Yandex filter due to hyper cache. Hyper Cache - enable the caching plugin in WordPress to optimize the WP blog and reduce its load on the hosting server. The principle of data caching

Hello friends!

A week has passed since I left warm countries, and I really want to go back. I brought with me a couple of kg of mango in memory of the tropics, today I ate the last, sadness. And there was no winter in St. Petersburg this year, and now it is raining and slush outside. It's great that I have a blog where you can forget and get away from the harsh reality.

This article will focus on one of the WordPress blog caching plugins. I will explain what caching is, why you need it and how to set it up.

Why do you need to cache site pages

First of all, it should be said that caching allows you to reduce the size of the site and speed up its loading.

Browsers only understand HTML pages. If everything is simple with static sites - there is a ready-made page that is given to everyone who wants to see it, then with CMS everything is more complicated. A WordPress site is connected to a database, and every time a visitor accesses a page, the system sends a request to the database. What if hundreds of users simultaneously request a page? After all, it will be generated anew every time, which will create a large (and, most importantly, unnecessary) load on the server. This means that users will not be able to quickly access the information they need (or even hosting will shut down the site for high load). Caching solves these problems.

Pages are cached (saved), and if initially, when the page was requested, it was loaded from scratch, the cached page will be loaded only once, and then it will be issued ready-made to everyone who accesses it.

WordPress blog caching plugin

If you have a WordPress blog, you can implement caching using a plugin. There is a choice: it can be WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache or Hyper Cache. The latter will be analyzed in the article due to its simplicity, interface practically translated into Russian and good performance indicators.

Hyper Cache is a really optimal WordPress blog caching plugin. It's more about efficiency here: Hyper Cache shows the best results in website acceleration.

But if you still consider different options, choose a caching plugin for WordPress by trial. For example, the Hyper Cache plugin was found to be incompatible with the plugin, NoExternalLinks. If you don't have any compatibility issues, then choose a plugin that maximizes your download speed.

Hyper Cache for WordPress. Installation

It has been written about installing plugins more than once, but for beginners I will repeat it again. There are two ways. First:

  • Find on the official website and download the Hyper Cache plugin.
  • Go to the control panel.
  • Open the "Plugins" section, click the "add new" button.
  • Click “load plugin”.
  • Select the downloaded zip archive.
  • Click “Install”.
  • Activate the plugin.

The second is easier.

Just go to the control panel in the "Plugins" section, click "Add new" and enter "Hyper Cache" in the search bar. Then click on “Install”, activate the plugin.

The plugin is now installed and can be customized.

Hyper Cache: how to set up

Go to plugin settings. As the box above says, you must add the line “define (" WP_CACHE ", true);" to your wp-config.php file. This line will set the variable “WP_CACHE” to “true” - enable caching.

You can add a line through the visual editor in your control panel. Open wp-config.php located in the root of the site and after the WPLANG line add the required code define ("WP_CACHE", true);

Further configuration of the Hyper Cache plugin is made only in the site control panel.

The plugin is partially translated, but not fully translated.

Everything is clear with translated paragraphs (the page caching time determines the time interval after which the information on the pages will be updated; “enable compression” allows you to additionally compress the pages), but there are also paragraphs in English. Dealing with them is more difficult, so questions may arise here.

How to set up untranslated items:

  • The “When a post receives a comment” item allows you to choose whether the plugin will update the data for the category and tag pages, search results and home page, and the number of comments in the article preview. Two options are to update everything or update only the main page (or not update anything if the checkboxes are unchecked from both options).
  • In “When a post is edited” you can set whether the above pages are updated if you have edited the text of the post itself.

The rest of the fields have been translated into Russian.

In “Exceptions” you can choose which pages should not be cached. You can exclude both specific pages suggested by the plugin itself (main page, 404 error, comment feed), and your own - just specify the URL, and Hyper Cache will not cache this page.

If you are serving content other than computer users to mobile visitors, select “cache separately” in the Mobile tab. Otherwise, because of Hyper Cache, mobile users will see the same as computer users.

This completes the Hyper Cache setup in WordPress. Watch the video about this plugin if you want more information:


Now you know how to set up the Hyper Cache plugin. It's intuitive, a pleasure to work with, and I hope with the instructions above, you won't have any problems installing it. Remember the importance of caching, because it makes the site faster, and this is loved by both users and search engines.

