and equipment

TL-WA850RE is the most popular TP-link amplifier. This model can be found in almost every online store.

Let us consider in more detail all the features and characteristics of this gadget.

Amplifier kit. The gadget comes in a branded box from the manufacturer TP-Link.

Before buying, first of all, you should pay attention to the box and its distinctive features, because with the growing demand for this extender, fakes began to appear.

The original box is decorated in white and blue colors. The box should contain the following information:

  • Manufacturer - TP-Link (The Realizable Choice);
  • Description of the structure and principle of operation of the repeater;
  • Model, device type (Range Extender) and maximum speed (300 Mbps).

The appearance of the official box is shown in the image:

Rice. 4 - amplifier box TL-WA850RE

The gadget package includes the following items:

  • The extender itself (white case and blue frame of the connection button with the router);
  • User manual for setting up (in Russian and English);
  • Brochure indicating the parameters of the device;
  • Warranty document;
  • Mini-disk with which you can view all instructions and other documentation for the repeater on your computer;
  • Adapter . With it, you can connect a TV, router or router to a repeater.

Rice. 5 - amplifier package

Thanks to the unique design of the repeater, the manufacturer managed to remove such a detail as a power supply from the package.

The case of the device is designed in such a way that it can immediately be connected to the outlet, without worrying about constant recharging from external sources.

Rice. 6 - the appearance of the extender from TP-Link

The body of the gadget is made of glossy white plastic. Dimensions: height - 11 cm, width - 6.6 cm, thickness - 7.5 cm.

On the front cover of the amplifier there is a panel of buttons and operation indicators. The main element is . With it, you can connect to the router in one click.

If the amplifier is connected to the mains, the button will be illuminated in blue.

Rice. 7 - image of the front panel of the gadget

On the bottom panel of the gadget there is a reset button (disaster recovery of the device), a port for connecting an Ethernet cable.

The repeater works with 802.11b/g/n connection standards. The operating range is 2.4 GHz, and the speed reaches 300 Mbps (maximum).

The main component of the repeater is the Qualcomm Atheros AR9341 chipset.

Features and benefits of using

The extender has the following advantages:

  • The ability to configure the optimal connection option. Depending on the type of device that creates the network, you can connect to the amplifier using a wired Ethernet connection or set up a wireless connection using WPS technology;
  • Compact body that contains all the necessary ports and indicators without the use of additional power supplies and wires;
  • Operation indication. This allows you to quickly determine the status of the connection and correctly;
  • TL-WA850RE works without problems both in open networks and in coverage that uses encryption, in particular, the most common WEP and WPA / WPA2 standards.

Rice. 8 - demonstration of TL-WA850RE

Remember! The stability of the repeater directly depends on the quality of the router itself. In case of network problems, you should first update the router firmware or replace it with a new model.

Setting up the repeater

The standard setup procedure will take no more than a few minutes. Typically, users need to set up a connection between the repeater and the router.

To do this, just follow these steps:

  • Take the amplifier and plug it into an outlet;
  • Wait for the gadget to load. This will take 1-2 minutes. Work activation status is indicated by indicator lights;
  • . To do this, simply press the corresponding key, which is located on the front panel of the case;
  • Find the key to activate WPS on your router and click on it.

The router will connect to the extender. In turn, amplify will completely duplicate all the parameters of the existing network, creating a new instance of it.

The parameters of the active network include login, password and channel number. Note that the repeater has a different IP address than the router.

Thanks to the WPS connection, you do not have to deal with interface settings and wired connections.

This technology can also be used when connecting the amplifier to a TV, game consoles.

The only requirement is that the second device must also support WPS.

Expansion of an existing network will be terminated if at least one of the devices (repeater or ) is disconnected from the power supply.

Rice. 9 - schematic configuration of the connection of the router and repeater

Connecting TP-LINK TL-WA850RE to a router without a WPS key

Some do not support WPS, so you may not find the corresponding key on the router toolbar.

The developers of the amplifier foresaw this situation, so they created the ability to connect two devices through the web interface of the router.

Follow instructions:

  • Plug into an outlet. This will create an open network with the name of the amplifier. Connection to it is possible through the settings of your router;
  • Using any browser on your computer, enter the address in the address bar. Press Enter. There will be an automatic connection to the web interface of the extender;
  • Enter your username and password to gain access. The default is admin and admin. The main window of the web interface of the amplifier looks like this:

Rice. 10 - the main window of the TL-WA850RE amplifier interface

  • Open the WPS tab in the menu on the left. Repeat all the parameters shown in the figure below. It is not necessary to use a PIN code to access the extender network. After setting the active WPS status, click on the Add device button and select the router name from the proposed list;

Rice. 11 - Manual WPS setup

If you want to use the repeater in several networks at once, you need to create separate work profiles.

To do this, go to the Profiles tab and add a separate element for each router.

Rice. 12 - set up multiple profiles

Device testing

The repeater test results are a comprehensive diagnosis of the Internet connection speed at different distances from both the router and its extender.

The test results are summarized in the diagram, which is shown in Figure 13.

The test showed that the TL-WA850RE does a good job of extending coverage to 30 meters or more.

The speed gradually decreases with increasing range, however, the Internet continues to work without interruption.

Rice. 13 - TL-WA850RE test results


Faced with the problem of poor network connection, it is better to get a small amplifier TL-WA850RE.

Overview of the TP-LINK TL-WA850RE Wi-Fi signal amplifier that allows you to increase the Wi-Fi coverage area

The TL-WA850RE TP-LINK Wi-Fi signal booster with data rate up to 300 Mbps is designed to expand the coverage area and increase the signal strength of an existing wireless network, as well as to eliminate "dead zones" in homes, apartments, hotels and offices . In general, in fact, the signals of the original network are not amplified in any way, but a new network is created that is connected to the first one, which makes it possible to increase the coverage area. TP-LINK TL-WA850RE is made of white glossy plastic, thanks to its compact and convenient body, the amplifier is easy to install and carry

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