How to roll back the system in safe mode. Windows System Restore

So, today we will talk with you about how to roll back the system in Windows 7. The point is that modern viruses and Trojans are capable of causing all sorts of failures. Then the computer stops working normally. So there is a need to do "kickbacks". Let's learn how this is done.

If there is no choice

But when is a rollback necessary for Windows 7? Let's try to figure it out with you in this difficult matter.

To begin with, it is worth understanding that such "things" are not done just like that. You must have good reason for any manipulation of your operating system. The first option, when a user may need to roll back the system for Windows 7, is trivial clutter that cannot be corrected by normal methods. Moreover, this option is suitable only when the computer starts to slow down due to "trash".

The second reason why you may need to rollback Windows 7 is constant crashes and factory reset.

Of course, one cannot ignore such a scenario as the introduction of a virus or trojan onto your computer. Sometimes it is the rollbacks that help you cope with the problem. So, now let's see how to properly prepare and carry out the "operation".


Of course, after you notice that your computer has ceased to "obey" and is constantly slowing down, then a completely logical conclusion comes to mind - to roll back. After all, it returns the computer to the state in which it was on the selected date. Very comfortably. True, if you decide to pull off such an action, then you should prepare well. In Windows 7, system rollback can be accomplished in several ways, which we will talk about today. But for now we are just getting ready.

You will need to save all your data that is important. Of course, as a rule, rollbacks do not affect personal information, but in case of a "failure" during the process, you can "lose" Windows along with all the data. So it's better to play it safe. In addition, it is advisable to scan your computer for viruses. Some Trojans can interfere with the recovery process. So, if you are not afraid, then all that remains is to choose how to rollback the Windows 7 system, and then proceed to action. Let's see what's available for this.


Well, the first and most popular way is to restore the "operating system" using built-in functions. It is very convenient to do this in Windows 7. System rollback will occur rather quickly, however, you will need to enable the function of setting "rollback points" in advance. It is enabled by default.

But how can you roll back the operating system when you logged into it? To do this, you need a "recovery tool". It can be found in the Start Menu. From there, go to "Standard" and then select "System". Then it remains only to click on the "recovery tool". Now let's do a system rollback in Windows 7 together.

After you have clicked on the button, a window will open in front of you, which will warn you of the inevitability of the system returning to the state that you have "installed" now. Just agree with him and follow along. Now you need to select a restore point. As a rule, they are done automatically. If there are none, then you are out of luck - if successful, all settings will "fly off" to "zero". Click next and wait for the process to finish. During this process, the system may reboot several times. Now you know how to roll back the system in Windows 7. But this is only the first option. Others are worth talking about.

Command line

Of course, you can't go anywhere without the so-called command line. It is she who will help us carry out today's idea. True, you need to carry out the process correctly so as not to lose important data.

First thing you need to do is start the system in safe mode. Made? Call the command line (by pressing Win + R), and then enter a special combination. Suitable for performing a system rollback in Windows 7 with the "rstrui.exe" command. Now press "Enter". The already familiar "restorer" window will open in front of you. In it, select a rollback point and confirm your actions. Now it only remains to wait for the completion. In Windows 7, rolling back the system when booting in Safe Mode is another very popular method used by system administrators. But there is one more scenario. It is not suitable for everyone. Let's get to know him.

Installation disc

So, the next way you can roll back the system in Windows 7 is with the installation disc. If you already have one, that's great. No? Then it is better to use one of the already familiar options. After all, the whole problem is that the computer will refuse to work with a disk that is not identical for your OS.

In the case when the user uses a "pirate", especially one that he himself installed, problems should not arise. In general, let's assume that we already have a disk. Now you need to set up your computer and get started.

Insert the disc into the floppy drive and enter BIOS. There you need to put the boot from DVD-ROM first "a. Save and restart your computer. Wait until the Windows 7 installer starts to open. You will see the system rollback immediately.