Choose a caching plugin in WordPress carefully. Check plugin compatibility with your WordPress version: often new versions of plugins do not work with old WordPress templates and vice versa, old addons do not always support new versions of this engine. Good luck!

P.S.As promised, I'll tell you a little more about the trip to the Thai province of Kanchanaburi. This place gained popularity after the release of the American film "The Bridge on the River Kwai", by the way we watched it while there. It was a real pleasure to ride the train on the death railroad that runs along the river, with such stunning views.

And then I decided to raft along the river Kwai, in front of the surprised tourists (for some reason, it never occurred to anyone to swim in the river). The little white star on the water is me :)

I wish you not to go with the flow, but to take fate into your own hands and do what you love, for example, blogging :) Bye!

Greetings to all readers. Today I want to talk about one of the points of optimizing a WordPress site - speeding up page loading, speeding up the site as a whole. One way to accomplish this task is caching. There are plenty of plugins for creating a cache. Two popular Hyper Cache and WP Super Cache. In this article, you have configured WordPress Hyper Cache.

Everything in order.

WordPress work, caching

CMS WordPress is a great platform for building websites. It is easy to configure, convenient, with great functionality, a set of plugins for the implementation of tasks of any complexity. At the same time, the load on the server is greater than when working with static pages.

How does WordPress work? All information, as well as in Joomla and other CMS, is stored in various parts of the template and database tables. Each type of information has its own table: records, comments, information about the author, site, and so on.

Thus, when a visitor calls a certain page, it is generated from different parts of the used one: header, footer, sidebar, content part, then the content of the database is loaded. The system executes many commands, sends the required number of queries to the database. And this process is repeated over and over when each user opens a new page. This is how the HTML page is generated. And it is formed on the hosting server. With an increase in traffic, the load increases.

Caching is intended to solve this problem.

The principle of data caching

What Happens When Using Caching? The visitor goes to the site. WordPress executes the requests described above and displays the HTML page and simultaneously saves it in the appropriate site folder. When re-accessing this page, the system does not need to go through the complex generation procedure, it simply calls it from the folder of saved cached pages and passes it to the user.

This technique makes it easier for the server and speeds up the loading of the site in the browser.

The cache is a kind of data storage with quick access to information.

The WordPress database contains a huge number of plugins. But there is a group of so-called required plugins that must be installed on every project. Such as SEO plugin, SEObyYoast, WordPress Database Backup plugin, caching plugin.

Features of Hyper Cache installation

The plugin is installed in a standard way. Here's a detailed one to brush up on. There is one small difference. For Hyper Cache to work, after activation, it will ask you to make changes to the wp-config.php file.

This file is located in the root of the site. Changes were made to it when installing WordPress, the login and password from the database were registered.

You can edit wp-config directly on the hosting. For such purposes, I use the specialized Notpade ++ program.

After saving and uploading the file to the hosting, the plugin has already started working. For individual settings corresponding to your requirements, you need to go to the Hyper Cache item, which appeared in the section Settings.

The plugin has a Russian-language version, more precisely, a Russian translation. Some functions are not translated, but it becomes clear in the general context.

In the upper part there are three icons that allow you to clear the entire cache if necessary and find out the size of the cache.

  • Delete entire cache - the plugin creates a folder for storing cached information. Pressing the button deletes all data. For global changes, you should use.
  • Cleaning archives and home - when pressed, the cache of the indicated pages is deleted, while the records and the rest remain saved.
  • Calculating cache size - information about the size of the folder on the server.

Plugin settings consist of four sections: General, Exceptions, Mobile, CDN.

Hyper Cache plugin main settings

Let's start with a complete breakdown of each function.

Disable translations - disable translations. When enabled and saved, the plugin settings will be displayed in native English. If you are an expert in language skills, turn it on.

Cached pages will be valid for... Probably the main point. The cache lifetime is configured. The time is set in hours, after which the cache is deleted and a new one will be created when a new user visits. For ordinary articles that are not updated, you can safely put a value of the order of 1 week or more. Creating fewer cache files reduces server resources for creating them. Of course, there is less time to bet on frequently changing pages. You don't need to cache the main news site at all.

Enable compression... Compression of cache pages. Hyper Cache warns: if the website's web pages are displayed incorrectly in the form of unreadable characters, do not enable the option, this means the server is already using compression.

Enable on-the-fly compression - enable compression on the fly. The process of compressing web pages that are not in the cache is in progress. Activation will speed up page loading, but also increase the load.

