How to check the version of direct. How to see which DirectX is installed on the computer. What is DirectX and what is it for?

DirectX, like any other software, requires periodic updates. Why is it so important not to neglect them? How to determine the product version on your computer?

What is DirectX and what is it for?

DirectX is a set of APIs (various functions, constants, etc.), designed to solve various problems related to programming on Microsoft Windows. Direct is often bundled with computer games and is mainly used by gamers.

DirectX is a free application that is freely available on the official Microsoft website.

The program provides interaction between the video card and the game: it directs all the computing power of the computer to high-quality graphics. Thanks to DirectX, users can enjoy beautiful landscapes, well-drawn characters and detailed games.

DirectX allows game makers to improve graphics

DirectX does not improve graphics, it only gives developers the opportunity to make the picture more beautiful. If the game was written for version 9, then installing 10 will not change anything, but developed for 11 in 10 will look worse.

How to Check Current DirectX Version on Windows 7 PC

DirectX is one of the programs installed by default in the operating system. Each has its own version.

Operating system DirectX Version
Windows XP SP2DirectX 9.0c
Windows VistaDirectX 10
Windows Vista SP1DirectX 10.1
Windows Vista SP2DirectX 11
Windows 7DirectX 11.1
Windows 8DirectX 11.1
Windows 8.1DirectX 11.2
Windows 10DirectX 12

But there may be differences when updating the system. How can I find out the version of DirectX on a computer running Windows 7?

If Windows could not find the dxdiag command, then version 5.0 or earlier is installed on the computer, in this case, install the latest version of DirectX through Windows Update.

How to check DirectX version (video)

DirectX is a software built into the Windows operating system that affects the graphics in computer games. If you want to enjoy realistic landscapes with well-drawn details, we recommend that you regularly update the product to the latest version.

Often users are perplexed why this or that game does not start on their computer. This happens even to those users who have purchased a powerful "machine" with high performance. Why can't you install games with maximum requirements? The reason for this may be an outdated edition of DirectX, which is not able to support certain technologies. If you want to know the version of DirectX and solve the issue with the launch of a particular game, read on!

An outdated utility creates a problem when launching games

What is DirectX?

This is a tool that collects multimedia technology packages necessary for the operation of various applications. In other words, this is an assembly of functions necessary for solving various tasks with gaming, multimedia and some other data, developed under the Windows OS.

DirectX is commonly used for writing games. The program provides functions that process graphics, sound streams. In addition, without it, the computer will not be able to process information that is transmitted from joysticks, mice, keyboards, etc. You do not need to pay for it, it is on the official Microsoft resource.

Version Check

A build check is needed to understand if DirectX is actually to blame for the fact that the game does not work. Interestingly, updated editions of the program are often bundled with the game, but there are exceptions.

So how do you know which DirectX is installed? The most trivial way is to use built-in tools. The procedure looks like this:

  • press Win + R;
  • enter in the dxdiag field;
  • press Enter.

The system will launch a diagnostic tool that has everything about DirectX, including information about its type. The number is indicated at the bottom of the "System" tab. This manipulation is suitable for any OS from Microsoft.

In fact, different versions of Windows also support different versions of DirectX. Windows prior to version 7 required DirectX 9c to be installed separately, and this library almost always came with games on discs. In Windows 7, 8 and 10, DirectX is already included in the system and nothing needs to be installed.

Which option will be used on the computer is determined by the system based on the capabilities of the video card, although in Windows 7 and 8 the maximum can be counted on DirectX 11, and in the "top ten" version 12 is used, which provides all modern graphics capabilities.

For backwards compatibility, however, it is also desirable to install DirectX 9c on newer versions of Windows. This will allow you to run old games without problems, released even before the appearance of shaders version 4 and a whole generation of video cards that support them.

There is another method that allows you to figure out what version of the program is used on your PC. It's about the parameters of your video card. For example, everything you need about DirectX is in the information about the NVidia card.

There are also a lot of utilities on the Web that collect all information about the system (including software versions).

Of course, it is desirable to have the latest, 12th version of DirectX on your PC. It will allow you to enjoy the most modern realistic graphics in modern games. But there are problems here - this requires not only to install the latest version of Windows 10, but also to have a video card that supports DirectX 12.

The fact is that the graphics processor itself supports a limited set of commands, therefore it only works with the version of DirectX that was relevant at the time of its development, as well as older ones. New video cards, combined with the appropriate system, can show their full potential.

On the other hand, Windows 7 and 8 will not be able to use DirectX 12, even if the appropriate video card is installed - they only support version 11.

Therefore, the information that the system shows only tells you what the maximum possible version of DirectX is currently in use on the current combination of the operating system and video card. You can search the Internet or read the instructions for your graphics card to find the maximum version of DirectX it supports. You may need to upgrade to Windows 10 if your graphics card supports version 12.

Game developers also take into account that they will run on computers of various configurations. Therefore, they provide in the settings the choice of DirectX and different graphics options. In addition, the library itself has backward compatibility, and if new versions are not supported, then older ones are used, it's just that the graphics will not be as realistic.