Look in the lower left corner of the window - there will be a "recovery". In the window that opens, you should select "system restore". Read the information about the irreversibility of the process and click "next". Now it's worth choosing a rollback point. If the computer was configured correctly, then you will already have at least 2-3 pieces. Have you chosen? Click next.

In the window that opens, click "done". A warning will pop up from the series "did you think well?" Yes, we were good at brains! So, boldly press "yes" and watch how our system will recover. After that, just click on the "restart" button. That's all - you know how to rollback with all possible methods.

Doesn't always help

True, very often it turns out that in Windows 7, system rollback does not help. Moreover, it can start and then "stall" in the middle or, even worse, at the very end. And no matter how hard you try, you can't get the recovery tool to work. What then?

In this situation, only a complete reinstallation of "Windows" is threatened. So, keep a close eye on your computer, make rollback points to be prepared for the fact that you need to perform a recovery. Good luck!

The computer is an integral part of the life of a modern person. It is used for work, study, entertainment. We are used to it. But then, one terrible day, the computer does not boot. Favorite Windows crashes. What to do? How to reanimate an electronic friend? This article will consider 3 options for recovering the Windows 7 operating system, depending on the "severity" of the failure.

1. Rollback the system 2-3 days ago, if the OS malfunctions after viruses, an abnormal system shutdown, improper work with the registry, or if important documents are lost from the user's home folder.

2. Restoring the operating system to the state of a "new" computer with the original user settings and all the necessary drivers. This may be necessary if you did not perform scheduled backups or if you do not have access to these archives.

3. Restoring the windows 7 operating system from the recovery disk.

System rollback 2-3 days ago

In order to "roll back" the operating system for some time back, you need to open the "Control Panel" and select the "Recovery" item.

Also, if a severe failure has occurred and there is no way to open the control panel, you can press the "Win + R" keys, and in the command window, type "rstrui" and click "OK".

In the recovery window, click the "Start System Restore" button. Click "Next". In the next window, you can select a specific point in time to which you can return. Also, this list will be larger if you tick the box "Show other restore points".

After choosing the most convenient restore point, you must click the "Next" button, and in the next window, the "Finish" button. The operating system will begin preparing for recovery, restart the computer, and restore Windows 7 to the state at the point in time that was selected as the restore point. It may happen that the system will not be able to recover exactly from the restore point you specified, which will be said after the reboot, then you can repeat the entire procedure again and select another restore point. If this does not help, then you will have to restore the Windows operating system from an image or to the state of a "new" computer.

Restoring the Windows operating system from an image or to a "new" computer state

When restoring the operating system from an image, you must enter the Control Panel, select the "Recovery" item and select one of two options: restore the necessary documents (click "Document Recovery") or restore the entire operating system image (click "Advanced recovery methods")

The difference between these methods is that when restoring document files, the operating system itself will not be changed, but you can select specific lost files that were included in the operating system image archive at the stage of its creation (photos, videos, documents, etc.) ... And in advanced recovery methods, it is possible to restore the entire system from a pre-prepared image, be it an image prepared automatically on a schedule or an image that was made immediately after the initial Windows setup. Let's consider this option.

So, select "Advanced recovery methods".

We select the first item "Use the system image that was created earlier to restore your computer." Next, you will be prompted to back up the current user files, which can be restored after the operating system is "rolled back" from the image.

If you decide that there is a need to archive the current files, then when you click "Archive", you will need to specify what and where to archive. This process has been detailed in our article Backing up Windows 7 ... Or you can "Skip" this stage and go to the next one. A window will appear warning about the loss of current user files. Press the "Restart" button to continue the recovery. After rebooting, you will be prompted to specify the archive storage location. This can be the second hard drive in the system unit, an external hard drive that needs to be connected, or network storage. After selecting the archive, the system will be restored.

Recovering the windows 7 operating system from a recovery disc

If, when the windows operating system fails, it cannot start in normal mode, the "Windows Recovery Disc" will help, which must be made in advance or you can create it on any other computer with Windows 7. The procedure for creating it was described in the previous article. You must insert the disc into your CD-ROM drive and choose to boot from it. Next, a system recovery window will appear, the same as in the previous paragraph.