When the home page is updated, the rest will be updated... The idea of \u200b\u200bthe function is as follows. When updating the main page of the project, you can specify the number of posts, the cache of which you want to reset, that is, update. I see no point in this.

When recordings have been edited... When editing an article to display the newly added information to visitors immediately, you should enable this item. There are two options: updating the main page, and pages of archives, headings.

When writing a comment... When a new comment is added, the cache of the specified pages is also updated. Everything is logical here. A person leaves a comment, and the next visitor already sees that comment, not the saved web page created by Hyper Cache.

Cache folder... The plugin automatically creates a folder to store the cached files. With this function you can register the address of the folder you have created. But as for me, what's the difference.

Allow Browser Caching... Surely, at least once, when you go to a certain page, you saw in the browser a line like: "You will be shown a saved copy of the page." This is the job of a similar plugin and this function. Its essence is as follows. When visiting, Hyper Cache allows the browser to save the page cache on the user side, that is, it is saved in the cache folder on the computer. When this web page is accessed again, it will be shown from the computer's cache, which is faster than if shown from the server side. We turn on this item - we are for speed.

HTTPS... Must be activated when using the secure HTTPS connection protocol.

Use readfile ()... File read option. According to the developers, it works better than the actually used caching function file_get_contents ().

Serves bots with expired pages... The purpose of the function is to give all pages to search robots, even with an expired cache. When can this happen? In the case when the cache storage period has expired, and the new user has not visited this post. Since bots need to be fed up-to-date information (perhaps the records have been edited), it makes no sense to enable this function.

We save the main settings and move on to the next section.

Configuring Hyper Cache Plugin Exception

The plugin has the ability to exclude some pages of the site from caching. Features are enabled for various reasons.

Don't cache the home page... The home page of personal blogs is almost always the resource's news feed. Exceptions are commercial sites with a description on the face. Home is the so-called landing page. Everything is individual. If the main one is not updated within 24 hours, you can create a cache, otherwise it makes no sense.

Don't cache "page 404"... We activate.

Don't cache the comment feed... It's not worth creating a comment cache. Visitors should see new comments posted. My opinion.

Don't cache the RSS comment feed... Also.

Do not cache pages with URIs - Don't cache pages with URL. You can set specific pages not to be cached. Write each URL on a new line.

Do not cache pages with URIs starting with - Don't cache pages with a URL starting at. Used to exclude an entire section from the cache function. For example, a site with a constantly updated news section, a visited forum.

Bypass the cache for readers with cookies - Bypassing the cache for readers with cookies.

Bypass the cache for readers with devices (user agents) - Bypassing the cache for readers using devices. This refers to applications that access sites. For example, a browser.

Bypass the cache for readers which are commenters - Bypassing the cache for readers who are commentators. When this option is enabled, the visitor who left the comment will immediately see it. In case they are not moderated by the administrator. Otherwise, there will be a message with the following meaning: "Your comment is awaiting moderation." It becomes clear to the reader that the comment has reached its goal, and is not lost.

Do not cache posts older than - Don't cache messages older than. After marking the number of days, the articles become old and the plugin stops caching. It should be included in the case when old posts stop pouring traffic.

On this topic, the following should be noted, not related to the creation of caching. It is worth reviewing and improving old notes periodically. Regardless of the traffic they bring. The information presented in the post is out of date, give the visitor new, relevant information. Perhaps the articles are on the way to the first issue and they need to be "pushed" into the TOP. Or vice versa, attendance has decreased. It is necessary to expand the semantic core of a particular article, to increase the search queries for which the user will get to your site. It can be a small change to content, adding graphs, tables or media files. Everything is individual.

Stepped back a bit from the topic of the post. We continue to configure Hyper Cash.

Hyper Cache plugin settings for mobile devices

The plugin allows you to configure settings separately for mobile traffic and desktop PCs. We will take this opportunity.

For mobile devices - For mobile devices. There are three options to choose from at this point. When using responsive design on a resource, leave the settings: Use main cache... In this case, there will be no difference in page viewing for a PC user and for a mobile user.

For the mobile version of the site, when the visitor is shown a page different from the main template (lightweight), set the second option active: Use a separate cache. Then Hyper Cache will create two different cache files. With this choice, tell the plugin which template to show to a visitor who comes from a mobile device.