The larger version of DirectX, the better it is for games. For most other applications, this is practically irrelevant, since they do not access this library when running. Only a few, who use the capabilities of the video card to the maximum, are sensitive to this parameter - for example, 3D graphics editors such as 3D Studio Max.

is a set of technologies that make Windows devices the ideal environment for installing, running, and running applications rich in multimedia elements such as graphics, video, 3D animation, and stereo sound. Also, the launch and correct operation of many modern applications depend on the version of DirectX. Therefore, before installing any game, users are often interested in how to find out the DirectX version in Windows 10.

Ways to determine DirectX version in Windows 10

There are a lot of ways to find out which DirectX is installed on Windows 10. Let's consider some in more detail. Let's start with the method by which the technology version can be found out without installing additional programs.

  • Press "Win + R" and enter "dxdiag". With this command, we call the DirectX diagnostic tool on Windows 10.
  • A new window will open. We need the "System" tab. Here we can check which version of DirectX is installed on the PC.

IMPORTANT! If for some reason the Tool does not start, you can check the version of the installed technology by opening the C drive, the Windows folder, System32. This is where dxdiag.exe will be placed. Running this file will bring up the same DirectX Diagnostic Tool.

Among the programs that are suitable for determining Direct X in Windows 10, it is worth highlighting:

  • Asrta32;

In order to determine the version of the API technology, you need to install AIDA64. Next, by running the program, go to the "Direct X" section and look at the version of the installed component.

It is important to note that if you are using the trial version of the software, you do not need to install it.

You can also find out the version of Direct X through the Astra32 program. At the same time, if you are only interested in the way how to view the Direct X version, then it is better to choose the software version without an installer.

The archive will be loaded. After unpacking it, you need to select the file "astra32.exe".

Launching it will start scanning the system.

Externally, the program is very similar to AIDA64. Expand the branch "Programs", "Windows". We look at the version of DirectX.

In connection with the update of the GPU-Z program to version 2.1.0, a new tab has appeared in the software. It displays data about API technologies. Therefore, by downloading and running this utility on your PC, you can see the version of Direct X. Information about this component is located in the "Advanced" tab.

In these ways, you can determine the version of Direct X on Windows 10, and then update the component or remove it if you encounter compatibility issues.

You will need

Computer with Windows OS; - AIDA64 program.


The easiest way to find out the version of DirectX that is suitable for all Windows operating systems is this. Click "Start" and then find "All Programs". Next, select "Accessories", then in the standard programs, launch the command line. When the command prompt window appears, type dxdiag and press Enter. Wait a few seconds. The DirectX diagnostic tool will appear, in which, accordingly, you can find out information about the version of DirectX that is installed on your PC.

A very convenient program for diagnosing and monitoring a computer is AIDA64. It will not only help you find out the version of DirectX installed on the system, but also show which version of this component is supported by the video card installed on the computer. You can find a trivial version of this program and use it for free for a while or pay for it.

Install the software on...

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To check which version of DirectX is installed on your computer, follow these steps:

1. Open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool

Windows 8.1 or Windows 8

Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search. (If using a mouse, move the pointer to the upper right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer, and click Search.) Type dxdiag in the search field, and then run dxdiag.exe.

Windows 7 or Windows Vista

Click the Start button, type dxdiag in the search box, and then press Enter.

Windows XP

Click the "Start" button and select the "Run" command. Type dxdiag in the box and press Enter.

2. Go to the “System” tab

In the System Information group, check the DirectX version number.

Note: The DirectX Diagnostic Tool may currently display DirectX 11 instead of DirectX 11.1 and DirectX...

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The free DirectX development software package has been around for about 20 years. Originally developed for games, this package was called the Windows games SDK. In the future, developers began to use its tools when creating applications for modeling and computer graphics. At the moment, the scope of Direct X is very wide, up to what exactly it is for the XBox API. Windows operating systems are very closely related to DirectX - with the release of a new version of the OS, a new version of the package was also released. The most modern version of Direct X at the time of this writing is the 12th, which appeared simultaneously with the release of the long-awaited Windows 10.
To find out the version on your computer, you need to do the following.

Press the Win + R keys and launch the Run window.

In the line "Open" we type the command dxdiag. This will launch the Diagnostic Tool, which will help us find out which Direct X is installed.
The first thing you'll see is this...

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Today, a huge number of computer games and programs require a special graphics package - DirectX, in the absence of which games and programs will either work incorrectly or not work at all. But often, applications require the latest version of this package, otherwise they simply will not be able to start. What to do in such a situation? Install or test it? Today you will learn: how to check DirectX version on a computer.

**Please note that, first of all, this manual is intended for users of the Windows 10 operating system.

Attention! You must be protected from bots.

Checking the current version of DirectX manually

In order to check the version of this multimedia package, you need to do the following:

This window opens. In the input field, write the following: dxdiag and click ...

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Often new personal computer users wonder how to find out which DirectX is installed. Especially this problem worries those who like to play different computer games. Let's figure out what it is, how to detect and install it for yourself.

What and why

Before talking about how to find out which DirectX is installed, you need to generally understand what kind of "Direct" it is. Let's figure it out together.