That is, you will also need to specify the location of the archive and restore the operating system from it.

There are times when, after installing a program or other actions: the Windows operating system does not work correctly; programs that worked do not work; previously working games will not start. In this case, a very wonderful feature from Microsoft will help us, likesystem Restore (rollback to restore point). Also, this function can help us in case your computer is infected with ransomware banner. In this article we will tell you how to do it, what you need to make it work.

1. If the system is functional.

On the desktop, right-click on the "computer" or "my computer" icon and select properties,

sthen on the right side select system protection.

Attention! Here we can see if this component is enabled and

how it is configured.

If next to the specified system disk is not written switched on, we cannot restore the system, but we can enable this function by clicking on any disk and pressing the button customize, sthen check the box next to restore system settings and previous versions of files, select a specific space with the slider that will be used for recovery files. The more space is allocated, the more restore points the system will create. So if your component is enabled, press the button recovery

Eif you are satisfied recommended recovery(the date of the computer state corresponds to the time when everything worked for you), click further,if not, then you need a tab choose a different restore pointand so on.

In this window you need to check the box show other restore pointsand select the most desired point. Selected we press further.

Push readyand we are waiting for the end of the process (If you have a laptop or netbook, make sure that the battery is well charged, if the charge is low, connect it to the power source)

2. If the system does not turn on or when you turn on the ransomware banner pops up

When loading the operating system, press the key F8,further

troubleshoot computer problems and Enter.

choose the desired language

All computer owners periodically experience problems with Windows after installing the wrong drivers or making changes to the operating system. You can solve this problem by creating system restore points.

A Windows 10 restore point allows you to return your computer to its last stable state. When you create a restore point, Windows 10 keeps a backup of your system files. Thus, instead of completely reinstalling Windows after installing some wrong driver or catching a virus, you can simply roll back the system.

Restore points are created before installing Windows updates, and also automatically at the frequency that you specify. The more free hard disk space you reserve for recovery points, the more recovery dates you will have to choose from.

The system allows you to manually create Windows 10 restore points. This may be required, for example, before installing programs that may in some way disrupt the system. In case something goes wrong, the owner of the computer can always roll back the system to the date when everything worked properly.

Please note that restore points only contain backups of Windows 10 system files that affect the loading of the operating system. Personal folders and files are not included in backups. If you also want to back up your personal files, then you need to make a complete system image.

Windows 10 recovery settings

In order to view the current recovery settings on your computer, right-click on the "Start" menu and go to "Control Panel".

Go to the "System and Security" section.

Go to the "System" section.

Click in the left column "System Protection".

The window that opens contains the protection settings for your disks. Disabled means that no restore points are being made for this disk, but enabled when restore points are being made.

In my case, restore points are made only for the C drive, on which the operating system is installed. In order to change the settings of the protection parameters, select the disk you are interested in and click the "Configure" button.

At the top of the window, you can enable or disable the creation of Windows 10 restore points, and at the bottom, indicate how much disk space you are willing to reserve for storing these backups. The larger you specify, the more recovery points will be stored. As this volume fills, old restore points will be erased to make room for new ones. Usually, it is enough to store 2-3 system restore points.

In order to free up space on your hard drive, you can click the "Delete" button to delete all saved restore points.

Create a Windows 10 restore point manually

In order to create a Windows 10 restore point on the previous tab "System Protection", click the "Create" button.

A window will pop up in which you must somehow name a restore point, in my case, for example, I named it "A restore point before installing an incomprehensible driver." The date and time of the point creation will be added automatically. After that, click the "Create" button.

The process of creating a restore point will begin. It usually takes less than a minute. Upon completion, the "Recovery point created successfully" window will appear (see the picture above). Now you can install that incomprehensible driver because of which I was worried, and in case of problems, roll back the system using a restore point.

Setting up automatic creation of restore points

As mentioned above, Windows 10 automatically creates restore points before installing updates, and also allows you to do it manually. But as a safety net, it makes sense to configure the automatic creation of recovery points at the time interval you specify, for example, every day.