A few words about the responsive template. More and more people purchase and use mobile gadgets to access the Internet. Smartphones and tablets. The traffic from these devices is gradually increasing. According to Yandex Metrike statistics, the percentage of mobile visitors to this site averages 20-25%. In some niches, for example, in the service sector, this type of traffic is the main one. Search engines in accounts for a webmaster, in the absence of a mobile version of the site, mark it as a remark and advise you to fix it.

It is likely that in search results resources that are not adapted for viewing on mobile devices will decrease. Do not ignore the advice of search engines.

Mobile theme... This item is related to the first one. When choosing a separate template above, indicate it here. Otherwise, leave the default using the active site theme.

Mobile user agents... By default, the user-agent is listed as mobile users. There is something to add, add.

CDN HyperCache setting

Unfortunately, I cannot give full information on this section. The function includes the ability to provide the visitor with an image, css from cloud storage. Site files are located on different servers and are issued on demand from the nearest one, thereby reducing the load and increasing the speed.

After all the settings, it is logical to check, maybe "WordPress Hyper Cache is not working?" This is very simple. Open the site in another browser. This must be done because the resource administrator is always shown up-to-date information. View the source code that opens with the CTRL + U keyboard shortcut. The following code should appear at the very bottom.

If it is not there, refresh the page and view it again.

This ends the WordPress Hyper Cache setup. From now on, the load on the server will decrease and the response time of the website will decrease. Caching is only one of the points of website optimization. In one of the following articles I will write an overview of ways to optimize images. Here you can read how using Photoshop.

What caching plugins are you using at the moment, and are you thinking of using Hyper Cache if you have another activated.

I wish everyone good luck and fast sites!

Hello dear readers! Do you have your own blog? If you are reading this post, then for sure yes. Do you know that without the plugin that I will tell you about, your blog has a traffic of 1000-1500 people. a day can brains boil? (joke of course). In general, a large load will be created on your hosting and pages will be loaded for your users for a very long time.

How to speed up your blog and reduce server load? This is what this post is about. I present to you a cool plugin -. Many already know about it, and those who do not know let it install immediately.

I will not load you with heavy and incomprehensible expressions, caching, page generation, MySQL databases, etc. I will explain everything in Russian and understandably.

When visitors to your blog come to it by clicking on the link, then your blog page is immediately generated, in short, display (collection of all photos, comments, text, etc.). I think you all understand perfectly well.

This puts a certain strain on your hosting. What if 1000 people visit your blog? Even more stress. It's okay if they come in and out, because people still need to climb the pages, here's another load.

What does the Hyper Cache plugin do?

Hyper Cache caches entire WordPress blog web pages and stores their HTML versions in its cache folder. Therefore, when entering your blog, even 3000 thousand users, the hosting load will be minimal, since all the pages of your blog have already been generated and are in the cache folder on your server. I think you get the idea. If not, write your question in the comments.

Now for the setup.

1. Download the plugin itself (button on the right) - download
2. Upload the hyper cache folder to the wp-content / plugins / plugins folder
3. Enable caching in WordPress.

To do this, you need to open the wp-config.php configuration file for editing, which you can find in the root folder on your site server. You will need to add one line of code to your WordPress configuration file:

Define ("WP_CACHE", true);

You can paste it anywhere in the wp-config.php file up to the line:

/ ** The absolute path to the WordPress directory. * / if (! defined ("ABSPATH")) define ("ABSPATH", dirname (__FILE__). "/");

I personally inserted this line where the setting of parameters for the WP database goes:

/ ** Database name for WordPress * / define ("WP_CACHE", true); - here define ("DB_NAME", "a20230_blog");

4. Log into the WordPress admin area, select the "Plugins" tab and find the line with the plugin ... (activate the plugin).

5. Go to the admin panel again - "settings" - Hyper Cache.

If no warning messages appear in the settings window, then the cache in WordPress is ready to work. If warnings appear, then setting access rights to 777 for the wp-content folder or the wp-content / plugins / hyper-cache folder will most likely help.

This is so that the plugin can create a folder in WordPress to store your blog's cached web pages. After the plugin creates this folder, you can return the permissions to the wp-content folder and the wp-content / plugins / hyper-cache folder back to 755, and to the cache or hyper cache folder, which is located on your hosting (wp- content / plugins / hyper-cache / cache or wp-content / hyper cache), assign permissions 777 so that the Hyper Cache plugin can write to and erase HTML files from the blog webpage cache.

