Cellular communication in Russia has risen due to the future cancellation of roaming. Cellular communication in Russia will significantly rise in price in price of cellular communication in the year

Throughout ten years, the prices of mobile Internet and communication in Russia, on the territory of the whole country, gradually fell. So it was approximately 2015, when due to incomprehensible many circumstances, the cost of voice services and Internet traffic crawled up. At first it was difficult to see it, as the price tags jumped only by 5-10%, but now it is clear that moments, megabytes and SMS messages fell noticeably.

All this is a simple explanation - the dollar rate. Although MTS cellular operators, MegaFon, Beeline and Tele2 operate on the territory of Russia, but the cost of their services directly depends on the currency rate. If the ruble on the global market is cheap, then prices will grow up. For example, if suddenly the dollar rises to 120 rubles, the prices of Russian operators will at first be at the same level, but then the subscribers will begin to shake extra money.

The whole secret is that the Russian cellular operators require an infrastructure that allows subscribers to access the Internet to voice services and SMS messages. Since all equipment for these purposes is not produced in Russia, they buy it, in most cases, for dollars. Accordingly, if the dollar rate is growing, the purchasing cost of equipment for data centers, base stations, mains and other elements of the global network increases.

Russian operators seek to introduce the newest developments, for example, MegaFon and MTS for the World Cup in 2018. The most advanced equipment to date, which is produced by Qualcomm, Nokia, Intel and other companies, is a lot of money, but buy it for dollars, and not Russian rubles.

From here it turns out that there is a mobile Internet and communication in Russia, since prices for them almost directly depend on the dollar. Obviously, MTS, MegaFon operators, Beeline and Tele2 cannot stop developing the coverage area and implement new standards, since the latest technologies in smartphones, tablets and other devices require the most modern equipment.

So, for example, this summer in one of the cities of Russia, which can already use subscribers of the MegaFon operator. For all these things, ultimately, you have to pay subscribers, and if tomorrow suddenly the dollar will rise to 100 rubles, they will soon begin to rise and prices for all services of cellular operators will begin. This is the bitter truth about why mobile Internet and communications are becoming more expensive in Russia.

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The government plans to increase the deductions of cellular operators. Such a decision will lead to an increase in tariffs

Communication soon can rise in price. In the government, they want to increase the fees from the operators to the reserve of universal service, where they now deduct 1.2% of the revenue from communication services. As RBC writes, this is one of the options for the commission to support the Crimea and the Kaliningrad region, for which it is necessary to find 165 billion rubles.

Last year, the size of the reserve amounted to almost 14 billion rubles - the same amount is incorporated into the budget for 2017-2019. At the end of the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak has been instructed to work out the issue of increasing the deductions of operators.

director General of the information and analytical agency Telecomdaily"What concerns the idea in the government to increase the fees on the universal service of communication with the operators, it seems to me that the ideology of the government is understandable - to take, in principle, is no longer anywhere, because in many directions taxes are not taken at one time. Cellular operators work quite well, everyone has a cell phone, therefore, taxes can be well collected, in contrast, maybe from some other property taxes, transport, which are not always paid on time. But it is necessary to understand that the cellular market due to its competition and such, let's say that the state's non-interference recently actively coped with all the crises that were in our country, and this increase, it seems to me completely wrong. Especially on the background of adopted last year and still not entered into force the Summer Act, which also imposes a certain burden on operators. All this can once again lead to a rise in price of cellular services, which, unlike other business areas, the same, let's say, buckwheat or other food products, have never increased several times, and from year to year rose by 2-3% "

How much can the connection to rise in price after an increase in the collection from the operators? Opinion B. mobile Research GROUP routing analyst Eldar Murtazina:

- Operators have only one way to find money - take them from subscribers. In essence, this means the growth of tariffs. The growth of tariffs inhibits the development of networks, inhibits the development of the economy. This is the last thing to do in Russia.

- As far as they still can increase the charges, and, accordingly, how much can communication be rich in price?

- Today we are talking about the fact that in 2017 the connection will rise in price somewhere on average by 25%. In 2018, the rise will be up to 20%. If this collection is increased, today we can say that it is even up to 5% of growth to tariffs. This is from what I voiced.