In order for a computer to interact with various devices and its own hardware, as well as with various applications, it needs to have special libraries and connection modules. They usually have a .dll extension. If such "things" are absent, then you can forget about the correct operation of the game or program.

DrectX is a kind of set of special APIs that help the computer interact with certain applications. In other words, this is a whole series of libraries that are necessary for ...

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How often does it happen that you have installed your favorite game, but it does not start. At the same time, an informational message appears stating that the required DirectX was not found. You are trying to figure out what is missing, and you can’t understand what kind of add-on you need to download. The most interesting thing is that different games require different Directives. Therefore, for starters, look at what exactly is installed on your computer.

In Windows 7, start with the Start button and move your cursor to the search box:

We write the following word:

When you press Enter, a new information window will open. The first tab will contain the necessary information about the installed Directs.

If you are using diagnostic tools for the first time, you should also verify the authenticity of the digital signature. A pop-up window will ask about this. We recommend agreeing, because there is an official behind each development. If you download a pirated or unverified version, then the game...

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Most games and programs on your computer require the installed DirectX multimedia package, without which these games and programs will not work correctly. To understand why this package is needed and what it is, you can read our article What is directx.

Often games also require the latest version of the package, otherwise they simply won't run. However, not every user and gamer knows how to check the DirectX version.

Let's take a closer look at how to check the DirectX version and start the diagnostic service.

How to check DirectX version yourself

There is a very simple way to check the version of a multimedia package that works on any version of Windows:

Click Start - Run ... In the new window, enter "dxdiag" and click OK. In the "System" tab, find the "DirectX Version" item, where the current version will be indicated.

If the version is outdated, then you need to install a newer one by downloading from the company's website.

You can learn more about installation...

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The DirectX library package is very important for all modern computer games. Some multimedia entertainments require only the latest version of the library set. Therefore, it will never be superfluous to check which version of DirectX is currently installed on the computer.

1. Launch the DX diagnostic window

To obtain this information, you must first go to the "Start" and enter the word dxdiag in the search box. Press "Enter".

This will open the DX Diagnostics window. Here you can see if the library package is working correctly at the moment. This way you will determine whether the three-dimensional shapes are displayed correctly, whether the sound is output in the right way. First of all, this window is necessary for these purposes.

2. Go to the "system" tab

To display information about the installed set of libraries, go to the "System" tab. The DirectX version information is located in the System Information group.

If your computer...

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Many users, when installing software, need to know which drivers are already installed for this or other applications. This is required in order not to put old firewood instead of new ones. How to find out which directx is installed, you can read in this article.

There are two ways to find out which version of DirectX drivers you have installed, each of which is simple and convenient in its own way.

The first way to find out which directx is installed

Windows has a tool with which you can diagnose the system for installed DirectX components and find out what version they have. To use this utility, you need to do the following:

We go to Start - Run, or if you have 8 / 8.1, then Win + R. We drive in the search bar - dxdiag and confirm the execution. We agree to all the pop-up window: After that, you will see something like this on the screen: As we can see, the last line will tell us which version ...

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DirectX is a component of the Windows operating system that is used in the programming of computer games and other programs that use three-dimensional graphics.

If a program was developed using a specific version of DirectX, then that version of DirectX or a newer version must also be installed on the computer to run it. But, and that's not all. For normal operation of the program, your video card must also support this version.

This raises a lot of questions about DirectX versions. Many users are interested in how to find out which DirectX is installed on the computer, as well as which version of DirectX is supported by the video card. You can find answers to these questions in this article.

How to find out which DirectX is installed on the computer

The easiest and fastest way to find out which DirectX is installed on the computer is the dxdiag command. This command works on all versions of Windows. Therefore, this instruction is universal.

So if you...

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How can I find out what version of DirectX is installed on my computer?

DirectX is a package of multimedia technologies that is essential for computer games and other multimedia applications.

DirectX is updated frequently and installing new games may require a more recent version.

Usually the version of DirectX required for the game is on the game disc, but if it is not there, you need to do the following.

1) Check which version of DirectX is installed on the computer.

For Windows 7:

Click "Start" and in the "Search programs and files" field

write dxdiag:

Press "Enter" on the keyboard.

A window will open in which the version of DirectX on your computer will be indicated on the "System" tab:

For Windows XP:

Click "Start - Run":

In the window that opens, write dxdiag and click "OK":

2) Update DirectX.

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How to find out which DirectX is installed

Greetings to all visitors to my blog. Historically, I immediately caught the connection between the absence of dll files in the system and the version of DirectX. Therefore, if when you start the game, instead of the toy itself, you see something like “The program cannot be started because d3dx9_31.dll is missing on the computer”, then with a probability of 99% it can be argued that you need to update the DirectX libraries.

With the transition to new operating systems from Windows, ordinary users began to get confused in Direct X versions. Many mistakenly believe that by installing, for example, 9.0c on DirectX 11, they will remove the latter. I’ll tell you right away - it won’t go anywhere, it will just be supplemented with libraries from 9.0 (although all the necessary ones are already included in the latest versions, some toys are exceptions)


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