You can see their number in the hyper cahe settings - "Total cached pages (cached redirects are also counted)" - the number will be indicated. Here is such a cool plugin. Use friends !!!

P.S. How do you like the article? Don't miss out on the new free video courses and blog contests!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov

For a high ranking of a site on the part of search engines, the speed of loading the site pages is important. The faster a user gets content, the less likely they are to leave the loaded page. Both hosting providers and CDN networks are often involved in the struggle for site loading speed. But it is much easier to improve the performance of the project using special plugins. Many caching extensions have been developed for the WordPress platform, among which Hyper Cache stands out for its performance and easy customization. Unlike "hypercache" it does not turn the site into pure static HTML, but allows both js-scripts and AJAX to work. Why is this plugin so good and how to configure it correctly?

Hyper Cache and Super Cache are 2 of the most popular caching plugins, and from the side of users, the question arises which one is better to choose. I must say that once I had problems with the Super Cache on one of the sites - it stopped working due to some changed hosting settings. Hyperkash was installed instead. At that time, I was monitoring the hosting load for this site and found that after installing the hypercache, the hosting load became noticeable less, that is, the hyper cache worked more efficiently. However, you can read completely opposite points of view. Most likely, for different situations (site and hosting configurations), this or that plugin may be more effective.

Installing the Hyper Cache plugin is no different from installing other extensions. Installation is possible in two different ways:

  • uploading the unpacked archive with the plugin via FTP and subsequent activation via the console;
  • by installing the extension through the plugins control panel.

When finished, do not forget to activate the extension in the Plugins tab. To manage hypercache settings, go to Settings \u003e\u003e Hyper Cache.

One way or another, the output is a plugin that is almost ready for caching. Before caching the first page, .Hyper Cache requires the owner to look into the blog config file and enter a small code there. This procedure takes a couple of minutes and does not require any special programming skills.

Open the blog root folder on your hosting using the file manager and find the wp-config.php file. Click "Edit" and in a new window after the line define (‘WP_DEBUG’, false); enter the code define (“WP_CACHE”, true) as written in the screenshot above on the first line.

Save the file and try updating the plugin settings. If the "hyperkash" still swears, then take a closer look at what you specified in the config file. You can also make changes to wp-config.php via FTP by editing the file in notepad, for example, in Notepad ++.

You can find the plugin in WP repositories - At the same time, do not confuse it with the Hyper Cache Extended extension, these are two completely different plugins.

Plugin setup

Hypercash settings are divided into four sections. Basic settings are stored in the "General" section, and settings for mobile platforms in the "Mobile" subsection. CDN is responsible for working with CDN networks, and the "Exceptions" subsection speaks for itself. If the plugin appears before you in the English version, then you need to uncheck the "Disable translations" item and click "Save" at the bottom. The extension has not been fully translated so far, but it is much easier to understand the settings when they are at least partially spelled out in a language understandable to the user.

In addition to the settings themselves, the upper block contains four buttons for "quick" access to the plugin functions:

  • delete all cache - clears all cache stored on the server. A very useful feature when changing the design or making any edits to the template.
  • cleaning archives and home - when this option is activated, only the home page and archives are affected. This leaves cached pages and posts in the blog cache.
  • calculating the cache size - if your hosting is low on space, then by clicking on this button, you can find out how much cache copies of blog pages occupy on disk.
  • import settings - the Hyper Cache plugin has gone through several reincarnations, as a result of which the developers have allowed the owners of the old versions of the extension to easily import the old settings into the new version of the "hypercache".

Now let's go through the settings that you should definitely activate. In the "General" section, the first step is to specify the cache lifetime. If you want the pages to be cached forever, then specify the number 0. Otherwise, enter the lifetime in seconds. Recall that an hour is 3600 seconds. It's also worth noting the "Enable Compression" option for those who don't use Gzip for compression. The rest of the homepage settings are optional, but you can experiment if you want.

In the "Exceptions" section, you can disable caching of the main page, as well as pages with the "404" error, by checking the appropriate boxes. If it is important for you that any blog page does not get into the cache, then activate the item "Exclude the exact address of the URI" by ticking it, and enter the full urls of the pages you need.

Optionally, you can also disable caching for individual browsers and platforms, as well as for pages older than a certain period. For example, having registered the user agent “Opera”, you will disable caching for the browser of the same name.