Gasoline will also rise in price. The Cabinet of Ministers approved an increase in excise taxes on 50 kopecks from January 1 and July 1, 2018. Additional budget revenues from this measure will amount to 55-60 billion rubles, experts say. Due to the increase in excise taxes, the liter of gasoline in retail may rise in price by 1.5%, or 60 kopecks.

08/25/2017, Fri, 17:19, MSK , Text: Valeria Shmyra

Cellular communication in Russia has increased significantly since October 2016, and the disposability index of communication as a whole increased from 6.5 to 6.8. The growth of the index is due to the slow increase in the income of Russians. The link is becoming more expensive due to the upcoming cancellation of intranet roaming, the use of foreign vehicle operators and the increased consumption of mobile Internet.

Communication in Russia

Cellular communication in Russia becomes less affordable: according to the results of the first half of 2017, the subscription fee for the cheapest tariff was among different operators on average, 268.5 rubles. per month, which is 15% more expensive than in October 2016 it is a minimal package of services, which includes a voice connection and from 1 GB of Internet traffic. In such conclusions, the information and analytical agency CONTENT REVIEW came, together with VimpelCom, the tariffs of Russian cellular operators were investigated.

To calculate the average subscription, the researchers analyzed the tariffs Smart Mini and Smart from the MTS operator, "all-wing" and "all 1" from Bilain, turn on. Piss from "MegaFon" and "My conversation" from Tele2. The tariffs of Crimean operators "K-Mobile", "Wave Mobile", "Crimea Telecom" and "Sevmobile" were taken into account.

Communication index of communication

Based on the middle subscription and average salary of citizens, researchers calculated for each region of Russia. Communication index for 2017 as a whole in the country, this indicator is 6.8, while in 2016 amounted to 6.5. The higher the index, the less available to the population of the Cellular communication. Even with the growing index, Russia is still among the countries with the cheapest mobile communications.

In Russia, the cellular communication is becoming more expensive and its accessibility index is growing

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District was the region with the cheapest link. Here the communication accessibility index is 3.3. He demonstrated an increase compared to 2016, when he was 2.8. The second place to cheap communication is occupied by Moscow, where the index has not changed since 2016 and is equal to 4.0. Also, the top five includes the Tyumen region with an index 4.3, the Chukchi autonomous district with an indicator of 4.4 and the Magadan region, where the index is 4.5.

The inhabitants of the Bryansk region and the Republic of Dagestan are paying for a cellular relationship - in both regions, the accessibility index is 13.3, while in 2016 was 12.0. Also in Top-5, Ivanovo and Kirov region with an index of 12.4 and the Saratov region with an indicator of 12.2 enter the top 5.

According to the head of the CONTENT REVIEW Sergey PolovnikovaIn some regions, a sharp increase in the index is caused by a non-life rise in price, but by the fact that the income of the population increases slower than the rates grow. This situation has developed in the Ivanovo region and the Altai Territory. At the same time, communication has become much more affordable in Volgograd, Novosibirsk regions and in Kamchatka.

Causes of communication rise

CONTENT REVIEW explains the rise in mobile prices several reasons. During the construction of cellular networks, a foreign technique is used, the purchase of which is becoming more expensive than the weaker position of the ruble in relation to world currencies. In addition, the growth of tariffs continues in 2017. Partly because operators managed to hold back the sharp jump in prices in 2014

Also, the growth of tariffs is compensated by the possibility of ambulance with intranet roaming, which is achieved by the Federal Antimonopoly Commission (FAS). FAS Fight with cellular operators on this issue recently in the decisive stage. However, before that, the company began to prepare for possible cancellation of roaming, gradually raising tariffs due to uniform distribution on all subscribers surcharge for roaming. For example, in the group of tariffs "All" operator "Beeline" there is no surcharge for intranet roaming in Russia. Such a surcharge is provided only in the Crimea - it ranges from 1.5 rubles per minute.

In addition, Content Review notes that the Russian subscriber has changed the scheme of communication services - it has become more mobile traffic. In this regard, the operators changed the packages of services by expanding the volume of traffic provided in them. This led to an increase in prices for packages of services.

According to RSPP, this will lead to the "Summer Package".

On July 1, 2018, the first requirements for cellular companies on the preservation of information of their clients will come into force. On January 1, 2019, the so-called "Tzarova" will fully earn.