Right-click on the "Start" menu and go to "Control Panel".

In the "Control Panel" in the upper right corner, select "View" - "Small icons" and click on the "Administration" section.

Open Task Scheduler.

Alternately double-click on the items "Task Scheduler Library" - "Microsoft" - "Windows" - "System Restore".

In the System Restore branch, an SR rule has already been created for creating Windows 10 restore points. We only need to specify the interval after which this rule will be triggered. Double click on the SR rule.

In the window that opens, go to the "Triggers" tab and click "Create".

In the next window, you can set the period when Windows 10 restore points will be created. You can specify daily, weekly, monthly, when the computer starts or when it turns off, and so on.

The period for creating points should be selected based on the reserved space on the hard disk for storing backups, since when this volume is full, the newest recovery points will erase the oldest ones.

After you have selected the period for creating recovery points, click OK.

Roll back Windows 10 to a restore point

Now that we have learned how to create restore points manually and automatically, we will tell you how to recover your system after a failure.

There are several ways to roll back the system using restore points - using the Windows 10 interface, using the command line, and also using diagnostic tools.

System rollback via Windows interface

The easiest way is when you can start Windows 10. In this case, we do everything as at the beginning of the article. Right click on the Start menu and go to Control Panel. Then go to the section "System and Security" - "System" - "System Protection". In the System Protection window, click the Restore button.

The Restore System Files and Settings Wizard will open. Click Next.

In the next window, check the box "Show other restore points". This list contains all possible restore points. The left column shows the dates when the restore points were created. The middle column contains a description so that we can identify the point.

As you can see in the screenshot below, a restore point called "a restore point before installing an incomprehensible driver" that I created in the second chapter of this article is listed as the last one created.

Finally, the right column indicates whether the restore point was created manually, system, or installation, that is, under what circumstances the backup was created.

Also, you can click on the restore point of interest and click "Search for affected programs". The window that opens will display a list of programs that will be affected by a rollback to this restore point.

When you have selected a restore point to which we want to roll back the system, click "Next".

In the last window, we have to confirm the selected restore point. After clicking the "Finish" button, the system will start the recovery process.

Roll back the system using diagnostic tools

If Windows 10 does not start and the desktop does not load, then the system can be rolled back using a special Windows 10 system recovery environment. When you start your computer, instead of the desktop, you will see a warning that the Windows system did not boot correctly. Click "More Recovery Options".

In the "Advanced Options" window, click on "System Restore".

You will be taken to the already familiar window for selecting restore points where you should select the last stable state of the system and click OK.

Roll back the system using the command line

If the Windows 10 desktop does not load, then you can roll back Windows 10 to the last restore point using the command line.

To do this, during the computer, press F8 until a list of computer boot options appears. Select "Safe Mode with Command Prompt".

In the command line that opens, write rstrui.exeand then press Enter.

As a result of this command, you will start the standard system restore wizard to the restore point in the graphical interface.

Create a Windows 10 restore point video

And finally, I suggest you watch a few videos on how to create a restore point and roll back Windows 10 to the latest stable version.

Any modern novice programmer is capable of creating a virus program that provokes various kinds of computer malfunctions. In these cases, often the only solution to the problem, other than full formatting, is to restore the system by rolling back.

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System restore (rollback) - what it is and when to apply

Newly installed programs or driver updates are sometimes found incompatible with computer hardware... Each computer owner should be aware of why he conducts certain operations with his operating system, with individual system files or the registry. And as a precautionary measure, it is helpful to know how to rollback Windows 7.

The usual "littering" of the system also provokes problems in the functioning of the computer.

Viruses, of all sorts, also do not improve system performance. If, when working with a computer, the user is faced with constant failures and spontaneous changes in settings, it makes sense about the appearance of a virus program, which for some reason was not recognized and eliminated by the antivirus program.