If your blog is still not equipped with a responsive theme, and you still use a special plugin to switch blog themes, then the "Mode" item is for you. Select "Cache Separately" and click "Save". Do not forget to select the appropriate template in the "Mobile theme" section.

Do you use CDNs to speed up website loading? "Hyperkash" will help you with this, because it is enough to activate the setting and enter the CDN URL in the appropriate window.

This completes the plugin configuration. It should be noted that after each change in the settings, you need to click on the "Save" button and then reset the entire blog cache so that the pages are reformed in the cache.

Greetings friends. The Hyper Cache plugin, the settings of which will be discussed today, significantly reduces the load on the hosting server by caching pages. All WordPress fans love this CMS for its flexible customization, ease of use, and great functionality. But, for all the benefits you have to pay, in this case, the payment is a very high demand for server resources.

Webmasters who have WordPress projects with high traffic will confirm that the engine's server load is very high and if nothing is done with it, then:

  • at least, the blog will load slowly, which will create uncomfortable conditions for users and will worsen behavioral factors;
  • as a maximum, the hosting will make claims about exceeding the permissible load and will offer to switch to a more expensive tariff plan, threatening to turn off (I received such letters).

WordPress has tons of important and useful plugins. For each project, some are needed, others are not needed, but there is a group of those, the use of which is mandatory on every resource. These include Hyper Cache (along with plugins like).

How Hyper Cache works

But there is one nuance, without which it "will not fly." Since this plugin is deeply embedded in the work of the engine, it needs special permissions, otherwise, it will not have access.

To do this, after activating the plugin, add the following line to the wp-config.php file of your blog:

Define ("WP_CACHE", true);

When you activate the plugin, it will tell you by itself that changes are required in the file. I inserted at the very end, like this:

After that, the plugin should work (it worked for me). If something does not turn on, then write in the comments, we will try to figure it out together.

Configuring the Hyper Cache Plugin

In principle, immediately after installation, the plugin will already start working, but more subtle settings, sharpened individually for your project, will be more effective.

So, after installing and running the plug-in in the control panel in the "Settings" section, you miraculously materialize an item with the name corresponding to the plug-in. Go there.

The settings have 4 tabs. The plugin is partially translated - somewhere the inscriptions are in Russian, somewhere in English, moreover, the translation is clearly machine (it is not always clear what is meant) - maybe in the new versions they will make a normal translation, then it will be easier. Let's take a look at each of the tabs.

Main settings

Let's start with the main ones (the tab is called that, it opens by default). Below is my example, and then a description of each block.

  1. Item about “ Disable translations»Allows you to disable the built-in translator if you tick the box. In this case, the entire text of the plugin should be displayed in the original in English.
  2. Further, in the paragraph " Cached pages will be valid for»Indicates the period during which cached versions of documents will be stored. After this time has elapsed, the cache is reset and created anew at the next visit by the user. You can specify any time, depending on how often you update the site materials. It costs me 24 hours, if your blog is updated very rarely, then you can do many times more. The less often the files with the cache are recreated, the less server resources the site will spend on their creation.
  3. The next 2 points are about data compression (compression). First " Enable compression"Includes data compression when transmitting information, the second" Enable on-the-fly compression"Enables on-the-fly compression for pages that are not in the cache.
  4. You can configure the update of the cache of the latest entries in the event that the main is updated. To do this, in “ When the home page is refreshed, the rest will refresh.»Indicate the number of posts that should be changed. I have this field empty, since the content of the main one does not affect the content of the articles (the dependence is rather the opposite - the following points are about this).
  5. The next 2 lines allow you to enable updating of home page copies, archives, tags and categories when posts are changed. Let's say you edited the article, saved it and if there is a check mark in the first line of the item “ When recordings have been edited», The cache of categories and headings will be updated, if there is a tick in the second, the main page of the site will be re-saved. If you have configured a rare update of saved copies (item 2), then these items should be enabled. All the data in the cache is updated every 24 hours, so I do not activate this block - all the same, in a day everything will be updated according to the schedule.
  6. The item is similar to the previous one, only “ When writing a comment»Updates information in case of new comments to the records.
  7. « Cache folder»Allows you to change the standard folder used by the plugin for storing data to your own.
  8. « Further, this function will be executed through"Includes the option to automatically clear the cache from old unused (non-existent) materials.
  9. Setting " Allow Browser Caching»Allows browsers to cache data from the site on the user side (on the visitor's computer). The time of data validity is indicated.
  10. HTTPS - this setting is needed if your blog uses the appropriate protocol (I don't have one). By default, separate cache storage is set for http and https protocols.
  11. What is he doing " Use readfile ()"I didn't understand, so I didn't enable this option.
  12. A situation may arise when the cache has expired, and users have not visited this URL yet, that is, a new cache has not been created. But, came the search robot, the question is - what to show him? In point " Serves bots with expired pages»You can choose to display expired data from cache or serve a regular WordPress page. I believe that robots should be given always up-to-date material, so you shouldn't show them the "delay".