In the Russian Union, industrialists and entrepreneurs (RSPP) were calculated that despite the latest refinement from the Ministry of Communications, the additional costs of the market participants will increase to 10 trillion rubles per year. Communication operators will have to, as many experts believe, raise tariffs for users by 2-3 times.

Last summer, President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the implementation of the package of anti-terrorist amendments to a number of laws made by the head of the State Duma Committee on the Safety of Irina Spring and a member of the Federation Council Viktor Ozersov.

Online companies from July 1, 2018 are obliged to keep information on reception and data transfer of at least one year, and telecom operators are three years. At the same time, textual, voice, and video information will have to be stored for up to six months.

Recently, the Ministry of Communications has sent a draft government decree specifying the application of new legislative norms to the Ministry of Economic Development. The last department at the end of April will make its conclusion.

But now it is clear, according to the calculations of the Ministry of Communications, that market participants will post for the implementation of the "Spring Pack" up to 5 trillion rubles of additional costs per year. The state will force to store just huge amounts of information not needed by simple users.

RSPPs believe that 5 trillion is still seeds. Most likely, you will have to fork out for all 10 trillion rubles.

Therefore, cellular operators warn that if the government does not help them through the federal budget, then mobile service tariffs will have to be 2-3 times. It is unlikely that most users will pull it. As a result, in particular in depressive regions, whole areas will be without communication.

Moreover, as calculated in the RSPP, an increase in cellular expenditures will pull over the entire chain of inflation, which will only increase with an additional 1-2%. That is, all the last sweat of the Central Bank to limit the increase in prices of 4% per annum will be meaningless.

"However, for safety reasons, such a law is needed, especially taking into account the growth of the terrorist threat, is confident Anna Kokorev, Department of An Analytical Department of Alpari. - It is necessary for the citizens themselves, since in case of obtaining threats by phone or other similar information, law enforcement officers will be able to raise this information and use it to investigate.

But there are also disadvantages. The increase in the volume and time storage time will entail considerable costs of operators. Ultimately, this will lead to an increase in communication tariffs and this load will fall on the consumer.

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Communication soon can rise in price. In the government, they want to increase the fees from the operators to the reserve of universal service, where they now deduct 1.2% of the revenue from communication services.

Last year, the size of the reserve amounted to almost 14 billion rubles - the same amount is incorporated into the budget for 2017-2019. At the end of the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak has been instructed to work out the issue of increasing the deductions of operators.

Denis Kuskov, General Director of the information and analytical agency Telecomdaily: "What concerns the idea of \u200b\u200bthe government to increase the fees on the universal service of communication with the operators, it seems to me that the ideology of the government is understandable - to take, in principle, no more from where, because we have in many Directions Taxes are not taken at one time. Cellular operators work quite well, everyone has a cell phone, therefore, taxes can be well collected, in contrast, maybe from some other property taxes, transport, which are not always paid on time. But it is necessary to understand that the cellular market due to its competition and such, let's say that the state's non-interference recently actively coped with all the crises that were in our country, and this increase, it seems to me completely wrong. Especially on the background of adopted last year and still not entered into force the Summer Act, which also imposes a certain burden on operators. All this can once again lead to a rise in price of cellular services, which, unlike other business areas, the same, let's say, buckwheat or other food products, have never increased several times, and from year to year rose by 2-3% "

How much can the connection to rise in price after an increase in the collection from the operators? Opinion of the lead analyst Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazina:

Operators have only one way to find money - take them from subscribers. In essence, this means the growth of tariffs. The growth of tariffs inhibits the development of networks, inhibits the development of the economy. This is the last thing to do in Russia.

As far as they still can increase the fees, and, accordingly, how much can the connection have to rise in price?

Today we are talking about the fact that in 2017 the connection will rise in price somewhere on average by 25%. In 2018, the rise will be up to 20%. If this collection is increased, today we can say that it is even up to 5% of growth to tariffs. This is from what I voiced.

Gasoline will also rise in price. The Cabinet of Ministers approved an increase in excise taxes on 50 kopecks from January 1 and July 1, 2018. Additional budget revenues from this measure will amount to 55-60 billion rubles, experts say. Due to the increase in excise taxes, the liter of gasoline in retail may rise in price by 1.5%, or 60 kopecks.

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