When the computer refuses to work as before, the return to previous versions of the operating system without reinstalling it is performed by the built-in recovery service... If it is active, then Windows itself creates restore points before automatic updates. The user can do the same manually if he decided to take a chance and install some program, update the driver to the latest one, change or clean the registry, or make other serious changes to the working system.

A restore point and how to create it manually in Windows 7

Recovery point returns the system to a given moment without affecting user files. A working correctly operating system automatically creates such points every week when installing or updating programs, drivers, etc. You can set a different period for creating these points. You can do it yourself, manually.

To create a restore point in manual mode, the user must save and close the files and programs with which he worked. Then you need to click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the desktop and write the word "create" in the text box under the list of programs.

A list will appear on the screen in which you need to find the item "Create a restore point"... In response to its pressing, the System Protection tab of the system properties window will appear. In the text field, the user must write something that identifies this point, the operating system will automatically add the date and time. Then you should press the "Create" button.

When the process is completed, and a window with a corresponding notification appears on the screen, the user must sequentially close all open windows. The Windows 7 restore point has been created.

Preparing to rollback the system

So, the user noticed that his computer is too often freezes, ceases to obey, slows down, “forgets” the settings, etc. Realizing that formatting is too radical a decision, the owner of the computer decides to roll back and return the computer system to an earlier and more efficient state.

To do this, you need to choose best configuration datewhich will become the date of the selected restore point. This powerful Windows-based procedure is provided by the above restore point creation function.

First of all, it is better to save personal data and archive on a third-party (external) medium. This is useful if something does not go as planned during the restore and you have to format everything. It is especially important if the archive and OS are located on the same disk.

The next user action before the system rollback is to launch a deep scan for the presence of a virus infection in order to avoid virus interference in the rollback process and to avoid full formatting or hardware breakdown.

How to rollback Windows 7 system

Recovery from under Windows

This option is good when the restore points procedure is enabled and operates successfully.

  • To roll back the OS a day ago, the user clicks the "Start" button in the lower left corner and the input field writes "restore", and then selects the "System Restore" program. You can click on "Start", enter the "Control Panel" and select "Recovery" there.
  • In the "System Restore" window that opens in the lower right corner, the user clicks "Next".
  • A list of previously created restore points will open that you can roll back to. The computer owner selects the appropriate date, clicks on the caption to highlight it, and then clicks Next.
  • The OS will open the restore point confirmation window. If everything matches the set and the user does not change his mind, he clicks "Finish", and then, in response to the warning that appears that processes cannot be canceled after it has started, press the "Yes" button, confirming his choice.
  • The operating system will display a window showing the preparation process and the progress of the recovery, and then display a message about the successful completion of the recovery procedure, which must be closed and then rebooted.

Perhaps, if the problem is not resolved, you will need to repeat the rollback procedure, choosing a different, earlier date of the restore point.

How to Roll Back Windows 7 System in Safe Mode

If, as a result of inaccurate actions of the user or the efforts of a virus program, the computer refuses to boot in normal mode, it makes sense to roll back a day or more back by entering Windows through safe mode.

  • To do this, send the computer to reboot, and then press the F8 key in the top row of the keyboard at the beginning of power-on.
  • The OS will display a window with a black background and offer boot options. It is necessary to press the cursor on "safe mode", and then press the "Enter" key.
  • When the boot is complete in Safe Mode, you can rollback as described above and then reboot the system in normal mode.

How to roll back an OS using a boot disk

When the computer does not want to work neither in normal nor in safe mode, a prepared in advance will help boot disk with Windows 7.

  • To do this, you need to install the disk with the system into the drive, and at the moment of turning on, enter the BIOS by pressing the corresponding key (it is usually indicated on the screen at the very beginning of the boot).
  • Then you should check the box on boot from CD / DVD drive and boot the computer from it.
  • If a window for choosing a language appears, you must make it and click "Next".
  • Then you should select the "System Restore" option, select the desired operating system option, if more than one OS is recorded, click "Next" again, select "System Restore" and roll back as described above.

When finished, reboot the system and remove the disc. The computer will boot normally as of the selected date.

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