Section "Exceptions"

We have figured out the basic settings, let's move on to the exceptions. Here we can specify specific pages or sections that should not be cached.

Everything is fine in this tab with the translation, so almost all points are clear without descriptions. I forbid saving the main RSS feed and comment feeds. In any case, I don't need them, since I have replaced the standard RSS with feedburner.

Also disabled showing the cache for the person who left the comment - he should see what he wrote - checkbox here - "Don’t serve cached pages to comment authors".

I do not recommend disabling caching of a page with a 404 error, since its cache takes up little space.

From what you might find useful:

  • Prohibiting caching of specific URLs, for this you enable the item "Exclude the exact URI" and write the addresses of the required pages in the field.
  • Prohibiting caching of sections, then in the next paragraph write the address from which the URL should begin.
  • Exclude some types of user devices under Devices (user-defined) exclude. For example, if you have a separate version for mobile devices, you do not need to issue a regular cache to a person on a smartphone. Enter in this field from a new line all user agents that qualify for the filter - iphone, android, ipad, ipod, symbian, windows phone 7, windows mobile, opera mini, opera mobile, etc. (I myself do not know the entire list, I indicated the main options, in principle, they cover most of the devices). In principle, this item is unlikely to be useful to you. If you will be using a separate mobile version of the resource, it is better to configure its caching (in the next section) than to disable it.
  • Do not cache old records for which there is little traffic. If your site does not attract visitors from search, then posts published for a long time are rarely read by anyone, their caching can be disabled so as not to take up space on the hosting. Indicate the number of days after which the post goes into the category of old.

Section "Mobile"

Just above, I mentioned that the plugin can be individually configured to work with mobile and stationary traffic.

There are only 3 settings in this tab that allow you to determine who and what to show.

I'll start from the bottom.

First, you need to tell the plugin which visitor will be considered coming from a mobile device. To do this, we use the same list of mobile agents (user-agent) that we indicated on the exclusions tab (if you were counting on such devices). If you do not plan any special instructions for mobile traffic, leave the field empty and that's it.

Now we select the operating mode, there are 3 options:

  1. Using the standard cache is an option in which there will be no difference between users of different devices - everyone will receive the same pages (I have this option on my blog, since the site layout is adaptive).
  2. Cache separately - allows users with mobile user-agents to issue a cache using a theme different from the main one (for PC users you show a regular template, for mobile users another - a lightweight one) - you get 2 different caches.
  3. Do not cache the page - everything is clear - the plugin will not interfere with the operation of the site when mobile users enter.

If the option with a separate cache was selected in the operating mode, then in the mobile theme tab, you must specify which theme should be used for mobile traffic (from the drop-down list).

About CDN

It appeared quite recently. Unfortunately, I didn't really understand what this feature was, it had something to do with storing data in cloud services. It turns out that the data from the site is placed on different servers, not related to hosting, and the user receives information from the server that is closer to him.

This tab does not affect the performance of the plugin in any way, therefore, for myself, I concluded that I do not need this setting yet.

If over time there is more clarity, then I will supplement the post. By the way, if you figured out how to work with CDN in Hyper Cache, then write in the comments or give a link where to read.

How to check the Hyper Cache operation

After all the above settings, you need to check how everything works.

The plugin does not show the cache to the site administrator - the administrator always receives the full version.

Therefore, to check, you need to log out of the admin panel or open the site (in which you are not logged into the site).

Next, press the key combination Ctrl + U, or right-click on the background of the blog and select "Page Source". Scroll to the very end, a tag should appear there indicating that you see the cache with the date of its creation - if there is a tag, then everything is in order and the plugin is working.

This completes the setup and verification, now your blog will run faster and use less server resources.

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